Days 15-46 | Eerie Country Project Zomboid Base-Building Run

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salutations in howdy ho welcome back to modded project zomboid in which we're able to sit because of a mod that's not in vanilla yet let's uh or at least at the time of creating this we're playing as salty mcgastrock nemius we're living in our garage surrounded by knowledge uh whenever we leave our garage in which it's like getting to be night right now so i don't recommend doing this but we've created kind of a moody atmosphere that's also somewhat safe around our garage i can't remember if we erected some wall frames the last time it appears as if we did i was not such a numbskull so we made our way out into erie country and we began setting up this base i think we'll stay here because it's rather cozy i like the idea of being in a room within a room you know providing the maximum possible insulation it's nice we love it uh we can sit here and read do whatever we need but my ultimate plan for today is to just kind of organize my base a little bit more make it a bit more comfortable for myself and it seems we're getting bored from being inside so i suppose we should go outside for a bit tonight or we could just give in to the boredom and depression and read for the rest of the night you know i think that's what i'm going to do either that or some exercise trying to manage ourselves and just kind of meet long-term needs we want to make sure we keep getting in this regular exercise pretty important for our character uh i guess i'll exercise with a sledgehammer on my back because i don't think it really particularly matters uh but again we're here with twitch chats so we're going to be streaming this which is absolutely amazing uh just kind of nice to get in these longer playthroughs again but enough of that so where are we with our character we're trying to get our fitness up i do have on a bit of an xp multiplier but again all of this you know kind of long play series is prep for the multiplayer i just want to get used to their being xp multipliers again because they were in servers that i used to play in so i mean no one but an extreme sadist would make their entire multiplayer server grind at the normal rate usually it's like three to five times or whatever it is on most of the ones that i used to play on anyway and i imagine that's probably gonna be the same uh but you know i i i think that that's kind of the goal of this game is just get a nice base and like vibe in it in some way like feel its vibe you know so we got all of our crap here on the stove uh we've been kind of stockpiling our weapons here and we just collect all of our crap that we find over here we're probably gonna make our way up to the northeast a little bit further than we did the last time today uh and just see what other weapons and more valuable items we can find there are here we've cleared out most of the house so a lot of this is just nothing i've used various parts of it for storage i think i'm keeping clothing in here jackets pants shoes yeah just you know normal clothing i've been disassembling furniture and generally grinding our skills i think we will keep trying with that exercise today so uh are we getting delayed onset muscle soreness or whatever it is there is some sort of simulation of those effects in the game it's not quite as deep as like a cdda i believe but uh all right i guess we'll commit ourselves to exercising in the morning for a little while maybe until we get the next level of fitness just because it's kind of a major disadvantage to actually now that i mention it maybe we'll be better off exercising when we come back only because i don't want to suddenly get tired once i'm out in the world uh again we want to keep on org not organizing we want to keep on working on all parts of our characters so i think we're going to just sneak around at a kind of a fast clip there we go we after sprinting by sneak sprinting and probably try to get up our other sneaking this time because we did take a character who was inconspicuous and graceful so i figured we might as well you know capitalize on all that stuff and i just like the idea of playing as a character who's a little bit quick you know what i mean um the one thing i forgot before i leave the house is and we'll just make it a habit to move like this i do want to leave my sledgehammer back there the sledgehammer was a pretty useful early find but uh by no means like my favorite thing to find i didn't really need it but yeah we'll do what we can with it we've got a lot of construction tools so in terms of like housing management that type of thing we're good what we might find though is that we just instantly get tired like we leave our house and it's just yeah like see i'm already moderately exerted so we might spend a few trips just not getting very far from our house which is fine which is fine just kind of doing another run over a lot of the stuff that we've already seen you know like i'll take a rake it is another weapon that's useful i can do at least something with it metal sheets are useful too we can you know add another layer of defense to windows with this but we just want to make it so that our character doesn't get tired immediately this is such a huge uh bottleneck to our progression hey uh black dodo and inspector raz thanks very much for the sub and the prime yeah so um again back seating is a little bit welcome um i mean i suppose that the main overall bent of this series is just gonna be to find like uh find more interesting uses of this 3d animation system this is one of the cooler things that they've added to the game how you can actually place items and i kind of like how i have a visual storage here so that's nice um hey himmelhandi thanks very much for the prime yes backseating or sac beating oh god here we go so just going out in nature i'm gonna be making a lot of use of this fast travel one reason why i like to fast travel through trees is because uh it seems like we've got some kind of commotion over here one reason i like to fast travel through trees is because you now avoid ripping clothes on them a lot of people will just walk through trees and actually push their way through them it's not a very good idea just because [Music] and they sound oddly human now with the new soundworks not that odd is a bad thing out is actually a good thing i like the sound of it hmm locked maybe there's something good in there doubtful but possible and we also just kind of want to keep track of where our house is because we did lose track of where our house was the last time if you'll recall this is about as far north east as we got we've got high exertion right now but i still don't think we're appreciably far from our yeah there we go exercise fatigue and we did exercise last night so i don't know maybe that delayed onset muscle soreness isn't working quite like i thought it would atlas thanks for the prime recreate the mural in the sistine chapel using items placed on the ground oh there has been some pretty sweet pixel art made with this game uh it sounds like we've got something now this was this this is such an interesting system it feels more like organic than the than just the stories that they were using before is there any actual distinction between these i think club hammer and regular hammer are about the same frying pan not quite as much damage we'll keep this honest because i do hear somebody yeah there is definitely somebody banging on this house i don't know where from i think i'm gonna get further back into the thing it'll be safer nani the cluck is going on here g thanks very much for the bits uh continuing the play through just uh i don't know i find eerie so cozy i'm hoping that we get more rain because i did set this world to be uh full on rain hmm high exertion let's get rid of this i mean we want to get our clock back on schedule you know what i mean okay there we go lied down for a bit i'm very hungry one reason i am keeping on this very hungry thing i don't know if this might not seem immediately obvious to people is just i'm trying to lose weight on my character i'm currently 102 kg which is considered obese in the game sometimes people think that that's pounds that's kgs or kilograms for lay people um i have no idea i get all kinds of comments but yeah getting fitter and thinner and just kind of like living throughout the apocalypse is going to be the name of the game today so doing some exploring kind of getting lost in it a little bit more than we did the last time the last time we tried to stay really close to our base but this time we will do a little bit more combat we also want to get our blunt skill up because blunt is probably the best weapon type to get better with at the beginning of the game uh the reason being that you don't want to destroy the clothes off of the zombies that you're hitting because sometimes a zombie will have like a sweet jacket that you want i gotta look behind me every now and then okay so we are backing up into one of them generally that's the default combat method but don't die from it you know what i mean all right great now we're standing on one and we get the other one in front of us okay i don't know why that happened did i get bit there that'd be a pretty terrible way to start scratched i'm probably fine that's one of my issues with the new animations though is like i did animate as if i were hitting her is this a bit of a buzz kill i know i bit off a little bit more than i could chill but at the same i mean i've got like what a five percent chance that i'm in uh crap but actually you know what i did set infection mortality to be instant so if i were infected i would probably know right now um [Music] crap am i gonna have to rip i am in danger i'm actually in danger of dying right now you kidding me uh recluse okay i gotta rip up my hoodie all right complaining time [Laughter] so i'm alive i'm pretty sure i'm okay because we set the like i said if we set the infection mortality instant just so i wouldn't have that weird anxiety but yeah there are times in the game where you'll animate like clearly i was animating in the direction of that woman who was next to me i didn't get anything off and then i was vulnerable to a side scratch so i don't know uh maybe i'm just very ballsy from playing the old versions of bees of peasy but it's also like i did get the animation off whatever a little frustrating but so we beat on would anyone like to place an order for some sabaro pizza i'm about to head out triple g thanks very much yeah i'll have a slice all the slice yeah the reworkout infection works just feels like a waste of time not to sit on yeah unless if you enjoy the rp i don't know most people like to know whether their character is dead or not all right so i got myself screwed uh what did i do i don't know i feel like that's generally the most common cause of death in this though is just misreading animations and i've even gotten killed by groups of like two which is a like i said a bit of a buzz kill but it is what it is no i lost my home again i'm pretty sure it's further south of here though oh we don't want to go fast again like we did last time um scratch neck yeah i mean scratch neck will be okay i think one of the reasons why we bleed so fast from the neck is because i don't know it just seems like a place of high circulation i've tested out before though whether i can die of just like stepping on the ground because this has been questioned a little bit like there's times in the game where you won't wear shoes and you'll just be walking around outside with bare feet uh and then like you step on a pebble and you get a scratch on your foot and then you start bleeding out which is kind of funny i mean but like on that note there's also a meme about cataclysm where you can die from eating pretzels like and i guess that's just to say that these two games have like systems that are or at least cataclysm does that are so intricate that i mean there's there's a video on youtube i can't remember who made it but it's that seinfeld episode where they keep saying these pretzels are making me thirsty and it's like the character is eating pretzels and his hydration level keeps going down and down and down and then he dies which is probably one of the greatest things and i'm also like what would cataclysm be if it didn't have that and what would pz be if you couldn't die from stepping on a rock but ah yeah it definitely leads to like player frustration i think some of those things though they've mentioned in devlogs that they've thought of like overhauling but well to be fair the main one that we've seen over the last year is animations and i mean the game has been developed for like 10 years slightly tangential but it comes up when we play the game yes dying from a stubbed toe what could be better or other things that seem a little odd like how could you possibly be so tired that would take this many swings i also sometimes question how powerful bare feet are in the game but i can't really say that i've done any real world testing of the combat in this game like yeah of course you could like uh you know kick someone's skull in jesus yeah you know you wonder what they uh how they do it but i guess it's delicate trying to balance realism and uh gameplay like we were just talking about whether cdda is too realistic to be fun now uh let's see you know it's it's not realistic well what is a realistic game but you know what i mean they start completely over from scratch because uh oh yeah that is true i mean originally well game dev history here pz was yeah the devs laptops were stolen right that was actually before i played though i think i picked this game up in what 2013. changed a lot i mean you know i complain a lot but it has changed a lot in a very good way over the years all right well we did lose our jacket and these pretzels were just making me very thirsty and i feel like i'm running a little bit faster now uh you know what i forgot to do yesterday was exercise could also just be partly that i'm getting myself killed from exercising so much i say we keep doing it though because i think it's just better for us overall uh i want to double check whether burpees make you just more fit or stronger so let's go ahead and take a look at that i honestly can't remember 2938 and 37.55 remember those two numbers the bully from that movie big fish died while taking a poop on the toilet i don't remember that that is too bad triple g thanks for the 300 bits still waiting on that slice of pizza my friend [Music] okay so it actually does do both damn that would stink well no pun intended geez 101 kg and dropping i don't know i mean it's november 17th in the game i tried to set us up at a time that was close to the real world date just so i could feel the mood you know what i mean boil some rags and keep them on me better than yeah we should probably keep our infirmary on us rather than having to peel up our sweatshirt again i just really didn't expect that from five zombies you try not to ever keep any medical supplies on you because you just you don't think your life will devolve into bs but it does it's the truth oh we've got some ripped up sheets now there we go adhesive bandages but they are pretty light and i don't want that to happen again just wash all clothing though medical is pretty much like a useless skill in this game it's not really worth grinding salt only makes you thirsty because increase your capacity is so cold water yeah haven't you ever eaten pretzels before man come on pretzels make me so thirsty yeah i feel that i am clean i still remember when they originally implemented hemophobic that was uh that was a big pain because it needed you needed soap whenever you wanted to clean anything off of you so your character was almost constantly just paranoid which was pretty funny actually but not funny because i had been playing as an all-negative trades character at the time so it was very bad would be how i would characterize it okay starving let me go ahead and just eat a little bit of each of these things i think soup is a fairly like innocuous food like no one would i guess it would probably be a pretty easy way to poison someone like in a medieval court you know like if we were playing crusader kings three that's probably hard i'd probably kill you with soup if i were going to we won't speak of this no no i don't mean any of that i don't mean any of that very hungry getting bored all good all good i think you know let's just pass a few days it seems like my character has just gotten a tad bit faster and i'm i'm willing to work with that i think let's sit on the ground and read a book having fun isn't hard if you've got a library card um can we sit on that i'd like to be sitting in a chair and