$0 Survival...Sims 1 Single-Sim Full Run

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today we're uh trying out a new challenge in the sims i'm thinking that this will probably already be a video by the time that this is released but uh you can go check it out uh on the main channel and isn't this such pleasant music this is the jerry martin soundtrack from the sims just really the og of it all physical discs i'm playing on right now uh actually i guess i'll just throw that in somewhere just kind of show that i'm not you know emulating this or anything like that but yeah there's a lot of fixes you got to do to get the discs working on windows 10 so it took me about a week to figure this thing out but here we are we're streaming the sims 1 the original sims in beautiful hd let the games begin brian ambiguous no this isn't the four dollar challenge this is the zero dollar challenge it's just it's better click bait you know all right so he mostly does nothing this is a very valuable time though for brian because as you may know when a sim gets depressed they can't do basically anything that's productive so he's kind of like he needs to get a lot done in this first day we're going to be visited by the magic man here he comes he's going to drop off some donations this is our first source of money we do actually get some money because technically this is an event what i'm going to do with this box is i'm going to take it and open it here we go yeah he needs to kind of like awkwardly turn around whenever he does this the sims 1 doesn't really play perfectly so we can add some stuff into our inventory we've got butter in the box we'll take that out unfortunately i do think that we need to click on every single one of these things because brian has an inventory right here magic items these are ingredients i suppose that you can use these in chemistry we got some butter we got a magic wand we need unfortunately we can get like a sorting hat or something like that i had to inventory toad sweat there's a lot of other crap in here now what is this uh and what's kind of more important here though than what we'll get in the box is this hole i know it just looks like some kind of uh why did i get 35 did i pay 35 no i didn't pay 30 i don't even have 35 dollars that would have been negative 35 magic items oh that was my magic wand i have magic coins okay that's great uh read label yeah what the hell is this thing i know what the hole does spell brown uh all right so we've got some ingredients we got a table here we got some spells we'll deal with this stuff in a second but first off we just have to let the first few neighborhood events go by this mound of dirt is just going to be so awkward here how do i get this game to run on modern pcs like i said i'll uh i'll explain all that stuff at the end um i kind of wait till then to do a tutorial of how i figured everything out but yeah you have to go onto ebay to go get the discs because i can't find them anywhere there was actually a sealed copy on ebay for like a hundred bucks i'm sure that now that i've said that it's gonna so brian's got the paper and now he's gonna be visited by mortimer and bella he doesn't really get along very well with these people because this guy he he's a little off he he just surprises people with puppets but we'll greet bella goth because she's more normal than mortimer goth mortimer goth is kind of like a menace to the rest of the world here we go but we could even meet bob newby bob newby and brian will get along very well i know repoker and crafting hey thank you very much for the subs all right good off to a good start with bella let's let's admire her we're going to compliment her we want to make friends so that we can get promotions all right now mortimer is very upset because i am befriending he's very insecure but we don't like him because he just likes to tear look at this man he's going to come up to me and he's oh wait oh no [Music] i thought he was going to terrorize me with his puppets well mr steele your girl comes right it right swooping in oh how i swoop on your girl oh what the hell the only job offer in the paper today is the extreme career career uh track for a daredevil 9 am to 3 pm this is much better than my previous job wow wow very nice before i was employed as a slacker making only 90 a day wow wow i keep my wife out of your mouth [Laughter] uh this was a crazy week wasn't it guys how timely and unfortunate that was uh all right you know what now i'm going let's just keep let's just keep complimenting bellagath because mortimer goth is has now fled the scene he has fled the scene brian ambiguous is such a lady killer wow keep saying exactly the same thing there we go okay great this is obviously an interest of bella's let's go ahead and talk try to act genuine about my interests i love skiing tennis tennis badminton uh hate money money uh whoops parties parties all right good good they're off to a good start surprised that he disappeared but now we've got a actually like a rather uh lucrative job i might say on our first day you know this all right the strays have have already sick to themselves upon us um we're gonna need to get one of those no wild animal signs because as you know wild animals in the sims are able to identify signs they're like it's kind of like narnia you know anyway uh let's give let's give brian a little bit of a chance to read though of course his mood will begin to drop and he's just generally going to be a menace um he just needs to kind of show up in a decent mood at work in order to get a promotion so this could be helpful brad here comes brad we don't really need to make friends yet though um i'm guessing that we're going to need body to level up in our daredevil career but let's uh you know we're actually not going to jump into the hole i take it back only because i've noticed one thing that happens with the whole i'll leave the hole there because i think it'll make you guys happy but uh let's go ahead and sell some of these things or what is this truly charming table and cannot be deleted i just deleted it like 10 minutes ago okay we'll put it we'll keep our magic stuff only because maybe we'll end up getting to use the magic you know all right let's put the hole in the back room um oh we could actually move around the newspaper too that's kind of useful put that over there and what we're basically just going to do is uh like try to just stand around for an entire night because if we go into the just look if we get into the car pool tomorrow more or if we get into the magic hole tonight yes we could um let me put that in a more prominent location so that everyone can observe it let's put it on the edge of the property mysteriously like that won't be using these things for a while either you know i guess this is kind of like uh a criminal could just take these things i did try this challenge before in a burglar just came to my house and he just left instantly he said like you don't have anything man i feel bad for you but yeah if you get into the magic hole then when you come back to your house the next day um unfortunately it's like 10 a.m so we could kind of game it with a certain career track but i don't think that's gonna be possible with our like nine o'clock starting time at work here we go okay i'm much happier now i'm petting the dog petting the dog petting the dog we made it to 5 16 p.m we're going to spend the rest of the day uh reading the newspaper and our energy is probably going to dwindle now we're just going to pass the time brian's kind of a neat freak so he just stands out in the road it looks like we've got el bandito actually not such a bad guy you just like to dig up the trash oh you dingus but brian is such a neat freak that he's actually gonna clean up this cat's you know doo-doo good job good job brian socializing with the cat because there is no one in your life now his mood has gone down i'm not sure if he's actually available for a promotion on day one but you know he had no money today he had no chance uh his energy should probably go all the way down and he's going to fall asleep in the middle of the road yep there we go he's starting to complain see his uh diamond atop his head has faded from a nice saturated green to now a very uh what is becoming a more intense red and he has fallen asleep he has fallen asleep this is the first event good job brian you made it through a day though you know it's it's 2 a.m and you're sleeping on the dirt at least you made it to the dirt and you aren't sleeping out in the middle of the road what is the so we could go into the everyone's wondering about the black hole i'll go into the planet of course everyone's wondering about the whole to nowhere to the other side of the world but he's cleaned it up right away look and that took a care of all of his bladder skunk has decided to make it a home of my house great all right i'm actually kind of thankful for that skunk good the carpool is arriving in an hour we'll get him the hell out of here all right brian okay the car just kind of like teleports in it's pretty weird um all right you don't actually have any needs this first day all right that's a very sketchy car it's kind of kind of a daredevil move just to get into that car if i'm being honest okay so you know like not such a bad first day there's not really anything that a thief could steal um the thief came to my house once and like i said just didn't take anything very sad very sad we got another newspaper unfortunately now we can't actually search for a better job because we're so depressed that we won't be able to do it what's the end goal of the game one million dollars or 100 end day end game it would be very easy to make it to 100 days i think 100 million or what is it 1 million dollars take forever um no i think just four walls a bed and all the appliances like get him to a state that you would actually tolerate that's kind of my goal in this whole endeavor what are your life goals hey d tony thank you very much for the sub all right so a bunch of people have just trespassed on his house i'm not going to press charges we made 175 amazing first day and i'm gonna go through it without resorting to all of the extra content guys i'm gonna go ahead and yes here we go we get that good buy mode music oh wait a second are we actually going to die on day one we may die on day one okay we will go into the portable hole let's go hole in the ground okay so this is a fun adventure for us all right uh so we get to go to one of these mysterious carnival rooms we could buy either cotton candy and popcorn or goulash or some other treat uh for brian let's go ahead over to the cotton candy and popcorn place there he goes he just it's kind of like lept out of the pole out of the hole in the ground there is a snake charmer here [Music] i'm i'm listening brian hang on a second why can't i actually come on brian wait a second why can't i interact with anything man no no oh okay everything's fine i i thought that the game wasn't working anymore i thought i messed everything up okay we're just gonna buy cotton candy like a normal human being of course now you might notice that we've passed like 20 hours into the future just by coming through this magic hole so this is a bit jarring either that or we've gone back in time who can really say he's ordered some cotton candy okay he's gonna be very ex there he goes he's like a child with it he loves cotton candy i know this place is a bit of an eyesore it's quite awful all right but brian got the cotton candy his hunger is now not so awful uh cotton candy is actually quite filling if you've ever had any [Music] diabetes psp as well as triple g from before i thank you guys for the 300 bits can you die on community lots i don't know if you could die on community lots but i mean for all intents and purposes like if my hunger drops to zero the challenge is over in my opinion right so i think we've eaten enough food i hate this place too i really don't like it we could take care of our bladder but why do that when we could just pee on the ground think about all the times we would need to wash our hands so we're just gonna get out of here stop complaining brian there we go good job brian you made it back home i hated that place all right so now we're gonna get on with uh i'm not gonna lie it's a bit grindy from here on in uh but it does get a little bit more interesting so he's pretty much just gonna fall asleep on day two if you uh look around in our lot it seems that a lot of the grass is actually slowly making its way back into planting so quite nice to see that our hunger is still around uh your sims can die did we miss work yeah but there's really no way of avoiding it you don't actually get the missed work uh mood or whatever it is like debuff um i'm pretty sure it's it's kind of like going on vacation to go to another lot we got 2 a.m he's kind of living like wojack you know just like every moment actually is he going to die is he going to die it's 4 a.m no i'm pretty sure i'm pretty confident that he's going to make it he might faint of exhaustion but we could always wake him up involuntarily there we go 6 a.m he's falling asleep unfortunately it is in the middle of the road uh carpool is going to arrive in an hour make sure you get an hour of sleep before then all right let's get you up because i don't want you to be in the way of the carpool when it gets here here we go get out of the way stop complaining go ahead and clean that up really quick before you get into the car there we go you've uh materialized this swiffer sponge out of nowhere let's go to work now stop complaining you have only a half hour to get into the car brian there we go you've changed into your work clothes which was just you taking a spin well done now hopefully bob noobie will uh come along bob newby actually gets along very well with brian another day another newspaper now these things are normally good for job offerings where does he work he's a stunt man there are more lucrative careers politician i'm pretty sure is well it's definitely more lucrative than this one pays like i think 220 at the beginning man more cats peeing on my yard 175 okay now we're a rich man so here's the thing is now our hunger is dropping really low but i don't have to keep going back and forth to that carnival every time because it does cause the day to pass which is a little bit annoying it's kind of like a it's kind of like taking a big l whenever you do that so i'm thinking we go for all the cheapo stuff first you know we get one of everything that's very cheap we'll put this on uh we'll go ahead we'll live over uh we'll live close to where the work car is gonna drop us off this is gonna have to be outside i'm gonna go ahead and buy a grill to begin with go ahead brian you earned it grill um yeah i know you're exhausted but you don't you have the dirt to sleep on all right so he's gonna do the only thing that he really knows how to do which is make six burgers and i'm pretty sure that it's impossible for him to mess this up so get six of these things grab a plate i have seen him just throw out the entire plate in the past so we do have to do a little bit of babysitting on him in this regard hello there mr strima in chat and be snack oh jesus hey bruno's pizza thank you very much well bruno street pizza bruno bruno street priets well either way thank you very much for the thousand bits much appreciated my friend it's quite a that's quite a that's quite a sum sorry not bits simoleons simoleons thank you for the 1000 simoleons i appreciate that hey thank you very much i just threw it all away no well here's the thing is that he has wait a second go i know that see i'm gonna prove you wrong about this hang on a second see he eats he eats now if we if we tell him put it down it turns into garbage so i know that there's like a what appears to be a burger there but that's the full burger and when it shows only a half a burger there's actually no food left now this is kind of an unfortunate graphical thing in the original sims because i remember i played there at sims 2 and this was a little bit more clear there we go good job brian the sound effects in this were so memorable good job uh you've been very excit not good job because now these burgers are going to spoil make sure you eat all of the burgers brian you have six burgers to eat stop being such a wasteful man [Music] no don't quit in the middle of the burger come on go wake up eat or that dog will get god damn it the dog got the burger so we got five out of the six burgers in him so a decent day it's now 8 p.m it took him 12 hours to eat six burgers but yeah that's pretty much just like that's how this challenge works hey sir jolly thank you very much for the prime hey eric welcome in i mean this guy is working hard though you know i like i kind of admire that look his hunger is already off to a better spot than it was yesterday so actually did wait a second were you just grilling unsupervised burgers damn it sometimes i miss like what he does or he'll automatically create burgers for himself because he's he's kind of a slop you're not gonna lie it's you know uh he's he's a bit of a slob he's still got like a red diamond over his head but can you imagine this this man eats 12 burgers and is only like 66 full in one day 12 burgers 12. rock bottom yeah rock bottom is probably the is probably the best name for