Going Medieval | Survival Mountain | Rimworld - Like Medieval Colony Manager

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welcome back to going medieval we're gonna be starting a new game today i got a basic idea of the game from before there's still a few things i'm learning uh but we we generally thought that the game was like less difficult than rimworld um which i'm gonna just annoyingly keep comparing going medieval the rim world get used to it um because it's a lot like it i'm going to just maximize the difficulty as much as i can this time only because um it was it was not that hard it was pretty easy uh there's standard we played standard on normal last time but that was way too easy for us considering all the rim world experience that i have and just like i play a lot of colony sim games um i'm hoping that this is way too hard for me and if it is then great because i love a really high difficulty ceiling um we're not gonna play a lone wolf just because i think it's gonna make the start slower um i would do it but i just don't think it'll be as much fun uh hey blade man hey welcome in hey thank you for the three months my friend god bless well hello back to you um once again i'm going to be streaming this as well as making it into a vod so it'll be kind of like ingestible as content um all right our last colony name was florida which went swimmingly um but i don't think it was perhaps as crazy as many of the memes go on florida um and seeing as i am moving to florida let's just kind of let's just pay some homage to new york my current home um and we'll just change that now what can we do to wow there is a fairly good amount of customization over this i'm going to pick um this sort of thing and with a lion and a uh leprechaun and uh um another lion um wait a minute no then they kind of override each other all right well that's kind of canada oh wow and you could actually just use foxy voxel's logo okay so that's good see well let's just put it over here to the side to piss people off okay so that is my uh crest at new york and valley you know let's try something different this time because we did valley last time i say let's take hillside or mount it let's do mountain because that would be interesting lesser amounts of fertile soil clay and vegetation i don't really know if one is more difficult than another uh but we've got i mean we've got randomized seeds oh wowzers so that changes the whole map okay very interesting all right well let's go mountain anyway because we always seem to get these three things valley hillside and mountain and we will go in um okay what sorts of things are useful for us um new florida orc that would have also been a good colony today um high ground is best in battle so yeah we'll want to go up on top of a mountain for this i'm going to go ahead and pick out the skills that i think were the most important now animals i don't think that they yet exist in the game so we don't care about animal handling um only because i saw that one of the dev feedback bits there isn't any kind of like customization for uh colonists feature yet i want to get really high botany on one person though this person has 24 marksmen that's fantastic we're going to keep it because um we do need somebody to defend the colony with that double passion i suspect that the level cap here is around 50. did anyone find that out i still didn't find that out yet um high intellectual and high botany this is going to be great so we have uh perennial march main uh wolves will vive or vulve whatever it is bolbeck um and again the animal handling doesn't really seem like it matters at all um we just have one good botanist and i mean you know we took a really high difficulty this time so let's get uh i mean you may be good at carpentry and construction but i think i need yeah melee let's get melee but i'm gonna see if i can find somebody with melee and maybe like like some of these colonists are pretty op the double passion in carpentry is nice but um wait a minute why skilled in carpentry oh this is the group skills i thought it was missing this okay i clearly i missed that this was the group skills then this is very nice thing to have um construction carpentry and one passion melee i'm okay with this go to mortal okay let's just make sure that nobody's crazy uh cold hardy impervious to the cult that's fantastic okay uh this one's robust and sluggardly that's not great because they spend a lot of time moving but the intellectual and botany are pretty op um don't know if that's gonna be great because you're gonna be spending a lot of time running around while you uh chop trees um but marksman is really overpowered on this one robust brawny and cold hardy okay this is pretty good and we haven't really deeply experienced the winter yet um all right so i'm okay with these colonists seems pretty average we'll keep the tutorial tips on because i'm still a little bit learning the game um i'm sure if i come back and watch this later on it's gonna seem a lot like i'm learning the game um but this is going to be a new experience i hope that we die a lot i really do enjoy dying in this game all right let's get started um yes everything is going to be ridiculous because we'll be talking about new york okay uh yeah we know all this basic stuff um i'm going to try as little as possible pause whoa whoa whoa whoa look at that as much as i wish that the mountain were in the center would that that mountain were in the center but it is not alas so um we could start you know what let's have a cave home we didn't do this last time look there's wolves out there wait a minute or it could be a kitty cat no it is a wolf yeah look at that all right um oh we're gonna want some fertile ground as well as some mountain you know what let's do this full dwarf fortress mode are we okay with this how do group skills work oh so that would just tell us like a kind of um a conglomerate of all of our colonist skills or what it what have you okay so the last time we did not build into a mountain but this time we will build into in fact a mountain and they call it a mine a mine [Laughter] oh god i hate myself all right let's uh let's go into this let's go into this uh jesus all right again um z level controls in this game are actually pretty well done in my opinion um we're going to dig into the mine and let's make this like a five by five room i'm pretty sure that won't collapse on our heads but if it does we'll learn something um who are you oh that's our own people can we do crazy stuff like in dwarf fortress um uh t i don't think it has the same depth i don't think any game has quite the same depth as dwarf fortress so um i'm gonna just answer that with like kind of a hard and flat no um unfortunately yes i am sad too um but like tarn has been working on dwarf fortress like since god created the earth too like it's it that game is going to be it's like a new religion once it's finished with the steam build i'm pretty sure so um i'm gonna i'm gonna resist the urge to compare things to dwarf fortress a little bit if you don't mind me saying i hope you're okay with that yeah you like you don't you don't want me to compare it to do our fortress but um let's just give it a nice little causeway right here oh what is this okay so obviously it's it's kind of a non-standard start to dig into the side of a mountain i suppose um i'm gonna do it anyway because i'm edgy um here we go so we'll do the farming out there and then we'll have the mountain people in here um dwarf fortress is in fact daunting um you can't you can't do a lot of the cannibal things that you can do in rem world in this but there are in fact cannibals which i'm like you know what kudos to them for having cannibals in the first start kudos to them um all right let's see what these lazy people are doing um well they are finding piles of limestone but why are they kind of damaging the rocks nearby that's a little bit upsetting um all right um oh we are gonna need some hay the first day i'm just gonna try for a different type of start now we also know one one other thing um so our colonist mood system doesn't really work quite as janky as it does in rim world i'm going to go ahead and just say that about rimworld actually let's get them off of this cliff right now stop that um now our colonists are like pretty ass right now but the thing is that their mood like they won't go crazy they won't experience mood breaks it's only if they have a long-term period of sadness that they will leave our colonies so um okay they're idle why are you idle bad people um all right yeah take that out i don't nobody needs a bush up here and then god look at them running around on the side of the mountain get out of there now i do wish that they could like kind of crawl up and down these cliff sides they do have to like seek out a ramp that could be a little bit awkward um though i suppose more ramps could be added that seems like a pretty simple thing for the game again i'm kind of like criticizing random things only because it's in early access and i'm just like this could be this way um let's go ahead and just make them some beds because they need them um hey sleeping spot three sli three hey sleeping spots just so that they're sleeping on something for the first day um we'll keep mining this out i think we're just gonna go under mountain so that we don't have to worry about all that food storage stuff and this will be a great way to defend ourselves too i somehow think um it might also be awful actually come to think of it this will probably be really bad but i haven't seen anybody do an undermountain place so i want to i want to give it a shot um all right so here they go soon we'll be able to dispose more than one minor to that task um we can't actually plant anything yet because we have to unlock that surprise surprise but we will put in a wooden door just so that we have some semblance of uh order here for the first day or so um let's put that right about yeah there i don't really see any issue with that okay unfortunately we can't move furniture yet could i build my own rough stone or dirt ramp i don't actually know if i can build my own dirt ramps we can in fact build stairs um but i'm not sure if there's any other way to like terraform like that yet um is it a beta yes this is a beta actually it's closed off to public players right now so i'm doing something very exclusive right now oh i'm i'm a bad man um but yeah the the game is going to be coming out on june 1st um now let's get everyone into their best skills you know we want all of our calendars to be the best versions of themselves so uh this person is ass at most things gota is the only one who's very good who is the good marksman okay perennial march main she is our marksman uh we're going to give her the sturdy longbow great she's got marksman 10 so that's fantastic for we want to keep everyone as ranged as possible um except of course when they can't be arranged um you are good at maylight we're going to give you the sturdy steel short sword great i don't know why it's a bit like an announcer um quick good short it's like when the guy made it he was like yup this is a good short bow sorry i just think the naming conventions in video games are i'm getting a little existential here though all right um let's just get under that mountain ladies we don't have any men but so far i haven't seen anything with relationships yet so i don't even know if that's in the game um actually i think um did archer say that we could do that i'm not sure i'm not gonna put that on him all right great oh yeah i love it yeah great job on this room ladies oh yeah um my god this is really taking a long time though i'm kind of questioning this whole under mountain thing you know if this turns out to be a bad idea which it probably will um i'm just gonna go ahead and build a village nearby here that's like into the mountainside does that make sense um i was thinking that i was gonna mine out an entire place but i really didn't pick colonists for that now that i look at it you know let's just have this be our food storage area and usually it does take a very long time to store things in a mountainside and you know what we could still make a bunch of gimli references so i'm fine with that uh let's you know utilize the skills that we brought them in here for so let's just chop down some trees around here i do like leaving in some of the foliage but also um like the foliage um because they're just trees um we can always plant more now the one thing that i did learn about this is that they do have growing phase so that is like rim world and they have 3d models isn't that fun yeah it is don't question it um [Music] so we're going to um cut down the trees hopefully the most grown ones these ones are dead and they lose five wood from their whole like amount there ah god damn it yeah see how they've just they could have had up a whole house by now build a house outside and then move it into the mountain what is this bikini bottom no we can't put a uh watch him a house in a mountain i guess we could build a house under a mountain that would be really weird to look at like to have an underground village like goblin town that would be a lot of fun um like i mean we hollow out the entire mountain and that we build a house underneath here with a roof for some reason now that would be really neat um no we're just going to create something really odd looking though um something that will work but we'll be really odd looking all right uh let's see um one fear is that enemy attacks will be like from several different directions let's make it so that it's easy for them to get up and down different z levels from anywhere over here because we've picked a mountainous region and clearly this is not an easy region to negotiate i'm going to create sort of like a grand stairway right here can they call it a stairway a stairway uh we're gonna get rid of that damn it okay mine out that uh this must be oh wait a minute no i know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna have like landings the fun part is this that you know planning is there's enough planning to do in like a rim world for example but in this i feel as though there's even more planning to be done because just by the very nature of the fact that there are z levels we don't have any z levels to work around in real world um was riddled with cave-ins when trying that underground living i'm happy to hear that there are cave-ins because i didn't experience any of them last time and i i like um i like cave-ins um i don't know they just they add a touch of realism let's just have like a very small cave here i'm giving up yes i am all right great go to go to job go to see what i did imagine the mountain collapsing stop um predicting my impending doom now do they die immediately with that i apologize for that i just i need positivity in this playthrough i'll probably have to make use of those supports when tunneling or mining yes i rather like the support system in this game it's kind of like the columns in rimroll what it seems like is that this game has taken everything that's been good that's come out of room world i i really find it tasteful the things that they've selected for the game um now we're going to create something really awful i my goal is to just create something that just looks like uh pretty much um like what is that you know like i've just seen a lot of houses and hut structures and you know garbage like that there's nothing wrong with that but it's just like you know i mean it's a new game it's a it's a new religion so it's a chance to create something awful um all right let's get all of this what am i even saying um i guess we'll have like one big hud up there we could divide this out into rooms we could put down some wooden floors now can we use the mountain itself as a support that is in fact not allowed quite sad wait a minute what is the level are we on oh oh that does kind of work all right okay knee hey look at that wow all right uh yeah oh this is gonna be kind of cool we're gonna have like three floors one right after the other hey pal nick thanks for the sub my friend appreciate it um yeah no like i said i'm not gonna excuse myself for comparing everything to rimworld this is the game with which i'm most familiar i don't apologize for that live with it um uh let's see all right now god what do we even do with this you know we're gonna have like a sprawling mountain village kind of like uh what was that town