Nautical Pastafarianism | Rimworld Pirate Ideology #1

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all right today we're checking out vanilla expanded pirates uh this is a big new expansion in the vanilla expanded framework we're playing with just about all the vanilla expanded mods uh how many times can you say vanilla expanded a set of mines designed to be friendly to the vanilla experience in rimworld uh and a set of mods for which tynin has really gushed uh he really likes them which is one reason why i think it's a great way to get into uh the mods if you aren't into modding so uh where to begin i feel like i've got a lot to say i've got a few i've got a few things to say this is going to be a long play so just get pretty comfortable we're streaming this uh so we're going to be here for a few hours uh one of the main reasons why i'm doing vanilla expanded pirates for this and i'll intro everything as we go through for the first few minutes um is because oscar pataki recently contacted me about a game he's been working on called cursed crew which is a pirate themed roguelike he's got a kickstarter and i'm going to link to that in the description and if you've enjoyed his mods and everything you know that everything that oscar touches turns to gold uh so i would really appreciate if you guys checked out that kickstarter uh if it's anything that you're interested in uh it looks interesting to me so i'll definitely be checking it out but uh big thanks to oscar before i do anything because this is kind of a highlight and a showcase of all of his amazing work on the real world mods and i just wanted to touch on that a little bit um it's gonna be a long play similar to the neckbeard ideology that we did neckbeardism a few months ago uh many long videos and it's going to be kind of randomized but we're going to be playing rimworld as it's meant to be played this won't be like the series on my main channel uh where it's very focused narrative and i kind of skip over all of the parts that are unrelated and i just skip straight to the action uh we're going to just welcome the randomness that that room world has to offer i like to do this every few months just to kind of get reacquainted with the game and pick uh like a curated mod list um but i've set off my colonist with a few orders to get started uh other things i wanted to touch on before we really get started i'm not going to be trying to get to space necessarily i think that the goal of rimworld is to just like enjoy making a large awesome base uh as my friend troopin once said so i i'm gonna embrace that fully uh there's also a lot of new stuff in vanilla expanded i've added in a mod called what's that mod so that you can actually see what mod most of the things that i'll be pulling from or are from so see how you can see it says right there vanilla factions expanded settlers if you're wondering about any of the mods i'll leave a mod list below and all of that jazz uh talked about my goal all the stuff in vanilla expanded but again i am just a mere idiot we're playing a low orbit crash so this is supposed to be a very difficult start uh part of the pirates faction i do want to make sure that my guys aren't nearby this volatile ship engine because it's going to explode in two hours uh and that is uh that is dangerous so uh yeah uh as you can see we've named all of our colonists after uh cuisine here we go i just want i really want this thing to blow up i want this to be over because this is one of the few things that i missed um i'm gonna explain how my base is laid out too i followed a guide by uh an old guy that i really liked by another youtuber named lore plays where she goes over how to set up your whole base in the workflow and it really does make sense uh so i'll go through that pretty quickly and i don't think we'll really get to the piratey stuff today but i think we're just going to get like a lot of satisfying groundbreaking done uh on our main base um so i think uh without any further ado let's get started um wowzers tight skirt thank you very much for gifting those 50 gifts up what a what a crazy way to start a new series uh but a nice kick off uh i'm gonna kind of get back into our base and just explain how everything's going over and then uh so i will do a little bit of back seating with chad and uh but let's get started um thank you very much no worries not done absolutely um yeah sorry i was just kind of giving the intro monologue there so again we'll be streaming this on twitch and yeah yeah but on with the play through there we go we just got the first ship chunk exploding and i was waiting for that because we have a lot of medical crates and food crates in pretty uh horrible spots to start off this scenario um just got to kind of catch up with my thoughts that was that was a lot of speaking excuse me one second all right so um the first thing you should do when you get into room world whoops i've still got pesto drafted that was too long uh we have the slinging slasher chef boyardee pesto and sandra to like we're kind of mixing the culinary and uh pirate theme with nautical pastafarianism i'll just let you pause the video and read over our ideology faction that we created uh they love raiding in camaraderie we have this flying spaghetti swashbuckler as our uh uh moral guide the saltiest semen is the leader and the foul-mouthed smuggler is the captain will be the spaghett tasting is their social festival and swabbing the cream is what they call their funerals there's various other things that have like uh italian food pirate themes but go ahead and look those up they'll just kind of uh we'll assimilate all of that as we go um yes that that is a fact thank you canada too for the sub much appreciated my friend um anyway what i kind of wanted to get to was the first thing that when you uh that you should do when you spawn in is look around the map and see where the fertile soil and the geothermal vents are this is again all from that video i referenced before but we had a geothermal vent here and i actually missed this one when i was planning there's one right here i might have planned it slightly differently but i'm pretty happy with how this base layout looks because we've got the planting on this fertile soil wherever we had it available we really don't have any good options there's one good option here but it's by the edge of the map another good option around here but it's also by the edge of the map and then this is all caves and i'm quite scared because we've got on some skulls that make everybody explode like a pinata when they die and we've also got double-sized infestations so this should be interesting um so anyway when you get started i like to start off with the planting maybe the geothermal vent the geothermal event won't really affect us too much right here i mean it's a good thing down the line but we don't have to worry about it right now so i'm not going to pay much attention to it uh what else so the first thing i like to do is just get plants in the ground right away um and have they got down any of these trees yet i wanted them to just kind of do work while i did a monologue okay let's uh let's get chef boyardee onto plants as well because we're definitely gonna need two planters in these first couple of days now do we have any wood is my other question okay we do have some wood so what i'm gonna go ahead and do is to put down a few beds i just want them to have something to sleep in for the night um yeah we'll just kind of put all four of these right next to each other if we can get those down in the daylight that would be a big victory to me and i'm just going to start stockpiling goods i don't want to be too ambitious here but i've tried to lay out every single room of my base before we've even begun i think it's the best way to play for me because i'm pretty disorganized as a person um unless if i really take the time to prepare so let's go ahead and you know what i'm thinking is that we're going to actually have two storage rooms here so let's go ahead and build one area out over here and it's very risky to put things down on the jungle floor because they kind of have a tendency to deteriorate um who is responsible for oh god we've got on all the new vanilla factions expanded stuff too oh i'm definitely gonna need some hauling is anyone idle pesto is just meditating okay you you uh you stop that okay and i've also completely neglected i knew i was gonna make some mistake here but we've accidentally left one of our colonists in the uh crypto sleep casket there we go all right so you're out of there whoops well we weren't going to get through that beginning without making one big mistake but all good all good um so i'm thinking that uh it would be good if we started with planting here then you want to move your plants right into the fridge and ideally you want to have some hunting going on there as well so you know i figure that any animal that they hunt out here is going to be brought into the base kind of on the extremities out here and since i'm planning on having like a gated entry or a kill box right around here i was thinking that it would be good entry point so we could have the kitchen butcher area pretty close to over here so you have plants raw food coming in and that's kind of where i start to think of the supply chain on our base um after that anyway they can store things in the fridge we can build into this mountain a lot if we want to but if we find building into the mountains is inconvenient uh we can just kind of scrap that plan uh other stuff i think i'm good with you not mining anymore right now i'm just gonna cancel a couple of these orders i don't like to waste too much time mining on the first day unless we're going under a mountain um anyway food raw food into the fridge storage kitchen which puts out meals and other prepared foods so we kind of have a dual storage there and that's fine um then you kind of want to work into the dining room because you're caught you don't want to be moving around too much you want your colonists to be able to get the food pretty quickly um so raw food fridge kitchen fridge dining and from the the dining area can kind of be on the extremities you want to be somewhat near the bedrooms uh because they'll be coming and going from there but usually they just spend their time in the night or when they're resting in the dining rooms uh the one thing i'm realizing that i left out is the infirmary but that's usually a pretty easy building to tack onto the side um ah dead fishies thanks very much for the sub much appreciated my friend um other things that you can kind of think of last are well or before that is you want to do a stockpile area centrally located or somewhere easily accessible and you want that to be next to your workshop because they need to pull raw materials from that so as you can see it's kind of dizzying but if you can kind of go through the like the supply chain it makes a little bit more sense um other stuff let's see what resources we have we might have to quickly just throw something together out of wood because i want to get a wall up and although there's stone i don't want to spend a lot of time stone cutting so let's just quickly and sloppily throw together uh like a little storage area right here i think we're gonna be doing this so we'll just do again i'm gonna be changing these as we go so just kind of keep that in mind we'll do two doors here and one door here uh subject to change everything is kind of subject to change but i've got my basic outline and that makes me happy um i've got 700 people thanks everybody for coming out uh really nice to just do these long plays i'm happy to see that a lot of people have been enjoying these on youtube but it brings me back to make these we're gonna go ahead and deconstruct our medical crates and our uh nutrient-paced crates because we did bring some meals with us and we didn't really pick too much in the first day though we did get things in the ground and that's what's important um so what else have we got we i think i did a decent job we got the beds up in the daylight we got normal slash poor quality not so great but we got kind of unlucky is the truth all right so we've prevented that early deterioration um and the other thing we didn't want to do was put down this nutrient pace uh meal in the water that happened to me an earlier time when i tested this out so we have averted disaster in most of the horrible ways that it could have happened although it's not an amazing first day it's passable beerserker studios thanks very much for the sub much appreciated my friend um so yeah i guess we'll let them go to sleep and uh kind of see where we go from here i've also put a kind of a square around this geothermal vent or the the steam geyser same diff uh because why uh i just kind of want to reserve that space for later on in case we decide to build on it i might not have it perfectly i think it's six by six if i'm not mistaken um yeah the coloration on the floor is is quite nice you can do everything with the more with the basic planning but the more planning mod does that uh very good mod very nice mod um other stuff i guess my main priorities are just you know get down a basic base i want to get this barracks enclosed because one of the worst things that can happen in the first couple of days is that your columnist just snap catharsis aren't so bad but you don't want people to be starving when that happens um they've got a couple of like ideology-specific apparel items um but what kinds of things are bothering your colonists i like to look at that right away and i also should have equipped some of the uh weapons to them so we should do that right now because oh my god see what yeah the charge rifle deteriorated by 50 um was that due to uh it's fine there are mods and there are items in vanilla expanded that can get that back but yeah uh streamer blindness is going to be quite overwhelming this time around okay chef boyardee is by far the best shot so we'll give chef boyardee the charge rifle uh after that sand ra is also quite good at shooting so we'll give her that um pesto is probably the next best candidate for the pistol and slinging slasher slinging slasher i believe has a uh yeah a field hand on his left hand so slinging slasher is going to be just slinging uh see what i did there the uh the crops what what an amazing turn of phrase right oh my gosh where do i come up with these things um we're also going through a path right here so we want to be kind of mindful of that let's get down a couple of other crops in the ground that we just we should want to have um my god so many options in vanilla expand it's going to take me a little while i'll try to pick at least one or two things that are more interesting from vanilla expanded but uh we'll get down some some medicine in the ground too that would just be key that's one of the first things you want which mod puts your very low expectations to uh plus 48 instead of 30. uh i honestly don't know um huh interesting yeah i don't know which mod is doing that i can assure you i'm not really good with these mods so i don't think that it's making it easier so to speak because there'll just be random stuff happening that i don't expect and generally speaking the unexpected is not good in rimworld um but uh yeah that is that is quite an overpowered nice thing hmm i started playing vampire survivors thanks to me ah yes vampire survivors is an excellent game hey sickly slop thank you very much for the sub um other things that i tried to do on this map i guess i'll just kind of let me save so that i don't lose everything because that would be quite sad uh i'm gonna go ahead and look out at the world view of the map right now i tried to pick a map square that would be challenging for me we've got a couple of different factions like uh what are these raider the raider raiders is their name no uh no guessing what they're gonna do and the black porcupines so you've got a couple of different pirate factions along with other just vanilla factions expanded factions more than the game recommended but i tried to pick somewhere that would just have interesting terrain that would be difficult for me i'm playing on stuff that i usually don't play on so i'm probably going to make a lot of mistakes but uh that's kind of why i like this uh this setup um all right let's just see how they're doing with the offloading these resources that one rifle loss was kind of annoying but we can make up for it okay so they've got their basic storage nothing is really deteriorating out here anymore that was my first concern uh what other types of things do we need to get them to do it would be nice to destroy this thing but i'm not really in a huge rush for that i think we've got fertile soil under there though too so let's go ahead and just you're drafted i'm just gonna have you melee attack this you're gonna notice one of the first skulls that i've got running on this playthrough is that melee attack is doubled in speed so any type of melee combat is gonna go either really well or really poorly my money's on stuff kind of getting out of hand which uh will be fun and interesting it's killing every colony of my enemies uh so i can get rated not sure yeah actually i'm not that big a raider to begin with so we'll see how i do with this pirate faction i i don't really like raiding because i just enjoy kind of focusing on my own base i'm really good at that and i just enjoy the storytelling potential of that but we're going to have to figure out some way to get one group out to raid at some point because