this star i love it though because it actually is possible and i've learned that the jobs are randomized in the paper at the beginning i thought that you always get slacker but yeah you can get any job it seems like so you're still disgusting brian but at least you're cleaning up the cat urine oh no i did i should never let you have free will you gotta eat like six burgers this morning now you have to really cram these things no stop peeing damn it see this is like why and i got like very classist and poor when i was playing this game trying to stop dropping your meals [Music] all right you know what just go to work because it's so difficult to be poor it's so expensive for him to be poor you know and the truth is that the burgers are probably going to spoil while he's gone at work today you know six hours out in the open no one's gonna take them i mean they're next to a puddle of urine so sorry i should say lemonade really we don't really even know if it's urine it's probably lemonade well let's see i i've noticed that the wild animals don't take it from a platter because they're polite if they see that a plate is out for them then they'll take that um but yeah i mean it's blue you know as because all water is blue of course i love i love how water is blue in all media all right so before you spend more money on burgers god damn it so they did spoil you jackass and look what's even worse is that we we have to pay bills or taxes or something for this what am i even paying for i don't have utilities the only thing that i can really assume that this is is property tax there will be no entertainment myself triple g uh thank you very much for the 300 bits yes i too i i too think that the blue water is is fictitious stop falling asleep well at this point we can kind of forgive brian it's he has 183 dollars let's see if we can help him a little bit more today okay so the lowest end things are 139 150 160 180 so the benefit of a sofa is besides the fact that it could you know maybe fit him in a love interest on it would be the fact that he could sit and sleep on it and it's a little bit uh cheaper than a bed because a bed is 300 very expensive a little on the fence about this but you know i think that it's a little bit annoying to have to wake him up every single day so i mean he still is but we could get his energy recharging a little bit faster um we could like you know spring for a fridge and try to get his whole cooking situation a bit better but i think you know you gotta have a bed like when i moved to my apartment that was the first thing i got i don't even have a couch i just have a bed but uh yeah all right brian get your m why is the cat negatively in a relationship with me here we go all right your hunger's taken care of more or less for today stop complaining this is actually kind of a nice couch this is like kind of a hipster couch you know we could get a malar an alarm clock that might be one of the first things that i do actually because it is a bit annoying yeah you could sleep on the sofa i could sit three sims on this sofa look at him though his energy is going up so fast his comfort is not going up at all we've got another what is that oh no that's just uh i thought that was claire the bear claire the bear sometimes visits me hey whittle wheel thank you for the prime i wonder if i could alter the terrain to keep el bandito out like build the mountains the mountains of mordor around my property i like it that the grass is growing back that's kind of nice right like this is an old computer game but it's just nice to see that touch in the game the games were created with just such love and care back then you know i'm not saying that they aren't now but i mean maybe it's something maybe it's like the presence of so many easter eggs like there is i'm not going to go ahead and use this cheat code but there is the rosebud cheat code where you could input that and you could give yourself thousands and thousands of dollars but then the game kind of becomes pointless if you just get a lot of money and it's kind of like an allegory for real life a little bit it gets a bit existential playing this game you know games are different when you play them when you're older oh god we could scoot scoot back and forth look i could scoot across the whole count jesus [Music] all right uh you know the truth is that i think we can survive another day without food no none of this sit down sit down don't eat don't eat he's still in a bad mood he unfortunately still can't do anything we'll clean this up clean this up this mess you're disgusting brian hang on a second uh 8 20. okay the carpool will actually sit in front of the house for about an hour so we got some time on that but it can take them a surprising amount of time to perform basic tasks this is like living in the u.s today yeah yeah the the divide between the classes has become uh has become far too much can i read the paper for fun i can but it won't really give him that much fun um we're going to you know what we'll even turn the couch i'll do him that favor we'll turn the couch [Music] wow change of the furniture [Music] man this really reminds me of that jeremy you know when germa played the sims in real life what was that back during last year that was the greatest twitch stream ever created hey whittle wheel thank you very much yeah the german yeah i believe that was the name of the dollhouse stream that was the greatest twitch stream that was the best idea i've ever seen anyone had i loved that they bought him like 20 stools they just spent all of his money on the worst things i have no idea still to this day how they put that together that still has to be the best live stream ever made all right let's go ahead and take a look at some things let's look at brian's needs so we don't want to have not enough money to feed him for the day we'll eat because as as in this game you know you don't go to the grocery store you just like you spend money on food and it just teleports it just operates in via a port key harry potter style wait a second why is the car still there oh cause there's a cat in the way there's a cat in the way of the car okay all right this is fine this is fine keep eating those burgers brian god he's like joey chestnut uh you can't gain any skills you can't get promotions at work you basically you spend the whole day what is that i think that this is dudu that's gotta be do that's gotta be dudu oh look there's my other sim who's also named they're all named brian ambiguous i don't know it sounded like the right name all right what do we get for him next so he really wants a shower it's not gonna make his life so much better and it's gonna be more expensive for him because he's gonna have to pay for the water you know um i mean toilet not honestly really that necessary because you could just take a shower like um so let's just kind of go order of priorities you know we'll take care of that stuff later i think kind of more key right here is he needs a tv he needs he does he needs a tv all right there we go fancy living here we come so i what a sophisticated guy you know buys a tv and he still like reads the paper in front of the tv just to flex on the tv with his literary uh uh engagement you know he look he's recycling in i don't know whether let's just call it trash put on life and living tvs yeah solar powered tv who doesn't love it here's some fun okay now we can actually have you not sleep on the dirt your energy is going up we zoom out life is improving life is improving day by day like you know these are small small steps for man giant leaps for god damn it why are you eating burgers i we have to wait till tomorrow we gotta conserve the food brian no these burgers hang on a second you gotta eat these burgers now you gotta eat those fast don't eat don't even clean up just you'll clean up after work just no don't don't worry about it eat eat don't even there we go eat hang on a second you could get in at least one more burger into your system before you go to work okay there we go he's wasting so many burgers look at this man consumed uh buy a bathtub so we save water by reusing see i think a couple of more of these systems were a little bit more fleshed out by the time that they got to the sims 2 because i've played the sims 2 and it seems like some of these things weren't you know fully ironed out but uh another 175 dollars where will i spend it all i think we do need to give them a shower wait 650 dollars no no uh he doesn't need one um have a couple of other ideas um okay you can make this next wait you have actually i think you do have the mixes and grease discover the hidden nature of this spell can you do this cancel oh we can okay hang on a second let's make a spell first just so we use up these things in our inventory then i might sell these things if you can't get anything out of this add toadstools add butter can you get anything out of this magic pot don't fall asleep brian charge wand discovered a new spell check my family's spell book for details oh i guess i can turn people into toads or something where's my magic [Music] totification sometimes you just need a toad have you tried getting rid of getting a toad from the shops in old town of course you have did you find one of course you didn't this piece man the writing in this was so quirky wait a second so what does this actually do i guess i could use this in the uh in the magic area but this this challenge isn't really so much about the magic area this challenge is more like about capitalism you kind of feel me on this so on the one hand while it while it would be nice hang on a second can i just look up the spell notification have you tried getting a tote from the of course you have to find one temporarily totify whomever you want friends family oh hell yeah begging for totification all of them are just begging for notification just be careful that people don't catch you casting it's toads are still illegal in many areas of simcity this is like i'm i'm gonna go ahead and just say this is why old games are so great because the right there's no story there it's just quirk that's it and i love it it's like it's amazing it's so beautiful i kind of i might sell the magic stuff though just because it's not part of my grand master plan you know but it is we did make it to 6 p.m we did make it to 6 p.m he's pretty much going to need to continue starving go to bed uh go to bed stop petting the dog stop petting the dog brian all right arguably we really like it wouldn't make our lives that much better do this so what i'm gonna go ahead and do now is this [Music] we're going to buy one segment of wall seventy dollars a little expensive hang on a second let's make sure that there's no better way to do this if we go into buy mode now the item that i'm after right here is a telephone can we just set one on the ground somewhere though nah it's either gonna be on a table or on a wall now the reason why i'm doing this mind you is because if you get a telephone in this game you can get random events occurring and sometimes you get things like win the lottery which is quite good because you instantly get a thousand dollars so i'm just gonna put a telephone on the wall you can also throw a party i mean who wouldn't want to have a party here um yeah yeah this is how wall street started yeah wall street technically i am like the wolf of wall street if you will all right go to bed oh or watch tv now he can't order pizza we don't actually want him to order pizza because ordering pizza is very expensive i did have a simbu got into a loop of just ordering pizza forever and never picking it up the delivery person was so disappointed so outlandishly disappointed eat the rest brian don't be a wastrel don't sleep yeah i'm so used to all the songs in this game now stop sleeping fortunately you can wake your sim up in this game because there are other like sims games where if you're sleeping you're just kind of stuck sleeping now it's totally fine if he's basically narcoleptic at work um just don't fall asleep on the way in oh no he left the tv on that might cost us more on the electrical bill yeah environmentally friendly uh uh music [Laughter] asking if i got this off of gog uh no this is the physical disc uh i was i was actually thinking i would be able to find it on gog as well i unfortunately couldn't maybe who knows maybe in the next couple of years or something or origin all right stop sleeping on the ground it's actually not as efficient for you to sleep on the ground brian oh wait yes the tv woke you up good okay turn that off get the mail we gotta pay 21 in bills probably for all of like the public sleeping i'm doing still trying to figure out exactly how that bill system works because they do get higher as you get more stuff i know that this looks bad [Laughter] i know that this looks bad it is it is bad it is very bad but hey let's look at what's changed for brian he's got a phone now he's got a phone maybe he could win a thousand dollars it happens more often than you might think it happened to me as blue on one of my last playthroughs jiaku thank you very much for the prime yes his income taxes for his 30 he pays 20 of it oh jesus it's okay brian it's okay hang on a second just no why did you cook i tried to slow down time stop eating before work hang on a second let me see if i won the lottery and then i'll get i'll get to work i promise stop talking though yes oh i was totally right i was totally right i just won the lotto the phone was the best investment very pog very pug walls are great guys i'm telling you invest in real estate invest in real estate ah such an overpowered fixture it's the only way i know how to get a thousand dollars we'll also get a genie lamp too because the genie lamp is the only other thing that can be any good at all uh where's the genie lamp genie lamp genie lamp is only 3.75 and you can do it to basically like mint money so let's go ahead and um pick out a countertop got all four discs but i can't make their game run i'll show i'll run you down the line of tutorials i did at the very end um but yeah it is very difficult to get this thing running i will say that all right i don't want to pay 1500 for a table this is like the the worst table so we're just gonna get the worst table this place is starting to look very tempting for a burglar to come into though don't you think i mean everything's out in the open you could do it on a yeah there's a lot of ways to do it next we're gonna go ahead and get the uh we're getting the genie lamp though there we go all right i don't even have a bathroom don't even have a shower all i need is the phone and the g the genie it's basically just aladdin oh god look at my property maybe i should make an investment in a no animals allowed sign just because this is getting to be a bit obnoxious don't you think we've still got a thousand and two dollars though we're gonna go ahead and clean the genie lamp now i don't know if this is affected by you being in a bad mood but touch there we go touch nah i'm not gonna shower what are you kidding me we're not showering all right genie oh all right i'll work in no player i'll play no work how many help today uh don't really know which one of these i guess i think he does your chores for you if you do this i can't remember though but let's try leisure because i've done it the other way let's try leisure because i'm not very like happy in any particular way touchdown touchdown okay great balls of fire that's no fun i don't mean oh no no no no no no no no no no no this is the worst thing fire department fire department stop panicking stop panicking yes get the fire department please oh baby okay oh we didn't even have the fire alarm yet oh god i that was a close one actually i'm thank god that i had this phone thank god that i had this phone no no well there's not much that we can do right now we can't actually go into buy mode it's just kind of destroying our trash no not the burgers not the genie lamp where is the fireman there we go good job fireman you saved my gene save my genie limp oh thank god it didn't even burn the garbage oh blessings on you wouldn't want that to happen again i love this game um fifty dollars we unfortunately can't put that on the same section of wall but can we put on the other side we can we can okay so we have a fire alarm for when there's a fire outside so we don't actually have to call the fire department thank god brian didn't just panic for that entire encounter because that would have been very bad we could have lost it all there guys uh mark dark five two four five hey darkwork mark j thank you very much for the prime my friend happy to see you newbie 26. thank you for the for the uh oh stop complaining brian all right uh what i really am bothered by is these animals it's not really going to help me though in any way and i just don't really know brian you had some bad luck with a genie today i think you got to go to bed you got to you know try again tomorrow see if things improve for you look you got a table for your burgers now oh absolute chad but look at how what a long trip you need to take from the burgers to the trash hang on a second let's help you out that's better what if the genie will still be able to do his tricks from here you know hang on a second let's move the genie lamp over here so that if the genie let's also move all of the furniture far away from the genie