in the hobbit you like you remember the hobbit you liked the hobbit um it was one of your favorite books growing up um you liked gimli and legolas you know all of those other people the um the wizard and the elves and the men and the babies um yeah all the races in lord of the rings fantastic oh what is this hey kai thorne hey thank you for the four months my friend god bless all right let's uh let's get the door there i don't really know why i'm building it in this order i just i want to create something different let's also get another landing right here um now one thing that's very important in this game as it is apparent to me is fending off attacks so um we oh wow look at what could this even be what could this even be um now we're gonna need to get the high ground on everyone else so we could build kind of like a big tower over here so if somebody attacks us from this side uh that's actually our worst site but if somebody attacks us from this side then we'll be okay because we have much much higher ground over them and we'll kind of build like a series of platforms going up as we uh as we venture up the mountainside now let's we'll kind of like stagger it too i don't want it to just be one big block um of course from one side it might look like a big block but from the other sides it will look something unique unto itself um let's go ahead and do [Music] uh how do i want this platform to interact we might have to have this be one room because because we have only one thing all right you know let's just give them some time though to catch up ladies uh and how where will we put their other garbage we probably want to get that stockpile zone going soon too um and there is an advantage of having a stockpile under the mountain um we'll just kind of put everything in there really not limestone we don't need limestone there thoughts on the camera for the uh using a camera for the stream um i've thought about it my only thing is that once i go back once i would go to using a camera i can't really go back from that so i'm kind of biding my time if i do that it might might make sense there's a lot of things i can't do if i have a camera too like my editing and um i don't know i i just don't think my face is as animated you know you need to a lot of your job i guess when you make gaming videos is kind of like being a cartoon character in a way um shameful as that is to say um however i still feel like i can't even commentate like i want to you ever feel like that sometimes i feel like i'm not even good enough alas all right what is this place even going to be what is this place all right you know let's just make it really awful i mean i'm expecting to lose this play through so yeah let's just lose it really badly um let's get another wooden window out here i don't really know why i'm putting in all these wooden windows i just think i want it to look slightly more pleasing architecturally like something there's something absurd like weird not absurd i overused that word um okay a wooden down there good okay uh so we have a roof you know what let's have a no we won't have a roof at the top let's have more floor more floor on the top and a stare one stare there okay uh and then we'll have floor above okay great so we've kind of um we have we don't need all these support beams either we were kind of overusing the support beams before so i'm i take pride in that looks like a bandit cave in skyrim something like that you know i just haven't seen any like cave types of things um darth amphibian that i don't know i mean i i kind of like the uh the inquisitored as it were i wish that were my advertiser instead of the smoker one the inquisitor but enough people wouldn't understand the inquisitored yeah all right now i'm getting a little bit sidetracked here okay let's get this um stockpiles in going up and we'll put um we're gonna clear everything else out from here except for food um only because i think that underground like look it's 28 degrees underground that's great for refrigeration outside it's 50.7 that means that underground is colder so we're going to put the food underground now i'm kind of debating on whether i should have floor above these i figure we want to be able to kind of walk out onto these platforms too and create like a series of decks um so yeah let's try that we could even create another door going onto this deck this is already shaping up to be kind of interesting um or just different from what i've seen we could create like a town under here but i've i did a town an encircled town last time um florida the stockpile oh yes thank you for that i forgot that it does deteriorate on cave floors here that is true yes uh the one thing that's distinct and different from real world is you do need like wood on the floor for the floor to be uh preservative or whatever okay let's again we'll look into colonist moods so again um colonist mood swings aren't quite as crazy as they are in rimworld um but we are haven't really been being good at all to my colors actually they're in pretty piss-poor mood um what is this guy deprived of entertainment and religious activities and hungry didn't we bring more food though oh whoops that's because i spit survival difficulty okay well great um i'm prepared to negotiate a lot of really obvious things that i should have seen before um [Music] we will hunt some dangerous animals where are they okay there's something i'm regretting this i think i picked the game on just the most difficult difficulty but that would be fine um oh that's curious i double clicked the rabbit it also clicked the wolf okay um that's bad all right but there goes my hunter she's gonna go hunt um and then let's start to build up some production areas over here um now we want the meat to be cut because uh we need to you know fix it up before we cook it so let's go um to production over here campfire butchering table you know this base is going to be very inefficient deal with it um let's put this here yeah that's fine we'll have to dig out more of the mountain i'm noticing more things i did badly here but whatever it's fine um we can always kind of dig out more if we want to do more stockpile zones but we're going to get the meat production going and then let's also get a campfire somewhere kind of close nearby okay there's going to be only a temporary measure so we'll just put the campfire somewhat close nearby we'll put it like right there and are we cutting down enough trees yeah that seems fine to me let's just designate a few more for cutting down here here and here these ones are fairly well grown um all right can i make villagers happier we can if we give them things like backgammon um which we can do it's kind of a short-term thing but i've also learned that we need to actually create a shrine rather than just like plop down some of these structures um since backgammon is only like just a occasional source of merriment we're going to put the backgammon right about um i might want to use some of this later on let's put the backgammon literally outside if i see no disadvantage in this right now um it's pretty much fine and we'll also give them double bedrooms i i created like four or five bedrooms the last time i think we can get away with fewer uh we don't need quite that many i'm going to try opening this window just because screw it i want open windows i think that they look better i don't really see if there's any advantage to this i imagine that it changes the temperature somehow um but again i still have not experienced that really um but we do have cabbages oh these things really deteriorate fast i'm used to rimworld levels of deterioration but these things have decomposed far more quickly than i was ready for um is it because yeah they just have not had space to store these things all right you know i'm just gonna let them like finish some of these tasks and i'm gonna manage some of their jobs all right we know this i'm just gonna kind of flip through some of these things because i've already seen all these tips it's very much like rimworld um again let's put everybody on their passionate skills because i've noticed that by default i guess this is just so that you don't have any tears um we want convalesce to be higher for all of these guys too obviously if they're hurt we want them to rest immediately so we can actually leave that one no one i like to use for manual things uh we'll leave that at two okay that's pretty good um it would be nice to have a dedicated hauler but again i if our cabbages die whatever we'll live so we might not live should probably do something with that all right well we have this campfire let's go make some meals i think they can eat raw food like in room world too all right we have ten yeah that's good okay um let's get somebody on cooking right away only because that's pretty important and who am i kidding i haven't created another stockpile for other stuff yet either i was so focused on the architecture that i this is one flaw of me with this game it's just that i really like the way that it looks um and that's going to be much to my detriment it distracts me all right we'll put a little stockpile like temporary type of thing over here and they can have their goddamn backgammon do bad guys spawn at the one location like last game um i think they spawn in at the map edges i'm trying to think what do you mean by one location like there how was there one enemy spawned from last time i don't think that we know where they'll spawn in from i've seen only uh map edges i've also seen a lot of siege machines in the trailers um i haven't personally experienced one um but i assume that that's going to be a thing if it's in the trailers um okay here we've got that littles are unhappy starving there's cabbages right over there lady just eat them okay well good we've got meals stop complaining i know i'm partly um i'm partly determining whether i mean i'm being an idiot right now last time i was much faster with my setup but also because i picked a an easier region i honestly think that the um oh god they're exhausted too now i'm i'm thinking what is that no that's nothing i'm thinking that mountainous is probably harder i was expecting that we would have gotten a raid by now though alas we did not it's it is a lot like rimworld but i i like the mood system because you know settlers wouldn't go crazy in the first day when they were like setting up i often think research table missing i know all of these things we are very bad right now let's go add in um basic research table i'd like to be researching on a roof or something i know a spot for it and we'll call it mine right there oh god what is that wait a minute perineal stop playing backgammon you're being attacked by a wolf oh wait a minute oh is this in fact a mood break wait i've been smackdorfed this is new to me i what is what does a pink brain injury mean this might this might be uh yep this might be a mood break okay i could see that i could buy that this hasn't happened yet all right well right now where is she at she's at 24 so she's at between annoyed and disillusioned okay so perhaps your colonists do start to not follow orders i mean uh looking back i'm gonna seem like a new i actually kind of like that because i i felt like i was doing a pretty crappy job getting started but also she's got food right over there yeah eat it you slob you drink that ale yeah let her let goda and what's-her-face uh okay rebellious your settlers have had enough uh okay this is good and for the next several hours or not follow your schedule okay so there are mood breaks in this game i kind of wanted to play badly this time to be honest with you because uh when hits the fan like you want to know how the game works and last time everything went a little bit too well so i'm i'm hoping that this colony dies out pretty quickly um not completely i wanted to just be like hanging on the edge of a knife um but that would be nice yeah maybe she's contemplating life decisions i do somewhat question the whole getting attacked by a wolf while you play backgammon thing and just kind of accepting that the wolf will kill you but you know you do you all right so now we've got um this raw meat production now we can go back into some of the things that we learned last time um we're going to just produce meat forever uh let's see [Music] forever here we are i do wish that the soundtrack would that the soundtrack were a little bit more aggressive because i sometimes feel more relaxed than engaged does that make sense um it was a good thing that they didn't pick like military combat i think it is responsive too and i've judged this game in a lot of ways um and then like quickly done a 180 like oh actually that is there um i am an idiot that kind of thing so you know take all that with a grain of salt deprivative religious activities now um we're going to create a shrine to jesus uh no wait it's not jesus um are there shrines in christianity i don't know um [Music] let's make this like a separate building now there is fire in this game i don't know if it's been implemented yet only because i saw it in like a trailer i saw fire we were wondering about this the last time and i saw it somewhere um but i want to make more space for all of this let's make everything one super structure we did separate structures last time so this is more interesting uh we'll put all of that there and let's put a and now we'll need a door because we just want to expand out into the middle of nowhere let's do one big ass structure we'll make it like rimworld there must be some sort of medieval structures like this right okay we'll do this and this is going to be the shrine area because where they'll worship they go up down the stairs at a 45 degree angle relative to gravity yeah i noticed that that was a little bit funny like they start to they just tilt slightly um let's wait for someone to go up or down the stairs good here goes gota yep it's a little bit it's like they just kind of enter the matrix right there see that oh look wowzers oh so she can go over this gap okay that's kind of nice because there are little path finding things like that where you'd say ah they should be able to climb back and forth there but that is a little funny yes i've noticed a couple of the animations like one time they just kind of shifted instead of walking um i've seen a couple of these things go away so i don't know if they're being quickly patched in before release there's bound to be a couple of bugs that you see like that um yeah it's it's a thing it's a thing all the churches are shrines most important thing is the holy sepulchre the church built built over the tomb of the crowd oh wow so there are shrines thank you very much for telling me that now i am not such an ignorant fool all right let's uh ignorantly chop down some more trees oh look bunnies let's kill them all right um nothing in this game has a face some people have beards no one has a face though that's unfortunate it's like um lord moldy butt stole everyone's faces or something you remember lord moldy but yeah they brewed nothing one tile over from the beer wait are they brewing at least they're working with these meat piles we have stew piles now you know we're producing meat at a fast enough right and i feel as though there are a lot of animals on this mountainous region i don't know if that's to make up for the uh the lack of okay all right we criticism slash good thing the events right now i don't know if this is going to be something that's built in later on in the game or if the game is just kind of going easy on me this is the same event as i got on normal difficulty and it's about the same amount of time i was kind of expecting a different event here but i don't know if this is going to be implemented a little later on that's all to say that it would be exciting to see more varied events but that's you know well these events themselves are done right belgium didn't stop looking over his shoulder but was he bleeding the wheels the wheels what is the wheel i don't know what that is w-e-a-l would i conceal him okay so we can hide a prisoner we can know what he's like okay um so this guy is terrible absolutely awful um but here's an another uh trick about this is that we can take him in and we can um then betray him later on so i'm going to uh take him in and if i don't like baldrid then i'm just gonna banish him the one thing is that i don't know all of the traits yet and i couldn't really figure out what he had so these are bad