One-Shot Tree Hugger Colony Experiment | Rimworld Ideology

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welcome everyone to the tree people rimworld colony this is bound to have a horrible ending i can already tell from the start we have so many uh notifications of things we're already doing wrong we're exploring a new ideal legend this time that's been pre-created for me i didn't go for fluid idealism because i'm told that that takes longer but we're going to go ahead and try to create a grenlin tree try hard-ish colony and yet i'll be learning it as we go i've never played this one i've mostly just played tunneler ideology uh collectivist i'm gonna go ahead and just display our ideal legend in case if anybody wants to pause and look at it for right now um i still have yet to learn a lot of it i don't know if we'll go through these relics again i'm not going to be trying to go to space i'm not going to be trying to go for a royalty playthrough but i just kind of enjoy playing rimworld for the intrinsic sense of reward now so high-minded right uh we're gonna we there's all of these things that we can't do like we can't mine we can't kill animals i guess innocent animals unless if the animal attacks us in which case we think that the animal is possessed by a demon or something we're gonna have to just spend a lot of time kind of babysitting our mood buffs and debuffs and whatnot see like they're happy about the healthy trees they're happy about wearing these turbans that they've been given um they love the forest and they also believe in sleeping outside which is to me kind of crazy i've never seen this kind of uh garbage again we're here with the stream so uh people might back seat a bit which is totally fine um not like you know if they back seat i'll i'll look before i'll ask for backs heating when i need it but we're going to go ahead and tell everybody to sleep on the ground i i have to examine this um first already i don't know why i did this we're going to do rice we're not going to be doing nutrafungus there's a lot we won't be doing um my god there's a lot of content to rimworld now it just amazes me uh and of course we could go to space in a wooden rocket an absolutely uh crazy observation but true yeah um i guess we'll plant more rice these people are gonna have cycloid this is gonna be kind of like the i don't know if you're familiar with terence mckenna this could be like a terence mechanic colony we found a car over here maybe we'll end up worshiping the car or something it's got to happen this way oh let me go ahead and intro or colonists just because there's so much so much to see so much to do we have nalerobino uh everybody has some overpowered double passion he's incapable of being social there's nobody is so groundbreak uh game breakingly bad we're gonna have to go ahead and roof some of this stuff too jesus yeah let's uh yeah let's just try to subject them to the horrors of nature you know we'll see if they if they don't mind that we'll just give them either bed rolls or sleep we'll do sleeping spots out in the dirt but we do have to roof our stuff um now i'm told that they won't be bothered if we do cut down a couple of trees but we just need to replenish them all the all of the time otherwise we'll be in some doo-doo uh and we do start off with a decent amount of wood yes terence mckenna what i'm trying to think of a good terence mckenna quote i can't really think of his quotes i just think as as a matter of listening to him too much when i was like 19 i started to talk like him or just think in that voice you know that like he says words like squirrely and things like that but this is kind of that they're seeking out like what what are those plan amanita muscaria and ayahuas or i i don't even know how you say it anyway i i got my head out of that i did become a vegan once when i was i think 19 i grew out my beard uh it was actually very nice i lived in alignment with my values so i was going to try to see if we could make a completely ethical colony uh there were the trees have been disturbed why have the trees been disturbed in the past we have destroyed trees we shouldn't have this is a lie i guess only because only because we cut down some trees to plant fields so maybe we need to really micromanage this we have destroyed trees we it might have been necessary but it's still an occasion for sadness um [Music] so i suppose that as long as we've destroyed trees sometime in the last month they're all going to be upset that's actually awful and one of these guys is greedy for an impressive bedroom like he's just put on a turban and he's trying to fit in and yet he still wants materialistic things this is going to be an exceedingly difficult colony unless if we get the grenlin trees early and they just kind of subsume the identity of all of our other colonists okay get to planting the psychide we're gonna need a lot why are you destroying that tree no oh this is why i forgot that they kill adjacent trees well it's fine now that we've already killed some trees we might as well go through and kill more um super vdf thanks very much for the prime keep one space but and now i i recall this unfortunate fact but let's just i like to just observe my colonists and see what they do over the first couple of days rich forest how about everybody else does anybody have anything that we don't really we haven't really okay so the head wrap and the rich forest are the main factors coming into play here that's fine okay we'll see how they keep up with it tonight we'll need one rich bedroom um i think we'll we'll create we'll definitely be creating one for this greedy um man greedy firm because that is quite a negative thing to have you have any other major stupid things insulted somebody's been insulting everyone underground or outdoors so we do need to create some sort of underground or at least indoor environment for our one underground an unsightly environment some of these things are somewhat unavoidable though we'll go ahead and just let them dismantle a lot of this stuff because i don't think that they're upset by dismantling trees they're kind of living like hippies right um we just need to get rid of all of the machines and surround them by forest now are they upset by rock chunks nearby them because there are some ways in which this colony is very dare i say it overpowered uh yet we still have yet to um to kind of find out about some of those things we're going to go ahead and create a research bench because there's quite a lot i'm already seeing we're going to need and i think we'll just build rooms over these areas that we're kind of uh building up right now so we'll end up we will mine out the steel you know there are certain things it's kind of inevitable we have to mine we can't just trade for everything plant some cotton so they can replace their head wraps as soon as they're needed this is a point yeah i'm thinking also too that just you know killing a couple of trees at the beginning like setting out one area might be okay but we're going to need to leave oh this is kind of nice though it's like feng shui you know oh oh fat just a kalu kalei frabjous day indeed hey thank you very much shayna mack much appreciated let's go ahead and we will plant and we will leave one space of adjacent yes one space of adjacent for these trees fiber corn let's see what happens to when they plant more trees we're gonna go ahead and make uh cotton here just give them a little bit of everything because these people seem like they're going to need the whole earth to get them started we also don't want to kill any animals so keep that in mind we don't want to begin with transgressions of violence against nature um let's go should i just role play it should i should i just buy into it completely give them everything that they need hot although we don't have brewing yet strawberries potatoes or do they consider plants beautiful this would be neat hill root is always good to have so we'll have some of that and then we'll also just sew more trees because i'm genuinely curious if they get a mood buff for planting yet more trees we'll do that here poplar and oak it looks like we have mostly oak so let's have more of this to fit in moving the rocks considered the same thing as mining i'm guessing that moving rocks is okay so let's go ahead and haul over our rocks um in fact let's just go ahead and select all of the nearby rocks because that's probably going to be one of the more reliable ways to get stone blocks at the beginning so we'll have sandstone and limestone samsung and limestone are fine actually good early game rocks the plant tree won't end the oh man so we won't actually make uh make them happier by planting these the trees have been defaced oh wow so they're upset by having destroyed a lot of trees well maybe they'll all go crazy i think that's kind of part of living this lifestyle is that you need to go a little bit crazy so we've destroyed so many trees but maybe they get like a mood buff for planting a lot of trees i don't know let's let's just give them a few minutes to find out these are the important questions uh we're gonna go ahead and haul these over fortunately this uh precludes a lot of jobs that we would normally be doing in rim world anyway so let's go i'm probably gonna i mean word of warning i'm gonna drive a lot of these people crazy because i'm just you know i'm kind of a slob uh we're gonna go ahead and make all of our stockpiles around the trees because we love the trees this is gonna be the probably one of the most torturous colonies i've ever played and yet i'm having i'm kind of having fun because it's forcing me to play the game in this in this god-awful way let's go ahead and mine out some steel i mean seeking catharsis is one strategy that may as well be sought and yet they can live outside right who is the standout colonist yeah let's go figure out who yep they'll be upset by this oh whoops we forgot to build somebody a bed come on wake up you're not dead there we go fantastic buying wood from traders would be an option and yet how else are these people going to make money i think they're going to need to spend most of their time like making turbines for other people and then selling those turbines the only thing that really they don't get upset by is growing plants and then harvesting more plants um so at this point i'll say that's like what i that's what i gather based on one day of playing like chat does that sound fairly accurate that all you really can do in this play through is just grow a crapload of plants because that's what it kind of seems to me and then you know upset nature a couple of times very uh intentionally and then stop upsetting nature after you have you know like your hippie van or something of that nature smoke bomb there's oh yes fiber corn ah fiber corn let's go set out a fiber only because we're going to need a lot of wood and we're probably going to be growing well quite a lot from the stone chunks on the ground fiber corn will certainly be our friend but yeah that is actually a fairly overpowered way to get it i was thinking of fiber corn only as a way for tunnelers to get wood but now that you mention it fiber corn is actually a way for us to get wood in the u.s of a here we are we'll go ahead we'll make that fiber corn since they're going to spend most of their day planting anyway we might as well just do it thus fiber corn fiber corn doesn't have any other real fiber corn fiber corn fiber corn oh yeah because we'll be upset by destroying our own trees that we plant so fiber corn is really the only option there that is odd even if they're in our own area they'll probably be upset by it hmm i wonder if they're upset by torches too yeah it's a little bit stardew valley isn't it that's a fair that's a fair point obviously should be cut down every tree in sight and see how long we can get away with it before everyone self destructs there's probably some pretty overpowered strategies like that but i'm liking the fact that this colony already as of day what are we on day two now is somewhat aesthetically pleasing because a lot of rimworld colonies just become like path square building path square building and these people yet seek to live in harmony with nature now is anyone mining ah we've actually got an orange look everyone an