ambiguousamphibian VODS: Rimworld Multiplayer with Pr1vateLime

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you know a quick little growing zone yeah let's set up a growing zone over here and we'll set up a house on top of this steam geyser because we'll be building in there um and then we'll build toward the mountain all right i'll go make some rice it's a good growing right um yes and let's do it only over the uh rich soil so if you just want to limit that let's uh get up real quick allow that [ __ ] yeah we've got to go full-on try-hard mode right here man okay some culture coltrane would be i don't know if i'm allowed to play it though should read a book someday k96 okay let's um feel free to use the time controls as you see fit i don't plan for us to survive very long okay yeah i'm just giving uh okay stephen uh stevens uh lee anfield actually nominated giving it to uh york i'm just gonna equip them with some ammo get that cue it up right now all right um i'm gonna go double walls for the insulation i can't remember exactly how double wall insulation works forgive me i'm but a mere man ah should be fine we're probably not gonna live long anyways don't get a bad attitude with me man we have to set the bar so low we can only go up never played tundra but i might be able to build a greenhouse early if i reach geothermal power so we should probably get a research bench too we need batteries alrighty because i don't know what you would uh want you think we could get beds out tonight ah we might we're already chopping down some of the trees nearby i'll go set in order just to get some more all right i'm about to do what's called a pro gamer move [ __ ] i didn't it didn't work um never mind never mind that always sets it up for a good time i set up a growing zone um is rice gonna be the best food for us right here yeah i guess you should consult chat they have the infinite wisdom he said it's a promise a a audiobook is confirmed oh no [ __ ] i didn't i didn't promise it no i'm sorry around [Music] what's with all the quitter talk [Laughter] steam rooms are made of wood that's fair that's fair rice is good okay rice well we also need corn we might want to get some corn for the winter let's go over that other growings oh good on you good on you i'll drop it i'm also going to start to harvest all these nearby berry bushes just get that cute up let's get them an actual bed a set of beds for tonight too um uh do you want to set up the room first or do you just want to like throw them in oh you're putting them right in the steam geyser putting them right in the steam real toasty i don't know how hot it's gonna get uh we'll find out we might have to keep the door open i've seen based on pete's playthrough i know some people tend to keep the doors open just yeah it's gonna get real toasty hypothermia and heat exhaustion at the same time be careful with the heat of the steam that's true that's true we'll leave the door open for some sort of ventilation that way i mean i've never used it in such that it could get so overpowered but we could always uninstall these things and reinstall them somewhere else we got to be mindful though because we're not using minify everything all right let's go stockpile zone we're going to have their house look like ah no actually let's not do the stockpile zone in there let's do a stockpile zone like over here okay feel free to stop me at any time because i am an idiot and i'm interested in my own thing oh trust me i'm much more of an idiot than you no no you can compare it for like the past few weeks all i know is like uh the direct control mod oh no mad boy thank you sorry i haven't been saying all the follows there was a lot for me to keep up with but guys thank you so much anybody coming over from youtube i appreciate it and bona rack thanks for the bits it's an effort if memory serves your uh that is correct that is correct and the answer is no that answer is no that's why i'm that's why i'm anonymous they will boil a lot they will will they boil alive if so then we're gonna i mean then the joke is on me but then i will learn more about steven we could keep that door open right that's why i'm playing humorous music in the background it's just a nice calming music as everyone boils and like almost uh what do you call the brazen bowl is that what it is what's brazen bowl it's like uh the torture thing that they used like in uh like rome maybe i don't know about that because i'm a good person a little steel bowl and they like steam you alive like a potato i didn't even know that that existed that's somewhat amazing um also a little bit terrifying yeah yeah they got really creative with their methods and take off a little bit of the roof to manage temperature if need that's true that's true let's see how is the temperature in here it's 71 degrees fahrenheit okay so you know what the outdoor and the indoor temperatures are being mitigated properly it's popped up to like 90 98 100 107. is it really like 107 degrees every geyser i mean if this is unroofed if this doesn't work we could just make that another room for [ __ ] and then we could start to develop their house inside of the mountain um i'm glad that we're so close to the steam geyser though so we can use it to mitigate temperature um yeah it'll be nice oh my god it just jumped to 130. okay get them the [ __ ] out of there this is not safe let's get the beds out of there i did not realize that this is so powerful where do you want to put the beds at it is i know it's terribly vanilla but that's because we wanted to multiplayer i'm sorry all right um let's get the bed somewhere in here let's make another room i'll have a barracks to start we'll keep it on the stone that way it doesn't get dirty a rub sorry not dirty well it's not dirt so it doesn't get dirty dirt can't get dirty uh do you want to put the research bench in the same spot um let's have the research bench i don't know you pick a spot that you like i don't think it just i mean i don't want to put it outside because then you'll get the debuff for it uh yeah that's true um you know let's start to mine underneath the mountain because we are gonna want to do that at some point the mine's a mall real all right where do you want to go in and they call it to mine mine it's the brass bull bro and the greeks made oh the brass bull and the greeks made it uh that guy muffin around says i mean i didn't know about that sorry i took a lot of latin um so all i knew i was surprised i never heard of it like uh the idea build a large room we could have a larger room um actually you know we might have been overly cautious here to begin with now why aren't they doing this do we have them mostly on hauling hauling constructing we have only one constructor doesn't want the other growers on their job make sure i guess we could set the priority to be uh higher on construction for you i didn't i didn't notice i'm sorry if i was to put much of the other than the villain and i spent and thank you for the bits sniper i do greatly appreciate those remove all the eagle eyes temperatures instantly we could do that we could do that well i'm thinking is that we just might not want to use this room at all until the winter so we'll leave this room here for now and just make it extremely hot in there in case if we could use it like a sauna to do something with that yes yes exactly okay so we want to get their uh beds up let's prioritize them onto these work tasks so that they can actually do those um okay i'm getting them all getting the beds yep good okay so they're getting the beds in there and then let's just get the wall up because we don't have a lot of time before night i'm gonna get dick onto the uh wood situ i'm gonna get dick under the wood situation oh no yeah tundra's gonna be imagining the only one in your last survivor has some voice in your head to say build a room with steamhole yeah i feel like this could just come down to one person at some point that would be quite unfortunate oh [ __ ] did we do wall there no that is a wooden no that store that is good that is very good all right good we're getting this stuff in the ground we don't really care about the meal quality the medicine we do want to bring inside a meal we want to give him meal where do we want to meal the animal to sleep uh he can sleep in with the rest of the boys they're all sonomas that's true won't the room murder them even in the winter well we could use it to manage temperature we might not sleep in the room i have not done a tundra play through before though guys so for me this is news i don't know like temperate forests [Music] all right let's uh i'm bad in terms of temperature right now who took off their pants someone already took off their pants somebody took off somebody took up their pants no you have underpants okay it's not dick johnson that's that's a really that is good york took off his pants oh wait no pants yes that is correct okay let's have him haul in these pants then somebody's taking off their pants just dick in the cape dick loves he does he's is he good with plants that is going to be such oh god he's pretty good with plants too he loves his wood he's just hacking and whacking and smacking if i make the room about twice as big it should be fine as a way of heating glass that music was so jolly i liked that music i'm gonna replay that soundtrack slit the donkey open and sleep inside of him oh my god oh man hey 6jj9 hello hello to brazil how are you what is that sleeping inside of the donkey well i've got a roof over them actually we did a great job getting up these growing zones um the packaged survival meals as long as no animals can eat them can actually stay out there and the most of the stuff yeah we prevented from deteriorating so we had a pretty good first day this is actually a really nice lean too i'm gonna reinstall this research bench let's mine this uh mine this out we'll make like another room to the side of their bedroom i'm thinking like uh i'll plan it out here okay something like that and that'll be like their research area yeah all right are we good i'm gonna speed up time if we are good all right let's go i like swagger souls i will work now so very hot yeah wait are we getting ads i'm not supposed to have ads on these do you get an ad when you open up just a normal twitch stream it's been so long oh we forgot about the donkey uh i haven't gotten any while on your stream but i'm also a subscriber so i don't get ads i think ah there is that that is true i apologize all right let's uh get a is there any advantage to his animal sleeping box i know of none let's also start to think of security right away we don't want to get totally trashed in the first second yeah uh this happens so i'm just going to put out some spike traps in the front yeah that should do it for now uh do you want us like make like a little choke point soon enough or uh yeah eventually we'll do that i'm just thinking of ways that they naturally path um normally i do stone i wouldn't be using up so much of this but uh yeah we want to work we ought to get like a stone cutter's bench student off so we can stop using wood that would be a good idea um yeah that is true that is in fact true all right smashing um i'll just place it outside for now until jesus christ that's a lot of bits holy [ __ ] whoa that one guy god bless man thank you so much that's a lot of bits that's several days of a lot of bits man save some for your mother to feed her in her broken leg god bless that one guy i know he's in the aaa support group right now um i really need to make you a permanent inductee into the aaa support group so that you can attend the meetings that sounds like you're opening a stream and if the streamer is nt paired with twitch to get them it just goes to twitch i love that tts okay that makes sense thank you snyford thank you very much that one guy thank you very much that's a lot can we get some smashings for him can we get some smashing emails emoji it's probably twitch they're playing ads without cred without credit to the stream yes something well i don't know i like it here so far it's been fun on twitch a very jolly welcome a very jolly welcome all right oh god wouldn't a willy wonka playthrough be fun oh that would be a candy factory all right uh i'm gonna prioritize a room maybe so we can get the stone cutter bench down there's a lot of things i want to do i don't know chat what is urgent what is urgent what do we need to do right now because remember it's gonna get cold real fast we got down our growing zones that was very good on you lime um what else is to be done right away i think security is really the most urgent thing working on the what organ harvesting someone put it organ harvesting is of course very urgent of course it's very urgent um i'm going to do a wall here i'm going to deconstruct this and i'm going to make it as this stone cutter table right yeah let's have this be like a laboratory and a workshop over here so they could do stone cutting and you know um dick johnson could do whatever he needs in there um dick johnson is a free spirit yeah yeah so we want to keep him nice and aroused you know start researching start researching heat get batteries solar wind powder yes cast oh winter clothes is also a very good idea mine and research mine and research okay so then these are good things aren't checklists first off i want to let them make the security because i don't want to die to the very first thing they hypnotized oh hypnotoad how are you how are you baby my friend i like you a lot i see you're a man of culture we could hunt um will they stay cold long enough i mean it's 63 it's still summer so i'm sure we have like a few days and also we wanted to get oh we don't have construction five i didn't realize this um oh york is gonna have to really or someone's gonna have to get to construction five actually york will be not there yeah he'll get it give him like 30 more seconds he'll do it yeah we'll be okay so let's start mining i think the next thing that we're going to need is a fridge so i'm going to go into the mountain i think oh wait a minute how are we going to get the cooler on the other side we need somewhere near uh yeah let's start diggy diggy hole we'll begin to diggy diggy hole addiction to viagra dick johnson only stream from his warm moist cave oh god butcher the meal for a coke it's a different toad hey hey how are you hypnotune my amphibian friend