things i think because they're in red yep uh he hates rain it's kind of the opposite of me i am a pluvia file he is a dullard which certainly isn't good um but he's also robust so if we can find a use for him like planting in the fields or something uh animal handling actually hasn't been implemented into the game yet as far as i know but we could use him as a miner and a tailor that would be an option and since we suspect that we might need to be doing some mining here i could see that let's see if he makes himself useful um and is not just some kind of slob um all right let's make a copy of this but you're going to have to build your own bed tonight baldrid dumbass uh settler wounds need tending all right well you're gonna have to wait for us uh to wake up we don't it's only bruises sounded a little bit it's only a few bruises all right he ah god he's just wiping his nose spreading disease everywhere force him to continue wearing his shackles during his probationary period actually is he wearing any shackles usually they do come in with shackles now that you mentioned it no this guy might be a big phony he might be nothing but a big phony um i've not noticed any inefficiency in work with light like in rimworld but i haven't really looked very closely yet too so i may be wrong with that has anyone if anyone notices that some of you guys have noticed things that i haven't seen during these playthroughs um my god look at the hay it's as high as an elephant's eye all right uh research available uh who's rude stock to build up your defenses oh they spelled the fence that way sorry i know we're i'm preaching to the european crowd are you you're british folks so you're like well yes of course it's with an e i mean a c not necessarily not necessarily who was eaten by a bone dog just some time ago was i eaten by a bone oh yeah we did the bone dog playthrough it's our language yes i'm just going to complain about things that were things that the us has appropriated um all right let's see this segway into the next topic no i'm i've become a more international person though sometimes i don't well nothing really makes sense in english who am i kidding really none of our spellings either in the us or in in uh the uk or wherever whatever english have you there's certain i like the way that you spell gray for example i wish we didn't spelt with the a i wish that we spelled it with the e i think the e is like a little bit more low-key kind of like gray itself is you know all right so um we've got enemies coming in 16 hours i honestly think that we're pretty well prepared for these people we're going to take baldridge and uh stick a pike in his hands yeah all right baldr thank you for taking that against your will um i don't think he's really going to be a big fighter but you know he'll do him um we do have more meat here decomposes in three days four hours ah we'll be fine um now where is our other meal stuff uh where are we storing this no really where are we starting this well it says that we have meat but it doesn't say that we have food i need somebody cooking like every day okay let's go aside let's do some more robust job assignment okay we'll set up baldridge's skills and talents and um then i think goda or who is better with this okay wolve well viva is too good at too many things though we're going to have go to you're going to do the cooking all right slop where are you praying get to work get to work all right uh now look at baldr yeah this guy is just not fitting in i'm pretty confident against the enemies but i would be entertained if we lost and died to these guys um how is there structure coming along just trying to think what should we do next oh research now we still can't afford anything yet we do have 37 available oh we could do architecture yeah that's fine okay let's do that and let's do agriculture i should have done this a little bit earlier i think that this was a pretty good uh a pretty good lead up and we have enough fertile land down here now we kind of over planted in the last uh time that we did this so i'm going to do slightly less fieldage um i'm probably gonna plant in rose only because i like the way that rose look um cabbages they had quite a lot of cabbages and it was a pretty short time of it for the cabbages now what is this limestone yeah that could really interrupt my fielding um let's just deconstruct that we'll do rose rose how can we do we have one plot of what would one say arable land arable land is that the phrase i'm looking for oh god damn oh wait a minute yeah we had one of the devs in here yesterday too oh god bless we're really liking the game man this is like it's i've been looking for the next uh the rim world killer no i i think they're both good on different merits but i'm really i'm really liking this thank you for making it beats okay we'll have some beats right here um beats by dre are those still good back when i was in high school those were cool it was cool to have beats by dre all right off topic now um let's uh let's get some birch trees just kind of randomly i don't think there's enough trees i've just enjoyed planting trees and it doesn't really take them very long to sew them i'm honestly just going to randomly plant them because uh just for the feng shui this my base looks like garbage um i'm just not a very good architect all right okay we'll randomly put them over there but i just realized that all of this is sad and mountainous i don't think i really want to play on a mountainous area again right wolves is very why are you so happy this is actually a little bit abnormal was there a stream yesterday no i've just been a little off my streaming schedule um [Music] and copied project zomboid giving the amount of cabbages that everyone's eating i was thinking of zomboid2 like that yeah in the seasons i think rimworld's actually i mean obviously that's a that's pure purely ingest but uh i think i think titan has mentioned project zomboid as an influence as well in one of his game developer conference things i really like to listen to time and time just eat he's so nice with words um i know i'm like giggling like a teenager i love tynan tynan's like the essential internet game div he's just he has accepted that he's now become a meme with his community and we couldn't be any happier okay let's have some barley we want to start growing some of these things in anticipation of the libation that we will be pouring out um a flax field i don't really i haven't experienced flax what it is useful for yet okay these patches of land are just becoming very random there is no real rhyme or reason right now i just don't have too much hey suffolk thank you very much for the sub but do the squares fill in as satisfyingly they don't fill in quite as satisfyingly as they do in a ram world like in rimrolls um this is where rimroll has a lot of the asmr down really well um but i think that this is something that could easily come back with a foley artist okay um let's fight people because we like to fight people yeah all right oh wowzers okay wait a minute this is good okay good i'm actually in danger right here i'm actually in a lot of danger now they're all melee um god stan it's like an upgraded version of somebody named stan i am god stan edgar wakefield girlfriend i like the names i'm wondering where the naming conventions came from galfred bennett gods dan atwood edgar burlingame oh yes there he is and marcus neat and there's somebody else in there too caldwell shore okay this is way too many i think we actually might die here um i told you that this would happen but i have the high ground anakin i'm not gonna take my colonists off of what they're doing only because they need to do their jobs um this isn't socialism um i need them to uh uh we're really low on a lot of other things um we should have built stick traps though if i could get a last minute thing in it would be sick traps so let's go put an ass load of them right here uh where are they coming from over here so they'll probably attack uh somewhere like over either here probably end up coming up the stairs or like here i'm just gonna build two because i don't think they'll get very much done because i'm not very confident in my people we have a minor we have a just everyone's kind of ass but i would be more entertained if i died than if i lived we've got one two three four five six seven enemies attacking and we have only four columnists actually so but the one major advantage that we do have is rangedness we are ranged um okay the attack has begun uh clearly we will not have enough time we got down one of those stick traps that's enough good enough for me i'm gonna draft you three stop farming um wither come they wither come they look at these ramps see some of them maybe pathing is still being worked out i'm gonna give them the benefit of it out there generally i think it's less efficient to attack in two waves one by one um more just like selecting people to be sacrificed um but all right i'll live with it now do we have the ranged colonists over here we do have the longbow and the short boat mind you it was a good short bow does that mean that there are bad short bows in the game um okay yep so clearly pathfinding is still being implemented i imagine exploit the ramp system all right i guess we picked easy difficulty by living in a mountain maybe it's a little bit more optimized on valleys or something like that how much distance do we have that we can go over this fast speed disabled during raid um who is the one that we don't have selected belgium yep good you just keep farming on the cliffside and everyone else are they trying to get on the same level wow yeah this ramp system does seem really exploitable now that you mention it i think if i do a playthrough of this it probably like if i do an official one for the channel for the main channel it probably won't be on a mountain only because this seems a little a little bit janky right here again in beta it is in beta and early access i will i will give it uh the benefit of the doubt here um let's go ahead down the everybody get the hell down there um all right let's intimidate him by speaking in old english eldridge kuninga uh that's the only remember i remember in bird i remember kidding there's some words that translate directly from old english into he's god damn we got him right away this kind of game that makes me want to speak old english quack who that quack lingas i i i forget all of old english i just remember beowulf caldwell brethren you know i'm just making up words all right good see the raids are just kind of weak right now this is why clearly all right pathfinding still has yet to be blocked granted that combat looked really good before right now this is a little bit a little bit of a show all right um okay everyone go back to work clearly no one is a threat they are just kind of lost here all right yeah easy combat easy combat but you know we're probably going to get overwhelmed i'm going to go ahead and say this that this game seems much more optimized for like large-scale combat a little disappoint i thought i was going to see something more difficult but you know what you you win some you lose some uh that seems like something that will need to that they'll probably be looking at before uh for the main release all right everybody just come down don't worry it's not a threat at all uh run over here you go over there and we can probably just engage them on the ground that we're currently stop playing backgammon i know it's fun but do your job um hold up a second yeah go over there you two get down you're fighting all right i'll see if i can show you some melee combat we won't cheese this guy completely because i want you to know what the game is like all right great have at the swine why does that wear a mask would it be that thou were too uh uh much a swine to show that oh right now i'm just gonna stop stop farming again everybody to get to work uh you get in front of our people now obviously i could be playing this better but i'm just like let's just look at some combat i'm not going to try hard it i just want to have fun all right okay and then they retreat um enemies do actually give decent loot you know what you stop yeah a little a little bit of this though i could see the path finding needs a little bit of a little bit of a tweak here and there but that's combat that's combat have i found out how to eat humans i haven't found out how to do it on my own it just kind of happens to some of them yes there are human eaters cannibals they are also known as um they are in the game they have they have come over from rimworld tynan has been a very influential force in the game development world um cannibals have made it here too however i have not figured out how to make it happen yet okay here's another little movement bug some moon walking but little things like that i'm not too worried about this seem very simple right insert insert insert okay here we are now we've allowed these human corpses now there's a bunch of dead bodies over here it's not they are actually going to be unhappy if they see the dead bodies a nice part is that you notice the battle music goes away when they are no longer battling and the legend of zelda lanlan ranch theme picks back up at least doesn't this sound a bit like the lanlan ranch thing actually it does kind of remind remind me of the nintendo 64 ocarina of time instrumentation bug it looked like a victory celebration oh was he celebrating in victory i did not notice that hey good morning to you redmita hmm a little bit my faith has been uh lost in the mountain i think i'm going to stick to valley playthroughs because um well we had a really good time on the valley it seemed like when it was simple paths simple pathfinding they did a little bit better with that so i'm i'm willing to play the game on its own terms where it is in development in terms of that right now um and i i really i don't think that's much of an issue um hmm let me see um a little bit though i am kind of concerned only because the game is like three-dimensional so with little things like that but at the same time it's like all of the major systems are are really there so i i'm excited what's to come um let's see about we gotta make some more food man um oh also too do we have well we did the research for the agriculture um you'll notice that i'm i'm really not planting that many fields you'd expect that people would need more food right uh but the last time we just had way too many fields to plow and not enough people um hmm we'll vive now do we need bedrooms i'm just kind of seeing our is is it so overpowered what we're doing religious needs fulfilled we might not even need to worry about bedrooms for a little while just have them all sleep on the ground outside because they get bad now let's go hunt some more bunnies where are they all right there you are all right you're mine oh wait a minute i didn't get this one ah damn it all right there they are one thing i like is um it seems like a lot of the resource generation is not just kind of like random like look at the uh look at the veins appearing here and clearly they kind of have some correlation over the z levels too like the iron doesn't just stop short at the end of this cliff it does go down into the next z level and it kind of continues there somewhat haphazardly and randomly which i am a big fan of and i like how big can a battle be can i have a minas tirith sized i was i used to say minus turth when i saw that in in lord of the rings i i don't know i don't know how many settlers it goes up to i would imagine it probably goes somewhere up to like 15 or 20 settlers minas tirith from like lord of the rings of course that would be cool to see i think this game could be really well suited to that because i think colonists are a little bit lighter on personality and architecture is a little bit heavier on personality than it is in rimworld um [Music] can we are these better clothes flimsy i think these are worse clothes what i might just do now is like build a few ground buildings i'm finding that this is throwing me off more than i i thought i would like it having all these different structures um yeah they really have not been hauling we just need to let them catch up on some of their tasks all right food reserves on stockpile low we've got all of this growing now we've got some dead people over here do we have enough for a pyre pyre can we make one of those happen okay we do have a pyre i'm to