lamp because i don't trust the genie anymore there we go and we'll move the grill away from everything else because that doesn't seem safe at all torturing this man what are you talking about i'm making this man's life amazing in a few hours or days or years shower schmower all right has it been the next day yet genie genie here we go spirits of the earth let's have the earth spirits sorry about that you may want to call the gardener okay so he's surrounded me with dead plants well i didn't really even have plants to begin with so this is actually great news for brian and we're also going to buy him an alarm clock so we don't have to keep waking this man up i'm i'm tired of uh tired of doing all of his dirty work there we go all right brian get up get up brian stop being lazy stop that there we go the alarm set the alarm's set good yeah you're ready for a day of work you know there you go look you're you're good you're good of course you are wait a minute why did it wake you up like three hours before work yeah just it's all right just take a nap there all right wake up before the car runs you over and though maybe you could like you know get a a big lawsuit settlement if the car were to run you over and that would improve your life just starting watching the stream for the first time after binging the room worlds have to keep up with the girl hey thank you very much for coming out roomworld in this kind of have a lot in common yeah i mean haven't i done enough for brian look at him he's doing great he's got a wall i'm actually rather excited about the genie lamp because the truth with the genie lamp is that if you get certain events you get two thousand dollars out of nowhere so that would significantly boost my fortunes um because up until now it's been awful actually not that awful i'm not gonna lie i've had him do this for like 60 days he is kind of falling asleep in the middle of the road though all right i got a thousand bucks i'll get him a bed yeah he kind of needs a bed let's put this over here and i'm gonna buy a bed here now we'll just put the bed uh oh we could get him a nice bed what do you know what do you know let's get him this bed what a lovely uh you know we'll we're gonna get the entry level of everything because the truth is that you know otherwise we'll be spending nothing on everything and we're just gonna put his bed right there just to present him to the rest of the world as he is sleep brian look he actually owns a pair of pajamas i find this to be a very interesting fact and he's just vibrating violently in his sleep he's like bobbing his head in his pillow do i have a job besides streaming in youtube i'm living like brian right now what does it look like as i make videos and then i go back to living like this modern architecture i'm i'm actually not that joking right now is it well it's not quite this bad i would be lying if i told you uh that but now and my life also is not quite this bad um yeah yeah yeah living the dream like brian you know oh no this has not happened to me yet okay brian is massively in debt now this is awful he has like twelve hundred dollars of debt now the genie just made my life like twice so you know what go what ha uh wheel of fortune we're doing quite well and now we're not doing well at all i'm just going to keep kind of banking on this genie though you know eventually he's got to do something nice for me he's got to be nice to me at some point uh oh jesus okay siri i might get arrested because i got bills from nowhere come on brian let's go get in the car go to work i can't even uh all right i'm sweating a little bit here i'm sweating el bandito is coming it's okay i can you know i can get through this i can get through this actually not been repoed yet this would be interesting 228 we could sell our bed we haven't really gotten as much use out of it lately let's just get one through through one repo man and then we'll see what happens they can't take away my phone and the phone is basically the source of money who is the guy who walked right through my living room probably the mailman or just the other gentleman okay another day another dollar let's open back up that uh genie lamp see if he gives me money today come on genie let's go genie let's get the friends let's get friends again okay this is good i actually made a friend oh thank god genie i made friends with a dog yep a dog that is a dog all right this can lead to a promotion at work though because if they see that you know like you're making moves and uh moving in shake and so to speak then uh they'll give you promotion sometimes so maybe now that i've i have like a dog who's not necessarily a pet but just likes me they'll see that it's time for a promotion [Applause] [Music] this elections water is the options with the oh so genie is a perfect 50 50. i actually did not know that i'm probably gonna have to go for the money one again the good news is that the money one i believe has an expected outcome of actually does it i think you get about two thousand dollars as a pot of gold if you get the genie to work i know that it looked like that i just passed by but that's actually another sim that i made that looks exactly like this one so it's just a bunch of clones of the same guy living in this neighborhood you can use multiple different genie lamps once each day are you kidding me oh god let's go through and do that hang on a second this is just going to be a menace i know what i'm doing all right i'm going to do this until i get enough randomization and it eventually works because i'm not going through without a genie oh wait a second didn't i oh yeah i can buy another genie lamp all right there we go okay give me genie number two all right we're just literally gambling everything right here we're gambling at all come on give me something good if not i'm selling the bed okay we got blue to pink genie come on genie okay please give me money don't give me more debt please oh god this would be awful please no my god oh no now i'm doubly screwed okay this is not very good well bills can only get so bad right oh that's so bad oh my god this is the worst thing that could have possibly happened to brian no no ihear leave it okay go grill some burgers you could at least survive until tomorrow this is getting very iffy oh no okay they're going to repost some things okay what did they take what did they take uh what did they take did they just take away the bills oh no did they take away my puppy yeah what did they take i i didn't own the dog the dog is just my friend he just hangs out here it doesn't actually matter yeah they took the bills as the repo [Laughter] what an absolute buzz kill for them oh jesus okay well we can at least gamble ourselves back into wealth maybe oh yeah did they take the fire alarm that would be nope i still get the fire alarm that's true hey look it's claire the bear all right hello claire the bear claire the bear is the strangest npc in this game she just naruto tiptoes into our house and then look she just she just takes the trash she just takes the doo-doo there she goes good job claire the bear i'm gonna just continue my life of gambling until i eventually win that's essentially how you're supposed to play the stock market i [Music] suppose still don't need it not until we get a lot of money you're gonna continue gambling brian i suppose you could also just liquidate all the things that you don't want them to repo before they come or you could liquidate everything before they come and they uh oh whoops yeah the tv thank you try to figure out how to uh how to game that all right 12 am okay let's go ahead and clean the lamps again i know the expected value is that we're going to fail but eventually all right let's make more friends he might give me an enemy yep i have an enemy oh is it the dog is it the does dog even tell me who i have the negative relationship with um [Music] none of the dogs hate me no actually no one hates me i guess my life is just so bad oh no yes it is this labrador luna who dislikes me now but really doesn't dislikely dislike me so much and also the thing is like what is it really water is okay fountains of joy made this blessing wash in my happiness okay i got a fountain for free [Music] oh so this is like one of the only expected good ones so i could just get fountains for out of nowhere this is very good can we sell this seven hundred dollars yes fountain money guys fountain money though that's also more than the two thousand dollars worth of bills that they've left here to so i gotta get at least three fountains before i sell that out we're gonna gamble our way to catapult ourselves into feeling better fountain hot tub bathtub or negatively really or the negatives ah chili dog dave thank you very much i did not know that thank you for saving me from picking fire yeah i guess obviously fire is not a good choice i mean if the repo man okay so they're gonna go repost something uh can only do that see the thing is that if they cancel out two thousand dollars worth of debt for you know that i'm fine with the repo men coming take whatever you want my grandfather when he was about 20 or 22 he was like a repo man but for an insurance company and it was totally legal so he had to just basically legally go and steal people's cars when they like or however i don't know because fortunately i've never had my car reboot but that was what my grandfather's first job was uh which is kind of crazy all right how are you feeling brian how you feeling today [Applause] let's buy you something else let's buy you something else enjoy the animals enjoy them he's like noah but um absolutely none of the attributes that noah had i guess besides the gray hair are what are what brian has it's a good day you know we could actually probably reinvest this into more genie lamps more to get more random events going because if we get more water that is like net effect a good thing you know we keep going to work we keep showing up don't quit your day job but invest in the genies which is where the money is really at there we go if he drops the burger he unfortunately does not get the um the wind from it go eat the eat the food brian eat it good job okay clean that up all right i think we're you know we're gonna wait till after work because if a genie sets a fire here i'm just not gonna be mentally prepared sell everything and buy genie lamps we will get it pretty we'll basically be taking a random walk i think statistically that's how the the genie thing will have to work um which is just net all around probably gonna leave with us at the same thing except if we managed to get water we could keep selling it and that would be a good way to net money honestly yeah i mean rather than showing to work showing up to work every day hang on a second maybe that's another thousand dollars 650 gift for my recent heroic efforts gift from the mayor okay all right my heroic efforts at living the way i am [Music] he's upset about the bills i would be too all right brian let's go ahead and clean some genie lamps again today water water okay flood that's actually not that bad at all i'm glad that we got the negative event there no don't don't worry about that spill brian okay two thousand dollars [Music] can i rearrange the furniture okay let's try work this time see what that does the last time didn't he set my house on fire with leisure oh he gave me it he gave me three skill points charisma body and cooking wow i wonder if this is actually um gonna make my cooking more effective now that i'm better with uh cooking what was that hey look the bill's just magically disappeared i didn't even see that maybe it was because he created puddles there i have honestly no idea what happened there um let's go ahead and buy a no pets allowed sign because i don't like them i don't like them where is the no pets allowed sign oh i believe it's under decorative decorative right plus sign i think was it here yes there it is 15 for a no pets allowed sign there we go so unfortunately they're wait a second wait a second what are you taking they even take anything you really you don't even need to pay the bills in this game this is like the least efficient version of the irs can you not read dog look they just is the most innocuous he took a puddle did he really literally take a puddle he stole a puddle uh that's so that's so amazing too at the same time uh that's awful ah anonymous gifted seven gifts up say thank you for anonymously gifting the seven gift subs that's very nice of you i thank you very much if you're getting a gift sub please be sure to say thanks hey thank you thank you for everything that you do for me and all of the all of the amazing uh places that i'm putting your money toward in forcing people into poverty and tax strategies and the sims here we go oh jesus this is awful what is the uh the hole in the top right corner that we don't go in that hole anymore that's the magic portal to basically narnia it transports us to the circus but unfortunately we have to miss a day of work so you know i love to work you know all right let's get a lot more money money uh you know let's try leisure again maybe we'll get the good outcome here if not okay he just said something no no no not that it's fine i do have the fire alarm now so they should just come immediately uh i don't want two fires at once though all right carpool's almost here good job as long as you have that uh fire alarm you're basically fine it doesn't get devalued in any way no why did you cook right now you have violated the law stop criminals uh oblivion oblivion memes all right let's do another genie lamp i mean the good news is that if we get a lot of puzzles uh here we go i'm not sure if i've gotten the good outcome to this at all yet he just keeps giving me dead plants this one is basically innocuous right recycle throw away well i suppose that we can just keep multiplying this money into more genie events now because why do anything other than that clean up i mean his hunger is enough taken care of so let's go ahead into here go like this i mean eventually i'll hit the jackpot go brian i know your life is every moment of his suffering give me leisure give me leisure fire department we should probably get rid of that plant all right let's get another table we just multi soon we won't even be going to work anymore we'll just be rubbing genie lamps all day hmm here we go one there that'll go nicely we could probably replace the couch soon with one of those two clean another one is it always giving me negative events wow it's always giving me negative events is there like a right answer and a wrong answer yeah i'm gonna sell the fountain because they keep setting the fountain on fire so why have that we're selling the fountain and we're buying two more genie lamps oh god i'm actually liking this i'm kind of learning i is it because of mood no i've had i've had positive events with negative mood just about as many is it truly mood always giving you negatives because your sim is in a negative mode try me okay so then let's buy him some things to make him feel slightly better we might not be able to get him up to green mood because i know with the level of poverty in this game he's just always going to be like a sad sack but at least we've got the infrastructure ready for him to be in a good mood and get a lot of genie events when we do get it right so let's go ahead and get him some actual stuff um [Music] ooh a nice tub why are you ordering pizza you absolute spendthrift no we're more frugal than that brian who else are you calling now he's caught he's ordered another pizza what the hell don't even pick it up man uh all right i'm gonna keep going for it you know even though i'm in such a bad mood at least the fire department will come to bail me out man i keep getting that maybe we should try air the next time oh no he got cockroaches oh no i've lost the dog is no longer my friend maybe it's because i'm in just such an awful mood you know i'm gonna start some services i'm gonna hire a maid only because i'll be here for the entire day cleaning the place and i know it doesn't seem like he's the kind of guy who can really afford a maid but at the same time the maid is just a very efficient sample go to sleep brian you don't have much else to live for are you actually being woken up by the sound of the cockroaches okay so then just yeah sleep with the cockroaches and that'll make everything better oh hunger hunger i don't want to die i don't want to die i got a second wake up brian before you die the cockroaches won't get the burgers eat one eat one okay great we've saved his life hang on a second eat several of those burgers good see only when you get really no stop sleeping and eat eat the food there we go [Music] he's not starving to death he's fine he's fine he's just craving entertainment he creates he wants a change come on brian get get to the real bed okay there we go we made it through another fine day on earth with our six genie lamps how much of this guy oh god all right get out of bed and why is your alarm clock not working phew that was a lot now where is the maid ah there's the maid very good looking maid welcome in now she should make the bed she'll throw away the plants she gets her all the cockroaches look brian had such a difficult spell with those things and she just gets everything done and what do we pay her she's it's 323 but this is a huge mess