orange amazing we won't have anyone do any hunting uh mining i'm gonna do a little bit of it we'll see how this goes because how else are they gonna get a research table i just can't see it happening i just can't uh or wait a minute nope i have been a fool we're gonna do this like uh a different a different way than i expected hey poor salad thanks very much for the sup we're going to do this kind of like i played in the arctic that is to say take anything that can be deconstructed dismantled or you know smackdorfed in some other way and oh tree um and see if we could just deconstruct that because for example did we get any steel from those mechan ah this is where i i wish that they would allow us to harvest steel from these things what i was thinking was that we would have some crashed stuff from space you know what i mean like we'd have some pods and we could deconstruct those for steel so i'm wondering if any of this debris yes that's right deborah's we're not talking about debris but debris i got nothing um if any of that will yield any steel my guess is no but if that doesn't work we're going to have to just find steel slag chunks and melt that out of the sky hey salamandrobe said thanks very much for the prime yeah deconstruct does it cause them regret no they don't they don't really care about these machines do they no they don't but they are getting disturbed sleep but why are you upset about being no this one's an undergrounder tree's defaced oh but they they don't actually care about not having bedrooms so this seems fairly overpowered the fact that they don't there's only one of them who actually even cares about having in a bedroom because he's greedy otherwise these people are actually quite uh and i guess because we don't need to make as big a colony they're going to stay with extremely low expectations therefore they'll actually enjoy their surroundings more because they don't really need it's kind of like they accept poverty that's bananas i mean there are a lot of people that live like this you know um for example perhaps uh yours truly perhaps yours truly i don't know i i once did this though if you try to live in alignment with your beliefs you'll actually be quite happy for a while until you get bored uh but yeah we'll go ahead and pick berries we just gotta find a way of storing food this is bananas we might we may need to just reuse all these guys like don't really ever make any progress though we'll get one research bench going look they're very upset about mining all of this too now what happens to their beliefs mind so only the one who had to mine gets the major penalty but it's only a two-day penalty about mining so they aren't as upset about rocks they like trees more tree lovers are transhumanist so these sleep accelerators are out in the open jungle you could have some unusual meme combinations i suppose that's fair uh though oddly they aren't upset by eating pemmican i guess it's because it's all that's available at least we have some building space on the stone there yeah well actually building on stone is what you should always kind of strive to do anyway because it you know you don't want it to get dirty unless if you decide consciously to build on dirt um which which is a whole other strategy of the game where you just make a room very dirty but you make it very impressive too my god these people are so nice to watch we're gonna go ahead and tell them to research stone cutting though because otherwise they won't have anything all right so we're going to give them weapons too who's good at what you're good in melee so you take the igua you take the actually you would have been better you take the jade knife you have that okay you're one of the few good shots so you're gonna take the bow you're also a good shot so you also take the bow and you're not good at anything so we're just gonna give you the pilla and hope that it works out for you very good actually we probably don't want somebody who's that bad at shooting nah take the club i don't want to risk that pila is pretty good it's like kind of a high risk high reward weapon is anyone a researcher does anyone believe in smart all right we'll have you all smart because you none of you believe in that all right um so i guess they were probably going to be spending most of our time walking around and doing nothing i don't know what we do this is this is an oddly like already somewhat self-sufficient colony i mean they're not upset we did a couple of the things that we weren't supposed to but so they're a little bit uncomfortable so maybe we'll make them some beds they aren't upset about that let's just have them well i guess tomorrow morning we'll wait for the light does it really make sense to it doesn't really make sense to keep we'll do one torch lamp yeah we'll just let's give them five beds again tomorrow morning though as soon as they wake up i'm gonna go ahead and give them a uh an actual bed each because the one thing is that they aren't upset by not having bedrooms but they are upset by the fact that they have to sleep on the ground that's not very comfortable they probably ran thanks very much for coming out i know so much for watching the idea of these playthroughs i guess i'll kind of go through is to just explore the game systems in a way that i can't really do in the um in much like the kind of storytelling i do on the main channel now i used to do play-throughs a little bit more like this but it's just kind of like a relaxed way to go through the game um not really as much of a this guy's name is sabbath and we have another guy named butter is that ours too no this is just raccoon i thought we were just naming them all what the animal was we also have newton the chinchilla let's give our animals some uh area bias and we could also probably focus on uh entertaining not really entertaining we're doing whatever we do with the animals um these animals could be doing so much more the the lab could be doing so much for us and i figure we're going to need to depend on everything that we can in the meantime we should also probably assign somebody to do something you know who's the only one who's not social you're the only one who's incapable of social we want to look at our biggest socialer there we go wombat is clearly the best socialer an undergrounder who's also kind so we'll probably get along pretty well with everyone we're going to go over to the social tab and assign a role here oh we have no uh alter okay so let's go ahead and we'll probably want to put this outside vegas festival call to the tree gods and call it woodstock ah an excellent idea um let's go ahead and do we need an altar now what kinds of things do we like a ritual spot can be used for any faction egg box small organic steel we could make it out of wood or probably just make want to make all of the nature stuff marriage spot there's probably some pretty overpowered strategies i still don't even really know about yet make a wooden altar somewhere out in the middle of the forest just because i think that it seems thematic yes like right about right about here uh no that's not that doesn't fit with the feng shui there we go i know it's on the soil but come on we got to have it somewhere fertile um in the meantime let's go ahead and make some pets we're going to have to destroy far more trees than i'd care to care to admit here um oh yeah that's right we don't have complex furniture yet oh oopsy daisy upsy daisy all right we begin the morning with the daily ablutions and then we go on to the eating we love the eating we don't have enough rice we're going we're going to need a lot more of it okay let's go find a field somewhere and uh tactfully avoid the trees we gotta get not within one squ there we go unfortunately they aren't upset by the killing of any plant that would be that would be a lot to deal with hey wild knit wilds nelson thanks very much for the prime undergrounder who can't dig yeah some ironic roles that you know things that seem as if they should be irreconcilable which turn out to be reconcilable begin role change okay so we said wombat was going to be the something you know what oops uh what now what roles do we have we have a leader probably we'll make the best leader work drive combat commands so they can fight other people this seems a little bit uh to me personally that seems a bit unethical that you like trees more than people aren't people people are important because people can plant more trees you know that seems pretty important trees okay so wombat will be the tree speaker she herself is it yes it's a she okay so she wombat will begin this ooh music in the distance we hear the beating of a timpani or a bom something no what is this some kind of horn suddenly there's an aurora and yet it seems an entirely different game than the cannibalist cannibalist whatever that's a new word psychopath kind of garbage that we first learned from rimworld hey ghoul king what's up brother hey how's it going have you tried out this vegan thing in real world it's kind of crazy hey photoshop lolol thanks very much for the prime yeah people are people too you think pete will do some kind of hardcore playthrough like this that we'll all learn from i learned a lot from his desert and from his other thing uh yeah he makes quite good stuff they're probably gonna spend a lot of time just cleaning dirt though but i don't know it's somewhat calming to play the game this way no one has had a mood break they just love this burning passion partly because i gave them all burning passions for their work mind want tree speaker repair crap oh yeah the cape i should have waited till the cotton was finished growing before we do this because we can't use any animal leather for this this is like uh you know there's so many resources usually at your disposal we can't use any of them is anyone any good at anything they're so slow at research too we're gonna go ahead and have to make this indoors that they won't get the negative debuff from their research and we're probably gonna have to do a lot of other stuff i don't want to do um yeah okay uh i've decided i'm gonna just drive them all crazy because otherwise they're just going to be standing here forever can you imagine if we can't build any rooms we're just going to have crazy vegans going on catharsis all the time like oh there were i thought i saw some meat in the pan i was cooking with and they'll be upset oh we can extract these trees oh that's great okay so then we don't actually have to oh wish i'd known about that before oh very amazed this is very amazed guys look at this i wish i had seen that before okay now i now i fully understand this well it's better off finding it out now rather than 30 days into the play through that would be very upsetting so we can totally uh extract these trees let's do this p i bet you're learning something already let's go ahead and get all of these uh trees out of here we this would have been so much better from the beginning oh well it's all right uh just don't cry over spilled milk um ignore all the stuff we did wrong before but what we're going to try to do is get all of the extracted trees out of the fertile soil because we need to be able to use that for crops so we'll have this is good we don't actually have to like tenderly avoid all of the tree areas i feel so much more peace with nature or as they say in latin natura there we are that's the nominative uh singular of of nature bet you didn't know that we're gonna learn some latin today everyone all right this is the oh god maybe watch for blood on the map and predatory animal kills but if an animal fights us we believe in what like the animal was possessed by cthulhu or something don't insult my i guess we could just leave these trees over here though we could also plant like a beautiful majestic forest somewhere oh that would be so nice okay i i just i take back all of the things that i said that were bad about this but actually i didn't really have any strong feelings but you know i i could see how it could be totally unplayable that was uh possible possible now we have a new problem with the research and that's that it's now dark in the room uh they don't like that because they can't see the book that they're reading or whatever they're doing they're not really reading a book they're just kind of