some of these factions it does give them a negative mood buff like they'll be upset if they haven't raided anyone in a few weeks uh let me see other things i want to do only because slinging slasher is planting just so quickly i i did not expect planting of this of this magnitude throughout the run hay grass would be nice and i would like to get some cows but you know my money's not on that happening let's go ahead and just do some cotton uh i'm gonna make that a little bit larger cotton is just a useful thing to have around it's good building material and it does take a while to grow so it's good to get it done this way uh am i gonna do a super hard longer type rimmer old play through uh challenge like the sea ice i've done the desert and i've done the sea ice so i don't know i guess i could do sea ice live but the thing is that sea ice live isn't that much fun like it was better done as a as a whole series on the channel because there's a lot of waiting in that i spent a lot of time just kind of like looking at my computer when i when i did that series okay we've got to get this stuff out of the ground uh ship trunk debris we can haul this so some of these things are considered their home zone we want to take this out of the home zone we want to take this out of the home zone just because they crash landed here we want to be careful with this now what are these other items that have power output 1700 watts okay so this is actually generating power for our colony wow that is neat um we do have on minify everything but we're not actually allowed to minify uh everything uh i've got a bone to pick now so we did get a a giant turret spawn with her ship it's really not in a great location so i don't know how useful this thing is going to be to us we might just be better off deconstructing it it could be pretty powerful though um this is pretty much a vanametric power cell for free though so we might want to box that thing in and just kind of like hook it onto our power grid um other stuff okay we have some building materials i'm going to be pretty sloppy here because i don't want to get stuck but the jungle will burn down and i may rue the day that i said that i spake those words hmm yeah vanilla expanded is excellent let's go ahead and just put down a i'm gonna you know bite the bullet right now let's put down a stone cutting table um and we want to have a place that we can easily store a lot of chunks i guess we'll just default to our storage area maybe we'll make part of this specialized for stone chunk cutting uh and i will make this the first building in the workshop okay so we finally got a little bit of our workshop going oops uh i didn't mean to do that there we go and uh work penalty outdoors not really such a big deal right now i mean i'd prefer to have things in the right place than to just mess everything up okay we've got some uh nutrient-paced meals coming out of there are these going to deteriorate okay they're going to spoil in 15 hours is there anything i can do to preserve these i mean i could have left them in there but they need food is the truth the rice is 21 grown 38 grown already kind of a toss-up all right i have a thought i don't want them to spend a lot of time butchering animals yet i'm not quite ready for this so let's go ahead and just go down the list of wildlife and see if there's anything close by and easy to hunt okay so these alpaca are pretty close by and they are certainly not aggressive animals so we'll go after them um wild boar might but i've had wild boars turn on me if i'm not mistaken there are evil creatures all right we will get down we will get down the butcher table and this will at least force me to do a little bit more of the planning here prepare for some more planning we might as well go for the full versions of these things because i just don't want to waste the time uh we can take out a little bit of this area for the butcher table think that's fine alcazar thanks very much for the prime i gotta say like you know we're kind of harping on this right now i really don't care for the end game goal of rimworld i believe it was added in there kind of in a similar way to how it is in zomboid right now and it's great that there are so many endgame goals but i like it that the game continues even after you've beaten it um okay now we do want to get some of this stuff down we've got down the stone cutters tape are we working on that we need to get some steel i'm going to mine out a little bit of steel i just want to make sure that everyone's kind of working at their best task it doesn't matter if they're getting done with everything for the day but i just want them to like i want them to make the best use of the time their own way you know what i mean like it would bother me if i had non-planters doing all the planting um because they are gonna start to pretty upset here okay it's time for bed so everyone's gonna go to sleep you should just no you are not tired is anyone a night owl we really haven't given too much of a look at our colonists yet we spent a lot of time kind of painstakingly going over these before um let me see uh chef boyardee caring social fire fighting underground or brawler okay so we do have yeah slinging slasher had a couple of weird traits for his uh for his planting life he's now got nothing to do um uh the question came up about oscar's uh kickstarter i'm gonna put that in the vod at the end i couldn't think of a good spot to put it for here but i'm gonna uh that'll be on the youtube video okay um let me see let's go ahead and make sure that pesto what is pesto's real specialization artistic and medical so really wasn't much good at anything that we needed right here darn it okay i might just put pesto onto like a pretty grindy task because pesto is probably gonna be my hauler um and my medic slinging slasher is obviously the planter so whenever there's no planting to be done he'll have other stuff to do but we'll just give him more planting to do and he can always be busy um you are good at mining and cooking chef boyardee so we'll have you do that and then sand ra is our constructor so we'll just try to put out a couple more projects right now we've got awkward crafting it's a little bit of a bottleneck let's go ahead and just make some uh production i know what to do let's have uh pesto and slinging slasher do any crafting for when they're done i might make these uh numeric priorities later on but i like to start with checks that's i know that's something that people always question of me don't question it um and you must be hunted oh this is our animal female british short hair cat okay i'll try to keep the cat the cat will probably die i'm not gonna lie if just so many cats have died in this game that we've had it's just like waiting for crying later on what just came out of a something just emerged from an escape pod oh i also forgot that one of the mutators that we've got on uh is is that we will not be told when events are happening some of the time or like they will just come up without being named which is is also quite terrifying so we just have to kind of keep our eyes peeled um other stuff uh no no no yeah well the ideally the cat could like snuggle them slightly when they uh when they're upset later on that's pretty much all that the cat is good for in in the late game uh other stuff stupid stuff to die from okay we've got 41 degrees fahrenheit which is actually getting kind of cold but it is september so it is getting colder but we're also kind of in the middle of the world if i'm not mistaken right like we're oh no we aren't actually at the middle of the world okay so we're in a jungle south of of the uh equator um god this like new age rimworld music kind of just makes me really introspective for a moment you feel that you feel that are you feeling it mr i can't i can't even do it all right so let's go ahead and put in the tailoring bench we'll just create these production workstations because we're focusing on getting stuff out of the ground right now but don't question it soon enough exactly thank you very much for the 500 bits talwood snake plant interesting but i figure if we just get all these things done sandra why aren't you working because we don't have anything to construct because we don't have any resources okay so let's just give everybody a little bit of extra work to do um honestly slinging slasher if you're not doing anything go mine sandra why are you not working you've got nothing to do you go mine too if you have if you really have nothing to do not that i want you to mine but just until we have enough resources for the project that's important okay a little bit more optimized now uh oh wow okay i'm still getting used to this whole event happening out of nowhere thing this is terrifying to be honest with you uh i thought that events would appear on the side of the screen and like uh at least be somewhat evident as to what is going on we're just going to have to keep our eyes peeled for whatever happens so this is way crazier oh okay we expected that uh all right this is really putting me on my guard because raiders might just come out of nowhere um what else is on the map i'm just gonna turn up my own volume because i might need to use my ears a little more okay so the thing that i missed last night was that there were lemons that fell out of the sky this is new information new information indeed um okay we've got this let's go ahead and just tell them to butcher creatures forever now we have to do all the boring tasks at the beginning of the game make sure that they are always butchering everything um where is chef boyardee chef buyer d is butchering okay so now we've actually got decent workflow going on um phew that is good to know lemons i know nothing of so that is upsetting yeah no terror probably actually one of the more dangerous mutators that we've chosen uh sandra sandra okay just get off of mining now there we go i think that's just about the only time i was going to have to have them do that slinging slasher only because planting is just such a grindy skill we might as well give slinging slash or something similar to that uh but ideally just more plants you know what i mean okay so let's go here and over to here uh we'll extend this out oh my god slings i i regret how good a planter slinging slasher is too good all right um what are other good things to grow um we've got rice we've got plenty of rice in the ground though and rice becomes very labor intensive ultimately i kind of want to uproot that um we could do psychoid psycho it is quite great and i think i can manage colonists with psychic tea a lot of the time they can get addicted to it but i'm not really as worried about that hops is always good too but it kind of requires a lot more labor and effort um corn would also be a good option i think i'm gonna do some psychoid just for diversity you know what i mean smoke leaf is good and i like smoke leaf a lot but the only issue with it is that if it's the only um you know like substance that colonists are using uh it will slow them down and god forbid that they get into combat when they're stoned it it just it's a disaster waiting to happen the reason i picked psychoid is because of psychic t psychic t i believe actually increases colonist movement speed uh however it is kind of dangerous because it's a little bit more addictive so it's not as good for beginners um but cycloid is also useful because then it can be made into um flake or yellow which are both really valuable i believe if i'm not mistaken flake is more expensive like proportionally although it's a cheaper drug but i have to double check that because i've been there's a lot of people who fact check me on these things and i i've gotten it down pretty well over the years and yet a lot of the people who fact check me are just wrong too sometimes so i have to sift through those and i honestly forget uh which one is which one is right uh whoops i accidentally made that an electric tailor bench all right well all the more excuse to get it started on our next project let's go ahead and tell them to make any stone blocks from a radius of will do forever but from a smaller radius just so that they work with things that are nearby i prefer it like this that way you can just manage that any blocks that you've hauled in get work done uh we'll put the stone chunks out here somewhere so let's go ahead and say zone um stock dumping stockpile zone we'll just make this for stone chunks right in here all right so let's go to storage clear all chunks and we just say any there's all these other things just stone chunks not even steel slag chunks um priority normal will go to preferred and now we're setting up some specialized stockpile zones nice uh other stuff haul urgently i just want regular haul yeah haul go ahead bring over any stone chunks from nearby all right there we go so we're just kind of like cleaning out their base getting rid of all of the crap that's lying around they already did some of it for planting but good there we go so we've got them working on that um other stuff feel free to correct me if i'm making any mistakes in all of my like uh kind of optimization of the colony this is stuff that i i'm kind of passionate about in a way um flake is 21 yay is 14 i'm not i don't have the exact numbers in front of me hey tyskir thank you very very much for all those extra gift subs jesus christ if you're getting a gift sub please be sure to say thanks tyse god bless my friend ten extra gift subs my god thank you thank you all right so now we've got our good progress music going progress can be weird and wacky at times but as long as uh you know uh a six foot long snake doesn't jump out of the sky we should be fine yeah it should be okay it should be okay let's go ahead and take a look at our resources as well not what i was looking for okay 36 steel i was thinking that this could be a really easy way to get a head start me thinks this let's go ahead and just connect these two because this one's generating powers this i mean if i'm not mistaken power output 17 isn't that just a free that's a basically a vanometric power cell this is good we'll embed the wires into the future wall that i expect to be creating i know i'm not gonna have to make it quite that long but we might as well right we might as well jesus hey hit point in thanks very much for this ah for the smashing raid god bless hang on a second hope your stream went well let me give you a quick shout out and secret dark thank you for all the jesus christ for ten more gift subs hang on a second let me just do a quick hey thank you very much ah you guys were doing banner lord i hope your guys stream went well that's very nice very nice of you indeed i was thinking of uh mounting uh the blade really got nothing today mountain blade mountain blade an excellent franchise that will forever live in infamy i believe that post malone has a mountain blade tattoo isn't that if i'm not mistaken i don't know why i know these various facts but i do all right yeah clearly we are not getting any event warnings this is horrifying uh who is our best socialist um none of them are particularly good hmm [Music] i don't really like any of that at all no hang on one second i'll be right back um one more second all right there we go sorry about that i just had to plug something in uh let me just mark the time yup i'm gonna be busy for just two seconds uh hang on one second i just gotta i gotta take a call for like three seconds i will be right back pausing so okay i'm back sorry about that ah okay there we go i'm just gonna mark that 56. okay all right uh sorry to make a long story short uh my dad's visiting this week uh he came down to florida um and i accidentally locked an extra door so i was just like oh i just locked you out i feel like i'm a fact sponge i feel you i um i also remember a vastly abundant amount of facts mostly irrelevant yeah there's quite a lot of them in room world but i feel like it's it's never out of place when you're playing this game because there's uh there's just so much to be learned about it i feel like i'm still learning after like 700 hours tysker thank you very much for the other five gift subs jesus christ if i can uh if you have any special requests or anything please ping me with them on the discord that's that's extremely kind of you and i mostly mostly unmerited but if there's anything that you've enjoyed that i can do more of i would i would really love to hear that that would be it would mean a lot to me if you have anything i truly hope you're not putting yourself at any need but if you are getting your gifts up please be sure to say thanks thank you very much tysker all right um sorry for that little interruption anyway uh let's get kind of back into our uh where we're at with this colony i think our colonists are at a more realistic level of expectations this is probably something from a vanilla expanded mob that i just don't know um and wish you thank you very much for the prime um [Music] j-mac thank you very much for the five gift subs god bless thank you very much j-mac enjoy you just being you so do more of that onward onward my friend i will continue to be mys it would be literally impossible for me to be anything other than myself though so uh i i can't physically disappoint all right i'm gonna go ahead and start to take away some of these uh i'm gonna start to take away some of the colored uh like placement zones just so that i can see i mean i mean we've clearly got this as a storage now we're going to go ahead and move the meat into the fridge in a couple of days i can