do this because we don't actually have any cannibals in our settlement the last time surprisingly we did have a couple of cannibals or one what was his name like og gold something like that um yes he was he was into that but we're going to put this here and we're going to try to burn these bodies because they will actually get upset four times saw dead but now i'm not overly upset like in rem world it's the end of the world the end of the world uh see what i do there because it's called oh wait this is something i didn't see before they could fail constructions ah that is very nice actually i like that that that's in the game um we're going to tell them to just burn bodies forever because they don't like seeing them so where is it maybe they'll do it right now okay it looked like he just put some fire or sticks onto it what ingredients do they need anyway oh ten fuel and one human carcass so clearly we were under using the sticks the last time and wowzers look at that they uh burn the dead bodies and you you love it so yeah that's how that works let's go put another um i don't know if fire can spread yet but i'm just gonna keep doing stupid things because i personally haven't seen fire burn down an entire base we could get limestone walls ah you know what's cool let's get limestone walls i think these could be good for like siege machines how much limestone do we have we have 640 limestone so limestone is actually right now very plentiful i should have used this before alas i did not but now i will um again this base is going to be really janky it's my i'm just experimenting with a lot of the game systems and things like that uh wooden door what else could we get we could get a graded door no i don't know why i said that's a weird get a graded door if you know what i mean all right so now we've got some uh wow that's actually rather nice what is this limestone yeah limestone wall all right i imagine that it's stronger do we have hit points on them we have 300 hit points on that we have only 200 oh on the wood okay so 300 is more than 200 so keep that in mind um great with numbers and generally more is more good all right so let's see can we make limestone floors we could or we could make a wicker floor you know what let's just have it um thermal insulin oh wow there is thermal insulation crazy ain't it doesn't well actually the thermal insulation is fine see this i'm liking what i'm seeing traversal speed 95 95 100 oh that's a little odd wouldn't you wouldn't one think that limestone would be just as traversable as wood perhaps even more traversable than wood the traversableist um all right let's just keep building things that i haven't tried yet because i kind of want to see how they look there's still a lot i have yet to explore in this game let's see we'll make something very random looking slaginator hey thank you very much for the sub appreciate it my friend how's it going i was wondering what end game of this is like is there a ship we need to take off into space yes eventually later on you're able to launch nukes in this game um we haven't gotten up to that part yet though um we're still trying to get through medieval times now i think it'd be cool if there were like a sci-fi 3d though i think that's more ragnorium i guess i'm barking up the wrong tree here if i want to do that um let's see where any of these weapons i was just hoping for more frequent raids if i was doing this mode i wanted more like combat action for you guys but seeing as this is the most difficult i don't know i might be more comfortable going back to my other playthrough if this doesn't turn out to have a lot i'm liking the stone textures this is pretty nice are they they are three dimension are they three-dimensional they're kind of like faux three-dimensional i see okay so the wood is more 3d than this that's a little little sauce little sus all right but that seems like it saves memory or something like that who knows maybe it just kind of like you know i was i was expecting that since i saw 3d wood i would get 3d stone but from afar it still looks pretty good it's just a little bit inconsistent that's a thought okay settlers are starving all right now good it's just out of the frying pan into the fire well let's plant more uh fields we've done pretty well with that now what is we have to learn more hey discmosif hey thank you very much for the give sub god bless my friend disc moses was there a custom sandbox note mode unfortunately i didn't see one um linen cloth we don't really need this linen cloth because they still didn't figure anything out to do with it now carrots yields nine carrots but how many cabbages does this yield is only six but the yield is different in days what is the better ratio of day to food or do they contain the same amount of grow time 19 days uh which one is better i really know cabbages were pretty easy fast food though so let's just do more cabbages i'm just gonna plant more and more and more um [Music] maximum yield okay that's pretty nice that it actually tells you the amount of time left before the harvest that way you can kind of manage your own death and starvation um settlers are starving still all right that means more rabbits have to die let's just go around the map all right you're gonna die that seems like a long way to go to hunter rabbit i'm thinking that because the z levels are so difficult to traverse like whereas in dwarf fortress ramps run amok there's ramps everywhere to be seen i think it would probably make this type of map a lot more playable if there were more ramps um so i'm going to refrain from mountains again next time although i think that they look cool i think it largely depends upon you building stuff but i mean also that's kind of what you sign up for when you live on a mountain oh look a whole colony of bunnies we will eat them do we have one dedicated hunter ah we don't all right i'll say this the camera controls are like perfect like i can't think of how you would better create camera controls from this game and i've puzzled over this because there's a lot of games that don't do the camera controls and being able to see everything at once together you know in a good way no castle yet yeah unfortunately though you can build big castles in this and that's kind of what i wanted to get uh up to yes just mostly that doesn't seem like such a hard name to say the amish would have nuclear weapons i have never experienced true confusion and fear until now well now you know can we get stone windows just other stupid garbage i'm worrying about we could get stone windows okay very nice very good we could get limestone stairs it might honestly benefit us to just build a bunch of stairs like all around this place yep i'm probably gonna do this it's gonna help my enemies path find over to us but i could probably game that for right now only so that my people can get back and forth between these places more easily let's just build limestone stairs right there somebody go do that let's see if we can get somebody to leave i'm just going to make their lives pretty miserable right now just because i want to see if they can snap you know i mean look at how would you want to climb up four ramps and circumnavigate or a mountain just to get a rabbit what are you doing you're getting resources what even is that oh so somebody else hunted this the hair carcass and you're gonna go pick it up all right well i suppose that there are some like needlessly long orders at least the backgammon table is all right and nothing has been struck by lightning that did happen a lot in our last playthrough hmm oh good the carrots are coming up out of the ground i can already see them we can already eat them hmm now do the corpses change no it's just a guy stripped down in his underwear mm-hmm settlers are exhausted and unhappy okay good so maybe we'll get somebody to leave now i'm curious what happens when they get really upset like does she just go is does she just disappear or is there any opportunity for us to take her back let's make her really you know in fact let's destroy the beds settlers are unhappy in an exhausted research available oh okay here we go preserving food maybe we should try some other stuff on the one hand i'm gonna try for like debaucherous technologies like brewing um and on the other hand i'm also going to just make them miserable you know we're going to play high-risk high reward right here all right so let's go into production and we'll make a brewing station we did this before and we have all of these redcurrant uh bushes we can use those for alcohol all right let's do um yeah surprisingly we have just so much limestone okay you know we'll have a window into a room i'm all right with that um and we'll put this other window here so that they can look out in the world while they brew the beer and there good it's it's extremely cute it's like that like it's it's very satisfying to create new boxes over the other boxes this is turning into something of a skyscraper though this really doesn't look very medieval anymore i think the one the one thing that it's lacking is the thatched roofs there's something about the thatch roofs let's see limestone slate roof just try that out just for the sake of argument thatch roof hap oh you could make a roof half wow that's actually rather nice which baby shall we name it tarquin oh oh well i would allow that hey duke reach ah god bless happy to see you a long time viewer and i am fond of you good good thank you for the nine months good good did the devs give me a key for the game i did get a key for the game um yes so i uh i actually in fact i don't know if it's open right now the game does come out on june 1st so uh you know have have your fun then have your fun then nice part is that i could quickly navigate between all of these different workshops and this is something that looks rather complex to me you know we've got all of these different z levels and workshops and whatnot but it's fairly easy to get from place to place okay good someone's upset god you're upset now do they get like catharsis and i suppose in rimroll they can also just decide to leave the colony but you can force them to stay also which is quite quite nice huh note to self if you have a lot of limestone use it this was pretty good this has been a good you've been liking this building material right the sims roofing is it like the sims i haven't played the sims in so long maybe it's more inspired than the sims that i'm really giving it credit for i've just i've not played the sims since like 2008. god has it really been that long i haven't played the sims in a long time that's crazy all right so we got our first um what is this like a limestone stairway that'll probably help them get back and forth here right but they keep trying to get over to this z level so can we help them get up there [Music] hmm yeah that this castle map just seems slower to be honest with you all right you know what let's try to destroy the colony try to destroy it though you know i mean last time i kind of obsessed over getting everybody a bedroom it took a long time maybe there's another technology that we should just be working toward my main thing is it's just not as difficult it's not as difficult thought i'd be getting raided more we'll wait we'll wait the three-dimensionality is quite nice combined with the lighting this game has very nice lighting building looks like valheim we there was yeah the valheim comparison it's unfortunate they were so close together but they are uh they do seem similar is valid voxel-based i don't know i didn't even play it i i've hardly even watched anything on it i've just kind of stayed away from that one for a while let's try out a bunch of different structures we'll just try to build something that's very like abstract over here um just so that we can see more of these different roof types uh i'm so scared let's look thatch roof yeah you like this thatch roof um [Music] wicker roof half oh so that actually could be used for for our sticks see in the last time that we played we just had like 800 sticks now i know what to do with them let's like roof in this uh area right here just because for no real reason wait around can i do that weird all right we won't do it won't work people work okay now we can get uh what is it brewing no we can't complain not enough allowed resources okay we just need to cut down more trees yeah trees have really been the limiting factor here um here we go i think the next time i play i'm just going to get a bunch of botanists because these people are cutting down trees like it's nobody's business actually this seems pretty good they spend a lot of time walking around too i imagine that the walking trait would be pretty overpowered only because while in rimworld you know you're walking around a lot to begin with jogger is an overpowered trait but in this they also have to walk between z levels and i have noticed that they slow down when they pass by one another one kind of mistake in this base is the fact that we have only a single stairway and when they pass one another not only are they kind of walking a little weird um but they also slow down when they're next to one another but i think that the trips where they're passing one another are infrequent enough that we're okay um actually they took down that forest fairly quickly that was good i take it back all right nice nice okay the food is coming along let's see if we can just get like tons and tons of weaponry all right um we will now construct the hall the combat hall um give them a large wooden table let's just build everything out in the open because they don't really seem to mind that um we'll make a bunch of wooden chairs and we'll just kind of build around our structures in the hall of the mountain king right out here yes i thought this said a seat chair no a stone chair what's that that there's a seat chair so i'm being on the second floor wears me out for some yes the stone above the uh above the wood is rather jarring as is most of the base can we plant trees yes uh actually a lot of these trees that we planted down here are ours there's the birch tree all of these birch trees on the ground many of which i've cut down this tree this tree all of these trees are ours they're currently right now though in the young growing phase let's just put more beds outside because screw up people i mean there seems to be a lot of things that are like pretty overpowered right now like they should be more unhappy about what i've been doing to them everybody sleeps on the roof three four let's just keep building up make it like a skyscraper um i mean it seems pretty efficient you know just how high can we build that's another thought too let's see how high we can go um all right just uh how much limestone we have we still have 616 lives we need only five to build some of these things isn't it 10 or 20 in rimworld that we need to build just thinking like i don't know how resource acquisition how fast that is yet but yeah we're we're doing some work here how high can how high can we go let's get just one really sketchy looking window help me all right and then we do uh let's do floors yeah how high can we go they construct very quickly that's nice all right how many z levels are we up right now this map so far to the ground and we can go underground into the caves is one two three four five six seven eight nine ten i think 11 11 high we could probably go even higher than that let's just see what the height cap is here we'll keep on going up floor by floor yep just keep building up no windows no windows now this is medieval architecture what are you talking about it's too expensive to build windows now we'll make it we'll make it somewhat more nice does this bother you the fact that my windows aren't in a perfect line yeah it does all right let's see if we can put stairs one on top of the other can we do this i've been wondering about this or do they need to have like separate [Music] that would look a little weird you know i think we can't have stones one on top of the other so this isn't like modern staircases all right all right i buy that i buy that um of course it can still be somewhat ridiculous but let's do it like this yeah i'm okay with that all right there it comes okay this is more castle-ish see i think that any enemies who came to attack us would have a hard enough time getting up these staircases they'd probably just give up before they got up here but this is very castley you know it