tossing papers about going i don't know like you know like a very unwilling adolescent to do their chores there we are okay good so now we've got research happening a little bit faster we can build a chair and we can use wood that's available that are they're necessarily against using resources these people um there we go we're going to have to i'm going to learn a lot of new hotkeys here let's go ahead and do all of this put this garbage over here it'd be nice if there were like a whole batch select for trees that goes there oh white here's white hello uh hang on a second wombat go ahead and trade with white let's see if he if white has literally anything uh pila we could sell the pillow we aren't gonna be using that herbal medicine we could probably use some pemmican i'm not gonna lie and we also probably just want to keep down our colony wealth because it's not gonna go so well after this uh steel spiro would be okay uh though honestly the recurve bows just i gotta stay away from threats yeah we'll take that great okay fantastic wow so nice who is good at shooting again short bow you're a decent shot right no who are you again yeah you're pretty good at lurking ah fantastic e or m e or m what is ear m hmm could i show you pictures of my pet turtles on twitter you're always welcome to show me pictures of your pet turtle on twitter that's um that's usually one of the highs of my day i would say no i was actually speaking of nature i was just out on a jog in nature the other day there was this there was actually five turtles i was getting anxiety by the end of the run because uh i i was scared i was gonna step on one of the turtles because i don't wear my glasses when i'm running so like the turtles i would just see them a few minutes before so i had to slow down um anyway didn't step on any of the turtles i think but they're kind of cute when they're like hiding in fear because they poke their heads into their shells so uh going out with some friends in in a week so that i could see the turtles but yeah it gets very sweaty it's very sweaty god you know that actually makes me optimistic about finding a turtle here while we play this so let's go ahead and just um we're going to give some beds to our animals they they're allowed to sleep inside i guess we'll just have them there animal mating ah i love that give the turtles no the turtles are fun don't worry about the turtles and we've got a great gift oh lovely oh lovely that's actually quite a good gift because we probably are never going to have any components this would be essentially like giving a game boy to a caveman he needs a game man because he's a caveman get it so now what do these people think when they're near so many trees do they get even more i was recently surrounded by a lush forest that makes it sound like the forest surrounded them mind okay so then there is a way to totally avoid this ravenously hungry though of course just horrible lives because they're going to be spending most of their time just starving and this is one of the reasons why i gave up being a vegan was i just got so hungry there really isn't enough like synthetic meat like there's so many vegan foods based on meat like you know you want you know you want it can not jesus so now that we have more fields we can go ahead and just expand our our uh rice production welcome to the rice fields yeah um hang on a second let's just oops accidentally just erased all of my fields damn it okay we're going to need to rezone those yeah it's all good we weren't really doing much else anyway let's go ahead and expand that i want to make more of this area rice anyway good we'll expand that over to there uh and then we'll just call everything rice grow zone here grow zone here and grow zone here and we just have to change which crop it is okay and then we'll have a couple of other areas free that's good hue root what is this we've got cotton here cotton there we are and now smoke leaf because we're going to need a lot of that because we're all going to be going crazy oh we don't have smoke leaf what a fool i have been we also need to destroy this car because it's over i love the new destroy terrain mechanic it's so funny this guy's going to destroy a car with a jade knife like he he does kind of look like an angry let's get a lot of them to do it together angry vegans oh love it look at that bad car and then they can use the car and smelt it down for it to steal it's like the gift shop at the end of a nature preserve ah where they just sell meteorites that have landed there yeah give a caveman what if something attacks us though i'd like some kind of like matrix vegans you know i think that would be really nice look at how much friendship and helping there is oh whoops accidentally did uh potatoes uh early harvest whatever we kind of needed it anyway oops i should not have done that oh well we'll have plenty of food in no time we're going to do nothing but harvest berries over the next couple of days anyway is everyone going to starve to death too long outdoors now why are you upset by long out being outside so much is wrong from oh this is our underground i keep mixing that one up that's fine all right salted though it does it does make me realize you need to be very very intentional when you pick out the colonists here like just as in real life you know many qualities wouldn't simply wouldn't work uh for people who are kind of going to renounce everything and become somewhat of an asidic now they please tell me that they aren't going to be upset by killing this squirrel i believe in fact no um lurkum is the one with the with the pointy stick though so we will use larkin oh look a doge oh wow doge here comes the doge okay the doge will guard yes the doge is going to guard lurkin i think look there he goes standing in the way ah now are they upset by butchering this squirrel let's go check their ideal legend killing innocent animals uh killed innocent animal no so i suppose technically they aren't annoyed by eating meat in which case let's do a butcher spot i don't really want to go to the trouble of making a butcher table because do we have enough resources for it actually not that we'll be getting a lot of them but let's go ahead and make a yeah regular butcher table we have enough steel for the i i'd rather avoid using a lot of steel if i can avoid it yeah there we go i know they're gonna get so hungry is by no means will it be an overpowered or an easy playthrough of rimworld quite honestly some of the easiest playthroughs of this are the most unethical case in point psychopath bloodlusting solo cannibal probably the best type of playthrough go ahead and plant the rest of these let's just make sure that they're always near a forest because the one thing that we can count on is that they'll always have a mood buff from being right next to a giant forest which is actually quite nice um unless if we have like some large area without it um again we're waiting on the complex furniture thing oh he did that one whoops never mind let's do it again a couple more over here this is good we have our altar right in the middle of where we shouldn't have the altar actually we'll move we'll probably move that about somewhere else uh oh i thought we could minify that i stand corrected all right well it's fine it doesn't really make much of a difference anyway i just kind of wanted to see them out celebrating in the fields i thought that would have been like a moral victory for this colony so i did it anyway let's go ahead and plant some smoke leaf all around the spot while they're where they'll be having rituals because i i think that's absolutely fitting it's kind of nice to see all of this green in rim world though you really don't get enough opportunities for green angry vegans destroyed civilization while dog and bear watch on i'm a little worried about this bear though because there's a lot of bears who are just like yeah i live here i'm just kind of walking through and that's fine but what if they decide like i own this place next that wouldn't be so great yeah not so great at all it will you get better at research pleasing chunks of spit no this is what we now in these times when i grow exceedingly impatient because of all the like look it would be nice if we could carve out some of this and make it into a smooth line we just have to kind of accept rough surfaces that's just a matter of a fact of what it is in this play-through we're forced to kind of harvest things that we would rather just grow ourselves you know but we just don't really have room here we'll have a lot of medicine i'm pretty optimistic for when a trader comes around that will be able to to medicine somehow um [Music] but for now we just have to take whatever comes to us out of the sky and like i said it's like the arctic you know we just have to hope and hope some more and we have tanks are these these are ruined apcs from i suppose like what is that world war ii i think that's world war ii right or maybe the vietnam whichever war it was a war that we were in at some point good wombat is such a great colonist can everyone just compliment wombat for a second please play a game called sea of thieves see if these is a fantastic game aren't we isn't this sea of thieves we're playing right now yeah i'm upset about no and also i i really i liked sea of thieves we just uh i found it got a little bit repetitive after time we would go back and do it again just gotta bring together bring together the you know the boys for it yeah i think we had jared played sea of thieves right jared was actually quite good at it too good we had to uh bring down his ego a little bit right he's uh uh of course i'm kidding major break risk all right what am i doing now um holly oak tree good major break risk why are you all right well we haven't had so many of these let's learn okay from malnourishment that makes sense everybody here is just so bad at getting food ugh okay we'll harvest more berries because they don't have anything man these people stink at getting food oh wait a second more berries over here i guess we need to take this even more literally than we did before look at all those berries come on you are cutting brambles are they doing that okay let's just let them all slightly starve i guess nah you know i'm not gonna do that harvest eat those boysenberries or whatever they are good okay you're not so malnourished anymore right oh yeah oh no low expectations since when did our colonies rich happen we aren't even that much more rich we have like 15 more than we did before this is not so great what is causing all of this wealth i suppose it was because people just left seven components and we did deconstruct that space chunk to be fair too yeah okay all right it makes a little bit more sense now we don't really need this stuff yeah we'll just leave it berries berries and cream berries and cream all right uh what did what did we say we were gonna be we're gonna be wood stock and we're going to be um oh what else what else who are we going to be woodstock and the plant uh i guess we could be like someone who did robert plant no he wouldn't i don't want robert plant to have to be part of my colony he just wrote some great songs you know or he would yell and scream into that microphone um maybe like something like nuts uh hmm colony is not doing bear berry good colony there we go barry the terence mechanized [Laughter] oops i i think it's yeah we'll miss terence that's two that's too good that's too good uh fresh vegetables thanks very much terence mechanites [Laughter] fantastic now we're getting started on the right foot replant that over there as long as we've got enough room for planting-ish we're good go ahead and put all of these over there happy little trees yeah replant this over there all right we're not starving to death so much more anymore uh now we have these berries okay what is going to end our constant hunger obviously we'll need more rice fields so let's go ahead and finish that off i i think i vastly underestimated the amount of rice i would need from the beginning and then i kept also unsewing and re-sewing the rice which wasn't really doing us any favors but ignore that okay this is a sort of big enough rice field a meteorite that we can't do anything with that's too bad um well yeah we'll do more rice up there