assure you but right now we just don't have any meaningful refrigeration taking place so it's simply not worth it uh and are we getting power to this table uh it looks like we're trying to get down the last few of the grid bits all right so once we get that let's just make some parkas it's the one thing i didn't really bring them prepared with but they have all of their other factions specific apparel uh we've got four of these we want to have four ready at all times and we should always have [Music] um take you to the best stockpile uh that's good only allowed ingredients i think i'm just going to leave that as it is for now we just want four parkas but we want them to be a uh we want them to be of at least a decent quality we don't want them wearing poor quality so let's go ahead and say we want to make sure that it's at 51 to 100 hit points because we don't want them to be wearing tattered apparel um we want it to be normal to legendary quality because we want them to have on decent quality clothes and we want them to [Music] uh don't count tainted and don't count uh yeah i want them to have extra ones for in case if they need them later and let's actually just bump that up because we don't want them to be like on the edge of that 80 to 100 hit points that's good all right so we've automated a little bit of our clothing creation tysker thank you very much for gifting another gifts up thank you very much jesus christ thank you hmm yeah so let's get um look at the purple meadow settlement but they didn't really have anything for us they just had a lot of sombreros goodbye purple meadows settlement people of the sombreros hope you enjoyed your stay in our colony um [Music] other stuff we should start doing so now that we've got our stone works ready we can start using limestone as that our outer defense wall i really want to just kind of hem in the whole base because we've been pretty ambitious to begin with we've set out a large area that we're trying to defend um i'm going to probably defend our bedrooms first because i think that's going to be the safest bet i just want to get them underneath the ceiling here so let's go ahead and just kind of put in this um and you know what we could really do here is move this over one we might have to slightly adjust some of these bits and pieces um actually let's do this limestone wall let's just put it here just for simplicity and then we'll make both of these doors that way we can just kind of yeah here we go there's a very simple way to make a large barracks for them and they should be happy in this room because despite the fact that it is ass objectively uh it's also rather large so they might enjoy the spaciousness of their ass room and here to find the hit points for the same area from you with uh define quality level um it's similar i mean you know you have to define both the hit points and the quality level in order to get the clothing right like there's a lot of annoying stuff that goes into automation like it needs to be i don't want them to be wearing bad quality clothing just because i don't want them to get shot in it you know it does give them some defense and it does give them some temperature and isolation so i think that it's important uh of course we could micromanage all the materials and everything but i just don't think it's worth it it's not like we're raising uh muffalo and we want them to work specifically with that okay this is looking quite good now i mean we've got all of our colonists working on decent tasks i'm not really focusing on what the colonists themselves are doing usually uh generally when you play this game if you're too focused on what the individual colonists are doing you're doing something wrong you should just be kind of issuing out orders for everyone let's go ahead and look at our roof zone zones there we go okay build a roof area good so they've decided that they're going to build the roofs there good to see [Music] yeah one might say that it would be a large ass room [Music] all right so they're being rained on uh not good not a sign to control okay who is responsible for the construction here okay sandra you'd better just build a roof over everybody for tonight there we go we are roofed uh you can go to bed again i just didn't want them to get wet all right so as you can see we've kind of uh we've gotten over our initial spurt of happiness and they are now they're eating raw food they're recreation to product oh we also have to give them a little uh whatchamacallit construct deez nuts hmm and i'll allow it hey thank you very much triple g uh that was like the the exclusive answer that we had in our jack box game the other night with some of my friends one second hmm okay so we've got our main base set up we have some quality of life issues they seem to still be eating meat uh they still haven't really hit the first rice harvest meaningfully yet are they getting to it here this is the old rice that we planted so they're at 82 percent grown here and it shouldn't be too long before they get that out of the ground let's start to think about actually cooking some of this stuff because as far as i'm concerned we've got a lot of free power going right here um the butcher table is outside we want to keep that separated off from the rest of the kitchen i'm going to start just building with limestone because i don't like building with uh wood especially in a place where there's so much danger of like uh forest fires right here i sound like smokey the bear and we want to create a double air lock for this uh fridge as much as we can so what i'm thinking is we do something like this to airlock our fridge in the future and we'll build this soon because having a fridge is just such a nice thing you really don't want to go without a fridge i mean like even as we're building our bedrooms i think that this is going to be important uh i don't think we'll we'll also want another entry to it from the fields so let's go ahead and put that down um cancel that like there and we actually do want it to be double walled come to think of it so yeah we have to build quite a lot of walls in here actually that's not going to give me room for it so if we put it there i think we'll be better off it's a lot of micromanaging here not attractive but necessary here we go and i was thinking we were going to end that fridge right about there so we do something like that and they can get on uh get to work on this over time we don't actually need to build this all out we can just build one of the walls there we'll build the outermost one so that we can see where it's all going to go uh and i'll build in various entrances and exits and things like that but the fridge is one of the most intensive micromanaged parts of the colony so i think that's important i will do it for the kitchen because i want to get that out of the way right now um actually we can cancel that we want to be kind of and i'll leave that one there as a reminder of what i'm going to do later on we've got sushi everyone i really want some sushi and we've got that that work penalty outdoors should disappear but now we're getting to the point where we can get recreation and refrigeration the two r's uh everybody on that i think some of them are incapable of firefighting it's been a while oh jesus oh jesus i have an irrational fear of getting trapped in an industrial sized fridge [Laughter] there's some wacky dreams that the psyche comes up with i do i do understand your irrational phobias what do i just ask them i did not mean to do that all right and we'll start to delete where we've already kind of laid out our plans i plan for there to be a small footpath over here to the research room but research isn't really that necessary to get done with right now looks like they're getting most of the limestone out of the way and they'll probably keep mining more limestone from the walls there we go slinging slashers got to work slinging slasher is just about ready to do a lot of harvesting though but i think slinging slasher might seriously carry our colony the way it looks uh oh i just realized that this was an outstandingly dumb idea because i've got that outdoors i don't know why i did that um oh yes our uh our faction name and settlement name uh okay here is where i will take ideas from chat we have the saltiest of semen there we go this healthiest of uh semen yo ho uh something piratey for the faction name can we go with uh i will take some suggestions here if you have them uh with a little seaweed like utter disgust thank you very much for the for the ah salty there we go the the saltiest yeah yoho uh salty the salty spittoon there we go the salty spittoon weenie had juniors [Laughter] i love this game uh one thing i'm going to go ahead and do is put down limestone walls here because i was stupid and i didn't realize that this was electric when i made it so i am now suffering the consequences uh big mistake but ooh okay that is bog ground i'm lucky i that didn't prevent me from doing what i was going to do let's go ahead and just do that and we will uninstall that for just a second just because i don't want that to go on fire i didn't mean to do that all right so that's good not really super urgent but it should get back it's uh it's bills when it's rebuilt i believe okay we got most of the stuff working and running uh we have the basic outline of a base this is way faster than i've set up most of my colonies so any thoughts now on the way everything's going everything's going a little too well like i might say i'm surprised that i haven't gotten a raid or a disease or anything yet has has somebody gotten a disease and i'm just not seeing it the way that these events have been working i'm scared that someone's going to get struck with a plague and it'll just be like oops too bad but i guess they'll go into bed i'll just be a delay before i see it close bills you can set a single storage area to hold one of each article of clothing a colonists are going to i would like to get specialized storage zones because they do look really nice aesthetically like you know having the steel outside having the clothes on specialized clothing racks it's like that it's like that's chef's kiss you know it's such a good looking colony so nice to see that um i think we can go ahead and do some sandstone building too because sandstone is very quickly workable you know maybe we'll just save the limestone for the buildings on the outside of the base i don't really know why i did it for these buildings but we've already begun with some limestone there so let's continue that ideally we'll get everything to lime zone uh limestone but we'll start with sandstone here that's fine as well if we don't have anything else available rimworld thank you very much my friend much appreciated [Music] and lisa aardvark thanks very much for the prime all right so we've got a a good buzz of work going we've got them walled in i'm going to go ahead and start to uh cancel off some of these plans because i want they're starting to get in the way it's visual clutter maybe that's fine hmm what am i thinking what am i thinking okay we've got 444 steel a lot of the times people will wait till later on in the colony to do this but i'm going to go ahead and do this right now it's something that is important to me just for kind of maybe it's because i make videos on it but i like things to look nice you can live your lobster lifestyle of just like bad looking things i think this is gonna end up overlapping this so i probably made a little mistake here i'm gonna have to fix up later on but i could just shift over the story jerry it's not that big a deal we're gonna go ahead and build out a bunch of steel paths just because i think this is going to speed up the entire process of building a base whoops oh i'll just plant over those i'll construct over those plants for now um but i like to do this because it just it's kind of like the veins and arteries of your base you know keeps everything moving at a good uh brisk pace hmm yeah tall dude thanks very much for the prime uh don't forget that the events pop up yes checking the world this is true okay we've got a wild person as well wandered in i'm just so focused on them i'm so focused on my grind man that's the grind set we've got an ancient security turret that's interesting a wild person yeah so i guess i should explain a little bit more about vanilla factions expanded uh one of the skulls that we picked for this playthrough was that events show up without words i thought that that meant that the envelope would show up you know like the event envelope but we just wouldn't know what event it was it turns out nothing shows up at all so this is uh far more terrifying it looks like tail is going to go get into a fight with these mega spiders down here or these fellow pizzas i don't believe they're is there actually that's kind of rare there's no mega spider there but i think tail is going to get away with just taking that yeah there you go okay just sit in your sad corner okay we'll probably be dead tomorrow but we'll probably not anger them so that's the the positive comeuppance out of that entire debacle over there um oh there's stuff it looks like they'll get done with that before too long let's give them some time as they sleep and i suppose that i should take some time then if that is one of the mutators to just zoom out and be afraid because anything could happen at any time but it's kind of like real life or what this reminds me of a little bit is playing kenshi but it's rimworld because in kenshi people just show up and they're like yeah we're here for everything and then you're like this wasn't announced this very upsetting game to play very fun but also very upsetting um yeah it's it's the sigma mail one might say that it's the sigma male grind set i'm focused on my grind i'm not getting distracted with you know uh oh here we go we can change the oh this is why more planning is such a great mod we can change the plan opacity well that's very nice so we could have made it brighter all along i'll take it a little bit brighter i think i liked 40. personally i like that there's people who can't stand seeing the separate stockpile zones personally i do enjoy seeing the separate stockpile in growth zones uh this is surprisingly not exploded either that's interesting we'll give them some time to work on this stuff today it's quite a lot but once they get these yeah this is my favorite sound in rimworld there is no feeling like there's no feeling more intense than starting over who is that the bennett foddy thing whenever i try to say something intellectual about a game it just turns into a bennett foddy quote there we are okay so let's delete those i wanted the path bits away um but it's satisfying because you know they look rough and unstructured earlier on but then as as you start to pave them they look better i think i'm also going to i'm going to go ahead and do this i'm just going to cancel this entire plan here because i would rather use this area for storage it's a waste to do paths here we might have one entrance that way but i'd rather be able to build the geothermal generator there in time because that's a really essential item uh we will go ahead and mine out these and although it's nice to have a clear path from the bedrooms it's better if the bedrooms are far out of the way because they really don't spend that much time at their bedrooms throughout the day i'm not gonna lie like i said a lot of this is not gonna be doing things that are piratey yet but you know in good in short order and when i say short order i mean three hours we'll have this base like in a really good work optimized condition then we can probably spend the next four videos you know doing raids and stuff like that or maybe two the last two of them just building a base is so satisfying you know feels good all right enough on that um now that we've built most of the outlines of our other buildings and i think that this is quite clearly the planting zone so i'm also going to cancel this or whoops let's delete that plan as well i know you loved the color green there that was just such a nice color to have one of the best colors to see we'll leave that over there so i can kind of see where the kill box ends um but we can kind of build in our dining room just by building a couple of extra walls so let's go sandstone again for everything on the inside we have enough sandstone we really are just getting limestone clips here so again we'll switch over to limestone that was rather confusing wasn't it uh we can do this because i want to separate out the path um another question i often get is why do you build double walls this one did not make sense to me for a while when i started playing the game so the reason why i do double walls or sorry not double walls double paths is so the colonists going either direction don't bump into each other a lot of folks see that and go i mean you could really do triple or quad if you have tons and tons of colonists but usually two should be enough one way each hey zebola thanks very much hmm is it zabula the ambivalence i get when i read the your name all right so get the dining room going up where do we want the entrance to be it doesn't really make a difference the dining room and rec room can be combined to just put a lot of good stuff in one area um go ahead and put one door for now i'll probably double wall this off on the inside of here so that we can make that dining room decently large and a lot of these things you'll notice that i've built into a cliff side so that way if i wanted to i could expand