makes me think like there really isn't any difficulty in going up floors you don't need to research any technologies or anything like that maybe we'll just keep on going up higher looks like a soviet apartment or just jail yeah one or the other i could see that um can i go i can go up to floor 16 as long as i build a good foundation is there foundational like uh integrity i have not observed that yet well we'll keep all of the important things on the ground where it's safe and we'll just build this way up higher and we'll all sleep underneath this because that's um safe hmm can they get over to the other beds oh no let's see can they i'm just trying to puzzle out a lot of these things oh my god this guy's sleeping really aggressively look at all those seas [Music] can you walk over this bed all right tomorrow night we will uncover the truth of the beds because i need to know oh summer all right summer um i need to know there's a lot of questions i still have okay wooden beam foundation now this is the one so that we can prevent cavins let's go back down to the bottom because i think we do have one guy who's good at mining right wasn't that bale dread guy who came in he was pretty good right okay let's just let's do something like that right um see if we can cause a cave in ah you know what screw it let's just cause a cave in somewhere like over here oh god look we have a pit over there too yeah you can kind of like you could have tunneling and all kinds of contraptions i imagine that if you played this game for like in a really long period of time you could create some labyrinthine constructions but we want baldride to be the only one focused on this so let's have him be the only miner uh where is mining everyone else is forbidden from the mines or do it only as a last resort type of thing so that if we see other people doing mining it's just we can tell them to get away okay i'm going to intentionally try to cause a collapse right here just because i haven't seen one baldridge will probably die but screw me this is an idiot um i mean it looks nice settlers are becoming annoyed good okay good um research available oh good we can get more um we'll look into food preservation because i've honestly been trying to figure out how to do this and we'll create a what is it like a smokehouse kind of thing um we'll do that like right well we're going to be storing the meats underground so we'll put that probably opposite the rest of this smokehouse belongs uh which way is it facing okay it's facing the exact opposite direction of where i want to be facing so we'll put it damn it it'll put like right there see if they can work at those two stations at the same time clearly we don't have enough jobs going so let's um [Music] do more a little bit uh [Music] here we are cut down these trees good my people go my people all right they're getting a little bit more efficient than i really gave them credit for um still low on food but they haven't starved yet let's just see if we can make them starve um can i replace the wooden section with stone it may collapse uh let's find out let's try to build more stone over it because i want to know if this i mean like i remember the first time i did the uh not to not to troll you but just because i'm trying to learn the game's systems a little bit to troll because it's kind of it's just fun to mess things up let's see if we can replace easily and then we'll just keep trying to destroy this building too this would be really entertaining if it did fall down my thing was that the the physical effects of the lightning looked exciting um because we did have lightning strike before and i'm wondering if if lightning can like topple down my entire castle um we did see it take down a roof before which was uh neat oh look so two of them are sleeping in the beds now okay this is good news that they can walk through the beds it seems as if your colonists can walk through more things than i'm really giving them credit for yeah we're giving this uh going medieval a try again i like it i'm trying to seek deeper into the game systems my only thing is that the difficulty isn't that hard i really like difficult difficult experiences they're some of my favorites the botany skill is now at level 22. okay here they are good i i got to say the animations are very pleasing to me like the uh the individual tasks it gets a nice wide swing on the tree or she what is what is that person will eve i really don't know if wolves is a man or a woman's name i think it's a woman yeah we'll leave it's been a while all right i'm wondering too we have to go check out when they um when they go back to sleep i need to see if these people are in a relationship or anything can our colleagues have relationships i need to know and we also need to create a place to store this food okay now this base is starting to come along we've got more space here under the mountain and i'm also going to try to get rid of all of this limestone underneath the mountain god we're just creating more and more to build up higher and higher um let's just dump all of the limestone on the roof yeah we really could use another columnist now um okay let's clear all and then we will uh what is would be nice to have a search bar in here that's another room world mod but okay um let's see limestone okay we'll just we will put only limestone there uh my thing is i'm not seeing urgency on stockpiles that would be a nice thing to have barking up the wrong tree he was found painting bleeding this was the same event that we got the last time too maybe there will be a big update before we uh start to oh this guy is very good all right walt disney is at walt disney world um it would have been better in the last colony because the last colony was florida uh walt kirk though this is not just another walter he doesn't matter as much is anyone saving him though cutting getting resources for construction mining slash digging well pick one and walt kirk is just unconscious okay petroneal carry him to an empty carry wall home my wayward son it seems a bit gratuitous look at all the different climbing that she has to do he might actually will he bleed out i have not had a single colonist die since i started the long and winding journey that's just gone [Music] oh god he's like bleeding everywhere [Laughter] that animation is great this guy looks so uncomfortable oh why are we at a 45 degree angle [Laughter] oh that's great he's just bleeding out his guts everywhere how long until these people fall off the oh living off of plump helmets god yeah it'd be great i don't know if you could plant pump uh plump helmets uh when you research further this guy is gonna be dead by the time he gets here but he's a good colonist he's very good at melee um did he like stub his toe really bad or something oh god he just got right out of bed right out of bed oh he's right to work okay i like this guy walt he is a god this guy is a unit look at he's not even eating the food he's just shoving he doesn't even sit in his chair walking around like a pirate ah jesus okay let's give him uh jobs he just passes out in the bed that's somebody else's bed all right you know what you you're gonna be the cook oh what is smashing stuff to do what did i miss oh hey cosmic dynamo thank you very much for the ten dollars my friend very grateful thank you very much what did you miss i don't know we we've just kind of been experimenting with the game systems i suppose i'm not really trying at anything in particular at first i was going to make like a big um mountainside base but it's just kind of devolved into a lot of posting um so now that's where we kind of are have convalesce as their highest priority if i want them to rest um that's true that's true i should have them as at two there um what is the only other one i don't want you on a one there i like to leave one as manual priorities like if i need all of them to cut down trees immediately i leave one for that so i'll do two as their thing the only thing is can we move these back and forth convalesce i think they have to be in this order whoops ooh i did something wrong there they should all be out of two for condolence the one thing i do want is a two on tending because i don't want everybody to be resting in bed i want at least one person to be tending the people who are convalescing um if that makes sense i feel like there could be okay all right one person is who's sleeping loser sleeping outside okay let's put some other beds here now this seems fairly overpowered but hang on a second let's go uh just check out their moods can we see anything about relationships or whatever hit point recovery all of this job related god we're gonna see if we got like a stimulus check here um religious activities alcohol requirement um i require alcohol red currants and barley and herbs um oh we need we i thought we had more red currants now the one thing that's nice about this is that alcohol is a requirement of the game but there's tons of red currant bushes growing just like everywhere um i'm gonna zoom out for a second let's just see yeah there's some more right there okay yeah we have plenty of red currant bushes and we in fact did plant some too so we have more than enough we should be able to use that to make wine let's see how there's a mine coming along the mine is coming along fast enough [Music] i'll say this it'd be nicer if if things happened a little bit faster um i i wouldn't mind if the game were a bit more aggressive i think that would be a bit more engaging if i had more attacks i would like my colonists to be in more pain because i haven't really felt like i'm in danger yet um somebody and i think it would only be a matter of just upping the difficulty possibility is he bandaged i think he is right healing convalesce deep arm laceration motor function minus 10 has he been the one thing i don't really know how to tell is if they've been bandaged yet let's see if we can find this out um who is good with uh who is good with medicine perennial i can't really tell deep arm laceration moderate expires in 35 so it's going away but i assume that that little thing that looks like toilet paper right there means that it has been bandaged so i think he's good yeah um is it closer experience to rimworld or dwarf fortress in level of complexity um rimworld for sure um whereas i i think you mean his dwarf fortress is more complex um this this game seems much more accessible to me um like i've had friends that i tried to play rimrolled with and after 30 minutes it's just like okay okay okay and i'm like well you can do blah blah and i just start sounding like a nerd when i play it with them um but i i think a lot of people are who are really into that you know deep systems like that are attracted to colony managers um the one thing i'll say that's really nice is that um it's kind of a male thing at least based on the audience that i've had no offense to everyone i am male i think my audience is 90 male not that anyone was really getting very offended but uh i do see more girl streamers do like the hybrid of um colony managers and so on and so forth probably sound really ignorant saying that but i don't know just so many of the games that i play it's just like it's all male it's all male it's all male but it seems like a lot of uh girls play the sims but really not that many guys on the sims speaking of the girl guy thing i noticed that there was now there's a category on twitch called hot tubs and there's just all these people in hot tubs and i'm like i gotta get a hot tub and they're sure enough there was a guy in like a girl costume in a hot tub i was like damn like i'm doing twitch wrong we gotta you know open up diversify our uh offerings on this channel so that's all i have to say about that it's just an observation there's a hot tub jesus oh god there's some crazy channels on twitch like who's that guy who has like 40 cameras in a room and he just keeps it's like just him and his girlfriend like opening boxes and various things like that viewers send to them but then they just keep changing the camera and it's so interesting to watch all right we gotta uh keep bringing this higher up i don't remember his name right now let's keep going up keep on going up what is the limit can we get it now this reminds me fondly of the time that i discovered structural integrity and seven days to die oh it was a terrible day i can assure you um on an awful day but it was really funny when it happened we all died i think who was i with i was this ghoul king i was playing with somebody else we gotta we gotta bring back that seven days all right it's nice that you can kind of put out blueprints for many structures at once because one thing that i was wondering about from before was planning um i assume that they're planning that they're building things in somewhat of the right order but holy cow okay so i can plan like four floors in advance at once that's kind of nice actually because i can then sketch out the entire world if you wanted to you could pause the game at the beginning um i suppose one thing that would be useful would be like to highlight an entire area and then suspend the construction so that you could do it later on but this is rather nice for forward planning and it seems like i can keep zooming out higher as i go higher so maybe there isn't a height limit see just keep on commanding them to do this and it can kind of take into account the future structure structural integrity of the place all right let's build like one more up and then we'll see if that gets them all killed i can hardly even tell what i'm building anymore yep all right okay this will keep them busy for a long long time there we go okay this is turning into a skyscraper very quickly of tearing down houses by just chopping out the bottom level of the whole building and watching oh can that happen in this i have not tried that i mean we'll try that at the end of the stream see if we can you know just destroy everything that i've created but i've more if i move to florida i will have no chance to stream but from a hot tub whether i like it or not oh i thought you meant because of the internet connection i'll be switching over from verizon if i move to florida um i think they have xfinity down there i heard it's okay i think uh i think my sister has that she's in boston um perhaps not as good as verizon verizon is insanely good internet though i'm switching over from i can't remember who i was with um i don't want to throw shade on anyone whoever has fiber optics whoever has fiber optics uh is good internet all right baldridge vivers mining skill is now level center okay so the mine is coming along better let's go have a look at the one see now this is becoming more apparent as i go through all i'm doing is holding down control to switch between z levels and this is actually this works really well because it's very easily at the axis of my left hand um all my camera movements in my right hand except i guess last uh wasd is controlling the movement around the map i feel fairly comfortable though my one complaint is that a lot of the designations of orders um are things that are farther from my thumbs um like i will usually designate orders with my thumb when i'm playing so i'll use like f v z or x or q and e even but q and e are used for this i don't i mean i use that with middle mouse button i guess if you were playing on a laptop or something that would make sense um my one thing is that like l is cancel it would be really nice if c were canceled what is c though c is default to hide roof elements all right i'm just complaining you can change all these key bindings but i'm just complaining about the default ones maybe i would remap it um let's see expand zone um one nice part is how they've highlighted see for example i can just kind of see my colonists levitating in midair i actually like that feature because then i can tell where my colonists are even when i'm on a different z level i don't have to go searching around between z levels and this is quite nice too how you can see uh like ghosts of your colonists whenever you whenever you go through things um just because there's a lot of information visually on screen and it's nice to be able to narrow it down quickly i really give you is gone awful but that our modem oh xfinity isn't bad xfinity is shoddy for me personally i've not been on it so it's gonna be a whole new adventure for me it'll be nice if i could just take fios with me it's pricey but it's