reading a book my god fulfillment look at that i can close and open the door while i'm sitting and reading a book oh wait i already know all this oh i do already know all of this i stand corrected okay intermediate carpentry garbager is going to be a fairly useful skill for us read that okay there we go uh having fun isn't hard at all i mean after all you're reading rainbow yes all right so we'll whittle away a few days we'll raise our strength and fitness and i think once we have fitness level four then we'll go back out into the wild oh crap helicopter get out uh pitchfork that's on me we're leaving now get away get away from home now this world is an interesting one well i the thing is for me that in pz you get to a point where we actually this is one of the rare instances in which we should run um maybe not at full speed but yeah i mean if you couldn't tell earlier it seemed like our house was pretty peaceful the helicopter event is gonna bring everybody from miles away over to our house actually forgot this was happening uh and it's set to often so this is gonna be the only one in the game there's gonna be multiple that come day after day looks like we did a pretty decent job clearing the surrounding countryside though and generally speaking i think that the helicopter event at least i assume based on this aside from your own location it looks like it was set somewhere off to the east here now we are near a map edge as well so keep that in mind yeah it's making another pass though the best thing we can do here is to just stay low and i don't know keep practicing stealth i'm getting tired unfortunately so we don't really want to do any fighting and throw some stuff into my backpack though in case if i get tired yeah you should run far but at the same time too our base is pretty secure i mean even if we had a couple of zombies around it i wouldn't be too too worried i'm just wondering where it's going to end up at we could follow these ones strengthened fitness right our sneaking is getting a little bit better we may not be near a lot of zombies but we are undetected by them and it's a great way to get the experience when we're okay or when we're not in any immediate danger and there is a distraction i think it'll be interesting when multiplayer comes out if you could actually use another player to like create a distraction while one guy trains stealth so many skills that are just underutilized all right they are starting to notice me hmm man it is really rural out here though there are other parts of the county where it's going to be a bit more packed but i intentionally chose to start in a place where it was more rural because i wanted at least an opportunity to build up looks like we avoided them for now got one all right i do want your leather jacket i'm not going to be using the garden fork here you'll notice because i don't want to destroy the jacket this jacket is in decent condition and we did also lose our sweatshirt so we can wear that v-neck all right now it seems like it's passing right overhead there are more coming toward me i wonder if they'll come out of the fields yep okay more coming all right now we're getting a bit more surrounded hmm helicopter event usually takes quite a while to pass but we did pass a lot of it when i was just sitting in the room like an ignoramus mp is supposedly weak so as long as no more huge gremlin is that does it say that in the thirst i'll take your word for it that'd be nice if mp were weeks away it would be nice i hope it i hope it happens after thanksgiving though i'm planning on a trip for thanksgiving but it will be a grand old time when it does come out my thought on mp is i don't think that there's enough server space to host the number of people who are going to be interested in it right away because the servers that i used to run with i'd say that there's about like 180 slots i can think of about three servers that were really well set up but i imagine more people will be interested in making them making a server is difficult business all right it looks like the helicopter has passed oh they're looking for a december release that's music to my ears actually like i said you know i mean they're pretty transparent with stuff in the thursdays i think it's uh unless if there's like an exciting surprise yeah but they've been pretty consistent with that throughout the years i can't think of any other studio that's been quite like that no there have been there have been all right it looks like we saved our asses i wonder if they'll be at my house though because i was just spending so much time right by there uh oh god damn it i always do that good thing i have those ripped sheets on me rip sheets there we are no i'm bleeding my life blood drained i'm good i'm good my wife hello uh nothing to see here joe joe thank you very much for the prime much appreciated i guess we could take over this farmland you know maybe we could even support an agrarian life in this field holy cow i think i have meaning to my life again we could clear off that graffiti and make good again what was bad well graffiti is the art of the people i suppose but a lot of the time it's just pure defacement um forex dose all right there we go farmer maggot down i just i'm so filled with gladness now that i can live my agrarian life i forgot about this i do actually enjoy farming in pz it's one of the few activities that gives me great fulfillment in life and there are few let me tell you let me tell you the thought of clean right angles intentionally created we could even use the furniture from the i mean the wood from the trees to create furniture we could even use the furniture from the woods to create trees of course that could also be a thing this wood axe is entering my hands fantastic i kind of like these little collection areas it's nice um watering crops is it is a little bit great well you could uh use the updated didn't they update the irrigation mod or am i losing my mind no i'm pretty sure that they updated the irrigation but maybe we will update uh use the updated irrigation mod we'll add that in yeah no uh it's a like a charming a charming diversion from the from you know from the en we that we're experiencing this field looks like crap what we'll do is we'll leave groves on the side but we're going to remove the grass i can't really wait until mp comes out i i can't wait to spend some time with you folks making some videos because ideally i'd like to host a server somehow i have no idea how it's going to happen yet because hosting a server is such a pain in the in the butt maybe i would do one for other uh people who make videos but you know when you make one that anyone could come into it's just it becomes a lot of police work sometimes there are investigations but imagine the gratification we could get from all chopping down a wood together and joining our hands and singing kumbaya that'd be really nice we were born for this well we were born to do it in real life but unfortunately because of the internet we all know each other and yet we can't really be close together we need a plane and a lot of money to do that and some gasoline yeah it probably won't happen but we can you know imagine that we're doing it together in a video game and that's well that's the upside of the uh century that we're living through mildly tangential let's cut down the trees in this field because i like the dirt for farming something just feels right about for farming on the dirt that's been like pre-planned for you all right since i don't want to die it's 8 50 p.m i'm completely exhausted the best way to uh gain strength before it used to just be run yourself out and like uh you know chop down a lot of trees that still seems to work pretty well maybe not quite as intentionally as exercise but you know why would people do things like farmers walk in the gym you know or pick up tires ooklar thanks very much for the uh eight months and john wenson for the sub much appreciated my friends you know i did used to have moderation but it was like uh it was just it became such a full-time job you know yeah running a server is hard if anyone's very ambitious and thinking of running a server i would like uh i think i've told this story a couple times but i'll reiterate i'll reiterate i would like wake up for work and somebody would be someone who feel like someone hurt my feelings in the server i'd be like i can't do anything about that that's just you know in the in the words of tom segura some people suck i can't do anything sorry but you know it's suddenly it's my problem so you know you don't want to put your name on it if you can't take it and you want to take good care of it you know you don't want people that suck in the server you want people to be good or at least create incentives for it but well i digress i digress you can't manage people you just can't hey robo engineer thanks for coming in similar problems running a minecraft server everyone becomes well the problem with server management is that ah this snow this snow the thing with server managers is that it's fun you know it's very technically difficult to get it up and running so it's like a bit of a full-time job for about a week while you get everything working then after that once it works it's fun for a little while you're growing you're trying to get players to play it trying to find people you're getting a lot of interesting people and then people who get overly competitive generally take over and uh ruin the server for people who want to come in the server shrinks and then it just becomes a couple of people who are extremely competitive and don't really want to uh have any new players or just take everything from that and you know i'm fair game it's competitive games it's part of the game but this is kind of the nature of the way things are that's why i'll stick to what i do stick to my guns i'll stick to my agrarian life alright we have cleared the field theophilus i've seen you grown into into adulthood my how you have thrived that's nice right look at that field and now we're going to go remove the bushes because they're a taint well they're not really a taint but yeah they're a taint we don't like them i'm just going to speed up time for this whole thing i'm not sure if can you yeah you can't triple speed up time or double speed up time for that matter you just got to go through regular one-time speed there's such funny things about the time controls in this game like games that i don't have to interact with i mean you know some people have all different motivations to play games one reason i used to play games was to just hear people's crazy bs that they would say on the internet like um back on counter strike uh source this is before global offensive there used to be the game mode zombie panic i don't know if this still exists but it would just be a chat room of about 30 people and i could never do this for a video but they would just do the craziest things like one time some guy started blasting uh what was it i believe that he was blasting george straits all my exes live in texas which is the strangest song to hear if you've never heard that song before and this was amid an entire lobby of you would have like children and grown men with the deepest voices you couldn't even tell you'd have some voice changer people yeah counter-strike source was such a weird place to play yeah all different reasons to play games just good times though it a pretty funny game to play you know if you're looking for a show just play something like dayz or i hope that pz starts to get that in its multiplayer aspect because it used to be that people would just communicate via text but i think now with the proliferation of microphones and 2020 having happened i think that there will be a lot more talk on the voice chat or at least you know i hope that there will another reason why i think it'll happen is because pz's uh specs have become slightly higher res than they were when i first started playing it used to be that you could just play it on any old you know like uh we're gonna go to sleep now uh it's 10 20 a.m are we now we're just going to rest used to be though that you could play pz on like a on a pretty weak laptop i think i started playing it on a macbook air 2011 or no 2013 model not a great one hey it's nasco what's up brother nasco nasco's peasy oh i'll keep you incognito he's uh he loves project zomboid he loves it so much okay okay saffondo hey thanks for the five months happy to hear the uh well i'll be more excited to read it but chat tells me that there's uh you guys possibly have a date for mp that's cool happy to hear unless if everyone is lying to me right now which which i have faith in you but people have told me to do alt f4 before my god it is snowy stupid that we cleared all that out right before the snowstorm that would have been nice okay i'm starving to death i don't want to ignore that but it's actually great for my overall long-term health so well i'm okay with this weeks is it weeks quoting verbatim i believe you okay now multiple block says not november okay well that's good i didn't want it to be in november anyway i'll be tr i'll be traveling in november traveling yeah i know a lot of people who are just pretty much planning on playing it non-stop all right i don't want to hype it up too much more though you guys have more hype than you can manage on your head i don't want to pressure you no pressure all right am i yeah it's worth it to starve a bit longer am i actually taking damage i am okay i am you can starve to death of immediate like i'm hungry this actually happened to me as a kid once i don't know if i was just complaining and whining but i started to like feel physical pain i was so that's not to say that my parents didn't feed me or anything like that i was just kind of i was just kind of a skinny kid ah a skinny kid sitting on the kitchen floor that's kind of nice contemplating the universe in the snow gonna miss this uh this time of year it'll be nice to travel back up to the northeast for uh for the winter let's go into our into our cave of sanctity shall we i am as dugong entering into the slumber of the concrete shelter dear diary another day passed i am alone alone alone hey manor i am alone yes no snow just it's a vibe man it's a vibe yeah coming back to uh boston new york area it'll be nice nice trip all right so let's just kind of assess our character we narrowly escaped death that was good we don't want to do anything stupid in the snowstorm we did avoid the helicopter we're at fitness level four i think now is a good time to do a little bit more exercise i know this is a bit grindy right now but at the same time it's like kind of necessary for our skills later on you know we need to be fit if we want to get stuff and to get stuff we need a body that can pick up the stuff um yeah i'll take this let's do some exercise it's 10 20 pm i'm probably not gonna get that much done today so i'm gonna do some burpees when we increase the regularity after all we we can increase the uh rate of xp gains so you know four thousand we're making our way up here we'll rest a little bit and then we'll we'll probably just do more burpees uh rest i'm just gonna do a normal rest that's good that's what i like to see don't eat yet don't eat yet now we want to get the double ship run on weight loss too because then it'll start happening a little bit more rapidly if we can at least get ourselves down to overweight we won't like die from hopping over a fence that'd be nice uh it did exercise happen too recently nope we can keep doing more burpees in the garage on top of the door which makes sense of course elite wraith thanks very much nk stefandu and dr goldenboy thank you very much for the subs man i just get shivers when i see him blink into and out of existence with exercise like that sleep did you used to know a guy who would play with slow learner on because he had a lot of time his kill counts would be in like the tens of thousands it was wild he would do that on multiplayer service but it's also two multiplayer servers are usually so easy so much easier to grind on alright we've said this a bit i'm gonna continue my depression a little bit longer i'm also going to continue my starvation my god this sounds really uplifting doesn't it um i wish to enjoy the sounds in the sights of the snowstorm grab that canned corn good where'd i put my can opener i think i put all my can openers in the garage of course nothing like a can opener in the garage it just means you're having company over in good times you know nothing like playing warhammer in your garage bored feeling a little sad pain discomfort couple brews you know a couple of butter beers on the table ah that feels good all right we have actually been using our trash can for trash