Our Finest Hour | Neckbeardism: Mole People Rimworld Ideology #5

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mcbeardia ideology today it continues we're going to try hard this colony up to probably i would say 18 to 20 hours which we're coming up on now uh this has been a very long colony but this is just honestly how long it takes to create a rim world colony we're going to kind of fulfill the end of the ideal legends today that is to say we're going to convert bourbon the originally unethical doctor this was pointed out to me that he was an unethical doctor and his original ideal legend was ethical ethics which is an actual ideology in this game's world a little odd one one would say however we're just gonna have to live with that we've got all of the stone chunks here we just this colony is a mess because it's so vanilla i didn't use any storage mods because i just wanted to see what it would be like but i'm reminded of why i play with mods all the time anyway we got our prison this place is finally shaping up to be something decent uh the only thing that i would like to do would just be spam more granite spike traps maybe get some turrets in here and then speaking of which let's go ahead and just research turrets if we've not already done it yeah we'll go ahead and make the move toward gun turrets microelectronics i'll do in good time but again my goal has not been to get off of the planet we've been trying to get out of the base eventually so that we could go and find that mono sword which i think we will actually get to do today now it's taken me long enough but i feel fairly well defended we just got to get bourbon converted to our ideal legend uh i'd only recently started following my stream i'm doing a week that's your releasing how's my relationship with terraria uh terraria i haven't touched in a while but i wanted to do another video on it's just been too long really the thing is that there's so many games and there's more than i can really ever get to but that's kind of the joy of this is that i feel overwhelmed by the amount of gaming that i can't do so i mean that's all to say that i just like to focus in on the things that i don't know get me the most immersed in them like this rim world ideology expansion it's been capturing but i feel like that we've seen ah yes he's been converted among the the mole people great okay we've been waiting for this now hmm this is bad because he wants uh he wants smoke leaf beer whatever whatever we can get for him and yet our ideal legend says that bourbon can't really do this we're gonna go ahead and release him i'm thinking is he here yeah good we've converted him now we can release him because he was originally one of our colonists uh yeah go ahead and release him that'll be more labor more labor from the unethical there we are from the unethical doctor ogre stacks over deep storage yeah a lot of the mods have been updated now mod manager unofficially um not by fluffy but uh by somebody else so i anyway fluffy's mods are fantastic and i really can't play the game without many of them i i just kind of wanted to go back to vanilla and see what it was like originally see if any of that stuff had been fixed but for god's sake we have so many stone chunks anyway our farms are now extremely productive where are we at with um components 63 components we're going to let them finish this off but then i just want to optimize a few folks for combat and then i think we can actually send them on quests after this we've got some fantastic companies like cheetah who now has a plastic spear uh who else meerkat or ragu has a plastial spear and nug fur is pretty good in melee combat so i'm not really afraid of an infestation anymore i'm not afraid of mechanoids because we did fine with mechanoids just a little while back um hey molotov thanks very much for the five gift subs very much unmerited thank you appreciate that um thanks cryo storage yeah i would i would do a little bit of reading at some point actually i've been trying to get back into reading just on my own like personal time admittedly haven't had that much time for personal uh reading but i've been reading uh bill bryson again he's a good author very funny guy just very witty writings major break break risk on rogue now he's got he's also part of old archism so i don't know if bourbon is really ideally suited to this colony uh we might go about more conversion rituals this time too so we'll fulfill the ideal legend what am i trying to say we'll finish off defending ourselves and then we will make our way out to go ahead and like um just get that monos or i really have been wanting this monastery and that'll make our other colonists stronger i'm wondering if we could use that this thing or if it needs to be a reliquary like forever but it also seems as if mechanoids and other bree traders will stop at nothing to attack these traps out or just to get through in some straight lines so let's try to seal this off as much as possible because people would come in through here hey whimsy thanks very much for the prime and atomic shark for the uh for the gifts up god bless more neck beard more next to beard yes we will neck all of their beards psychic soothes on males okay now is the perfect time to act with bourbon researching major break risk on meerkat i thought we were done with this crap all these people from old archism are pretty upset to be living here i think we should make some efforts to convert them before we head out but now fortunately we can pretty much convert somebody consistently every uh every couple of days is this uh what is what celebratory gathering for our colonists to have fun uh but this seems to be from another ideal legend and i think we're seeing two ideal legends at play here because these are archism rituals but ours i mean we have only public execution conversion ritual and jubilee of stone we could also have a leader's speech let's just see if could winters give a leader speech that might actually be a great way to turn around turn this frown upside down so to speak yeah yeah we're going to go ahead and do it but unfortunately most of the people who are about to snap are just old archivists um but you have a better chance in here uh let's just go ahead and do it leader speech begin get out of bed and tell us something hey arc thank you very much hey beet bees thanks very much yeah so we got all the ideal legends but we got an inspirational speech okay so this is uh what is it done i think it just gives everybody a kind of a positive mood buff for free but there's a lot more ways like powers things that you can do to make your colony better winters gave the speech but spoon heard the speech and he heard the inspiration and he gets eight days worth of ten so that is good meerkat i believe is also now converted no he's also old archist damn it uh oh i might not have needed to have that one particular idea legend in the speech i'm gonna say i'm gonna go ahead and build more pews just so that other people can hopefully hear the speeches in the future uh what a what a funny happenstance i'm trying to figure out if this is actually refers to the area where colonists can be seated or god only knows what it is what it means yes the uh i called the sanctuary the tortinos fortnight gaming room ah this is the dimmidome um [Music] yeah yeah that makes perfect sense create a new colony after seeing a massive fight of mad and guilty pigs oh i was thinking of trying like something uh something me me and animal like meowism where we just worship cats i think that would be a pretty fun colony though but i i feel like the memeiness would just get to a certain point and then it would just get old though that's my fear anyway i want it to last let's make the rest of these hospital beds now he'll sleep in there do you have a bed where is the where is that guy yeah let's just give him the best bed in here this is the best bed yeah there we go hmm need some end tables what other types of things do we need i'm just trying to make everyone pretty comfortable before i head them out this is good we have plenty of steel simple helmets i think everyone has taken the ones that are ah there are such strange textures and patterns but i suppose that's because why do we look like the world war one doughboys though that's our colony just sort of takes on random looks and guises throughout time maybe we need to take a more decided one the next time owner of the dims yes owner of the dimmesdale dimidome doug timmerdill yes we'll just be referencing fairly oddparents as as often as humanly possible now um my other fear was that people would just kind of come down this hallway so i'm going to put a few god damn it oh yeah research that's what i wanted never mind uh that's a good thing put this here but i've uh maybe these gun turrets are just a liability though on second thought hmm hard it's hard to say we'll get blowback operation though because it's going to get us closer to gas operation which gives us chain shotguns which are quite badass so i i do want those we'll place a few spike traps out here just in case if somebody decides to rate us from over there and then after that i think we're just going to place the last few on this side of the wall because folks were destroying stuff the last time i came though they might if we get attacked by those mechs they also might blow up these there's so many conflicting decisions that i have to make throughout this it's torture in many ways torture but yeah at least the blast radius from these will hopefully not destroy the granite traps and that does give us a comprehensive defense on that one you see how wild i am about this just all of the updates mean that there's so many more things to consider but it has made the game more realistic on the uh on the uh on the positive end yeah i'm wondering also too about how the uh the cthulhu mod all those ones that originally had cults and what seemed to be ideology ideologies originally that they kind of expressed through traits or like rituals in the mod how will those update but i wasn't really a big cthulhu mod player i'm not sure i ever even used it to be honest with you i did try a lot of fantasy mods we made rimworld skyrim or skyrim world if you would make it into a port motto as such so the run's going pretty good we've got a decent research we've got most stuff up but nug fur why are you sleeping over there oh these are accidentally all became prisoner beds now these are for colonists wake up there we are okay so i mean this place is this place is working now why are you upset entombed underground all right well we're gonna get you out of the darkness we're gonna get you converted to a new religion oh leave our priest here so that we can keep on converting someone me thinks that we need to go on the quest now oh wow this is all changed active steel mining set uh works in old installation uh this is the one okay the revered relic the secret terminal so we have to get the uh doug dimidom mono sword uh dim monosuit if we can break into the structure so we gotta hack some cube computers somewhere and we gotta attack a village so we're gonna need a good amount of military strength for these raids yeah i used to do a uh skyrim world i i think i had privated those videos because they were just so old they're so very old worshipful village steel mining worksite so probably we don't okay so then this is the quest where we need to attack a village for no reason this is gonna take a while to get to though i think just because we're going over all of these mountains whom should we send we also might want to get packaged survival meals too that would be another thought halt the research uh where is it but we also need meat for that too man just so many things to consider it's like real life it is it's like real life research screen here we go package survival there we go okay that's gonna keep us safer on these journeys ah and then we gotta connect this to all this [Music] in fact you smooth this area first there we are okay now we're going to go ahead and just build over the power lines because we are running out of power as it stands which is not good and good uh you delivered there okay lots to consider but i think that the strife is over now my friends construction level 18 for god's sake he is a fast boy well he's not fast at all he's frail and 77 probably not a boy anymore either but he does bore into walls now i'm just not making any sense uh let's go ahead and go out into the world just see how long how long would it take were we to send out a caravan over yonder 0.8 days not that bad i think we could make it there and back with a meal we're gonna need to send some powerful people though uh we're gonna accept that let's go ahead and take the hippopotamus hippopotamus we said we wanted to keep it home because she's a very uh like good worker fabio and trenchachem i think can stay mainly these combatants we want to send out rargu is quite good and we want to get them away from being underground for a little while as well uh rargu cheetah although they're melee fighters i think that they'll be fine we'll send out uh what's his name uh spoon actually is just kind of sitting around at home too so we'll send him out as well and maybe meerkat just for safety as for items we just want them to oh my god we have all of these corpses that they could bring with them jesus uh yeah 12 simple meals 2.2 days of food seems fine could we uh bring more i don't want them to bring everything okay let's just do it automatically that seems fine a little bit of herbal medicine wouldn't hurt as well uh yep 2.2 days seems fine okay we're going on a quest fantastic quest yeah bring the dead bodies with us well i try the arco nexus sending maybe if i do the arco archotec uh colony we have the arcotec look but we don't actually have the architect quest that'll be the only thing i would be uh i suppose interested in seeing how does that end anyway you just get a lot of money and then you like invest in the stock market and then you make a lot of passive income or something like that i assume that's how the archotec ending would work right i don't understand how else does being a uh one of those one of those people work man the music is it is annoying me now though i gotta turn it down it's like at a certain oh god they're moving so fast you know what's the greatest trick though to make people move faster i'm not sure if this works anymore but i used to put like a thousand rabbits into a convoy and it would just it would just fly light speed light speed convoys when you did this now i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna say why was this a terrible colony location all this impassable terrain here we have a very hard time trading with other people the one thing that's kind of bothered me about rimworld is that it doesn't matter how remote your base is some raiders will just stop at no ends to come to it remember when we were living in the arctic and people just wouldn't leave us alone that was a bit upsetting okay fantastic who is penelope well we could get an infestation of four hives if we wanted but at least the game is still offering us colonists i'm not sure do i want to take these four hives not while my main melee fighters are out so otherwise i would take it just to see how we hold up against an infestation everyone here has doubted me lots of people have come into the stream um himming and hawing about how i'm gonna die to an infestation and i'm just wanna you know show them what for my god meerkat is on a daze okay well he'll just live with that gas operation here we go finally some decent weapon crafting caravan has arrived at the worshipful village with everyone asleep in the caravan i didn't give them any uh whatever it was now are these what is our quest even here we need to what do we need to do with these people well let's wait until meerkat comes off of his days and let's also just give them some sleeping spots as well [Music] uh yes sleep over there because this will give you a marginal level of comfort no don't do that can you bring him to his bed now you can all right then he'll just have to sleep on the ground and have a catharsis are these the default quests they seem more clear we've been accepting a lot of quests that we haven't been doing yeah ancient installation so hmm ah okay tribes people from lila are attacking our colonists are these the leela why would they attack we didn't even spend 10 hours here though all right uh you've learned the uh terminal the terminal is surrounded by a tribal village and the locals venerate it they aren't part of any major faction they're willing to light on the pretty sense of worse oh we were supposed to come in quietly because they worship a computer these people are like my parents um hang on a second we're gonna have to do some hacking but are they attacking us right now though okay this is sort of getting to be more one of those indiana jones type quests though um let's just find out are these people going to come in and attack us is someone allowed at the neckbeard colony if they don't have a neckbeard they can always uh shave their hair into the pattern of a neckbeard that is allowed now if i just walk over here with my gun which is more advanced than their bows okay so they aren't going to do that okay try go ahead see if you can hack into the ancient terminal i think cheetah and ragu will be fine here so i'm just gonna go ahead and draft them uh cheetah are you about to break because colonists always break at the worst times recreation deprived there's a thing somewhere that you could play with are they going to attack me if they see me do i need to do while they're asleep oh god okay hang on a second well fortunately my collars are way stronger in melee than anybody uh you go in uh actually hang on a second no don't even do this terminal hack we've collected the information let's just go into this room i'm very good at room world guys very uh actually just kind of decent at it but don't question it okay all right uh hang on a second send you over there yeah look we just beat him up when they come into the door this is the greatest way oh this is perfect hang on a second you go in like that you go in like that no uh friendly fire we get a lot of food we might even live here for all i care look we're gonna use this pemmican and when we travel too oh i'm great at this game hey mataro thanks very much for the prime as well as maple tea big skit thanks very much jake farm from state thanks very much for the 100 bits i appreciate that oh my god look there god would you just go into a manic depression when somebody's shooting you with a bow and missing a lot this person's terrible we might just live these guys over here for a while she has shooting zero what a slop i got a second let's go ahead and just claim all of these we're being raided by the lila people at their own base oh now this i didn't plan on eat some food eat some food um how do we just claim this entire place meerkat you are garbage is anyone gonna die you've had all of your toes shot off that was kind of unfortunate great okay she got shot in the head i swear to god though these people with their uh plastial spirits will be fine now look at these tribals idiots however we don't want them all to convert them at once uh cheetah ragu need to get together we need at least three ganged up let's just run them into a different room uh you go over there when you finish eating are you almost done eating nah you're not gonna be able to make it out in time okay i'm just gonna hide you over here cheetah you may be dead i didn't plan on the mental break or five more colonists coming to join this fight uh how many do i want him to get ganged up on by i might have to run him into the doorway at one second uh you know don't even finish eating if you break in the middle of the fight you're just dead we can reform and leave no we can't we just killed their entire tribe they probably won't be very happy with that if meerkat would just get off his ass this is the one thing that doesn't make sense to me about rimworld is like when there's people who want to take your food that come inside like you'd you'd better be ready for a fight hey baby thanks very much for the sub appreciate it then the tile behind the door they they actually can they can surround me they can come in diagonally into the room i believe or at least i've seen insects do it oh i stand corrected maybe colonists respect personal space all right then okay i'm gonna give you what you want i'm gonna give you what you want hang on a second let's run in with two more colonists spoon you get back here uh rar goo give him a second wow cause when you do this with insects they will surround you that is great thanks very much if we send ragu over here to deal with baiba that's gonna take away a lot of the problem but cheetah is so good in melee combat that i'm very confident he just might lose something in this fight though uh yep okay there he goes down spoon you get over here behind these sandbags and it seems as though they have knocked you down [Music] good good don't take down all of my good good good god damn it are you kidding me two really high-level melee fighters downed in this fight okay that was far closer than expected uh rescue yeah is cheetah gonna be okay death in 10 hours death in 15 hours okay then rescue cheetah first do not break spoon spoon you are a hell of a guy has he he still has his medical uh degree so we can use him for that my god these tribals though what was that 10 tribals that's why i love tribal so much meerkat has just contributed so much to this fight but we actually did make out with more riches than i thought we would uh we will take all of their bodies and use them for science there we go thanks to these great plastial spears is it being on fire yeah like would he be upset if he were on fire that was uh whoops wait a second there we go we got to claim these uh let's claim all of these n and and then h h uh we have two colonists to tend to actually three because spoon got hurt too so i'm gonna rescue you again whoops did that wrong uh are you gonna live are you gonna live uh i think you're gonna live death in 14 hours so one hour has passed this was told to me in the comments the other day uh apparently medicine and herbal medicine improve the speed of tending we're getting rated okay now we might actually be dead but this is the world's greatest troll how many raids was it uh am i even can i even they might kidnap raju this is a troll this is a bit of a troll if only meerkat would be less of a slob for god's sake uh hang on no don't feed him can you tend man rip very sad very not good tend to cheetah i don't even think i want you leaving this place for medicine i think i would just want to watch them stand there and attend him yeah good okay why don't i just kill them i don't know why because heavy smgs apparently aren't as good in this game it's uh actually quite depressing yeah like one would think that if a gentleman