them underneath the mountain if i wanted to later on uh i don't have to it'd be nice but so far none of my colonists have suffered a mental break at all and they they were decent colonists but you know they weren't perfect by any means um other stuff i should end up doing i think i'm just going to go ahead and build this path because i think for me i like to just cross off as many of these items on my checklist so let's go cancel these and we'll just make another concrete path there as a reminder concrete is also a great material to start with just because it's like it's so easily workable it it takes almost nothing for them to build concrete so we've got limestone walls there let's do this as concrete that'll eventually be walled in [Music] and you know what let's seal off this mountain i'm sealing the crack there we go okay good so this will all be enclosed and then they can wall it ah wasn't that nice and satisfying oh why do i do double walls uh double walls is for temperature insulation i believe it was yeti if i'm not mistaken did it test on this i might be wrong about that double check me if you will uh or was it total time waster one of the two of them i saw a video by one of the i think it was one of those guys who did a video on uh insulation and if you tried like five walls interim world there's so many different ways you could spin it but two walls is is like as well as you can do um i can't remember also having more spaces between you know like like there's sets of double doors in cold areas for a reason it's it's a real physical phenomenon that's somewhat simulated in the game not to a perfect degree but you know good enough though i think that there are mods that try to do like thermodynamics and stuff like that um okay we've also got this i'm gonna remove more of these plans and now i'm just going to start to place down those stockpile zones because i think the food will last we should have those walls on the ground in short order so let's go for stockpile zone and i think i'm just going to make it a really big spot in the fridge i want to see it visually so let's go ahead and clear all and we'll just do all food uh priority preferred we might switch around some of those because the important bit and all of that does matter a little bit but we've got let's just do simple meals make until we have let's say 10 that's usually a good place to start uh we'll do only workers of skill i think our cook is currently seven and up but we'll make it six and up just to let them drain a bit ingredient radius unlimited i think that's good and we just want to do drop on floor that's important as well we want to get a hauler in there but we don't want our cook meals is the most important thing i'll teach you to automate meal cooking pretty well pretty fast in a minute i just have to get my thoughts in order um am i going to make a video of this yeah this is going to be a big vod you think it was i think it was yeti with the insulation test that's good to know um dig a hole in a mountain and start making some standard size 7x7 yeah so the reason i didn't go deep under a mountain this time was mainly because i did mountain people with the neckbeardism colony i just i'm tired of doing mountains for a little while mountains are really good uh if you have colonists who are all undergrounders you're in good luck but uh actually slinging slasher would have made a great dwarf farmer i'm upset that he didn't get to do that or she she she uh chef boyardee is also a she pasteur is a he and sand is a she okay so we hopefully will not make that mistake pesto is the only he okay now i now i've remembered who is what because i have a tendency to do that in a lot of my playthroughs moving along moving along so your construction is getting how are you botching these constructions is your manipulation okay oh you're manipu oh we aren't even seeing any events so she got food poisoning this bad this bad it's probably going to be what kills us [Laughter] oh god let's check and make sure that there's nothing horrible happening on the map okay their alligators have decided to move in that's interesting um um limestone is over there and yet at the same time i sometimes feel as though all of the events in room world kind of like throw me off like what do we have a bunch of elephants moving all that being said after this i'm going to turn to security because we have done really well with getting this base up and running but i i truly think the next thing we need to do is just automate some defenses for ourselves that's my favorite way to do defenses in rimworld uh because i don't have to think about them quite obviously but we've got a little bog right there so we have to bring back this wall a bit there we go i might as well just bring back that whole thing one because i wasn't too picky about that um [Music] i was thinking that we do something like this we try to keep a defense all around our perimeter this is bad that is awkward okay i did not notice this when i was planning the round uh without alleviating myself by making them more by adding in the more bridges mod let's just figure out where this bog goes this is not stable soil interesting i thought i would be able to construct on that all right so let's do this just ah that was bad oh it's fine you know we can actually cover that pass with this giant turret which we have no use for uh oh and we just lost this cotton grow zone that is not good either now when does this end okay yeah i'm just testing out which bits of ground i can construct on if we do this and this and this and then we finally make it out back out to the area where we could build and then that doesn't work either because of this thing that is so horrible so now we could build a steel wire on that though but again like i said this is part of the challenge of building in a jungle and another one of the reasons why i wanted to build on this because it just makes the final product look so much more interesting let's just do that this is fertile soil what the hell and we've lost so much of the ground of our fertile soil from having had to construct like this jesus i might as well build out to the wires at least we did make it out there so this is a very awkward looking wall if we can expand our whole operation out further that might be better um yeah i know i'm upset about the plants as well but let's at least get these growing zones in i just want to make sure i haven't over extended oh sandra has gone into a oh jesus well we aren't getting notifications for anything then all right it might be dangerous to speed up so i'll just try to keep a closer eye on things all right have your catharsis just don't murder anyone just don't murder anyone you're also ravenously hungry well then go eat that rice pay for that rice when you're done eating it please good all right that'll be 9.75 that's some expensive rice okay look everyone's happy that she destroyed the wires um other stuff i guess we should start to build these wires through here eventually we'll get it out of wood but that's important yeah i guarantee you that that event not showing is going to kill me cephalon soda thank you very much for the prime much appreciated my friend so yeah i know it it's kind of like a concave but this wall not very nice to look at but let's at least make it just like slightly less inviting to raiders the one major advantage of this spot as a basin despite the fact that there is some poor soil here uh is the fact that any raider that comes to us is going to have to approach us over the water so one thing that we can do is to put some turrets around here or maybe some little openings for our colonists uh so that they can just kind of go out and pew pew at anyone who comes near our base and that they'll be stopped in the water using water in marshes like that is pretty useful and i was thinking that we might be able to make this bridge some sort of well maybe a drawbridge perhaps at some point so we'll focus on that and we'll also build i'm just going to wall off this entire section all right so that's the basic form of our security we should also get just a couple of um a couple of these things going so i wanted to do like a fake kill box in here something like this is gonna be kind of awkward to see how it goes but let's do something simple to start and then we'll kind of upgrade it from there so we'll do a security spike trap put one i think here yeah here we go here here and here and then we make all of these doors so that gives us some defense from the outer world unless people of course break into the world the walls but of course that's a different uh situation unto itself sandra is coming down and let's just kind of keep an eye on our columnist needs brutal outdoors okay so you clearly need to spend more time underground well what i might end up doing is to put some planting beneath the mountain so that slinging slasher will always spend some time out there yeah i don't like that and it looks like they don't even have enough sandstone for some of this let's do that there we go yeah it's not telling me about disease it's not telling me about anything so here's the good news the good news is that if you use that as a skull it makes the game a little bit easier like it sends you less bad events but inherently it makes the game harder because you get less information um so yeah we are getting no events showing but part of the reason why i uh part of the reason why i wanted to um just play this in the first place because i wanted to see what the pirate's mod is like i had kind of mixed opinions about ideology when it first came out but a lot of the things in that video have been uh ironed out with the development process so we might even go back to ideology at some point and just kind of revise that video um like basically everything that i said in the video that was like oh they could do this in the game like they they changed it within like a month which just kind of speaks to how good ludiana's development team hmm yeah dinolog thank you very much for the prime hey feeding cats thanks for coming out well you know let's see if we can put in other things into this colony it's kind of interesting that i can't see the events and although uh i don't really like it i i think it does present an interesting challenge a little bit i'm compensating by saying that but i think it would be interesting if i could build in like fail safes just things to warn me when stuff goes over the edge because i'm certainly not going to play the game at one time speed i think that would just be overly cautious and boring um but again i don't want to be a runner excuse me a runaway train either let's go ahead and see i'd like to just do stuff fast i was a little speedy here though okay they should have this walled off and finished by the time that's done and let's go ahead and we've got orders let's just harvest more of these fully grown trees over here this is going to give slinging slash or something to do i don't really care that slinging slasher is upset i uh slinging slasher so far has not brutal outdoors can you but you'll spend some time [Music] underground at night right so don't doesn't that let's just see if this moodlet wears off by the time that slinging slasher goes to bed that's the really the only personality characteristic that we're butting up against and then we'll get this in okay so i said i would talk about meal workflow overview so we've got drop on floor here i think that these are all the things i wanted normally i would go 8 to 20 but it's fine um pause when satisfied okay so let's talk about simple meal workflow if we go for zone and we just do a stockpile zone i'm gonna say like right about here this is always a bit confusing i think it looks like this there might be an exact formation if we clear all and we just make this purely for meals and we make this low priority then the cook can drop the meals there when the cook is done cooking and we need to do like important priority rice right here so like important clear all raw food and we'll just make this rice because we know that rice is going to be our staple food so we have so many more options here but if we just say rice belongs there then there's always going to be a stockpile zone of rice right in this spot and people will always keep trying to deliver that to the cook it shouldn't spoil because it just gets so much turnover um and the cook throws down the meals there if you're doing like fine meals there too you can say that meat belongs here as like an important thing but i don't believe that we have enough meat yet to kind of necessitate that um and we also should probably put in a chair because whoever's cooking will spend a lot of time there and we'll be uncomfortable um give them like a requirement i've been waiting for the chance to join a stream so i could tell y'all that i love your content giving back to the people that make my life more bearable fun thanks for doing what you do pog champ uh yeah i do uh hey thank you very much mr quest for the very generous 20 donation ah that makes it all worth it thank you very much my friend oh much appreciated you know i used to like to watch the yoggs the yoggs cast i still kind of watch the yogscast from time to time like to kind of remember why why i make what i make because sometimes i'm just thinking i am just kind of playing video games but it's a it's a good thing to do and i hope it gives you whatever you whatever you found the channel for you know my one thing about running a youtube channel and like i don't know regret over the years like existential regret is i always wanted to showcase more games and i felt like i couldn't do that on the main channel as easily like i couldn't just break out into something that uh is really weird whoops no no no no do not do not delete uh crappy started getting rid of the there we go cotton keep it cotton all right as part of the reason why we're doing this on the vod channel too and i can do kind of crazy long series like this and we just hang out and spend like three hours playing rimworld what other place would that be possible such a wonderful such a wonderful place this is of course it is of course do i ever watch sips is the pope catholic i haven't i haven't really watched as much stuff lately because most of the time i spend just time making stuff now but i would i would watch a lot of sips when i was more into watching stuff but usually if i just like spend less time making videos and i uh and i just kind of like live my life you know eat pizza and go to the grocery store and things like that then i generally speaking kind of slip back into the the thoughts of a viewer and i i generally make better stuff when i do that so you kind of got to go in and out of it you know if you spend too much time just making stuff then you just kind of turn into a guy who presses play and makes videos do you want something for valentine's day as a bromance maybe 20 or a ham sandwich perhaps um that would actually that would actually be hilarious valentine's i might steal your idea to do for one of my friends for one of my oh excuse me for one of my bros which there are so many bros that i have uh but only like a few that are really dear that i have a bromance with i would say um yes yes i would allow that thank you very much for the five dollars troll and comfy minerva thanks very much for the prime what an absolutely classical reference for a name man i wish my name were minerva after the greek goddess athena the goddess of wisdom whom uh whom zeus who who was zeus's mind child all right we're just kind of slipping into the mad right here let's get back to the game what's my thoughts on epictetus this is why i love you guys you're you're very fun audience to have if you're asking about things like epictetus is that how you say his name i've you know i didn't study philosophy i know the basic ones but is it epictotus i just picked it it didn't sound right am i saying it wrong i say a lot of things wrong but you a lot of people will cry correct you for your pronoun okay now enough of this yes i say a lot of things wrong uh question everything i say is it's epic uh that is a very funny mispronunciation zoltaris thank you very much all right so we're getting everything kind of roofed in now some of it's a little bit boring we've got a couple more visitors uh oh look it's like the star trek people okay let's go trade and see what they have to offer we come in peace uh we do need some herbal medicine that would be nice only because we have nothing what can we trade you uh we could trade you this literally just that we don't have any money uh you don't want steel uh screw it we're fine there's gotta be some medicine on the ground in the jungle right is there really not this plant grows jade that doesn't exist probably i don't know anything about plants um i mean jade is a gemstone that yeah that's not sensible all right okay um let's talk about other stuff that we should be doing right now so they haven't eaten at a table at all we kind of want to improve their quality of life again of course they're going to be getting pickier and pickier as time goes on so i'm not really so happy about that let's build one of these tables just because we can have set like the maximum number of the mat uh yes i need to say maximum like that uh but that's good okay we've got this our fridge can we build a uh a cooler yes we can good all right um so one thing i'm going to do is to put in a chimney i believe that this should work uh where do i want the chimney to be though what is rock roof very nice placement of this rock roof okay