guys 323 what are we gonna be at at the end of the day 283 only 40 bucks for all of that cleaning that would have taken brian all night to do you know so i feel wait a second could we just oh we can't actually sell that yeah she's not having an existential crisis every 30 seconds that's that is true that is true get the mail we got to pay a bill 60 bucks all right that's not so bad that's not so bad i mean we know how to kind of mess up these genies spells now i say let's uh well let's get in a slightly better mood before we do this get some sleep okay brian get some sleep let's get some of your needs up before we get you into the genie lamp hey again it peter hey thank you very much for the 50 bits oops there goes another rubber tree plant see i think the shower is like a toilet and a shower i don't think we need both because you know you you go in one and then you're you're fine you don't need the other one maybe when his mood gets to like two red bars then we'll just get him uh he also doesn't really like the room that he's in either which the room is just considered everything that does kind of tick me off that he reads the paper like why would you read the paper when you can watch tv right you know he hates nature everyone's commenting on why this guy's life is so bad i think it's a great life you know he's got so many opportunities with these four genie lamps let's put them set them all on one table just so that it looks really upsetting he has another table he gets so much use out of this table you know let's get the couch away from that because we saw what happened the last time with the couch um all right let's see brian bryant brian you know you got 563 dollars you're not in as bad a mood as you were in before let's go ahead let's have you grill up some burgers you got good energy you slept all night for once you didn't i wish he could like watch tv and eat at the same time but he can't chew gum and walk you know he's it's not just that he started out like with it rough but brian also just he's he's pretty off he's pretty off okay do a little bit of reading actually your mood has gotten worse over the rest of the day yeah this is another issue how the sims was just so unbalanced with the hunger needs he keeps look he keeps getting on and off of the couch there you go but we can see now he's at only two red bars in his mood okay this is great this gives us the perfect opportunity to okay yeah go and eat go and eat for a second oh no now it's we're back up to three he's eaten 12 burgers all day he can get slightly more efficient in his hunger like need filling but you know i'll take three i'll take three money damn it clean earth because the worst he can do is set something on fire or do that there we go i try another one no he's actually trapped around the plants oh no he's fallen asleep standing up this has never happened before you'll be fine brian don't worry about it that's okay they can just repost some of my plants okay please give me the 2 000 yes i got it for the first time in history only 1276 dollars i need more than that yes okay we got another pot of gold 226 dollars we're rich holy cow that took forever to get we're not even gonna pay the bills we're just gonna go to work they can repo whatever they want nothing here is worth that amount let's go two genie pots the maid is getting in a raise today divided by not thank you very much for the prime nope i'm not gonna pay my debt i'm gonna keep a high debt to income ratio right here the repo guys what did they take the last time literally a puddle they took how can we we could buy a second wall can you imagine if we even got that powerful you could buy him a light we could buy him a lava lamp that would be kind of cool that would actually do a lot to upgrade the room i got to say like let's just take a look at brian because the truth is the best thing that we can do is to get his moods slightly up if it ups our chances at getting good events from don't even get me started on the two walls um but we do need his energy to go up by a lot because he's like his bed is just kind of garbo um that and the i think like the burger thing has just been an absolute waste don't you agree so what i think i'm gonna go ahead and do is this you need a fridge but the fridge is actually less efficient than the grill so we're gonna go ahead and see we could get the most expensive fridge right now this would actually not be that bad i'm not sure how it combines with the oven but let's go ahead and do this we're just going to get the genie events stop get in the bed get in the bed make the bed so that you sleep more efficiently there we go tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn we're going to do another genie event we let the repo man take whatever he wants and as soon as we get two more groups of two thousand dollars we buy another oven and we just skip straight to the best fridge and oven hopefully they won't repo those things because that would kind of set us back but that's gonna be the best way to get brian eating more efficiently because the beds in this game are not that good all right brian what's behind lamp number one friends right who cares a cat got angry at me get me another one money money money bills okay they're just going to send more repo men which i won't pay no you don't have to shower at a time like this no don't don't don't go to another one of those lamps oh no i you missed you missed the phone brian they had a thousand dollars for you on the phone maybe sometimes it is just people prank calling you i'm surprised i got so much money on the phone to start that was actually a very good start to this run maybe we'll get his money up first all right we'll make sure we don't buy any things until the repo men come though actually uh don't do that yet get slightly better mood eat a burger just take care of yourself take good care oh no he's actually i think i would consider our luck from these lamps very good see here we've got uh i mean the repo men came what did they even take they didn't take the genie lamp they didn't take any of our furniture did they take the perhaps the um [Music] imagine if the repo man took the fire alarm he can't have one of those i'm pretty sure that the repo men took one of my destroyed plants wait what yeah see there he is he's lasering oh i gotta go get the mail yeah i would cry over my bills too if i were you brian i'll pay the regular bills but i'm not paying the magical uh like gambling addiction bills oh wait i think i am in a bad mood okay i got i got very lucky there you're very lucky mortimer who is it mortimer mortimer is my friend now okay i got two more friends what do you know what do you know of course this has made mortimer very upset with me that i like his wife i got an alarm hey jose thank you very much for the uh for the two months did he take one of the yeah he repo'd one of the bills love these repo men they're like i got you covered ah that's great 12 a.m 12 a.m right now the other thing is that you'll always be depressed if one of your needs is completely not met so we need to if you have only repo men work like that in real life i'm pretty sure that my grandfather didn't do that unfortunately anybody hear a repo man that actually sounds like a very interesting career it would be like something to aspire toward or they could just take people who were uh thieves and be like you know what we have a job for you it's actually amazing you could just pile up debt too big to fail holy cow this is crazy i didn't know that this worked in this game oh wait a second get in the car get in the car go to work now brian go go go go baby go don't miss no stop crying ah you missed another day now he he hasn't really missed anything he can't get fired really because he's damn it you know i was in an interaction bubble so i can get out of it it's fine maybe you'll get a thousand dollars on the phone today and i got nothing there okay i did miss one day you don't want to miss two days in a row because then they will fire you so that wasn't great but here's the good news is that we can get him into a better mood look his mood is rising his mood is rising and now we could just uh redo all of what we would have used for our work on magic instead so stop reading and rub water literally not even a flood probably because it friends this one is useless bella goth hates me okay wait is he going to kill me oh come on i'm only in a slightly negative mood i'm having a pretty good day i would say water yes another fountain thank you very much thank you very much i'll sell that immediately because i don't trust these genies there we go three thousand nine hundred dollars i'm pretty sure we're ready to get our stove now water okay another flood that's actually good because they can repo the water we could do more lamps uh i think for now we'll save on the lamps though this is great i don't even know that this exploit existed um what would what should we buy are we gonna buy the best of the fridges and then we got a thousand and one dollars left i say we get it toward like a stove uh we want to be able to pay the maid otherwise she won't come back she'll get angry at us stop cleaning and eat and honestly i think we're going to sell this grill because the grill is really not as good once you have like a good fridge and stuff kind of just take a break now what he's going to do is this basically if you just have the fridge it's not that efficient like they spend a lot of money on snacks [Music] get up brian there we go labyrinth so the repo men get confused i'm pretty sure that the repo men are already confused i don't think i need to change anything to confuse them even more i think everything is just fine right now it's actually better than my other house where we had four sims all of who worked all of whom worked uh legitimately and there's no reason to have a toilet either i love this like at no point in the game is this needed we can just continue living as we have been it's a good house look at this place it's got an entrance it's got an exit it's got a secret escape hole it's got a shower over there in the corner it has magic look there goes the mage she's getting into the shower to clean it very nice of her thank you maid ah when will the repo men give up and just take me i don't know but that is such an overpowered way to get through this entire challenge this is amazing i feel like i should go back and just redo my entire thing because i had a whole video ready but i did not know that this existed uh amazing all right good job let's go ahead and um [Music] you got 928 bucks that's not that bad that's not that bad you paid the maid hey you know just take good care of yourself okay let's see how he does with his hunger now is he gonna be eating like six burgers for 40 years now oh my god look at how quickly his hunger is going up look at this wow i'm so proud of you brian you didn't even need to spend 40 hours eating burgers to what was that that was nothing oh please don't take to our beautiful fridge please they didn't take the fridge okay that was all that really mattered we got rid of all the bills i think we should lay off of the um yeah they repo the bills again i think we should lay off of those genie lamps though until we have slightly more career stability because now i actually think that we could put something together with his life like just with just because of this refrigerator you know what they say when a wise when a um when the right refrigerator enters your life you know you turn over a new uh leaf or something like that stop eating chips eat oh you jerk why are you eating chips well it's only five dollars actually and he's getting a lot is he's very efficient with this fixing your phone line don't poke at the phone the next time it rings i believe you sometimes you should follow these people's advice otherwise they'll put like a poltergeist into your house that may just totally left a plate right there that's not pizza that's bugs [Music] another 175 dollars [Music] all right brian same thing as before i'm buying you a toilet now this is one of the few items that you do need a wall section for give you a little bit of privacy too why not you have like a whole corner and you can use the shower and then you know you're looking at the hill from over there that's nice right how have my uh why have all my options suddenly changed plumbing i don't really see any point to the better toilets so i think let's just put one wait a there now i can't even see the toilet this is problematic [Music] damn it [Music] you know sometimes you just okay the toilet is facing the right way i've confirmed yolo okay brian your energy is kind of garbage and you know these repo men really haven't done anything so let's just get more genies you know leisure has always been bad but i have yet to see it be good so let's see if we can get a good one nope he's gonna no no please why that hang on a second okay good do it for the firemen nah nothing's really the truth is that as long as you have that thing you're fine oh one thing that i almost forgot to do is um [Music] hang out a second now we got to make sure that we don't yeah all right this is it i'm gonna put the burglar alarm here because technically this is all considered one room so uh if someone comes into the room they'll they'll be smackledorfed by the burglar alarm because i don't want a burglar to come and steal my fridge while i'm away at work yeah i know the comic sans font is is wild right i guess it is we're playing as brian ambiguous he's uh he's a scorpio i'm pretty sure he's a scorpio what is his astrological sign yeah he's a scorpio which means he doesn't get along with anyone uh he's he has a great relationship with a dog and bella goth and mortimer goth sort of but he doesn't like it that his wife likes me a lot uh but we've actually been improving our station in life we there we go another thrilling successful day of work we're going to be off to now uh let's go clean one of these genie lamps and see if we can get another lottery ticket here just no i just put the trash on the ground brian it'll be fine give me some leisure this is okay we actually got a wondrous invention oh so much fun wow hang on a second yeah go to work brian nobody cares about you brian we're just doing this for this stuff look free stuff guys i love this excited for my v2 ah yes sim railroad well we'll have to play with the sim railroad when we look it's a little miniature model who doesn't love a good miniature model i know we could keep it but at the same time i could get a better stove if i sold it and well let's keep on seeing what the genies have to offer and then uh is this something that we could buy elsewhere hang on a second yeah 955 guys i got to sell this thing i got to make the money back i got to make i know i can't just be sitting here playing with trains playing with a with a rector set there we go i love that term it's so great uh look there he goes look at the train uh stop motion animationing into an it's perhaps it's named thomas even man this is really not even fun for brian brian stop doing this i'm pretty sure everything is getting worse as you do this all right yeah we're going to sell that immediately i hate that thing i was faking those emotions the whole time all right leisure give me another one of those things so that i could sell it no no [Music] there i i was faking i was actually not afraid at all i've never seen that thing burn down at all come on nothing's bad with it water maybe we'll get a fountain flood tell it to the repo men anymore i guess we could just sell these genie lamps at this point in time now we won't do that pay the bills i want them to come it's coming to get me i have actions as a potion set potions with semi-random effects kind of like the magical lamps uh i do have this thing maybe i should use that more we did get one spell where we could totify people yeah we got a skunk living here what you don't like my pet skunk are you judgmental yeah hey jesus cringe sorry no jess jess is cringe but it said jesus cringe thank you for the 200 bits from before i need to quit the genie lamps nah like i'll quit the genie lamps once he gets to a state in his life where he can gain independence and yeah he's he's just in for a pretty bad time right now i thought that the phone would be a better place to start but yeah i mean it's only 75 dollars for a phone and we got that done pretty fast the next item to buy here wait a second no who is this why is the hill glowing fine we have all the important stuff we got our insurance covered [Music] go for go to work for another day no please stop cleaning up those puddles they're more like collateral in case if something goes wrong i think they must be considered in-game objects oh no stop cleaning those up please made i need those for when the government comes and they with their hands out asking for more look it's my clone i see i made like 40 versions of this sim because they mostly failed uh what do we get air well we've got nothing but dead plants with this so let's get air roaches it's fine the maid will clean it up leisure maybe i can get another oh that's no good that's fine the fire department will just come all right that's good we're in a pretty bad mood now let's try arrogan more literally just more roaches it's gonna cost me a little bit of money try arrogant and god man i really have to not do this when i'm