came outside with a heavy smg that he would be able to stand a chance against some bowmen but it's just not always the case it's not always the case first off we'll tend him i want to see if we get rargu in here i just want to avoid them getting kidnapped and then hopefully meerkat will come out of this daze in a couple of seconds because for some reason he's just being a slob over there rimworld quests are not my strong suit as you can tell i thought sending four colonists over would be fine but then one of them snapped and then very quickly they actually did go down in combat more quickly than i expected um he will not be okay should we send out a second party oh more will come every two hours really this is the thing in the game ah damn i did not expect that damn we really got into a very bad situation here uh i don't think we're gonna have time to get out of here we just gotta tend to cheetah and then i think ragu and then try to get out we're gonna we're gonna try to solid snake this we gotta get out of here man 12 hours he's already it's already been three hours more of them will be coming jesus christ well the good news is that if meerkat yep getting raided by even more of them okay this is a little bit overpowered i think yeah meerkats probably going to get his butt kicked yep are you jesus all right we're sending out everybody this is very ill-advised of me but i'm like uh if i if i had done it i think we would have lived i might need to go back in here and just save whoever's not kidnapped this is this bad this bad this this event is way overpowered i think but at least now we know because apparently there's just infinite tribal people because he's just like yup getting shot with a bow that's fine meerkat is dead this is a really bad quest never go in to try to separate tribal people from their shiny objects might have to just run out meerkat's dead ragu cheetah and the plastial spears too but if i could just keep them in a room and maybe get my other colonists here will they actually attack their own base it'd be ashamed to lose all of these colonists are they even gonna kidnap people though will they kidnap people they could just open up the doors apparently okay save yourself save thyself they've kidnapped people that uh from their own home okay i i do not like this i do not like this at all they are kidnapping people from their own home setting their own home on fire they have taken at least i won't even have the option of taking rargu now this is very upsetting i actually think that this event is pretty unbalanced um tend to yourself don't even use medicine this this is very bad now they're stealing stuff from their own home yeah i gotta get out of here well we gotta have spoon tend to himself i think we just lost rargu and uh and meerkat that sucks that really does suck oh man now he's gonna get meleed with a knife too we might not even get spoon can you shoot her ah damn raju got kidnapped not good not good okay this lady is trying to mine through a wall despite the fact that she has a knife we're getting raided again okay just get out of here just get out of here we didn't even get our plastic we lost our two plasteal spears this is the worst quest ever i should have read that fine print more but i didn't see that they would just keep attacking every two hours yeah right hang on a second uh just gotta get spoon out of here for god's sake can i get cheetah with me if we just tell him to leave with just cheetah this is the worst event hang on a second where is my other caravan at man i really should have just brought all my the next time i do one of these things i'm gonna bring all my colonists yeah we're gonna have to bring everybody back this one's just named humps i think we'll survive uh i just feel like i got skunked by a bad event that's pretty unbalanced right now oh well we can't go back uh such is life oh world see if we could form caravan there's still some enemies in the area so i can't even reform the caravan that is kind of [ __ ] though because how am i supposed to defend from attacks every single two hours unless if can i walk him to the map edge i mean even if i lose all of my colonists so i feel like it'll be worth it for the learning just that this is a total this was a huge troll wow spoon can okay we could walk spoon off cheetah also is walking again okay well they took his blasteel spear so that was pretty um wow worst day ever neck beardia worst day ever uh hang on a second pick up those simple meals i don't want you to die jesus christ and there's even more coming ah grab a weapon i hate this event so much yeah is he gonna pass out again ah jesus i i i think this one's gonna need a fix too this this seems like a real like a real troll i mean it's challenging i'll give them that there we go quest completed get the hell out of there uh they are in a caravan together so let's get them to mount do and let's just tell our other caravan to go straight back there oh that was bad lost two colonists next time we get any kind of raid uh tribal village uh computer worship type of quest i'm sending the whole colony just so that they can all kind of care for each other did not count on what's his face just being a total idiot and i think that's why people will rage quit this game oh that was frustrating only two though yeah it could have been much worse that's true are these two gonna make it back do they have enough food yeah i'm just upset that it was my good melee colonist cheetah though i think was our very best melee colonist so i'm glad that he did make it out and the plastil spear can always be replaced um i mean we've already got another one in the works so just kind of sad gonna take me some time to get i'm i'm legitimately sad i am i'm sad let's make more uh well on the other hand too the game will probably send me more colonists do we still have another one available with the and we are one of the way uh one quest information away from the relic this gets us the mono sort uh i don't actually have any saves so i can't reload any of them nope yeah i'm just screwed but i i like that uh i like that way of playing the game that way you have to live with your mistakes um cotton hops we'll plant some [Music] actually cycloid i'm okay with psychic and there is one colonist who needs psychic tea to function uh heel root will do a little bit more of that tinktoria what was this really good for all right let's just do that and yeah so like i said kind of a buzz kill not great but yeah we'll get over it we'll keep improving and we will find even better colonists rargu was uh of old arches and maybe we'll find somebody who's already converted to our ideal legend and it looks like we can also convert somebody else so is nug for nug fur is the uh and hippopotamus also too is an old archist all right let's uh try to convert hippopotamus then tantrum on nug fur though she's been fairly stable maybe i'll ha convert no he's on a mood break so we'll just save him for later here van arrived at mount do okay good they are back thank god was cheetah yet cheetah was the one who was just a fantastic survivor really gave up cheetah okay uh jesus please don't do this to me every time uh okay i will take a 60 chance uh oops that didn't work all right bring all the king's horses and well he wasn't very he was very long for this world anyway all right uh bring him back kind of look kind of feeling and looking like an amateur again but such is the way of life with a new expansion a lot of these quests just aren't really worth it that's my my other complaint about uh and i think they've made the questing a little bit better but it seemed to me that for so long it wasn't really worth it to leave your house like you're always just better off kind of staying at home which i don't love about the game i hope they do something about boredom why are we getting some solitary relaxation social relaxation cerebral play okay so we need solitary relaxation and social interaction for our recreation types maybe a poker table would improve this somehow could we just put it over here so that it's overlapping with the other one otherwise we may have to expand this room well regardless we'll do it yeah i suppose make it out of steel we have just an ass load of steel that's fine what difficulty did i pick we are on blood and dust uh because i just i think the game is not very much fun anymore when you do it on uh losing is fun okay but we got back cheetah cheetah's back in there good and i think we can now solidly switch them over to doing um oh what is it uh herbal medicine all the time now that we have a way of growing it which is good because that was much desired uh we will set that up and now we can just take everybody let's say medicine is all herbal medicine herbal medicine and we can tell them all to carry herbal medicine on them too um defoliator oh that's not actually that bad we aren't really using any uh foliage on the outside might even be a good thing let's tell everybody to carry two on them and we'll also give everybody just a a number four doctor priority just so that they can all be ready for it now this i'm not particularly worried about look it's all the way over on the map edge this might actually be a good thing and other people might wake these things up we've got lancers those aren't so scary yeah that should be fine but besides we aren't even using it aren't even using it um this is my only real complaint about rimworld's difficulty at times is that sometimes it just makes it seem like it makes things take longer you know what i mean like it didn't really seem like we had a meaningful climax to that fight it just kind of dragged on but when you know more about the game keep in mind that thing eventually will kill my mushrooms if it gets far out enough but that's going to take quite some time for the defoliator ship to reach us i've been told that it has a max radius it seems to be increasing rather quickly right now but when it gets so far out in the world it's fine hmm is it clearing away the snow oh that was from the fire i was worried i was wondering about that it has only a max radius of 100 so then actually our mushrooms should be safe yeah 100 radius that'll never get to us we can just kind of leave that there as a terrain feature and hopefully somebody else will wake it up i love it when raids fight each other anyway not that it's really a major threat we could use it for resources or whatever we need incompetent cook who is who's cooking incompetently oh well you're about to get good at cooking so it's fine yeah just keep on making stuff hmm bourbon i i do worry about bourbon because of this chemical starvation that's going to make him pretty much permanently upset everyone's upset that meerkat died ah that's gonna take like 20 days for them to lose that maybe we could use console fabio has this or a council council ability that might help somehow hmm i'm a little depressed right now i'm a little bit depressed so many empty beds it's just not the same without you hmm well on the bright side our colony is starting to look a little bit more organized so the thing that i like is that when you get later on in the game since your base is already constructed even if you lose a colonist they'll send you a couple more because there is that uh desired colonist amount and randy or whoever we've got cassandra really does want to send me more colonists to suffer death and die hmm let's try it and expanding the zone let's just say that this is our preferred area for weapons uh in fact do we want it there yeah we'll go preferred for weapons there i'm just trying to make everything a little bit more visually stimulating now there we are okay and then we're going to say clear all and just say medicine medicine there we go let's just do herbal medicine here i know it'll deteriorate but it just takes so long to deteriorate uh we'll say critical priority for medicine that way they bring it over there and do they actually have any they don't have any because we're stupid and we lost a lot of it but we'll somehow get by heel root there we go a little bit more heel root major break risk low medicine hunter relax range weapon we're just going to take fabio off of that task and i'm going to see if i can get some of these effects no more hunting for you [Music] need warm clothes we've got that steel storage i'm just thinking about other research storage is there a festival we could start to get a good mood boost good question uh we did have a leader speech a couple of days ago but we need to wait until 30 days or a half a year from now for the uh for the jubilee of stones so unfortunately that has been delayed uh which is quite sad other thing that's bad is that my haulers all died cheetah also too is uh not doing too great but maybe we'll just accept the next quest that we get available just royal ascent active now what other things do we have active maybe one of them will actually be decent what was that one that we had done the secret terminal so let's just read on this one learned i learned the locals venerate it they're willing to let you visit on but they will attack when i touch it yeah it didn't really say anything about uh it did say that they would call reinforcements if we spend over 10 hours in the village or build anything oh so a sleeping spot counted as something that was invasive on their territory so i should never have even put down sleeping spots okay and then reinforcements are just god-awful because they send in more people every two hours so if anyone gets injured they're kind of stuck there so what we should have done the next time would just been get in hack the terminal and then leave immediately that would have been way better but alas i assume that there's a lot more quests like that that i'm just gonna need to be more mindful of but to me reinforcements means one extra raid maybe not infinite people every two hours all right i'm done complaining now how is the reddit colony going it's uh it's happening it's happening we just had a quite a sad thing happen but right let's take off all of the menial labor tasks a little bit more smoothing of the floor but like i said you know once you fix up all of that other crap then it becomes much easier to run the colony because you can just kind of add in new colonists it doesn't really necessitate this whole new uh like creation of new bedrooms or anything you're just replacing things that you've lost yeah replacing things that you've lost got a mad hair uh this will avoid those spike traps so we'll want to be very careful with this thing fabio you are uh oh yeah you dropped your weapon somewhere didn't you in a second let's install this in here to make this room get even more impressive and then we're going to give you this gun there we go shoot the rabbit it's wabbit season get over here fight me fight me ah great it did see that one ran into a trap we had the other animals not running maybe it's when you have a colonist there yeah exactly it's like how dare you sleep on the ground in our territory yeah those people were crazy but very powerful tribals i mean for how powerful they were i'm surprised that they worshipped a computer that just seems a bit excessive uh hang on a second we got to get you to uh who is who's responsible for this someone is not doing their job crafting uh bourbon you know bourbon you can do some crafting too that's fine by me cheetah do we have enough of this we do have a lot of chem fuel oh we just haven't hauled it over let's go ahead and bring this over we just don't want to run out of power that would be bad i suppose that for the last couple of colonists all that we're really looking for now are joggers was one of those guys the jogger though psychopath pretty this guy was great super immune pessimist and you were decent with melee so we'll just give you the next blastial spear i know we didn't trust you this before but the other guy that we did trust it with died so we're giving this responsibility to you how does it feel how does it feel uh whoops you hmm damn it i interrupted that uh important task i am quite sad there we are okay good the crafting is being done another one i should get back on is work tab just because there's so many other specific things i'd like to do i learned to make it work in the arctic colony that was probably my most well-managed colony ironically despite the fact that it was in the arctic yeah doing a better chem fuel storage by the generator that would be good too let's let's go ahead and do that i have a lot of things that are kind of explosion proof over here so let's go ahead and just say bring it over here we might even put the biofuel refining over there but their farms are on that side it's not a perfect colony but it it works chem fuel there we are let's do chem fuel we'll say that this is important priority over here and we'll just uh copy settings and paste them over really oh there we are good okay copy and paste for stockpiles no we don't care about that i think that these things are all connected now that always jumps out or sneaks up on me good they are connected to the grid and we'll also just kind of connect them even more to the grid and i know that this is going to uh [Music] that's fine actually sometimes i'd like to put in double power cable connection just to make it a little bit more robust need a research project that's fine they don't really need a research project per se good that is tended our medicine is popping up out of the ground i think we're fine now cheetah is just vomiting all over the floor clean your own vomit because it's just very depressed from all of that being there now the thing that i learned was that if you don't use medicine your wounds don't heal as quickly as they would have so this was enlightening to me however well also too using medicine makes your wounds get tended faster but usually they need to go ahead and fetch some medicine in the first place too so there's all kinds of trade-offs to consider whether you're using medicine or not medicine and what you're doing hey yes sir how are you are the comfort needs of the skeletons increasing on those wooden stills oh yes now our skeleton our corpse room with the skeletons is very comfortable i almost wish that i hadn't sent out that caravan because i would have liked to have fought an infestation in here with those plastial spears it would have been so nice to win and show you how good i am uh oh meerkat was actually the author of this this turns out that is quite a sad moment we could keep mining through the mountain to see if we find any more plastiel because that was quite a lot of blasteel that we just lost right there i'm almost as sad about losing the blast steal did we get back spoon spoon is back that's good he was a fantastic miner so maybe we'll give him some other tasks to do in a few minutes cheetah is just throwing just walking around everywhere and throwing up on everything really let's go ahead and build some more furniture over here we'll say wooden dining chairs that seems fine i don't want to interrupt the other stuff going on uh this thing is still up there killing all of the plants let's go back over to orders l uh or b rather for cut down there it is good good job all right like i said you know i'm not as depressed from losing all of the colonists because we can replace them we just need to wait for an event now if i were to send out more people what is this next quest about i want to make sure i don't get snuck up on in some way like i did with the last one am i based on a mountain tile uh we're yeah we're on a mountainous terrain ancient complex nearby is set to get any information about the dim modest now we need to read much more closely into this task uh text because it's just this was garbage you've learned if i break into the structure and hack the computers inside i can watch out there maybe all manner of dangers inside and other enemies may also be okay so this seems to be one of those indiana jones style quests with that in mind we might be better off sending like everybody except for one colonist the next time for all my luck i'm just gonna get attacked by a massive raid while it's happening but nonetheless we'll give it a shot anyway let's have winters see if these traders have anything hello give me some things uh glitter world medicine would be good yeah i'll take some of that just in case always good to have some of that stuff lying around uh what do we have to offer uh we do have a lot of gold that we aren't really doing anything with right now ooh television hang on a second wait a minute television might be better than this yeah i'm gonna buy a television okay great triple rocket launcher though the doomsday rocket launcher is also quite nice and exciting it always goes wrong for me but at the same time like this is yeah you know i'm gonna buy it just because because why not right i mean this is i'm supposed to this is a stream what else are we gonna what else are we gonna do anyway what did you come here to see me be safe no of course i'm buying the doomsday rocket launcher can i in fact can i sell all of the gold i'm not really planning on going much further into this i would like a tv and a doomsday rocket launcher i'll even sell you this advanced uh i'll keep the advanced component now i don't need it that's not as much fun we probably won't be even getting that far in the game i'll even sell you some of my components yes absolutely let's do this tv and a doomsday rocket launcher i advise you strongly to not do either of these things but i'm doing this for fun so do it anyway um this room is extremely extremely limited in size uh i will remove this speaker and put it back over here and then we will bring the television inside who are we going to have with the you know bourbon you seem like a suspicious enough man for me to give the rocket launcher too yep let's just give the shady unethical doctor the doomsday rocket launcher that seems like a great idea trencher kim [Music] using uranium to make weapons oh yeah it's it can be a great idea plastil and uranium i'm pretty sure at least i don't think that there is any risk of them getting cancer from having contact with uh uranium but there is cancer in rimworld uh colonists can get it when they get old enough and you know other stuff like that i hadn't thought about that maybe there is maybe i'm am i wrong blunt uranium i've heard yeah like uh like a uranium mace okay good good this is in place now let's install the television in here good televisions uranium and all other sorts of uh garbage that we've been looking for now do we have we didn't account for all of our plaster in the last stockholm let's give them a little bit of time to catch up with all of the rocket launchers and the tv and everything i think they're happy now ritual opportunities soon party of arcism let's just try to get everyone away from arcism uh hippopotamus were you the ah you are quite sure of your arcism though you and your arcism who is close to being converted you are a neckbeard mole person you subscribe to