oh forget to say my cat just love your voice he is looking for my phone and trying to understand what is going on man that's not the only oh wait that reminds me of an old viewer whose cat passed away i have these strange memories of viewers and the things that they shared with me like i used to watch your videos with you with my cat on my lap it was it was just like a really touching memory well that's endearing it is more on that later a little cat bonding hey fit this quit how are you man no let me see his room should be dick shaped we could eventually give him a room that is thematically shaped that's true now okay just to anyone who isn't aware of what i'm talking about with for all the weeness jokes this naturally happened his name is dick johnson he's age 46 cave world he's a cave world tender and a machine collection well it sounds sketchy enough to be named dick johnson okay i trusted with my life nuclear power when oh god someday oh wait is it not hypnotoads oh i'm sorry i'm sorry well either way anyone of a hypno toad named outside thank you oklahoma um robot day collector ace of hello oh man oh man all right so we are in fact running out of wood yeah that's gonna be i i got the stone cutter table down so we should be able to start to cue that up should we make a yeah we should be able to make a bench soon enough with it uh what kind of stone do we have here plate okay i really make it out of sandstone um sandstone is usually the fastest to work with so all right slade is good but it's very soft it looks slade is really one of the worst stones unfortunately um i think slate is very easy to crumble sandstone is the fastest to work with and it's also fairly strong i don't remember off the time i had which one stronger which one's stronger slater sandstone which one has more history 500 and sandstone s400 is it really okay then maybe slade is slightly better than the stan sandstone my bad i'll be alright yeah cued up sandstone it should go faster at least though slate is the second hardest i think it's i think it goes granite is the hardest at least in vanilla obviously plus steel though is stronger uranium might be even better um but of the stones it's granite than limestone than slate then sandst is it sandstone or i [ __ ] i can't remember sandstone is the second word i've heard sandstone this is via pete complete from his old series as i learned it anyway which he was very informative um but he had said that sandstone was the fastest to work with if i'm not correct i hope i'm not misquoting him right there limestone is in fact the second down south there's a couple of steel sarcophaguses we can put our colonists into when they inevitably die we could take those if we want well if we wanted to speed the burial process um not to sound morbid or anything just gotta streamline it um hmm it's too bad we don't have midify everything now we're also going to need some uh let's see we've got food i think we're good on the food game we really just want them to haul a lot have you added a stone cutting bill you did okay sandstone blocks forever i'm gonna go put some seats up there as well so it can go a bit faster i'm gonna change that to 110 to all right destroy you oh [ __ ] no not two thousand oh god why doesn't shift click there okay there we go sorry limestone is the second okay yeah pete is a pete is like a rim world power user he really is good i've learned a lot from watching him hmm let me see planning planning plastialor is the strongest in vanilla wall is it stronger than uh uranium i don't know i was i got into a debate with someone about this recently fallen hey fallen shogun how are you man good to see you hope you're doing well um i i hope you're enjoying your time and ass he only he will understand what i'm saying right here um thanks for the sub man appreciate it personally i love using pets to haul very s manly underscore underscore personally i love using pets excuse me i would be true except how is our dunk donkey yeah actually we will trade looking good they will train them in that okay we're gonna need light otherwise they will work really slowly oh yeah should we get some power going i don't even know if we have enough resources for that i think we'd be best off not using wood and just skipping straight to power yeah because wood is just going to be even harder to get to i made all like the stones i mean all the stools into like stone material so we're not using as much now yeah man just feel free to build whatever you want um let's see is that a horse shoes pin there i'm just gonna move that uh i'll throw it anywhere um yeah i'm gonna throw down a windmill right there if you're gonna be bad yeah yeah yeah okay i'm gonna put it like really gonna get enough wind over there i just i want to give it a little bit of room on all sides in case if i decide to build stuff somewhere else i know it's gonna get there all right let's go like there we go we've got plenty of room to work with then and then we'll get a power conduit the only thing is that uh it's it's in a vulnerable position relative to our base only because somebody could attack it yeah we'll definitely need a battery room i mean all of this stuff is gonna get changed later on yeah what do you think i'm looking for where your cursor is what are you uh you're looking at the stones right now what are you doing lime what are you doing man just like looking around here what are you doing smashing gameplay oh yeah hypno to it thank you for the 100 bits hell yeah smashing game turning around project the way to connect wooden building is making an unflammable flooring with steel ah that is true that is true we couldn't think about that i'm now that you say it probably fire will kill me it's been very long since fire murdered my entire colony but i've been saying that i've really been enjoying the android series hey thank you very much vo 5100 i appreciate that i've been enjoying the android series too as it happens i mean it's special for you all right let's go here and i'm just going to mine out a little bit more of these rooms i don't really know why yeah i'm trying to think of what else we need right now does everybody have a productive task to do that's really the first and most important thing uh it seems like uh dick is doing the stone cutting in his nice little cave ah god bless oh cloud thank you very much for that how's the oh hey pixel rookie how are you how are you bae all right uh i mean it's going okay we're lyme and i are kind of like struggling for what to do but i think this yeah i'm just like i'm gonna keep up some research on like aimlessly wandering around i'm gonna queue up battery research that way they can do that we also are gonna let's get light asap to that room just so that we can get um okay uh let's see and we also wanna manage moods we haven't had any breaks yet but we just wanna make sure they've got unsightly environment eight without table we also forgot to put down a table um oh so we got to go do that too sorry playing rimworld so much has made me really ocd about it outside for now right or do you want to try and squeeze it in um they do get a dining room bonus if i'm not mistaken so let's give them all right uh we could do it out of sandstone if we wanna actually we're slowly starting to make more slate should we have someone dedicated just to crafting bricks um that may be important yes all right i'll get a old dick johnson on that the only i think the only major mistake which we made which was just kind of a panic move was walling in that geyser but that might be a godsend later on um yeah i'll get uh it's crafting for the stone cutter right thank you for the reminder g dom uh yes it is it doesn't in fact give him a skill but it yeah that'll make him go fast yeah i'll set him yeah a bit higher priority so he prioritizes that if you notice that we have you could also do a tool cabinet uh nearby the stone cutters table um oh nice let's get that light up asap only because that's um yeah taking a while we'll get york on it yeah i'll just get that in right now good they're boomed good all right and then we'll get batteries asap proactive task please um i don't know do your taxes dead poolia or homework i'm being very unproductive brandon shrek in the donkey playthrough build a swarm swamp oh god i don't know whether to go with like bigger numbers for the streams or uh or for the series or to make them meanier this is really fun music for a stream i'm just listening to the default like uh real world guitar music it's like uh it sounds like spongebob music man oh nice like the grass skirt chase one that's making me yes yes um something i think i know what that is that's like the chase one like [Music] kind of like that pr well good man though you're that's more responsible than me okay let's do um let me see i am very irresponsible though all right let's do a dumping stockpile zone we're also just gonna want them to get uh actually in fact i'm gonna be so sensitive about moods right now but i'm actually gonna build them a shelf um we will go with furniture we're gonna go to a wooden shelf because it's only 30 wood so why not right yeah and we'll have one shelf probably clean up their uh bunk area as well yeah um let's also have them just haul out the we're gonna have a stockpile zone outside we're we've stuck to sandstone chunks for good right are we uh okay so then we won't work the dumping zones and like uh like barricade type of way as like a makeshift last name johnson is from a cover if there is a raid it's lemons and grenades that would be a good idea actually that's a junior the just tip isn't it uh i just think junior they figured that out like a while ago junior the just is such a [ __ ] high quality dude dude the latest android progenitor video was [ __ ] incredible oh hell yeah hey hallowed silence sniper thanks for the bits guys is the guy's last name is dick sanchez from a cave he needs lemons and green he is a cave world what was he a cave world tender whatever that means it's pretty low volume he's a capricorn tender and a music collector turn the music up a bit okay i can turn the music up i don't want to overdo it because then it'll be very annoying it is very pleasant to me hey hey tyrondell hey hey tyrondale this is the first time i caught a stream love the youtube shows hey thank you very much appreciate that oh i like that youtube shows feels like more cinematic be sense about my move which is being ruined not to be able to hear them i'm sorry we fixed it i hope we did all right so um we don't actually want the uh god i realized now how much abs what an absurd amount of information i've absorbed from youtube comments in rimworld um i apologize for that i'm gonna sound like maniac uh let's just do our walls out of sandstone let's just delete these walls because it's faster to do that um we'll smooth this one all right yo i'm just get the smooth floors as well or just go straight for like something quick uh because we can go for sandstone tile that's true the true sandstone tile though actually i discovered yesterday is not as beautiful it's half the beauty of a smooth floor which is really strange um i'm guessing because it takes longer for the smooth floor to get done with i think so something like that hey bike thank you for the sub up some smooth floors real quick apprecia i appreciate your uh your jeff bezos sniss i'm sorry i'm sorry that was really bad i'm trying to think of more amazon jokes um youtube comments taught me how to do tax evasion oh god what kind of comic section are you in i don't know but i want to go there how okay let's go check out their bedroom stats it's awful currently we maybe we should have made this doll before they went to sleep because now this is several nights and someone might go crazy is anyone going to go crazy we're still in a good condition right now they're still all neutral i think we need to worry when it's like why is york ravenously hungry i mean have you seen smooth stones sleeping in it definitely looks like i'll just stop tile draft him real quick so he wakes up and then you can go out and eat sniffer i do agree with you though i wonder what the rationale is in the way that they make the game i i i lose sleep over these things smooth walls floors also add a disproportionately high amount of wealth for the i've heard about this this is true hallowed silence and we are playing on wealth though our wealth won't get so out of hand and we have two players yeah we're still relatively small right now yeah i think we're gonna keep the operation small enough to where it really wouldn't matter uh we don't want corpses in these ones outside oh yeah yeah and we also don't want sandstone chunks in these either we want all chunks except for sandstone chunks we want only sandstone chunks inside um and we want nothing but sandstone chunks inside yeah there we go okay so we're gonna clear all and just do just sandstone chunks do i sound like a maniac i it is occurring to me now that i might sound like a maniac that i'm feeling right now i apologize for that if i do oh good they're training the donkey we love tax evasion oh hell yeah i mean to the stream fight oh hey wolf wolfie riley rion hey thanks for coming out once again whose first time is it out to the stream i know it's uh i've been like joined me i am very lonely on stream on youtube videos so thanks for coming out fireman fed tyron uh it's getting there on sean rex ahoy not the first time or also not the first time i just like to make your first time special oh god all right let's uh let's be serious now uh where would you want a battery room to be kind of just like sound but i think that's part of the appeal yeah i think that is i well oh okay in regards to the rim world i i guess what i mean is ocd do i sound ocd about rimworld because uh i'm just so used to i've literally had people like attack me for not playing rimworld right so that is a fear no i totally get that one thing is the comments are just like they're just filled to the brim with like so many guides yeah that is true that is true how are we doing on research do we actually have any i don't it just occurred to me that we don't really have anyone who's doing much research oh sorry i paused it um i can get stefan's on it real quick she's pretty smart actually very smart like 10. okay then let's have her do that as a second priority all right that sounds good okay that's pretty good stevens is going to