in such a bad mood no brian you're not gonna get any of that right now uh i might even just call the exterminator no that doesn't exist in this game okay go to bed go to bed you can't go to bed all right we're just gonna live with him for a day so i think what we've learned from this is that you can't ever be in a bad mood when you try to use these uh genie lamps because i think that kind of messed up my my uh my chances but fortunately tomorrow the mate we'll pay her like another fifteen dollars to fix this and it'll all be fine it'll all be fine is crazy go to work brian he can't even take out the roaches on his own stop trying there we go good job it'll be kind of nice to watch the maid today it's like watching them clean in rim world you know what why did you just give up you quitter did you just see that she she didn't even she didn't even try then i have to live with this for another day hang on a second we might have to call some services we could either throw a party to get friends help us stomp out the uh we could get a butler the fire department we wouldn't really call the police i got a second brian go pay your bills man pay your bills he might end up being like trapped 476 dollars for the bills oh maybe because i have the nice fridge now they think that i can afford to pay up no absolutely not of course not i don't have any money see i'm still my life is just garbage this is the reason why his oh wait a second yes his hunger is dropping dangerously uh have a quick dinner have a quick dinner brian much better much better leave that plate on the ground the nurse i mean the maid we'll clean that up tomorrow you remember when you were a kid and you wouldn't clean your room and your mother would say like well will the maid come and do it well this is going to happen now i truly hope that i've never actually seen the maid just not clean them up this is quite bad he can't go to sleep either [Music] [Laughter] man this guy's really going to earn the money when he finally gets like to a livable state i kind of can't wait for that he's getting the car looks like he's getting kidnapped wait a second oh wait she's doing it oh hell yeah thank you so much maybe there's like a number of roaches that she's willing to no she's just cashing out didn't you saw her she got out her spray though for some of those roaches maybe there's like a max number of roaches that she yeah scam scam i mean the issue with this is that it's causing the spray brian spray oh so this actually works with you okay so this is one of the few messes that he won't pass if we clean up i did not know that all right go ahead spray at least you know you're not paying for the maid it's a little bit more diy but you're getting it done man there's a lot of crap on the screen okay yeah go to sleep in the road you're hungry you won't starve to death tomorrow just yet [Music] save money live better oh wait sorry that was the walmart isn't that the walmart who's who's uh saying is that that's they're saying at walmart whenever i walk into malt walmart that's what all the employees are just saying oh phew that was a real drag get some shut eye brian all right now we'll wake you up go to work [Music] assert dominance yeah they are adapting okay let's see what this nurse does see that we got roast roaches there does she okay so she does get some of them but i guess she maxes out at like two or three and she doesn't do plates apparently either that's beneath her it's a gift some gifted to jesus cringe [Laughter] ah thank you for that anonymous person there's no sink oh so then she fails and auto leaves okay so that's fair so let's go ahead and buy some other basic appliances at this point in time brian's life has improved from its previous state uh standpoint so let's go ahead and give him um now this isn't a very good oven oh wait does this one require a wall no this one does yeah this one's fine let's just use this one brian you got eight hundred ten dollars left to your name just throw out the plates oh wait no we can't do that actually oh so we're at the point yes okay i see so i see what's going on can we afford the least expensive dishwasher yet is this a garbage depolar this is a crash compactor and this is a okay yeah we'll get that all right living large living large good job brian go ahead and clean those up like you got the maid to do it or something have a quick dinner have a quick dinner eat it see look at how much more his hunger is going up now that we've got that better oven better oven makes everything better could take a trip downtown to pick up some stuff in the home lot that we can't normally buy really this is a i don't think i've ever been downtown i've never been outside of my house it was like it was 20 20 the whole time i was playing the game i mean the thing is that the plates just go into the dishwasher and they just stay in there forever because that's how it's like the you know the fecal matter in the wall it works with the same you know science happens and then after that there's some teleportation and then it's gone and that's the way it works what do you say we start to kind of put this house together into an actual house because we now do have you know like money money except that he really just is in a horrible mood still what is that sound oh we still have roaches look at this there's like eight roaches left still i totally missed these things brian get out of bed man they've multiplied they're reproducing man i really regret taking those air on the genie stop crying and work all the privileges i give you i have to like track for motion with my eyes during the day while he's gone i don't see any roaches and it does appear as if the oh good she's got the last of them good job maid okay haven't said that in a while are they coming out of that hole in the ground i knew i shouldn't have opened up a wormhole to the next dimension the beatings will continue until morale improves you know as they say all right brian what what's your problem man um as we know the repo men are very ineffective [Music] how much money i gotta pick oh actually only 175 in bills that's not so bad good job hey look oedipus hey look it's oedipus everybody from our other game from the other day as oedipus slagethor could be a good no no no no oedipus help oh my god uh who will save us maybe the crimson chin will come out and uh wait a second is the fire alarm good do it for the do it for the uh thank god brian we really got to get you some thinking man he's fine he's fine try that again it's good just you maybe he'll probably cut off a finger or something all right his hunger is improving stop eating stop snacking all right he's good now he's taking a shower we've got to get this comfort up you know he really he can't get comfortable and it's i blame the bed i do i blame the bed he's still eating a lot man you know but he's got a full hunger bar look his mood is getting better soon we'll be able to rub another genie lamp and make another five thousand dollars yeah he needs a better bed i mean the truth is that it gets his comfort up faster is this parenthood this is birth control oh wait a second now get out of the shower brian wait why would you just touch the genie lamp of your own free will oh he was only going to view it thank you for the 300 bits thank you triple g i mean it's such a faithful like uh i don't know if you ever i always used to have a paper person in new york they would give us am new york they would just give it to us every day it was like a free paper i don't know how they did that it's insane i don't know if it exists anymore i was around when i used to commute to high school in manhattan stop eating brian food is for winners hey asmodius say thank you for the 300 bits it's an interesting experience i used to take the train when i was 14 uh into penn station it was it was actually kind of young to like do a commute for like four hours when i was a kid but uh it was kind of cool i mean just kind of have access to the city like that but uh it's a good place all right 355 we're coming along with energy you know brian if you go to sleep you're gonna like a lot of things are gonna drop you got one negative mood right now i'm gonna go ahead and take a risk and clean the genie lamp even when we're not in a perfect mood let's try for money yes okay good fortune good fortune might actually stop it there because i think we got some money now i think we might be able to get the bet uh the bed i'm dreaming of all right you know walls rooms these things don't matter what matters is here and now [Music] check my posture i love you back hey thank you very much for the 300 bits yeah that's all right i i don't mess with genie lamps anymore either brian i've never touched one in my life all right so here's the thing is that his energy goes up like slightly faster not in a way that i notice it but his comfort definitely goes up a lot faster i think the energy is going up faster but by how much you know [Music] here we go turn the music up he actually the game is totally silent there's no music in the background until uh until i go into build mode or wake mode it's good music though it's good music see get up you slop have a quick breakfast there we go yeah there we go hunger going up look at this look at this guy he's up before work and his needs are met he might even get come on brian carpool will arrive at about an hour you could have more fun if i get you a better tv you know i'm gonna go ahead and after i get wait a second stop showering go to work [Music] i swear to god every day it looks like he's he's just getting kidnapped off to work um wouldn't it be a shame if a burglar were to come around get the alarm we'll be good we'll be good now i'm gonna go ahead and i'm just gonna say i don't think that he really needs a couch anymore let's just see if we can get him a very nice chair never bought an 840 chair that does nothing comfort nine room two let's go ahead and check out what does the best sofa do comfort ten energy five okay i guess that's very if you sleep on it well i mean like seventeen hundred and two dollars for a chair versus tooth actually [Music] well what is the difference from the current current sofa the current sofa is comfort to energy five hmm i don't know guys i'm thinking that let's just get him a compute we could get to a computer that would be kind of interesting i don't know what is going to bring his mood up his fun really has been lacking a lot lately like the hygiene and the bladder it takes him a second to take care of so we'll do those things at the end that's mainly like room quality social he's just doomed to be a troglodyte pretty much forever but yeah he's at one again okay so now i think it's it's okay to get a genie lamp he's not like in such negative spirits friends spell worked good clean another one give me earth because i don't hate the bad thing we got some plants we got some plants we could sell these for 120 or we could just have them in our house or lack thereof look they're like entryway plants that's nice that's nice i'm liking these genies now they're up in the room quality okay all right let's keep this we got a good chain of luck money hopefully money money okay repo men can't really affect me anymore at this point money no okay well we're gonna have another meme trip by the repo men i assume uh alas oh no no wait a second no it's i'm being burgled jerk sneaky sim wait a second police no oh he's taking everything police why can't we just tackle him he put it all in a bag what the no he got away with it this guy who's the worst why do we have a burglar alarm i put a burglar alarm up right there it doesn't detect them oh it's too far away oh jesus i can't afford walls that's why i don't have walls well you know i mean the truth is he took away the genie lamps he took away the oven i i've uh we well we got to make some choices here is the truth [Music] oh we got to make some choices we got to make some tough choices man and i'm gonna get repo men coming too this struggle i needed that oven i needed that oven if i put the entry burglar alarm at the entry to the lot it will activate it this is good thinking this is good thinking maybe i'll pay for another wall over here hang on a second let's take out the wall because i can't afford another wall i get 56 dollars back frugal living okay and then we put right here [Music] we do this we take the burglar alarm and we replace it there and then we remove this uh we're gonna have to make some changes we'll leave that there for now um actually i should have changed all of that it's fine bring everything closer together it's not safe to keep everything so spread out anymore the danger of fires is is transitory and the opportunity of not being burgled is is far more pressing i think [Music] i can't pick it up when he's in the bed of course uh whoops i forgot about that uh i think we could just sell one of these tables now we don't need to we made some mistakes the bills are way over there they won't as long as we keep the bills far away from us you idiot i hate you and that's again i need another wall i need a better wall right there get rid of this junk put that over there all right how am i doing now how am i doing i think that this is a much better arrangement i lost a couple dollars but i think it was all worth it well worth it you know if somebody comes and tries to take everything at least i'm prepared this time except for if it's of course the shower or the toilet in which case just they're not that expensive yes maybe a simple chair for the table this is good thinking but after tomorrow when we've saved up some money for a chair [Music] all right the repo men the repo men fortunately can't harm me wait a minute i might need to rub the genie lamp again wait a second uh no before that answer the phone maybe i have a thousand dollars that someone have i inherited money i inherited a hundred dollars okay that's great money money yes okay i got the gold back 123 dollars i'm sure as hell not no i missed work okay damn it well it's all right i made a lot more money than i would have at work and my job wasn't really paying me anything let's go ahead and um [Music] buy a chair inexpensive chair there we go so i can look at the genie lamp that menaces me every day let's buy a couple more walls what do you say a couple more walls and no actually let's get back those genie lamps i'm upset that the thief stole them i was having a good time with those things or is it decorative no not decorative no we don't need walls you guys are full of uh because they're full of baloney [Music] why why do give me one good reason why we need walls i think we're better off without them i mean yes i can think of some reasons why walls would help but the truth is that the opportunity cost of a wall there are just so many better things look i got two genie lamps i have so many more chances of things going wrong water water i got a free fountain now i can afford walls if i wanted with that fountain [Music] that's fine if i miss work screw all of you here yeah we don't want that air thing anymore that's what brings cockroaches why you have a toilet man it's not being a child wall isn't walls are in the economy for the aesthetics why would i want the aesthetics no no way we need the expensive uh you know kitchenware look at how much his hunger is going up he's enjoying oh gosh wow he can actually get the hungry he can sit at the table and eat i didn't know that that was uh operative okay now i take it all back maybe i should have listened to you guys a little bit more buy walls as i can afford them i'm sure i can find a landscaper who will agree to this i can afford two of the walls today my thing is what if i get the wrong walls for the wrong areas and it limits my thinking and my imagination in time you know i think that would be a real bummer you guys suck i'll get your boring walls see where it winds us up [Music] i also don't want to wall everything in because maybe the uh the tax company will learn of my strategy that i'm using against them oh crap i'm down to 72 dollars and i also have bills to pay all right we're gonna need to get very lucky genie rolls today i'm sure that this will go well doesn't look as unique now that i have walls see like this sims playthrough is so much more different from all of the other sims playthrough and now it's just another sims playthrough i have half a mind to get rid of the walls no i should never listen to you chat turn them off yes i could turn them off it is getting a little annoying all right that makes it a little bit more enjoyable to watch why is it so dark in my house do i have a roof over this there is actually no roof okay so we're still safe at least we could create a labyrinth ooh that's not a bad idea create a labyrinth for the burglar to get through so that he can't get anything or so that we at least have a time you know time to react to him but whenever i'm sleeping in the future that was pretty annoying i got pretty miffed at that i guess again brian what why have you run go to work good you've relieved yourself it's time get out of here hey al-shu hornbundy and uh streasel hey thank you very much for the subs ah another day on the homestead now let's go ahead and move back this bed can we see the phone we can still see the phone we'll just need to add another room in time you know like this will eventually become you know the foyer the french foyer or