so we'll put yeah look all of this is trash monica i thought that was a different monika when i read it she who will not be named no i'm just kidding uh exercise keep this up all right keep on getting up you can get this green bar up to the full and when you do that you basically turn into the incredible hulk 46-38 sleep experiencing too much pain to sleep i'll just sit on these books until i feel less pain and then not die am i liking 9th edition warhammer i've played it since like 4th or 5th edition just recently started playing at a club nearby me i'm playing necrons just much to frustrate everyone i play against they have to focus all their fire on one of my units every turn it's very fun to play necrons and then i'm looking to invest in a resurrection orb just to make my opponents more frustrated ah war hammer the language of men on the internet which i am one of i am also depressed extremely bored and in agony uh we're starting to get more and more like my daily life ah looks like the snow was peeing look at that my god i gotta say the one thing about pz that have always felt a little bit less immersion despite the fact that i think it has the greatest weather in any game that i've ever played it's just that the insulation in walls is a little overpowered like if i'm under if i'm in a building like i'm fine i'm not gonna die from the cold outside in real life you could couldn't you freeze to death if you're just sitting in your garage in a coat like i don't i've never tested this actually no but i assume that it does get cold enough i wonder if that's i wonder if there's a plan for that no we won't question it we won't question it we're just gonna do more push-ups of course which is what we do best now we're doing them in the kitchen too much pain to exercise all right we'll just you know what i'm gonna do and this is a totally valid strategy in this game i mean i guess some people have probably done this in real life yeah we're just gonna take some painkillers and do more push-ups how much pain are you experiencing doing rex quando we're gonna sit on the ground until the pain goes away and then we're gonna start exercising again oh yeah 60 minutes of squats uh nut squats uh burpees because we've been doing them yeah now you're feeling the optimal amount of pain lack of wind chill helps but yeah basically becomes yeah it's a freezer you know you should get inside of the freezer and start working out oh my god we have all of the negative moodlets five thousand well we did gain a thousand xp that's something to make matters worse we're also going into pain from sleeping in the chair what is wrong with me well we might as well do it while we have all this food it's kind of like when you get enough food you can just kind of convert that food into fitness if you use it right it's a bit of a long process but you know i have knowledge surrounding me so it's worthwhile uh we will we will sleep in this chair yeah no pain no gain as someone who turned a mild strain into a full-blown groin tear because of high school track and field yes i have done that ah so it does happen see this is something that people often am i dying no i'm not dying like when i was a kid i had tendonitis from the same thing from track uh the doctor prescribed a leave to me to relieve the pain because that's what it does well actually it doesn't that was what i thought it did it takes down inflammation so it actually does do something for your body it just doesn't like relieve pain which of course when i was i think i was like 17 because i would always get hurt when i was 17. uh i was like no i could stand the pain i don't need to take a leave so lesson is listen to your doctor he knows what he's talking about that's why he studied for however many years more than more than he needed to tell more than he needed to tell you that starving again all right well we'll just keep eating chips and like that man i'm feeling a little lazy let's just eat some chips we don't have to eat the whole bag you hearing that scream in the background that was definitely a scream you know we didn't get any assault from zombies from the helicopter but there will be another one soon watch out we coming hey here ccos there we are good pain comes from the inflammation process yeah i suppose so i mean like you know it would have helped me with both but i thought it was just the pain i didn't think because inflammation is actually is that actually a thing or am i still an idiot do i still not understand i don't know i think learning to listen to your doctor is a positive experience through negative through negative visualization of past events um oh i'm in too much pain now okay well time for more painkillers am i gonna die from this no it's been about 24 hours i think all right now we'll just sit on the ground and wait again all right the depression is slowly taking over again this is pretty much this game in a nutshell yeah don't worry you're getting stronger i'm sure this is not how this is not how strength and fitness works i love cheesing things like this though eat a couple of chips oh god uh actually we'll throw that on the ground are we we are not over-encumbered in fact though i'm just casually carrying a wood axe in my pocket um all right now i don't want to take the painkillers because it hasn't been quite a day i'm and now i'm i'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place i i had painkillers recently and i'm exhausted and tired i teleported into a chair i either have to wait until long enough has passed this is not a good place to be in but what say you will set out on the road after this in a moment now we've lost enough weight for it to be worthwhile we're just down we're just nearly under 100 kg again best moment of the day the gym locker room is cramped i had to change oh the toe i thought you said that you ripped your that you hurt your uh that story sounded more graphic than i at first thought it was no i'm not gonna read that out loud i'm not or read what i thought it said out loud all right exercise protection i think we're good the snow storm has stopped so we can go back outside we're under 100 kg i think that's a decent place to be we're now considered overweight so uh our body won't get in the way of our mind anymore so i think i'm going to end my severe depression by quickly reading a book wouldn't it be so convenient if you could just eat a book like this in real life oh just read a book you go to the therapist oh i forgot about that read another book because apparently moby dick wasn't enough uh there we go we just read uh anna karenina or whatever it was there we go we'll eat some more chips ah we're good as new now good as new all right let's just grab our backpack and then we'll be back off in the world scavenging uh living breathing put that on my back good feeling a little set wow i'm gonna have to read three books to get through this the very hungry is okay because we still want to keep on losing weight until we get down to about i think it's 85 it's a bit of a more long haul the next one but not really worth doing that or spending all the time on it you know what i mean actually i didn't need to read this book i probably could have gotten away with the comic but i'm good yeah i'll read james joyce's ulysses that'll cheer me right up [Music] actually going to need to have a little bit more food and drink before i go otherwise yeah you don't want to be starving that's the one thing there is a way to be starving though and still getting fatter in the game like if you just eat butter and ice cream you'll you'll starve because you won't have a lot of it you know like within a day the moment after you have it you'll be fine you'll be like oh that was wonderful that was majestic but uh shortly thereafter you'll have had a lot of calories so you'll be getting fatter and then you'll begin to get like hunger pains again and you will starve so don't do that all right two water bottles maybe i'll bring a half a bag of chips with me now i'm starting to think that i might want to save these though you can always just plant cabbages i mean i've had days in this game where i ate like 20 cabbages just until the point of explosion like your stomach would have blown up or just cabbages would have started leaking out the front of you or you couldn't even fit them down your esophagus so many cabbages i keep getting lost here so i'm just gonna head straight north i'm not sure if there is much straight north there should be uh train tracks if i keep going far enough this way i am going to keep getting myself tired because i want to train the sneak i want to be out running zombies because if i fast motion when i do this i might get into some serious trouble but okay now i am tiring myself out and we're gonna be careful probably about as far as i'll go um this looks like pallets perhaps for a train i guess that will examine this see if we can find any more industrial equipment around here ah this is more like it let me just close that up behind me okay splitting axe i'll throw that into my backpack i needed that hand hatchet these are good items of course i haven't wanted to use them in the early game because i don't want to destroy stuff gravel bag is actually kind of nice for landscaping gotta say ah cabbage ah okay yes the most some of the most overpowered seeds that is potatoes and cabbages tend to be really good paintbrush i might actually take the paint brush because i kind of want to repaint my house the gravel bags are pretty heavy but we'll transport them back at some other point and the concrete powder is also useful a lot of people don't really get to this base landscaping portion but inside each of us is a gifted landscaper exploding out of our soul sims stream one i actually do want to get back into the sims pc's inspired by it real ice cream you'd probably be pretty full for a while if you ate it yeah of course i'm exaggerating like you know i'm not a medical doctor or anything consult your psychologist if you're gonna start on this diet did you know it's a game it's a game come on [Music] there we go all right we just pulped him man that blow blow on the snud blood on the snow you ever do that he's become like dyslexic in your speech it's not really like a speech impediment it's just that i'm not really paying attention or is it oh crap i didn't expect that many uh unfortunately each of these has just one door window might consider locking myself in that thing but i don't really want to corner myself and i think it would be excessive risk at this point in time they're just gonna walk back to our house again we can't really do much until our body is just less garbage right now i'm just such a pile of crap i can't really like i hate to just sit at home but it's also you know when i do leave i am instantly reminded of how terrible i am so it's good we'll just make our way back through the fields it's okay you go back salty mc gastrocnemius you rest those gastrocnemiuses gastrocnemy eye whatever they are i believe in you even if no one else does what the hell is this place too i don't even think that we examined this barn did we medical term is brain fart i suppose so like you know if your doctor says the word head instead of i don't know cranium what is the medical skull i don't know you know there's something wrong or maybe that person's not a real doctor doctors shouldn't say head ah now i don't know people picture me as having like a long gray beard maybe someday maybe someday [Music] excessive exertion drowsy all right we're just gonna go to bed yeah sad though this man said well he's in pain while we can do more exercise i don't really know what i was getting at out there i think i found everything of much worth though in the north uh what is the issue here we can't because we're too exhausted to actually say yes that was why we returned home let's just rest in this chair for a bit okay i should get better from the exertion now so we can do push-ups when we're extremely exhausted or at least tired my one reservation on going north and east is that i think i'm going to find everything that i need to expand to base but i don't think i'm going to find the military goods that i need so what we might end up doing this time is just i don't know like painting the house yeah do some squats do some uh burpees again or some nah you can't do anything you just go to sleep we could remodel the house and then eventually we'll get like weapons and ammo and stuff like that aphasia is excessive exertion school bag that on the back now why am i getting anxious yeah i could have had a nightmare i don't actually see any other reason for that sometimes your character has a nightmare and they'll wake up anxious or paranoid or something it doesn't actually mean that you're infected it's just i don't really know how to raise quality of sleep i think it's just a random event that happens sometimes yeah that would explain the panic so he had a nightmare we will never know what his nightmare was maybe he ran out of pizza in in grape juice or something like that sit down there we go it's a grind but i'm probably not going to go any further than this level once i get to it i mean i might as well now that i'm already at 6 500. 6500 we've managed our weight but the good news is that after that we can probably procure for ourselves a car i feel like we did find something before didn't we or we had found the remnants of ah now i recall now i am reminded of what we found i think it was just off to the west right if we sleep now we go check back out that car maybe we'll have a ride out of here or at least we'll think of a way to get to it because we're going to need to make our way up and out of the j if we want to get out of yuri country or at least get to the point where we can acquire more supplies for example from the military base probably the best site here we go we can jump over fences without hurting ourselves and dying we'll walk over here i think it's just down this lane right right over here uh yep those two trucks all right now we do have some zombs here try to fight these ones off or at least encounter them one by one i trust myself a little bit more with fighting now uh not that many i do over a fence though when i can see them all what voice program do i use for my video i use adobe audition though audacity does all exactly the same stuff there's only one feature that i like in audition that lets you mark speech yeah adobe you know for all the price and everything like that they make pretty good stuff pretty good stuff but i haven't really tried out any of the other uh editors there might be something better out there baggy jeans baggy jeans our jeans are starting to get into it oh no both of these jeans are in bad condition never mind be gone jeans yeah the lunge is a pain i think i've figured out how to avoid the lunge though i don't i wasn't a big fan of it when they added it but you can still kind of game it all right uh looks like we've got only three more left to deal with all right i'm gonna see if i can just get one of them hey hey zombies hey zombies there we go come here zombies yeah like ah that was one of the that could have got me easily killed like clearly i was hitting the ground there but you know that's one reason why i turn on multi-hit is because there's some stuff where i'm just like that's not a thing who who's still alive back there hey zombies should probably turn back on highlighting though just kind of been out of it ah butterfly knife okay this is one of the things from the uh mods we're using pretty sure anyway right landslide welcome do i do voiceovers in post editing or during a little bit of both depends on what i'm feeling ah chevalier step van key is now mine why is there a sweater on the ground why can't i get in oh no is it broken down alas the world is growing smaller every day so saith franz kafka the saint i no car car car this car is broken down alas the world is growing smaller every day people people strip off their clothes when they're becoming high poker then i don't want to put the sweater through all of this misery i'm experiencing right now i'm just going to take it off goodbye sweater live your life some guy's just like i don't want to leave any mysteries after i'm gone drops his key drops a sweater and then just crawls away leaving a mystery ironically it'd be nice if you could plant a tree in this game i feel like that would be the next thing they could add you know be pretty simple plant a sapling that'd be good i feel like that it could be a pretty simple feature be nice plant trees severe pain why am i using severe pain again oh from all the exercise that i do well time to do more exercise to continue ignoring the pain there we are so good ah well i've added pictures of animals for hunting that they're going