research okay she's good oh i gotta add in some more sandstone blocks he's like sweet nothing's in here in the nearby area because he ran out of stuff to do i think we'll be good on the stone blocks now we don't actually need the stone blocks for so much more so maybe we'll suspend this bill after he finishes off this one yep okay that would be good okay good nice all right so now we have a shitload of building materials we have a lot that we would need for stone or whatever it is spike traps um worldwide is on the same level of not playing dnd right it's like exactly you're doing it right no no that's not what the mean commenters say oh god i will sing one line from tor solo for you torso low that sounded like a goofy movie that is just such a beautiful song gregorian chant coming at you soon i couldn't figure out how the seat belt worked then it just clicked all right that was very that was a very high quality joke out of nowhere but i allow it now there is an incentive to leave rough stone floors rather than the smooth ones because i think don't the smooth ones get dirty dirty more easily or something like that it's absurd amount of information about like room quality yeah i never even thought about that it's crazy how much there is we need to crucify him because it can be like that but um you know you needed the internal motivation we put him in the small dark room actually our light has been our singular light powered by this just constant wind here is doing quite well all right what i'm thinking is that the most important thing is that we get the rice grown the corn we've got the corn we've actually did pretty well in the first couple of days rice is pretty close to harvesting so we should be able to get that you want to replace it with corn after we're done harvesting the rice um in case of blights let's leave it as rice and only because of crop turnover um yeah we might think about making a fridge pretty soon though the rice should stay good for a long time yeah actually fridge would be a great next move um we could do a nutrient-paced dispenser yeah yeah we actually wanted to drop one of those like soon so why don't you do some planning i'll quiz you here i i see a spot where i think a fridge looks really good um i'm gonna see if you pick it okay i'm gonna go in this nice little like nook up here how do i even plan uh like right here in this corner and then expand it out oh i did polio i hope your brother talks to you no soup for you oh that's a great name honestly you quizzing me on planning is probably like my least strong like quality that's how you're planning it the spot i would pick is i think that our current bedroom is going to develop into our rec room dining room because we're making it so nice and i think we'll end up putting the beds further back because they don't need to access their bedrooms so what i'm thinking is that think about that i just expand we'll want the kitchen slash we'll want the dining room to go out here so what i'm thinking is that we put the nutrient paste dispenser somewhere back here and then um we mine out this spot and then since we'll need to expand our fridge we can bring that out here and we could have the airlock right here okay okay so that way we have nutrient paste and everything else going on and it's a pretty smooth airline i might need to use uh like more than one air conditioner for how big of a room this is that's true that's true um and that would be okay that would be okay but the main thing is we don't we're not really using a lot of the power so that'll be good yeah and this is like a long-term task we will want to just have them do that and now we could think about room quality and defense as there are two other things yeah fridge in the geyser room oh that's a good thing we didn't invest in seriously if i can use a cameo fuel pipeline to for my fire actually i hadn't even thought of that make it more like factorio and i see a lot of people were talking about the chem fuel and i wasn't really catching on to it but now that you say that that does make sense hmm that's true that's true pike fn thank you for the sub sorry if i missed did i miss that [ __ ] sorry guys i'm like really behind today this is my mom's account thanks for the follow me quick bodzio sir burp convict cockroach tony and zebek lord all right can you guys hear the music is it loud enough i can hear it you can hear it okay it's good should get an eight pound for my engine there's so many things we couldn't we could go up to okay cool i find this very relaxing do you find this relaxing as much as i do am i going to be continuing the hell yeah i will be continuing the android colony let's have them do this the one thing that's negative about this is that as they dig out that fridge oh cool we got batteries already we're ahead of the game man all right uh where do you want to make the room at hmm i'm thinking we'll put the battery room uh somewhere safe somewhere safe somewhere where a fire can't spread to the wood walls all right i'll quiz you where would you put it put it where you would just put it in the same corner um in the workshop room actually the workshop room wouldn't be that bad yeah that's what i meant okay hold up i'll be back yeah all right let's see i'm gonna do i don't want them to spend a lot of time on mining right now and i think it's going to be a little while till they get batteries so what i'm going to do is just make out this battery room back here how would this look for a bathroom let me see six by five we'll want it just a little bit over from there yeah that'll work that could be our battery room let's get an actual nuke for the androids it is good thank you for the music update is there gonna be not room for the bad people oh yes we will need a prison i forgot about that that is quite unfortunate that i forgot about that we could we could actually we should probably get these things out of their room asap how is there room quality right now too the room is still awful they're holding up though you know they've been okay oh coco my friend how are you i was sad that you were playing wow today but now i want to play wow with you god bless man how are you let's go boys actually that was a pretty good coco impression holy [ __ ] for the android colony you could research napalm make a burn court this sounds like fun i personally i was a fan of the oven strategy but i think we could make this happen alrighty i'm back sorry about that oh you're back okay i thought were you fighting a demon or something yeah you know just mondays were you going to reconciliation to confess your sins sorry sorry catholic here um okay let's uh let's keep going on um okay so we have more [ __ ] we're gonna have them urgently haul all of this because we want that out of their room yes moving it's starting to look real nice i'm gonna do this because i'm ocd and i want it very smart like uh rough areas because doesn't that count all as one room that's true yeah um we will i think we wanna get done with this job as urgently as possible so i'm just going to have them continue on in fact we don't really need a fridge this big yet so i'm going to cancel some of this let's just get the bare bones minimum start i'm really gonna go minimum right here see what i'm doing oh you're even leaving like the plan there so you can just drop it real easy yeah so that can be really quickly done afterward and let's even just i'm legit just gonna do that this way they can carve out i don't have like a need for a like a fridge right now because we're not we don't have any meat we're just hauling rice which is going to be good for another 40 days yeah we don't need a big fridge so we could also have an entrance into our fridge here we'll need three doors for the airlock um and then i think that this could work that'll be it yep that's gonna be our fridge okay so this is the bare minimum that we need for a fridge and then as soon as they get that we'll put down a nutrient-paced dispenser right here disease oh no rip that's not good rip sensory mechanic sensory mechanized i can't remember is that the best is that the bad one where there's no good side or is that the one where there is a little bit 30 manipulation yeah that's a good like it has some good sides to it okay so she's sort of fast but she's also just an incredible amount of pain that's like my own life how is it going how is it coco had a guild app in an interview you had an interview for a guild on world you're joining a guild coco i thought that was only a medieval thing to do i joined a guild yesterday i will be making the oh god uh they should totally bring back like the word guild man i miss oliver i'm a part of a guild i had so much more off them yeah like if you i am a journeyman well you know they still do that with like electricians and stuff oh yeah hmm i need batteries i do need batteries that's true though we've had this weirdly consistent winds so i'm waiting on the battery room um really we just want to get the nutrient dispenser that's true it's a very good light um top of the notch exactly watching my meteor playthrough hey good to have you kyle thanks man petition to rename unions to guilds unions to guilds you'd have to get a lot of people on board but i'd be down for it i'm trying to think um is there a teacher there's a teacher's union stuff like that all right here we go um oh man the music stuff let's let's uh switch out from what do we want do we want that a good old like spongebob jazz or do we want some like good old smooth jazz right now uh let me know chat do we want smooth jazz or spongebob jazz kill pg or like is there a kelp theme or something oh no it's a spongebob episode it's like uh i forget but there's this guy called kelpie jean he's like smooth jazz i don't know it's a really funny uh oh yeah i remember that smooth jazz oh hell yeah that is smashing the best time to wear a strapped sweater there's a dog on it one with collar turtleneck that's the kind honestly spongebob is like one of the most quotable shows out there i think dog on it thanks for the sub appreciate that man sub in the follow sup and the follow god bless thank you appreciate that i enjoy it when you do that jazz more like jet more like sexual jokes oh coco you are such a naughty boy he is he can you sense how naughty he is throw him in the pits f me all right floykie thanks for the sub thank you for the sub enjoy your uh emotes i i applied for partner again this time i will try to be more responsible and actually do the streaming okay we really want to avoid having them eat the raw foods so let's get the uh now we can pull out i can't remember there's a fruit bats tip here on this i don't know if you watch any fruit bats uh i'm kind of like i don't really watch that much room world like videos so i'm not well versed in the lore i guess um tyrone for the follow hmm no i mean it's just a genre of music throw coco in the steam guys we don't have coco yet we don't have coco yet oh also i shrunk down this um oh wait [ __ ] we missed a trader sorry i was so busy thinking about that there was a flavor so they probably didn't have that much always check though always check um f me no there they go all right well actually we're doing really really well right now so i don't think we really are we though we do have 800 so we yeah we won't want to miss the next if that happens again i'll pause it did i f it up sorry f i thought you already saw it you just didn't care about it no i'm just incredibly absent-minded i apologize for that um let's see okay so let's see we've got our air lock up we've got the hoppers going up in a moment uh i should probably make some extra power conduits to that um actually it's already linked to the hopper we're good uh it is hooked up we just don't have enough power we'll need batteries um we need more consistent power and we'll probably want to research uh what would you research next i'm thinking solar panels yeah okay and then we'll do mining we'll mine out our battery room next too yep okay [Music] we're almost done with the freezer just digging it out whenever i trade it makes it yes this is true oh cloud i like it how it does that though you know you knew union uh i wonder if you could actually like make a separate like branching colony with like a oh yeah you can call it caravan oh you can with the empire mud yep you could have a whole bunch of colonies oh wow okay actually you could have a whole bunch of colonies in regular old vanilla too um it's a pain in the ass to manage but you know yeah i could totally see that and i i swear oh man i can't talk right now but i'm sure the lag would be really bad as well cappy bars are those dangerous i can't remember they are two percent dangerous no i don't think they are we have only hairs i'm saving the hairs in the region for winter we might even want to tame a hair do we have anybody with animals um let me check yeah uh no no the max we have is two cass i agree except we don't have any mods on except for a loud tool only quality of life hopefully we'll get partners soon dude so everyone gets a pawn or does everyone get to give orders everyone gets to give orders you can't do um zones and just go like by honor system to not order other people's colonists um which would be quite funny but also just kind of crazy abby you're the only one with a dirty line why couldn't jesus be referring to the star wars is jizz the star wars music i always think of the uh the cantina band if only we could get the canteen a band yeah so there's the each colony and multiplayer runs on their own time did not know that i mean honestly this is as far as i've gone with multi lime where is your okay you're all hanging out over there i like how you can see hauling all the boulders oh nice i guess i like it you could see other people's cursors though that is quite comforting so you know what they're up to yeah so you can see what they're you know i guess you could just f each other over yeah i wouldn't do that i already did that in the twitch toolkit one with my raccoons all right we'll do battery-powered room battery-powered room uh let's smooth this one wall so that we can just run the wire in there directly oh okay um am i really gonna go try hard making the floors nah we're not gonna do that we're just gonna put the wires on the floor normally normally we run the wires through the walls because they make the floor less beautiful but oh really that's how deep it gets oh my