ethical ethics but i think i want archism to go down so let's go ahead and say and you are literally the last piercing uh person subscribing to old darkism but not fur also does we're going to try to convert nug fur because he's he's one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us come on everybody everybody say it put him down there say mean things about him to feel bad about to make him feel bad about himself and then he will convert of course ah social masterful conversion ritual whoa whoa fabio fabio even improved everyone participating in the rude wow i didn't realize that it was that over okay i've heard that this was given a buff for colonists who were on their own um uh so how did that actually do how was he uh feeling now okay that we took about 40 of him away from that so let's go ahead and try to convert him again um uh wait a second oh he immediately became one of the neckbeard mole people from that ritual my god that is pretty good okay i take back all of the mean things i said ah fantastic one of us yeah we gave him all of our reddit karma oh god reddit jokes never get old until reddit eventually what will what will supersede reddit in the life of the internet let me go ahead and try to just deconstruct any poor quality beds now because i don't think there's much reason to have poor quality beds anywhere in our colony excellent quality good quality good quality poor quality we're gonna go ahead and destroy your bed excellent good okay then let's reinstall some of these excellent quality ones over there too i just like people to be sleeping in decent beds uh we'll put that like there decent all right uh as for the prisoners yeah we want them to feel okay but i just don't think we're going to be taking in so many more prisoners now at this point uh though we probably won't have quite this many people it's fine it's fine we'll live with it um though i mean as far as like overall base architecture goes i'm pretty happy with what happened with this place we just want to make sure that the uh hydroponics basins don't keep dying out that can interrupt your plant flow i pride myself on good plant flow in rim world and i don't intend on changing that reputation i think we'll also go ahead and just mine out the rest of this one thing that i've been thinking quietly to myself non-invasively is that i think we'd be better off if we put the weapons in here that way if someone ever needs to equip for combat they can just quickly run into this room and equip us something there we are food binge on hippopotamus we knew that this was her one drawback trait but we're living with it that's fine we're dealing with it it's in our it's in plain sight it's in plain sight and we have my goodness we have quite a lot of grenades trench chem you can be uh you're a brawler though all right you just go ahead and equip a spear cheetah you're decent at melee combat well you're good at everything we may want him as because now i'm thinking like do i really want this guy in the line of fire all the time ah it's bio-coated what do i want him to do he's really good in melee combat though i think i'll give him this beer for now eventually we might move him over to ranged and as for you you've already got a spear so you're fine good good very good very good hey commanding pickle we winning i would say uh you know ever since we came back from that horrible event yeah we're doing a little bit better now thanks very much for the sub appreciate it i never played practice zomboid but i've been zero to hero when i found me on youtube hey thanks very much appreciate you coming out thomas needs treatment what do you have this little parasites you're fine okay but now we have a decent amount of health care we have good we have good obamacare in the colony ambiguous amphibian ambiguous amphibian you got two yield two yield to two neck birds one yield six months at two year i raise your i raise your yield meme with what meme did i send oh yeah ah what was it the uh i am confusion thank you very much vic sauce i appreciate the four dollars and 20 cents um defoliator that's fine does it actually say how far out that defoliator is now expand radius five per day foliage kill radius 33.8 so then this will get about three times larger so one two or sorry two times larger it's like one third so this will come right up about to our walls that might not be such a bad thing that might clear out the map prevent the spread of forest fires you know that bear who keeps complaining about forest fires we won't have them if we don't have a forest anymore so that's the good news uh we'll keep on building in here just kind of seal up that gap we don't want so many cracks in our wall yeah that's good that dissuades people from coming in over there and unfortunately there isn't a way to unclaim territory in rimworld but were there then i would i would do that i would most certainly do that animal disease flu now this dog has been a bit of a liability since the beginning i don't like having animals in my colony if you can't tell the only thing i accept is cows cows are fine take as many cows as we need i think we also need to reinstall that there harvest box but why are some of you guys doing the harvesting i think i think we need you on crafting more than we need you on other stuff building marble wall okay that's fine we want to start to take winters off of like far away tasks and we're eventually going to need to replace him as well just because he's getting so so much older uh yeah yeah and is there anything else that can kind of automate stuff for us too it sometimes seems as if research just makes your life more difficult unfortunately prosthetics uh yeah i mean eventually we're gonna need bionic limbs that could make us faster come to think of it yeah maybe i'll do that gas operation chain shotguns yeah you know if we could get chain shotguns researched i would i would be willing to use those only because those can be another great way to deal with infestations you pile up people with chain shotguns behind a few melee colonists in good armor and there you're done boom cougar hunting cheetah i welcome it cheetah is actually a tank though so i'm not too particularly worried about him we're going to send out hippopotamus though because she has a she is so far had 360 no scope aim uh hang on a minute why aren't you shooting it there we go okay get out there and fight [Music] fight that cougar play for your freedom there we are health death in four hours all right uh cougar is on the menu let's go ahead and hunt that too bad just finish it off good good all right no more cougars and let's go ahead and we're going to move our weapon storage pile over to here like i said before we'll just kind of expand this over to this side and then shrink that zone over to here and then we'll say weapons belong stockpile zone let's keep that area clean then we'll say storage just weapons uh whoops they're all weapons there we go we'll say that that's important and then we'll just delete that other stock pile zone okay now our storage makes some semblance of sense again we're also going to just start to create stockpile zone so that we can see what we have uh i'm gonna say that this one is we'll call it preferred for steel because you wanna see how much steel you have at any given time we'll clear all and just say steal and we can do anything else let's install this in here so that room is even more impressive and then we'll start to put our textiles in this room so we'll say mine out the rest of this and then we'll do zone stockpile zone and we'll just put clear all and we'll just say raw resources or is it under manufactured textiles yes here we go we'll make this our preferred place for that hmm what do i think of mods that make years longer always baffled me how 60 days is a year yeah it's a gameplay convenience i've never actually tried anyone that changed the length of the year i don't mind the length of the years in rimworld um never really thought of it organized storage yeah i just it's something pleases me about seeing all of the same resource in the same place it's bothered me always to just seek crap lying around in our stockpile zones you know i'm against that no let's let's fix that expand this zone good we might even reinstall this table here they don't really spend that much time hauling those now i start to think over these little micro decisions just because they're spending a lot of time you know on crafting types of tasks that's an important thing to just fix up uh what is this this is just our steel now they're starting to move everything out of there and since they're spending so much time in the actual storage room itself we will smooth the floors now just because this is always a highway for them in moving about the base you are cleaning and i think we're back to where we kind of started again originally bills we've got the spears let's just reduce that again uh make sure that this is i'm doing a lot of boring things right now but they're they are important and then we'll just start mining our way into the mountain again i want to uncover some new plasteel i really hope that i don't find any gaps in this mountain because then we'd have to deal with more stuff but we do have to make our way deeper in because well we need more resources and that's kind of what we depended on with this colony uh in order to grow and obtain wealth king under the mountain yeah we should have named one of them thor and oakenshield that'd have been great what is the end goal uh like world conquering i never really understood why people did world conquering playthroughs unless if they were using the empire mod or a surprising number of people will often comment like you should conquer the world i'm like we'll be here for 100 days if i do that no i just i don't really see the point of it it's it's kind of like the story had value in whatever you gave it to and you hope that you don't get in the way of too many like technical glitches or anything that distracts you from like moments like these you know i remember back when i was in the arctic and i had two colonists into a fight and one of them had all of these crazy evil traits and this was orange and then he he bit out another colonist's eye which was grotesque and although it was a bad thing for the colony i feel like that rimworld is kind of about moments like that because it what's uh it's what gives the game so much of its glorious characterization um not that they always need to be so horrible and kind of vomit-inducing but i feel like that's where this game just naturally excels ah let's see research screen good we've got the chain shotgun researched uh precision rifling we might want some sniper rifles so i'm gonna go ahead and start to research the the world's best technology microelectronics i watched some streamer conquer the world it took months and consider yeah conquering the world just after a while becomes like it just becomes kind of a liability i don't mind a nomadic play play-through uh really the main thing that i would like to do is just figure out how to do colonies that can be more satisfying in like one session often that means doing one overpowered colonist i was trying to get better at the game this time so i took colonists who were slightly weaker but uh i think this will be probably my only like um try hard long play colony for a while because then i do kind of want to get back to doing things that are more gratifying in one session that's my favorite type of playthrough where i can get one full session in of like three to five hours max um and then i'm just done with a full playthrough yeah generally stories need conclusions that's that's the one thing is that oftentimes the story feels like it never ends but that's okay too that's one reason why people like this game so much let's go ahead and haul those things into there i've tried to avoid getting so many let's also too just for the sake of efficiency here we'll mine out this and then we're going to reduce the size of this stockpile zone just so that they aren't walking over stones in here we'll shrink it here and like here that way they don't walk over those and then we'll give them a little entryway into there just getting everything set up right into the stockpile zone is important now what is this this is a tainted parka are we setting this up for tainted clothing textiles what is actually allowed in here chem fuel okay so this has just been misplaced in here but do we actually have anywhere for tainted clothing this is our tainted clothing zone right oh i didn't actually allow anything in here whoops that was a mistake this should have been uh for apparel yeah but um not most apparel not clean apparel this is only our tainted a parable uh a parable apparel there we are and no smeltable apparel there we are quesobillos secret complex mission that sounds like it's up our alley okay here we go another one of these types of quests uh nitao or natal high stellar of the imperium of mosquito has discovered an ancient complex a long distance away he believes it contains information this is what we've been looking for can spare people looking for seven colonists why so many we have eight complex contains unknown threats also sought by nettal's enemies the javelins javelins are i believe uh a tribe right let's send a shuttle to pick up your colonists bring them to ah this is very nice of them ah they will be fed and tended and rude okay so once we land we have hack all the terminals in the complex within 4.2 days let's just check out the javelins i want to make sure that they're the tribals uh the javelins are oh they are a pirate gang okay a little bit scarier we might actually send out all eight of our colonists just keep the colony with no one to defend it for a couple of days and pray that no one sets everything on fire i think yes because i want to go on more of these uh i want to go on more of these quests this has been my goal throughout pretty much this entire play as soon as we get a couple more granite traps done hey rocks uh roxas brandon thanks very much for the pride appreciate it um when am i gonna finish the android series of room world i've been wanting to go back to androids for a while but it actually interrupted a weird work task i uh kind of got assigned suddenly so that was uh that was just kind of unfortunate i don't know if i will because i might just relaunch it instead that was a fun one to do fun one to do though different vibe about that series i liked it though um we've got park is i think we just need i would like to make more weapons before i send them out do we have those chain shotguns okay we can make change shotguns we need somebody with crafting six though and we don't have that so i don't know if we're even gonna get to have these chain shotguns the people that we visit and when i say visit i mean attack might have changed shotguns but we have this doomsday rocket launcher so i might just explode them all but can we hack into the terminals if we do that so many questions so few answers i think i'm just gonna rashly go into this one too because i want to see what one of these things is like let's do it it's information about the dinner sword uh let's see and there is the shuttle okay everybody get on board don't question it we're gonna be fed and clothed and everything while we go on this quest uh get in get in uh as for the doomsday rocket launcher only because i don't want to destroy the terminals let's give you frag grenades instead hey drunk how are you brother thanks for the raid my friend that's a that's a big big nice big raid oh lots of people lots of people here thank you very much hey mom game's hard ah friend of drugs right hey god bless what were you guys on were you guys on a rimworld hey wowzers drunk raid and a mom raid what were you guys doing just screwed about screwed what screw i don't think i can legally say that drunk uh hang on a minute hang on a minute hey yo i'm game's hard thanks for coming out too what were you playing i always loved hearing about it did it go well hope it went well we're doing some neck beard rimworld oh god for god's sake no we left him at the house jesus they took only seven people and they just went now we have the only unethical doctor here jesus christ ah mom game's heart was playing rimworld what is your colony like i always like hearing about what other people are doing in this hang on a second a triple g thanks very much and cinnamon night thank you okay there goes the shuttle that was hang on a second my google home is trying to talk to me again this is upsetting okay we have here a quest we finally got our first uh royalty quest or what is it not royalty um ideology that's the name of this expansion now we've got some cars here we got like some sort of shady used car salesman over here that's not our the theme of our quest we're just going to try to go into this really sketchy ancient chamber how do we deal with bugs in this base we fight him we fight him fearlessly we're very uh strong except that we did get kind of screwed by the last quest mom games hard did you get any of the like weird quests because we had tribals to start coming out every three seconds trying to kill us vegetarian cow worship worshipers that like pain and stuff jesus i mean i was thinking of that charborg i had seen what he was doing he was doing like these blind pain loving massacres why isn't the shuttle helping it all uh we just got kind of uh screwed by one of the quests earlier it seems as though there's one entrance to this place that we have chanced upon one of the indiana jones-like quests love you senpai how you liking ideology hey thank you very much brick sounds it's it's going i still don't know all the quests so i'm uh i'm getting like gamer rage more often than i'd care to admit but yeah it's happening the blind one was kind of weird my last when they sliced out the column yeah like i some of these i do kind of question but i'm waiting on the mods to update so optimistic about that the last time i didn't send in enough colonists though let's get line up melee people on the door we're gonna we're gonna do some tryhard rimworld combat maneuvers always line up three melee colonists on the door oh god this is going to be such a [ __ ] show our colony everyone is just a neck beard that's that's the entire theme of this playthrough uh hang on a second go in and hack that hermetic crate what is there like a like a hermit crab in there okay we've got the we found the thing hang on a second before we get over there let's just line up some melee colonists at the door but i like this it's like questing it's like runescape or something you know like we're gonna we're gonna help the cook or whoever whoever needs help you get over there uh okay you're doing all the hacking great is this another get in get out fast kind of rate it there wasn't even any warning text for that don't be nudists in the desert because the desert gets cold sometimes you know the nudist tribals i think would just be a challenge not necessarily even good for any reason but i also kind of want them to get some combat experience should we just look through the door i mean we should just sacrifice one guy oh we've got three terminals okay send in oh god wait a minute don't laugh this is the this is the most tense i have ever been hang on a second don't everybody try to get through that door at once this has become an absolute chitchill entire colony dead right here this would be a great way to lose the entire colony uh okay why though why did it explode large fire ex okay well fortunately it's just a regular fire explosion i would spread out except there's another one of them right here and there could be enemies behind any of those so this is what tynan meant when he said traps get out get out of there get behind that wall there's more stuff that's like cue the indiana jones music right here [Music] all right we survived who would we want to sacrifice uh if things don't go so well let's go ahead and just open up this crate cause well i mean like why not oh an advanced component that's actually quite nice ancient generator too hey teddy thanks very much for the prime every second row room or so in this i mean is it always an explosion that's a little bit predictable i think yeah you know spoon you've just been uh you've lived long enough all right some medicine thank god uh what is this ancient unstable fuel node this one's probably gonna blow up too yeah just keep keep doing this might explode soon great hmm we need more of those hacking though but can we blow up the no this isn't what i want this is reminding me this is getting kind of pokemon to me i like this though it's like finding all the unknowns my god some luciferium uh okay go back in there hang on a second you hack that and you go over here but it's neat to control all of the colonists like taking them through kind of an adventure ancient enemy terminal this looks like a room where i'm gonna die but let's just get out of here what say you uh where is the unstable fuel node knock down a wall or will die of superheated ah yes you're right hang on a second uh somebody go ahead and just deconstruct that uh winters you're the fastest good call yeah we don't want to die from fire yeah this room is getting hot hot hang on a second we gotta no you're not assigned to constructing not assigned to constructing deconstruct that yeah just try to make this place somewhat more livable please winters is there you're cloud watching or something like that you guys going there we got some time hang on come on guys let's just not go to bed now it's like it's like running a colony of children there i say it it is um at least we'll have a wall some bad stuff is gonna happen though at the end of this we should probably in fact we should probably knock down all of the walls that get us closer to that shuttle for when the time comes yeah let's make our escape be easier from here because once we've hacked into these terminals we have to get out of here yeah like herding cats thank you major break risk you might go on fire in a second nug for but i just want to get out of here too uh two out of three hacked there we go now you get out of that room because it's on fire and then you take that and now we're being raided by the javelins i think we could just run from these people though but do they have any good colonists no we're not going to try to put out that fire this is in our house uh slow learner slothful this guy's good in crafting though this slothfulness though makes me say no i don't want hype chemically hyper or uh whatever it is damn it are these guys good at combat you are very melee but you might not have as much of a chance to sharpen up on that so i'm gonna say no to all three i know i'm being picky but i am everybody get in i i think we don't even really have to fight these pirates yeah no soup for you goodbye yeah what kind of mace do you have though is this worth fighting you for just a steel mace not really worth it okay but that was interesting