uh whatever they say in france no uh hang on a second brian don't take a shower have dinner first eat your leg of lamb there we go oh damn it what was that sound oh that was the repo men oh what did they take ah they got nothing on me again oh no they actually took the oven okay now i am slightly more worried about some of these repo men ah damn man i might have to do some of my work the old-fashioned way now well he is like able to take care of many of his basic needs now how the hell did they get the did they take the walls oh it's the walls that are behind this this is why i'm telling you that we shouldn't get walls walls are a waste and they you know they're such a flex they they attract in the wrong types of people oh no wait a second we have to fire the maid is there actually any way to fire the maid uh i do not believe that there is okay let's pray to god that we get a decent genie lamp here because no all right the dog hates me because i do need money to pay the um okay i got a couple new skills it's actually not that bad to get the new skills because i'm not going to get them in like any other way money money money money good okay we get to keep our maid not unhappy with us nice all right another successful day of procrastinating and barely getting by yeah i'll still be able to pay the maid thousand bucks thousand bucks i mean that's not really we made like five thousand dollars before from those genie lamps once we get into a very good mood too we should be uh we should be in a much better situation good job brian good job you actually finish your meal you can even put in the dishwasher wow what an absolute stand-up guy go to work now good all right what i'm thinking is he needs like he needs a decent source of fun you should probably fire that maid too i hate her he's growing yeah this oven his oven is like the most butterfingers oven we should probably finish the wall though now we already did the genie lamp in the morning okay now one good piece of news is that he can't be constantly affected by the vectors of animal uh waste outside anymore if we build him a we're gonna give him like a just a bad door there we go just that really ugly distasteful door and we're gonna almost get the wall we're gonna almost get the wall because uh not good once we get in the walls then he should get more room effectiveness then we can get better uh like more reliably able to be in a good mood then we can get the genie lamps more frequently and more frequently get the good events and then once we've done that we should be able to start moving up our fun and our social and then from that point forward he can start to get promotions at work and go on to like what i would consider a normal sim life up till this point it's not been stop heating go there we go i have to re-dirt the floors today i'm waxing my car and i'm pouring out some manure in the in the living room so that my kids grow faster here we go all right two walls if the maid quits then screw it all right brian get in that new room let's see how much you like that place oh he absolutely hates this room this is even worse than just being out in the world okay i didn't see that one coming uh can i buy at least like a a lamp that does something well i won't be using these genie lamps for a little while so we could get rid of that and we'll buy a i guess we'll buy a lava lamp because that oh look he actually likes it slightly okay now we can create like a more dependable like a more dependably room room wow how lucky are we and we have we're covered from the burglar do we have a roof as well or is the roof still not a thing uh let's actually check that out look we this is this this is like a oh god why does it look like some of the seven days to die prefabs to me um i have a couple of ideas for what has come out of it it's a tiny house it's it's very tasteful it's very tasteful oh jesus uh the alarm is hidden by the roof okay actually you know what we've got we have a slight situation on our hands see the fire alarm appears to be on the outside i mean on the inside but it's actually on the outside so we got to bring it back on the inside now we get the fire alarm on the inside yup it's definitely on the inside now hard to see when you block out the walls right not such a bad house though not such a bad house why hasn't he even turned on his lava lamp come on man okay great we got the lava lamp on it's like that 70s show good job good job i gotta say though like his life has come quite a long way from where he was this sim was living in squalor before i don't know if she would not call this squalor still but this is like more i really got nothing that was a horrible joke two genie lamps maybe we'll get something else that's kind of entertaining we could get him like a computer to stare at and lose his vision on you know what if the toilet's on fire we just lose the toilet uh that's the truth i mean the toilet the toilet is made of water so it shouldn't be able to go on fire there we go i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna sell a genie lamp because we gotta get some other stuff a little bit faster here just to get his mood up so that we can use one of them uh i'm also gonna go ahead and let's get him a window because that is gonna bring his mood up i don't know if larger windows a completely normal window to show that there's nothing suspicious going on inside of this house look at all the light in this house let's give him awkward let's make this like a very confrontational home to live in there we go why do you still hate this room okay the room stat has gone up though this is he's significantly happier with the room i think we can do even better we got to wait for another day's worth of pay for this i'm still too nervous to use the genie lamp because they could repo like 3 000 worth of stuff which would i would be non-plussed by this i stream speak like this every day in the sims when i'm not streaming this i don't know i feel like i'm totally myself when i'm streaming how much is my department uh okay well i mean well we got the natural light so we get the windows we do need floors this is true this is true you don't like a nice natural uh grass floor though that's not you're not you guys aren't into that isn't this like a hipster thing exposed brick wall and grass floor i also just we don't have a toilet at my house because we just go on the ground you know try to keep it natural oh actually the floor is pretty cheap does some of this stuff improve the room's quality i don't actually know what happens when we get to the later stuff i mean i would have to imagine that it kind of does but at the same time there are some things that are just purely for vanity what is this this is just the doo doo carpet let's do like half the room hey his room went up look at that who's got a room you've got a room no no as long as you get the fire alarm you're pretty much immune to that though all right go to work unfortunately you didn't get any breakfast a little bitty wants the maid to quit yeah she's still pretty much worth it though just for the amount of time that she saves him think about it nope we're still not ready for the lamp because his mood is so bad you know could when i was using that uh when i was using that exploit but not anymore he brought home some money let's go ahead and get some more floor this is the worst house oh it's hideous i like the grass better okay but he's getting so much energy from being in this room he just looks around himself and goes wow i'm not flat out broke anymore look it's so dim on this side of the room i should give him another lamp he's got like half the room bar though that's good that's good that's all you need half the room bar i guess we should give them a source of fun we could start saving up for um it's actually not like a i would kind of like a little place like this for myself yeah actually maybe the paint on the walls too maybe that would kind of bring him up let's try wallpaper now wallpaper used to i know wallpaper is kind of like bad now sorry if you have wallpaper it's i think it's bad now but um uh here we go this looks neutral and look at that that is a horrifying paintbrush what is that does this paint the inside and the outside [Music] oh god it looks like a torture chamber in there um okay good the walls are done let's see if this actually makes him a little bit happier you guys lied to me he's not happier with this oh no i stand corrected he is slightly happier with the room who's this i got worried over nothing i got worried over nothing oh hold shift to cover all the walls i wish i had seen that hey thank you for that prime time for lamp rubbing okay yeah actually his mood is slightly negative still but did he fail the cooking oh phone call i better answer the phone to see who's calling you're an autumn and should decorate accordingly if you want to live most get away from me his hunger is good you know his needs are actually pretty well met now i'm liking this guy i'm liking it stop doing things don't go to the bathroom you can go at work actually you can't uh what a beautiful house ironically this kind of thing in the u.s is like 200 thousand dollars to move into this house it's insane at least uh a lot of the houses have been looking i've been looking at places to live and it's it's insane it's insane this is very realistic i know i know it's awful back uh where i was living before this was like a million dollars for this i was like jesus give me a break uh it's awful yeah i mean honestly if you have a kid just make them into like a contractor or something because they'll they will survive all right how much do i have to pay now for having nothing 185 i know i would cry about the bills too he's actually getting really good energy from this room now though okay i'm kind of confident it goes down when it's night because the light in the room goes down i'm pretty sure um a real friendly guy could share your thank you very much for the offer yeah basically the american survival challenge we're running right here now there's a couple of places there that are affordable but they're getting less affordable the irony is that a lot of the places that were completely unaffordable are getting slightly more affordable and all of the places that were affordable are now getting completely unaffordable so but i'm kind of a pacifist so take that with a grain of salt if you're looking for a house anyway uh back to brian quick breakfast i don't want you to serve it i want a quick one now you know what i'm not i'm not risking it go to work brian go to work good he made it phew that was a close one okay so here's the issue is that he's still stuck in depression because well for one thing he really doesn't have any source of fun he has the newspaper but we should probably give him a fun source before too long um please get rid of that please clean clean brian so if he has one stat that's at totally negative red status which this is one of the reasons why this is extremely difficult with a single sim is because he has nobody to naturally talk to um he will always be depressed and be unable to do anything oh what was that triple g crap i missed it we could stereo him up actually that might give him some like enjoyment while not necessarily having to watch tv let's go ahead and check that out maybe we could set it on a countertop somewhere these were considered top of the line top of the line back then back in my day look at this boom this was like very top of the line like if you i remember getting one of these things for christmas when i was a kid it wasn't such a horrible childhood that was actually like a great thing we got what do we get i don't know i think it's because i was a younger brother of an older sister i got the nsync christmas album not the coolest album to get not really one i would brag about openly either but um here i am bragging about it openly yeah that was christmas of 2000 i think my sister got like an s club 7 cd and that was considered like very cool very cool all right his his fun meter has actually improved by a lot so you can get promoted oh no i have a shower i have a shower he just it's not meant for it's shameful to to create doo-doo so we've just been forcing brian to do that outside of the house yeah i bet you that those boom boxes are actually worth something nowadays ironically hey mal malachi are took and uh and cold llama hey thank you very much for the subs guys as well as squeaky dink squeaky dink [Music] okay he's actually not miserable now and if we get him to socialize with anyone literally anyone at all he might have a chance at um achieving a good mood this would be amazing we're gonna let him go to work today but could we have him call a neighbor just to like talk bellagoth and me are pretty tight just talk just normal talking if i could just hear the sound of your voice i would ascend here we go give him a couple seconds his social is going up oh my god he's almost not depressed look look it's a miracle yes oh my god it's like liquid ether he's actually in a slightly positive mood hang a second clean little genie lamp before you leave to work and you're slightly miserable again do it baby do it with the energy of bella goth with the energy of bella goth i summon thee i some of the great demon summoning demons hang on a second i thought that the genie was instant okay let's try earth i'm in a slightly good mood dean uh gentlemen here we go go to work what will happen will happen with the genie oh great okay it was totally not it was totally worth it to miss work i mean we won't get fired we're fine we got a positive genie event we made more money than we would have at work we're not fired i'm okay with this we could actually leave some of these in here no then we gotta water them maybe we should just replace it with another lava lamp nah that's fine let's put them all in the worst spot right there in the corner look his room is going so up wow holy cow i think i'm going to call bellagoth again and just explode with pleasure you missed worked i know i missed work today i it was totally worth it no regrets it's gonna be a vod of this yeah that'll be a vod of this hey tag new tag new light thank you very much for the prime uh yes maybe my maid will water them well you do need a gardener too so there's that so as you can see he's still in slightly negative but let's see he needs the bed this is the one thing is that he never gets that social recharge he just needs to call that's the one thing i do need to actively do all the time okay just do that that's how people normally change so many great animations and sound effects in these games but he's in a better mood than he's ever been in 1300 computer bug hell yeah hell yeah oh my god i didn't even think that this is possible with inflation my 78 the inflation and the sims oh god why do you keep eating these snacks why don't you just have dinner you demon jesus increase the size of the house i don't think i'm prepared for this i don't think i'm prepared for i mean look at his house guys this is such a saddening house i'm glad that we could use those plants though see can we water these things no actions available i wonder if those will die there's probably better stuff than we get for the room though that's more permanent see now he's back to being depressed because his social is totally down yeah this house is just too big for one man you're right our pool arrives in one hour now we don't want to miss this day because this is his next day of work wait a second brian brian wake up man wake up go to work okay so what i'm gonna go ahead and do next is buy him a computer because if he has a thousand dollars he can buy one of these things and then we don't have to check the paper for listings every single day it's also a source of entertainment um and then we can shop around for jobs three of them every single day that will be available for us but we also need to be in a decent mood so we gotta make sure that we can upkeep that for which we needed one friend all the time let's just keep talking to bella goth because it gets him into such a good mood um i wonder if we could call mortimer goth too just because that'll also keep him in a good mood i'm tired of talking call back in a few hours okay so he actually didn't like that energy's still down yeah we want to get that make sure that that's positive before we do another genie lamp no jesus have him become a twitch streamer you can do some more like wacky stuff in the later sims games but yeah in this one it was all like 90s themed hey creed thanks for coming out yeah this is before youtube even existed actually yeah this game did exist before youtube wow that's a throwback okay energy is good get out of bed sometimes he doesn't automatically wake himself up there we go okay you're in decent mood i wonder if you're really considered depressed now your hunger's good right actually we're getting a slight positive tinge on him right now let's go ahead and now i feel like this is kind of where the real game starts he agrees he agrees okay very well then let's go ahead and um let's build ourselves into our house now that just sounds like a wonderful idea all right we'll go ahead and buy a computer i need a new job are you depressed no he's too depressed he needs to talk to someone okay please bella goth please be awake right now uh just talk crap she's she's angry at me because i woke her up in