yeah um there's mods to hide them underground but i'm not using them so i realized that they removed beauty yeah if you look at the beauty panel that it's negative actually it's ah it's quite bad actually i never realized that it was quite that bad that's really weird because in the other room it doesn't even have like a penalty okay we're getting raided yep yep yeah pause it oh this is a guy with a knife don't worry and he's naked yeah just uh you know what let's set up a safe space inside of our home um oh yeah zone yep i'll do that right now expand aloud area paul urgently command area one or because it's still bugged um hall urgently do we actually have it on the work tab that's a good point we have hall plus there i haven't really made any observations we're just trying it with the multiplayer the first time so i don't know it could be yeah we're not a i guess you don't want to throw too many mods in it yeah we'll just do like a controlled controlled situation um do you want to make a zone of like everything inside of our house just so that we could allow them to added zone one and want to do that first where there is actually a door okay yeah that would work and also do that for emmy as well and then restrict them okay oh yeah good area one zone one right now there we go very good very good all right and we just won't even fight this guy cobor we could take pot shots at him sniffer thank you for the dollars thank you for the dollars my friend yeah our guys are not really the best with uh combat the best one is just shooting level three the crap thanks for the sub yeah i i do not trust them in combat at all good day everyone i hope you all have an amazing day you too luigi oh [ __ ] we left the doors open that's okay that's okay we actually do want that um is he going for the oh no don't tell me that he's going for the he's going okay no he's going for this good he's gonna hit the spike trap he might not die though when he hits it if he doesn't die uh i paused it uh watch how he reacts he might do the next one he might go for well he might go for our windmill in which case we gotta wake up yep yep okay we gotta wake up um are we armed okay let's get our guns okay good there we go uh oh shoot uh dick never got the knife i'll go have him equip that real quick it's probably he doesn't combat with that oh we could leave him asleep if we wanted to okay he wasn't that bad uh we're actually gonna need a grave for him because we don't have fire to burn him oh we got the steel sarcophagus paul urgently works if there are no other higher priorities yes that is true that is true yes this music is very sneaky do we want the i feel like the spongebob music was more fun i'll see if i could find more of that spongebob music that was very nice i didn't realize that this playlist was not so terrifying call it area 51 want to rename it area 51 sure [Music] i'm having so much fun area 51. no yes oh yes oh we might need to dig out our stockpile zone pretty soon hmm that's true yeah we could make another dumping zone that's true that's true um we shall expand north spend the morning uh i don't really know why i'm totally hiding this zone for them jinani jinani ill are dark crash eel and silver and pumpkin king and dg40 g4 ff thanks for the follow that looks like a color code sort of interesting interesting to a computer science just eat the corpse oh wait do we have a cannibal smash oh cloud does remind me of cannibalism things whenever they're available i forget about this no sadly not we do this guy is great psychically deaf creepy breathing quick sleeper stevens that is such an unfortunate combination of things what could that be you want to dig a random grave out wait you're saying you don't just have a zone for corpses to slowly deteriorate fats away that is true that is true you know what zuniford i forgot about that because i've been using the berry on the spot mod so much because i hate putting their corpses away but thank you that was a good reminder um the reason i don't do that is because a lot of my people i'll suddenly realize something that i want that was good but now i'm just making excuses i apologize for that okay let's go put a corpse zone somewhere far away um oh we're not making graves we're just gonna throw no pile somewhere nope that is what we're gonna do we should totally get a stink pit like in dwarf fortress is oh yes that is a thing too i forgot about this so only human-like and not mechanoid okay so there we go there we go pull him away dick i wonder if we could use it like psychological warfare just have like a line of bodies leading up to the face you used to be able to before they can yeah but you no longer can because i think it was too overpowered pyromancies thank you for the sub this knife thank you for the dollar dragon hide thanks for the follow frank de gould thanks for the follow the guy ran that guy randomer thanks for the follow steam the corpses steam them oh actually we could do that wouldn't they deteriorate faster if we put them in the steam bath i hadn't even thought of that that would be pretty cool does temperature affect deterioration rate i believe it does because if i'm not or is it just whether or not you're in a jungle i can't remember um it says fresh not refrigerated so i'm guessing if you were able to get it to a high enough temperature where you could might be able to like steam them yes it is apparently maladaius says it is i mean we could try it want to try it out the ultimate steamer what if we decide we want that room later though we don't want a bunch of dead bodies like you know that room we threw all the dead bodies and turns out we need it oh that's true the water actually does cause it to deteriorate faster i don't even thought of water yeah we could do that but deteriorating i mean it doesn't really make that big a difference so we'll leave it the one thing we will want to do right now is to um prevent them from getting to our windmill because if we get a big raid um yeah so yeah do you just want to get like a sandstone wall going yeah um let's just get a big ass sandstone box on the way yes that's true i'm gonna see where we could do it with the minimum amount of you know grinding on this so let's just put some sandstone doors we'll do stuff like this nerd rage 800 thank you for the follow i'm queuing up some more blocks to be cut i mean if we add a second corpse when we get two raiders we'll do a scientific test see which one deteriorates faster mr pi thanks for the follow enjoy your flarp enjoy your flarp steamed hams fresh steamed corpses yes dump the body in the if we add it in the water and the heat in the jungle that would be ideal the other thing though too is that if i put it in this room it's also going to be indoors so it'll probably deteriorate less fast so that when we have that problem on our hands you'll later have a separate radar course freezer that you yes we could do that we could do that that's true just like a cursed freezer oh let's turn on the hammer icon so that they rebuild too um let's see okay there is a really this ancient danger up here is such an interesting structure i like this this looks cool we'll try to get that somehow soon oh yeah am i just we probably won't be able to get to it soon i remember the times when you used to be able to just like break a hole in the wall hurry up replace it and just like steam them out with like air conditioners i i usually use the line of spike trap strategy but that is equally valid i did it in the organization oh um okay now we're good on this all right so let's see if we can just build a massive uh you know great wall of china over here 160 we need more yeah we're working on it right now we might have to make it partially out of slate because i don't think we have a lot of sandstone blocks anymore oh yeah you know you know we could do a second bill for slate as well um yeah and in fact you might be able to do like half and half yeah let's do one bench that holds slate as well that's fair just so that they don't have to spend so much time getting up we really want to minimize the amount of time that they're moving around because that's the biggest time hole so we'll do just slate here and just sandstone oh i should probably uh i'm gonna forbid the last package survival meals because they are eating those instead of the nutrient paste let's also have them drop it on the floor um god there's so many mods i'm so used to now drop on floor here we go uh for most bills that they're doing it continuously have them drop it on the floor okay okay good they got sandstone actually we're chugging along really nicely right here we are chugga conroy if you guys watch chugga corn right that's an old reference enclosed guys just turned bodies into fog men this is a body farm experiment um could be more just a multi-player try using the link to get you from the last android supergenerator gave me an error but i searched you out myself oh [ __ ] i have to go check that out then mr pi sorry f me f me do you construct the sandstone structure to the east that is true that is true we should do that um my only thing is the amount of time that they're going to spend doing it so let's set up a stockpile zone along our wall uh over here over yonder we could just deconstruct these sorry i do it this way because i'm just a lightning with hotkey hold up i accidentally added there we go are those marble yeah we could use marble marble is pretty it's the prettiest stone use that for inside oh [ __ ] i forgot we also uh take out the floors yeah we can we can alright whoops um allow all except for corpses and chunks and we also won't allow food in here we're gonna make this exclusively a food stockpile zone in our fridge okay yeah you want to set that to critical as well yeah we'll do uh we'll do important and then we'll do medicine medicine okay so those things can go in there um oh i almost forgot about it smoke leaf uh actually do we have anybody who's capable of planting smoke leaf uh i think we yeah dick is a really good grower thank you coco i will call upon you when i need it so we could get some smoke leaf going help getting into the afterlife fast growing zones nearby um fast growing up to the like north east ish too much like a walk northwest um you know we could put it in front of the uh windmill i mean we won't be using that space for anything else right i'm just trying to see do we have enough time in the summer left to grow smoke leaf smoke leaf does have a pretty long growing period we don't want to lose it i don't know would we be better off just growing more rice i feel maybe we should have grown more yeah we'll find other drugs to keep us happy for now we have horseshoes something like that i'm just gonna cut down more trees i know this is a little bit reckless but uh we need a little bit more wood oh and we could also grab these berries harvest fully grown there we go yeah i'll just look around and see if i can keep some more of those do i have any recommended mods for starter players i used to play without any mods just so that i could get to know the game better um i don't know i would try something fun like a thematic mod like warhammer 40k or star wars those are always just great fun to try out it gets you used to mod loading order i would say check out mod loading order the other ones you might want to do is you know do them gradually so that you know what is in vanilla and what's not in vanilla start with things like oh i wish that they didn't put stuff in the doorways then to get the don't block doorway mod i think that's a good way to start i don't know does anyone else have any recommendations of lime you uh no no i'm just like i i run barely any mods at all when it comes to real world yeah i mean starting up vanilla see what like sounds cool and i download it yeah i mean that's a good way to do it um look at popular i think oh um actually a good one edb prepare carefully just so you can customize your colonists before they spawn that's always a fun one yeah rim hud is good rim hood uh hit or miss with a lot of people though too i i agree i like it now though i've grown to love it grow smoke leaf in the guy's room and had a sunlight oh i hadn't even thought of that wow yeah we could do that um what do you want to go for geothermal power oh yeah we got the geyser why don't you pick out the next research man um we'll go geothermal yeah it's going to be quite the task normally i'd go for micro electronics but i feel like there's just so much other [ __ ] we'll have to do for it and we've got the geyser right here so we might as well right all right it's under the way all right dope um let's further disincentivize people from attacking our windmill i feel like we're doing a lot of work make a power conduit going to the air conditioner yet or do you want to wait till we get some like walls to put it inside um power counter would go into the air conditioner yes that would be great let's see i'm going to just have sandstone blocks here only sandstone blocks here we go there it is yeah we have some extra slate so alpha animals is excellent numbers pawn character errors yes those are good character editor is in many ways a superior mod but a lot of i can't remember what it is there are several compatibilities that make edb i use both of them and you can use both of them edb repair carefully is also very good [Music] normal medicine oh wait did we not fridge our normal medicine uh we have it in the fridge right now i just it's on right now dude i don't know what the target temperature to be as low as we can negative two that's good oh no not that not quite that low we want it as low as we could go we're going in the negative 200s what are you're trying to get food today oh god my favorite mods is more planning more planning is good too has it been updated to 1.2 not game breaking or overpowered yes yes that's true i mean but also there is a mod that lets you grow people which is just kind of funny so i like that yeah i'm with crash wizard on this one yeah once you once you think of something that you want to do in the game and you don't feel limited by the game anymore um or once you start feeling limited by what you can do in vanilla then go for some mods i think that's a good way to go about it well sid um i'm going to smooth the rest of these walls this is going to be their permanent rec room uh should we start harvesting the rice is that like 90 percent or should we wait