hack the comms console too can we do that oh hack to drop supplies that's kind of interesting yeah i'll do it uh except that he might die in this room am i willing to risk nug fur's life perhaps i got a second nug for uh why don't you go ahead and well this is not the room i would have told you to deconstruct it in because that is not particularly safe wish i had seen that before thank you oh that's a very quick hack actually ancient supply satellite has been activated and supplies will drop uh oh my word this guy is very fast now what dropped from the sky carnivore fine meal times 26 not really worth it let's see if we could get him out of here hang on a second winters you hang out there this is going to be like predator get him there oh god western arconi is coming in nobody likes them hang on a second nug for why are you slow as hell get in that shuttle man uh can i get everybody out of the shuttle and let's just see if we can get him to the shuttle without getting everybody out come on come on fight fight this is the arena go go yes good you are a dodge you were on the dodgers take one more shot oh my god he did he would get hit all right it's fine uh you'll survive oh my god this guy keeps hitting me with a mace great oh right uh we're d we didn't leave anybody right ah fantastic i like that because it minimizes the travel time look at all the traveling we're doing cross-country traveling see that is neat because it used to be so slow to get to a location now we just went all the way to look that's like the distance that i drove last week but in plain speed fantastic yeah set it to we shouldn't have uh offloaded all of them at once but it's fine we got done with what we needed we're a little bit closer to the mono sword uh i'm not a big questor guys i'm not a big questor we found two out of five of the things and we got a third one i guess we'll start to get more of these quests because it doesn't seem it wants to give us more than two at once that was a terminal hacking event very cool very nice hmm uh let's see information about the dimmidome you collect information watch out there may be all kind of dangers inside so this one seems to me similar to the last one except we don't have a ride away from it i'd really like an event where exhibit came over to pimp your base i that's the event that i've been waiting for pimp my base 16 more days for a conversion ritual uh neckbeard mold people so do we have anybody who's not part of our faction yet just hippopotamus okay we'll try to convert her again uh get out of bed so that i can convert you to my crazy religion here we go i mean idea legend there we go she's been convinced stay out of bed don't sleep sleep is wrong all right well we've got tattered apparel uh fabio winters and spoon uh let's go ahead and just see what kind of anything manage outfits select outfit anything but why why are you wearing those clothes though if they're in such poor condition this is why i like the repair shelf mod the one where you could just place something on a shelf and the clothing item gets repaired it's a little bit overpowered but don't they spend somewhat an inordinate amount of time making clothes i'd also like a laundry machine in the game so that you could untaint things but i think that's also been created as a mod srt is yeah srts i might want to spend some time with spent a little bit of time with save our ship probably my favorite moment though was just the hissing of that unstable fuel cell i haven't felt that much tension in the game in a while i enjoy tension i love it uh let's see shrink this zone fibrous is fibrous mechanize the partially good one though that might have not been entirely a bad thing are these it's made of steel they might uh undo those proper treatment and spend as much time as possible you have fibrous mechanics this is though pretty sure this is the one that makes you a little bit faster yeah blood pumping plus 50 moving this might actually be a good thing um although they need to get in bed occasionally they also move faster which is great for winters does winters have yes good he has fibrous mechanized because he's old he's very old um [Music] i promise that more factorio was coming soon and it was four months ago yeah there was uh i did some videos on factorio plus we're doing more hmm dubs hygiene was a laundry it has a laundry machine hey totem how are you 52 ah 51 they'll still wear it ah you got a point i'll give it a shot i'll give it a shot anything maybe they'll like put it on at 52. they should just reject the clothing immediately at that point though bio-coated would be okay as long as it's bio-coded to them obviously that would make sense um is it inclusive [Music] did i ever try space haven tried space haven briefly once on stream sorry i'm getting very defensive i'm getting very defensive my main thing is i just as more my eyes are bigger than my stomach i can't cover as many games as i think so i can't always do everything on youtube and twitch but a lot of the things i've been trying to move over to kind of like long play types of things because there's a lot of games that i want to play but i can't really do on the main channel if that makes sense yeah 52 to 100 am i done learning factorio yeah i'd say so i haven't launched a ship yet but there is uh there is more there is more in the works whether it's on my channel or someone else's channel hints hint now i've got a a good group of folks to collaborate with now uh animal disease pla plague here we are oh no not another plague who someone save the doge yes dogecoin to the moon hmm do i want it to go oh yeah absolutely did it wait are they wearing why are they still wearing tainted apparel though oh it's because we forced him to wear something from the beginning ah and he was also forced to wear this this can happen at times where if we force them to wear something my god i didn't know that he was bald look at him look at his glorious beard i mean a bald head he's even more dwarven then a lot of dwarves are also missing their hair right why isn't that a thing have i considered hiring someone to play games for me [Laughter] yeah actually yes actually yes normal 60 yeah this is the problem is we just we had certain things that were necessary a while back we're gonna want to make another steel slice cap too make one of these make sure that we have like two of these things at all times of decent condition and two of these just so that they always have something and let's make sure that they're in a decent condition i hate automating clothing because it's just such a pain in the butt to get it like done but let's just make sure that they're of decent quality there we go uh only in out loud creeds pause when satisfied only uh god there's so many things here this is like a lot of dwarf fortress type of ui but just in a very small space we'll do that and then we want to do more or less the same thing with the slice cap there we go 80 to 100 yeah i'll allow it can they make one out of wood um speckledorf says what was my life like pre-youtube pre-twitch just curious oh i have a normal uh i had a normal job um i just the one thing i didn't like about it was that i had a very long commute so uh that's one thing i'm thankful for here i'll be at more liberties to talk about it uh in time it's just kind of a time sensitive thing but yeah sorry i don't mean to be all secret but uh let's see but i am being somewhat secret and i think that's kind of fun to be secret don't you yeah can i dub jim carrey now i don't think that he would like that i don't know why i'm being so negative i just am i just am very negative you ever find that about yourself like you find that you just feel like you're closed-minded and then you're like why am i fighting everything and suddenly life is a good ah god damn it mad links he opened his mind he achieved enlightenment but now at the same time let's uh go ahead and just say like we gotta automate this because every time that an animal goes crazy now i have to send somebody out with a gun to shoot it i'm gonna bring out hippopotamus my god the lynx just ran right for the trap maybe i won't even need turrets i usually refrain from turrets for a while forced approach [Music] i like this one uh they are looking for a place to land commander must be rescued but the cataphracts may be sacrificed okay i like these ones uh [Music] is everyone more or less mentally stable now i'll take it for the glitter world medicine because glitter world medicine is actually quite valuable shuttle crashed all we need to do is defend a shuttle in our territory and they might even be able to help us take out some of these other enemies over here we've got only one cataphract over there we'll draft everyone is anyone missing a weapon you have your grenades you love your grenades except uh use these other grenades instead should we no we won't use the doomsday rocket launcher at some point we will at some point we will just not right now now go over there and help them help your friends yes i'm actually going to use this to help me destroy the defoliator ship yeah they landed right next to a bear too great spot is this everyone believe that's everyone uh where do we want to take cover from this thing this thing may actually make the fight much more interesting dare i say i might hide an emp colonist behind it though just because i don't want anything too unexpected or do i how did you get a purple flak vest is that your favorite color no you like pink alas hang on a second uh get bourbon in there we need bourbon to just emp these things i'm gonna wait over here and just find out what happens with the raiders hi everyone hide behind this wall no one will ever expect it where is the quest uh you'll need to get them all on board trans people from the tribes people are going to attack so we might be able to get these mechs to fight a bunch of tribes people which i think would be a spectacle if they're lancers we should punch them yeah we'll send out uh well we'll throw an emp in and then we'll spear them but i want to see if they fight the tribals anyway because i always just didn't have a great time watching that we should also deconstruct these while we're out here major break risk on winters winters you just go home no i don't really need quite this many people i just need everyone to be able to sit here patiently and wait probably my least favorite part about rimworld though is that when colonists are out here like drafted hungry and cold they should be able to sit for an hour and wait pretty sure that there is a mob that makes colonists like less prone to breakage if they're drafted right i mean he's stressed right now now we've gotta just because all my colonists are stressed i gotta take on these mechs which is a little upsetting i need i say let's do this and i'm gonna send in my melee colonists we'll send keep these three back here you go in for this one you're going for this one and you're going for this one since you're pretty good you'll be fine they're now going to be immune to stunning send these people over here stunning bonding and send you on that one it's actually not that bad for blood and dust ah now they're finally raiding for god's sake right when i'm out of cover too okay you go home you guys stay here behind the defoliator ship which is completely safe and then now we could use this impassable cover for us [Music] that's i'm depressed my strategy could have worked better but alas i don't really mind fighting these people i wouldn't mind getting them a little bit more melee skill but for god's sake why isn't the uh cataphract helping us i shouldn't have encountered them right here hang on a moment uh you fight him you also fight him and you also fight him wait are they in complete coverage back here oh good the cataphract is helping us you know if i don't mind using my people a little bit as meat shields for this they're quite good good he's getting into the fight now and uh you guys go home yeah this should be fine now go home don't even fight don't even fight oh you are very good but except you have creepy you're a complete liability with anything other than fighting or medicine local fascination nudist i can't really have that cannibal asexual has one passion in crafting yes i think so hmm do i voice over my youtube videos or use vada i haven't really made a lot of streams into videos hmm not for a while anyway asexual cannibal this person is just wild female age 15 that's a lot of life left to her let's see if we can get her if she manages to survive this hippopotamus has decided to throw a tantrum and oh she died all right more target practice now then great uh you i didn't want right yeah i don't think that you'll work out very well in this column alas alas we should destroy this shoot that okay this thing is going down and then we'll be pretty much done here uh let her die but what does she have any here cloth parka yeah we'll take that who is still around you go ahead and uh strip her and this one is also wearing a parka so we will strip them and that seems like a good idea that too and this thing is done nice we've had bad luck i've had bad luck uh this is like normal luck i suppose i haven't really had anything horrible a catastrophic happen to it i had a horrible luck at the beginning of the stream but i think we got pretty lucky with that second quest rescue shuttle has arrived and these people should get out on their own i think so unless if a bear attacks them or something so we'll just hope that they don't do that and great we got the glitter world medicine all the glitter world medicine nice i'd say that was worth it for 11 glitter world medicine little world medicine saves lives allow these and good you're done and look at all of the other garbage that we get from that ship nice they did up the amount of loot that you would get from mechanoids i think that was quite nice oh and somebody just randomly dropped pemmican from the sky that's also quite nice very good yes more of that i suppose at this point we could also say make fine meals let's just say always have like 12 fine meals if they can as well as package survival meals let's make like 20 of those just so that we have a lot in reserve in case if we have to go very far and a manhunter my god we are getting a lot more events now oh my god that's a lot of arctic foxes is someone still far away from home hang on a second i need to check on my people they're all at home we are safe from the arctic fox menace that is over 10 that is over 10 arctic foxes playing full vanilla right now no mods everyone get out of bed the fox menace won't be stopped if you just stay in bed and sleep you can't ignore it i think we're going to keep bourbon with these emp grenades just because i feel safer with him with those just lock your doors and stay inside people uh bourbon though you go home because i don't i think we'll be fine without you now how do i line them up here i think we're going to need everybody else in general behind cover we should have done the defensive positions mod we'll start to add in more stuff now though you stay there okay this is a fairly decent position except that they'll probably come in from this side yep that pretty much works uh except you switch with him because of the range oh growling granlin goran lin podsprout this i have been reading about and i was waiting for one of these things with great anticipation attempt a location yes yes yes yeah right behind the arctic foxes definitely quell thanks very much for the sub appreciate it my friend [Music] stand firm people stand firm people excellent oh my god everyone is so inaccurate we're going to lose we probably won't get hurt but we'll probably lose more spike traps than i would care to it oh my god can they be stopped okay good that one didn't ah jesus think of all the granite that we're using up maybe it's because they're so sly and small and slippery well we did splendidly against these no trenchikhem what did what happened to her uh what did happen to her i don't know all right well fox is on the uh ground and the menu that was that was quite a lot of maddened arctic foxes more of a randy type of event i would really expect but we haven't we haven't still haven't gotten hit with the infestation the much anticipated infestation that we've all wanted for so long really been looking forward to that and i'm upset that we haven't been infested yet so that i can prove my medal and worth and we'll also open the door here maybe we'll get infested tantrum under no no don't oh 44 components i hate winters why winters winters you just cost me that was all of the components that was all of my components might have to execute the lead yeah you're right might have to accuse myself look now he's sleeping in bed loser i hate winters he has just this happened with to me when i was playing with private lime a while back except it was somebody destroying all of the medicine is there any way is there any way i hate winters yeah i know we could just because he's getting kind of but otherwise he's a good columnist that happened to be the worst thing that he's ever done but otherwise i still like him look he's right back to work so he has net overall he has contributed to this colony however however uh well they've made it easier to find components is there a component mining site i would take winters for that even though i hate him right now well here's the good news the good the bad and the ugly uh we need to get some trading and we're almost at microelectronics the bad news is we just lost 44 components and the ugly is that i really don't know how to prevent colonists from destroying something with a tantrum is there any like sop way of preventing your colonists from destroying all of their own resources in that way because oh and we should also get a can we cue research here uh i want to get some psychite tea production we'll have to do drug production after we do microelectronics that's usually the way to riches in the game build a wall in front of the door i could i could but do i really want my components arrest them he he mentally broke right next to the components and i happened to be having a time sped up you're right you got a point though snap out yeah i suppose just divide up your components into multiple piles or anything like that though that's just such a rare occurrence 44 components all because they were in one stack uh that's gonna be kind of a pain in the ass all right whatever we'll live we will survive and overcome and conquer fabio you can wow my senses of when he would be uh effects have really improved uh let's see hippopotamus is still the only one who is not part of our clan we will keep trying to convert her though she's in such a good mood that she keeps going back up uncertainty we're really going to need to do another conversion ritual but we were able to immediately convert somebody with that last masterful one so so i do feel very much encouraged by that well seeing as we don't have any components let's go get some more uh okay microelectronics so we're gonna need to mine out some stuff let's get drug production up too and then we're going to do oh what is this cheetahs all right otherwise good fortune good fortune mine out this where else are components i'm on the rare task of looking for components underneath the mountain no literally no components oh there there these things can be d uh deconstructed for components that is quite good and we have another one out here we'll just kind of wait on them to naturally do that uh and there's more components over here okay excellent excellent work thank you eyeballs for seeing the components my eyeballs have improved today i noticed a lack of chickens from which to get tender a lot of people been doing the chicken and cow meta yeah that's that's been a thing that's been a thing i really wish i could do a farm the other thing though is that we settled in an area where we would be challenged maybe next time i won't challenge myself as much hmm um oh modern totem doing like a like a small jail for your most valuable items like penoxicillin things like that i could see that that would work like if you put it into a forbidden room that's very far away from anything else that they use in the colony i think that's probably the best uh the best answer is just like any components we have just put them way over here so that despite the fact that they have to walk a far away i just think that that tantrum thing is so rare um i'm i'm not happy with it but this reminds me of the first time that i discovered how like forbidden drugs work in the game and i always used to have colonists have mood breaks and then just take a lot of like binge on psychite or something just a very unlucky mood break why are you eating pemmican when you could be eating these fine meals no there we are another statue so let's just see how this room is uh what is the quality of the extremely impressive extremely impressive this one's 122. this one's 134. so they walk in here actually i might install this here instead simply because i don't want them to be upset arc is shape arc is oh so when the expectations go up they demand something arcused minor break risk on bourbon why is he chemical starvation so it's only his chemical starvation here we're researching the drug lab so what i'm gonna do next is to make psychite tea which can actually be made in a kitchen if i'm not mistaken as soon as they finish research on that it'll be like another second mad rats is that literally just one rat i do not fear that no just go away and die um gun turrets auto karen i'll try some auto karen's we'll get some mini turrets in here hmm bourbon you're the only one i wouldn't want outside good the mad rat is dead and we will live to see another day let's go ahead and well how now hang on a second cheetah just prepare to fight there we are good okay i think that's no that actually happens to not be the last of the rats repel them repel them extinguish their lives good job fighting a rat with a spear that seems like a bit of an excessive item to use against it strike the rat is this vanilla it is indeed vanilla the skaven emissary approaches we are kind of playing as skaven ourselves though in a way hmm me thinks okay good back up to 16 components which we won't destroy all in one pile again hmm good was the other thing that i wanted to do though oh yeah uh drug production did they maybe perhaps they moved this over to the uh actual drug workstation uh let's build a drug lab in here even if we don't really use it per se it's still going to be worth it to create this thing simply because this might go better with our kitchen well whatever it is um just because they're really valuable so that might be worth it winters you destroyed everything now you fix everything i don't like you as much as i did before i still do like you though please don't leave please don't be hurt in your feelings i am right i'm right about you you just need to change that's all you just need to change now i could have sworn oh no i no so