PALWORLD - Do This To Get Insanely Overpowered & Every BREEDING Combination (Palworld Tips)

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ladies and gents the breeding formula in pal world has finally been uncovered and yes it's finally possible to get your most desired Choice the perfect pal you always dreamed of but there are a few more mechanics that go way beyond that and this is going to help you even make use of Pals long forgotten in your pal deck but that might have some amazing stats you can eventually breed into some amazing new results so this is all because of this amazing thread right here on the P World subreddit by the user bahel I hope that I pronounced that correctly but essentially it's a data mind of how exactly the game calculates which breed comes out of which breed when you combine certain types of Pals and there are over 19,000 possible breeding results which is kind of daunting when you think about it but not so much when you actually have the formula but long story short the game uses what's essentially an internal breathing power this is a secret power a number between 10 and 1500 that every single single pal has you cannot see this but the game uses this to come up with the result you always see and the lower that number is it means that the more rare or more powerful the pal is for example a creature like a nois has an internal power of 570 and somebody like ativa has like 1,460 essentially being much much weaker so this is the formula that the game uses right here it's actually pretty straightforward and simple it combines the power of both of the parents it adds plus one to it and then divide the whole result by two giving you that average baby power in case it's not a whole number the game also rounds that down to the nearest whole number as well now from this point on if that number happens to fall right in between two possible results like in this case combining an Anubis of 570 power and the kativa of 1460 it gives you 1015 which essentially puts you right in between a fbat at 2010 and the Rob quill at 2020 so how does the game decide which one of these gets picked over the other well whichever comes first in the game's file index in this case the user determined that it was the robin quill that came first in that game file list so it got picked over the foul bat and finally probably the most interesting mechanic is that whichever breeds you use you can never get an offspring that's stronger SL more rare than its strongest SL rarest parent that's why you can't to just breed a bunch of kivas and chickp and work your way up to the Anubis it's not going to work like that it just aages it out plus you're still forced to go out in the wild explore and capture these actively especially for the more rare and high level Pals but this also raises an interesting question the other day we were able to actually breed an Anubis from two lowlevel Pals this included the pan king and the Bushi which I think we can all agree they are somewhat weaker than the Anubis so what the heck is going going on over here well essentially it's the game attributing internal numbers lower the paning compared to the Anubis plus the Bushi is not too far off so for example the pan King gets something like 520 which in theory means the pan King is also more rare compared to the anois and in theory also stronger and the Bushi is not too far off either it's 640 so when you add all of this into that formula you get 580 so this gets rounded down eventually to getting us Anubis which sits at 570 that doesn't actually mean in a game when we factor in pure combat that pan king or bushie are better than Anubis in fact I would say that once you fully build them and upgrade them they might be quite close to one another it's just that the game gave that panking a lower internal number so this is the result that ends up when you combine it with the Bushi also a very low SL rare number of course if if you enjoyed the video up until now a sub to the channel would absolutely be amazing but with that out of the way it's time to go over a few examples right here so let's talk about this website there are actually quite a few websites that have started popping up but I'm just going to post some links down below you can follow because it just takes the same spreadsheet however it gives it in a more comprehensive kind of layout so the one that I usually use is this it gives you a few ways to search as well as use your current Pals for the best possible breed outcomes so I suggest starting with the search result oriented in this case it's going to let you just search for that specific pal you need like for example Anubis and this is going to give you all the possible currently known um breeds or breed combinations that will achieve an Anubis and yes pan King and Bushi is one of them too we were lucky to actually find this out but there are many many more that can include a whole bunch of other creatures both lower and higher level again they will have to give that average number of 570 or close to that to be an an nois so even a something like a rush B can be used as long as you go with something super high level like a blasim mod or a suzaka aqua and there are many more examples in here but in my case I also wanted to go ahead and use something like a ragna hawk I wanted to breed this and see which of these possible combinations could I use depending on the ones I had already captured and there were quite a few that worked for me and I know is that a lot of night wings actually enter into this formula and it doesn't seem to need anything too high of a level and elizabe was probably one of the best possible options for here however technically there is one earlier than that which was the quiv at around level 23 so that can actually give you this ragna Hawk at around level 23 if you play the game and capture both of these but in the case of my Nightwing which was a shiny variant and the Elizabeth which had some amazing stats this was the obvious choice for me so this is what I also recommend you do whenever you look at