to be adding in eventually i mean those were in kind of old thursdays but agony such good descriptors here all right we're almost there only another 2 000 experience oh the car thing was a bust i'm sure that if we keep going along the roads then we'll find a car that's kind of what i'm betting on just take more of the how many more pain we have quite a lot more pain killers that means that we could do quite a lot more exercise if we just keep waiting and getting tired there we are more burpees there it is almost a thousand away almost a thousand away and we just have to wait until i'm out of so much pain to sleep again please painkillers i don't want to die you think anyone's ever delayed died from delayed onset muscle soreness wow that was such a good workout yeah 60 minutes of burpees and why else would you do it any other way unless if is it better for you to do i think they got to change that though 60 minutes of pure burpees they could at least the change change the number edge that wasn't a helicopter we're good might as well go through the next once i get the next level of fitness each level of fitness is like a big step but level three is pretty god-awful all right good starving again starving again all right now we're getting something done let's take more of these painkillers eat food all right this is getting a bit old now i'm just gonna get through the rest of it um hmm 1200 this house looks a little american psycho a little american psycho i can do a thousand sit-ups now like you feel that when i come in here every one of these playthroughs becomes the american psycho if we play it long enough though actually one thing i gotta do uh improve fitness when performed regularly okay let's let's make exercise a little more interesting we'll do an experiment 40 if i do 60 minutes of sit-ups will that just train this and train it more uh whoops i i got more exerted okay that one didn't count we'll take a second i did a lot of these tests last year but i think that a lot of these systems have been kind of refined so it's worth trying it again we're gonna see if sit-ups or burpees are actually better for you like if you can just purely train fitness i i do not have the answer to this question okay there's nothing aside from a slight pain i should be able to get in the full 60 minutes of sit-ups oh my god that sounds so masochistic 78.58 so what number is that going to go up to also too we've uh actually you know i should have done this at the beginning because the one factor i didn't consider was regularity but that went up by quite a marked degree me thinks that sit-ups train your fitness more than just burpees do okay well we'll answer that definitively hang on one second actually that would be quite a good thing to know because our fitness is really the bit that's lacking fitness well i mean it's supposed to be hard to level up fitness by default it's true though it is it is pretty difficult i i think it does equate to like real life fitness though and i applaud them for intentionally making that system difficult okay burpees what was it we gained like 300 or i'd say over 300 from that one set of sit-ups so now we've done so much more regularity on burpees but 81.76 so now we're going to do 60 minutes of these oh i stand corrected actually burpees did about the same amount and we've been doing them with more regularity i suppose it's just oh god you'd have to max out the levels now yeah it's not really a very good scientific experiment but those kinds of things are fun to do but oftentimes they don't really last like for example a good way to gain strength and fitness in the game used to be create a box and then push a tree so you would just push a tree for hours and it's a really fast way to grind your fitness still in old builds you can do it but unfortunately they got rid of it that was probably my favorite exploit in the game and i'm i'm a little sad that they got rid of it but you know i guess if you're developing it it looked ridiculously awesome to do it because your character would just like it was like watching a vhs tape on fast forward it was so funny i think i still have a whole video based on it when it was still a thing in the game good times sad they're gone time to do more sit-ups or burpees or whatever we're doing all right one more round of those things and we should be good i'll go to sleep one more time eat another bag of chips have another round of painkillers and then finally my my top two abs are sticking out we've actually made it to november 29th sit experiencing too much pain to sleep no way just normal pain there it is good experiencing too much depression to sleep [Laughter] i see the new dev blog maybe we'll read it at the end of this read it together like a family singing kumbaya and chopping down the trees um burpees i wonder where burpees get their name ah i increase i emerge from my cocoon of development like a butterfly in the evening hatching from its cocoon before the uh um something happens [Applause] yes my boredom is decreasing and disappearing i am gaining knowledge i have read moby dick and i have read paradise lost in 10 minutes after getting abs wow very exciting ladies here i come to a new life of uh alpha male and or something like that all right uh we have completed our awful skill grind we're now at fitness level four so i won't die from walking 10 feet away from my house uh we do have better nearly better strength actually quite a tough guy too much sustained pressure gives me the heavy sleeper wait really are you kidding me is that a thing that would be very interesting if you developed traits as they happen is that in a mod or is that in vanilla that's wild i'll believe it i buy that or i mean the only real thing that you can change about your traits is overweight underweight i'm not sure if agrophobic and claustrophobic disappear over time but i'm pretty sure that they lessen pretty sure that they lessen so there was actually a person named burpee wow i thought it came from like burping which was rather uh inappropriate but i'll allow it all right let's just get into this field and sketchily take these painkillers i love walking through the field in the snow and the cold and taking painkillers and not knowing where to go someone's trying to sell me something back there look at my strong oh my arm is so strong oh my legs drunk because i've been sitting in my house doing nothing but push-ups for the last three weeks don't do that by the way uh yeah if you ever had a period of your life where you had to do a lot of push-ups say for example the president's fitness challenge it's really not very good for your body remember whether that's in the president's fitness isn't in that oh when i was in college i did rotc but it was uh it wasn't really for me uh but what i found was that i got a lot of overuse injuries i would just get hurt a lot that's one thing you know when you meet these people from the they're making a sacrifice to be on the team you know put the team on my back yeah you just get like a lot of overuse injuries you know but if you do that kind of thing you learn to handle your body weight really well in like on a team where my team at where my team at i found a flute in a wardrobe earlier and it said weapon it'd be nice if you could play all of the instruments in the game they have added those for the image the one thing that i'll say that's not uh it's gonna sound a little harsh but i wish that there were a bit more differentiation between all the different weapons in pz's uh animation systems like for example i felt echoes of dead rising when they added all of the instruments into the game and i feel like some of this has been filled out by brita's mods and i wonder if it's something that they'll consider later on in development or if it's even something available to modders like for example there's a slight subtlety about how to play really well with a knife uh my friend nurse just did a video on this about how like when your hand is raised because a lot of people don't know how to use knives in the game i it took me a while to figure out the knives and i always forget how they work but yeah it'd be nice if we had a couple more weapons like that you know here i go requesting more features i sound like such an entitled kid when i play this game borrowed zombie survival exactly well i mean you remember the moment when you found the guitar shop in uh dead rising that's such a magical moment all right is this thing technically considered a knife let's find out uh we won't find out right now oh talking about no not in real life i'm talking about this game that we're playing right now man i wish in real life that i had more animations what a dumb complaint all right there we go yep that was it did you see how my left hand raised slightly before the kill yeah there it is again ah there that was an example i had the left hand raised right there oh wait a minute wait a minute my left hand was raised i jabbed all right again i'm getting too ballsy yep i'm not gonna be stupid uh we gotta use them purely as stealth kills but you know what i mean like there's a lot of times in this game where there's a delicate animation that you need to use and it doesn't quite get off and it puts your life in jeopardy and i'm not talking about alex trebek you know now that's a good animation where he throws up the knife but i find it a little hard to believe that somebody would have quite that much coordination i think a few subtle changes in the combat could be made more satisfying but maybe that's because i've played 300 hours on the new building i'm a slob and a boar nice might see more shine in pvp yeah yeah something like that something like that right i don't trust her to like if i go through this window i'm gonna die because then she's gonna be like oh there you are you know good all right we'll just wait for i will wait i will wait for you all right um plaster powder fertilizer that just means poop everyone you were a kid and you learned that that was quite a funny day uh your father was very disappointed in you he never hugged you [Music] travel bag garden oh hey koala twin doing good hope you're doing good yeah all the food is grown in poop man that's kind of gross when i think about it but it is natural ah do a glad dance a generator is here ah a fork ah some karats and some cabajas let's put that on the ground yeah we don't need that metal pipe anymore too heavy and uh silver mmm another hoe where my garden hose at [Laughter] oh so much fun every drop of water i drop ah i don't want to well apparently shakespeare's atoms have been spread throughout the world all right this is this is becoming tangential again though i don't think that you'll get me if i do this yeah i was right i'm a very good predictor i would make a good weatherman i don't need your leather jacket i don't need your attitude there we are all right ah i just fully destroyed that thing oh what if we made this into like a little home away from home you know grab the couch grab the couch or i could just sleep on the ground tonight that'd be kind of nice yeah let's sleep on the ground in here sit on the ground uh we don't actually have the option to sleep now this to me is a violation of human rights you know that we can't why can't we uh why can't we sleep on the ground like if i'm just feeling slightly tired couldn't i make the conscious decision like i think i'll settle down here for the night you know i hope that that gets added in yeah this is becoming too wistful it's becoming too wistful let's focus on the here and now shall we we found a multitude of tools a multi-tools not a multi-tool but a you know a lot we can sleep i could sleep on the couch but there were three broken windows around me so i thought that would be pretty ill-advised because somebody could just come in it would be like the drive through it wendy's my god wendy's has a drive-through why am i doing what i'm doing right now when wendy's has a drive-through you could be in your car and eating mcnuggets except they wouldn't be they would be like wendigos or something like that yeah not that you should have wendy's a lot you know like occasionally maybe this is after i don't know maybe like your bar mitzvah or something you'd have some wendy's yeah but you know when you do it's special if it's special last time i had wendy's was uh the last time i'd shot uh talked to my father yeah now we've talked since then i'm lying of course but yeah a special day indeed and they're not wendy's isn't even paying me to say that maybe someday maybe someday now we'll just eat these uh generic name brand chips or store brand knockoffs um baked beans very tire very hypothermia i do not look too good like that all right it'd be nice if i could bring a bed back into my life but uh while we are this well off let's go ahead and do some exercise now we might as well just make it a normal habit these you really can't ever have too much fitness in this game it's it's probably the most desirable trait i can't think of quite any other statistic even strength doesn't really matter like you know who cares if you can push them all because if you get out of breath it doesn't make a difference no you got to get fit healthy and strong there we go there are times where you can just be so morbidly obese and underfit that you can't even hop a fence imagine that does jewelry have any purpose jewelry as far as i know doesn't have any purpose in the game i think it's just a cosmetic item yeah you know what happened to you my sister they made my sister into the baconator then that would be cannibalism i'm pretty sure that's not legal i don't think that they have to write that one down for you it must be very man the thoughts that go through my head sometimes you think there's anywhere in the law that it's like no cannibalism we had that before and it didn't work out all right i think you know we've been north a lot uh for clarification whenever i go to the upper right that's north like this direction is north this would be northeast uh sorry northwest i always mix up east and west this would be west so north northeast east and the rest of it you know never eat sour watermelons because sometimes people think this is north in the game but it's not and i don't know why people will correct me on that and they're wrong is that written down anywhere actually though maybe i'm just an idiot that's what it's always been told to me as anyway so that's the way that's the way it's gone hey myron the stoner thanks very much for the raid hang on one second let me just quickly uh as well as obx bradley thanks very much for the sub much appreciated my friend i got a second uh welcome in raiders uh i think that works oh you guys were doing some pz what kind of playthrough was it i much appreciate it my friend legs is bugging me so i got to take a break oh take a break now yeah go enjoy some pasta or get some wendy's or something like that you know they have a drive through there except maybe uh we could carry you there or something because of your legs i don't really know hope your stream went well though thanks for the raid much appreciated that was a little under cautious of me but here we are at the lodge fabulous place hey where what map have you been playing on semi painful one year challenge i think uh what is it one one god awful you're always the one that cromulated archer did did he create that or was that just like a twitch phenomena maybe he didn't make it i'm trying to remember who thought of that idea yeah that looked interesting one painful year one masochistic year whatever it was house key sixth what are we living in half-life right here my god awful white wine is just purely good for you and the current build can't you i don't even think that it has any negative effects unless if you just drink yourself to death it can kill you which would probably be considered negative by most but i'm a little cornered right here but it can't really get you tipsy you know what i mean i don't know i said you know what i mean there's nothing really to get from them but never eat shredded wheat shredded wheat sometimes they do that in real life that's actually kind of a stoic practice they say uh you just eat bland foods like you eat rice cakes and shredded wheat an oatmeal in a day and generally speaking the next day you'll get a lot more pleasure out of life but it's an ancient stoic practice to uh help you experience more gratitude for the things in your life like they used to wear uncomfortable shirts around town i don't know because i didn't see it but i read that it was a thing and i believe everything that i read box of nails here we go all right like i said we're gonna find a lot of home improvement stuff but until we find a car it's just pretty much gonna be home improvement so we