then it is still in the kitchen maybe perhaps it's because we don't actually have any of these things stockpiled what if how now when we put it in a stockpile zone how now no where is the where is the psychite made uh can i check the gerald ah yeah uh whatever you call it grenlin grenlin yeah where did i leave that oh there it is ah plant greenland tree uh what is this thing going to do for us seed of a greenland tree can be used to create a new uh garand garam lantry let's plant it somewhere that is outside somewhere that is outside it doesn't like metal okay then let's put it in front of our uh actually in front of our houses but yeah we'll put it in front of our house anyway in the spot where we already cut down all of the other trees to replace those things i have not experimented with this at all so it is almost totally a mystery to me where do we make psychite tea though psychite tea used to be made out of uh stove if i'm not mistaken right where crafting spot really really did they change that oh we need brewing to be able to create psychite tea my mistake then thank you ah yes we didn't have psychic refining so let's research that instead senior moment senior moment good good so we just need to do that uh in which case i don't actually want this stuff here but we will put our psychite leaves uh we will create like a high priority spot here we just need to kind of create a bigger kitchen now i think how am i gonna handle this uh we this room has not overheated at all and i've just kind of forgotten about it let's go ahead and um i don't really want to get the kitchen as a place of major foot traffic kind of on the fence i'm undecided i'm undecided what what should i do with this kitchen it's almost like i should have just shifted everything over a little bit i didn't think that we'd be working with quite this much space but in time yes everything will be mined away let's mine out this and i think we're just going to shift over this entire kitchen a little bit this way so the refrigerator will just be over here yes there and then we will shrink this zone back over yonder the kitchen we mine out these walls but then we also don't want a lot of foot traffic in there we really don't need that much space though what we might end up just doing is building a door over like here instead let's forbid this for now we delete that and then we create another marble wall over here yes this is a good idea um in which case we can do this and this and this and this and then i think it will build another door there okay all right i think that that works and then this just massively improves the size of our kitchen hmm it's always hard or tricky to shift things around once you've already established everything i need to research site yes the psycho psychic brewing thank you there's also beer brewing which beer is pretty i kind of regret that about this colony though just thinking about how extremely overpowered uh any types of drugs are in late game room world fanox is still in production go juice production wake up production i haven't really experimented much with goju's but i should go juice can be quite good this is the kitchen this is fine this is still cold except uh we need to get it colder and then i think that we can build another copy of these things only because we have so many more ingredients that i'd like to put into my kitchen but now the other new problem is that we need to do this and then this room just kind of becomes nothing simply because i don't want to have a lot of foot traffic in this kitchen all right i think that will effectively minimize the foot traffic in the kitchen we've got this now we want to get the auto cannons what do we need for auto cannons high tech research bench so we just need to go ahead and create one of those let's deconstruct one of these and then we will put a door here okay that seems pretty good to me again just trying to minimize the foot traffic so that i don't get the kitchen dirty my dog wait my dog how is marta marta recovered right only time i ever use go juice my colors had a heart attack and died really um what happened refining gives me freaking the oh yeah no i get the i get the drug production in the game the system taking me a while okay so now at this one oh yes my bad okay i see what you i see what you mean okay so what i need to do is do beer brewing uh cycloid brewing thank you that's it for psychiatry psychiatry is the one i want because we have somebody with a chemical fascination where he wants he wants drugs despite the fact that he is well which mccullen despite the fact that he is a neckbeard mole person and in general they don't like drugs but just all kinds of garbage like this but then that will allow us to do this i get okay then let's do we'll leave the meats in there we'll leave the funguses in there or fungi not yeah there we are that's how you say that um but we still can be refining psychic too let's go ahead and make we'll make until we have like let's make a conservative amount of smoke leaf joints there we are um the rest of this i know this looks like kind of a mess oh uh don't hold this open actually i just want to create enough doorways and things like that to dissuade them from ever wanting to walk through here yeah they'll figure it out okay let's give them a high-tech research bench now um high-tech research bench here we are and that belongs my god why is it that's fine we'll just build it over a little bit i am gonna need room for the multi-analyzer let's deconstruct that too and we'll reinstall this over here i think that's fine good good good and then yeah i think we're up in business again nice yeah just a lot of like restructuring types of things i need to do i think we'll send somebody else out on this quest too maybe we'll get uh uh decontruct good yeah do that first then we'll build you another research bench okay i think steel is fine we need more components again though all right i think at this point in time let's send somebody else out on a quest uh and bourbon also too needs that chemical fascination to give care we'll give him some sort of drug policy so that he tries out a bunch of different stuff but he doesn't get addicted to anything uh crop lights start them permission to stay at mount do for 12 days so they can rest and regroup refugees are not part of any faction okay great yeah so we'll take some refugees we have enough meals and we're stable enough that we can use the labor now is there anyone good among these psychopaths too smart warm plants animals night owl kind i'm looking for a crafter i don't have a crafter in here i just have miners planters yeah that is unfortunate oh okay well they'll do mostly that and just a lot of hauling floor on the freezer no it's perfectly clean in there don't question it um do we want only with this one entrance yeah i think i'll just leave that door forbidden hey wando g thanks for coming out did we already deconstruct all the ship parts for components yep we did though i don't think that we've mined out all of the other locations or here these ones are sitting on the floor waiting to be hauled but look there they go mining out the components this guy have this guy is a very long beard look at the how tenuous and oh my god it's beautiful i think they we have enough beds for these people too right three yep there are three beds there that is enough major breakers now what's your problem why are you breaking please don't missing dutiful form uh an arctic image jesus this would be a major advantage if we had more neckbeards come to join us come come join maybe we could convert one of them like select one of them to bring over to our faction and then just force him to join us or imprison him it seems that imprisonment has been buffed though there we are good uh now what do we need multi-analyzer or something [Music] cycloid brewing we'll do that very well and now this will give us permission to kind of leave our home exchange desired uh good nug fur has changed his look good he has taken on the neckbeard fantastic okay now i think we will actually send somebody out in the world yes the world form a caravan let's go over here we're just going to do one trip to this one and then one to the other one as well i'm going to send a lot of colonists though nug for uuu not really paying much attention now because we have laborers and we can do more or less whatever we want spoon has the heavy smg so we'll send him as well and we want people who are stable who won't break like they did the last time now i thought four was enough the last time it wasn't so let's send winters as we uh or trenchacam would be fine uh 2.5 days of food that should be enough okay everyone we're going on a trip uh not in our favorite rocket ship just on a on the ground is what we're going to do we've decided no it'd be very expensive to go on a trip in a rocket ship need to expand that okay who's going crazy malachar uh villagers database okay good this is the information about the dimma sword uh all right we know how to deal with this now so i'm going to accept this one as well where is this my god all of this information about a sword keeps popping up go my people go quickly now quickly feast your eyes on the horizon a worm you are impr uh malacar so far these people have just destroyed our base okay good he is back rational again and now with enough colonists to keep it going uh let's also spoon we actually sent out there we should have activated spoon's mining ability because we could get quite a lot of it done right now but alas it was not meant to be um yeah we need marble for the walls too you know let's just make it out of granite i never expected we would get to this point but it doesn't make much of a difference and these are sort of like outer walls so it's fine granite granite granite granite granite and why is there a raccoon asleep in here and also a uh a hair yeah we will we will murder them because they are right now they've just entitled themselves to our meal source i don't like that precision rifling i need sniper rifles because they're pretty overpowered uh when you get them in the right hands good die good okay that was painfully easy very nice hmm everyone is asleep except winters is what's the matter with you fibrous mechanics good bourbon the sketchy doctor good bulk goods trader might end up getting some more components here as well um i think i will send you out in fact we'll just wait until they come in a bit closer marble blocks good he's bringing over the marble blocks worm two major break risk on winters that's fine uh uh actually he's gonna get us worse prices we'll just wait until he gets out of the light okay good uh try to trade now all right whatever it's fine components have they any components they do have a goat but only a single goat animal is ridable oh because of caravans whoops was that in the game before kind of questioning that right now now let's settle away our bowler hats which we were so privy to wearing previously um simple steel helmet we'll sell away the awful one these ones are of normal quality but we'll sell away the poor quality ones because you don't really want to be wearing poor quality armor i hate to say it cindered viber uh tribal ware is actually quite valuable we'll sell that um 48 51 51 sell all of this synth red t-shirts good good good all of this poor quality this is like a trip to tj maxx one man's trash is another man's treasure um [Music] blue for all of this good we want the textiles because we just want to keep on grinding our crafting skills we actually love insect meat so we may perhaps have some of this let's just test some of it out let's buy like 100 of this i haven't had a chance to try any of it a delicacy a delicacy we will sell a negative just because we have so much goddamn fungus and we need money more uh and in return we'll buy a lot of tribal medicine because we have we haven't really quite been making it as fast as i thought we would i believe that's it unfortunately these people don't have components they have only bison which is not really desired oh damn it uh hang on a second oh then let's buy a thousand insect meat uh eleven hundred amazing okay this is great we for some reason we enjoy eating insect meat in this faction oh the why is the goat so great but it's a male goat do we really need the goat actually do should we get the goat our goats overpowered i was waiting for a chicken or a cow hmm overall caravan speed in one point my voice sounds naturally poetic and you were thought you would be disappointed from the videos yeah sometimes i know i switch into different different depending upon my mood different cadences and and whatnot it does it differs day to day you ever do that though you just feel indifferent um i think that partly become if i were one of those face cam people you would you would do one thing more often no but i look painfully generic in real life this is the reason i don't show you who i am okay here we are zooming in oh this is a good place wow hang on a second why didn't i have this before who is broken trencher kim uh hang on a moment you're a slob die maybe it's because we've had her with this uh trench or what is it flak jacket you know you just be yourself over there i'm gonna send in the good people over here ah excellent okay so we know that the entire place is gonna blow up with fire so i think that's more of a reason to my god what is this a locker with a body oh god okay uh you go ahead and no you'll never do constructing okay well you're i'll never like you okay this is painful a little bit hang on a second maybe we should just set them up here fabio go ahead and deconstruct that because how the hell else are we gonna get into this place we're probably gonna get raided or something when we're done with this let's just destroy all of the walls nearby everyone just make yourselves at home knock yourself out these are uh 1.3 do you have a tutorial for a split screen project zomboid i haven't done a tutorial in a while um all you got to do is steam remote play though okay what is blowing up in here oh you get out of there hang on a second actually stay in this room the hissing is getting higher and higher i feel like i'm getting a little crypto sleep pod attacked this to destroy it well okay game oh no everything is on fire now you get out of there what do we even want to go come to this place for what was this what was this place about again hey too funky thanks very much for the prime as well as a little bit vc and a little bit vc thank you very much for the five gift subs god bless but the fires on the crates so they don't disappear i know it's just there's so much fire is it i don't want to risk anyone's life what was this place again ancient installation break into the structure and hacking to use some uh watch out okay so we need to make sure that the computer terminals don't get destroyed i think that this is the only one and probably enemies will come out when we're done with it all right so i suppose that if we want to get information we've got to uh nope don't go in that room that would be bad what do we get here compact weaponry okay i actually apply that that's good we'll be watching the um traps lighting everything on yeah i don't really like how it just destroys everything but it does make it kind of like tense and dangerous let's see what happens when we attract enemies in yeah you go ahead go get those meals okay we're going to hack into this terminal are we really in the optimal fighting position right here i have no idea where these enemies are going to come from though raid by western narcone oh is that by our crazy person think we have to get out of here now because we're probably just going to keep on getting raided select all of our colonists we're going to just bring everyone over to trent chikem and just try to have them deal with the fire instead of us looks like they're coming for the ancient installation so yeah i think that we pretty much made it out of here albeit everything is on fire but i don't really care to learn any more information yes i think that this is fine i can see the linked quest from the tile in the world ah yes we should do that i'm pretty sure that i did all of the hacking though right there wasn't any other terminal to hack in there i'm not mistaken despite the fact that it destroyed some stuff ancient kitchens sink the only thing i won't ever know is that crypto sleep pod but i'm fine with that and we all made it out okay great how much more uh food do we have we might as well go to the worshipful village as well really quick and then come home a little bit hungry i think that would be fine i think that would be fine do we need to fight the raid did we actually get the information uh let's see active ancient installation ah no there is another installation though we have to go to oh it's off the map now i mean we did hack into the terminal okay the worshipful village so now we're just going to send somebody in there who's the fastest among these people everyone else stay at the map edge whom am i willing to uh who am i willing to risk not whom who's the fastest among you um your manipulation isn't quite as well you're fine nug fur so far is the best candidate ah actually trenchacam is the fastest oh my word fabio is very fast okay fabio you're going in get that terminal everyone else uh stay far away just in case i think we can do this peacefully if we just go in and they don't notice anything um hey atomic shark thank you very much for the sub oh my god wait a second get out of there you're very fast though so you'll probably escape everyone else get drafted but get ready to just run away they might get a few bose ah amaze amaze yes we are saved good we have fled the hidden temple legends of the hidden temple ah hey super nintendo thanks very much hang on a second go back to mount 2. here we are zoom in okay this has happened we are better off we are better off now we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna have to create a lot of psychite tea or like um flake i think flake unit for unit is more valuable than yayo i know yayo is more expensive actually it's been a while it's they're pretty comparable though quest completed so now we have almost all of the mono soared to money the revered relic we have three out of five we just need the last part of the ancient installation and then i'll be four or five and then we just need one more let's see if we can get that before the end of this um that makes three out of five and then once we get the last uh one that we've been assigned we'll be at four out of five then we'll just need one more after that i rather like the variety here though because quests used to always just be like uh very one-dimensional colonist needs a rescue armadillo what happened to you ah food poisoning i don't see how you would need to be rescued from your food poisoning though like is anything gonna well yeah like you just went to outback and you had a really big plate of ribs jesus at mcshark thanks very much for the gift step [Music] can we have lots of we haven't really been going for a psycher colony but we could have done that we could have a little bit vc thank you very much for those five unmerited very much unmerited i don't know what i what am i well thank you regardless for the five gifts clearly i never had your musk uh yaks how many how many yaks though okay a male and a female yak if they joined immediately you know i'm gonna say yes i'm gonna say yes yes to these yaks will they have enough nutrition probably not just so that we could train our animal skill though because i think that that is there is some value in that anyway um hey light occurred thanks very much for the sub appreciate it [Music] um where to put animalia animalia out here i think that's enough room for two yaks how much room do two yaks need i'm gonna put them outside of my kiln box because i don't really care about them but i want to use them as sort of a meat shield you know what i mean we will cut the trees solar flare okay it's decent timing for that we have good power yes our lives are fine in here here at mount do uh though we don't want them seeing all that all those animal corpses shrink this zone down my god that was a lot of arctic foxes out there really it was truly caravan has arrived ah yes welcome home heroes legends of the hidden temple and casual victim very much very much thanks for the prime i feel like assault rifles are way more useful with raiding being more important i feel like that there's been a lot of quests where it's just kind of get in and get out you don't necessarily need combat but the more dynamism the happier i am and there is certainly a lot of dynamism in this oh my god hang on a second we need to keep converting this woman um is it hippopotamus it's hippopotamus uh where does fabio fabio go ahead and convert hippopotamus again while the lights are out she'll never expect it ah good okay conversion attempts have been successful [Music] thus far anyway um man it's so sad to see your colony with solar flare maybe one of these people would join us though moonlight almost sounds like alucard castlevania right there it's the literacy would i want any of these people though night owl and kind this one might be a good columnist simply because she could do the jogging uh age 51 she's got some years on her but she's still got plenty of time left so i would take worm i would take worm yeah plenty of time for worm my god please stop throwing up everywhere good good okay now we have the psychic refining yes we do okay so then let's go ahead and here here let's create that uh psychic t times four and we'll do it until we have i would say like ten that seems fine atomic shark thanks very much for the three gift subs god bless and haze mc1 thanks for the prime and argots thanks for the sub why don't i cremate corpses i'm using these corpses in the corpse room to keep this room dirty so that it hopefully gets infestations to spawn here i've also been told that furniture increases the chances but so far we haven't had any infestations whatsoever it's also been extremely cold in our base for much of the time which might be preventing much of the infestation from happening i don't think it's been so cold so i don't think that's likely but it is possible um ah yes we will put the emus i mean the uh what are they they're yaks the yaks it could have been emus shame that it wasn't but it was it was indeed [Music] you could edit it into my very intuitive and dead movement yeah i could i could change your ideology but what i've been kind of experiencing is just that i don't like it that the ideology is a little bit one-dimensional but it seems as though they've been adding in little patches and things like that that make it more dynamic as the game goes on so good good for lydia good for lulu i always want to say luden like you know the cough drop company you think that inspired tynan because maybe he had a cough when he was making the game i don't think that's so unlikely um who is this who is there at my