good uh it's worth it i like it much better than our old internet service 67.5 okay let's go examine the temperature between indoor and outdoor underground underground is 33.8 degrees so that's good we want to keep it cold down there i don't really know why i didn't figure out that physical principle we've got all these red current now what are our needs i was trying to get my colonists killed though like and they just are fine so again i think that the difficulty could be way harder here i don't think that the game feels any harder despite the fact that i'm playing on hard we got a few more raiders last time maybe it's just the fact that i played games that are way too hard so let's make it harder let's kill all of our colonists maybe we should just kill one of ours that's how i make games harder by just killing off my people all right oh have we hit the height limit highest point reach okay we can't place buildings this high okay so uh wow all right we hit it already that's pretty good though i feel like i can create a fairly decent castle in that okay we've got a bad people coming forrest bind it's master forest banded archer fierce board fierce forest bandit three tip four's banded archer this is actually a fairly good raid i think i'm what i'm getting about this game is that it gives you a lot of time and peace and then it sends something pretty big your way i haven't seen much later game but maybe i'm supposed to be maybe i will get overwhelmed if i play longer maybe it's just a longer cycle have the absolute shittiest internet hey drunk how are you my friend how'd the stream go what am i building oh just trying to make a stairway to heaven not really anything in particular um i'm just kind of messing around with the game and seeing how much i can break it what are you up to bud happy to see you happy to see you a little earlier where you're you are a morning guy geez okay um hang on come my people now let's see if our okay the enemy seems slightly more coordinated this time this is being attacked by the banditos hair way to steven all right i'm going to just draft all of my colonists uh hmm we didn't have any archers in the last raid so we can't appropriate one of their bows and i also didn't build windows i still somehow think that this that will be fine now you know what let's just walk out here now you do get an advantage if you're on high ground so uh we will just shoot them with our bowman from here they aren't the smartest raiders okay uh no sorry i wasn't trying to select the bush i was trying to select yeah there we go okay shoot them shoot them haha oh okay uh not haha run oh no perennial is wounded ass we might actually die here only because i've been playing to try to get my colonists killed um [Music] well what we're going to try to do to engage them is this their people why do they have so much range hang on a second i'm going inside we're going inside come people go inside into the keep okay good they're coming again what we need to do is wait till the point where they are on lower ground than us um i should have built up one of these flights yeah crap we have like walls all around here okay i have a stupid idea come on people let's be disabled okay now i'm just getting my ass kicked all right uh hang on a second i'm gonna do something a little unconventional now walt d drafting you um okay i'm gonna deconstruct this both of these walls wall will the wall i mean walt will deconstruct the wall see what i did there and uh could you do that too okay now we're just gonna shoot at them from the up yep so that we get the high ground because the high ground is very valuable in this game because it gives you better damage and stuff like that um does everybody else go to go to you go over here and the rest of us will just kind of like fight them on the stairway great okay now we've severely uh leveled the playing field and we can engage them one by one over here yeah some of them just got stuck on the cliff yeah so we'll win this one too unfortunately i wanted it to be harder but we'll also see what they oh idiot all right so they're trying to force this out would you force my hand that's fine we'll still have higher ground you two get down the stairs um and try to kill that man the weird part is that they're just engaging us kind of haphazardly at our base all right we'll leave that there um okay you three go down there and you two shoot up from there okay good well don't shoot up but you know what i mean this guy's just hitting an open doorway idiot and i really should not be playing on this map i think what this game is more suited to is like um like castle like grand castle sieges that's what i get the feeling with more i don't know if it's really going to work with uh the way the pathfinding is on these mountains i mean at least we're winning i was hoping i would get be getting my ass kicked though none of my people are dead everyone is fine honestly i was hoping i was hoping we'd die all right send out the troops send out the troops can we at least get someone killed oh rob look it's me i'm attacking okay uh oh what one of our guys almost died wait a minute let's see what happens when one of our people dies could you die good yes eat something have a last supper pierced leg muscle okay here we go pierced cheek it seems as if there is a body system here you know these are all body parts and i don't think that they're just for fluff but they do actually affect the character in ways that make sense evade chance and movement speed down when they get hit in like the leg and stuff like that okay you guys need to pray come on don't this seems a bit superstitious don't pray for the leg just help each other you know see are you going to bleed out you're going to bleed out oh no see blood seems to be separate from hit points see what's going on here build moats and oil traps oh a moat would be most welcome yes lob infected cows at them this be kind of like stronghold in a rim yeah i'm getting a bit more of a stronghold vibe you're right yeah i don't know i mean there's a lot of things though that haven't been implemented yet like for example like some people were asking about animals being implemented because they're mentioned in a lot of the flavor text and i haven't even really seen them yet um yeah so i mean there's a lot of i mean that seems like a pretty big system in the game if there's an entire skill tree devoted to it so i'm like kind of led into saying that it's probably earlier in access than i give it credit for really um lumber traps in walls did we have any of those there seems to be a lot more defensive structures at least that we haven't touched yet but seeing as we just seem to be getting fewer raiders on e on normal mode i mean it is scaling up pretty similarly um a little bit right now only because i think this colony is i kind of want to go check back on our other one in a bit but i'm also like uh i wanted i want to know what happens with the structural integrity when i take this thing out um so i feel like i want to kill this colony a little bit only because it just i i don't like the way that it looks i didn't design it for this um so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to save um and only because i'm leaving we're going to destroy new york um because i'm leaving it this is the new york colony we're gonna go to florida again we're gonna go check on our other colony um it's at a very similar stage so it's like all the progress that we've made but we also had built up kind of more characterization so let's just destroy our uh let's see what happens judge me i'm killing my colonists oh well actually you know what let's try to see if we can get someone in the rubble too i'm curious what happens when they just die um all right you baldrid actually you're the one with the most personality here yep we're gonna kill you all right we're gonna kill you everybody else yep go yeah we're going to tear down this shrine belgrade you stay right there there's gonna be a big surprise in a few minutes um oh god oh wait a minute i missed it i missed it oh look at that wow that's kind of jesus okay but it does kind of happen in real time [Music] neat okay so whatever wasn't supported by three was just taken out oh that's kind of cool hey nice to see the destruction happening in 3d that's actually kind of cool unfortunately baldridge is okay um hang on a second let's just we're gonna we're don't worry stay tuned we're gonna continue destroying the mountain um let's go ahead and mine and we'll call this a mine a mine yep aldrid actually you're the miner right so why don't you just go ahead and mine this yep good stuff's about to happen all right let's uh and we'll de-designate all of this mining because nobody cares because this colony is a experiment it's like frankenstein it was a mistake all right we'll just delete all of that okay let's just watch it in oh no no wait you're not done yet the only thing you can't do is can we shift click orders no we can't shift click orders yeah that's too bad smog has come oh god come on take down the mountain take down the mountain don't give up aldrid nope we're gonna get we're gonna get you dead does it just like refuse to wait a minute why does it just not get destroyed 400 hit points huh maybe you can't mind something that's oh no you can oh you can only one of our floors was destroyed there okay well then we'll just designate the rest of this we'll just give him that he'll do that over the next couple of minutes all right yeah it could destroy all of this i want it gone i want it all gone and demolish that walt oh now walt that wasn't for you but okay my only thing is it doesn't really seem like it um like it kills people like there's doesn't seem to be anything dangerous about it though somebody said who said before that cave-ins could kill you put on the floor that would collapse oh okay so then i'll put um hang on a second let me take baldr uh i know baldridge is a pretty good minor perineal because you're praying right now i'm just going to send you up there here we go all right oh no she just falls down a level she didn't actually take any damage okay so there doesn't seem to be any kind of like danger danger zone system implemented yet if that exists all right oh we know we know here we go uh we don't have to destroy that hang on a sec i feel like yeah that was kind of what i wanted to see though so all right well i i know i know how the systems work now though i don't i don't but it doesn't work i was expecting that they would all die but alas all right i i feel like i've kind of run my course with this colony um i i don't really like the mountain because it just seems to mess with the path finding i'm going to go ahead and just kind of say goodbye to this one for a little while i left the save there before i did all of that so we can always um so we can always come back here if we want but let's go over to the um where do we have uh we're gonna go back to the last colony that we're at only because i think that it made a little bit more sense um and i think that it worked better with the game systems i think it was just more what people are making so we're gonna go back to florida um whether you like it or not sorry and i know this can be polarizing when i send people to florida stronghold and can she yeah it's neat okay so our last colony from the other day was florida and we were at more or less the same phase as this um except this one made a bit more sense um who did we have who were our ordric was the one who was a cannibal it's a very similar colony this one actually made more sense in terms of efficiency and stuff um it was much more like an above land colony um and what do we have now it occurs to me that we could do a lot more mining here but this place just doesn't really make sense here um this one was in a valley so this one was in like the opposite type of biome much more fertile and lush but almost no mountains and very few veins of ores to be seen which suggests to me that it's better for the early game but worse for the late game and we had started to hollow out these kind of lower stores for our resources we were coming into autumn now here in our last colony we're in the middle of summer so i'm just kind of advancing this along a little bit um we have our corpse disposal doctor yes yes ordric disposes of the corpses um and by disposes i mean eats um we had a couple of little weird inconsistencies here like there are some walls that they can walk through um but we wanted to kind of hollow out these areas and create more of a proper looking castle here for them um i guess dwight currington now these colonists were much more advanced along we did have mining finishing up let's see if we can floor this whole area now that we know that fl um floor is the best type of floor now what do we have wood was the best type of floor at least that i as far as i can tell that'll help preserve better one thing i like to see though is that i was a little bit worried that like the rain was just decorative but it's nice to see that colonist mood uh is affected by the rain like we had one guy in the last game who was negatively affected by rain it's not just like an aesthetic thing um this place is far more lush and plentiful now that i look at it actually we've got tons of rabbits everywhere we got great botany skill too now our base had been struck by lightning in multiple areas god wants to kill us um but we didn't have anywhere near as much limestone where was our limestone mechanical components i think we had more clay yeah we had 263 clay oddly enough but we're making iron ingots in this colony now so we're much further along i'm mangling the resources oh god i don't even really my thing is i wish that the resource icons were a little bit more simplified because for me right now i'm just going what is that a little bit um some of them i've gotten used to i think i think that those icons uh i don't know just like visually to me it it takes it takes me longer to to process that um but i'd agree again i i'm just being kind of a snob snob for most of this playthrough an no i i like the game i mean i've got a how many hours in it do i have if i didn't like it i would i would have given up a long time back it's it's hard to find something that captures my attention now even things that i enjoy i find trouble enjoying you know maybe because i just i play a lot of games like things that i like things that i want like what the hell was that what happened to the wall did you see that now we got 961.6 clearly we could do something with those um oh we might be past growing season with a lot of this stuff here now okay well then let's up the animal preservation and by that i mean up the animal killing um okay we'll send out a hunter and we had uh where's all of the animal preservation going on oh yeah in this shady shack um we also had a smoke house over here too i randomly put a door in there um yeah we're going to always preserve our meat and we're going to make meat forever what else oh hey oh alchemist like occam's razor i like that name very philosophical if it is well god bless thanks for the raid what were you playing welcome in my friend welcome people of alchemist or occam first akham first it could be either one like trying to be edgy by replacing the eye with a one it could be that what were you playing it's hard to enjoy anything in general that's why we are here yeah you know like you ever have that feeling and this is actually the reason why i started youtube channel for gaming was because i had gotten to an age where i couldn't enjoy gaming anymore um because i felt like i had to have something come out of it which was just a really toxic feeling but i really enjoyed the act of gaming but i sometimes when i gamed felt like i'm not pretty being productive or creating anything when i'm doing this so i was like well if i made it into a video i'd have a product from it when i was done you ever feel that way i don't know if that's because i'm like it's such a dark thought to have like i can't just enjoy things for the sake of themselves but yeah that well that was one of the reasons also just you know speaking ability it kind of comes on with that too own modded rimroll oh well that'll uh actually rimworld would fit right in here have you got to try uh going medieval yet i'm i'm trying to think how would compare with like for example like you said like a like a medieval modded rimworld that would be uh that would be the one point of comparison i