did find the cooking show e2 after this they're going to be going to the video game convention at e3 today instead of cooking we're going to introduce some fabulous new video game edge what will be next probably stay in this house for tonight too since i'm such such an overloaded man wrecked by hardship and oh my god that is a uh i thought that was an uzi it was actually just a bb gun i'm like that's a little bit much to keep hey kids we couldn't we couldn't decide what to get you for christmas this year so we decided we're gonna eat some real yakuza gangster weapons have fun uh christmas christmas used to be such a fun holiday live below yeah live below your means and ask yourself if this is what you feared ah that is that is another excellent way of putting it ask yourself if this is what you feared well that's good too you know any especially that's a good way to stop any kind of spending habit that you develop like um like i kind of get into that whenever i get into physical gaming again video gaming doesn't really do this for me because once you buy the game like you you pretty much have it i mean ownership are we just renting our games or are we actually buying them that's a more philosophical debate it's just really annoying [Music] i'll allow it i'll allow it that got a little existential a little bit fast everything bagel um yeah yeah how many months that's only two months well either way thank you very much much appreciated existential existential crises not withstanding what was i saying though but yeah spending habits are difficult to break unless if you just kind of go back in your life and you ask yourself like was i yeah pretty much just repeating what you said i will lie with the mother of oedipus if you do that do you have an edible complex technically anything's not but who am i all right let me just take some painkillers in the bed there we go uh book down garden fork down why am i carrying all this crap on myself boxing nails the pain it's going away good uh i am i am tired enough to sleep now aren't i i've been up for a while oh no it seemed like i had been up for a while never mind all right this is going to be one of those trips where i just bring a lot of stuff back in my hands to my house because all these seemed like useful items you know any kind of like uh food stuffs that we can procure is always going to be useful until we really find a car or something else to call my own oh my god i wish i had a dining room table that good but i did end up uh well like i said you learned to live below your means one thing i started doing recently is just my god so many chairs that you see in stores are rip-offs so i went to goodwill and uh they have a actually some very nice tables there for pretty cheap but you can't really buy upholstered stuff from a goodwill uh it's just not a good idea we have way too much crap on us because you never know what's in it so you buy wood so you just get a lot of noble wood furniture uh i have almost none of the things that i decided to come out with don't i uh crap can you get over now you still can't get over all right put down that shovel now can you get over oh you're just out of breath oh no you're not you're you're a queer one julie jordan all right uh i guess i'll go back into the house come on get in there get in there man nah touching clot cloth from goodwill won't kill you but you know like actually maybe i don't know maybe i'm being kind of judgmental i saw some sweet ass couches in it in there though basically the couches that like the first couch that you have from the sims and to be honest with you a lot of the couches that you see in goodwill look more like uh look more like real furniture than some of the synthetic things that you see in various other apartment uh department stores but i don't know i'm generalizing a lot here a lot of what i'm saying is just stupid and wrong but i don't know the point is you don't yeah don't inflate your lifestyle otherwise you'll never be happy hmm it's a streamer i think people need yeah i don't know what are what is in a resell i always kind of like uh personally i always find it difficult to join a stream midway through spiffo we could at least like take pictures of ourselves everywhere that we see him ah that'd be nice see if i can get all of this stuff over the fence because you know it's not worth it to get back to my house if i can't just uh come on get over it come on keep trying keep trying you could do it actually can he do it i don't know if it's a percentage chance or if it's just an on off thing yeah good good hardwood furniture good firm firm furniture makes you more honest this barn i don't think i i don't think i want to go through with this right now i know i'm probably gonna get myself killed but i'm just gonna be outstandingly careful on the way back i don't want to take a second trip unless if i hear them right here am i dying i am dying i am dying why am i dying okay all right okay i'm gonna do some ballsy things right here i'm gonna drink a whole bottle of wine i'll be fine all right good step one oh where is the bot there is the empty bottle we'll throw that on the ground like a hobo there we go an endearing hobo let's just eat all of that 97 and dropping i think not well it's still dropping good now i have all of this let's just consume everything that we came with yeah i'll just util use up some of these things before i get out of this area i was a little impatient here all right now i'm paying for it with a long trip back fix it up see if i can watch some tv there we go that's a little bit better i forgot that tv doesn't exist anymore okay well in that case let's just sit down on the ground and read about first aid so that we don't have to bring that back also why is this getting progressively worse there we go i was afraid i wouldn't be able to get all those magazines back to my house um just reading about first aid in the dark is exhilarating hmm yeah consumerism won't really ever lead you anywhere seek inter seek personal transformation you know what i mean i've always found that that has led me to happiness in life hmm hypothermic now i am getting cold inside but how could it be getting worse it's that is odd i've never gotten hypothermia inside either this build this building could be glitched it's possible there are buildings that count as like inside or outside when they're not yeah there we go i think that the like the large warehouse they just got rid of from the game because it was a very glitch building or that's one reason why you see other buildings there magazine what else is heavy in this inventory first aid for beginners dropping it book reading it depression begone uh paper gone i ate the book i got this okay i can attach this to my back good how far are we still at 19.1 out of 10. wear the long socks put those ones down adhesive bandages box and nails uh do we have any goddamn backpacks in this world all right you know what we're just gonna have to make some decisions here bringing that back bb gun cool tire pump cool sheet not really necessary dirty rag not really necessary painkillers now i've got to sleep here too i'm not being very good with inventory managing is you know you get someone you put your feet out in front of you eyes bigger than your stomach and you can never get anything done there we go now i'm not exhausted 18.45 out of 10. now i'm just going to have to put down fishing for intermediates is basically worthless uh water bottles i do want to keep those magazines i'm going gonna drop on the ground the bb gun is surprisingly heavy okay that's probably enough to get home yeah i don't need to be perfectly unencumbered but just enough to not be totally exhausted before i get there yeah so that's what i'm saying you know like we've been trying to expand our radius and it's a little slow but it's also like look at how useless he is when he's not uh when he doesn't have a car and he doesn't have anything to get around in okay that was the other one ah here we are home home sweet home and it's december 4th i think we played much less time than the last time so we've really covered a lot more ground just in the couple hours we've been here i don't even think we've been playing for quite as many hours and yet we've gotten more character development done but this is kind of like the slow slog before we meet our car i'm just going to take all of this and put it on the ground grab my backpack again fitness isn't really worth getting here at this point in time we just lose weight take our time [Music] backpack backpack i thought i put up my backpack down there where'd i throw down my bag oh it's probably in my main room i was sleeping there's an auto walk mod that lets you change walk into double clicking which is super useful and doesn't do the weird stop running thing that the original walktop does oh did not know that yeah mouse controls are pretty underrated was actually thinking of doing a mouse playthrough a mouse only where you can't use your keyboard ah here is my backpack it's loaded up with axes jesus here we go right we'll rest hmm one thing that limits you when you're losing weight is that in efforts to lose weight you're actually like weakening yourself seriously because when you're very hungry you can't carry as much so it's just this entire period of decreased strength bring those along with us keep one in our inventory hmm all right i think we'll set back out again 11 30 p.m yeah we'll set out let's do some normal walking though this time all right what we should keep our eyes out for is a car if we do manage to find one we'll come back and grab our gas can if it doesn't work and we'll siphon the gas and if it does work then huzzah amazing good for us we can keep using it it might be better to stick to roads here and that also might be difficult with all the snow on the ground as well uh this looks like a place where you might see a weapon no no just more farming equipment than nothing all right keep heading east just as like a place marker yeah we certainly don't want to lose track of where our original house was hmm hey trooping what's up brother a lot of the zombies went over to uh near the helicopter event but the map that we're playing on is very rural like a little bit more remote ah this is an interesting spot might find more of what we're looking for here yep okay this is good this is more like what we're looking for not exactly quite what i wanted yet but still good man i feel like going through this entire county if it were loaded with zombies that would be so worthless this is not that much loot touch that to my back okay we'll use this to break into the other garages now here's where we might start to find unless if are any of them open generally these things are always closed uh if we could find some zombies to line them up on these doors that would be good yeah actually what am i doing i get a sledgehammer at home yeah i'm coming right back here all right well we didn't run out of enery energy we did use up some precious time but it's all good we'll come back tomorrow sledgehammer our way in and see what's in the rest of those garages i feel like i'm probably going to find more farming equipment but you can never really have enough of that stuff and it makes for great weapons oh yeah did i say east i meant weest thank you oh wowzers jesus christ hey candy rain thank you very much for those 20 gift subs i do appreciate that a lot thank you very much that is very generous ah fraptious day indeed and uh may the uh make good things happen to you today make good things happen to you today thank you very much if you're getting a gift uh gifty sub if you're getting a gift sub from candy rain please be sure to say thanks thank you i do appreciate that a lot that's the best woman in the game oh the sledgehammer sledgehammer is actually a fairly effective weapon too candy rain if you got any requests go whisper whisper them in my in my uh in my ear um throw that on my back good now sledgehammer actually does do quite a lot of damage but it also it requires like a man to use it yeah it's pretty tough it's kind of zombie apocalypse in a nutshell isn't it hmm go back there i think we've got enough we should probably sleep before we get it tomorrow though hey ghoul king what's up brother the run's going pretty good i don't know eerie's like uh it's a little empty it's a little quiet but we've made a decently cozy base so yeah we're started we're started i'm just looking for that good military base looking for that good car that i need but we did manage to find a decent garage so i'm hoping that this place will have better stuff to kind of uh breathe new life into everything around us it's funny how reliant you become on just hardware when the end of the world hits you know what i mean it has this kind of life-giving property like i'll never forget t-v-u-s-e-r-n-o-t-i-c-e ambiguous amphibian que pasa oh that was from that was via candy rain well thank you very much thank you very much much appreciated my friend i'll never forget the first time that i that i bought a drill kind of reminded me of like or like i just felt such great power you know like a circular saw and a drill there's a lot you can do with a circular saw and a drill in terms of just construction projects yeah yeah he already has that vibe i think it was down here a little bit then we make our way back over to the other end though i'm pretty patient with the walking because this is just the way that pz used to be a i used to play it before there were even cars in the game you just had to walk everywhere and the map was still just as big i was just like how are we going to get there you have to time lapse that am i going the right way i feel like i lost it yeah i'm past it now starving again too starving won't kill me well i mean it will kill me if i give it long enough time wait a minute now yeah i took a direct waste pretty much i'm gonna have to do a little bit of serpentine right here [Music] seems a little sus to me where was that warehouse yeah it was like right here right was it just north [Music] i don't trust this place okay here was the wheat field that i know yes this wheat was very honest to me it wouldn't lie it's weed it's the most honest of crops hmm wheat you have let me down man ah shotgun shells that's something all right i'm going to starve to death soon i can't believe that i lost track of that place where was it like right there two seconds ago hmm keep heading down ah this is it okay here we are i've not lost faith in myself completely what a what a good what good news that is all right we do have a zomb there though hey fella hey fella slow and steady ah that is the best weapon to get a kill with though that's nice the wheat the wheat was a lie it all was just south of where i was going okay down goes the wall down it goes down it goes ah okay this is more like it man i might even get an opportunity to destroy a table right now hammer lead pipe what is in that shelf all of this is worthless conveniently everything does drop from the shelves now it used to be that it just got destroyed i think all right thread that's something shotgun shells will keep the lead pipe on me i think we're just breaking down the other walls mr gorbachev oh wow this is like surplus furniture hang on a minute now what is behind this wall what secrets these stoves rather grills whatever they are wow this really is a weird spot i mean i could even live in here i wouldn't really recommend it but all right let's do this now there's no such thing as structural integrity in this game as you probably already know you just be floating so that's a thing get some rotten chicken in there who would put that chicken in a warehouse like this my god it's like the sims furniture store rotten cake slices i think we've got actual like fridge spawns in these it's odd oh well that garage wasn't really worth saving okay giant waste of time again [Music] not really any edible food in there either okay but maybe this is something that's so nice to just be able to destroy anything i was like i finally got the cheat codes here i come in with my good stuff i also don't want to use this as a weapon a lot how much condition does it have it doesn't have to it doesn't have its full condition anymore so we're gonna have to be oh that was ballsy of me i don't know why i did that let's see how far you get with that uh whoops you just did they open the door you can add it in that zombies are able to open the door i'm trying to remember if there was any which is terrifying i might add you don't want you don't want that in your game like what what just happened hmm well that was kind of a bust i think there's anything a little bit further out east otherwise i'm probably just gonna make my way up through the j that'll bar in battery