good that's literally all that we need to get a our fridge refrigerated because it'll just blow the hot air out the top um i am going to build one more of these things though this might become another cooler and i'll do two of these things but i've had pretty good results with this and that way we can double wall in the rest i think that'll count i might have to revise it but that wouldn't be so bad if we had to fix it up we're getting a basic dining room outlined uh do we have roof area here okay we are not done why haven't they roofed this oh because it's not completely walled in that's fine um i don't know other stuff my real goal for the end of this video like i said was to just have a basic complete base set up let's go ahead and haul over these things there we go all right good just bring over those nice nice jim jace thanks very much for the four months thank you all right so other stuff we've got security we've got food we've got the planting refrigerator kitchen uh dining room bedroom workflow going that's really important probably the most important thing that like or if you can tell if somebody is a beginner at this game if they put things in the wrong order like that like if it's like bedrooms plants dining room uh fridge kitchen like it just doesn't really make any sense and there's logic to it you know it took it took me long enough to figure it out but i was pretty bad at this when i started i'm still pretty bad at this why am i not allowed to build conduits over there rob limestone this is kind of weird huh all right well since they see this for only like three seconds i'm gonna go ahead and say let's just build the wires out here i honestly can't tell it might be like a bog underneath it but why would i not be able to build it at all weird weird i'm not seeing it maybe i'll see it when i publish the vod or someone's shouting at the camera right now but that's fine um other stuff we've got hopefully enough yeah good we've got enough sandstone we just got to give our builders some time to work on this um are we getting strife from within not really all right one thing that i've kind of been leaving out for a while and i just want to put in there as a placeholder is a prison and uh an infirmary prisons and infirmaries are best left near the front of your actually the prison can be anywhere arguably should be at the front so that your prisoners don't die after they're done with your kill box if you decide you want to recruit any of them but the infirmary would also be really good to get um i'm going to go ahead and mine this and then let's just do whoops mind connected ores so this is a nice thing from this is the allow tool mod but it allows me to just get all of the steel without really looking into what's there um other stuff really put everybody to good use plenty of food although it's raw food we're going to be storing this let's just get you [Music] working on this sandra there you go good sand let's just get that kitchen going because i want these guys eating normal meals do that do that and does this have power yet come on sandy ah because i had something wrong with the other ground over here okay i derped that let's do this let's just get all of this stuff connected a little weird but okay it's fine arguably i could put it out in the plants but that could also lead to a disaster so good everything but it's fine um and we'll probably want to wall this stuff in as well so let's just you know what it'll just kill me when they come but let's at least get this because it's generating the power so if we do that i know i keep extending out this wall but better be thorough than be sorry okay um prisoner places prisoner places should arguably be nearby where the colonists spend a lot of time because you don't want them to have to make a big trip to the prisoners but it's not so bad if they have to make a big trip to the prisoners it's pretty extraneous that as well as the infirmity the infirmary we will put in here i want to see what's over an undermountain it's bad if you get an infestation in the infirmary so we don't have any mountain overhead right here it's nearby but we can at least evacuate whoever is in the infirmary if that were to happen because it does happen believe me um yeah we had a couple of weird things here uh i had to build my way prison further away from the weapon storage that is advisable yeah you know common sense kinds of things like don't give your prisoners assault rifles uh that's i i thought we i thought we kill box being next to the kitchen and food storage because well yes if you have an entire colony of cannibals that makes sense uh i don't really want to belabor this too much so let's just build a couple limestone walls here so this is fine so we're going to probably double wall this kill box-ish area i guess we'll have to build it on the inside but i really gave myself tons of room for plants so this could support many colonists the amount of planting we've got going on right now um other stuff the door the limestone this is going to be the infirmary okay so prisoners quarters this one is a bit of a head scratcher how should the prisoners be imprisoned you know what i mean sandra you go over there build that and that okay now their bedroom is doored not that it's really made a big difference okay darkness is limiting their speed sand rather you go get that surprise we haven't had a radio i mean we are on blood and dust i've been over why i don't like playing on losing his fun so i hope that much makes sense there we go chef boyardee good job but even that doesn't seem like enough you just make sure storyteller settings yeah blood and dust with uh maybe it's casper cursed maybe it's also because i took all of these skills you know i'm gonna go ahead and say i i didn't think i would have the option to do this i'm just going to delete that because i want the game to give me more information and i want it to be a little bit more on the news uh i guess just to kind of hit on that for a second yeah you can totally change any of the storyteller settings you could totally change your storyteller but uh casper where where did i get that blood and dust losing fun clothes okay so when i did this it showed me oh yes here we go so these are our curses that we picked it's really making the game very easy though to have all of this i kind of want the game to be harder uh i'm gonna turn up curse of my curse of mind i'm doing fine with let's turn off cursive infestation because he's gonna make the game more difficult if i do this i don't want to get rid of uh cursive confetti days between big threats 17 though okay so we've made the game slightly more incessant and bad but you know we've done we've done okay we've done okay i like how oscar builds those types of things into his mods though like where you just have control over everything so if you decide you want to play it a little bit different you can subtle plug for uh for cursed crew all right and let's start to light up our colony as well because it's the darkness is kind of driving me crazy yes let my people go yeah all animals detonate there's some crazy curses in this mod too um an amazing mod an amazing mod for so many reasons i just would like to see what events are happening to me it could also be balancing stuff if if we find that it gets too easy um i might just turn off all the skulls so that i get the normal storyteller stuff but i was or i could turn on really bad skulls i'm just worried i was really worried that i would instantly die if i did one of them so i i wanted to avoid that outcome but it's been quite common nice okay here we go we are getting like notifications again minor break risk that's fine i said here thanks very much for the five months my friend ah thank you my friend uh so what is this simple meal okay we've got vegetarian meals these are labeled is this because of vanilla or is this because of tell me now i haven't played rimmel in in a while since they started updating 1.3 really heavily do we normally get these vegetarian meals or is this a is this a uh a vanilla expanded feature i love vanilla expanded because you can always like question that you know what i mean it's 1.3 vanilla ah wonderful wonderful cursive yes yes i am i've been to france thank you very much drano draenon anderman dran and andermous that is a nice name be a shame if someone were to take it more cargo pods okay all right here we go we've got the good randomness back i i did kind of miss that i was thinking that the events would be a weird way i was you know i was trying to manage without it but i'm glad that it came back one of the things that makes room world so great heard enough about this now turns out that they liked us despite the fact that we did nothing they left us a slate club what a non-gift ah well we did kind of need it it's in bad condition and you are about to break why are you going to break brutal outdoors no foul-mouthed smuggler oh our pastafarians are getting kind of upset about not having their roles appointed oh this is good okay so we need to start picking out the most sociable of the colonists because they're beginning to uh like desire that someone lead them you know as a leader so i'm thinking that let's go ahead and take a look at what the roles are for our faction and then we'll we'll appoint these because they are kind of bringing down the mood in here uh the leader will be the saltiest scene we need is okay so we need to appoint these two rules uh we have singing shanties all right so i see what's going on uh disabled work cooking okay so we can't have sandra is our cook right i stay corrected sandra is our constructor so we want to make sure that something that still allows her to be a constructor can she still uh disabled work man whoever becomes the foul-mouthed smuggler turns into a real jerk uh okay so i'm thinking that sandra would make the flying spaghetti swashbuckler uh as the best roll requires a veil interesting okay so sandra you are going to be the oh we do need the altar i forgot i forgot all about the stuff that we need for ideology okay so we can put this somewhere out of the way because they don't use they seldom use it um what would be nice and lazy to do this uh man i wish i had planned on this okay so we're going to need an alter for them again uh yeah there's a lot more planning that goes into these things uh lectern we need a lectern um face painting studio skull spike barber's table uh it's one of these things where is it does anyone remember which tab the altar is under is it under recreation um why less rimworld we're doing rimworld literally right now and i just did another video of it a couple weeks ago ah thank you for search misc there we go yeah alter i forgot that they added that into the game it's very nice okay so we'll give them an alter right over here good the one thing i don't do anymore though is i don't do series anymore just because they they were i couldn't get as many projects as uh done as i wanted kind of like i did 20 part series it didn't really make any sense um so i've kind of moved that all over here but that's the one exception anything else is kind of treated like a segment this is good okay i'm going to have you build this asap good so let's get them taken care of i don't think they're going to snap because we take very good care of our colonists overall um we will need the foul-mouthed smuggler okay so who's going to make the best foul-mouthed smuggler uh what did pesto do before pesto was our doctor really and just kind of like a hauler so pesto might make a very good foul-mouthed smuggler i'm thinking okay good we've got the altar we've got the altar we also i feel like such a cultist whenever i do these things uh that's because i am a cultist okay uh falmouth smuggler let's just figure out what else they need in the in the ideology room assign falmouth smuggler okay so we don't need that we do need a saltiest semen um [Music] i'm kind of reserving this role for pesto so i'm thinking that slinging slasher who does have the social capability is not really great at it ideally it would be somebody else but you know is going to be the saltiest semen leader speech work drive heads rituals and personally councils believers uh so this is kind of like the priest that we do need saltiest sea woman uh this is also a very important role though hard to say only because this one has to give a speech at times i'm thinking that pesto because of the three social really everyone in this colony is quite bad at being social oh no actually uh he's staying corrected sandra would be the best saltiest sea woman yep yeah i need this only because the the social stat is so important for this okay does anyone have to have any reservations i'm going to appoint sandra as the saltiest seawoman yeah i know the ideology bits are a little confusing but uh yeah it's important ocean gun and utsutsu thanks very much i really hope there is parrots in this play through the shame if there uh weren't uh uh actually uh do we have on alpha animals i think we have an expanded ceremony of changing rules okay we're going to need to oh it has an outcome of chance of 100 we're fine we're fine everyone begin we need to get one of you into a roll oh this is so interesting it's like a scene out of pirates of the caribbean i like this [Music] you know pastafarianism is an actual thing it's like a meme belief system it's right it's true go go ahead and look it up [Music] very good successful role change one awesome dog thank you for that sub um three to one require okay so we had enough people as witness bearing witness to the role change that it was successful good hmm how about cassary's oh yes we could use like some other exotic bird as a proxy for a uh for a parrot it would be nice there wasn't really much of an idea for this place here i don't know just pastafarianism is a fun word to say so i said i'm doing that that seems good but now they are going to be upset i think that was the optimal role for her because now she can do things like accuse someone of something for no reason we can give somebody else a work drive thinking chef boyardee was our construct oh no can sandra work drive herself not really hmm okay i guess we'll just see who's doing the lion's share of the work that's good all right the next thing that i like to do let's just keep our focus off of ideology for a bit after we do maybe one more roll yeah we've got no flying we got to do at least one more of these because they are kind of upset and then we'll handle the dirt situation nautical pasta farians must have a flying spaghetti swashbuckler insert dolphin sound effect here uh usually it's the social stat that covers all all of these things so you would not make a good anything um pesto is probably gonna be the next roll what's the one that gets incapable of everything needs to be a better shot so how far off is pesto from being a good shot that is unfortunate okay pastel uh are you doing hunting you better do some hunting if i ever assign any uh only because i would prefer that you have that role and then can we have um slinging slasher can slinging slasher be the flying spaghetti swashbuckler swabbing the cream abilities convert council okay really not the ideal candidate for this but we don't have much of a choice right here and we haven't gotten any other colonists so i'm gonna go ahead and make uh slinging slasher be this is the thing there we go with god as my witness with god is my witness good they're all perfectly buying into nautical pasta farianism who is having a he's going to break as soon as he is made into the counselor there we are good okay wonderful counselor um i really don't like the ideology like rituals that much as as far as like it goes when i'm trying to set up a base if you had a base set up and then you tried to do them then it would be good but i always find that it happens during a time when there's enough other stuff wrong is it that i have seen it done right a couple of times i've been a casual watcher of your videos on youtube and found myself immensely drawn to the philosophical humor keep up the good work and have an excellent day it's all life is about all life is about philosophy even gaming to a certain extent life is a game hey thank you very much ocean gun thanks for the 500 bits i appreciate it my friend the thing you say the flying spaghetti bugger do anything no i i think i got that all from uh what did i do i watched too many seth zine hatch and uber danger videos i really like the people always say seth but they don't talk about uber and i really like his gandhikas that kind of inspired a lot of the stuff i like to do so if you're ever looking for anything that's uh really good look to those channels for uh some some inspiration i i really enjoy them if i could make more things kind of in that line but i like to think it i uh kind of you know make my own way as i go yeah go check them out they're really good all right so now we've got our infirmary so let's go get our structure let's do furniture uh we don't really have the infirmary bed here but i just want to get something there just so i kind of have it as like a mental note almost we'll put down a bed there for someone to just be sad in an infirmary when they are sick and in fact we'll bring this a little bit deeper under only because this room should not be dirty that they are getting healed in and we have overhead mountain okay this is problematic we're going to need to fill that in because ideally we don't want to have that at our base and just because i'm a little bit ocd i'm going to put that there okay there it is nice nice all