think that the one thing that this thing could do would be the idea of like a grand siege that you could have oh look the whole pack ran away heard pack how do how do rabbits what is the rabbit group nomenclature whatever it is there's a lot of them um you know i have a funny idea too let's just uh just for the sake of making this place look decent oh we could do wicker floors um we don't have any limestone here though um having a hard time get uh wait a minute having a hard time getting into single-player games these games really struggling to find something to play i used to enjoy playing games on my own but i feel like i can just enjoy games with friends now for someone who plays games professionally should i give you some tips how to get it back into single-player gaming i don't know just kind of like protect the time around the gaming i guess is what i'm trying to say like if you if you have something else on your mind when you're gaming then you won't be thinking about the game and you won't probably get as much out of the experience because i mean i i do think like gaming is should be enjoyable like that right i don't know i think it's something that happens as you get older though it probably happens with a lot of things like a friend of mine once said that don't you think as you get older you enjoy the idea of doing something more than doing something itself this applies to certain activities um like not eating for example like man i don't know like things like um certain adventures or social activities i suppose uh not really though i still enjoy socializing with other people i'll probably do more of that i spend more time outside as i get older went through that hardcore after i used to make css frag movies and tf2 yeah it's it is hard to enjoy playing games when you don't get something out of it but i mean you know you could stream it too can i cut stone blocks to make my stone go farther am i mistaken um i've not actually gotten into stone block cutting but uh yeah that's something that we should examine we have a smelting furnace already we have a line do we have a limestone hearth i think we got something going over here right this is our kitchen yeah we had a limestone hearth but we needed iron ingots and we had our smelter going over here so there is like a whole production chain of resources we need more of them as much as expected um i think we do have iron no this is salt salt and iron look very alike ah but there was a cliff with oop what happened there all right there was a cliff with iron over here okay let's mine out some of this because we do have to create like quarries and other stuff like that if we want to get a lot of resources all right we'll just do something like that and it looks like we got more on the cliffs out here i like you know it just kind of peeks out like you know iron just chilling in there all right uh i want to make like a hollow underwall that they could kind of walk around but that might be harder to manage we'll just have something up and down the walls here with university and stuff i feel like i rarely have times uh for games so trying to give games time could help maybe yeah like for example uh the last like big gaming experience i had was um fallout probably fallout 3. i think i was 16 when i played it i i don't think i've been that into a game maybe like neo scavenger when i was 19. but you know wait till the time when you're like off from work you've got a lot of off time or whatever you're doing so that's i mean a lot of the games that i play when i'm not making content like i just played a lot of slay the spire on my own i played some team fight tactics a lot of that i don't really consider to be like deep indie gaming though i would consider it to be more like um uh more like an addiction i really know there's like addictive gaming that i do like you know i'll play tower defenses that's one thing that comes from when i was a kid i just i really enjoyed tower defenses because i like the feeling of like automating everything and just watching it all play out something too bad let's put these in because i think banners they just look decorative and nice in this game i have no idea what these have if any like value to our colony oh they are facing the wrong way let me just undo that hey ravelin and oh sorry kyla sorry i missed that before 10 30. thanks for the subs my friends appreciate it and with the two months warcraft 3. most of my friends like pvp but just kind of falling yeah i mean well there's a lot of different types of gaming out there too like for example um why does it point this way do they do something at the banner let's just let's just put one out in the middle of the open and see what happens with it i think that this is the right way i think that that looks cool we'll leave it there um this door is really starting to bother me so i'm just going to delete it and then put in two new ones yeah i apologize i hope i don't destroy that building but yeah that double door those these double doors facing the wrong way is now really starting to bother me you can't actually rotate or move items i mean you can rotate them but you can't like once they're in place you can't you just got to deconstruct them and make another one uh at least as far as i've seen one nice part about this game is i didn't really have to sit through any tutorials like i it was really intuitive having played rimworld hmm the last game i really enjoyed playing was actually looking forward to is rim or elite dangerous and human revolution but now i can barely play a game for a few hours before i get permaboard yeah i don't know i mean and then there's certain games that like i enjoy watching other people play more than playing them myself i mean that's one of my goals with my videos is i try to make it more enjoyable to watch the video than play the game i i think it's because i've often thought about like well how the hell do i add value to this um i i don't know maybe that's just my impression of it though i've played any tower defense before like balloons a lot of balloons probably probably when i'm like just at my most bored i think bloons is a good gay what it does it does really well it's a very very simple premise um i would i couldn't play it forever and get really into it but yeah um have i tried room oh wait disclose about it i was gonna say somebody asking me if i'm trying to i feel like have i ever had a channel god um why are all these carcasses over here i'm trying to oh we can use this for construction whoa whoa wait we could make a base out of bones that's actually kind of badass oh we can do more research now too okay um this colony was much further along let's get them what looks interesting here well we could get crossbows i've seen all these crossbows though what i guess one thing is that the tech tree feels i could go a little bit further because i feel like i've seen just about all of the technology in the game whereas in real world you know you have like three or four or five levels of technology you know you have to go from wooden armor or plate armor like medieval technologies and you could even do a neolithic playthrough all the way up to um let's just kind of unlock everything yeah we'll just kind of do everything in no particular order um it seems there's just a few levels in here yeah this is one i'm definitely going to be interested in even more as the year goes on you know to keep coming back and seeing what they've added but i think the main system here is right you know it it just feels right now we will get wait are you getting the iron oh you're just bringing back the iron well good for you sir all right good actually i think we we did fairly intelligent moves when we started this base we got a whole stockpile right in the middle of our base um of course i need to use these sticks for something let's just find a project that we can use the sticks for um hmm if i were a bunch of sticks where would i want to be wouldn't traps need wood we could just spam stick traps all over the edge of the map that could work woodwork bench could oh wait oh maybe a boyer's bench that could work yeah okay we'll do that um now we're going to need some kind of workshop because we've made way too many houses before let's put our workshop like over in the middle here oh that's nice they actually have the family crest on it or not family you know what i mean whatever we are we're just a bunch of rebels uh [Music] yeah okay this would be good for structural integrity all right wooden door and there all right i'm gonna give this one a double door and then this will be our workshop let's see if we can try one of those new types of roofs here um okay let's try a wicker roof oh that's really weird well you know what let's just have it because it's we gotta we want to try out more of the games stuff all right this is just going to be a dumb house yeah that's pretty dumb no what is it what is going on research available settlers are suffering from cold what are you are you wearing summer clothing no you're wearing good linen with your clothes well stop complaining it would be nice if i were able to launch attacks on other regions to capture bases yes i think more agency and decision making like if you had um yes ghost i agree with you like if you had the opportunity to trade you'd be able to kind of insert yourself in the game more i think you know whereas in rimworld where you can have give people character oh it's snowing that was extremely sudden but it's also extremely beautiful that is very nice it just kind of came out of nowhere though but i do like good weather systems and games and that's very nice wow that's beautiful it reminds me most of banished banished i get that feeling from it a lot banished with fighting does banished even have fighting in it not quite sure thatched floor uses sticks yeah we could do a thatched floor here too let's try just to make this place entirely patched winter held florida and it's icy grip so the settlers gathered around the fire in long dark evenings they need to bundle up warm clothing heat okay let's see if we can interact with the snow intelligibly in any way you have fire right there they don't seem to be interacting with it any particularly notable way um let's put wicker floors down and i'm also curious as to what's on the ground to our um does it say walk speed here so walk speed 85 oh we could put wicker all over the ground hang on a second yeah let's have wicker oh great okay good we've got wicker everywhere on the ground there we are hey gun ghost thanks so much for the subs god bless hey with the five gift subs thank you very much appreciate it my friend i banish your people could have kids and make more villagers yes that would be nice that would be nice but at the same time can you actually zoom in on your individual people in banished oh my god it's really cold it's 14 15 degrees wait the snow is now disappearing sort of seems like a texture then it's all over the land 17 okay it's heating back up now it's slightly warmer underground what it seems to me is that underground is just always sort of going to be the temperature of refrigeration so i suppose as long as we're underneath something it'll be refrigerated like it'll be colder in the summer and warmer in the winter is that true i don't know maybe i've been missing out because i haven't lived you know i'm a suburban person so i've been living it sounds like a radio how to had album suburban person doesn't it all right that's the wicker floor so wow that's really fast you can track that we've got 1200 wood let's just cover all of the no well we might want to plant something we'll cover enough in wicker partly i mean there is a reason behind this it does actually um it just speed up their walking speed we'll do that and we can also create wicker um we could have wicker everything oh god why is that perhaps they'll consider using these wicker walkways yes the weaker walkways let's just give them like some way of walking between all these things this is going to slightly speed up does this actually speed up it will slightly speed up their traversal speed by about 10 percent okay now this is very remoraldy because this is something that you do in rimworld hmm you wouldn't survive one minute on the nato chair oh we've got a bunch of nato people i like nato i love you don't please don't forget about me i won't forget about you fallen soldier the l using the l word now winter okay so this is the wicker roof and look at it all right you know but like subtle roof variation that's welcome what i what i'll say is this is that once these structures are completed and since it's so easy to come complete construction then a complete structures there i said it it seems like the main focus of this is on building but my my one thing is what is going to make it feels like it's a lot of pieces that are separate right now but what is most compelling that will make me compelled to build more you know like in the game so that's a thought hey it's leonard meager too gifting us up to that one guy who is also a chad in many ways hmm too rigid of a gameplay and then you had to trade and trade and trade and the best people would just die off randomly and so on and so forth oh was that in um banished i see i didn't play enough banish to really develop an opinion of it okay this is very nice my colonists are like lighting up a little bit so that i can see them as distinct from the snow oh but the walkway is covered by the snow but i still get traversal speed 95 despite the fact that there's snow on it so that is like there's no snow shoveling like there is in rimworld some people would say that rimworld gets a little too deep with the snow shoveling but personally i like shoveling snow in rimworld forgotten soldier 3216 hey thank you very much for the sub my friend god bless hmm let's see yeah it makes me want to play banished again my one thing is that it doesn't seem like a lot of the needs are very urgent i'm trying to i'm really debating right now on whether i'm i'm going to end up doing this as main content i'm trying to i'm trying to find something that would be like extremely excruciating or difficult that i could do as like a major challenge like i start with one columnist maybe we could try the one columnist play through but i feel like that would be a little bit uh i don't know maybe that would maybe we will do one column it's only because i feel as though a lot of the raids have been very easy for me but if i played with one colonist this game would be significantly more difficult see what i'm saying is that that could be that could be a more compelling start but i think it would take us a longer time to get to these cool structures but there is something to be said about you know following around one lone wolf braving it in the wilds on his own he's like shaft but um not as cool um all right let's do some more wicker there it is uh okay [Music] uh yeah great okay so we've got more walkways ah so good yeah um redwin yule culinary skill is now level four mm-hmm red when you very good see you progressing and as being a slob like everyone else hmm ah this is a nice like little subtle variation on the uh on the snow theme like the lighting does all right i'm gonna stop commenting on things i do i will say this i do feel like i run out of things to say with this game i i don't know if i'll do another stream with it but i don't know maybe there will be like a big update on day one too i'm wondering how much rimworld updated over the years too because rimrold was in development for how long was it i remember it was like 2014 to 2018 and there were so many features added and when you look at games like rimrold and factorio all of the things that were being added my uh my thing is that adding one little system could mean a lot of new features you know like it kind of multiplies because each thing is playing off of other systems in the game so that could be uh that could be something to write home about uh we've got a yeah we've got a floor of this area okay uh no no we want wood floors not those uh wicker floors here we go keep it consistent keep it keep it neat keep it neat all right are they really suffering from cold though no nobody in this colony is really upset and seeing how far we took our colonists in the last colony like in terms of upsetting even when i started destroying all of their bedrooms and caving in castles on them they were still fine they were happy to be alive so i'm not too worried