ah fence usually leads to civilization maybe we'll find robert frost in here or something nope just a walk along the countryside really is all these trees seem too neatly placed yeah look at that they're like perfect rows one right there hmm countryside what secrets what's oh a car two cars all right this is what the entire quest has been for the quest stands upon the edge of a knife all right these zombies have weakened senses i may be able to get through here quietly if i can attract these ones you will not pass there we are okay good that's a one and i'll stop this one because i don't want to lose my god damn it you were there though there it is good all right done with that done with that and we earn these cars that we'll maybe be inside of in a moment please cars allow me to use you maybe i'd just be better off like i don't know at this point my luck with cars has been so bad that oh my god that's god awful it might be more worthwhile to just revitalize a car from various parts that we find near our base i think i might end up doing that because you know usually it's way faster to get that done by just finding a car but for god's sake okay i don't want to run out of sledgehammer and die let's just destroy the window though shall we why didn't you just use the sledgehammer rather than your elbow you absolute chad all right well i think we're gonna need a lot of these walkie-talkies before too long so we're just gonna take that we'll need quite a lot of electronics but you can pretty much get all the skill that you need from one car uh tires gonna come in handy i'm pretty sure that we have wrenches back where we went we are going to build a car because i am out of ideas yep i i don't want to die um 18.46 uh we're gonna have to put something down yeah i don't think carrying back a tire on my back seems like a great idea in retrospect hey thorax malone thanks very much for the prime much appreciated my friend ah i fell again i've fallen and i can't get up damn it right when i forgot my uh bandages too all right i'm going to in a manly way rip up my my long sleeve shirt there we are rip cheats on there all right so plan a was smackeldorf we couldn't really find a car i've gone about as far as i care to go with the cars i think i'm going to go back to the destroyed cars near my house and just like build one from scratch i know that sounds kind of crazy but we have more literature than we have car parts so we'll probably be better off just building something with our mechanics skill or at least see how far we can get and if there's maybe one component then we could search for it i mean after all there's all these mechanic shops out here we're bound to find something there's like the tractor supply and other garbage like that around here um always try before um hmm some is happening right okay this is two it's just two uh my character is actually quite exerted now though all right no matter just keep going over these fences keep going over this way don't get caught in a bad spot yeah this guy gets exhausted quite fast or it may seem quite fast but it's just because there's such a large stretch of countryside it does kind of make you think of the middle of america like if you've ever ridden a train through it there's just miles and miles and miles of like corn in these stretches and i mean around where the game is based like kentucky like have you ever taken a train through ohio in parts like that man does it get corny all right so back to plan a build up a base get all that stuff going starvation is okay though at least we're getting i'm not gonna die yeah i won't die from this right now i am getting a little bit more worried about food though we could keep foraging for stuff but it seemed as if we had tons and tons of it and now i'm starting to realize like we are alone out here in the woods and we're trying to get out of although it's good that we're you know safe out in the woods like what is there out here it's a little bit like real life simulator when you live in the country what what or at least being a city person if you uh if you go there for the first time and then you're like what is out here hmm it can be very peaceful too i think we'll be better off reading the book first okay time to read a book go to bed and then tomorrow scout out the random cards that we have around here that's what you have to do though if you want to get out of a country town you just have to build a car to leave it how many cans of food do i have left now i am starting to count because i spent all that time losing weight thinking that my fitness montage would lead to a scavenging montage and then i'd be able to get out of here um kentucky and ohio are vastly different yeah i'm probably generalizing more than i should but i guess what i mean is just there's parts of america where there's a lot of farming in woodland at least compared to a lot of people who i mean a massive part of the population just lives along the coast in a suburban or an urban area um very hungry ridiculously tired a lot of the time when i'm explaining things i'm just saying things to my past self though but yeah i've had people think that i was like trying to preach truth in all of my uh in all of my videos and sometimes they'll come at me with all of this politicking and i'm like oh god we're just relaxing we're just saying we're spitting falsehood just spitting falsehood ah the load it pains me hmm how would i go through my backpack in my my god i am sleeping very late all right there we are a light snow won't be bad for getting the car parts let's go ahead and scout out what cars are in any general condition and then we'll see what we can like put together because there was one group of them somewhere just south east of here this is coming from someone who mixes up cardinal directions remember guys hmm all right now if we follow along the road that should lead us to the carriage so we had two down here unless if they've just teleported away no they are good okay my faith in society has been confirmed now this may be blocking off this other car though is it try to figure out why we can't even get into it in the first place uh let's see tires driver's seat uh the seats the doors okay the doors are in pretty crap condition but we can uninstall them we can still use the parts on this car it's unclear to me why we can't even get into the car though um all right let's check out this one can we at least get into its trunk we can there is literally one can of soda in the trunk we do have the key to this one which is nice but by the time that we're done reassembling these things we might not even need keys to cars all right i guess the other thing that we should check and just take account of is how much gas do we have i'm gonna go head home really quick yeah i'll head home after this i think we had one more pile of cars there down in the south was it along here or was it in a different spot i'm not getting anything there and it seems like the road ends another thing that's making this entire process more difficult is the fact that it's snowing and we can't even see the road beneath our feet so we lost track of where we even were in the first place i swear to god there was there was something over here there was a car ah here it is okay this was the one i was looking for now i took this for granted a little bit before because i thought it would be easier to find cars these two cars we could potentially repair maybe i'm being a little bit optimistic there but this one we can't actually access this engine though unfortunately i have no way of towing this car away from here i don't have anything that i could move a car with so it seems like this car is going to be the one kind of stuck here hmm this is the worst car but will it work will it work checking the front seat we don't have a key it appears i'm not even sure if the door locks work the lock is broken so i mean yeah this is a car this reminds me of our car when i was a kid you have to get in through another seat and you can't get out of the driver's seat all right uh questionable we'll start with that do we we have a screwdriver on us okay so here's what our what our task is going to be ahead of us we need to gain the electrical and mechanical skills in order to dismantle or in order to hot wire this car and then hopefully get some gasoline into it we gotta remember its location too because that is our ride out of here i don't want to make you believe in me anymore because that's this is the worst travel situation i've ever been in but you know if i have to go back to the ground and build this thing with my er build this thing from the ground up as they say i'll do it i swear to god i'll do it yep we could well we could in theory repair all of it we'd have to replace a lot of it or we could replace those parts um you can't just like tail or a new seat that would be a bit ambitious well you might be able to but certainly be difficult so whatever you're gonna do is uh head back home see if i did manage to find any of those electrical or mechanical books at this point vhs tapes are somewhat useless we could get a generator but i think the gas is better spent on travel did i keep books in here mechanics for beginners we do in fact have that we have two copies of it in fact we could eat one of them and we have electronics i believe electronics is in pink go ahead back over and look for that i am starving but it's okay um electricity for intermediates unfortunately not the book that we need but since i have on the skill multiplier the mechanics was the more we'll say necessary one all right um time to head back inside we're going to be reading an entire book now and that's going to vastly speed up this whole process i shouldn't say vastly because it is still quite a quite an enduring process more long long requires endurance whatever it is we've been streaming for a while now ah there we are can opener open up a can of soup a quarter of that just enough to keep myself from starving all right now we sit on the floor oh this is better though because our task is more suited to our weight really need to keep losing weight if we want to get much further in this we need to lose weight and gain fitness and you're just better off grinding basic skills before you get like uh that fit that opportunity to get fitness or it'd be nice if i could go back to a car you know use that to speed my way away from the zombies well co-op allow for somebody to push a car while the person inside says that'd be kind of neat like what that person uh i don't know puts the car in uh or takes the car takes off at his parking brake be an interesting mechanic well we saw the car towing which nobody really ever expected all right we've got a hunger now it's coming back but we did manage to finish the mechanics i guess i'll leave finished books over here on the floor the bottle [Music] drink all of that might as well now okay tiredness is now starting to take over it's not really worth going in on cars if you're tired because pretty sure tired just lowers the speed of everything tired is one of the worst moodles to get like unhappiness it's never worth it to do a lot of looting or tasks that require inventory management when you're unhappy or bored because it just slows everything down like by a lot by quite a lot where are we with our electrical 1.5 i can't even really remember what we did with that got a multiplier of three on that so let's see what one walkie-talkie does my god my hair is grown we have scissors i don't actually really like that we don't have scissors okay it's staying that way can i tie it up into a ponytail then it's ultimate gastrocnemius there we are ponytail get it out of my uh get it out of my face good job salty we all believe in you you can get through this man ah better stay organized so we're at 1.5 let's see what one walkie-talkie does hmm it did a whopping 1.5 that's actually not that bad though because we need electrical level one and mechanics level two so that's fine uh what other kinds of stuff could we use we use any kind of car tool uh and then we'll bring out our screwdriver with us there is a way to farm infinite electrical experience from a car and we're probably gonna have to employ it you need to it requires having a lot of light bulbs on you because you get individual electrical experience from every single light bulb that you do so we're gonna go ahead and use this on the car pretty much every single car that we find here any car that we can get to the light bulbs on you can even swap out the light bulbs from various cars or it used to be that way and like reuse all of the experience on them hey duver 505. thanks very much for the prime uninstall bat there we go the bin the beard is a good insulator i could never really do uh long hair though have i ever used the heiress mini map mod i don't really use mini map a lot mid-map's not bad i just feel like it kind of takes out my immersion or it adds more ui try to keep the ui out of the game uh believe i get experience for all of these but that's just me though happy three months hope your stream has gone well hmm this is a little odd hey running miss max thanks very much for the three months very appreciate this is uh i i can't believe what i'm seeing it seems as though electrical experience for installing and removing headlights has been oh it's been changed into mechanics experience i guess that makes a little bit more sense i can't say i like it uh that's bad is it just me is it oh it was boosting mechanics maybe it was boosting mechanics and not electrical all along yeah i'm going crazy yeah i'm a crazy person don't listen to me okay uh never mind yeah i don't know why i totally mixed that up in my head getting impostor syndrome now wow okay uh well nonetheless we're gonna get mechanics like way way fast since this battery happens to be at 100 and it's apparently in very good condition as long as the batteries don't need charging we'll be okay if the battery does need charging though we may be in trouble like i said i was hoping to not have to go through this process with you guys but we might as well just go we might as well dive in head first if we're going to go ahead and rebuild an entire car now even if a battery's at 100 it might just mean that it's in good condition and it still doesn't have any juice in it in which case you still need a battery charger which requires a lot of other stuff so if this battery is crap and right at that moment a helicopter event oh that's bad all of that is bad um okay tell you what all of the batteries in the world are crap we're all gonna die we're alone in this world i'm gonna install them anyway we might as well get the experience for when we do manage to find a car and then for god's sakes hot wire that battery's at 100 but we're going to need like a gas station or a generator and all of this other crap if we want to get that thing up and running we might just be better off walking it through erie if this doesn't work out my god how many obstacles will you throw at me i'm not even really scared of this helicopter event though because i feel lonely to be quite frank and i'd like zombies to come near never played pc but i play rimroll but i like soundboat a lot of people who like uh rimworld like pz or vice versa i believe tynan has mentioned pz as an inspiration in rimworld or was it the other way around i i don't know i'm trying to remember back to tynan's gdc thing china has a very good talk at gdc if you ever want to watch an interesting thing on game dev hmm why are you running i i may just go to sleep here i mean i'm not that scared i'm not this scared i could sleep in the house the house doesn't matter to me as much as the garage does yeah i'm not scared i'm not scared unfortunately all of the batteries don't work and we're we have nothing i i actually am feeling great like emptiness and nihilism right now all of my plans have been smackeldorfed every single thing that i thought would work has now failed me i still have a lot of experience i'm good at mechanics i mean as a person i feel fully validated like it would be a complete life lived but just you died and you were alone and you never had anyone you know it's going to be it's probably a sad death for salty mc gastrocnemius but i don't want him to die i still i'm rooting for him yeah all that he has is a hand drill and a saw that's all that he has to live for is like the wood around him it would be a terrible thing to go to sleep now this is going to require a lot more brainstorming i don't know i'm needing to get creative with this it's good when you get creative that's when you break down walls that's why i'm going to sit in this chair and be creative all right the uh helicopter event ended apparently right nearby me but not quite on top of me i think it's safe