these also pay attention to the actual passive skills your existing Pals have because you might just have a slightly higher level option that might give you much much better results now another even more powerful tool is the parent oriented search again it does not matter if it's parent one or two the order of the parents does not matter just pick parent one and then type in the name of whichever maybe even lowlevel pal you might have but a pal that comes with some very good passive skills on it to give you an example I had a lot of fox Sparks and a lot of them came in with some amazing passive skills like having muscle head lucky and vicious on the same freaking pal so I wanted to see what can I breed this with and get something that's actually currently MAA so what I noticed is that fox spark can result in a number of lunares with a ton ton of these parents to combinations so if I were to combine it with a chillet or maybe even with a kitsun or maybe even with a dinome and then some Lux I could get a lunaris which is currently a top tier at least considered top tier kind of pal so in this case I combine it with a kitsun which I also found randomly it just happened to be of a much better quality compared to something like my dinum so I combined it with that but I could have achieved that lunaris even sooner with the dinm and fox spk because technically they are both in the starring location so we found out a way to get lunaris way way sooner even compared to the one we already talked about a couple of days back and in this case the result can be really amazing but again it's a little bit RNG dependent I do want to make a special mention here for the tower bosses because I just know a lot of you captured them while they don't fall into the same equation as their default models let me give you an example if you were to combine OT Arina and lilene this would normally give you an Anubis but if you use the lyen tower boss it's not going to give you that because the internal number of the lyine tower boss is different than the liline you find out in the wild so in this case even though I did combine aot aren with the line Tower boss I captured using that trick it only gave me some random chickpea so nowhere near close to the Anubis that is because these Tower bosses have their own different numbers you can still use their default for example pal variants to boost their powers and ranks up but this is not going to work for the breathing process I just wanted to let you guys know I went of course ahead and tested a bunch of other stuff out so others that I also suggest is the wor se you can actually achieve this very early relatively with a sweepa level 11 essentially and the relax orus which is only a level 20 or so both of which you can find relatively early and you can get this really Powerful Beast also boost your own attacks by the way with fire and on top of the fact that it's a very strong top tier choice right now there are others into like for example we talked about the fact that rhound can enter in a bunch of very very strong combinations so let's say for example that I don't know you have you want something like a dinome lox or maybe you want something like um even a gzz bolt but don't have the time to capture the one in the South you can combine that with a Manda but you can create one of these Ray hounds by simply using a Nightwing and a dire Hall again very low level types of creatures you can find straight into the starting area aside of that gender doesn't really matter at all in this case you can just combine whichever model you want with whichever breed and then just get the result it's always going to be the same no matter if it's a male or female or the other way around there is however a gender well specific kind of drop rate here so certain Pals do have a higher probability to be either m male or female for example King Paka has a 90% chance to be a male but in the case of the elizabe it's a 10% chance to be a male however in my case I managed to only get male elizabe for some reason so that's my luck on top of this there's also a list of 28 special combinations that don't use the breeding power method and instead give you a predetermined result for example I brought away something like a Pyon and a catris so it's always going to be a Pyon knock and there are many others in there too like suzaku and your moon tide is always going to be a suzaku aqua and all of these results right here basically those base versions but with a completely new element so maybe if it was fire now it's ice or water or even Darkness it's just something you can see in this list right here and besides this the final final one is that there are five legendary Pals that cannot be born from anything else below them you actually have to capture these and then breed them like that so for example if you want for stallion J dragon patus necromus and your tid dness you're going to have to go ahead and capture these get a male and female and only then you can breed their offsprings again and do this continuously you cannot breed from below them but yeah that pretty much concludes today's video as always if you enjoyed it then a like and a sub would be appreciated if you did not enjoyed it and hated it then just leave a dislike and comment your frustrations down below thanks so much for watching and see you in the next one
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 236,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: khrazegaming, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld best pals, palworld breeding, palworld breeding guide, palworld gameplay, palworld overpowered, palworld best pals to get, palworld legendary pal, palworld egg guide, palworld base, palworld early access, palworld best, palworld powerful, palworld funny, palworld resource guide, palworld best pal, palworld resources, palworld lucky pals, palworld gameplay multiplayer, palworld gameplay pc, palworld gameplay part 1
Id: 3lUms12vrXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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