right slinging slasher slasher was bound to go crazy at some point though oh all right ah tyskar hadn't reset ah tysker thank you very much for all of the kind gift subs today i i i do i do thank i do thank kahoot bless you my friend uh yes the the good event streams we'll be doing some of those again soon kind of like an ordeal to think of questions though that people can't just cheat on on the internet instantly but i do kind of enjoy your cheating on the internet instantly on my quizzes so uh more of that more of that all right this raid is no no bueno are they attacking right i think they're attacking right away right our wall is not yet complete slinging slasher is really not a great person for this fight so i'm gonna do this the saltiest of semen there we go like if i die if i do something incredibly dumb i don't want to ruin the playthrough but i i'll i'll try not to say yeah we'll be good just in case just in case we have combat command we should be fine for this fight we just don't really have that much cover chef boyardee pesto is here and what kind of weapons they have so they have this like short range what appears to be a volcanic pistol in awful quality and a hunting rifle okay the hunting rifle i'm non-plussed by as long as we deprive them of cover though we should be fine here we'll have to start to clear out this area and sand ra uh can improve everyone's abilities there we go okay so combat so she's beaming them you know we could have gotten further back in our positioning i just want to deprive them of this we should all be close together as well which further complicates this entire debacle we'll just stay out of cover for now all right they were stupid and they tried to attack us by walking over the bridge so that was just we got saved by bad ai there uh royal insect oh no do not take that because that does some weirdo stuff uh don't know if i really want this because it's of awful quality we will strip them of their gear though and our is either one of them really good at something night owl and a nudist i'm not a huge fan of having nudists in the colony quick sleeper night owl rebel what is the rebel trait only plays by their own rules and will roll their eyes toget okay so it doesn't like to do tasks that are forced uh let's i actually really like these phenol expanded traits traits stuff we're already good at or we don't really need um i'm content to just kind of take their stuff and then let them die all right well we survived our first raid that's good news you don't want to have like a rabbit send your colonists to bed that would be pretty bad yes drowsap hey thanks very much for the three months ah rimworld is excellent remarkable is excellent yeah like i said rimworld is one of those games that is just so general and interesting and broad that i could just kind of keep doing it forever and never run out of ideas all right this is surprisingly fast that we got a whole base up and running i suppose it's because that last time that we played with the neckbeardism we had to mine out our entire base which is kind of an ordeal despite the fact that we had one guy who was a literal pickaxe uh what was his name again i can't remember what that pawn's name was but he was so fast at mining it was unbelievable baffling and horrifying uh let's see oh actually they just need to do a little bit of hauling all right that's fine we'll let them catch up with their tasks sand is catching up with the wall chef boyardee is doing a lot of hauling pesto is crafting and slinging slasher is just very upset so if we're good and we have enough food and we do need to fill this foul mouth smuggler okay so let's look at this so you're the flying spaghetti swashbuckler basically pesto just needs to level up in shooting so let's give a lot of tasks with this just because i'd like to check off these bits from the ideology uh pesto is there chef boyardee we might as well have chef party let's just have pasto do this extreme break risk okay you're gonna come back in a moment yeah you have a huge catharsis right now um it looks like we're still getting mood effect doubling so i'm not sure if ch unchecking those skulls actually did change it let's just go check with the storyteller for a second storyteller settings close and no i mean it does appear that it's changed i don't think that there's any like confirm box but it might just be that i'm using those uh principles for the rest of the playthrough or maybe some of them are set in stone like the mood thing i'll recheck that one uh did i change it oh i actually i didn't even uncheck it so never mind i stand corrected nope the mod is great much as expected i have found flawlessness in another oscar pataki mod mad wild boar okay he'll probably just stand over there because he has no way of getting to this is the happiest i've ever been with a colony and the smoothest that anything has ever gone maybe i'm just getting better at the game i don't know i mean that is a there is a slight chance of that isn't there why don't you take that bolt action rifle too you love action there we go good yeah you love action we're back we're back folks i apologize for that i don't know what the hell happened to the internet the nefarious machine that it is let's go ahead and just expand the zone where meals can be caught out to here so that the cook will always drop them there and they won't overcook things right i think we're good here now um what other stuff do we need to do we do need components for this so let's go ahead and mine out more component areas just get our technology up keep finishing off all of the uh lines of construction that we've been working on all right and pesto how much are you leveling up so this shouldn't be too long it's only level six in shooting and good you are doing that and you are hunting or you're consuming you're hauling didn't i have more animals that i wanted you to kill do you have any way of getting to them never mind we'll just give you some time yeah i know don't jinx it um like 5g did the volume die out hang on a second let me just record i'll record in the background if something happened the volume volume's the same as we left it i believe all right are we getting any connection issues okay we're good yeah so now that we've got most of this up and running i'm content now to just take away most of these floor designators let's uh get rid of the plans here so we'll remove fridge and we'll remove dining and we'll even remove uh let's wall in the supply workshop as soon as we get this wall on the outside perimeter finished uh we've still got all of that so they're still working on all of this but let's get chef boyardee to let's get jeff where do you work on this limestone wall there we go not assigned to constructing who is our constructor oh no our constructor has gone mad because she had too much to construct never mind never mind you just you do you for a little while sandra all right so the next thing that i usually like to do with my colonies is begin my war on dirt ooh mad gorilla mad gorilla what's he mad about everything's all right gorilla just relax gorilla that's a good life it's a good life don't come near our house don't come don't do any of the things that you're about to do think about your wife and your kids gorilla [Music] oh we've got to go frenzy oh slinging slasher one wonderful work maybe all right this looks like the perfect opportunity for pesto to show his metal as a shot okay yep where everybody out of bed everybody out of bed the gorilla is in the workshop this is now turned into a game of rimworld folks shoot bring that i want the thing dead okay good we got the pinata sound effect when the animal died i forgot about this yes confetti is released and everyone's uh uh jovial there we are good hey cool what's up my brother hey what's up how are you my friend uh how goes it how goes it ghoul ah he's back ladies and gentlemen the fine the fine project zomboid youtuber friend of mine ghoul king oh god damn it why does a tiger always hunt me whenever i'm working hang on a second everyone to arms to arms again to arms here we go uh we're being hunted by tigers this time the tiger is wading the river because it's very upset about god knows what all kinds of things uh we have to shoot that thing we have to shoot that thing why aren't we shooting that thing people there we go uh don't just run up to it maybe like as a last minute thing good is very upset about that it doesn't like it yay hooray that's my that's actually a great sound effect oh what an excellent choice what an excellent choice oh jesus cool have you done any um uh rim world with the pirates uh expansion it's very fun you should try it out um it's like when the 70 year old guy tried to flirt with me when i was working in retail oh i think we're talking about a project zomboid uh uh event nope that's uh that's different that's a different uh type of thing to do that's not yeah that's not good um here we are hmm all right so the war on dirt is very serious firstly we must engage it in the kitchen of all places uh very bad if you have like a dirty floor just because it causes the meals to become bad we could do concrete tiles they're neutral in terms of look we don't really have anything that's that great do we have any plentiful stone we do have quite a lot of sandstone because we've given it some time i'm going to go ahead and pave our kitchen with 88 sandstone tile and i'm also just going to pave whatever dirt there is between here and here with sandstone tile uh in the fridge i'm going to lay down concrete because it's cheap fast and it doesn't matter uh later on if we want to it's really excessive to like floor your whole fridge because your collins just don't spend enough time in there they're like momentarily miffed but you somebody would need to be on the brink of disaster if they if they were to get upset over that um as for our dining room slash rec room we do want to put in fine tiles in there but they're also extremely expensive so kind of keep that in mind we could construct then deconstruct and go through all of that um kind of a toss-up here honestly because it is a big mood buff if they have a good one but more important is you want to get something down there right so what i'm going to go ahead and do is just smooth let's smooth the floors that are already in there um we'll add in a door over here as well we've got bog on the ground i'm going to need to i'm going to need to if i can drain that somehow i might need to do that yeah marshy soil i'm not sure how to even deal with that it's been so long usually i just avoid this stuff entirely but uh yeah might have to might have to encounter that at some point the ui for room world is very intimidating i suppose maybe i've played it too much it's it's not really like a game that's ui is built for accessibility though i suppose i personally find it very accessible after all this time but that's only after i don't know it takes like 20 hours to learn it but yeah you'll probably have that amount of time under your belt in no time yeah we could do carpets uh but that does require a lot of cotton i'm not sure if i'm ready to invest that much cotton just yet i kind of want it for other things like billiards tables don't you need it for sandbags stuff like that there's a bunch of other options but the most important place to keep clean is well number one the bedrooms if you're finding that your colonists are upset with their bedrooms like if you find that they're jealous or greedy or something like that and you need to take out that that's important but uh more and more generally important is just get the dining room looking decent and get the kitchen clean um because that's gonna be a big mood buff for all of your colonists so sandra okay you've decided on the fedora very good choice very good choice i do like the kind of mysterious like face masks i don't know i just kept them just kept the whole place feeling like a wild west no maybe it would have been better for a cowboy settlement you could pretty you could lean pretty hard into a cowboy settlement all right what other stuff do we need to do we have plenty of steel so it's really a matter of giving them the time now other stuff that we've been trying to do is get down a research table so i'm gonna go ahead into production right here and uh do we have enough for we don't really have enough for an advanced one so i think i'm just going to put this down in here and we'll also want to make this room a little bit cleaner but for now we can just delete this because i think now it's quite clear what every area of the base is uh research dining i think the only thing we still have left to do is supply so let's just build the outlines of the walls on that and then go from there yeah i think that's a twitch because my upload rate hasn't ah man that's upsetting i don't know i mean like if that continues we'll have to go over to youtube i mean once my contract runs out but i'm just like that's a little frustrating i don't think this has ever happened before though so i'm not really too worried about it but a good reason a good reason only now getting a research bench yeah we didn't really need one for the most part i mean we landed with pirate technology so but i mean it just feels like such a waste of effort if your colonists are going to be snapping and if they get uh you know a lot of research done it's like why try to research science if you don't have any food just farm instead you know what i mean yes a bench of research a bench of research you've never just sat on a bench and researched what are you like a scoundrel you're a scoundrel um i think that we're good here have we deconstructed that no let's go have you do this and primate okay we are losing the primate meat not really a serious issue here uh what is the temperature in the fridge this is important what does it say okay we still got 70 to 75 degrees why is it that warm in the fridge i know we're living in the jungle and it's a little odd but um what is it outside it's 76 degrees outside are we blowing this oh i think i know what's happening here i think i can see this whoops there we go okay whoops uh that i didn't mean to do that good okay there we are and all the meat is rotting away and you go over there no path ah okay that wasn't good um uninstall that for a second remove that roof then you're drafted and then let's reinstall that there i don't love all the micro management of rimworld at times but that's just the way that the game is kind of made there we go okay now the ah darn it yeah that was too bad i thought we would be able to keep in the cold but less but less that's how it is single cooler might not be enough to refrigerate such a large room probably true so i think we're gonna end up doing two coolers here we'll probably do another one here but i just want to see how it reacts to one generally speaking i mean one should be enough to get us down to at least refrigeration and rice lasts for a while ultimately what i want to do is something like this which i think we can start working toward actually now we've got enough double walls around in other parts that we could do this too and then this and then this so we actually don't have to build all these floors and then we'll also do this and this and this and this all right so our fridge is now pretty much complete as far as i want air locks to go and that is important um because double wall does that and then having little air locks around the rest just makes it a little bit more walkable ultimately we'll aim at um what is it auto doors for that uh alligators are just getting in what is this what is this about hey fraser how are you my friend thanks very much for the 14 months been a long time put a barrier in the spot for drop pods barrier might be interesting wait a minute oh you mean like roofs for walls uh uh drop pods can just drop in through roofs if they want they can't get in through rock route i believe rock grooves or mountains so that is one advantage of going for a uh an under mountain base but we aren't doing that one this time there's advantages and disadvantages pretty much to everything copycat nico thanks for the prime all right i don't think i want an alligator just like chilling in my base so we are going to take this out uh uh sounds like an alligator is trying to sell me something i said i said it sounds like an owl yeah good be gone okay he is away he is away we are safe very good very good all right um um other things it looks like we're running out of limestone and the easiest way to get more is to just pick it up off the ground so let's do a haul and i think we're in we're in business now we've actually got these lights up and running as well that was another thing i wanted to do uh as far as bedrooms are concerned we'll work toward that now we can delete these last plans because this area is good we've got our workshop good i'm gonna leave that there because i ultimately want to wall that in but the bedrooms we will start to mine these out because i think i wanted to give them decently sized bedrooms what was that one two three four five i think i did six on the other side accidentally so we can bring that in a bit but it doesn't really make a difference we'll just give them a little bit of extra room oh hey a t-dorpa thank you very much for the 500 bits oh we've got a dan joining he has nowhere else to go colonists will be disturbed it's sending away someone in need i somewhat object to this should we take him hey goose thank you very much much appreciated that why people dan is just one he isn't people my god look at dan's