till it's at 100. did you say they're organs uh the rice oh no we uh they'll do it automatically at 100 yeah oh really yup okay don't need to worry about that um i i'm used to like almost vanilla so i always do stuff manually um we also have to designate every single chunk that we want them to uh pick up it's horrible i know um unfortunately i'm used to it we could do this [Music] we haven't had a single mood break i'll say that like high five man we haven't shawn we have high-fived myself but still i imagine that we were high-fiving it connects the commodity the camaraderie is there thank you serious pain why is she oh because she has the sensory mechanized right bio oh [ __ ] you know what we forgot was we forgot to make his medicine only herbal medicine that could hurt later on um oh we still got like almost 20 like eight we're good hopefully we'll harvest the the fully grown medicine here because it is worth it um smashing yeah that would be good private tickles thank thank you for the sub thank you for this private tickles floyare voc no good nick giffinglover420 ben dodge apollo skip mr pie thanks for the follows guys appreciate it enjoy your flarp enjoy your floor yellow smashing start on my own version of android only oh nice i hope you got the one click mod sofas was kind enough to uh make a mod list for me and it was very very nice very very nice indeed what are our colonists doing i feel like they're [ __ ] off are they [ __ ] off um they're doing their things they're being pretty good people all right stephen's has gotten another colonist yet yeah me too and more raids and [ __ ] i'm we're playing on blood and dust after all okay they're in an awful barrack why are they still in an awful no it's decent right now should we have someone clean up the like trash and stuff in there actually it is mostly clean never mind you know well i should have done this before but we'll move the donkey bed outside because he does tend to track in dirt um yeah actually you know what [ __ ] the donkey he's sleeping outside oh no i want him you know what i want him i'm going to have him sleep right here right outside the spikes and you know why because i'm gonna go right for him right i don't value his life as much as i value ours um he's a donkey i'm sorry but it's like the mascot you always gotta have the mascot no if you get attached to them you'll die oh medicine does not oh you know what i'm thinking of herbal medicine my bad mad boy that is true um yeah we could take it out we will leave only herbal medicine in there that's good practice i never noticed that actually medicine like actually expire like food yes but i didn't realize that it was only herbal medicine that does that let's just get temperature requests active ida's salvation you want an ida you want to go on a caravan nah i don't know do we want to go on a caravan should we let chad take a vote on this or should we just decide for ourselves i mean it's it's it's up in the cards what an ass [ __ ] the truth [ __ ] the donkey oh god oh man you people immature immature claim some of the ancient danger and maybe some raiders okay oh gee nani i hadn't even thought of that that is a damn good idea holy [ __ ] that is next level see how close it gets 50 is not that old did i ever say that 50 was old so depends on how far away it is might be worth the journey okay all right we'll check out the quest but i'm gonna holy [ __ ] gee nani that's a really good tip did you hear that yeah yeah yeah i just um unveiled just all the dangers of the world as soon as the raiders come by this has got to be an ancient danger of course it could also just um like kill the raiders and then we'll just have a big threat right outside i'm gonna clear my home zone i'm gonna say that none of this is the home zone because i don't want them going over there oh we also probably don't want them going over here as well or here that's also not your home um we can have them go over there that's fine yeah hmm okay i'm gonna delete this they haven't really been using the stockpile zone i designated so that's yeah yeah so hopefully a raider will come and attack the ancient danger and awaken it to attack them and not us that's a good idea what's my idea that chestnut is not mecca oh i'm sorry oh [ __ ] i didn't see it then sorry whose idea was that thank you for bringing it to my attention i'll scroll up sorry i'm uh ginani i'm struggling right now i'm struggling wait wasn't jinani's idea oh that was a highlighted one f me a large media has struck the ground okay we got a silver meteor that can actually wait um it's good but we don't need a silver oh us hi ho silva we could be very rich men and then have the raiders want to acquire our wealth my thing is i can't see ida's uh i can't see ida's position ida is actually pretty far away from us though and we've got so many mountains to go through yeah yay or nay yay or nay chat yay or nay can you see your stats or is it just up in the air so far i don't think i can see her stats i keep trying to click on her no more information available yeah nay nay nay i agree okay good we are in full agreement then democracy rules it's you almost unanimous there were a couple of years christie is non-negotiable sorry i wasn't unanimous but if you have the opinion other than mine just sorry what do we have major oh [ __ ] well stevens has been in major pain we might actually be well off if she gets a catharsis honestly because she's just been in extreme pain yeah that minus 10 is huge how do we prioritize her from to eat from the uh what you call it i just disable like all like the package survival meals is there a way to oh that's a very good idea actually um to get her out of the bed so she could eat yeah that's a good idea okay actually berries is a good choice because then she might get the food poisoning that's weird though i wonder why she doesn't do that with the nutrient actually you know it'll keep her mood a little bit better yeah i think nutrient paste uh is like the lowest tier because it makes people unhappy yeah but it's also not so bad because it's better than raw food and they won't get poisoned from it which is really the worst thing you want to go low risk all right let's get some bossa nova oh hell yeah it was the hypnotoada idea holy [ __ ] a manhunt pact of 35 article rolls arrived in your quack oh good luck to you cheesy bites i just aced my cognitive test dad please don't call me dad i'm just a guy but thank you [ __ ] i'm very i'm very proud of you regardless congratulations what is love the world may never know nutrition paste is lower tier than raw food but there's no thing of them much because there's no risk of them getting sick from it right and i really just hate food poisoning because it slows them down yeah i think it's oh god no higher debuff than just eating rice straight ass yeah oh we got some random plant cuts that's okay okay there we go harvest those yeah harvest the fully grown ones all right so we're getting closer to the winter um oh we need clothing we need seven and animals to do that oh [ __ ] yeah you're right um yeah we also need a heater uh let's get some parkas going because we are all after all living in the tundra uh do you want to start hunting or because we kind of forgot to like grow cloth i think or a little bit too late in the season or yes you're in fact you're right um actually but we have we're totally equipped to get animals let's get some zero risk animals to hunt okay oh we should make a flavored nutrient that would be nice if you could make nutrient paste nicer as soon as possible do a separate room for each colonist and say bye bye to major breakers that's true that's true i've been holding off on it for a while we could do that which one is more urgent do you think the rooms are the clothes i feel like the clothes just so they can get in and out of doors and then after that we can focus on getting them all rooms they also haven't been smoking i definitely think like clothing is a higher priority i'm looking for animals that don't have a revenge chance the only one i see right now is just a solitary rabbit there is a okay so then there's a are there any squirrels uh there's actually another hair here i'm just gonna hunt them so like i don't lose track of them later on let's attempt to tame the muffalo muffalo would be incredibly good um oh wow we only have two in animals that is very bad i has corgi 666 and gamergamer thanks for the follows appreciate it guys enjoy your flarp enjoy your flarp use it we could use the steam vent as a heaver that's true that's why we trapped all of this heat um but we should have geothermal air vent power we won't get geothermal power in time for the winter well we are defended from this entire flank so that's good we didn't want to deal with any of that [ __ ] let's also just cancel some of these orders because we don't want them roaming all the way over there oh yeah yeah they'd have to go around the like long way now yeah yeah we'll just seal off this side for the winter and never go bear there again oh actually that side is completely sealed off i just realized f me uh yeah i should have looked at the terrain man i effed up i'm sorry man um [ __ ] what should we do we need to go refig we have to fix that trap up how old am i i'm 25 close by far close first close first okay so then let's get the clothes um we need the wood and let's see chop wood chop more wood we gotta just have to risk it with the muffalo uh don't kill them i well we can't tame them at all is the problem we need something easier to tame our animal handlers are just so bad can you tame anything with animal level two even the true can i still get heat from the vent um i don't actually i don't remember i think the geothermal generator does have a lot of heat okay if we can tame the can we can't tame the rabbits so then we contain nothing all right then let's just hunt the rabbits for their rabbit fur okay um and the ibex ramsay stockpile zone for corpses because we might want to get that set up as well so that is very good we also need yeah we also need a kitchen let's just have our um our butcher area be our fridge yeah that would be good yeah it's a good thing i didn't set it at like negative 200 degrees then all right uh and let's make sure that only the long-range hunter has the hunting duty hunting is that on stephen's pod crash oh transport oh wait uh that's a person yeah yeah dark light chemical fascination fast work incapable of so many things yeah it's kind of already stuff that we have uh i'm leaning toward let this guy die chat what do we think yeah just let nature take its course live or die live or die dark light i like the name umbra nighthawk that is a [ __ ] badass name but not that good it's okay never i had like 11 colonists one of them die in four hours oh [ __ ] yeah we could die of the cold really fast that is true we want to prevent that from happening oh he does have level seven in animals we could do that ski fraxie he does have oh does he have level seven in animals yeah that's a good point then that's just a rabbit that's true for muffalo though i hate this guy we could banish him after we get the muffalo yeah just use him for his abilities then just send him to the shadow realm we could harvest his organs take the advantage okay we could do that cadual caddo law that is true i think that that wall that we made was kind of a big [ __ ] up on my part though i apologize for that all right i'm actually going to save this guy now that you mentioned that yeah all right let's use him for his uh abilities then just leave him how much time does he have he has eight hours okay we're gonna have who is our fastest walker i think he'll be fine you just want to throw him on the floor or exchange one of the beds yeah let's have york um go rescue him i'm gonna draft york and run him out there yeah the chances he's gonna get an infection are pretty high we don't really have any sterile area for that he could die we're gonna put down a wow he's even out of the construction zone let's just put down medical right here have him rescue him okay there we go hmm die by the sky face harvest his organs eat his flesh too dead have him tame an animal yeah we're gonna tame have him tame an animal and then he dies unfortunately death by sauna room ghostly 2.0 and cheesebaker thanks for the follows guys enjoy your flarp enjoy your flarp my friends oh clown is oh cloud already with the cannibalism my oh my oh my here we go okay york is going to we're going to set him to no medicine uh and we will try to save his life there we go he's in very good hands with the two medical skill yeah i mean well it's not that big things what does he have yeah if he dies i'm not gonna feel bad at all caught on his torso in a scratch on his right leg but he does have blood moderate blood loss okay he's gonna be fine medic researcher and social guy maybe the cost of a new colonist is i mean it could be we could just focus him on one thing ultimately he would fit well into a big colony if cold is my issue i can leak the geothermal event i mean yeah we have a couple of panic button strategies so gg4 gg4ff is right people die too slowly and insane uh i was gonna say the opposite i i get terrified of how quickly they die of heat but some of the heat i mean like people will die of 105 degrees in this game sometimes which is a bit much all right let's uh you want to set out a sleeping spot back at our main base uh sure do you want to put them in the inside the just i'll put them in the corner i guess yeah let's just put him in our main room if he joins he joins if not i wouldn't be heartbroken yeah uh loan profit x thanks for the sell oh you already got one down okay cool enjoy your instead of joining for now uh yeah that would be good enjoy your emotes my friend thank you very much i appreciate that i'll try to get that partner soon you guys uh yeah no honestly this guy would be a good specialist i feel like how much time we tell me you know after juggis comes september we got time we'll survive yeah we got a lot of rice cued up right now yeah we'll be okay i think in terms of food we'll be okay we also got that corn growing 62 grown if it makes as long as we don't have a cold snap we will get the corn um and if everything dies we could just turn to hunting oh good he's no longer incapable of walking and he decided to leave wow greedy for impressive bedroom kind of an [ __ ] i hope that he dies