the middle of the night can bob newby come around please bob newby just gets along really well with me unfortunately he can't write a book i think those things came in in the sims 2. all right we're just going to let the repo men take something because it's probably going to be less expensive than the number of bills i need to pay yeah sorry about that uh government [Music] yeah right good get to work generally speaking though his mood has been very good the issue is just that he's at work all the time during every waking moment of the daylight hours if we get him home at a decent time and then we invite oh no i have an idea we'll throw a party we'll throw like a tax uh avoidance party here we go we'll throw a party or yeah here we go nice uh everyone loves one of these okay okay so who is this francesca and why is he not why are there no paths available all right let's wave at everyone from outside he'll get in a better mood good now he's gonna get his social give me the no brian go talk to your guests man talk to your guests talk to someone about something please insult someone for god's sake just do something to some no please stop terrorizing me [Music] talk let's talk about magic okay we got a mime coming in this will be fun for everyone why is he not getting any social he's halfway gregarious i could ask the mime to leave uh interests that's what people have man he really doesn't get very much social from talking to people in person this is called bella gothic and he likes bella goff at least he's making some friends though you know he's made all these new friends he's more people to bother just talk to bella goth everyone loves oh actually it's doing great wonders for my health to talk to bellagoff much better okay everybody get the hell out of here before someone steals something wow really queue up the talking sims one just stops talking after yeah that's true there's a lot of these things were kind of more like you know having a solo sim is super hard and the sims one um he just kind of gets more and more depressed from being lonely oh yeah i should have turned someone into a toad i forgot about that though they do say that it's an anti-social thing i probably could have used that on the burglar now that i uh go back yeah it's a pretty awful party make breakfast you dingus here we go oh he actually can't eat in the computer chair anymore so we need to give him like an end table or something so let's go ahead and get further behind on our um tax situation [Music] we'll put it that there will put the alarm clock there and we'll put the computer like here ish and then we'll give him yet another chair this is such an awful house well if he's in the computer chair who really cares let's just give him this strange like halfway undecided adirondack chair yeah don't mess with that genie lamp again for a while could we trap the burglar with walls the burglar doesn't want anything of ours anymore i mean i don't regret i don't regret the magic usage maybe they'll just take a plant or something oh what did they just take hang on a second what did they do they didn't take my toilet they didn't take my shower did they take the hole to narnia no they didn't do they didn't take the fire limp [Music] oh what is he gonna take no no no no no no uh hang on a second oh i can't actually go into buy mode right now so i can't just like pick and choose what he takes away let's see what he decides on that please nothing expensive okay that's not so bad all right um i mean annoying why do they always go after my oven why do they always go after my oven please let me have an oven oh hang on a second wait a second brian you idiot get out of that chair get out of that chair that's very uncomfortable stop crying stop crying all right i'm deleting your computer no more computer for you i you need a stove more um damn it's how many setbacks i know it seems like we've kind of been you know moving forward two spaces and going back one throughout a lot of this playthrough a little bit we have um but also at the same time like a lot look you have two chairs to sit next to to imagine that you were there with someone else are we through with bills now yep through with bills we're safe we're safe all he really needs to do is get to work in a decent mood so let's just get him calling someone in the morning before um oh yeah we can't answer the phone thank you for that um move the phone throw on that wall there we go right call um call call mortimer or bella or literally just anyone who cares okay good i get a talk in with mortimer goth before work today this means that he's in a slightly better mood good i get to eat something still not in a great mood but we wanted to get that promotion brian get that promotion baby come on i believe in you if you could just get one promotion either that or come home and just dance for the entire night and then you'll be ready to get promoted tomorrow uh what is blocking the chair i think we're good now oh no the plants are dying the plants are dying all of all three of them are dying please brian he's not in such a bad mood come on you could have promoted him boss wow the plants just instantly get better good good good okay that's actually fairly visible that's easy to see okay dance dance for your money dance dance stop crying you love it you love it you know i actually i don't think that this dancing thing is so great and i'm gonna tell you why because let me explain because he doesn't get to be sitting down while he's dancing you know he could be getting his comfort up while he's doing this so let's go ahead and do this um he kind of needs this chair here now what a weird house i don't think we actually need to have access to this thing we're fine there as long as yeah the alarm is pretty much set the alarm is set right yeah the alarm is set and we'll never have to worry about it though what if there is a fire we do need to keep in mind that that could happen um actually this won't work either because then he can't get to the other plant i can't get to the plant let's just put that out of the house because that's totally irrelevant let's put that there uh um [Music] kind of a puzzle we should really just enlarge the house maybe we'll add another room i've kind of screwed myself here though do some brainstorming can you still get out of bed if i put the fridge next to your bed then we could move this junk here we could put the lava lamp in the corner because who really needs the lava lamp and we could do this now this really wouldn't work either i have an idea an idea i dear we could do this okay if he can manage to get out of bed in the morning then i know what's what this is gonna look like know exactly what this is gonna look like it's gonna look really bad but we could do this tv right there smack in front of him he's gonna be blind as a bat he's looking at this world's small oh no you can't get out of bed he's trapped let's just watch him for a couple of minutes he's stuck i love this game um there's probably a solution oh i know what we'll do we'll just do that yeah for now that's much better i can't move the bed with him in it but i will in a moment oh no he's still he still can't get out of the bed he just looks up at every second and the refrigerator is so menacing okay all right now he's out of the bed can we put the bed against the wall can you still get into the bed brian after that okay this is better this is better all right we've we've fixed his life we've fixed his whole life no he's not he's there is hope for brian stop doubting brian you guys are why why has everyone been so hard on this man he's come up from having literally nothing he still has a pile of dirt in the backyard look not even all of the grass has grown over it yet i've been trying to use his shameful doodoo to uh you know get the take that hill down actually let's just imagine that that's just like a landfill of where all of his of our of all this doo-doo goes you know why would you sit in that chair brian sit in this one are you why are you questioning the uh oh i see that the chair is too close to this and this is causing complaints hang on a second i think i can change this without having to reformat the entire house [Music] all right the plants we need to get to some of the time whoops there we go plant okay i think we're in business now yeah he can get to everything that was the solution see now he can have fun and he can be comfortable at the same time oh look it's claire the bear everyone's favorite anime naruto run bear goodbye claire the bear glad you got what you needed from us today look everything is fine except for his energy and social this man is off to a much better day tomorrow he just got call uh mortimer goth in the morning and then i'll probably be much less depressed nah we're not gonna um wait what is is it el bandito no that's fine yeah his comfort is doing great now look at his comfort see this is why you need to be watching tv instead of listening to music much better form of entertainment to be fair they made a lot of these things like much easier to navigate in the later sims games but i do enjoy the difficulty to be honest with you wrong number sorry yes some of the merge is totally irrelevant kind of funny see he needs the less comfy chair for when he's just sitting there for a moment okay i do want you to eat that but go to work no stop put that away there we go good maybe not today but tomorrow he'll get that goddamn promotion and when he gets promoted i'm calling it i'm calling it there because he's like he he's been through about three hours of just pure hell to get to this hey flame wolf thank you very much for the five months stop crying and call your friend oh how does a bag of chips get well i guess it's it's kind of just open to the world his house all right mortimer goth i'm talking talking about boats money boats and money all right let's call uh what is it 6 34 p.m we gotta get it while everybody is still like awake damn it he keeps getting so close this is my kind of experience with the challenge actually this is why i got a little bit tiring to do it on my own and i kind of wanted to do it in the stream to see if i learned anything from you guys the triple genie lamps was quite good i i swear to god anytime that i stream a game i learned so much about it when i do with you guys here we go energy come on bring it up ah come on brian brian brian brian it's really just the social if he had more animals around here he could bring up that need much faster you'd like this room you'd like this room what we could do would be to miss work for one day call a bunch of friends and then at the end of that he might actually get a promotion the next day let's do it see if it works it's been one day not going to work i'm going to meet my needs all right give me a thousand dollars on the phone oops uh more likely going to get fired on the phone come on brian no he's can't have the toilets nearby it's shameful for him to uh to doodoo in the house stop questioning it if any the next person who questions it i'm going to be very upset with [Laughter] uh good eat the food brian eat the food okay he spent the entire day wait a second get out of bed you got a an opportunity to call someone okay let's try blaze talk everyone hates me genia yeah i hate you too man everyone hates me and why am i just like getting off on it super busy why is every everyone's always busy uh francesca we haven't called her yet call literally everyone in town gunter gunter please talk to me just say anything please continue uh let's talk about magic no you don't like magic i hate magic too i never heard of it here we go um cast uh that wouldn't be very friendly but maybe i could force him to talk to me forever if i totified him keep doing interest for a second okay staring at me when i go to bed is not normal you could invite him over could invite him over okay we've met enough of his needs now it's 6 25 am he might have enough time to just like get entertained enough to get into a good mood for work today this was where i was at for most of the playthrough was that he had a decent house he just had no one if he had one literally one person who was living with him it would be a lot more doable um where are you there he is good no answer always worth it no you missed the phone why did you miss the phone dingus all right well you know he's in a good enough mood now that i think he can just watch the tv watch the tv and stop crying oh no it's only 6 44 p.m turn that off that's annoying me i think we kind of need to keep calling people let's try to invite somebody over i think you're right goth senior let's invite gunther um invite him over i got a second if i just keep petting this cat will i will i get it how do i go to the city let me call a cab we're going to simcity um [Music] downtown send a pet you can send a pet to work old town okay old town thank you phew 311. okay here we go um yes i need to buy a i need to buy a cat uh old town old town yes we'll go on the shuttle bus oh nice here we go we got sixteen hundred dollars hopefully that's enough for a cat let's see i mean or we could just adopt one i suppose right oh this is really good i didn't know that this existed oh i remember this song wow elm street bring the pet paradise okay obviously this is gonna be the place for a town find the special new family okay yeah here we go i love this song i should have left that on for a second well on the way back oh pick me pick me what can you get you can get a dog or a cat what is the difference 3.99 okay they're both pretty much the same is there actually any advantage to getting a dog or a cat or are they exactly the same or can i get both i could afford both or could i get a snack i could get snack i'm pretty sure that a snack just does your entertainment though yeah let's get both give me them mine where is he has he gone in yet nice nice adopt that cat squish that cat squish that cat there we go uh we'll get uh we'll we'll get one of each we'll get a male cat uh let's get a nice orange cat there we go yeah nice orange cat all right there we go money name my pet one and this is a good one and then i'm gonna adopt a dog hopefully they'll get along i'll call this one uh maybe it'll be like a schnauzer oh we'll get like uh uh there we go we'll name this one two there we go one and two oh so much better so much better holy cow oof hey bad bad for me happy to hear it okay now armed with our new friends uh we can go how the hell do we get out of here how do we get out of here oh uh phone booth call cab hanging out we got to get that song again yeah yeah play the song i love this song and a one and a two [Music] oh this is a different one [Music] uh let's just go home anyway uh i guess we gotta call it again all right well i'm wasting 50s so i want to ah let's go home it's fine you can listen to the sims soundtrack if you want somewhere else somewhere else not when we're playing the sims though we're doing very serious business i can hardly tell my pets apart uh please wake up there we go sleep these pets aren't going to clean up after themselves there's a lot more doo-doo in my life now too the dog is going to get in the way of things too i don't really have any room for these animals but look at how much they're upping my social wow such powerful animals of unknown abilities i need beds oh it was a pets expansion [Music] [Music] get out of the way dog get out of the way damn it uh can we we can command the dog to go somewhere else okay good i have to get to work i know you don't want me to that's actually kind of cute it wanted me to they wanted me to leave for work and not leave for work i finally got the dog we finally got the cat we finally got the social we got the room we got the what is the house on fire no we're fine let's have a quick dinner you know look and he's being socialed by the dog and the cat there they love him they're making him feel so nice and warm and cozy uh or whatever animals do i kind of miss having a pet i haven't had a pet in a while here we go goodness energy is energy it's 2 56 a.m jesus christ though this guy really can't get it together still wait a second we don't have a maid i need a maid i require cleaning oh wait what why did my cat die oh because they didn't feed the cat oh you gotta feed the cats oh damn it i wish i had known that for five seconds and you already got four walls and a floor i thought you were gonna say something about the pets um nothing happened nothing happened those animals um ah just listen to the piano stop saying all of that in chat guys the pets aren't dead they're fine they're just uh they're just making some uh sound effects that's all come on please grim reaper have mercy on my animals no the dog is also dying hang on a second um uh how are we gonna how are we gonna feed these things all right well we lost only the cat uh more people like dogs i i think i'm a cat person but i you know i i'm just too scared to admit it the dog can use that i'm sure no we lost one we lost one unfortunately uh this means that i will mourn the loss of the animal forever we need to get rid of these ashes it's okay he's been instantly comforted by the dog it could the please eat fill the bowl fill the bowl okay good so we filled the all right stop crying i know it's awful how do we bury the cat in the um in the backyard like this oh wait a minute object is in use yes [Music] get in the car brian you dingus