and then oh my god we're going to need to use every last inch of this space w-a-h-t about kevin you solve it what about kevin i don't get it neil bobson thanks very much for this up [Music] what is this oil smear this wasn't in the this wasn't in the game this isn't allowed in the game that won't allow it ugh i think these colonists would get joy out of destroying or deconstructing the it would be nice if they yeah it would be nice if they had a couple more sources of mood buffs like now that they've added in all of this crap you know it would be nice if they had an emote like i destroyed a machine and i feel great about it ate raw food i i thought that they should be we're not animal but they kind of think that they are animals though too i suppose that when you have such a vast immense game as rimworld you must there must be so many things going on in it to be able to that'd be kind of nice though if they didn't have the debuff for eight raw food and if they were happier after they destroyed a machine but so far still haven't had any um any snapping so let's just go ahead and have them basically plant these massive fields of whatever they will because this seems to be about the only thing that these people can do is that you just pretty much repurpose everybody for plants now what other kinds of powers do they have we haven't used any of our faction specific powers offer council to a person to cancel the effect of a sad memory this can be pretty powerful but none of our animals have died yet preaching health is good but no one is unhealthy and we have all of this herbal medicine that we'll probably never use because no one gets sick because we eat only natural foods reassure uh i don't think that's necessary and we've got convert now it seems that the work forcing someone to can we force someone to work on something moral guide is the one work drive oh did we actually assign the wrong role hmm what are you is the tree speaker conversion ritual reassure uh this one does not have the work ethic one who's the who is the ideology member who gives them the work boost i i need to recall now ksp kevin you know oh kerbal space program i've actually not played couple space program it's one of those ones yeah i know it's a shame to admit it wait is that that's ksp right that's ksp am i getting that and regardless thanks for the 300 bits have you got to play maybe i gotta play purple space program later speech work drive combat root chief tree speakers oh so we accidentally created a tree speaker but no leader hmm this irks me this irks me work boost yeah work boost is the chief we don't actually have a chief right now i didn't realize i thought that you had to automatically assign only one role okay so just something that i don't get about ideology yet going for a walk though they're never upset because they're always going on walks and stuff like that let's go ahead and give them some other things that they'll need hoop stone is definitely a must um i don't get it like horse shoes hadn't been invented yet so they had a hoop stone i think horse shoes seems slightly more fun than hoop stone game of er we'll also give them i guess er yeah that's good they love er look at them you can tell positively by this the way that they're sleeping hmm give them a stupid now we don't really need anything the irony of this colony is that you don't need anything pretty much i'm just so bad at research only 91. i'm at the point where i might give them it that was aws home you know i hope you returned to it oh the grenlin pod spread hey thanks very much female bobs all right this is what we've kind of been waiting for for the whole time because this is one of the most overpowered things that we just didn't get but supposedly is supposed to happen earlier on in the colony if you run vegans or tree people or whatever we are greenland pot is sprouted nearby harvested to collect a greenland seed the special seed can be used to plant the majestic greenland tree i agree your colonists can connect with the greenland trees to make them spawn resources and helpful dryads to work and fight for you now once we get these things um we're gonna have to kind of decide on what we want the tree to do or what we want the dryad to do for us it doesn't really look like a dryad it just kind of looks like a tamagotchi or something like that um but i guess we'll put it in our main field area i don't really see any disadvantage to that or a little maybe we'll put it here because i kind of want it near the river i think that would look lovely absolutely lovely yeah the orange tree the orange trees are the opi trees i mean if you have any like uh treatise on which greenland tree is the best go ahead feel free to make this make this your like um your pulpit or uh or what have you hang on a second are we gonna have enough food to last until the rice harvest and also too we should create like a like a stove because otherwise it's generally bad to not have one um just because you're pretty inefficient with meals ah now we do need a clean space let's go ahead and make them a kitchen and since we want it to be clean we'll put it on top of some uh stone here using the stones as the walls it's gonna be outdoors for now but we're gonna go ahead and it would be nice to work with this stone as soon as we get that stone cutting research we'll that'll be nice uh but we don't have it right now let's go ahead and just make a kitchen like right about here we'll put a door in right there i i kind of like having corners on just visually worst comes to worst we could just cut down a tree and who's gonna harvest this let's go ahead and have um let's use our best in plants only because i don't want them to mess this up you've got to eat in plants that's actually quite good wombat go and we didn't do this wrong i suppose yeah we didn't want to cut plant just destroy it and ruin everyone's life now this creates a seed and this seed needs to be replanted somewhere else and then it creates a greenland tree so let's go ahead and plant the greenland tree garandland i i'm not 100 sure how you say it uh but let's see now supposedly it can't be planted right next to a field that makes sense because for well for quite obvious reasons um it look i'm getting red circles near by the altar and since red means bad we'll put it like somewhere out in nature you know like there we go like this look this circle that says like there's nothing wrong here yeah okay so let's put it in the middle of all of these other trees and then we'll kind of lead the other trees up to them in such a way that looks like it boosts the feng shui there we go i i do like this for a colony because it actually makes it look more visually pleasing we're going to begin the tree connection ritual too whatever the hell that is in ireland arlen tree whatever it is it's a tree it's definitely a tree um all right so let's go do the do the uh the tree ritual um hang on a second replant this over here and here all right now it's somewhat more symmetrical there we go uh tree connection ritual i mean i don't know now is better than ever we want to get this thing grown just make sure that we finish planting all of this other crap great looking good tree we gotta raise the trees confidence everyone please keep complimenting the tree we've got forty percent expected quality only because of the number of uh participants connector will start with 20 the connector two percent increase of column will grow a patch of greenland moss around there beautifying the area okay so it's going to beautify the area well we were kind of planning on spending a lot of time around our base anyway so i suppose that'll make us even happier so basically you want to plant the greenland tree somewhere where it's an advantage to make it beautiful like in the middle of your compound since i think we'll have bridges going over the water and it will be quite uh serene by the time we're done let's go ahead and give it a shot okay get ready crap what a horrible time for someone to raid please tell me that you're just gonna stand out there and not attack us this is horrible oh thank god gurren lynch okay we got the connection let's go kill this man what a funny happenstance and then we'll go pick berries over his body after we're done um this is hilarious i love this playthrough it's great um put him somewhere where he doesn't really have a tactical advantage his name is crocodile come on there we are okay put the melee fighters in the front is our best fighter you're also quite good and wombat is we want to keep wombat safe actually uh yeah whatever it's fine we probably could have just kited him but whatever let's just beat him up okay that was horrible combat mismanagement but what what who who got hurt anyway that's nothing okay let's take his stuff this gentleman is a genius we must imprison him and yet we don't have enough food he will be our new leader he's even smart look at that okay drop everything in prison in prison uh in prison uh let's begin with uh a bed he needs one there we go okay for a probably not a good idea to give him a bow in there so we'll just not allow weapons in here uh nope put that in the other room we do i'm kind of improvising at this moment just ignore me uh here we go for prisoners there we are okay where is he yep uh take him alive there we go great okay get his stuff uh great a new friend new friend everybody oh yeah uh no don't do that just whoops uh death in eight hours i'll be fine great and wombat's gonna go over there and collect some berries don't uh god not when the sake well not when the whole colony depends on this there we go okay so let's go back to the gren lynch gran whatever it is put him with the rocks yeah he loves the rocks look at it in there oh great ambrosia at least we get to explore all of the natural supplements that rimworld has in it with this colony though you know we don't get to build any structures for a while though unfortunately uh who is our doctor go ahead and check that we don't do we have one lurcha is also a very passionate about being a doctor uh but is not very good not very good at being a doctor okay in which case yeah let's have barco do some of the uh the tending and then lurcher we can just have do some self-tending yeah get better by doing surgery on your own uh broken leg there we go don't do it inside but it doesn't really matter that much it's fine there we go okay uh okay greenland the thing we wanted to learn about all right so now we can oh god so now we need to go ahead and choose which class of triads we're going to create connected to wombat mabrin so wombat is the one who is kind of in charge of this tree spawning immature dryad in 7.6 days so we're going to have an army of dryads that just do something we need to spend four hours a day maintaining this thing though so it's a lot of work it's kind of like um let's go ahead and just speed up time i guess wombats trimming the tree now giving the tree a trim you know and all that oh it looks so good desired 50 so for every like leaf that she prunes or something like that i guess she gets more connect one percent of connection shrink through something so we have a lot of different opportunities what are what are the good ones and choose which cast of dryads the tree will create drieds will emerge from pods that will grow at the tree's base the maximum number of drieds is based on the connection strength between the grimely tree and the connected person i'm thinking is wood maker the overpowered one because we just don't have that much wood medicine we can all we can all kind of create already this one creates berries so it could be a source of food this one makes more garantries this one hits people this one gets hit by people i guess and a carrier one is interesting so do we get to pick one or do we just go from there i think 32 wood every two days is but if we like really make this thing 40 berries every two days cow maker dryad and also makes a grenlin pod reproduce garam tree along its symbiote the dryad queen to do this three this is kind of crazy three gow maker drives must slowly emerge so this one is a big payoff but it takes a very long time um hey kj8011 thanks very much it's a pretty ethical one it's pretty ethical let's just go ahead and see pruning spawning immature dryad in 7.5 days each tree is a specific