to go to sleep now let's get out of here keep checking on him he is now 95 kg i mean i've lost a lot of weight it's going to start to sneak up on me now really more a cause for concern than anything else but now that that battery wasn't working i'm starting to think of abandoning my car plan too i don't want to seem like i'm just abandoning strategies left and right but it's that if i i'm seeing that if i go through with them to their full fruition we're really not even going to get anything we could get the generator but if we get the generator then we would need a battery charger so there's so many different various items and prerequisites to recreate civilization on my back we well we need a car not only a car with a battery but we need a car with a battery that is charged there's a difference between a charged and an uncharged battery and a battery charger is a very difficult item to locate um when you do find one hold on to it with both hands because you need a generator and that to charge a battery and tons of gasoline too i almost feel like that the best way we can continue is just by deciding which items for us are going to make the best for mobility and try to make a long-term trip from our home because otherwise we're just going to die here i mean we'll live but it won't be living we'll just be existing so to speak the monotony what's gotten into me hmm eminem all right i think i'm good let's make a conscious decision of what items are going to be the most useful on my way out i think that the sledgehammer would be good i definitely want that with me but i think i'll keep that in my backpack six point six two we've brought down the carry weight a bit we want to refill our water bottles before we go and i think we'll just go on a scouting mission we won't bring anything back with us i'm gonna make that like a point of that's why i'm bringing a sledgehammer just that i can break down any walls we're cold we're a little bored but that'll go away the hunger we also want to take care of that really quick because we don't want to we don't want to become weak if there's anything that we can bring with us like coffee that would also be good you eat a half a thing of marinara i'm gonna eat another half a thing of marinara here we are and i'll bring some food with me ketchup will do you imagine leaving home citation needed for the difference between a charged and an uncharged battery uh you're a funny one you're a funny one i'll allow it all right well we've got the digital watches okay time for a scouting mission everything that we did here in you know nowheresville has been for nothing now if we want to get out of here we need to go slightly either north or south i can't remember which one it is but i'm going to stay along roads because if we managed to find a miraculous car that would be that would be good i think we'll make our way out here and we're going to go do some walking and we won't go all the way until nightfall we want to kind of we want to get back and be tired but not so tired um okay a tree-lined crap oh it's so dangerous to do this in the snow because we don't know where we're going if we do do it in the snow do do if we do it in the snow then we have to make sure that we walk just in one cardinal direction so that we can retrace our footsteps easily or we could at least follow a natural landmark like this river because we don't want to get lost yeah get mixed up with so many different boxes and houses this is a new ground all right we haven't tried here yet by rocking the dirty bandage embracing my bad boy status no i just forgot to take off my bandage i'm just a dirty person that's the truth still nothing was really hoping to follow along a road but i think it would be worse to just keep aimlessly going along that way what was that that looked like a clearing no nothing i gotta say one of the main things that used to get me killed in this game and the reason why i couldn't have long term characters or whenever i went anywhere i would die was because i wouldn't walk i would run and i didn't know about this feature just make sure that you're always speeding up to like the next fastest level and using walk too it's just such a better way to fast travel i think enough people have watched or discovered the game through my videos and now seeing it like that so maybe it's not as big a thing but it took me a while to figure it out know why there's always new secrets i've been covering like recently i saw a streamer do something where he had two broken legs and he could use the walk to mechanic to start running in place which is just mind-boggling a little crazy a little crazy we've been a long way and we still haven't found anything if i find anything here i might just have to stay there for the night i'd rather avoid that but we're getting to the point where it's getting a little dangerous for me to be out here now we're just heading into straight woods all right i'll tell you what just keep track of time we'll do this till 3 p.m and if we don't find anything by 3 p.m we'll head back out to the river go back home and call it a loss we'll try it another way another day because i'm not going to get myself killed in these woods if you'll go a little bit south of here though so that i have a better shot at maybe discovering something in the future ah no another river well this is bound to get me mixed up i can't say i really like that but we've made it further than any than any amphibian ever has [Music] hey what is the name of this survivor playing as uh salty mcgastrock nemius thanks for the sub appreciate the four months navy night i am tired i regret to inform you but a bridge a covered bridge wait a second this is almost exactly what i was looking for right when hope gave out salty mcneigh yep this is exactly what i was looking for all right unfortunately we are exhausted hey squids thanks for the prime much appreciated my friend yep we are at an evac shelter possibly a military base i don't honestly know but this is a feature native to eerie country it may just be an evacuation point but we are also along a road and i don't really want to give this up man it would have been great to bring around coffee here we can at least follow the electric poles though all right let's see what this place has to offer might honestly offer a little bit of cover for the night if we kill the zombies around here we could stay in it and i'd feel fairly safe in that uh that's not good all right that's how sandbags work yep all right we got something wow i didn't realize that the whoa wowzers who would put that many guns in the barracks we lucked out we lucked out i don't forget we got this sledge hammer on us um do we have anything with a suppressor not that i want to do that right before i sleep we got a dragon off jesus christ my first rifle technically it it would be um handy rifle carbine and all these dragon ups 9 19 millimeter double stack we do have 90 min uh that would be a fairly useful ammo type 45 acp single stack magazine i think a lot of these are already loaded all right we found weapons congratulations good job honey how am i gonna find this place again though i don't want to use these to take out the zombies we might bring these back to our base honestly was hoping i'd find something with a bit more uh transportation potential but svds may be super uh let me go double check handy rifle 38 scp dragon it's unfortunate the dragon knob isn't though the dragon up would also be a terrible okay well we do have a shotgun and we do find random shotguns lying around in uh like pretty much farm supply areas or like shotgun shells are a little bit more easy to find 22lr basically as long as it has a magazine and a little bit more ammo 308 win multi uh multi gun yeah of course the walther might be walter walther whatever it is this may be good because it does contain a magazine we have a whole box of ammo for it not really my go-to first-choice weapon but throw that on my back okay we have a gun we did not have a gun for a very long time in this play through but at least it feels earned um unequip that not my not my first gun of choice i'd probably get a shotgun but i kind of prefer this rather than like just you have every gun in the game i feel like the the spawns were good in this 19 millimeter uh what else do we have that uh the carbine might be good too yep carbine would be worth it i'm gonna take that out of here but am i saying it all wrong i don't know how to pronounce all the gun names they're interesting i just they're expensive if you're really into them 45 acp 38 scp 45acp but feel free to backseat you know it's helpful uh 22lr 45 acp what had 45 acp 1911 carbine there we go yeah i'll grab that too 45 acp single stack might be good to have a sidearm too though take that yep we also have an extra mag so that's good 45 acp 45 acp okay that's more than enough that's actually far more than i feel comfortable carrying with me browning bookmark we also have this immediately getting my attention ground okay that's enough that's enough all you would want to do is set up some sort of landmark that could help me find this place again a little bit over encumbered we could probably throw some of this into our backpack though and get under wait i think we brought some food with us too water bottles are surprisingly heavy so we'll put those in carbine's going and look at all that we have in a school bag jesus oh graphical user i could pretty much completely turn off the ui except i would need to bring it back up every single time i want to uh do this um single stack magazine let's put the box of rounds in here too 308 what is 308 30 wins standard okay so then we got that 45 acp goes in the backpack 45 acp goes in the back uh i have no more room in the backpack unfortunately it's time to eat the ketchup good all right i'm feeling unhappy as i should be screwdriver is also going in there and now we're just slightly over encumbered good all right we're not over encumbered anymore i'm actually going to sleep here because i don't think that there's any danger am i safe i mean there is a tree in front of this place let's take a quick look around make sure that there's nothing that i missed now there's like no other major features here uh i don't want to die from being tired being tired is pretty much the worst thing that can happen to you in the game too so we're good we're not gonna use any of this ammo for right now but oh somebody fired again empress rumble thanks very much for the sub the mod called firearms b41 that has the same sort of ammo improving gun usage with a less item bloat if that would help you in the future maybe actually i kind of enjoy the item bloat of brita because generally speaking when you do find firearms they're they seem to be with the magazines that you're looking for for them so not really any big issues there but hey double a i watch your vods to sleep every night so i thank you for all the peaceful sleep also do you still play league of legends from time to time ah that's a way back you know i play tft hey thanks i appreciate the sub diagon now you know most of the stuff that i play for like uh kind of my own fun like on the side when i'm not i think i'm making videos i don't really enjoy playing games that way though i got into magic online magic tft stuff like that not really any gaming i would care to share or that incorporates story in any way sometimes we play it on here from time to time all right uh i got nothing to do [Applause] nope i'm not really in any danger because i'm not attached to this place i'm going to be need to be standing like right next to this guy to have any shot at accuracy there we go the outline is turning slightly more green that was it [Laughter] can i use your denim shirt i don't think so ah automatically takes it out of the backpack that's great i don't know why i'm celebrating that so much yeah league is fun i actually i haven't touched league in years i played uh team fight tactics i generally just tend to mute everybody when i play though because i'm like i don't want to get angry at a bunch of salty people a lot of people who play that or at least the most vocal people who play the game are healthy then there's a lot of just quiet good people i might as well get some experience well i've got nothing to uh well really yeah nothing to live for now i was hoping that we'd find a car or something more of a form of civilization out here rather than just weapons it's pretty much the last thing that i needed but it's something [Applause] if i can get everybody at point blank range i mean they're coming from all over but oh the one good thing is that if we did rile them up we'll at least see where the zombies are located which might give a better indication of where civilization is otherwise i don't know i can always go back to that bed to sleep so i think i'll just keep heading off in this direction now i am slightly over encumbered i don't want to be that for too long so put that in there i think we're good train tracks we're a long way from home i think we're just gonna go at it though but this is a good sign though seeing every i'm seeing a couple of them every now and then is it just means that we will get to a city at some point there are more if we keep going this direction unfortunately right now when our shooting skill is very low and all that we have access to is like non-shotguns like this uh you do have to get right up to them and just fire out them like that what is our aiming at right now yeah our aiming is crap so it's gonna be a long time before we can use these things but when you do get good with them you can it's almost too good it's like machine like or that that's another way to do it honestly probably a better way to train your shooting if you have access only to these things ah here we go nor creek hunting or not knob creek hunting there we are the maps in this game infinite no i think very early on in the um [Music] in the development of pz i believe that they invited the idea that a modder might come along and make proc jam maps and this is partly because so many of the games that came around in its like class i suppose had proc gen maps because it came around around a lot of other roguelites like that or roguelikes with proc gen maps i don't believe anybody has implemented that though uh crap i forgot that i can't shove when i'm reloading there we go do i have any rounds left for this i do have seven there we go yeah i i think it'd be very difficult to do with that tool though but it is like um a tool used for tiling multiple games though that some of them might feature proc gin it uses a program called thailand or their like version of it that they've created or used is called tile zed but i don't know i might be technically wrong on that [Applause] yeah maybe we'll do a map making stream those things are sweet ah you have a spear in a sense crap wait i just i totally pressed space right there and then it just didn't do anything well i'm not infected because i didn't die instantly so that's good news but three times this stream that animation system has let me down that was weird okay i'm not even gonna trust these at all until i got him on the ground now i'm standing on top of you okay all right maybe just your legs all right i'm complaining a lot again crap ah that one was weird all right what takes 45 acp i might honestly just drop this on the ground because all that is really useful to me right now is as is is just like pure experience that's not a long-term gun what takes 45 acp uh single stack magazine m1911 carbine what does more damage model 870 carbine i'm just keeping with me because i have some shotgun shells back at my house i trust the carbine this is actually let's try the desert warrior i don't really know anything about these i'm just going by i'm just going off pure lux 45 acp open this box good i've got enough yeah we i think it's good to play on with uh instant zombification because otherwise you're just it's a guessing game and nobody likes secrets hmm uh you can put the rounds into the magazine you know also that'd be interesting if you did that oh it it it already contains the my bed all right this is more like the kind of thing that we need something simple there we go oh the hunting knife on that might be good that's not as much fun at least we're getting some like interesting combat going on here now there we go my god this guy's nerves are steel the headband looks a little bit more badass too gotta say that was kind of loud gotta say i was never like uh i like coming from an urban environment i never really understood the appeal of guns but like i get them as a hobby now and it's probably partly through pz just because like uh the sounds are really nice uh my friend is into them my friend is into them i still don't get