majestic beard i forgot about why i don't like taking in other people with ideology tycoon psychically sensitive he is a good crafter this is going to be a valuable citizen i like him um outlaw neonisalism what the hell he worships schnizika all right let's uninstall that dan take that out get that dan on your way in be a dear dan okay now we are going to start to do numbered priorities because it doesn't make sense to everybody do this i'm gonna have dan do that as a four because this is just a temporary thing i wanted him to do everything else can stay the same though there we go good job dan everyone's everyone's rooting for you dan here we go ah dan why would you leave that way what did just an absolute troll that was of you dan i'm gonna just i'm gonna smack you if you do that again come on then oh why how do you do that okay never mind why is he trying to do this dan i have to cancel this whole other these other plans that i had ah the absolute nefariousness what a troll man there we go good job dan ah everyone likes you again then woo tang wu-tang oh wu tang to 10 months hey harbinger thanks very much for the 10 months yeah dan is just like lml jesus i don't like that kind of attitude though i i don't you're gonna learn some respect while you're around here dan all right so we've got the colony lit up i it's a priority of mine to make sure that the oh whoops he actually needs a better all right that one's the one i meant to do for medical so we'll just build another one for him here still haven't really prioritized bedrooms because i think that these barracks are fine how do they consider these barracks awful still we probably should have worked on that because there's no foul-mouthed smuggler pesto we're trying to level up to become the falmouth smuggler but could dan just become the okay dan will clearly be a better foul-mouthed smuggler so let's give dan an auto pistol set dan off to doing uh some some hunting schedule uh work here we go dan should be hunting i'm gonna set that to a two i'm gonna go ahead i never set anything to one i'll just like let you know right away because pretty much all of these in here i always set to two one is if i want to get everybody to do something manually like there are forced work mods but it's just a nice way to do it in vanilla um if a colonist is particularly good at something like i'll give them i'll give all of these twos but it just doesn't really make that big a difference see like double passion is great single passion is also good but you're gonna be good for other things we'll probably just need to find a specialized researcher um dan really dan or pesto but preferably dan will do the hunting uh dan is sleeping on the floor yeah let him rot let him rot for all of the like lip that he gave me where am i from i'm from new york pirate colony barracks are actually really good because they can also get counted as dining and rook yes barracks are quite are quite amazing like having one really overpowered dining or rec room is good so let's kind of encounter this because we've been giving it a lot of time major break risk it's okay it's okay everyone's going to get their own personal separate room soon or at least at the very least this will be a large room and you won't be as upset as you were before good pesto's doing that my god dan is just going ham on that monkey he's going ape on the monkey one might say oh one might say one might say that would be very uh that would be far too eloquent you shall probably delete the rest of these trees because now we just have random trees in the middle of our base but doing great on the food situation okay how is it yes hooray we've killed the monkey man that is such a fun mutator i hope that there are more just like silly mods like that i wanted to do one play through where i played all of the most cursed mods in rimworld um i don't know i haven't yet i just haven't gotten around to it seems pretty fun all right so now we can kind of look at refrigeration i really do think one cooler should be enough for this and i'm not sure why we're not getting it happening this way uh there's a brainstorm what's going on if i can't figure this out wild run wild oh no that's not good okay sandra we do need to arrest uh whoops uh crap there's no prisoner beds um okay i'm just gonna temporarily make the research this is one thing i wish were fixed in revolt because it's so complex but here we go for prisoners chef boyar oh who has a very good relationship with sandra uh okay slash slinging slasher you can try to arrest her he no one really has very good chances damn it uh she doesn't like that didn't like that at all she's gone rogue okay now she's gone berserk that's not good uh we may have to take her down okay i know what i'm gonna do i would like to subdue her she's gone mad but i also don't want anybody no she was immediately killed by an alligator that was really bad no but it was all so amazing because why would you pick a fight with an alligator oh god big f so sad no that was like our best colonist who could have expected that though i know i wasn't paying much attention to their needs but you i was having a great she was also what would she uh ask all right well we could be upset about it for a long time we could you know we could we could shed tears but i just i think that this was just the perfect way for her to die was to just be immediately killed by an alligator who was wandering through the cycloid patch my god what an absolute lass she was a 42 year old wild woman a street urchin and a space merchant and now we're taking her food unfortunately she also had on the flak jacket she was our best constructor no everyone else is terrible at construction fortunately she did the main thing that she was supposed to do she built the base for us and now we're just living in it so it's like thanks see ya cause we're still gonna get sent more colonists by the storyteller but what did what an mvp this alligator it did get bruised by the auto pistol so it's kind of like animal planet strikes back ah wowzers how did the alligator get back in though i didn't even notice it some of these things you just can't you can't make up you know all right we got a transport crash dan's lover dolly so dan who just has the worst attitude is now joined us go ahead and rescue dolly is this like dolly parton or something she's upset about the trees no i already hate her and she's like a legend of zelda player with this purple triforce yeah we're gonna we're gonna do bedrooms soon but damn uh who is uncertain about the ideology don't question our ideology don't question it no we're going to lose nautical pastafarianism the old way of the ancients that we were living by i guess we should be paying more attention to their needs the hungry darkness then go eat something dan you self-starving idiot damn live with your sad girlfriend okay chef boyardee all right now we're going to need to try hard this because that was an awful colonist to lose um all right one thing that's actually been turning down their moods and one reason why colonists go crazy so quickly is because we did that double mood debuff not that i really regret it i thought it would be more of a challenge to me because my colleagues like never go through mood breaks but it's made them extremely bipolar i'll say that so put human-like corpses there will make it's an important place to put human corpses uh any kind of human corpses rotting human corpses not rotting human corpses and to think that i was just thinking about the uh the refrigerator situation man big sad power needed 200 is it getting the power that it needs to uh grid excess stored it is getting the power it needs that's odd i have to go examine this fridge situation a little bit more well we do have this let's get rid of that so that we can double up on the wall over there beyond that i can't really figure out why this fridge is losing heat build a roof area is there a roof over it there is a roof over it we could just build another one and see what happens dolly died of blood loss okay good i didn't like her anyway because she the plant worshipping people are very difficult to care for like think of how much and i'm saying this because i tried i tried veganism once right i was thinking it was the right way but and not that it's not but it's very hungry i'll tell you that at least at the beginning because you don't know what to have uh you don't know how to take good care of yourself so dolly would defer not much better not much better this is a lot of things that are upsetting me right now though all right but this is going to of course cause a mood spiral because dan is going to be twice as upset about his uh idiot lover dying so that's no good that's no good my lover died i am so alone last for 30 days jesus christ a negative 30 this man is going to go bananas um [Music] i could have paid more attention to my colonists but i'm going to say this in my own defense it's more important to get the base up and running rather than uh actually getting the colonists that you need i mean it is yes it is important to get the callous you need but you can find a place for pretty much everyone as long as you have the base up and running except for that alligator that alligator has got to go uh the alligator is not to stay here i'll uninstall that cancel that and we'll build this over there okay i see how this is going to work if we do this and this and this and then we build another one of those there okay this is making a little bit more sense zone remove roof area here good good good though of course no one is working on construction because everyone doesn't prioritize it okay then everyone has to work a little everyone lend a hand except for you two because you're bad uh you are not good we don't want you to do any of that please um maybe two there we go yeah this adds an entirely new meaning to the phrase see you later alligator hey how are you mr mike my friend tame the alligator yeah the alligator could be like all of our defense crisis of belief dan good good dan's spirit is has broken his reality is brazil good we might be able to use he's a snob because his family member died oh no what what mod is that man this alligator keeps snarling at me please don't eat the cat i mean like it was instigated i'm not gonna lie like she deserved to be eaten by an alligator but i've never seen it so instantaneous good job slinging slasher just get all of that food out next to the alligator ah nice now as far as crisis of belief is concerned this might actually be a good thing dan spiraling out of control we'll get him soon because sometimes if you break your prisoners or i mean columnists and then cause them to like you know question their ideology you can bring them into the main ideology of your uh camp here we go foul mouth smuggler roll unfulfilled i know everyone's upset now it can be overpowered if you play ideology right but if you play it wrong like i've been for the last five minutes because i lost my main colors um you know you'll come back but it's gonna be a while but i kind of like to think of this as survival of the fittest now you know whoever survives the longest and uh makes the most progress we'll be around at the end we'll be around at the end another fire another fire okay that's fine the water will put it out yeah she was instigated instigatored [Laughter] uh disappointed we need a better plague uh we haven't had any plagued colonies fortunately no nobody's died of disease that's my least favorite ending when people all die of disease uh high on why did you have royal jelly i forbade royal insect jelly was there other royal why were you eating royal insecure oh wait pesto ate royal and sexuality when it oh that's bad doesn't this mean that pesto will turn into a mega spider i'm not entirely sure not entirely sure about that i'm not sure if it's if or when or maybe as long yeah as long as he doesn't develop an addiction to royal and sexually because if you develop an addiction to royal insect jelly you turn into a mega spider only if they get a dick okay so then we hopefully won't eat anymore because one time i was just like ah that royal insect jelly looks great so i had them continue eating it and that's how i learned that the hard way uh very interesting food though transformations transformations my friends nothing matters over here that's going on now what are the other things that we've just kind of left over here ship chunk debris we could probably get some components off of that the fuel tank a little iffy but we might be able to get i don't know chem fuel or something like that more of this fortunately they've been storing away all of these resources as well now they have lots of medicine uh we'll actually put the medicine in here as well because although the medicine doesn't really need that much uh refrigeration it's good to have it in there let's just see medicine there we go just the herbal medicine though okay so that's preferred so they'll put that in there move that around good we're getting the construction done even though that we suck and we're uh alone without that other person we've made up for the loss of the only person that was good in this colony who uh was upset about taking care of us and then took out her anger on an alligator but you'll make do you'll make do i'm sure you'll all be great eventually who would like to fill her role we still need unless if when you become this what is this job again you're this flying spaghetti swashbuckler so why don't we make pesto how about you go ahead and take this saltiest semen roll or maybe dan would make it now dan isn't a a pastafarian um now you are that do not make a very good version of that uh it's fine i'll just let you all be upset for a little bit longer now i'll say this having your colonists go in and out of catharsis may not seem like a good way a good way to play but it can be pretty overpowered because they get good spurts of work done and if you have most of the resources in place for them to not get too upset they'll last for a long time um let's see we have a lot of okay we have a lot of sandstone now how much sandstone do we have 540 none of them can make the fine sandstone tile okay so then at least we have no more options anymore let's go ahead and build regular sandstone around here that way they have a nice room and they'll be happy again okay good and we could actually build this let's do this lamp a little bit closer to the center i just want this light to get everywhere in the room there we go hey luke thank you very much for the sub my friend oh yes the other cooler thank you here we go now one thing that you could do is to have two coolers in a room and just have them fight it out if this doesn't work out though there are other ways to cool this room and get better insulation going uh yeah it is super hot oh it is actually 96 degrees in there gulp come on okay who is going to oops here we go the meat goes fortunately food is not an issue though we have a great planter and i don't intend on that changing for a while construction is anyone capable of even constructing this thing too oh none of them are okay uh what is the skill required here skill required is five okay so we need to put this entire plan on hold again oh that that do be kind of bad though that do be kind of bad all right so that's just isn't good it's okay because we'll be opening up that wall again soon all right it is working to a certain extent though and maybe if it has more roof to go out of oh who's dead what an awful sound to have played when someone dies all right dan uh you seem like a social dude yeah they need herbal medicine let's go give them whatever they need give them whatever they want we can give up 14 herbal medicine okay the beggars have left maybe that'll be like good karma on us right we have karmic there will be karmic consequences oh no doesn't usually set three coolers and put them at different steps equalize the middle one actually i'm not trying i've usually tried setting them all to the same temperature but if you say so maybe i'll try out setting them to slightly different temperatures to equalize like one slightly above and one slightly below i have no idea maybe there is a better way to refrigerate all i know is that two walls is like the best insulation that you can get okay here we go the temperature is going down now i don't know why it didn't do it before yes this is much better good the roof is doing its job press active we don't care about that quest so we're going to ignore it right now this room is also going to get extremely hot because of the uh outdoors so we're going to hold this door open eventually we'll de-roof this area and make its own room but for now we'll just let this happen uh what else we probably want to keep the bedrooms well insulated do we have okay we have roof cave-ins happening over here i should have noticed this uh i think it's under miscellaneous or structure if we get a column a column is opposed the same as a column we'll take a runed column with a very like just an exquisite item we'll put that in someone's future bedroom yes very good very good here and we also i don't think that dan has a bed did someone not make a bed for him there we go dan now is it oh wait no somebody else died so dan got a [ __ ] when he'd uh uh yeah oh what an absolute just a complete genius he is um now i know that i'm going to want a wall here later so i'm just going to build like a single limestone support there in the middle just because otherwise the roof is see there's like no room for a roof over there so the rain is coming through in that