cast so that tree will only produce the one you select so i suppose that if we start on one although wood maker looks probably the most relevant to us right now i'm going to go ahead and do the gow maker one just so that we can kind of get started on the you know i think of it as an investment um time and energy i would try to spend five days inside the cocoons i don't know what we were doing we were doing do we even have one picked whatever it is we need to create more grandland trees that is going to be the most overpowered thing for us right now and if we could just have a whole army of them now we could spawn up other ones that do other things i think other ones can sprout so you can have like multiple sprout even if you don't get that one in particular but not a bad spot to start um fortunately this guy cannot walk because he would be pretty pissed if he could walk ah all right all that being said not a bad way to spend a day why are you staying up all night to prune the tree i'm not going to question it the tree is probably going to be better than the people in this play through herbal med dryads are a lifesaver if you don't have any on the map i figure we have medicine but it could be a faster way to get medicine yeah so this tree makes more granola and trees i think after this one we'll do a wood maker one just because i mean are we really gonna depend on fiber corn for oliver would why did i plant potatoes here accidentally well planting trees seems to be basically worthless in this colony the potatoes far they're far along enough i think i'm just going to leave them as there but we'll not allow replanting here uh no sewing so overall what day are we on now 7th of april may i'd say that this play through in general is a lot more slow um maybe more gratify maybe more gratifying by the time that we get to the end of it though i am by no means very organized inner world is probably one of the things that i struggle with the most greatly and yet it still looks decent like just aesthetically i like the way that it looks i like it i admit i'm gonna go for a simple meal here too do we have uh 10 whoa we got a badass over here making a simple meal uh no details let's just do drop on floor that's good and we'll do the meal not lavish meal simple meal times four until we have x i think this just catches whichever ones you don't know since we don't have any refrigeration we just won't make any more than 12. let's do drop on floor as well good okay that's decent good now they do have meal production workflow and let's also just make sure that we've got a decent cook on that nalero what are you in cooking you are six that's uh might be enough do we have anybody who's a better cook yeah i mean it's by no means really that good barco is better at it barco how are you at cooking you are cooking eight okay i'm going to have only barco doing the cooking then barco is pretty essential to our colony now because uh there we go ate cooking only barco [Music] and this one is only barco the reason why we want to do this is just so we don't get any chance of nope uh okay you eat your own meal and probably get food poisoning from it the reason we want to do that is to just avoid getting any food poisoning we can level up nalero though by having him be the only guy who butchers that way he kind of grinds that last two cooking skill it'll take a long time but you really don't want food poisoning food poisoning is very detrimental to your colony um and then i think we're gonna go ahead and oh my god there's no room in here we'll say clear all raw food raw food will make that preferred and let's just say expand that zone there will they even be able to drop them on the floor yeah whatever who cares i think i think that'll be fine let's see how they interact with that good enough good enough okay crocodile now we gotta set about converting crocodile now what is he like it's more like making friends here i suppose how is the grendel injury going pruning connection strength 1.2 percent per hour spawning immature dry it in about a week it can have up to two dry outs i though i suppose that after that it starts making more trees and that's fine be nice to have like a whole forest full of those things can you imagine having the entire map full filled with dryads that attack any enemies that come in and you don't even have to do anything it does seem like that it's like nature factory here suspicious little creatures who seemingly find medicine lying about everywhere in thin air and end up in the wrong stuff no i mean like it just seems as though it could create so many more interesting events in the game that aren't already there they've practically dropped out all their time on research too how much wood do we have but it also makes resources seem more precious and anything that does that i think is kind of nice [Music] or in general i think that that's a good thing ultimately i won't want the research table there what we could do are we upsetting anyone with this okay now they've gotten over having mined a little bit that's good so that doesn't take so long it's just that they get really really upset if they destroy even a single tree okay i think i'm starting to get this faction a little bit more but look at all the time that wombat spends pruning this tree hmm so mining isn't so bad so really you could mine if you wanted to with this colony but you wouldn't want to [Music] kill any trees that's like my overall conclusion let's go ahead and see public execution why would they why would they just accept it outright they love public asking that's crazy crazy talk crazy talk i think they're not researching though because this guy's in here let's go ahead and bring the research table outside and then we're going to create a specialized research room also we can actually change that we're going to create a specialized research room over here um doesn't really need to be huge but i don't want it to be so cramped either as long as we've covered up the dirt we'll have to replant this tree let me put that entrance there okay the reason i did this was just because i wanted the floor to be better see look what i do technically you don't even really need to replant the trees okay now we take a torch and we build another one over there though obviously since we're not really creating a crapload of wood we'll want to be careful with this as well we're doing research now la la la la la good research with it out of the prison we'll also reinstall this over here now it doesn't make a difference whether it's inside or outside so we'll just put it right there that's fine i mean it'll make it a little bit slower but who really cares butchering creatures isn't really that long attack to begin with okay now i think we can do stupid things like smoothing the surface of all of the walls around us because what else are they going to do really um cleaning yeah good um in fact i like that so much that i might just create another research table there or a second room for research we are beginning to accumulate some rooms though and i just feel like that they're at peace with nature but does this room have the clean buff it's definitely not dirty so that's clean so that actually gives us a research buff the reason i built it on stone building rooms now i'm trying to think if there's anything that's really overpowered that we could do like could we somehow make a formation of trees that makes them really happy or something like that you could do honor okay maurice aries a baron of the broken imperium is calling from nearby his guards were killed in an ambush she escaped but is now being followed by a man-hunting cat let's keep him safe here until his shuttle picks him up for a few hours okay i'm willing to take honor um [Music] honor is not really that good but i the problem is just that the man hunting cat is a meal so absolutely uh we're going to just make wombat like supreme leader here maurice joins okay let's go head see maurice uh if he should die we can take his cape actually that might be a better strategy all right where is the manhunting cat i really needed this i don't really care about the empire we're going to just have this gentleman yep there we go okay he's just going to die of wounds to this cat don't question it okay we're being as ethical as we can all right how where is he we got to make sure that he doesn't live he has a level five sound like wow this cat is it its tail was destroyed holy crap it's on the loose i need the cape more than i need him i'm sorry i know but this cat is it's gone mad it's gone mad everyone's here feeling bad for the cat i might just take him down we feel no sympathy for people good good take down that ah damn it it was a rotten cat yes he had gone mad okay um let's just see if this guy expires hmm cape or the enmity of the empire i think i'm just going to become enemies with the empire i really need that cape i could use it can we strip him no we can't actually strip him dang all right just uh yep no sorry we can't rescue you let's see if he just gets up on his own i think that's gonna happen death in 24 i stand corrected yes okay we'll just leave him there to marinate overnight or something um all right ethical ethics everyone ethical ethics unless of course if he gets up unfortunately it'll be a tainted kate but tainted cape is better than no cape you know man hunting cat this cat is now the part of the earth the shuttle is just gonna just go go ahead if you get him great if you don't you don't um yeah it'll be tainted but you know you get what you can you get what you can extreme breakers colonists need beds we don't have beds that's fine got that okay all right this is how the pen needed oh we have newton we have a new chinchilla who's decided to join us uh we could oh no he'd always been there oh damn it he got away wait a second yeah he did uh he picked himself up all right it's fine we have a free holder title not that we could really do anything with it freeholder title or not we'll get a cape eventually i'd really consider this but the fire is actually mitigated and spreading by the river here another reason yet again to build your home adjacent to a river so great hey raging viking rampage thanks very much hey sean fallon shogun how are you brother couldn't i have just made him drop it like a regular unfortunately i can't because he's the visitor otherwise you would right you know the trees are burning yeah but at the same time those aren't really like the trees near us so we don't really care about them like if they were the trees on this side of the river i'd probably do something of upset but you know it's also letting nature take its course and we've also been oh crap i forgot to recruit this guy that's not so bad 14 resistance though nobody's really particularly good at social here this guy is really a more valuable researcher than any of our columnists however will someone go talk to him he's just lying there he also has an ambrosia addiction which that's not good a really a very bad substance to be addicted to in this game especially just because it's so difficult to get it um hmm i'm wondering yeah we'll try to keep him prisoner until he gets over it or i mean inevitably we probably will now are you upset by the forest burning bigger pound trees to face yeah but that wasn't us tree speaker apparel kate that's good fun honestly i'm finding these colonists far more stable than most of the other ones that i'd seen and i didn't really even do all that much micromanaging when i started them it's just sad to watch all those woods go especially when our area is so nice we could always just replant them over there right oh my god it's so bad oh crap it's on this side of the uh um be a great time for some rain now i'm actually surprised that rain didn't kick in usually if it covers this much of the map and fire rain kicks in ups a daisy uh oopsie daisy be a great time for some rain now no well ass all right uh okay just get some sleep before we have to beat out the fire there's far too much fire for us to really do anything with just get everybody out of bed there we go just prevent it from hitting our beautiful home good good enough good enough this is what happened in california right ah there we go yeah good enough good enough uh all right there we go there's the rain now it's kicked