that anybody can just basically walk into a store and just like buy one like no no real background check in some places that that is a little disconcerting but uh ah just like the survival of it the survival of it is nice it's nice to be in a setting where they actually seem to make sense here hmm battery okay have you any charge remaining zero percent okay so that right there basically means that despite the fact that there's a battery in the car um uh it is uh it is not working uh funny story the first weapon i actually the only one my buddy took me to the shooting range and he was like yeah what can we take out how about an ak-47 which is just like the oldest mustiest rifle any star that sells a gun will run a background check yeah but it's also like you know it's it seems easier than getting a license to a car you know like i could be a crazy person and just go in and you know not that i am but like hypothetically somebody could which is kind of a crazy thought think about how it is kind of difficult to get a license there there's just so much red tape though i guess in that case too you know there's is so many questions empty gas can you give me hope that maybe there is something in this lot i mean we have a congestion wreck i have nothing to live for back home i might as well just do this okay we gotta jam we're gonna have to rack too many that's good i don't like the sound of that you don't need a license for muskets yeah everyone just goes back there defend the land with the muskets defend the land this is disconcerting very bad okay we have 44 rounds though ah just when i didn't want them to come to one location they come to one location what did i get better at tell me aiming remove remove i am healthy again though it kind of looks badass to keep on a dirty head bandage so i'm gonna do that get to the chopper get to the chopper yeah now i can do a rather convincing arnold impr well not that one that one was bad but sometimes it doesn't go well it doesn't go well i said can i said not always what would we have done with that arnold schwarzenegger what a meme fellow to have uh to have just like been in all right now i'm getting really he is he's a me what else is he besides a meme well he's basically done everything ah the glad we have found some things let us rejoice and be glad muskets for home defense oh my god just the amount of people who would just give up if they had to reload a musket this is looking more like emergency shelter okay this is more like it i don't really want to alert them though here remember we've got a gas can in that car so if we find anything worth taking we could bring it back we aren't over encumbered we aren't hungry we're actually doing pretty well with our character though so let's go like probe a little bit deeper and see if we can find anything uh i don't think i checked that car's insides though smash this one i do have the gun in my hand so i'm not gonna i love it how your character just has like no free will in project zomboid and will always do whatever you want him to like you want me to throw my hand through the window oh i guess that is just a feature of all video games to be fair the lack of free will i don't know if i have a jack don't believe i do 10.29 out of 11. now when we get very hungry that's gonna start to go down again don't forget dirty rag that goes in there i am always light but i'm just trying to prepare for when my character gets hungry i don't want him to get exhausted i always throw the water bottle into the backpack but now i've got quite a lot of stuff on me i think the m1911 i'm gonna put on the ground there's like one bullet in it but who cares i'm never gonna use that thing the only thing that's really worth bringing back with me is the model 870. okay you can just be rude over there you can just be a mad lad nope god that always happens scares the hell out of me now this may be the spot oh did we just hit the jackpot i think we may have yep maybe up to the south a lot of okay here we go at least we have directions now though eerie capital city i think that was what we were coming from though aaron city irvington city so there's a lot more out to the to the uh i was gonna say the weast no i'm in east in the south muldraw map we already know what moldraw looks like so we're good we cannot ah here we go that was the perfect item to find at this time i don't know what alerted them to me i guess they saw me in the snowstorm unfortunately the snowstorm is starting to happen though i seem to be swinging slowly from the cold night sticks not that bad okay now we are getting the heavy load message throw that in our bag then we're gonna have to get inside of one of these places but i i don't like that yeah time to run time to go too bad right when we found some decent stuff who is making that clicking noise ah this place is so good too are you the perfect car that will just work when i get inside nope this car looks really good though okay fortunately these zombies are slow damn it go just go best to not get frustrated a lot of cars in here that i think might work or i mean this car clearly could work oh we got to check out the condition of it we may have found a ride i think all we need is gas and then just spend some time around here it'd be worth it though because things are so far apart in this part of the world on i didn't go all this way for nothing i do really feel like we've been on the odyssey you know i'm odysseus we should have named him odysseus mcastrocneus crap no odysseus gastrocnemius don't die now you're getting slow from the cold i don't like that i don't like that at all all right uh i'm gonna chance it in one of taxes unusual my god these these are such cool maps it's like a refugee shelter or not really even a shelter just an evacuation point hmm i bet we could find something in these tents up here right wouldn't you put something in these tents come on there's got to be something in here i bet you you'd okay it looks like they're right on top of me uh i bet you that there's a crapload of guns in those things though those are military spawns it's like an evacuation shelter with a military spawn list uh all these things are locked somewhat realistically so but i think this is the only entrance or exit to these things the freaky thing about these places though is that if you do take a wrong turn you do often find yourself at a dead end like in vanilla maps are intentionally designed so there aren't so many dead ends if you make a wrong turn on a custom map like you're done which apparently i might have done um did i stay out the entire night i think i said i would turn back in the afternoon if i didn't suddenly i find myself very lost and alone i think i can use the cover of this storm the uh helicopter crash too i wonder nah man that asmr is nice i bet you though that i could be quiet enough sneak my way in over here like look none of them know about me right now did my sneaking going up god i'm improving by the second sometimes my own improvement amazes even me except for no that wasn't what happened at all oh maybe it was light-footed we may never know we may never know the answer to these questions i think i can get in here and be quiet though only one he doesn't know me i'm safe i did it am i playing yeah so there's a mix of zombies there might be a tiny bit of sprinting but i got rid of some of them because they were like they're just kind of glitching in to kill me we did get killed like a major buzz kill by a sprinter a few videos ago too okay the antidepressants are most welcome right now because those will those will actually help all of these things are light fair as well um fill everything up unfortunately we can sleep in here for tonight i want to be out of sight of all the zombies in here but i think this was a worthwhile trip yeah you know i stand by it because it's just like although we're far from home although we're far from our base this is a lot of the stuff that we need we have a car here we have tons of weapons in these tents i swear to you if i look through those things there's bound to be a lot in them throw that into my bag too but now we're at ten the one thing that we're lacking and that we still have a lot of is food at home should have brought a bit more with me i thought i brought enough okay i mean it just means that we need to decide on other stuff dirty rags are pretty much useless we have adhesive bandages too suit your needle good but not worth its weight right now not that it's very heavy uh the desert warrior i think this thing i'm just doing for show right now quite honestly i don't think it's worth it what else okay now we're down below carrie wait uh we won't keep the 45 eight well or we'll keep it with that the best thing we've got with us is the model 870 because we have tons of shotgun ammo uh spawning in various places 11 20 a.m it's snowstorm i think we have enough visibility blockage that it's it's okay to lie down here why am i suddenly above carry weight again throwing that into my backpack okay now i'm below carry weight i'm gonna lie down and sleep you can't do anything if you're tired please god don't kill me can i wash the rag in the sink i could do that but it's you know we've got other bandages we'll be okay all right uh when i wake up i can take antidepressants ah good the snowstorm got even more excruciating we've got some options here i don't really want to leave you on a cliffhanger so i'm gonna try to finish off a bit more of this encounter and then see what we can do from there i don't really anticipate killing a lot right here though just kind of think about our options before we head out we could stay in here we're fairly safe we're starving a little bit but there might be food in cars nearby we could either get a car or at least check out a car to be ready to take one when we come back or we could grab a weapon and try to clear out the place i mean like if i were a dm those would be my two options hmm other reasons why the uh antidepressants are gonna be useful for right here yeah i'm gonna take antidepressants so that i feel better in 20 minutes uh not exactly how antidepressants work but in projects outboy that is that is exactly how they work in this game um if we were to clear things out i'm probably going to get my ass kicked but it'll probably be very cool seeing as if i do decide to take out a lot of weapons i think there's not gonna be any going back i think i'm gonna start by trying to get the car i expected him to be sitting against that oh no there it is see those legs yeah look at those legs the great news about this snowstorm is that we can use the cover although we're cold like stuff like that happens never saw it coming all right i'm thinking we go into each of these places try to stay inside of the room pretty god that they don't hear me assassinating their brethren we're going to go at this the like the the tom clancy way try not to make too much noise either because noise is going to be the biggest giveaway for my location now this is more like what i picture when i play project zomboid stealth ah this is great exactly how i dreamed it there we go that's realism nice all right handled it better off waiting for this than we would have been encountering them there uh there's another one behind me just gotta keep zooming out every few minutes to check and make sure i'm safe too many over there to deal with at once i'll try to save that group for last and just pick out lone individuals though if we rile up that group we might be screwed okay tell you what the best way to get one of them is by vision zombie apocalypse in winter with nobody wearing winter coats i guess it was actually it was uh october when it happened ah i see an advantage to this position look they're all doing the worm here that's crazy that that's the advantage we could just get them all to come over the fence like one after the and i'm dead yeah that's such a long animation too okay fence don't fail me now all right if we get these two fences in a row maybe they'll just all die horribly ah that seems pretty safe like there's another fence in front of this fence that's fanception good job good job i'm going to keep on my sneakers have i got on sneakers right now no i've got them boots yeah it's fine no difference right that was the main group that i was afraid of i mean seeing as the conditions aren't very good my character is pretty weak fantastic fantastic oh jesus oh sorry i missed a bunch there i was very focused on the game gingerbread courish hit point in aaron m and her co2 thanks very much for the subs guys ah that was good we got a lot done right there now i'm thinking ah let's just clear out the rest of this place they aren't gonna spawn in so many of them bring this water bottle into our inventory get a sip put it back out outrageous fun ah where did all five of them come from jesus hang on a second we'll just do exactly the same thing that we just did yes my short blunt skill is gonna i increase frap just day [Music] ah why come on the hands don't fail me now oh the the great thing about these fights is that you could pretty much just turn around and get killed or you could run away and they'll never know where you went because it's snowing so goddamn hard so although it's hardship right here uh you know you haven't out anybody behind me no i'm good come on there we go all right one more group and then i think i'll go do some weapon searching because i think i'm fine if i just start shooting guns here or rather i mean check out cars then we'll do the gun there is one behind me ah that line of sight thing will always get me killed though now it's more animations i think i can handle myself with line of sight anybody have a pack of gum on them or something so that i could swallow one of the pieces of gum no unfortunately not there is no gum on them hither and vither i go mazel tov i have uh smackled off to the fence no car why aren't you open marvelous weather in this game nothing just west point map okay i think that's almost everyone pretty sure that was the zombies my god it's dark in this room ah some useful stuff in here as well if we wanted to ah shotgun shells she sells shotgun shells by the seashore you bet you never heard that one and also medicine maybe those were like the shotgun shells that they removed from someone an entire shotgun shell lodged in someone's of course that would completely make sense there we go there we go all right will this car work this was my main question i had several follow-ups too this car is yep this car is going to be my ticket out of here it's a nice car too i'm glad that we found it and i took out the right windshield you should always take out the right windshield and not the left one because otherwise you leave yourself exposed and open take the hat the cowboy hat why does everyone want me to wear a cowboy hat we're not at the barbecue place we're not at wendy's all right they're all trying to sell me something now man they really don't let up here my mind is starting to run out of steam though i think it's not safe to fight so many yeah they keep coming there's few places with a back exit there's too many here all right so here's what i've established we've taken out a few in the area i think we're going to call it there that was that was actually a rather large adventure i thought we would be back home the whole time but this is a kind of a desperate situation to end the night i feel like we're just on the we're right on the cusp of something great but we could also ruin it i'm scared to and i i want there to be some reason for me to come back and play you know i like this crap we've got one like gnawing at the door of the of the er we're staying in let me just let him in really quick die there we go back inside i don't want to get myself killed and lose everything oh you well at least you've got a spear lodged in you that's a welcome surprise all right on that note we'll have a weapon for the next time but i don't feel like getting myself killed i think i'm gonna call it there we're gonna take refuge in the place we were just sleeping in tonight the next time we get a car we'll have weapons and we'll be able to drive back to our safe lodge remote you do want to be remote ultimately i just was a little too remote before i think we'll call it there though uh
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 260,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid game, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid guide, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, ambiguous amphibian vods, ambiguousamphibian vods project zomboid
Id: CRE4fRp52RA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 32sec (10712 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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