there we go now the dog's eating the dog's gonna survive wait a minute it looks it looks pretty bad for the dog oh no he's just uh sleeping thank god you could take out the cat's ashes too i don't want him to be just upset morning about that oh no we don't have any money um and we lost another maid we're gonna have to go spray those roaches ourselves again it's fine you know you wouldn't spray them yourself anyway because you're lazy i hate her how do we get rid of these ashes oh we have a little cat statue that's so adorable and sad at the same time oh no um i still hear roaches there they are okay walls back up her walls down there we go phew oh no water your plants i don't want you to lose your plants man everything i touch dies and i'm narcoleptic oh jesus no stop how did this happen go to bed you're probably better off i know if i kill another cat i could make it symmetrical and then the house entrance would look much better oh no uh who cares more about the plants than the well the cat is um it's in a better place now it was a it was a very small cat it was even smaller after we had it because um well we didn't feed it we didn't feed the cat how do we can someone look this up for me though i've got to figure out how to get rid of the cat ashes because otherwise he just spends the next like five days just um crying um yeah it's not good i've got i've seen them get into i can sell the ashes okay i'm probably going to sell the ashes oh for two dollars okay goodbye cat ashes sorry about that i know it's not really cool to sell your cat's ashes i also don't really know who would buy them on ebay but at the same time it's also like otherwise he just spends the next few days you know crying his eyes out so we can't have that unfortunately this did have two is unhappy because oh no unhappy pets wait a minute why is my pet unhappy he's very happy of course he's very happy oh he needs more animals in his life or he needs me in his life but i'm away for half of the day so ah man guys it seems we've reached like an impasse [Music] wait a second you think he could die of a broken heart i mean his hunger is met he's can he socialize with the other animals not really so uh we could adopt another one or we could meet a lady and ask her to move in you know i mean can you do that in the in the uh i do i need a maiden i probably should steal uh bellagoth from mortimer goth because she's the only person who likes me even like remotely isn't she oh no i don't even technically have any relationship with anyone anymore no actually i stand corrected i have 40 relationship now you're just gonna like your dogs now let's go get the dog and let's also get a cat oh wait a minute i remember what happened to the cat we lost the cat [Music] you've made it so far man you've made it so far ah jesus maybe i'm gonna take a risk with another genie lamp yeah we'll do that i mean he was on such a roll before with his progress turn on the tv watch tv be happy he's great as soon as he gets out of this room he'll be happy again [Music] there we go you're having fun stop acting like you're not great look at the moodies and we can rub the genie lamp again in like three seconds his mood's gonna go up even more just watch this two seconds don't go to work today brian we're rubbing the genie lamp again today imagine if you just consciously made that decision to not go to work so that you could be in a good enough boot for when you rubbed a genie lamp later on in the day to hypothetically get more money man this dog is a lot of work too i didn't even answer the phone when they called from work good my so give me that social dog give me that social you show up the next day at work uh it was fine i was i was uh doing my taxes well i would like to hire the mate again but the problem is that you've got to wait a week because after you can't pay the maid then they complain for a week will i be able to do it now actually i don't think it's been long enough but let's find out no they actually did allow it okay good phew i swear to god if i get one single promotion i will just ascend into heaven on the 50-yard line i'll be rubbing my genie left sounds like a metaphor i don't know why that one written right over my head when i said it yeah sorry boss i was rubbing the old genie lamp at home today if you know what i mean [Laughter] jesus christ that was really funny maybe the maid will rub my lamp yeah [Laughter] we could just buy hundreds of flamingos for the front yard so that he gets the room buff when he's out there what the hell is he doing right now he's playing with the dog he's playing with the dog okay get these goddamn cockroaches off of my property there we go the maid this is like beneath her there we go all right the maid comes today the maid comes you know we should also hire um the gardener too [Music] the garden is good because they just get that done you don't have to think about it good he wanted my plants for me so i don't even have to think about that it's like 10 bucks not a thought in the world see how well taken care of this house is with the grass in the den and the other stuff in the other room [Music] all right let's buy you the last of the things that you need brian i think we can get you this promotion if we get you into a good enough mood now your social is good that was really the only thing standing between you and it what if we paint your walls with the same hideous color as we did the last one [Music] just yes the outside and the inside for some reason all at once and then don't rotate it let's just just do everything waste the money spend it spend it brian there we go painter oh my god the rest of the room looks like an interrogation room just paint the whole inside and outside exactly the same just to throw people off guard when they come in oh it's such a beautiful house it will sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars just look at this place not a single window in the other room [Music] all right here we go windows windows windows wait why is there a window into the room from the other room now i didn't think this through clearly damn it brian we'll get you there brian we'll get you there brian you're really close now you got the dog you got the social you got the room you got the energy i'm gonna go ahead and just fill the front of your house with um oh it needs a flamingo i think this wheel looks good yeah this wheel looks great don't you think look at that wheel let's put another one in the front yard just to confuse people we're just to tell other people that we're going places uh we're gonna go ahead and put this plant uh nowhere we won't have a plant at all um why would you have said that let's have this just a rug of a daisy in the middle of the floor oh my god look at how amazing that looks um and then just this rug on which to rub my genie lamp and then we'll go ahead and put an actual rug in the other room let's put a this green floor to remind us of the grass that was there before okay things are happening things are happening come on brian tomorrow you can get that wait a second spray those cockroaches brian why did i let those into the house sleep look at how high up his room status this guy is happy yeah actually the rug does not look that that room does not look that bad anymore i mean it looks awful don't get me wrong but like this room looks nonsensical this room looks like it would be a bad room in somebody's bad house yeah otherwise we could just adopt the cockroaches for pets man el bandito got really confused back there eat why don't you eat a full breakfast man come on bacon and eggs or what just appears to be spaghetti for breakfast every meal is spaghetti in the sims the italians taught the world to eat stop talking about my carpets they're nice carpets how's the dog how's the dog energy yeah the dog is fine now actually the dog is much happier i didn't expect that i was afraid that the dog would die too we already lost one animal today folks okay one man one animal that's all he could take care of he supported two well not really not for very long he's not really like going for the fun i'm noticing you know he never goes for tv he doesn't like to watch it he doesn't jump for that go ahead go to the bathroom your room stat is way down but he does that is he gonna handle his bladder see the issue with brian is this that any time that he gets all of his stats up there's always one of them that's totally deteriorated and wait a second no nope this is his one opportunity this might be the only time that he's ever been this close to being happy this man has never been happy up until this point in his life get out of bed brian oh yes man his fun really drains fast when he does that all right get in here sleep for like three seconds [Applause] look at how happy he is holy cow hang on a second no wait brian please stop stop brian yes he's never been to work in two green mood wait a second it went down to one after a second he had two happy bars he might get the promotion can he get it can he get it please brian please baby no he didn't get the promotion well he'll get it tomorrow he'll get it tomorrow go watch tv brian prepare yourself for tomorrow 11 out of 10 room here he's got the it's like it's the natural pattern brown floor uh floral rug that's kind of funny uh and a fountain so he's got all of the natural elements good feng shui yeah you know maybe what we should do at this point is give him us a place to eat so we sell the tv because he doesn't really even like the tv let's be honest um oh feed the dog feed the dog the dog is very upset auto glass replace hi i am gavin from auto glass here to say that this is a funny looking project please eat that hey gavin thank you very much for the ten dollars much appreciated my friend actually zomboy is based on the sims graphics i believe or inspired by so uh but that's like saying that nobody can do isometric anymore but um yeah fun fact fun fact i do believe that they officially did said that in a thing so i'm not just making that up but correct me if i'm wrong maybe i'm just an idiot all right i think he's ready now i think he's ready who's gonna have a good day you're gonna have a good day brian oh you know what we gotta do is we need to make the outdoors so good that he just he just like explodes with pleasure when he goes to work so let's put um do we have the flamingo i like the flamingo everyone likes the flamingo let's put like three flamingos outside in the front just surround the house with flamingos to ward off bad spirits uh there we go and another one right so when he goes outside he just wait a minute no this is a great outdoor area what are you talking about okay go to the bathroom all right you know what just because it seems to me that no because he's using the fountain why is he just ah idiot here's the thing is that whenever he goes to work his mood instantly drops because the outdoors aren't as nice as the rest of the house so we've got to make their outdoors really nice so if we just take all of the decorative things from inside of the house and put them outside i know this doesn't really seem to make any sense but it means that when he goes to work he'll just be in a slightly better mood i missed work still kind of low still kind of low i want to spend a lot more money though because i'm spending all this time not working so we just get his other needs up and then as he gets out the door for work in the day and we'll also you know let's go ahead and put the rug outside too and the other rug as well uh maybe the that's pretty much all that we can do all right walk outside brian let's see how you like the outdoors he loves it look at it he's so happy great and he's socializing with the dogs he's more animal than man i'll never get a promotion when i'm missing days i've missed days and then i've gotten promotions before haven't i i think i have might be in might be in different ones maybe maybe oh yeah bills come on brian this is the weirdest house this place is great come on brian we could just live outside again that's true you know i think we the walls really held us back the entire playthrough have a quick breakfast eat look he's up at like 5 30 a.m what a go-getter peeing himself eating a second breakfast there we go yes good have some fun have some fun sit in the chair sit in the chair you love it you love it brian okay get in the shower quick and then go i don't know if you can be promoted after missing work for a day but by god if i can make it happen no it's 8 48 he'll never get to work he's going to get he's fired no i just lost my job uh wow that is like poetic justice oh no poetic justice well i'm gonna get fired i'm gonna get fired all right let's let's answer the phone call for the thrilling firing yes i'm fired okay but at least you know what now i can spend the time at home rubbing these genie lamps uh let's go up with leisure clown skull let the party begin okay good a clown is gonna entertain me look it doesn't matter i didn't need a job i'm getting free train sets from a genie yolo selling those clown sets buying more genie lamps nobody get on my level guys nobody's nobody's playing this game in 2022 the way that i am right now get on my level [Music] by six genie lamps [Music] one two i can't afford the other one but we can summon several more genies now that i'm in such a good mood give me the money give me another pot of gold there we go two thousand dollars right there yolo all right now i'm going to use this uh hang on a second i want to use this luck well i've still got it i'm on a roll i'm gonna roll here we got some momentum guys selling the tv buying a better tv something that's even more entertaining if that could even be possible how has this man done this buy me a good computer uh put that there put that there i'm gonna buy i'm gonna get a new job with this incredible luck how does that even happen how do i have two genie lamps on one damn it okay clean up that plate never mind clean brian clean you may not the tv that's facing the wrong way one let's just have multiple rooms of genie lamps just as a flex play brian play so you can be prepared for your encounter with the next genie we're on a roll baby well folks i hate to say it but having a job is overrated when you have an army of genies that i can actually buy more genie lamps now watch this watch this [Music] jesus christ i can't believe that this existed in this game buying more genies let's go i could probably put multiple on one table can't die leisure uh all right it's fine the fire department will come see i'm immune i'm immune to bad luck leisure he gave me a free tv who is who am i even all right this is where you just quit your life and you just you day trade for a living [Laughter] i love that 3 500 tv that's amazing that's amazing could we just exponentially do hang on a second this needs to end this way because how else would we end this sell on the tv i'm gonna reinvest it into um [Music] you know exactly what i'm about to do you know exactly what i'm about to do i'm gonna put the rug into this room both rugs so that i get into just such a good mood i'm gonna put the fountain in the room because who cares about my job anymore uh those plants are terrible let's put a flamingo in the room just for moral support now we can't actually do that inside all right uh what are we in we are just in such a good mood let's give him a second to get his mood back up doesn't even matter as long as you're in a good mood and you believe yourself the american dream can uh can come true man aren't i lucky to be alive we need uh more stuff we need a lot more stuff come in the shower brian get in the shower or else where's your hunger at okay you know what we can also do now um move his bed or move the dog's bed can we move the dog's bed yeah we could move the dog's bed with the dog's bed over here with the dog's food dish over here brian feed the dog or you're all you need is a good dog uh get a radio so you can dance for joy as an outro seems fitting uh that would that would be very good i think we're about to explode exponentially though like as a character he's going to get really rich now man it seems that this didn't work this whole genie thing come on please don't be upset with me because the genie has cursed me leisure all right let's find the fire department will come well promotion or not i mean i kind of earned the right to just kind of quit my job there i'm a happy man i i don't know about you i i thought that this was a pretty good run i think that he's certainly made his way up in the world i think it would be hard to say that brian is not like pretty well set up now look at him living in his amazing home uh actually not that bad a place to take care of a single person he's got a dog he's got all of his social needs taken care of he's got most of his room needs taken care of yes i could have made this slightly less hideous but what fun would that have been no job ever one lamp run start
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 339,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, the sims gameplay, the sims 1, the sims let's play, let's play the sims, the sims 2022, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, ambiguous amphibian, vod, sims vod
Id: 619y-Om6QSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 50sec (10970 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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