in after it's destroyed almost half of the environment yeah i would say that's about half amazing oh crap the greenland tree is on fire why do they just ignore this dude the tree went on fire the trees don't let the tree burn [Laughter] oh that's so bad how did that even happen this is like the burning bush jesus oh god no they're just ignoring it please stop ignoring that this isn't automatically made into part of the home area it's like the most precious thing to them in the colony how could they do that oh thank god i i didn't realize apparently that's something they haven't coded in yet i suppose that the gremlin the spot where you plant the garandland tree automatically becomes part of the home area of course i want the greenland tree i wanted probably more than several of my colonists lives absolutely hmm i think uh let's just kind of like review the whole scenario as we've gone so far from the beginning thought we would uh thought we would actually be able to put up a few more structures from the beginning i've found that i've been just kind of stalling a lot we have a crapload of rice so much rice more than i really know what to do with but the problem is that i can't really get on any bigger like projects you know all i could do before was gather up stones but since none of my colonists were very good at research i can't gather up stones anymore we're halfway through the research i'm honestly just gonna go ahead and make another uh research bench i don't know why i didn't make this thing larger i think i'll just give them a nut i'm gonna give them another private room for research just because i want it to look like that judge me um do we even have we don't even have enough wood can't even do that what's that so until you unlock stone cutting you really can't do anything all right we'll just let them be sad in the rain overall um i'm trying to think of because like i said you know i did neck beardism neck beardism was a fine colony neck braidism was actually quite powerful perhaps more powerful than a normal rimworld colony um i liked it i thought it became a little too vanilla after a while and i kind of wanted mods back i feel as though this is like a modded playthrough to be honest with you but i also feel like it it would be more interesting if rimworld were more like kenshi in that you could make people into martial artists or something like that you know um make rsc does i mean these guys are essentially living like acetics like the ultimate acetics they don't mind living outdoors but it'd be interesting if we could convert that into some other kind of personal mastery like right now all they really do is sit around planting trees all day there's no special like they can't i don't know they can't uh learn martial arts or something like that it'd be nice it'd be nice other stuff we could do could we plant berries we could plant like strawberries or something like that like become a big strawberry pie exporter hey jacob thanks very much much appreciated though they're decent fighters i think a lot of it largely comes back to what types of colonists you pick this is the saddest looking man ah you know actually another thing that i thought of though is that this colony probably lends itself pretty well to just taming a lot of wildlife since we can't kill wildlife i don't know i didn't think of taming them before this um is there anything that produces eggs because i don't believe that they have any problem with eating eggs boom rats tortoises red foxes grizzly bears buffalo muffalo unfortunately can't be milked anymore now there's not really anything that produces a meaningful animal product to this region we could get muffalo for the arctic but i wouldn't really care to do that only something that can be milked um like an emu or a cow cows are are by far the best room or all the animal now i think um i believe that they produce more food than they than they use we'll leave lurcher there to get the research done okay everybody kill that man yes good love that good we'll get the melee people in the front might be able to kite him again but i i don't think that this guy is so dangerous all he's got is a what is that a slate sword what did he even have with him oh no i still igua my bad all right leave him there he deserved it great all right let's go back let's go back hmm quite calm quite peaceful and yet you know we're at peace with nature i'm just trying to think of how else we could develop outside of this we'll need this man to be converted so that we can get a decent researcher um we'll probably move all of these stones out of his room but at the very least you know a lot of the time in real world i find that stuff that i do is very makeshift very fast at the very least here i'm gonna go ahead and spend more time planning things and we'll get more of like a room structure going which we don't frequently get i'm trying to think about whether i would even mine stone flooring let's put like other rooms out here because we aren't really going to use some of this stuff uh we don't have any more wood yup we just got nothing all right i guess we just wait now uh don't even don't even build that door because there's nothing there to build how long is this way okay so we've got another 1.7 days for the dryad but at least now we're getting some cotton so oh crap newton is i don't really care about he's just a chinchilla he's not really gonna do anything for us um is anyone bonded to this animal it is roaming but it's not bonded to anybody quite honestly i think we're better off getting rid of it before it bonds to somebody that would just be quite bad get yaks and temper it they're almost as good yax would be okay did i say oh i said emus sorry i meant yaks why do i always confuse emus and yaks probably because of the three letters i guess we could have cannibal vegans though that'd be kind of interesting let's go ahead and um plant pots we could just plant plants everywhere can't really even you can't really build anything um what we will be able to do in a couple of days art bench also not really that feasible let's see the crafting spot maybe a crafting spot would be more feasible we'll put that in there okay now what can we make here can we craft anything out of ah here we are now we can make some items for ourselves out of cotton what i really need is a tailoring table no i think i think right now we're just kind of stuck in a waiting loop we'll give them time we'll give them time and in the meantime we'll just plant more fields okay so we do have more room up here i think the fiber corn is really going to be the main thing that limits us so let's go ahead and make an entire other growing zone for fiber corn there we go and food quickly has become a non-issue so we were starving at the beginning but now that's just no longer a thing we'll just shrink that back one there we go i think we're not adjacent to anything uh look at how quickly they got it god i didn't even have a chance to do that fiber corn redo all of that that's all of the fertile soil fiber corn is decent in fertile soils because it does take a while to grow i'm now starting to see i said that's mostly fertile i feel i feel great peace with nature now ah no one has had a mood break either seems like now that i now that i get to it it seems like it could be a decent colony for beginners to play on as well i mean assuming that they were reading all of the text just because there's so many things to gotta take account of in this game rather mess with an emu than a yak uh emus they lay eggs though too right so you could eat the eggs well we don't have anything on the map that lays an egg do we otherwise we could use that guinea pigs no that's live births we'd have to eat people i mean guinea pigs uh cougars i'm pretty sure those don't lay eggs boom elope boomelopes we actually might be able to tame for their uh i don't know let's let's let him attack because i mean if the animals go crazy i mean who doesn't love a boomalope attack look barco's like right there he's like i'm on it yeah i say let him explode boomloops are a massively inefficient animal if you have to feed them from your own crops but what else yeah right on it is this guy like some kind of master animal tamer he's pretty good yeah he's just petting them look at that okay this is great now we can have them all uh wander off somewhere he tamed two of them in like 20 minutes this guy just goes out with some seeds in his hand and he comes no suitable pen okay well what we can do is this uh do we have like 18 wood or something we don't have any wood yeah i've never felt so limited for resources but it is forcing me to be kind of creative um let's go ahead and create another stockpile zone yep in your bedroom uh we're gonna just allow uh everything except for weapons we don't want this guy getting his hands on any weapons um we have nowhere else to stockpile there's so many limited resources here just put everything with this man at least he won't starve either you know uh he'll love us in a few days what is his resistance at now anyway to 11.4 because this room is just a giant pile of garbage hideous environment ambrosia withdrawal yeah buddy we've got to get him over it he's at 92 away from the withdrawal anyway uh let's see we will do let's go go ahead and do fiber corn again kind of crazy it's like they don't care about the fiber corn but they care about a potato ah if you ask me oh well anyway what we do want to do is this when you can't get a pen which jimmy and i kind of learned the last time that we played it's really me i i messed this one up just make one of your rooms into a pen by doing this oh we're getting raided again though to be quite honest probably one of the more thrilling moments of the day i don't think any of these people have much on us although we're non-violent we're fully capable of using our hands of throwing our hands at people or how does the expression go to throw hands at someone that's what we do yeah we could get rid of the corners i just didn't want to subject you guys to the atrocities of uh rimworld constructions without corners on them i think that would be cruel and unusual no i like the way that they are right now i i love them in fact i love them and what could how much worse could it be than hideous that's as bad as it gets right so yeah no i'm not i'm not gonna change any of that okay here they come i think i'm marching in uh and a really kind of a weird path to be honest with you what are you you're a bowman all right uh at least we have lurkum there lurkium is absolutely atrocious at shooting it it seems all right get him get him people oh no please don't please don't let anything happen to the dog hit him hit him fire there we go okay and go at him get him there we go no risk of my god they just took him right down now the great part about this is that eventually when we can my god no i didn't mean to put corpses in there uh hang on a second no corpses no corpses they were like we know what to do with these you know we'll give them a grave somewhere just sad all the way out here because they don't deserve a normal ah yes fiber corn growth over fantastic great okay now we've got those two bodies oh exciting now okay we've got the boom loaf revenge coming on all right now i don't believe that that hurt is uh running so wombat or you decent no you have a club lyricum you're gonna be the one we depend on for this uh you're gonna want to get far away barco nice and far away okay lurkum's gonna shoot that thing i i knew it would be exciting to hunt boomalopes if you don't know what's going to happen you'll find out in a couple of minutes uh actually let's get him away from these trees actually the shots are quite accurate yeah we'll do that oh good okay uh not good let's call that our home everywhere is our home all right good uh well not good but kind of good though that boomelope was evil and now we can use it for a meal i wouldn't personally i would not eat boomelope meat it just doesn't seem like a good idea is this ours yes sabbath we can have a whole farm of those deadly animals ah and what a joy it will be it's gonna break his will if yeah you know maybe he'll join us out of terror if we get them out we've already got him over his addiction hideous environment maybe we'll just accept these rock chunks uh being out in