door oh these are royal tribute killing royal tribute collectors just seem like really stuck up people if you ask me you know i where is the money where's the money we did absolutely nothing for you we have a shuttle look at how advanced our civilization is who cares about going to space anymore when we have all of this down here all kinds of crazy stuff is happening down here we're planting psychide every day hunter lacks ranged weapon betrayal offer caro this is new has learned that malachar has several refugees being these enemies who wants oh hang on a second i could this is dynamic and interesting i got a second yes perhaps i will betray this refugee he is kind of a terrible colonist biosculpting we haven't gotten yet are we going to are we going to get up to that uh yeah i'm thinking fabrication would be good so let's do that um why do i mean the ideologies oh because you can't change them after the game has begun unless you go into dead mode [Music] the refugee quest is pretty cool okay let's let's try betraying this guy uh his enemies with milk and wants to seem dead he will send you the following reward if i kill all members okay so i have to kill all of my guests will there be any this is a new type of quest yes let's put them all into the corpse room hang on a second let me just because i have control over them he'll give me 500 if i kill my guests i don't i'm not really liking these guests as much as i thought i would hmm though is it worth it for the labor i mean we could create 500 they could probably create 500 worth of stuff with their labor right now though i think i'm just going to keep them they can hang out otherwise i would say yes because it's interesting okay we've gotta demo we've got a medium drone oh is it time for the jubilee of stone hang on a second no it's not yet time for the soon it will be time though soon and very soon uh let's have a leader speech this will make everyone happier tell us about some stuff tell us about some stuff after you put that down but you aren't here and it's already halfway over and you just threw up on the floor are you gonna even get a chance to make the speech he's just telling everybody about how sick and tired he is of throwing up it was an encouraging speech fantastic even after he just oh that was that was quite funny hey atomic shark thank you very much for the bits and all the support it means a lot seems to be a quest that less common before the patch that are more common yeah i like the variety i've seen a good a good bit of variety i think overall the one ideology system can use a little bit more fleshing out um flesh however i think overall it's it's a very nice update i'm always happy to see an update on the game and honestly just the fact that i've spent so much time playing it i hope no one thinks i'm being too critical i mean it's really a 10 out of 10 game to me it's just like minor stuff now but that's what uh that's what people want to know about they want to know about the minutia they want to know about the minutia expand the zone and then i want to give everybody to change shotguns because they're badass um change shotguns we able to create these things yet i still kind of want the flak jackets more my god everybody has been throwing up has one of the bad people been doing all the cooking oh it's because they've been doing cooking ah crap there's some jobs that you just can't have your guests do and they're automatically assigned to now here what i want them all doing is hauling and cleaning because they have caused enough turmoil and chaos look at all the vomit everywhere on our colony he's so into his own speech that he threw up yeah he threw up he was getting butterflies before the speech and it was merely encouraging ah great look at all of those dead bodies in there um arc is shaped desired who desires this arcus shape you off to low medicine hunter lax range weapon worm oh i do kind of feel like that this colony is stagnated like it is after we lost all of those colonists i knew that would kind of happen the place itself is very nice it's just that it's now kind of uh not making progress as quickly i'm trying to think of other things that would get us a little bit further on really i sometimes feel like rimworld without mods just lends itself to constant begin tree touch gathering what the hell connector will connect with a hang on a second i want to learn about this connector will start with depending upon ritual quality yeah let's do it oh this kind of like nature is beautiful all right let's gather around the tree growling tree uh winter's has connected with the grand grand land tree will produce small animals called dryads by growing them in pods at its base oh i have not tried this yet brides can specialize in different casts casts what is this hinduism you can choose which cast of dryads you want the tree don't they have a cast i think so are there any other cultures and civilizations with that system stronger the connection between the tree and the human the more dry adds the current wow maintaining whoa this is a neat thing what if we kill the tree that would really ruin it oh the tree got hit by a mortar i might not have wanted to pick winters for this oh well it was the first time i was doing it choose triad cast would make this exists uh wow this is like neopets barks can absorbing hits during combat carrier oh wow can we have a lot of these things this is kind of like the uh worker bots this seems like a very specific non this seems more like a mod type of thing than a base game type of thing a little bit i kind of question that but it seems very nice and you don't have to do it if you don't want to so off off with you um we don't really need the wood we've got a lot of it let's go ahead and take carriers just because i always like having a lot of that um [Music] okay i mean we don't even have any triads yet tantrum on cheetah gronlin tree connection that's fine we have visitors who can just do all of our menial tasks for us anyway um pick only one casper tree one thing it doesn't emphasize yeah i've kind of figured that but i mean can you have multiple trees hours per day to maintain five he's kind of a full-time job staring at a tree he's literally becoming a full-time tree hugger i i feel as though if i were gonna do this in a colony i would like a lot of them but uh very neat thing to be added i think it's cool yeah no complaints that's that is cool there's still some help yeah you could still have animals haul um i want to say that that's been changed slightly my god look at how filthy this room is still somewhat impressive though this is why we added more statues into this room it looks so goddamn good let's keep on adding more because you can never have too many statues in a room although it is probably bringing the wealth yeah look we are getting like astronomical wealth that is not good eighty-nine thousand we have almost a hundred thousand this might even be enough for an archotec end if we wanted it but i assume that there's more standing in the way let's see if these emus fall in love fire starting spree this guy is really kind of a liability we still have people no they can still put out fires why is no one putting out the fire oh because certain people have reserved the fire like that's my fire no one touched that one ah geez uh where do we have psychic okay now we have psychic tea good we have plenty of psychiatry being created and then if we have all of that then let's go ahead and say make smoke leaf joint and then we'll do i don't know how much flake i want to have in the colony though because it's kind of a low quality very addictive drug i might not even make any at all might just be better off selling smoke leaf joints because if somebody goes on a binge this [ __ ] could hit the fan yeah that wouldn't be good wealth is good with astronomical yeah if we get more firepower it'll be worth it well how are we with components now 12 components still haven't really come back from that we have found no crafters for god's sake in this entire playthrough really thought we would have found a crafter by now but i do think i want to like one or two turrets outside of our base i think what would be a good place for them would be behind the marsh over here and i'm also going to we'll fill this in build a copy of that there and then we will we'll mine out the rest of this wall because i want them to have a clear line of sight over to this area and we have a tantrum on worm okay god these people have not really been great it's like a drone is ending good okay we are back to normal now warm warm that is a large ass prison cell my god you've destroyed everything worm jesus when are you satisfied boring into all of see what i did there because worms bore into things that was good wasn't it apparel times three honest idol god these people are garbage i should have killed them when do i still have that quest where i could kill them hang on a second no i don't still have that quest that is unfortunate i really wanted to kill these guests they have been such a liability hey maggio thanks very much for the prime yeah all my gosh yeah the thing is that it's almost like it's almost like the hospitality mod you need a place for your colonists to live and then you need a place for all the crazy people to live or um the people who are less crazy than you rather i should say to live ah this is exactly what i wanted okay so now we're going to go ahead and let's do security we're going to build a steel mini turret right out here i think that this is good because it saves them from the marsh and people have a harder time getting to this turret uh we'll put it right there but i don't want to make it easy for them to get over to it also probably put one on the other side just because i'm kind of ocd like that and i want it done that's good and then we'll just have to connect over some power lines to them now these things can become kind of a liability too and oh my god stop fighting my people good win carry them away take them away odd potato thank you very much for the sub i appreciate it it's no longer they had hit him occasions where somebody being literally stabbed in the brain caused them to oh yeah sometimes colonists will enter like an idiot savant state or i can't remember what exactly they call it where they'll be really good at something but really terrible at everything else because they get hit uh shot in the head which is just very interesting but also kind of like what like what is yeah my god wow that is quite generous and very much unmerited thank you very much to the anonymous for 10 gift subs sheesh what can i do for you thank you how how uh how extremely noble really anonymity there is someone named anonymous in this chat though right i had a trauma savant that gained a lot of social but his wound destroyed his ability to speak yeah something like that like uh you know the diving bell and the butterfly kind of thing that sort of effect ah some components right under my nose right under my nose now what i sort of figure with this is that you know it's better to have a really solid defense strategy now like we are we are seriously inside of this mountain no one would question that we are in this mountain but at the same time it's like we just need to kind of fan out our defenses over this one area and we should be okay i think i'm also going to try to just smooth everything out but it's starting to look more like a real castle defense which is kind of exciting you know i've always wanted that for this game let's even smooth out some of this area over here smooth out this garbage smooth out this and probably this over here as well yeah that's fine okay people have fewer and fewer things to hide behind now because we've made everything smooth my word jesus christ that's another that's another ten gift subs god bless thank you very much appreciate it a lot ah very nice wow thank you that's yeah that's a whopping 20 gift subs thank you very much i'll say uh this in my own well for what we're doing for the channel we are getting some more emoji made it by the fantastic art of distant cacophony um so it's been fun it's been fun streaming you know getting into the kind of twitch kind of sits at its own table you know it's like uh it's a neat place but i i've liked it for what it does and i'm just glad that we can kind of bring that over with the vods to youtube tmi.twitch.tv uscrnotice ambiguous amphibian this is very uh somewhat foreboding but yes thank you i am very uh i am a little bit scared of that message from no but thank you very much for all the gift subs thank you [Music] i've got the power dang dangalang dangalangs man thanks very much for the sub [Music] mad dough not anymore that does dead we need to set all of our colonists to attack good this has been my this has been my i don't like it when they just kind of stand there and don't do anything except for who's the guy with the emp grenades he'll be like brick from anchorman brick where did you get a hank a hand grenade um how do we make this impassable it's becoming more of a headache than anything else have anyone nearby to trade with and when we get some of that psychite we will ah look at this amazing steel allocation good the colony is starting to become more and more organized ah i've waited long i've waited long for uh uh we happen to have a guy in a mental break right now but let's see if we can find somebody else with these and so strangely malachar is very good with social despite the fact that he's doing a lot of anti-social things [Music] hey aragorn thank you very much for the oh jesus christ thank you very much for the sub oh wow [Music] you have my ear indeed you have my ear indeed jesus christ that is far more than i uh wow you gracious no name saint that is hang on i am going to need to pause the game because that is quite that is quite a lot of money modern totem thank you very much as well as the anonymous gifts that is quite a lot of money thank you for the 10 000 bits that is quite a lot a little conversation the other day i uh hmm i'm a better writer than i am a speaker for scoring now i'm back i'm not gonna give a speech thank you very much it means a lot you you have my i'm gonna have to give you both of my ears now i think oh it'll be like van gogh times two jesus christ hang on a second thank you so much i really appreciate that like i said i'm trying to invest invest it back into the channel i've got some ideas planned for once the internet connection is better which seems we have still been dropping some frames this stream but i promise i'll use it for good stuff thank you very much please do tell me what you most enjoy well actually i did hear about that was it the um was the tour solo i mean will i be back with another tour solo this is a question maybe there could be like a tor solo part too but either way i don't know it just kind of like puts me in the right direction i want to make sure that i that i i keep making content for the right reasons you know for the right for the right uh for my most avid supporters so it means a lot um parkers can we sell all of this um raccoon meat and he plans on story driven series for the youtube like the cs that's been my one thing that i feel like we've lost out on with more of the segmented comic content fragger and there's just kind of on the note of what i was talking with modern totem about the other days i do kind of miss having more characterization in the characters that i would create that would kind of develop as the story went on tour squad leader people like this and i think that's something that i'm going to need to replace somehow on the channel i don't really want these yaks to be honest with you so maybe on that mode maybe we'll head in that direction but god streaming has been a lot of fun i gotta say like just damn it's nice to just get on here and just kind of hang out are you winning father toad i would say so i would say so damn atomic shark papa j crazy one beltran thanks for the primes and the subs how tedious was recording torsola actually tor solo is very fun and easy to record um oh we got another devil strand veil this would be good cloth tribal head dress no tor solo was uh i actually created that when i was done with work for several days like i did it after work which was a surprise that one just kind of slid out you know like no wipe required just a clean series because i was i had like a creative inspiration but maybe someday again pokemon run and kenshi sounds fun one dude with as many animals as possible oh like the nigel thornberry run i was thinking of doing like dog man or we did it with crab men i was disappointed that crab man didn't do better but i think i crab man needed more time for his character to develop little littlebit vc thanks for the gifts up and officer jenkins for the uh for the 500 bits i don't know can she zomboid rimworld i would like to get in cdda somehow though but yeah what i've just been kind of doing over the last couple of weeks was that when the channel does very well which i had a video get very promoted it kind of makes me like uh like i feel like everything has to do that well so it it takes me a while for the expectations to lower back down but gradually over time i i like to think that things are improving but it's been a lot of fun though the last uh the last year and kind of transitioning into everything i got to say that rimworld is one of those games where i've never gotten uh any really strong characterization you know i think the strongest characterization was on one like orange so i'm hoping that there will be more mods where it's like uh you can develop more of a character you see what i'm saying like in zomboid i can characterize more in kenshi i can characterize and more but my god look at this dryad cocoon oh here they come the little carrier people i like that oh jesus jesus jesus [Music] wowzers hang on a second whoa odd potato thank you very much for those 10 gift subs god bless man i gotta do we gotta do something special for one of the upcoming community streams i gotta get that kahoot ready again or something once this bitrate stops fluctuating around so crazy thank you very much and zanpog for the prime characterize more in zomboid yeah i don't know what it like when i say characterize things i mean that you can see more of the character's face in a game like zomboid or a kenshi i i only bring this up because my friend uh spiffing brit brought this up when he was talking about paradoxes marketing campaign for crusader kings three and how part of their plot was actually to say that players need to be able to create more of like a a characterization story for a character i've been streaming for a while i'm not making as much sense as i was before but you know what i mean like uh it's a little harder to do that sometimes in rim world just because you don't really feel like you have an up close and personal relationship with the colonists i feel like ideology is going to do a bit more of that but we'll see what uh we'll see what mods bring hmm friends you show yourself a couple months ago i watched almost all of the series in a few days well i worked hey thanks fragger anyway the one i've been working on the last couple days has been survival island in zomboid i always find that it helps me kind of get away from things if i just uh or do better if i just kind of get away from everything and you know like skateboard or something just do something that kind of clears my mind thing of which here in florida there are some nice skate parks i might head out for a bit then do some zomboid survival thank you very much guys this is an outstandingly generous uh generous audience i i once again i i just want to say i never expect anyone to give anything for coming to the streams but it's always totally appreciated that was quite a lot um uh i felt like there was something more i had to say never expected though um it it means a lot to me and it's just outstandingly generous [Music] good cleaning is happening [Music] i will tell you my secret plan i would love to get a game dev a game dev who you probably know to come on to a stream once if i could that was actually my idea for one of the uh charity streams that we did before we had a really good charity stream the last time we did um and i would like to make that kind of thing happen more often but if we could make it more of like a special event by actually inviting somebody we don't normally have to the channel i've got a couple collabs coming up with some friends but uh there there's a lot of indie developers that really love to hit up if any of them would ever have a time um just people on several of the games that i play but uh most of them are really nice folks so i'm just hoping we can get that done anyway that's the kind of surprise i've been planning i haven't said it in a while but just this is outstandingly generous so i wanted to give something up anyway um so that is my plan this is my plan i have still not really done any canvassing but that would be amazing if it does happen i will make a lot of announcements on it on discord if if i ever manage to get anything to happen [Music] with this all good we are getting more components my colony goals are somewhat ambiguous yeah you know we've just been kind of plotting away now let's go ahead and do some uh let's go ahead and do some scouting again let's actually get this quest done damn hang on a second do we have the good the caravan go on get out of here you uh this is only the one where they need to do some basic hacking so we could get ambushed here but it is very dangerous yes i will i will uh say that again 0.7 days but we have two days of food that is good good okay reform excuse me reform the caravans aurora atomic shark thank you very much for the five gift subs god bless my friend god bless thank you that is that is quite a jesus jesus hang on a second can you ping me on the can you ping me on the discord please because i want to just hear more i say this often but if if people are this is outstandingly generous just at least let me know what more you want to see of at the very least scp thank you for the 500 bits and jeremy for the prime [Music] okay good go my people go my people onto greener fields and pastures new we will reforge uh some kind of covenant when we get there with whatever uh deity we worship this is to be the quest of ideology to reform the oh damn cheese cheese louise cheese louise mia thank you for the prime and little bit vc for the 25 gift subs jesus jesus christ can we get some can we get some uh can we get some of the new emojis in the chat god bless if you're getting a gift sub please be sure to say thanks a little bit thank you very much for the god damn this is this is outstanding this is outstanding we will use this to create more granite spike traps my god i should get a granite spike trap emoji made of just a shaking granite jesus thank you very much please ping me i know the discord's right down below if you if you could just ping me though thank you