wait does it say that he decided to leave yeah i said he decided to leave we could just like throw them we could throw him in the dungeon yeah well imprison him so that we could get some muffalo i don't know is it worth it forced buffalo taming basically god where does it say that he decides to leave uh it was in the top like left corner it's gone now oh [ __ ] i didn't realize that yeah we can still capture him and throw him in the brig no now i just want to harvest it i don't even like him anymore i want to harvest his organs oh god i mean death by sauna would be pretty cool but we'd have to get the corpse out later all right what do we do do we imprison him or do we just let him go what do you guys think arrest him capture him you know we don't have a prison it would be a good new development we could just throw him in like the battery room i'm not actually that could probably end up really bad we could harvest we could we could imprison him if he turns out to be really you know let's do this if he's gonna be a nice prisoner easy to recruit we'll take him if not we will harvest his organs unfortunately sorry that was a terrible way to end that sentence um ah that's just rimworld yeah it's just the game you want to make uh you're digging out a separate little cave right now yeah i'm thinking uh let's have a two wide hallway uh into the back yeah i might need to get it down pretty quick because he might just get at all at any moment otherwise we could put him in the battery room just throw them in the storage closet yeah i just feel like steven's sensory mechanized kind of like threw us off a lot yeah i mean they're sticking through it i'm surprised we haven't had a break yet who is our doctor is steven's our only doctor uh three medical now the other ones are set to dock to them hey she might be able to get her medical skill up working on dark light if he doesn't decide to join she's gonna have york tender i want her up and out of bed if possible right death by sauna we could cook him we could quite literally cook him steven's hmm yeah if we shut the door it'll get up to like 1 30. um i wanted i want to have those muffalo though only because muffler are so completely overpowered that it just like you never need to worry about food when you have muffalo transport podcasts transport donovan and drought got a mental break he's actually hostile we could trip him get his clothes yeah yeah we better that's a free parka hey strip him yeah we gotta get that soon how long he's gonna die in eight hours so we got a little bit of time but we should definitely get someone on that right now [ __ ] this guy i want his parka more than i want him to live i am apologize for that oh [ __ ] york went on a mental break well a lot of people have like all the prisoners so far i've had really good stats and animals donovan has 13 in it geez look at the length of time they have to walk through that dick is gonna spend the entire night oh i just rise it is completely cut off do you want to like make a door maybe or just leave the wall up yeah you know i i [ __ ] this over with that wall that was too much of a project i'm sorry about that man i mean we could just uh link out another area it's not that bad it just totally took his [ __ ] okay dick i want you to uh we should probably have him wear the stuff yeah instead of just hauling it and then what do we want the alpaca wool or the actually the patch leather t-shirt is a little bit better yeah take that yeah so he'll haul that and then this thing we could just leave this out here it's gonna be too bad quality sorry trap you're dead does he have any gear nope he has nothing all right he's dead he'll be a good fodder for the rabbits make his skin into we could do that we do have one psychopath don't we i don't think we do no we passed up on the psychopaths yeah we don't have black misogynist which isn't really the same thing we don't have bloodlust cautious when doing captions for room world series the other day mike hollis died and ate his own brother yeah i i don't know i feel like i wouldn't do captions on it maybe somebody could figure out how to make it work though i'd like to see that what are the dicks needs recreation unfulfilled i ate awful meals slept in the cold underground or outdoors holy [ __ ] wow you know that is uh quite the list i say let him have a catharsis right now because they do have some needs york for example is greedy um yeah i think temperature is more important than rooms at this point yeah is emmy sick too malnutrition extreme oh because emmy has been oh is emmy limited to the ins [ __ ] oh yeah she was living into the home all right that's okay we were gonna have one f up capable of yeah exactly i don't want dark light i want dark light to like tame the muffalo and then leave that's all i want of him what are dick's needs yeah what are dicks needs dicks disturbed yeah you know i might just say [ __ ] this dark light guy let him die yeah we ought to throw him out before he dies in front of everyone so we gotta focus on one thing at a time i also think right now um let's pause research and just focus on more important things yeah only because it's going to take us a long time to do geothermal how do we pause her oh yeah we'll just take her off of the research task sorry no research all right just so that they can get other [ __ ] done just clean up the room yeah balc 21 bonehead monster mythic the unwanted rimworld guy thanks for the follows guys john de barr thanks for the follow deladian thanks for the follow appreciate that enjoy your flarp enjoy your flirt my friend oh the captions that would make sense yes that would make sense stevens what are her needs intense pain okay hers are just from the sensory mechanites yeah i'm just gonna never clean up all the rooms let's just keep them from going on too many breaks right here there we go so what do you uh oh what was that we do have a horseshoe they're hunting okay so we're okay on that yeah they have a horseshoe pin it would be nice if we could get them a chest table or something like that do we have any joy recreation uh we should be able to make a chess table pretty easily we also have 520 steel so i'm going to do it out of stee actually we have slate let's do slate yeah we got a crap ton of bricks from stone cutting and i'm gonna put it right here too see what i'm doing see how i'm doing should we set up a butcher table or spot right now because she is hunting uh yeah um let's do that in the back of the fridge as soon as they mine it out yeah we might need to set that to be a little bit higher so let's just do this let's do it on the other side so that they do that first and then they'll have the butcher table like right here yeah yeah that'll work is dick and under he is in fact an undergrounder um you know i wonder can we prioritize him just on for on a mining mining actually he's got a passion for mining let's put him on mining all right well i'll just put him in home area 51 then i'll just expand it out so he can go mine there yeah if he likes mining so much let's assign him to that because then he won't ever have mental breaks yep there we go we have plenty of food we're doing pretty well yeah food is definitely uh pretty good right now the one thing we do want to watch out for is make sure that dick's fingers don't get frostbite all of them oh yeah he isn't to be honest uh since we only have rice in there right now we don't really need to have the cooler on the rice will be good for like 40 days on refrigerated dick is a weird guy i don't know why he's not doing uh he's just like [ __ ] doing random [ __ ] instead of uh uh is mining enabled for him oh he just no way of my wait hold on there you go oh no he's restricted to area one yeah so he's good now okay cool hey dr zoidberg thank you very much man appreciate that hatsune miku here pointless to taming the muffler and then having dark light leave because then the muffler will just go wild that's somebody who can tame that's true that's true i think we're just gonna delay it because i feel like to me the construction overall is more overall is more important and you know if we do hunting we're still getting them to train their shooting so that's kind of worthwhile in a way but that's true you could go about this several different ways i'm just going one like i'm watching a married couple try to assemble ikea furniture hey dark mark how are you man i feel i feel like that is the best analogy i have heard of brim world multiplayer that hits the pre-class i'm just sitting around waiting for you to do something hunting a hair well why does she need to go over there the um that's because you've got the sensor mechanized yeah just do it like that it's a weird utilization of the a star path finding algorithm which i presume that this is using yeah is a parka you should be okay i have had people with parkas uh die from the cold uh yeah let me go check his limit actually it should say somewhere like it says negative 13 degrees is his like comfortable temperature oh why did she just stop doing that okay she just lets this rabbit bleeding to death oh that's messed up i'm all right with it emmy yeah you know we could have emmy run around because emmy is uh needs grass to live that's that sounded kind of morbid but yeah hey ashley bro thanks for the follow let's say your vids are awesome i've learned so much about rimroll from replays you're the man thank you el nash villain appreciate that glad you enjoy grateful for the kindness this dude just wants to say david handling is that's true if we oh actually retro's arcade you're right sorry i totally forgot about that um so emmy is now doing hauling that's good yeah you know what let's train them in animals by training emmy to attack and rescue if nothing else it'll just get our animal skill up oh does she have a passion in it um i don't think so but what have we got we got flake take it for the money hey we got some cargo pods with some flake so i guess that's a last ditch resort for recreation yeah only if they get really really low actually i've i've never used flake i don't think i've ever had the muse flake i've had the music yo is it yayo or yayo i like saying yayo i like saying yayo too but then people will be like no it's yayo and i'm like that doesn't sound as good like i i just like yayo better yeah yeah yo oh yeah like the one piece thing yeah the the four kids version miss rofl waffle and zabang thanks for the followers guys i'm gonna pause oh it's attacking dick right now enjoy your flarp um don't enjoy getting attacked by a mad ibex rim um it's gonna take long for york and all of them to come over he does have a knife so we could just try yeah just give it a shot that's the best we can do right here that thing was like right on top of him hey he got him uh no infection risks we're good we're safe holding it up crap dick really he really went in oh wait uh finish it off wait what the [ __ ] it did you see that that's a bit weird that was weird that was weird yeah i wonder if it's because he's got the hunt and that thing yeah well it'll bleed out in three hours it'll stay fresher technically for longer yeah it's gonna die that's such a silver lining thing to say oh man hey let's get some electro swing going i haven't listened to any electro swing in a while and so we got a butcher table going up i feel like it's taken us a while but we've had we've had a lot of stability we could have had more instability and maybe gotten more done too to be fair psychiatry is that is true that is true psychiatry does keep them fast um i've been growing sega which one has a faster growing season psychide or what is it i mean i guess we'll stick with flake i mean i've never tried flake before it seems like it seems like fun there's always a room to uh try new things oh jake is known for destroying lives communities and entire societies yeah so something like that i'm sure would be perfectly good awesome we're gonna make two parkas from i'm just gonna use any material that they have uh plain leather will probably be all that we get from those ibex rings gotta prioritize the butcher table soon so they can actually do that dick really went in oh man hey miss rfl waffle thank you very much appreciate that yeah cygade is actually scigid is the way to go i used to do smoke leaf um more but which one is the longer growing season that's a big factor too i'm gonna go look it up right now hello root um smoke leaf is growing season uh do do do 7.5 days really that's it 7.5 days on smoke that seems pretty fast and psychoid is that is okay so it's not by that much i i guess psychoid is a better plant it's slightly more addictive slightly more addictive we've got some horses to tame if we ever do imprisoned dark light correctly no nice can we uh we still don't have the uh animal well actually at this point we might be able to do this without dark light dark light is a piece of [ __ ] no storage space yeah he's just kind of eating our food right now just a drain of resources he's terrible person not joining our colony after we saved his life what kind of ungrateful yayo is an amazing thing i'm gonna keep saying yayo flake is just worse oh is it really worse quality yayo don't do school do flake oh god it's yayo which is why you exclaim why you exclaim yay whenever you say okay that that is the best explanation of yayo i still really like the way that yah yo yeah i'm going to keep on saying yeah yo yeah even though it's just a style but that that is the best explanation ever nope see no one explained that to me thank you very much yeah it was an amazing thing to produce to sell if you want to spin off some fast cash don't mind growing psychite psyche is well it speeds them up too hey drunk how are you man good to see you hope you're doing well i saw your thing on uh dead of night i didn't realize uh that as opposed to or what you said as opposed to dead matter which is kind of a shame i was really looking forward to did matter but i think you're uh i take your i take your opinion on it they dedicated us a whole song to you yayo is coke flake is meth i think uh yeah giving her colonist meth wouldn't be too bad then right i'm fine with it if they deteriorate a little bit of meth here and there never hurt anyone i i really don't know how to use it darklight is leaving this is a do or die to uh imprison him or not let's let him go um not worth it they have a few items to trade you mean dinner yeah looks