the open in fact you know let's just separate off his room we'll create an actual prison cell now that we have some wood um yeah hmm if i were a prison cell what would i be i'm i don't even care about those boomers anymore as much as this prisoner um we gotta be creative and combine walls okay tree you're going you're out of here tree get out of here you nobody wants you anyway um yeah we'll make this into like one large uh compound oh love the word compound you could use that anytime you want over here let's just subdivide this randomly into a bunch of different rooms this is how my old colonies used to be anyway was i would just create one large wood superstructure eventually it would burn down unfortunately but it seems like that's inevitably what we're headed toward now anyway so uh by all means let's just get to the exciting conclusion your bed will go yes it will good okay you i think you can more or less see the idea we're getting at here though there's something kind of pleasing about having a larger wooden superstructure why do i store the chunks indoors mainly because mainly because i can't create anything i don't stand by any of the architectural decisions i've made right now but that's mainly because i don't have a building it would be like asking an architect sitting on the sidewalk like hey your skyscraper sucks it's like thanks i don't have any steel like you know i'm just a man guys i'm just a vegan i'm trying not to upset my vegans what is this this thing looks terrifying it looks like weedle contains immature dryad 1 time of 4.5 days so so after it takes a week for it to sprout then it takes what another four and a half days this seems like a lot of waiting to me a group of poor travelers that are looking for help the travelers are begging for seven herbal medicine they need the medicine to accept a life-saving you give items yeah we'll do that um okay take it take it all take all of the medicine oops uh lurkum so far you've done the most keep doing it beggars are leaving with the requested items that's all i don't know why i'm asking for oh cause we hey they started fighting [Laughter] does one of them have a cape no nobody has a cape these people are dumb this is why people hate room world [Laughter] this is great i gave him the medicine one guy why did he even wait a second was the social tab alex i gotta understand what just happened some beggars came in looking for medicine everybody hated this lady was her name alligator her name was alligator they chatted about hairstyles uh then she told him a joke about fighting muggers and then she he derided her open-mindedness this drove her into a rage and she began a fight she destroyed his big right toe his right big toe and then he killed her this is rimworld travelers betrayed who they were seeking my charity have been betrayed colonists with terrible beliefs will be unhappy why were they betrayed because they killed themselves after i gave them everything that they needed this is dumb but i kind of love that that's that that was enough enough happened there for me to just call it like a like a worthwhile playthrough which is rare you know which is rare it's a weird quest i think it's it's mainly related to ideology um and yeah check out that guy with just the psycho it leaves sitting there okay great he got over his ambrosia addiction that was good while he was still in prison so now he won't be quite as upset he's still pretty upset but he hasn't really uh he's just kind of like learning to live among us you know hideous environment ate raw food yeah but get used to it bub all right we've been waiting for a trader for a long time wombat go ahead and trade unfortunately it's an exotic goods trader fortunately we have a lot of boomalopes that i don't really particularly care about um we have a turkey actually turkeys could lay eggs we might end up using that uh i'm not bonded to this boom rat though boom rats are basically just bombs doomsday rocket launcher would be exciting do what else do we have kidneys eyes plastiel glitter world medicine i wish we had more use for some of this stuff i'll probably just spend it on components telesco telescope can we get a big screen tv i think i'm just going to go ahead and buy components with it how much can we buy all of them okay advanced one two no i'm not gonna buy the advance it's just not gonna be as useful to us right now very well male turkeys don't lay eggs i know but what if we get a female turkey then we could get more turkeys then we could have a turkey farm that's what we did on the re uh on the release this is like the most american way of me to say that on the release day we made a turkey that is also kind of an american thing to have the turkey farm you know thanksgiving and all of that i used to live next door to a bunch of turkeys when i was in college you just see him out there they were huge they were just asking to be dinner yeah it would be much better to have uh bulk goods trader though we still have not had any of that uh there we go though it's the last the most of the last of the wood that we need before you know this guy's gonna be one of us recruit 10.4 that's not really going very fast at all i might even just kill a tree to be quite honest with you i i think my colonists mental stability is worthless right now and we'd just be better off cutting down a few of these trees i'm going to do that how many of them there's so many trees that are just asking to be cut down right now what you would fight you both deserve to be public execution all right what happened did you yeah why does everyone in this world destroy each other's toes he's 67 how old is she this is not appropriate all right we're looking into this bloodlust a bloodlusting vegan what happened what happened nalero offered a backhanded compliment about lurkum's honesty this drove lurkum into a rage and she began fighting no i won't allow it there's no suitable pen okay well we don't care about those animals anyway we're going to cut down trees i know it's unvegan-like of us but we really need a room right now this guy has to live i don't know why he's upset he sleeps next to a bunch of jade that would be very nice not assigned to plant cutting is anyone assigned nalero pay for your sins by cutting down this tree you will be the one to i don't know why i did that that was probably gonna make him even more upset i'm just gonna have him do a lot of things that he hates at once right in a row do it i'm like darth sidious do it but it's just a vegan with a piece of meat or something oh god oh god what have i done i'm gonna keep doing it i think to be fair it would be easier to play as these guys if you had access to more material or more traders okay we're gonna move this prisoner out of this room and into another room because screw him uh build a copy in there you don't sleep in here anymore we're gonna make this your prison room uh he's eating don't let him there we go all right he's much better off now we'll light up this other room okay be happy or else uh he could use a table let's go ahead and make this room actually somewhat pleasant now fortunately since my colonists don't do anything i can give them a bunch of menial labor and they get it done in a matter of seconds fascinating look at them smoothing the rock they have nothing to do for most of the day uh they need more wood okay who's gonna cut down another tree we're gonna destroy a bunch more trees before this is all over nolaro your first volunteer ah a gift from do i have off here there we are ah good look at all these people with the assault rifles very vegan to cut down trees for the i know it'd be nice if they like if they had some doctrine that allowed them to replenish the trees oh crap we're actually getting now even worse trees damaged okay everybody get ready for them to go crazy i wouldn't mind a catharsis or two here though i i think it's worth it for one room because if we could get crocodile then we could get research going faster that's the whole point of this is just drive them all crazy at the beginning though i suppose if you wanted to start off a better vegan colony you'd be better off in a later era where you had more technologies research like they don't know how to cut stones right now the the fact of the matter is that early humans were hunter-gatherers right isn't that a thing that they hunted as well as gathered not just gatherers unless if you know it was they just really liked berries now they needed some meat now it's kind of a or nowadays it's sort of a luxury to be able to be a vegan in a couple of ways because it's not always and there are exceptions to this of course but yet sometimes a vegan lifestyle can be somewhat expensive no ah hit him hit him hit him hit him why would he come back to fight that just seems very get him wait a second what are those two just fighting okay hang on a second we have a lot of uh just [ __ ] we have to get to the bottom of right now fortunately no one was brutally maimed okay now to me this is he she just destroyed his big toe and then he told her i love you and i want to spend the rest of my life with you he had never been so touched by someone so they'll just go through social he offered a backhanded compliment about her honesty then she went crazy and destroyed his big toe he hit her a lot too after that then they're commenting about savory foods in short people and onions and then he sold her right after the comment about onions he said i love you [Laughter] oh jesus i've never seen this lopsided a colonist relationship where he loves her so much wait a minute does he love her does she love him lover harmed me this is like anakin and palpatine jesus we drove this guy within a few feet of death that's a toxic relationship if i ever saw helga hello yeah i i think we're going to be done with research before we get this guy yeah it's not a it's not a colony if you don't have some kind of uh crap going on let's go ahead and give them a double bed though are they nope that's why didn't you get into your double bed you love her don't you i don't even know who loves who let's just give them all double beds because they all belong in the dirt there we go i want to sleep in the dirt next to my lover okay so nobody likes each other i was right fantastic ah raw foods uh all of this all right things are going a little bit better now aren't they malaria right on right on cue what a great time for some malaria yorkshire terriers okay uh i don't think we're going to live if we don't accept this person so beto we're going to join uh hopefully beto knows how to cure malaria we have one two yes that's right three malarias larchie you have malaria you should not be playing right now you fool bitto joins are you a doctor right on cue incapable of violent is fine you can have all the vegans do the fighting for you turns out to not even be a vegan is just into dutiful philosophy i think that might be my ideal legend uh irl dutiful philosophy okay here come the yorkshire terriers terrifying i know but uh my god these people are not looking too good all right get them out this is starting to look a lot more like my original world colonies unfortunately she's going to need an actual bedroom she's tending to wombat okay we can let the yorkshire terriers just come here do your worst terriers she's feeding people okay that's fine we have a labrador at the door see what i did there oh yeah you do uh it's only minor malaria don't worry you'll be fine uh you get out of bed too we have two more i just i gotta take care of these yorkshire terror you can keep going we've got to take them down before they really cause any major damage to us good okay stop them you get in the back good keep the shooters on the side yeah all right that's enough that's so scary okay the yorkshire terriers have started several fires though jesus this is really not of i was correct this is not a good colony though fortunately she's a goddess of social so social so many friends you have beto except now she's going to be very upset though she won't be annoyed by oh but she has to live with them in the colony like and respect the trees despite the fact she's like an unwilling roommate of people with every different type of dietary restriction and as a result she can't eat anything because she got nothing um we could ever sleep with