about that it did update a lot right rimworld has come pretty far i mean and the fact that he added in you know stuff like royalty means that there is a lot of room right back to new york about my success in florida yes the floridian colony is going pretty although we also tried harder with the floridian colony ordrick has turned 36 today see like stuff like that gives me a lot of hope for the future like you know colonists aging this is nice this is kind of cozy look look in on that you like that right look we can see the stockpiles i'll say this i'm not a huge fan of low poly games like i usually don't like them but i think this is making good use of them um should i go like low poly seems like an attempt to be artful but i feel like you know people could probably pretty easily mod this and make other things similar to this and in a way it kind of reminds me of sea of thieves which is very comfy game you guys remember sea of thieves i'm just playing sea of thieves i should go back and do that now they know that i think of it that one was a gem but you can have only like three friends when you play it all right screw these deer let's go follow somebody through the like work production chain oh you're getting wood you people are digging out the hole in the ground okay let's see somebody who gets like uh goes hunting i still got all these bunnies did hunt too all right well i just kind of want to follow like one resource production workflow you're researching okay all right okay good who is it ordrick god ordrick is always doing what we want him to do no wait what are you doing mining slash digging praying they have taken their sweet time with these mining projects though um maybe i should add in a gate should play sea of thieves see if these would be good uh that's a summer game might get back at that does this game get constantly updated we'll see i mean they put in a couple updates before day one and one thing that i really like is they're asking for player feedback you know a lot of the in this day and age of like early access it's nice to see developers talking to players because i sometimes think like people just put out um put out early access just to uh all right a lot of like flak gets thrown its way now but it seems like it's really truly using the early access system for uh for good feedback i'll be excited to see what happens for the first few updates um and i'll probably like lay off for a little while all right redwin now what is your mining skill like he's taking decent amount of time let's see that's with mining level oh so actually a higher mining level would actually be very very fast and responsive it seems to me that the main challenge is just getting all of the resources right next to each other like look at all the time they spend running around currently everyone in my colony is running they're spending 90 of their time running so it seems like that's pretty overpowered and how quickly does dwight get tired of researching he is very good in uh the intellectual skill tree i'm trying to figure this out too i think that this xp bar is how far or how close he is to the next level with i think 50 being the highest i still have yet to confirm that as the highest level but yeah yes getting on ships and playing the hurdy gertie that is sea of thieves in in a nutshell and that's what it's meant for you're just supposed to play music and sing why do i have so many cacti in the house um ah they're not cacti they're uh bales of hay yeah i guess they do kind of look like cacti though they look like the top because i think they're majestic plants and i like to have them around my house we get plenty of sunlight and it's very dry i was reading botanists monthly and they said to plant it so i'm doing it um hmm all right yeah i could optimize these a bit now we also don't actually have a real shrine for them okay and we've created this workshop so what we're going where are we going to create in here let's do a um yeah let's get all of this stuff ready in there let's get uh what we're going to do boyer's table was the first thing we were going to try out let's get that over here and then we'll do uh yeah woodwork bench uh all right uh um armors table okay so now this is turning into kenshi a little bit okay and stonemason's bench all right all right i mean we've got all of our resources stockpiled in the middle so that's fine that's fine uh what is this a kiln okay um creating ceramics bricks and tiles from okay we have tons and tons and tons of clay in this colony so that's pretty much a must yeah ah damn it lies that space isn't occupied oh there we are okay each workshop is an individual and unique size um not really like rimroll where everything is just like three by one okay all right the variation is welcome the variation is welcome [Music] expand the zone there we go now granted i've i've seen some really cool like sprawling underground bases like a whole hall with stairways and everything underneath the ground like i could be capitalizing on a little bit more okay what are you peasants coming in with um getting resources for construction okay they're making the uh the workshops and tables all right very well continue that keep doing that okay now we have an actual oven um [Music] lavish meals pickled vegetables and meals okay so we'll just make a bunch of meals because that's normal um let's make like 20. and now we could get away from uh using the campfire oh look it's so cute wow [Music] um this was nice too but no no more of this stop cooking there hmm i don't know what are you guys thoughts on the game i'm just kind of curious i feel like i've been kind of superimposing my own ego on everything maybe i've like over thought it i do feel like i'm running out of things to do a little bit i feel like that if the challenge were raised then i would be more um more more engaged with like what technology should i research next is there a job system if yes can you make the guy move stuff around um you should be able to haul i haven't been able to move furniture from place to place though okay this is a new event though cold snap all right so this could actually threaten our lives maybe we will die yes trebuchet i've seen siege machines and stuff too but i haven't you know you've seen them in the uh trailers but i haven't seen them yet can i plant crops and trees underground i don't know but let's give that a shot that's cool i definitely think it's got potential but yeah it needs harder raids um it is very pretty i'll say that too that counts for something um rimrolls isn't as pretty as this game i mean it's a different aesthetic and it appeals to some people more than others but it depends yeah i i definitely think that but there's a couple things that we've pinpointed here though that i think a lot of people will say like harder raids and i think will be easy developer feedback so i'm excited for that oh that's kind of nice look the uh the screen actually gets like a cold snap effect as it comes hmm very interesting all right how is your temperature though it's negative oh geez negative 24.5 degrees how are we all not dead yet uh how was it how are you feeling chilly it's negative 26. that's really cold that is really really cold uh god i'm surprised they're not complaining more would it be that it would be better to have an entire underground shelter for them because this place is now fairly well insulated in uh in comparison negative 28.7 and how cold is it inside it's 14.5 degrees inside settlers are suffering from cold settler wounds knee-tending now are they getting ooh hypothermia all right let's see if they can die oh yeah that's pretty fast ugly apparel freezing okay um somebody pick that man up okay good this is presenting more of a challenge yep good diana just kind of walked through him she's like fireman's carrying him what happened over there oh everything died okay everything died cabbages are dead um now i'm going to go ahead and do something that i saw from before um okay i noticed before there was actually heat output on some of our buildings so i'm going to see if i can build uh yep braziers would be for warmth okay we have clay and wood let's just build braziers like everywhere um inside and out one there one well put them in the stockpile zone because it's centrally located and it bothers me when things aren't symmetrical um i'll put one in each of these people's houses like right in the middle i don't care if it's inconvenient this would probably be bad in the summer but you need to keep like constructing and deconstructing i don't know how it works let's put one in here just one literally everywhere because our people are gonna die uh and there and there and there i don't think this collision um and one over let's see if they can get to this spot yeah all right go ahead run minions okay now even perhaps more exciting is i just like the look of the fire in this game save first oh yeah we could lose it yeah i should save thank you for saying that florida so sad what happened to florida during that cold snap it's a bit chilly i guess just keeps walking around now the one thing i haven't seen is are there um forbidden areas like in room world you could set an area where your colonists are and aren't allowed to go if there's cold snaps and things like that i imagine that that would be kind of a useful feature um i kind of want to see screenshot mode okay neat this is i mean as somebody who creates videos this could be pretty useful i don't really see how it changes much from the original camera setting but okay um who else is wounded all right you just have moderate hypothermia don't worry you'll be fine yeah look the pain is going down isn't that nice uh oh god the frost and ice is starting to consume yet even more of the screen now let's go let's go check that out are we able to plant uh crops downstairs inside we've got 19.9 i'm imagining no but i'm gonna give it a shot anyway because let's see if this works mr garbachov tear down this wall uh oh that's gonna lead to some cave-ins i think all right okay fine i get it because that was the from the cold war garbage oh god i got nothing is the game worth it at release um you know kind of look over the whole vod i don't really want to set a set of judgment um i definitely think this game has a lot of potential i'll be excited to see what keeps coming along can i just turn them off are the iguana where there are iguanas falling out of trees always lucas unconscious oh he is yeah he's just sitting in this room convalescing okay but now he's got this um now he's got this brazier you have no more excuses it's 43.1 degrees inside get up slob is he is it getting worse or is it going okay it's getting better it's getting better do we have the braces in the other houses uh what do we have here see we'll just turn that off okay all right this uh storm is improving by the second good we've got a lot okay we put three braziers in this room god knows why let's see if that makes this room any better than the other ones that are if one is the max and then i'd like to plant some plump helmets that would that would be a real uh it would be a real sign of of uh of great things to come if there are plump helmets now 14.3 inside okay well it's fine i got to say though the clouds the snowstorms the weather effects in this are very nice and a lot of the games that i like to play have good weather effects project zomboid rimworld you might argue as bad weather effects because they're not that interesting to look at but they're pretty deep in terms of the system so it's good um how can i even plant if it's like negative 20 down there i think it's uh i think it's positive 20 down there isn't it 35 point settlers separate well we know that they're very upset uh no yeah well we have 35 degrees yeah i don't know why whenever i go over this part it seems to go back down to negative 20. yeah we've got our temperature right up here hmm 20 hours winter day five i've got 12 days to a season so this won't last forever we've got about one more week of winter left and then life will get better again but it seems like we are really yeah there's got to be a better way to mitigate that because right now do you have on winter clothing yeah i mean you've got on winter clothing yeah fine wool winter clothes that seems like the warmest possible thing right um it's got 63 out of 168. hmm well it does have that same system as room world where you know it raises the number of um you know that's that would be in any game but let's see if we can make better winter clothing um we had a tailor's workshop in here right arm well we had an armorer's table stone mason bench cudgel wooden spear dismantle items for what oh that's pretty nice okay this is a very nice thing to see okay i had a lot of items that we got from um people who attacked us from before but just being able to dismantle things is a good sign that's a deep system in this game that's good um you know for example in rimrold whenever somebody falls down you'd kind of like recycle every single thing on them um you've got clay bricks and coal no i forgot to make a tailored well f me i forgot to do that um oh here we go sewing station okay um hmm can we put this in the top of there yes we can okay we have room for this here all right i think i'm just going to rotate this a bit put it right there i've just been trying to keep all my workshops in relatively close proximity to my uh you know my stockpiles and stuff like that i suppose one thing that you could do is oh you're just kind of sitting there from being passed out in the cold well one thing you could do if you knew how to forbid certain zones would be to put everything inside more or less so that you insulate a whole area and just kind of like put a heat lock on it see this way they could oh it's really really cold out do we have the doors open now we have the doors and windows closed yeah that would take a lot more examination all right see can you die no just ravenous pick him up in the morning apparently the play test is over i have i only have the option on install yeah i think they announced today that they finished off the main public uh beta test so the next one that they'll be doing will be the uh actual release the way rimroll does durability and tainted clothing always bugged me though i can understand the gameplay reasoning for it i think this seems a little bit more uh simple than that yeah the rimworld one can be at times there are some systems in real world that seem so almost needlessly over complicated um that you spend so much time like managing okay who is wearing tainted clothing and it's like all right isn't the primary focus to be supposed to be on combat here um and colony management which that just seems like micromanagement i think that's what makes a lot of people enjoy it though you know like there's a thrill in like ooh i made a legendary piece of clothing you know like who will have this and it really is very powerful um so that's a thought a thought hello wounds you attending i really don't feel like we're in much danger though despite the fact that i'm not really doing anything to care for this settler like in rim world you'd kind of need to micromanage that one guy and that can be kind of annoying but i could see that this is kind of directed toward a more accessible uh more accessible or a broader audience maybe a bit more accessible um or at least that's how it seems at the outset to me but i'm pretty optimistic about all the building stuff i think that's neat um and i'm looking forward to seeing more of the pitch battles i've been playing for about i don't know four hours and i still haven't seen a big pitch battle so that's i won i was hoping we'd get to one of those today but alas
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 180,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: going medieval, dwarf fortress, games like rimworld, rimworld, going medieval gameplay, going medieval pc, let's play going medieval, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, going medieval gameplay pc, going medieval ep 1, going medieval beginner, going medieval early access, going medieval game early access, games like dwarf fortress, going medieval game 2021, going medieval let's try, ambiguousamphibian rimworld, going medieval game, going medieval beta
Id: M5jHlwI258I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 0sec (9360 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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