very much little bit jesus christ dan wizard for the 200 bits um yes good more amphibians in the chat ah over the river and through the woods we go damn well this is hang on a second i'm i might have to stop the stream and just uh but where no i don't i don't we it'll keep it in room world i might have to shoot the doomsday rocket launcher damn hang on a second we're being raided at the same time oh no just mad wild boars hang on a second aragorn 8 30 with the with the five gift subs thank you very much damn very well very happy to support you love all the content i'm happy it did what it helped you enjoy whatever you enjoy more speaking of which hang on a moment worm oh wait actually you are expendable worm you can just die bourbon we have bourbon here let's just let this raid happen because i'm not really concerned for these people let's just let them die [Music] got my payday the other day gotta use it oh only only if you can you only honestly guys i never want you to put yourselves in any kind of financial financial need but if you if you're uh if it makes you happy then i'll uh i'll use it for more good content thank you that means a lot skyrimocity very much thanks for the sub or for the prime regardless it is what it is oh god wait a minute why do these boards just attack a fence i got a second malachar uh yeah you go you go off to off to timbuktu with you all right yeah you know you can die that's all right hmm hang on a second everyone get over this oddly misshapen relic or ruin or whatever it is that's what i meant before please never give anything if it puts you at any financial necessity but i appreciate it and i will put it more toward the content they'll all depart if he dies oh well great i i don't like him anyway good i don't want him here get rid of him hang on a second uh you winters you stay right there you just you stay drafted fantastic oh i forgot that we had all those turrets too good worm you go after them i don't care if we mess up the quest anyway here we are fantastic okay uh inside with you people [Music] i will be back in no time it'll be fine no i love productively messing up quests in this game um fabio is seeming extremely mysterious now well where is that i'm just gonna leave them all in here we're gonna are we gonna die hang on a second that was in the other room nothing went wrong nothing went wrong scp thank you very much for the sub appreciate it and stitch anthropo anthropophage for the 500 bits thank you [Music] hmm wall down eat or sleep if you will not assigned to constructing you never will do constructing deconstruct this steel wall um i can open i know i neglected to do it we should do that my thing is i always get medicine but is there anything good in here we got some tech prints before actually now that you mention it ah another terminal good hack hack inside pods arriving and what did we get over here oh neutral amy that's not bad okay we are being raided now though this is very small this man is a small burb we are being raided by a small burb with green hair he's like a tree hugger why would he rate us i kind of question that whole ideology because there's some combat in her mom let's just f this guy's day up i'm here to f up your day man uh that is done request available awesome edifice good who cares what's happening at home really oh wait a minute winters is still drafted we gotta undraft him you go ahead do whatever you want winters is that guy dead yep he died immediately well he was carrying all of this jade okay uh yeah get out of here okay there we are world reform caravan and go damn you neutral i mean bring the neutral aiming with you and the jade that seems fine to me okay send them off goodbye people hmm can i open that thing in the middle of the blue i did that yes okay okay oh oh good okay we've made them our enemies oh no he's in the battery room though um you go over here uh wait a second uh i did not count on this happening quite like this hang on a second you bring out the steel spear and you just get ready we need the old man and the young man to join together and fight this gentleman named armadillo who just immediately collapsed for some reason here we are ups are we getting delivered something in the chat betrayal reward oh we did get the betrayal reward fantastic oh he gave us an ltch shirt that's not that bad all right i'll allow it that's fine by me praise our moist skinned overlord thank you for those 500 bits anthropomorphage [Music] methinks new quest has become uh okay this is the last one for the mono sword though right we should do this wait this is very excite this would be like the penultimate thing you've detected an orbiting space drone that may contain information about dim monos or do you have the code that will force it to land at mount two to get the information hacking to the drone's computer javelins they aren't very scary they're just pirates as long as it's present they'll send attackers okay every eight hours this is more information explain destroy and steal the wealth they think it contains uh you've detected okay so it's going to land here hacking takes time but those strong and intellectual skill can speed up the process pirates and the javelins will detect okay so they're going to attack every eight hours at our base if we don't do it i guess okay so we'll do that we'll wait until our people come back though before we accept this quest so we'll just give it them we'll give them until like tomorrow morning or something that'll probably be for the best very safe very safe we opened the door too quickly and surprised him yeah that guy got killed by like the light of the door opening um finally these net yes these neckbeards have been chasing after a katana for what i would say is what is it now two years a year or two i think it has been that long it's been a while we're about to have the second jubilee of stone yeah i think it's two years hey hawkton thanks very much for the 100 bits i can't recommend uh p music yeah the ost does get kind of repetitive after a while but perhaps that's just because rimrolls is a game that you could just play for so long and it never really gets old do other folks i mean if i weren't streaming it or anything like that so many of my room world hours have been for content or streamed that i haven't really thought much about what to listen to when i wasn't playing it but i suppose i'd just play something else of different kind of ambient background music if i did more hmm the meals are coming along good need five bits of info this would be the last one this would be the last info about the mono sword i should accept this too but is it going to happen immediately royal ascent goodwill we don't really care about the goodwill as soon as people get back fires from the javelins will detect the drones energy signature huh this is very strange i've never seen a drone in this game land i will say that first off how much more time do we have to accept this it doesn't have a oh it'll self-destruct in 30 days so i assume that means we have 30 days to accept it either that or it might mean that once it lands the space drone will then explode in 30 days you can't really tell which one but let's just give everybody a little bit of time to get back up to speed happy again happier and with their mouths open good we'll also expand this zone so that we have more mushrooms my god these people eat nothing but mushrooms and we'll also see if we can convert hippopotamus ma ah so she won't um let's clean this room before we start trying to convert someone fabio can also convert where his hippopotamus go go to fabio to be converted good 72 now and then the conversion room is clean oh [Music] that is unfortunate huh i think because i clicked into the conversion menu did it say that it took another three days because i examined it that seems a little odd maybe i did it wrong and we have a general art chat on the discord uh love just sharing and discuss artworks with great community i would consider it i would consider it if we could frame it in a certain way like i've enjoyed the fan art channel when we had an old generic art channel it was somewhat useful but then it also just sort of became unrelated so if we could think of a way to make it like active and relevant then yes i would say but it also just kind of became a place where people would constantly post anime boobs uh which was just like all right that's enough of that now um which there's nothing wrong with that but it was also kind of like uh became vague for modding but yeah that is that is uh that is the the reason why we don't have just a generic art general channel in general um but yeah if you can frame it in in a good way that it is more relevant to the channel then yes um but but again that that does require a lot of stipulations unfortunately if that makes sense the convert skill being on cd now that there's anything wrong with you know anime boobs but it's just not very relevant to this channel unfortunately there is that one guy who makes it relevant to all of his videos though who is that guy again what was his name i can't remember there's some guy out there um oh god yeah like some uh wait a second flash storm flash storm no not our gerulan tree morphing immature dryad one into carrier dried so this is what an immature dryad looks like yeah something like that winters there you go all right me thinks let's accept the drone now yeah i hate like shutting down ideas that's i i i hate to do that but sometimes it's just like uh i don't have a plan which scares me which scares me at times though i don't want to sound like a prude or a slob if that makes sense um disease fibrous okay let's just tend these tend these uh diseases we're also going to need what appears to be more yes more kilo root there we are good yeah let's see if we can tell the drone where to land okay we're gonna go into quests now except for info about dimano sword space drone incoming what will this whoa that wasn't where i would have expected it to be but okay uh let's see if we can get who is our best researcher bourbon is very good at this so his intellectual speed is and i'm glad that they gave intellectuals some like power his hacking speed is 121 we excel at hacking what are the stats of the combat command i don't really know have they have they led on anymore about it effectoration i should have waited more time for this then boost the combat skills of everyone nearby yeah unfortunately i don't have really any more information on that send you back eventually we'll get somebody else to hack it but this is this is actually quite neat i tried this yet let bourbon sleep ambrosia sprout ambrosia okay but it might be good for one of our guys no sewing delete delete delete no sewing no sewing there we go hmm yeah research well one thing that's great about research is that they can always just uh what was i going to say they can always grind it more or less there are some skills that is ah wait we're being raided by the javelins okay so now we need to get this thing finished hacking because apparently it's just going to stay here until we finish hacking it i thought that meant once we finished hacking it then they would you know what i mean get her bringing out all the king's horses and all the king's men now a spoon actually you just kind of stand back there see what they do with these okay they are just staying there good this was not all in vain yeah just keep researching i want this i want this done [Music] uh what would the health change oh combat command shooting accuracy plus 3.0 oh and melee hit chance okay so it increases the accuracy i don't know what the exact numbers mean do i have a technologist with the research order i don't know if that helps with hacking but uh i don't think i do have a technologist with the research order but thank you though is that like one of the more specific powers that i've still have yet to find ah god they are mining through now this is sort of a normal vanilla thing they would do this at times anyway but this is just kind of an annoying way they happen to be doing it we will set them off on you set to let's get it right in the face of this guy set two off there and set one over there okay so now you got in there so we'll just send you to that guy and we're gonna f your day up good he is dead and down what is this granite wall blueprint we'll allow that everyone else come over here it looks like you're gonna come in through this doorway though ah they probably all will the indecision of rimworld combat um there we go okay and he didn't really want to come through you get back in on the other side nice all right fantastic but they're gonna attack again in another eight hours so we need to steal ourselves against them [Music] yeah it seems like they buffed intellectual and social which i do think were kind of one-dimensional skills like they had pretty much only one use before this spoon you get back in here man active diplomacy uh let's talk with the nearby uh we wouldn't we just kind of want the mono sword let's see if we can get the mono sword um like using the yeah it does feel kind of like playing 40k like there's so many abilities to choose from that it's almost just overwhelming nug fur is out there and the only danger is if bourbon like breaks he's stressed right now why don't you go ahead and just do something else and then i'll send in trencha cam she's the other one who has decent yes she also has very good research ability so we'll use her for the rest of it and she's not about to snap that's good virgin ritual 1.5 more days very good very good social having use in rituals and leadership buds buffs is a very good addition yeah i think the whole like colony dynamic of them being a community and all together and not just a bunch of individuals has been improved or like you know people aren't just bad for no reason like there's always some way that you can bring somebody back with enough conversion bloodlust nimble careful shooter gay we could use that social stat and the crafting too this would be a good callus if we can keep uh mommy is it mammy yeah it's mommy okay yeah we want to we want to get mommy into our colony great name great to get mommy in here okay everybody let's go get mommy hang on a second we're almost done hacking go over there uh you go over my god he looks so tough in this he looks like a bandit hang on a second that seems safe enough to me yes uh damn it hang on a second uh you go in there you fight him you back him up uh you are you're the backup yeah good okay uh let's see if we can go get her i got a second after her because my people are so fast jesus uh oops yes good bring her down bring her down my people uh you go back to the base ah dammit they are too good at combat now they are killing everyone that's actually quite upsetting came across my youtube channel with project zomboid whilst i'm dealing with coven hey i hope you i hope you get better naz thank you very much thanks sex pibu dance party ritual is kind of op if i have the option to find an ancient complex at a good party ramolson hey how are you social roles does my ideology have we have a priest and do we have anything else i really don't know more about our ideology we have like the leader as well as the priest role oh we also have the mining specialist so those are our three roles would be neat to get more roles in the ideology though i think that was a pretty powerful element like fabio winters and spoon are all now thoroughly good okay this thing is gonna get away from that get away from that how big is this explosion gonna be get away from that this is neat oh we get time oh we got plenty of time ten oh that wasn't really that large relic found dim mono sword okay now we can go on the quest finally learn the location of the relic dim mono sword ah we've been waiting for this for so long finally could always devote roles we could switch them around too hmm quest completed i think i would change a lot though for my next playthrough where is it the relic is housed by an ancient structure it is protected with a security system with multiple independent units you may try to defeat the security forces one unit at a time before taking the relic try to grab it and flee before it can this is good okay so we need to get into that place like now we we don't have much time let's go ahead and just form a caravan right now uh i don't really want to find out what the security threats are we will go there and it'll take us 0.6 days do we have enough food to bring in all my decent colonists yeah let's bring in a bunch just for good measure we'll leave winters in bourbon here because they are 1.6 days worth of food let's just leave back one more rotten point nine uh i would rather that their food rot and that they run out of food a little bit rather than have to activate all those security things on it quite honestly because it's it's much worse if they activate the security stuff uh winters i will assign winters to cooking though again good okay winters will do some cooking once he feels better is he feeling better now he's not feeling better okay just cook meals now anyway [Music] yeah i it's kind of crazy how many quests we had to go on for that because we still have more relics to find in our culture i'm kind of curious to see what the reliquary does i was thinking that we would be able to use those weapons in combat like more frequently somehow or it would give them a buff but i didn't think we would devote like 10 hours of play just to getting a single dim mono sword that seems like a bit much to me to be quite honest with you um but you know we'll find out now they are going for the quest it's like excalibur or something hippopotamus why are you bad why are you so slow i leave leave anyway oh do we have meals in the wrong storage yeah you're right they didn't bring meals into the hmm [Music] ah why are they ah that's true that's true whoops thank you yep we aren't supposed to have any foods there that must have been left over from before i wonder why they didn't bring in those foods though anyway we'll just give them some time to get that hang on a second thank you we i don't know why i left that for so long paul all of these oh that was embarrassing yeah i'm trying to figure out why they didn't even detect those meals in the stockpile the thing is that they really aren't gonna starve even if they don't eat for like a couple of hours they'll be fine um but they should be they should be fine for the trip there is what i'm trying to say uh as far as the return back goes you can always bring in another caravan meeting your main caravan i'm just playing kind of sloppy here but uh that's what we do wealth on this colony is pretty good now it's coming up generating map for new encounter okay let's zoom in ah [Music] oh sleep day of sleep stay asleep we have we do have we have two melee colonists yeah i know i didn't i didn't expect centipedes well we can't save if this is to be our ultimate battle that's really the only centipede though one centipede here i think we could at least escape from uh five seconds to extract the mono sword let's give it to somebody better not fur is the actual melee colonists let's let him do it go in there nug fur security systems are waking up i think we can just avoid the security systems though get out the mono sword can we take this thing too limestone reliquary if we could build it out of other stuff actually you know what let's just deconstruct it really quick you do that everybody else is going to eat a meal fabio go ahead and just deconstruct that i think we can get out of here before this thing even shoots us famous last words uh hang on a second egg for you go over there you guys get over here we're gonna have to kind of play monkey in the middle here if i want to get this stuff out of here um all right fantastic can i just have you pick this up good i just want the gold uh then you guys deconstruct this uh nobody's assigned to contr okay you are the constructor you go here you go here you go here and we're gonna get you out of there yeah probably don't let him shoot us okay this is like uh this is kind of awesome great we barely managed to escape that only because centipedes are so slow yep that was fantastic odd potato thank you very much for the 100 yeah we we nearly avoided that one that was kind of exciting though you know there is kind of like a stealth element here at play which hasn't been in the game for quite a while do we have enough food left rotten point four days so then they'll have enough left for the return journey cool um what does he have in his inventory what do you have his gear items didn't mono server okay so what is the information on this didn't monitor engraving on this weapon represents the deer eating a yam rectangular the hell what does that have to do with our faction melee's damage per second 19.93 armor penetration 136. what is their spear for reference um what does this beer do i'm gonna say what was it again [Music] items dim monosaur this was 19.93 136. remember those numbers what is a knife for example okay yeah this mono sword is uh pretty strong pretty strong i don't remember what it was in a plastial spear but let's uh figure it out huge relic buff for the colony i mean we i haven't seen anybody else get a relic yet that's kind of exciting maybe there's like some better ones though what do you have uh can we find somebody with a spear okay so for example cheetah has a decent spear on him so i'm just trying to figure out if this relic was even worth it 7.3 oh wow this mono sword is way better than anything that we have blast steel spears still might be better but or or better still than the other weapons we have but i mean if you can get a mono sword in the base game mono swords any type of like plasma sword is non-craftable which i think is a little annoying i i would enjoy it if there were i mean there are mods that allow you to craft them is what i'm trying to say but cool i wonder if they can like leave it in the reliquary and then bring it out for battles yeah mono swords are really good i mean at least when i've seen them with like cataphract armor there's some people who are practically indestructible when they have uh what is it a mono sword and just some decent armor on ah yeah melee is way underrated just kind of in conclusion here i know i've used melee a good bit in this colony it's really good you should always use melee have multiple melee colonists from the beginning i know it's not that great early game but it's weird how it becomes more powerful late game plasma sword plasma sword i think is even better idle caravan oh do we have an idle caravan no i think they've just stopped for the night caravans usually do that idle kevin though your caravan will stop if everybody gets like a disease in it or something or it'll slow down but if they all go on a mood break it'll stop and they ran out of food okay this is fine you don't always have to have the perfect amount of food to get right back uh they will be a little bit antsy by the time they get