the prisoner though i think i'd rather have her just sleep in the intellectual room welcome to the intellectual room i don't really need you to do that better you know you don't do any of that you can just she won't um no i don't really need you doing that i really just need you wardening you could cook too if you're good at that now she's not a very good cook no kicking i take it back i just don't need anyone on that i need a warden and a doctor these people are all going to die of malaria this is kind of like the right ending for this colony though you know like they believed so much in nature and now they're going to be part of it when they die of malaria all right yeah good you're fine you're fine um i had a feeling i should have taken some of that glitter world medicine but alas can we get them beds in time now we can't even get them beds in time because they don't believe in cutting down the trees that they'll need for a bed gotta say that this has just been a thrillingly bad rimworld colony you're better you're lurcher that's great just take care of that minor malaria with that terrible tent yep they're they are actually going to die if i don't do anything um uh turkey one is roaming away i've got bigger fish to fry though we don't even have bed technology gonna go ahead and say that like no technology vegans are all some of the perfectly worst colonists i have ever experienced i do not like playing these people it's funny to play for about an hour and then it's just very fresh this is very very frustrating after that nothing wrong with uh you know maybe like futuristic transhumanist uh veganism in real world but it's just so difficult to play are you milking that yeah good she's i don't even know what she's doing how long did we make it in this colony for almost two hours before i'm starting to get kind of fed up with these people i guess we'll start to convert people of other ideologies uh can we salvage this colony in any way only because i'm thinking we could bring him inside sure but we'd have to take up the prisoner's whole room i certainly did not manage this very well but also too like i think i would have made them a bunch of tiny rooms looking back just because i forget about how many things i need in a rimworld colony like with whatever wood we could have gotten our hands on that's what i would that's what i would have changed from the beginning uh and i also would have just cheated myself in stone cutting research because it's too difficult to do it without uh are can you possibly get him in here fast enough that we can't um okay no more research we're just gonna do the research outside and we're gonna go ahead and move everybody's bed inside everybody sleeps in one room inside now so i think this is my only shot because this room is somewhat clean until i have all of them sleeping in it like this uh it's not really my only shot of having them develop any immunity though we could also make bed rolls as well we'll go ahead and do that bedroll 40 cloth better than nothing wanted to use this for other stuff but um is running away i don't care about the boomelopes do you have malaria you don't have malaria work on that bed dude let's just let them all die latest colony was transhumanist figure out what colonists are super dumb and i mean the thing is that if you can get one really overpowered colonist they can pretty much carry them through it but these people i think that their ideology just kind of holds this will sound a little bit cliched but it holds back the way of progress they can't really do much of anything um not as who is our constructor not assigned to constructing not assigned to constructing and i just took pretty like average colonists for this as well nope don't do that i do that than that you don't have a bed now sleep in a bedroll we at least got decent quality on these do we have enough we do have enough cloth for other bed rolls okay we actually got them bed rolls so that is something one two three four five we have six colonists though and we could get the other guy another bed roll too so i'm just gonna do one in there all right are they going to live 38 okay this guy actually might live only because beto came in here but that was just random at the last minute okay this guy's gonna live too and who is our last one we can also turn off self-tending now i believe it was lurking who was on self-tend nope nope oh no lurch oh we have a lurcha and a lurkum i didn't even know that's crazy couldn't build that good good we got good qua well quite literally good we have good quality on that excellent wow we got very lucky on these excellent quality and all the other ones i think that only does comfort bonus and boosts but at least they'll be able to go around from camp to camp how do you start a colony is quite stable too much really but don't have gold is just the thing is that i feel like that they're surviving but they aren't really progressing you know what i mean like they're surviving their moods are great because we're doing all the things that we set out to do because i'm decent at the game but i don't feel like that they're really making any meaningful progress you go in there so that you like us more please like us more it's not that hideous anymore it was only regular raw food i mean they do have a copious amount of food as well but now three of them are going to die of malaria but we'll live this one will probably live because the 10 quality was good and this one had terrible 10 quality lercha might actually die lurcher may die and beto is in a daze but at least they'll be friends before they die yeah lurcha were you really that important to our colony you were quite important to our colony but you had creepy breathing so do we really need you uh 7.8 10 quality i think i'm just going to have only beto be the doctor from now on uh if she assuming that she's not assuming that she stops being crazy before this is all over barco i guess barco can no i'm just gonna have everybody do it i can't really wait here okay 37 might live probably not whatever i'm just going to let it automate 44 percent quality the only one that's going to die is larger all right maybe she had an animal bonded to her or he he has a beard yeah good lurching all right barco is going to die tuna i'm not really feeling it not assigned to constructing can we arrest everyone and unfortunately like i said if you can't progress you eventually just kind of die into the the thing is that all of your threats are so futuristic and crazy we get mechanites fibrous mechanites and every kind of possible thing go wrong malaria on three was pretty bad and the day's doctor is not helping at all yes we have raw food but we also just had everybody go kind of crazy in the colony i i think that this is about exactly what i would expect from the colony though as also is because we chose these types of triads first if i were to do this again i probably would have done wood ones but i'm not even sure that that would have saved us yeah this still isn't even a dryad yet so this still is so long from making anything you need some kind of like early game bone thrown your way whether that's a traitor or whatever it is because now everybody's eating raw food they're going to get sick and they're just going to die ah jesus cavus live thanks very much for the sub i don't know i feel like i was hoping to get a colony worth playing for a couple more but a little bit i feel like i might just is there can we do anything to salvage it because otherwise i'm willing to just call it like a one failed experiment if they do die let's just check on their malaria once more barca will live wombat will live all hail z frog what are you talking about oh mr bob thank you very much of course i'm kidding oh you don't have anything wrong with you lurch uh you're probably gonna die actually might not if beto recovers who's our next best doctor yes this is what you're supposed to do in room world when you're looking for a doctor it's one of the few tasks that's really worth micromanaging uh okay barco you are attending oops yeah doctor being days didn't really help anything we could have beat up the doctor that would have been good but i don't i feel like that's kind of cheap to do that you know the one the one exception here though is that if if we get to like 99 and 100 percent it can still happen allero that should be fine because barca will probably live yeah the only one here is this one's gonna die well either way we had too many colonists to begin with as well like you don't really want that many hmm yeah the malay this is the reason i don't like to play with diseases or another reason i don't plan on losing is fun is because getting sick just kind of kills the play through it's like everybody just does nothing for a few days what would be cool is if you had some kind of trait where overcoming a disease gave you better immunity i think that would be a really more rewarding system because otherwise getting a disease is just no good for your playthrough it just uses up resources it's not really that much fun uh unless we get some glitter world medicine off of these cave people in which case that would be completely awesome let's go find out i was thinking that i should have said it before only herbal medic we already have tons of herbal medicine oh no that's our herbal medicine yeah we'll sell them all of our garbage steel but actually the steel from the steel weapons might be more valuable to us uh we'll sell the ambrosia cause i don't really use it just because it's not naturally uh it is naturally occurring but it's not like available i tend not to rely on it you know like you can't just decide i'm gonna grow ambrosia one day otherwise though i just think that this wasn't really that much fun to play um i probably won't come back and try to do it again i would if i had like some kind of rapper around the colony that made it easier to play like if i had futuristic like they start off with a thousand steel and they can build an entire base out of steel i feel like that would make this scenario more fun or maybe if there's a mob that lets them take down trees and then replant them and be happy with that though at the same time maybe i was just too squeamish about cutting down trees i don't know yeah i wanted to play it right so a montage thanks very much for the prime kind of reached after the colony got wiped you could start over the same mappings possibly build a greenhouse with ambrosia and preserve it had not thought of that does ambrosia like replant itself well not really thought of that okay beto is not crazy anymore this is like my last chance for this colony yeah lurch is gonna die like now everybody else overcame it could have micromanaged it a little bit more but i was just feeling kind of like this isn't really happening so as far as this thing goes this creature is injured it will return to its so i believe that we need two of these things but that also depends on pretty much giving up one of your colonies like indefinitely lurcha died [Music] i don't know overall i i could think of some colonies with it but i just don't really feel like that there's any outcome from being a vegan i don't know my current one is zombies i'm doing a zombie playthrough so that's probably going to be getting posted in the next couple of days but i think i am going to leave it there because it just i i didn't really feel like there was much to do in this play through maybe if i see another example of one that makes it more interesting but i think we'll call it there it was interesting to give it a try now i kind of get these mechanics a little bit more i was hoping i could get like a longer sort of play-through out of it but it just didn't really feel like that they were producing much and it felt like it was taking too long for stuff to get going you know um and it just seems like it'd be a lot of planting for not that much fun did
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 276,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld mods, rimworld game, rimworld 1.3, rimworld ideology, rimworld ideology playthrough, rimworld ideology gameplay, rimworld royalty
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 11sec (7331 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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