one square there we go nice uh yugioh's salvation yuna oh we can't save her we can't save ourselves now you really got to wait until you're like completely independent before you go after other people you know what i mean like if you don't put on your own mask in the plane then you're gonna you know your everyone around you will probably die uh yeah i always wondered about that because like i matter more you know like the whole plane mask air pressure thing i think as a kid i naively thought like well yeah cause like you know you yourself matter a lot but then i realized it's because you know the air pres you don't want to go uh be whatever it is have your lungs depressurized when you're trying to help somebody out what a selfless thing to do and then but you know common sense too airline issues aside all right let's kind of like assess the effectiveness of our base i do kind of miss the lettering i liked having it colored because i could see what was what um okay we've got the rec room going let's give them some light first before they do this just because usually better to build the light first that way they can uh okay major break risk let's get the light going first only because that means that they can work faster i don't know why i didn't think of that before construction botched minor break risk okay we're good uh the heat wave of william he william why is he coming with a heat wave he's like i will come in but i have heat i have a heat wave now we don't really have climate control in our colony it's already pretty hot here to begin with right now even in decembery i mean it wouldn't hurt us to build a passive cooler but so many so many different conflicting thoughts uh the windows mod is pretty good i i do like the windows mod but again uh mostly just doing vanilla expanded in here hey okay dog thanks for coming up and z-score thanks for coming out you're good people thanks for coming all right uh but assessing our colony how is it how are we doing let's just kind of like do a year and or a quarterly review if you will the planting is fine you know we didn't have any issue getting off the ground with that despite all of the misgivings quite a lot went really smoothly in this colony i'm going to just reinstall this a little bit more centrally there we go i mean the planting went well the entire food production goes plants to butcher to kitchen i suppose the one thing that we could change would be a good animal stockpile zone right here so clear all and then we just do don't allow rotten but if we have animal corpses put them there we've set this to butcher all we can build out a little bit more so that we just have it kind of like tucked in over here with this thing and we'll give it a little bit more room since animal corpses can't be stacked there we go that's our butcher room we got the kitchen separated we get the fridge we get the fridge cool now it's actually 31 degrees fahrenheit in the fridge so that's good uh still not quite at my target temperature so we might be demanding a bit on the grid but we never even had to build an electrical grid because we used this for free um 1700 watts is also pretty generous yeah we're you know we're not we're power positive or we're breaking even on power is what i'm trying to say what are you doing dan i don't i don't know if i really trust this dan guy he's so different from us it's gonna be a while before we can get him to join us but otherwise he seems like a he seems like if i could trust him like if he has that integrity then yeah this could be a good relationship you know what i mean good enjoy enjoy your room now how is this room still awful weenie had juniors awful mediocre very spacious ugly very dirty this is the reason why dirt is dirty i know that sounds like blatantly obvious but at the same time like gaming dirt for its dirtiness in this game can be abused and used in great ways right so we're at negative eight what happens though if we get rid of a dirt tile it gets to negative seven awful negative nine it's also because there's spreading dirt on the ground the fiends but another thing that i've taken pains to do is to make sure that there's no areas of dirt around the room that i want to keep clean like it it doesn't pay to just get the tiles on the ground you need to get the entire area around it clean so that no one tracks dirt into the room because there's so much dirt tracking in this game as well and that's just a puzzle when did the pastafarians celebrate ah yes i forgot about the pastafarian celebration jesus what is wrong with me we can begin the spaghett tasting ritual at any time and we could begin a conversion ritual as well let's try to convert uh who is it yeah let's try to convert damn uh we have a 30 chance because this room is not it's not even a room it's just the outdoors we want to improve the room though before we do this man i was hoping that things would like stabilize before we began the spaghett tasting ritual but alas it was not meant to be i think let's keep some room on the outside in case if we want to develop this place but yes you're right then of course we need to have the spaghett tasting ritual uh the no foul smuggler so they're upset about their roles but we'll get that working now these expectations have gone so low ah we really do need dan to become that foul mouth smuggler okay we'll just need to abuse our uh what do we have mats matt i believe we have matt now i can't even remember what did we pick with our ideology we chose neil sheets uh we call this the perfume department okay so then this is a ritual see whoops there we go ritual see ah no that's not even it's a neil sheet there we go what an odd name there we go all right we'll give them like two nail sheets nice nice if i built any field guns or cannons we haven't really got to like advanced defenses yet we've just sort of been uh running away from alligators for a while but one thing that we could do that would be a very easy win would be this just to defend us from any like major threats and we could also mine these two i believe this entire thing might cave in but it we're better off um okay dan why don't you or whoever is building work on the power conduit it is not a great time to lose a contro it's never a good time to lose your constructor unless if your colony is like done that's the only that's the major downside to all of this but everyone's pulling their weight i can't really complain protection fee band of thugs sent by the heat they offer to keep your colony safe from any threats even the ones potentially caused by them as long as you pay a fee of 353. uh we don't have money so we have to say that oh this is kind of interesting is this part of vanilla factions expanded pirates or one of the other vanilla factions expanded oh god uh whoops i let that one go ooh [Music] that do be kind of bad uh would it be wouldn't be why did you go over there wait a minute why did you go over there did he have a mood break i totally lost track of that oh no oh no oh no slinging slasher why would you go in there was he trying to get food how did he get all the way over there anyone see that yeah i know nice colony be ashamed why did you go into a cave oh you know why i think he went into the cave i think he went into the cave because he was an undergrounder he wanted to be with his people i have to go check back what i missed there damn all right uh yeah he he was being nuzzled oh no he was he's being really nuzzled right now does anyone see that and the cave came to see i don't think oh he went into a food binge that was what it was damn it so he went after that yeah like he didn't he wasn't satisfied with the food in our own colony usually that one i don't really pay much attention to okay uh secret rescue operation mission are we gonna be able to save this guy he's probably dead we're probably gonna be down to three colonists but let's see if we can save him save him save him is anyone else going to snap and eat insect food the good news is that if we do lose this then they their expectations lower again because they're down to three columnists oh he is actually they're all sleeping over there not kidding right now uh who is our best doctor of these three not you you okay pesto why don't you go in there we'll just put down a bed right there in the spot come on he's not dead he's just sleeping let's get away from the other ones too he's just sleeping there we go rescue him and you stand there and you stand there and defend the doctor please uh we're gonna go ahead and just reduce that down to that uh why don't you to save him rescue him and you just keep on coming through okay please don't wake them up please don't wake them up good job good job get him over here wait i don't have to touch any of those things and why would you eat look he had a meal on him what an absolute just a slob stabilize him uh here we go strip him carry to the oh it wouldn't be a bad idea to carry him to the crypto sleep casket but he's not going to survive much longer uh this guy could be dead come on pesto there we go okay save his life save his life save his life save his life save his life save his life save his life love life and come on dan is looking over oh he might live he might live if these things don't wake up what time is it it's 1am yes you're right it was it was a food binge what a stupid way to die okay we've saved him ah amazing hey royale with cheese ah thank you for coming out my friend jesus christ hang on a second let me send you a little shout out i was so focused on the near death of slinging slasher give me a moment gator give me a moment ah my friend how are you there we go oh took me long enough i apologize for that good oh my god i was i nearly had a heart attack how are you what were you guys playing oh you guys were doing zomboid oh blessings on you and your people raiders hey thank you for coming in ironically we've had some raiders uh in the game too which makes this more confusing to uh future peoples oh my god but can you believe it i'll just explain what happened so i was uh messing around with the colony i wasn't paying attention so i lost track of what happened to one of my colonists he went on a food binge and since he's such a sommelier of like exotic foods he went into this cave and he started trying to eat insect jelly and he was obviously mauled uh because you shouldn't do that dan why don't you get out of here because you're just a such an absolute sigma male kind of like cheese over here thank you for being such a sigma male royale i'm doing pretty good uh but you know like obviously this kind of got me down i was upset you know i lost one of my other colonists because she was eaten by an alligator she just like touched the alligator and it it just like all in one bite it was very upsetting but uh fortunately we got this guy he had about four hours worth of blood left but it looks like they're about to get back up so i'm just going to carry him over to another bed because he's not going to survive for a very long time over here and let's get you we're going to just get him out of bed i know he's not totally stabilized yet but he's in no immediate danger so rescue slinging slasher we're making a pastafarian pirate colony it's it's wonderful everyone who beholds it is just amazed by how great the colony is um so i know you want to compliment me but not all at once we'll just uh we'll just continue with our oh god i'm so full uh uh oh what an what an unfortunate time for a raid except these people aren't that good no they won't get very far with that okay and they are waiting and we do have one trap in place for them so we fortunately survived that okay chef boyardee and dan though we're going to send you out to uh just build those spike traps i don't know how well we'll do against these people if they raid right now hey mendel toru thanks for coming out yeah oh god man rimrolls is one of those ones that's just like absolute it's just horrible it's horrible some of the things that happen in this game now why are you going out there dan just a very upsetting colony manager where a bunch of people who look like children's toys uh do horrible things to each other like one guy gouged out another's guy's eyes in one of my last playthroughs it was awful it was awful and yet it was also wonderful you know because what other game could be so detailed okay good job chef boyardee you've served up death uh is slinging slasher on okay we've got to get slinging slasher under medical we can also give him more medicine again too there we go slinging slasher pesto why don't you take care of slinging slasher tend to him good job everyone despite the fact that most of us are dead we're somehow pulling through somehow pulling through and why is this room still bad come on chef boyardee come on work harder work harder what am i paying you for clean the dirt off of the ground this room is a mess and the cat keeps trekking dirt in here we've got a dull room oh god so much effort was put into this so good yeah like a train wreck in the slum which no not such [ __ ] well yeah it's pretty bad i'm pretty terrible at this game but i also you know i have the streamer blindness right now too so that's another factor okay i think we can expand our zone for stockpiling at this point in time because we've just kind of left a lot of this uh these raiders we hopefully won't even have to deal with because they'll just get themselves killed in the spike trap but i will keep slinging slash slinging slasher is just surviving but why don't you uh why don't you stand here and shoot them from the entryway okay so here they come here come the raiders chef boyardee greet them with a sauce that they will never forget one sauce to rule them all down goes frasier there they go okay why didn't i send in another person uh you get out there too pesto and dan no no no no no not like this not like this uh get everyone to the kitchen flee to the keep flee to the keep until we have reinforcements oh i forgot that i turned up the melee i like out insanely flee flee oh no this could be it this could be it no uh go go run away chef boyardee good okay good he is dead not chef boyardee but the other guy all right and he didn't even break through the skin the slob creamer what an absolutely uh uh artisanal name man i kind of regret turning up that melee speed that was so dangerous melee attackers are now way more uh way more effective well i honestly like i would say that we are at the nadir of our colony yeah the melee speed is up because we're playing on a uh we're playing with a skull that makes attackers faster and in melee uh so more dangerous but also more interesting you know like if i were to play vanilla emerald i'm i'm pretty good at vanilla rimworld so i wanted to add in a few other things i'm not very good at paying attention to what's going on around me though uh apparently here we go yeah give him some medicine actually he doesn't need that much medicine he just needs like herbal medicine there we go really doesn't need any but don't try to don't try to arrest the man there's nothing wrong with him there we go uh you're under arrest wait a minute ah sorry that was my alter ego talking i meant i'm here to help you that's what i meant to say of course here we go come on clean out this room dan you lazy uh bad man you remem yeah there we go good good job dan good no you left this spot dan you're not very thorough i don't know if you belong here look at all the crap you left on the floor dan whoops uh whoops a daisy there we go clean that dirt yeah i like that den right good enough dan good enough right the room is oh it's become slightly impressive wowzers wowzers all right i'm not gonna lie uh this colony has some issues but we've made it through some of the worst you know now everything has a designated spot i'm feeling good about that this guy we could probably strip what kind of gear does he have is it anything even worth i don't know if this is even worth taking we'll strip him just in case but yeah that's pretty much fine i don't i'm not ready to take on prisoners no matter how good they are medical emergency what are you talking about you're fine i guess he's upset because the room is dirty and it's probably going to cause him to yeah how actually this room is very dirty oh crap we got to fix that too uh got my eyes on you i know it's better hey vae what's up my brother how are you dude thanks for the so much appreciated my friend how's it going um how's it how's it really going though it's it's not really going that well good we got rid of all the dead people this one didn't even have a face oh wait no i i saw their head in reverse my bed that is that's because the face is rotting oh no i don't know like i'm i'm a little depressed at this point and i feel like i want to kind of like come back to this colony because i think that it is at a very dark time don't get me wrong the base is set up it's a great place this base is ready for somebody good to move in and take it over and fix it
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 327,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld vanilla expanded, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, rimworld ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian rimworld, rimworld pirates, pirates, rimworld pirates playthrough, rimworld pastafarianism, rimworld nautical pastafarianism, rimworld let's play, rimworld game, rimworld gameplay
Id: FJ_BlNF3gXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 27sec (10047 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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