like meat's back on the menu yeah dark light can uh darkly can go [ __ ] himself unfortunately i hope he freezes outside i don't usually like using drugs in general booze is decent booze is a booze is very good in rimroll because they can just use it so constantly i think does it what is it does it slow them down it's it's negative on some of their faculties i can't remember exactly which one i don't really like using drugs in general boozes these drugs are actually very good in rim world if you have them take psychite like daily or maybe every other day i think it speeds up their work and it just boosts their mood so much i've known to have entire colonies dependent on drugs in real world i used to stay away from them because i was just like i don't want people to get addicted to drugs simple as that um i was missing out on the fun um yeah i don't know any other way to say that dependency is great all right let's have somebody uh leave trade with them gifts from the coalition they give us a recurve boat that's very good beer is very good flake has high yes that is why flake is very bad okay we're gonna go chase him down okay we do want to trade with this guy oh no he doesn't have much the herbal medicine would be good though um yeah they only have two of it i think let's buy them um pemmican or nah let's buy it we don't need our money we need our lives there we go yeah that's all he is do we want to sell him anything uh maybe we i mean we don't have a use for the pants right now um we'll keep them though because they're synth red they're really good let's sell him our awful knife and we could sell back their gift that they gave us with the recurve i think that's it would you do anything else uh no we don't really have much to buy from them yeah actually there's no mushrooms in rimworld okay so then we'll do that sell them that and then we get a little bit of silver out of it so we're actually pretty well off beer smoke leaf and psychite yeah that's that's a very safe good just there's really nothing wrong with that i've i rarely see colonists develop an addiction so that's that's that's what i would go with too personally um oh it's too bad we don't have sidearms i'm gonna give dick the uh yeah he's the only one without a gun right now actually he's got melee you know what let's leave him with a plastic knife because he's good in melee like before when he got up to ibex uh ram pretty fast we got another person okay he oh he's very good yeah he's actually useful he's got good animals he can shoot oh my god [ __ ] okay we are rescuing him um who is the most positive right now okay we're gonna have dick deconstruct prioritize that sandstone wall we can put a door there if we want to yeah let's do this all right okay dick you deconstruct and then dick is gonna uh who is good in the nickname i know uh yeah i think uh passion in it yeah psychic is probably the most well obviously i guess psych psychedelic psychedelic of them that would make sense though uh this guy we will capture if we don't get him yeah for sure we gotta make a nice prison cell for him we gotta baby him sorry this music is starting to annoy me i'm gonna go to back to my other playlist here we go good old spongebob jazz second t is like a coco t that's why you can make man this is a huge there's so much depth to the rimworld drug system though which is awesome okay so let's see who is our best doctor our best doctor is stevens okay so we're gonna have stevens go rescue him it'd be cool if there was like a cartel for room world yeah like uh like some dedicated faction yeah like one that's just for the drugs yeah and like you could even sell them your product like real easy you know yeah it does lower some of them lower their speed i think psychide is safe right so let's go health stevens can you i would never do it without medicine yeah whoops uh she's going for herbal medicine way down south you want me just uh not allow that uh i fixed it okay we had to set up the drug policy there we go okay it is now getting very cold outside it's 27 degrees fahrenheit so we're going to start to think about it oh that really did hit it yeah we could see their breath and we might not get her we should link up the steam geyser or do you think we should just get a heater down because we do have an excess battery right now um i don't know it's only the third of september so it seems kind of uncharacteristically cold but we might have to harvest this corn early yeah we are in a tundra so colder temperatures does neutral aiming process can i make go juice oh i haven't even really thought about it go juice does make them faster godus is fantastic kind of like a warrior drug i don't remember if you can make it i can't remember off the top of my head so i would just drift to saying no yeah i don't know for sure have you do you know if you could do that anonymous chair thank you for the bits okay let's uh let's see healed up deconstruct rescue oh and we need a new bed oh yeah i'll just place one in the corner again i got it there we go and then stephen hopefully he joins us there we go yeah if he doesn't we're gonna capture him because he's he's that good yeah he is ridiculously good okay actually um i f this up we don't need to do all this right now we're good york is doing that [ __ ] good oh you know what we haven't been doing is uh well actually the animals are frozen outside so that's pretty good we don't really okay that's good uh we actually need some wood for this butcher table so i'm just gonna go chop down a tree real quick and get that started i completely forgot about harvesting yeah and i'm getting a lot of just random dead animals here that we should get going i'm also going to allow animal corpses in our fridge just i mean it won't make them happy to see them but they won't did they won't rot so that's okay we'll all we also have enough steel for right now so we'll cancel these out let's see where dick is going now where is dick going now he is oh it's me with yayo on neutral i mean oh i didn't know that so you combined two drugs to make another one wow but neutral amine is not craftable neutral i mean you need to trade for so you need to it's kind of complicated it's a pain in the ass to make it so a lot of incentives to not do that hey amphibian what health mod are you using your autonomous run that gives you the health bars um [Music] i'm trying to think of which one it would be health bars would that be remod i would say rim hud i feel like with the music i'm in a mexican cantina oh hell yeah i love this music and he failed while constructing the table actually do we have him is he good at it at all he's pretty decent uh we should probably get york on it though he has a 10. yeah york is a much better constructor that's good alas alas hopefully uh the corn gets fully grown before uh harvest season i mean before it gets too cold non-ideal temperature but it is in fact growing still so we'll be good all right and we are not going to allow sowing of rice anymore because it's starting to get kind of late in the season we'll hunt after this and we should survive i know this would destroy the game but i really want to see what cool stuff is inside the ancient danger i do too when we have a chance just when we have a chance you're right lance little peaksy we could do it like to finish off the colony [Laughter] like it's a smashing conclusion out with the firework yeah pretty much the map is just a big freezer that's true if it has a way to mass produce note yeah there's so many like honestly i don't think i'll ever go back for mods no it feels so vanilla whenever i play vanilla now okay cool so we got this so let's just have them butcher creatures forever yeah we should probably have uh the guy with the parka doing that so he doesn't like freeze to death need warm clothes uh why is it uh i missed the rim temperature mod 48 degrees fahrenheit okay so we are going to need a heater um we have plenty of power yeah and all the doors are open right now so it'll get vented out we might need to shut the one outside though we'll put that into their rec room because it's going to be very centralized yeah okay we're actually we've been pretty well off i'm surprised i'm surprised that we got only one raid like we're on blood and dust right now there's blood and i forget which one blood and dust is do a save and then take a peek can we do it to like finish off the stream because i think it would be fun see what's inside there tantrum on stage in a tantrum oh don't hit the medicine [ __ ] oh my god what the hell she just wiped out 24 medicine like what the [ __ ] what kind of [ __ ] dumbass deletes 24 medicine when you are the one who is oh you are the one with sensory mechanics what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh my god what a piece of [ __ ] we're gonna lose our own colony man yeah we only have three holy [ __ ] stevens you [ __ ] oh my god oh my god that was so much bad i've never i thought that deleted one of the met now i know that i didn't really want to even beat her up anyway i probably wouldn't have done anything differently usually they switch targets holy [ __ ] that was to be fair she is until that's true drunk that's true but she's been like this for i guess you know what like i'll say this this is one thing that bothers me about vanilla room world or rimrolled on high difficulties is that you want um difficulty to scale by via um you know the game actually sending you more raids and often it's like haha all your colonists are traveling at 25 speed and it's freezing out bet you didn't think that would happen like so that's yeah still aggravating but yeah we have to leave i need to get that heater in pretty soon because she uh is dying of hypothermia right now oh wait who is uh stefan's it's just hypothermia shivering right now yeah let's get that in yep okay there we go good good call we have plenty of steel and plenty of components that is one very positive thing uh we've got 70 degrees it's target temperature that's good i mean that's usually what you're lacking out of uh all the leather yeah they're out of meds yeah well i mean we have we do have some meds uh we don't have a lot of meds no we had we had some we had mitch we have a measly three i can't believe that she destroyed 24 [ __ ] medicine yeah that the entire stack i hate her that is just such oh my i'll say this though she's probably our most useful colonist right now more is recovered and decides okay we need to capture more let's make a prisoner room okay you just want to uh inhibit the battery room right now yeah okay let's get a door down real quick we got to hurry up to get that down actually do we have enough wood no we're gonna have to give him a sleep this is gonna be a really bad prison all right i wanted to avoid this he will be alone with the battery the battery is enough company to stop tending to step ends stevens step ends nah but then she's in bed all day and she's i like her as a worker i think she's very good i mean she's also creating fast actually dick is uh smarter than her right now i'll say this there are colonists the three colonists that we pick are not that bad it's only her sensory mechanites that are totally screwing yeah that's really throwing everything off yeah is this guy gonna be effed up he'll walk away really slowly we could i like it when they capture colonists and it just sort of looks like they like kind of grab them by the collar oh you come with me drag them down yeah that's it all right well we've got ibex ram for days major break risk on york this is why we need beautiful outdoors hey emmy's actually helping that's great transport man we've had some another one oh my we really get a lot of these well randy aims for us to have more than this many colonists yeah this one she's kind of terrible die i'm sorry should we take her parka though that's a mega sloth wool one that's pretty nice yeah yeah i'm sorry i didn't see that i'll let you uh i'll let you perform the festivities on that i'm going to use i'll let her sit outside oh um mula do it before before they die because then they'll get tainted i'm going right towards it yeah yep she'll die in five hours so i'll just go take her parka and just leave her out in the cold wow more is extremely slow uh where is he he's not gonna be able to get anywhere oh wait he's trying to walk away because i cuz i destroyed his bed okay okay that makes sense yeah he's not getting anywhere for some reason i can't click can you uh unclick more for a second uh yeah let me see did i do it oh this is just strange then this is just strange yeah i forgot like i have my own clicker yeah no i totally feel this up is he just going to leave then oh wait do i need to do this it's probably going to take him a year and a half to actually give away okay yeah he won't get far yeah oh god oh nice pepe we might need to expand our storage pretty soon double up the outside walls for winter that's true yes we do need to insulate the inside oh [Music] actually i didn't realize that the battery room is the biggest room it's good very smart very smart of you private line okay we will now allow the donkey to sleep inside in the workshop in the workshop very terrible room well now it's awkwardly quiet yeah let me put on my happy playlist again my happy playlist there we go all right this is a very nice playlist um should i go grab the t-shirt and uh world oh my fans real quick the most cursed room worldwide get more actually does have stuff on already never mind yeah um oh good on you taking off that person's clothes camel hide t-shirt yeah he fox first he took the parka uh york doesn't need to have uh any like i guess uh yeah anymore i'm gonna forbid the other ones because they're not real they're gonna be more time than they're worth uh yeah should we deconstruct that wall i'm not sure if they'd be able to squeeze through that here we go the trap there at the entrance um oh yeah we want to reinstall that trap somewhere else so we'll put it like very nice this is very impressive i'd like to see how it does with all of um what's his faces mods um double eyes oh yeah honestly like from the start of development i remember when you had to like port forward your router and now it's just all streamlined it is so nice i mean that's very nice like i didn't have any issues connecting yeah oh clouds that's true that's true i haven't tried too many other ones we tried only one we'll keep on adding mods as