back to our base but they should be able to survive uh are we oh they were idle my bad i totally messed that up thank you for saying that why did they just stop in place that was quite disturbing yep it was idolin what else do we want to do i'd say that this base is pretty well defended i could go on to my thing is that i don't think that blood and dust is hard enough but i think that losing is fun is too hard so it's like that narrow line of difficulty that i just i don't really want to put it up to losing his fun unless if i have a lot of uh pen oxicillin but i just think that it's such a weird item to require a lot more of is that or we need more medicine but that could be good because then our doctors get more experience so many trade-offs anything else to take care of back at the base here the caravan is back let's see what happens when they get the uh relic there and then i'm going to create a reliquary and i'm probably going to convert the last person who's not part of our ideologies who is that yeah hippopotamus we've left her as a member of old archism for quite some time her expectations have risen this and we have the participants so we have a decent chance at this let's begin it i think we could get it to happen yeah oddly enough still no infestations okay we've put her on the ground let's see if we can uh convert her to our religion now this is always just tricking me as a very odd process masterful conversion ritual nice and i think that always does that always convert she should be one of us now yep now we have a full colony of one two three four five six seven we have eight devout neckbeard mole people this is going to make our colony hopefully flourish for a while but i like how it takes a little bit longer to get everybody's mood set right and you have other bonuses that you can take advantage of uh or that you can take advantage of as you go throughout wow that is quite a lot of steel let's expand that zone just kind of see how much there is um 37 can we create a reliquary now would it be under miscellaneous reliquary we need 75 gold where is the mono sword though so this is a legendary i wonder if all of the objects are automatically legendary this is the highest value of the game it's worth five thousand dollars cuts are even thick armor with ease and it's lightweight permits fast attacks this thing is so cool i almost don't trust a colonist with it do they have any kind of mood buff because they wielding steel spear so what happens if i give cheetah this mono sword this is a relic this would be like aragorn with anduril or something like that wielding dim monastery so i am wielding a demo monastery such a noble weapon but that's still the same thing for the spear because they like sharp melee objects um am i gonna am i gonna call the play through there i wanna see what this system does but i do feel like that we've taken the neckbeards about to their full extent lucky dangerous thanks very much for the prime i listen i could keep going with this colony and it could get very powerful but this has been kind of my goal all along was to just recover a relic and now that we do have this legendary steel uh dim mono sword does it actually have a name to it it's just called dim mono sword we can't name it that'd be kind of neat if we could name it though i think that they do sometimes name their own bonded weapons can you imagine like a mono sword that was bonded to its owner that's also a relic that could be a serious mood buff be a really strong colonist why gonna go why not go for the new ending because we don't actually have the uh archotec ideology if we did i would but um i don't know i don't really play rimworld for the endings anymore i just kind of play it for the uh making an interesting colony uh as for a reliquary i am going to just cheat myself in now because i think i'm going to call it there um but i do want to see because i don't really want to wait for another trader i'm just going to give myself some gold let's see gold spawn or what is it again uh 25 stack of 25 let's do gold gld shame on me i know i'm using dev mode uh just because i think it's going to take a while to get it let's see if we can create that reliquary though oh whoops did not mean to do that and load game i do i do regret making this permadeath yeah i i'm probably going to go back to mods one of the reasons i'm not going to do any more of this is because i'm tired of playing vanilla uh i've had to deal with this nightmare for the entire time and i just kind of want mods that make the game go a little bit easier and i also pick columnists that aren't really i don't have much attachment to them we just wanted to pick people that were interesting for ideology or we wanted to explore the ideology so that made sense oh we're gonna go ahead into reliquary and i suppose that we should put this in their temple right let's reinstall this here and here winters will hopefully go ahead and just reinstall those super quick good and then let's create this steel reliquary nice uh yeah i'll do steel we have so much steel anyway how much steel do we have we have 3400 steel i probably should not be using it but if my playthrough runs there if a zombie outbreak happened irl what would i use as a weapon in the beginning i think i have some idea for a fan uh actually speaking of which i have the zombie survival guide by max brooks on my desk very funny book with a lot of good writing what do you recommend uh probably like an m4 m4a1 yeah i would probably need to go uh find an assault rifle that would be my weapon but do you mean like a melee weapon can't go wrong with a world war one trench spike probably the best weapon of the zombie apocalypse uh very grotesque weapon really but damn [Music] zombie survival get but if you have not read it i do recommend the zombie survival guide by max brooks it is quite a funny book world war z i thought world was i thought it was okay i i like the zombie survival guide better personally but uh world war z was probably one of the best like prose ones i didn't really read many of the other ones this is nothing like the there's nothing like a good zombie movie uh okay so here is the reliquary content's nothing good bourbon let's see how his mood became so he's okay with having install steel mono sword this was something i was also wondering about as well what does this do for the room extremely impressive doesn't really improve the room by so much that's surprising that it doesn't improve it more ceremonial building that protects and displays a relic relics aren't ancient objects venerated by believers of a certain religion work to build 667 cover effectiveness what does it really do though if we yeah we could have cheetah wield the monosuit so i suppose that it's like a relic but if we wanted to take it out and use it in battle that also seems like it would work i don't think we would want to use it a lot hello except for like really important battles that's kind of neat mood bonus for rituals yeah let's go give it a shot hang on a second do we have the uh we have the jubilee of stone 1.5 more days from now let's put all of the speakers in conclusion we'll wait one more day and we'll begin the jubilee of stone in our temple let's let us do that grognovisk thanks very much for the prime appreciate it uh it draws in visitors too i'll leave this colony here in case if i ever want to come back to it and experiment with anything because it has been an interesting experiment but um my brain is kind of turning to mush i've been streaming for a while um good we will have such a strange temple i i probably need to be more selective about some of the things that i pick for my ideology next time it's just kind of weird but that's what we started out with that's what we started out with yes we will begin the jubilee stone forbid this door this is a a work uh it's just for show and this is also kind of bothering me how this is asymmetrical we'll also build another light for literally no reason there because we are we're good with this colony um i think i'm good think i'm good sir snaily thanks very much for the prime do you have a stream schedule right now i've been going tuesdays thursdays saturdays and sundays i think of adding in one more day but i also just uh i want more time to kind of produce the streams a little bit we'll go back to more like segmented streams soon i promise we've been uh we've been exploring rimworld but this has been a lot of fun probably go back to doing some cdda try out a few new games uh could use a little break from real world 2 now we've been doing it a lot but i just i like it if if i were to play one game on my own now like not streaming or anything it would just be rimworld probably a lot of it a melee one because i want to depict you killing a zombie in the walking dead okay okay oh god damn well thank you that's very very generous along with all of your extreme generosity jesus though i do like zombie fan art zombie fan art is probably some of the best fan art hmm i would say yeah probably the german world war one trent spike if i'm being honest with you but if i'm being like for the look of it i would probably say like a bat with nails in it or a sword just like a medieval sword for some reason have i been promoting the twitch channel on youtube now i kind of like it to be my my well-kept secret with the vods channel if you call that a secret well it's been uh it's been nice to uh just do like long-form stuff i feel like ending it on two years two years into a play-through on the jubilee of stone i will be a perfectly fitting end we have we have uh found the weapon and it's so hard to find a legendary weapon i'm not even sure if you can create one by hand unless if they're experiencing inspiration i think they need to be experiencing an inspiration and so many other things the thing is that this weapon is just so rare because it's uncraftable without mods and it's a legendary version of it too unless if all plasma swords are whatever their mono swords are legendary i think there should be a half-life mod gordon freeman's armor and then you get a crowbar as like your mono sword but it has the same stats as a mono sword that would actually be kind of badass i want to get back in my dual wielding mods there's so many more mods i've wanted to and i just won't shut up about throughout this entire playthrough but it'll be nice to get them back on alexa thanks very much for the prime i know a good mod for the stone trash oh uh you gotta go uh stack xxl ogre stacks one of those kinds of mods there's all kinds of different arguments people have given me with different ones about their like uh optimization i haven't really checked out any of the coding deep storage lwm's deep storage is one i always use raid by the javelins but now they don't really oh god [Music] that's a lot of them okay this is at least an exciting finish to the colony we're going to extract the monosword and then fight off the enemy dispatch our adversaries or all die oh but i almost forgot that we had a uh i didn't uh go without the doomsday rocket launcher for nothing did i where is the doomsday rocket launcher ah there it is okay it all leads up the to the finale a fantastic way to end this okay they're all going to come in and who is that going to get that hippopotamus great popotamus is the like trick shot i am going to draft everyone except for hippopotamus who is grabbing the doomsday rocket launcher i believe that's everyone's spoon is also asleep will stay in the darkness because they get upset during the day [Music] and we will shoot them with the doomsday rocket launcher now who's got the uh who's got the mono sword oh you didn't pick it up actually hang on a second where did you put the mono sword oh for god's sake where did you put the mono sword is it in your inventory where is the mono sword okay he's got it some where did he put it hang on a second oh it's over there go equip that cheetah you're the one who's meant to wield this weapon you are very powerful even more perhaps than nug fur um you stand there you stand there you stand there you stand there uh and you with the doomsday rocket launcher you get somewhere very out in the open you go there this is fear i don't know why they put it in the oh because they don't have enough room in the new weapon storage no i think that the doomsday rocket launcher will take all of them out ah which place are they going for though to attack me do they have these breach axes is that a breach axe no just a normal steel axe ah they are going for this thing they are trying to avoid the traps hang on a second everyone go back to whatever you are doing act naturally hippopotamus get out there i'm gonna blow them up my relic would be a doomsday rocket the doomsday rocket launcher does get used up once we uh finished it single-use dragon launcher that fires a massive explosion so this is the non-three one there is one that fires three rounds i'm just gonna have you stand very very far back past the anima tree please don't do something very anticlimactic that would be very disappointing that seems like a very small blast radius but this would be a smashing conclusion [Music] perfect uh actually a little bit anticlimactic because i was hoping we'd be able to go after them at the mono sword but unfortunately uh that's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes what about you nicole well now we will commence the jubilee of stone and there will be merriment artistic not good at crafting i don't want you wouldn't mace i don't want you we'll take all of your stuff and we'll use it for fun during the jubilee of stone or rather we won't because we don't use mind-altering substances cheetah reins uh hang on a second you gotta drop that drop your mono sword good bring it back over to [Music] the reliquary and then we will commence the jubilee of stone how mangled are they oh they're they're fine they're just sleeping his right arm was burned off this one's nose was burned off everything will be burned off of this one soon this one is another right leg burn if my god it really does hurt to get hit with one of these things oh we didn't check on you underground or body modder oh god it took off all of their legs this thing is like uh what is it um what's that weapon in fallout yeah rebuild that wall good we needed that all right the day is come in only seven more hours we will begin overall uh i'm trying to think of whether it's more my ideology ability or i think i've just gotten better at rimworld over the years but this is neat because it it makes it feel like that there was something worth fighting for a lot of remoral just feels kind of generic like well here we are sitting in our base with smoke leaf when we're done but now it feels like you there was actually a culture being built up underneath it kind of like in a rise of nations or another game like that yeah the fat man that was the the weapon in fallout i forgot that name there will be merriment today i will never do cleaning because you're a slob oh the time is coming the time is coming and then maybe we should execute everyone we should accuse someone of something too winters you're useless right now cheetah ah you go ahead and re-equip i i think though that there's enough specialized weapons that rimworld feels more like a story than just a simulation i think overall you know despite all the critical things that i've said i i do feel like we've come full circle and i feel like that this this dlc does add a lot of interest in the game i couldn't i don't think i would want to go back to playing it without it uh except for certain situations here we go there is the jubilee of stone uh no don't cancel it i forgot to read over it though before they begin this one is literally throwing up from the jubilee of stone fantastic amazing it's a success it has been maybe there was a keg stand or something like that fun you believe so okay they did fine hmm cyborg is everyone participating in the ritual gained i thought he was 98 okay nice ah focus objects a light bulb or ritual spot i'm not i'm still trying to figure out this reliquary i think it's more for random events that happen later on like people visiting the colony but yeah it happened i like manson i actually read some kafka before i would send me send me what you want of gk chesterton and i will oblige i don't really know any of his stuff i did read some franz kafka at the beginning of the stream but i will gladly do it again to uh to commemorate this colony but do send me some of that i couldn't find you on the discord from the last time though but fantastic this has been a good colony i feel like i thoroughly got to experience the tunnelers unfortunately we didn't get an infestation i think i'm just going to call in an infestation before i finish because i cheated myself some gold so i might as well cheat in myself something something bad right i want to see how an infestation would have got i also want to kind of show you how an infestation is should be treated uh are you hippopotamus is not our drop your flak jacket and also drop your flack vest i'm gonna give cheetah is gonna be my main melee colonist for this okay let's just go over how to deal with an infestation we'll get we'll just call one in somewhere and then we'll uh we'll fight it off hippopotamus needs a weapon i'll give you a steel spear that should be fine do we have any molotov cocktails in here okay we do hippopotamus you grab the molotov cocktails are you a brawler no you're okay all right so let's go over infestations uh we're gonna go spawn ourselves in an infestation incident uh let's see infestation we'll just spawn one in did we actually manage to get it in the expected spot okay so no an infestation did not happen in the expected spot um this happens but it's okay i've just been keeping other parts of my base dirty it'll often happen somewhere where it's warm dirty and underground uh let's see i'm gonna just ah damn it i quit again here we go ah yes that would be a good way like manson yeah just ping me on the discord that would that would be most appreciated hmm give me a moment okay let's uh draft all of our calendars so the first thing you want to do whenever you see an infestation draft everyone immediately uh this is actually quite a terrible spot to get infested because it's so open you want to narrow it to one doorway and what i might actually do is just quickly prioritize one colonist so that we can make as small an entryway as possible so let's say uh winters is our fastest constructor he's somewhat far away from this entire thing but let's go ahead and tell him to construct a wall over here there's a couple other things you could do you could move wooden furniture in there all kinds of stuff like that but i want to say i want to be able to stack up three of our colonists against some of theirs let's do this that would be the absolute minimum that we would want this could be placed a little bit better but let's have you work on this we turn off dev mode hmm no trouble at all lake madsen thank you very much okay what i'm also going to do is say let's just take all of these beds and let's reinstall them over here anything made of wood you want to just reinstall don't care about your furniture if you care about your furniture you're going to die you might lose a colonist too you gotta be ready to accept that and let's also build a granite door right here so we'll just build a copy of this hippopotamus you deliver stuff there winters has reserved this let's get everybody else ready because they won't immediately aggro to us we're gonna have a couple seconds in truth maybe i should have built this back a little bit further but let's just stack up our defenders you stand there and they have spawned oh this isn't actually so bad well you know what i could do instead is this i don't think we're gonna have time to build any of this normally i would want to create some kind of bottleneck for them to come into but it doesn't seem like it's gonna be available this time so let's just redraft everybody you see what i mean there though right okay now what we want to do is take all of our melee colonists take your best melee colonists and just put them up to the front uh as for you i'm gonna have you not fire at will if i could fire this into an enclosed room that i could have not ventilated to us then i would but i can't so i won't um for right now the thing is that we've got so many melee colonists in this place that it really isn't such a major fear dealing with an infestation okay nug fur got hit is he really bad who's gonna leave our defenders here the one thing i might want to do here is this these guys back because right now i got 3v2 right here so we want to have everybody like this instead run back i misposition them slightly do that you go there you stay there you come back here and you go there you just want to have as many melee colonies strong as possible in the best armor that you can in the front see we got what four hives there somebody went down cheetah went down but that's okay he didn't get so badly hurt normally i'd have better armor on those guys like have them in power armor or something but there mid game infestation no problem in fact this would have been an even better spot because we could have stacked him up 3v2 but actually i was kind of rushing there yeah don't do any of the things that i just did in conclusion just try to outnumber them if you can do all 3v1s that's for the best you go back i'm pretty sure they'll be fine for the rest of this fight oh why did i have you fire at will for god's sake don't try to burn your colonists either okay i think we're pretty much there now we're done destroy these things and then just send somebody in to destroy the hive see that wasn't so bad we got infested we didn't even lose anybody and that was honestly one of the worst spots for them to invest the best thing that you want to do is have them spawn in some room that you can cut off but i'm just not as afraid of them anymore because i discovered the melee killer cheese thanks very much for the sub appreciate it no infestations are okay but i don't know i used to really struggle with those because i would just be afraid of them and i would just run away uh which is absolutely not what you want to do but there you have it the uh neckbeard mole people colony that was good had a good time had a jubilee had an infestation in and not i thought there would be more infesting i guess our wealth just isn't that high maybe i will plan on losing his fun next time get that panoxide out anyway i think we'll uh i think we'll call
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 251,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld mods, rimworld game, rimworld 1.3, rimworld ideology, rimworld ideology playthrough, rimworld ideology gameplay, rimworld royalty, rimworld ep 5
Id: 5QwUV7Pdxaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 4sec (13984 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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