we need them like we have a loud tool right now no hitches with allow tool that's been good so far batpone thanks for the follow unreal mirror thanks for the follow hey miss rofl waffle thanks for those bits flamingos sam crazy yes thanks for the followers guys enjoy the flarp enjoy the flarp it's fresh all right let's have somebody trade with these guys as soon as they wake up yeah uh stefan's is the best one and she's completely uh rested so as soon as she's done feeding more we can send her out there other than destroying 24 medicine i like her yeah that really hurt oh my [ __ ] her oh wow they have a lot let's have a gander let's take a gander shall we um do we want another parka hmm yes yes we do need one more for thank you for the sub appreciate that enjoy the uh enjoy the emotes hopefully we'll be getting more soon um but god bless thank you very much appreciate that multiplayer has gotten better it's really rough yeah i i stayed away from it for a while let's get the parka what can we sell of ours oh boomelope do we want to buy a boomalope uh that could be in the cars we could use just like uh can we i think we can milk them right we could milk them for chem fuel and then they would provide us oh wait we don't have a male boomer so they can't breed um and we'll also be to 800 yeah recurve bow we're really using it it's only eight dollars though do we want to sell the synthread pants and get now let's keep yeah everyone has pants and shirts so we could sell that for an easy 100 at the same time those are really good pants too your call man uh yeah we can sell them all right whatcha gonna buy with that money or just want to keep the money i think we'll just keep it the parka would be pretty nice right now though we could do uranium knife this would be really good against i think mechanoids can we get really enough to stab a mechanoid yeah i mean we'll be dead before we get there if they do come that's true all right you know let's just accept that that's pretty good we get a parka we sell them our pants ah jesus transfer or parka i'm losing space roboto thank you for the thank you for the follow enjoy your floor my friend yeah that'll give everyone a parka though so you don't really need to worry about winter other than more if he does decide to join getting ready to kill seventeen combat ex ooh good luck with that oh cloud got it combat extended that's more is uh recruit mode oh yeah good call i totally forgot about that 64 chance that's pretty damn good ooh and he has only 11 resistance that's not that bad well we got to take down the resistance first right um or i've played with so many mods i don't even remember how they work with vanilla yeah i think we have to take down his resistance but interaction and recruit should uh yeah that'll work yeah we'll have to get someone on wardening right now back in 1.0 and early 1.1 multiplayer had a lot of incompatibilities with thomas i think now things have stabilized pretty well with 1.2 1.2 there were a lot of mods that got taken away for a bit um all right i mean i don't know i mean for me an impatient timeline is like whoops [ __ ] area revealed there we go ah sorry about that area revealed where it's good oh it was just i think yeah the good news is that we've got goodwill with a lot of these trading partners and maybe they'll leave us more gifts yeah that'd be nice it would be really funny if we just sold their gifts right back to him yeah like that guy with the bow oh no we don't really want it you could have it back but instead of just giving it back you put a price on just put a price here give me five bucks instead it's like refusing a gift card that somebody gives you yeah oh god nihilist nihilist potato that is funny thank you for the sub i appreciate that enjoy your flower my friend hey amphibian i've been binge watching your stuff around the month and the amount of content you put out is insane i am sorry about putting out so much content i dig your taste and you've gotten me to play rimroll after i watch a few kenshi blows thank you very much hey i'm losing space robot i'm very glad to hear that i hope you i hope you enjoy them as much as i like to imagine that i'm playing a game alone uh to enjoy it more i don't know why just because otherwise i play multiplayer stuff usually so that's how i do all the single player but thank you when i put the battery in the prison room i don't want you yes that's true batpone we don't want this so that's why we're digging him out a new room we just had no other room so he's sleeping with the battery yeah it's basically a dirty bomb whenever he decides he had it enough he just hits the battery the nice part though is that he's unable to move so if he wanted to destroy the battery it would take him a very long time to do so just slowly old man walk his way over i'll get to that battery for revenge on these young people keeping me prisoner here because i'm an undergrounder misogynist wow we have a lot of misogynist yeah that's actually that could be very bad for social interaction with steven's we might need to keep her away from everyone just because everyone else is a massage because everyone in the colonist is a misogynist oh my god not funny yeah maybe um maybe her uh anger is justified yeah that's true you know what she deserved to destroy the medicine johnson is probably just duncan absolutely sell people into slavery but then work them into exhaustion uh if we had prisoner labor that would work that's true try opening the ancient danger now and let the merch oh that would have been a good idea [ __ ] i wish i had seen that uh but yeah doesn't it affect their relations still if they die on you right that's true um yeah they might become hostile to us and attack our faction or something like this if they just like wander in you know yeah like something that like something like that happened before where i had raiders outside and a trader came in and the trader got destroyed and it affected relations i might be effing up this insulation without those two doors right here um i don't think it really matters that much it's 70 degrees indoors they're fine indoors so they're hitting the target temperature have i played before before we leave is that a game can you ping me with that um before we leave before we leave no i'm being lazy sorry before we leave what is that oh hexagons that looks like fun kind of reminds me of one of my old favorite board games hero escape no i've not tried that kyle westbrook but thank you for recommending it have i heard lo-fi games is making kenshi too i've heard about this and i'm quite excited about it oh that's gonna be great i really hope it's a new engine because the game is pretty unoptimized horribly optimized it's unfortunate because it's such a good game too yeah all right so as soon as we get this prisoner cell stuff up then they'll be good um and then we can actually get colonist rooms we'll put those on the other side of the hallway neglected those technically more has it better because he has his own room he's loving it in there i mean but he'll be a he'll be a pawn on our side before we know it yeah in one of our pawns it's you bet you can't have bug pits [Music] relations hit isn't as bad if you wreck you some of the kind if you're gonna rescue some of the colonists oh that's true so we did rescue him i mean he's he'll probably come around pretty quickly this uh i'll go deconstruct the sleeping spot right now and get someone to throw him over one thing is i think what's more dangerous is if he um oh thank you for that is if he gets an infection because we have so little medicine left yeah after uh the [ __ ] stevens ah tangerine just ruined 21. that's a lot of silver as well look he's got a rock pet a pet rock in his bed with him that's his blanket sleeping with the battery starring julia roberts and prisoner stevens sleeping with the battery i feel like what is that a reference i should know that i watched so many films a few years ago now the space put two doors on one tile to give them an airlock two doors on one that's true that's true if we if we had more space right here we could do that i mean we could put another door here and a wall here we'll eventually work toward that hey carolina sat 12 12. thanks for the sub appreciate that enjoy enjoy your being amazing and being loved by me thank you very much thank you very much caroline said or caroline is at i struggle with names you can strip them and rescue them and if they escape the map healthy you get plus 12 relations well we'll just keep him oh i forgot about how we might anger his faction what faction is he in too more um he's just a space refugee we're good oh we're safe then he's not affiliated with anyone he's to this world thank god that's in our grasp yeah we'll do recruit now too cause moocs too thank you for the follow enjoy your flarp my friend enjoy your flarp hey dark shard how are you good morning good morning to you give the prisoner some heat we do um it should trickle in there i mean it's 61 in there so it's not bad at all he's doing all right he's doing right the one thing i can't remember i've done so many prisoner mods i can't remember how vanilla doors work whether he just wanders out if we leave it open actually no if we leave it open he can escape but the temperature will come in better but where is he going to escape too you know so yeah i think we're fine sleeping oh sleeping with the enemy okay i do i have not watched a lot of films in a while i apologize for my lack of film knowledge it's an egs exclusive but if you use epic it's good oh carol carol in us in his ad carol okay all right i'll allow it i'll allow it shipped to the stars well that one is just gonna happen yeah yeah that is never gonna happen give me one second i'll be right back okay oh god it's just me now good luck lyme good luck duh this is just throwing the mic right in my hand alone oh my god how are y'all doing how y'all doing uh hello alone oh my god i love that spongebob episode so much honestly that episode gave us so many especially like caveman spongebob tell some jokes ah that's funny i'm not gonna plug myself no no no no i can't that goes against my morals yeah i'll just uh i'll just order the battery to get destroyed real quick oh yeah for sure like spongebob is just such like a jokable like series like so many good stuff comes out of that get nervous and panic already there baby yeah i guess there are no morals on romworld how about we just go uh we just just go execute the prisoner real quick now i couldn't do that oh i think he returns no longer will i have the mic oh man i am back it's so much easier in a youtube video than on stream why do you say that all right i find it easier to like talk to myself just threw the mic right in my lap i don't know it's like a hot potato oh like um i don't know when i used to stream i would find it like very difficult because i would just lose concentration so i would just keep cutting and pasting my personality to different ideas of like huh that's working let me keep doing that oh no people don't you know like that yeah all right let's see how are we doing chat sorry about that dick's revenge on the colony cosmooks thanks you for the oh wait sorry i already said that god bless force feed him drugs crap he's back stop talking [ __ ] about him oh man it's lies i tell you all lies i want to get a dedicated cleaner for us because that could really bring down the moods [Music] oh what oh whoops we had another one thing catch a fortune uh skill trainer animals that could be good where do we need to go for oh that is actually very close do you want to do an item stash well actually it's the dead of winter we also will need packaged survival meals ah yeah come to think of it nope nope we can't do anything yet i don't know what it takes can we make that yet or no um pemmican oh we could do that you know we could research that and we could use it yeah it's only 500 we could just stop the geothermal it'll stay in progress right yeah i went to go grab another flarp by the way if you don't use your colonists to have recreation at random times you can set that's true that's true grizzly bear is tongue hunting the donkey okay the donkey is fortunately hauling back this let's make a decision together um okay the grizzly bear will inevitably end up attacking the door it will probably hit a spike trap before it hits the door um we will let it bleed out and we won't do anything let's set our colonists and our animals all the zone one uh yeah area 51 yeah 51 i got it actually let's let the donkey come in later now we'll let the donkey come in okay good time is of the essence okay good now we'll have everybody stay in area 51 there good all right we are all safe oh [ __ ] they didn't the grizzly bear changed his mind i guess he doesn't want donkey i think he's making a beeline for some don't tell me he's going for the scarabs to hunt where is he going oh my god oh my god he just might scarabs he just might hungry what a [ __ ] tank holy [ __ ] that's great luck oh my god he might actually take them out for us no he's done it was worth a shot episode of spongebob where he broke his butt and stayed inside it's pretty prevalent this year that's kind of like what our colony is meat chip penny and used napkin all right let's uh let them get outside of the house again take it away penny this is the most chad bear i've ever seen oh for sure it might kill the mega spider that would be amazing wow put up a good fight though he might make it bleed out or get an infection yeah let's see what happens with that it got bit we could take the jelly for ourselves that would be fun we got break risk up we can um yeah we can have everyone unrestricted now oh you already did that cool we don't actually need these beer homes actually we don't want these to be our home zone because then they'll start cleaning over there before they clean inside of their own home unfortunately so we will do this there we go good they've cleaned the inside huzzah life is good now we can attack the hive now that's true the mega spider is the only real problem with the hive i i think they're keeping to themselves for right now so that's pretty much fine oh the mega spider is only injured uh uh you know bleeds out we might be able to slip in but it's it's tight corridors we'd probably get swarmed even by the smaller ones i'm gonna let him do him over there i'm gonna build another wooden spike right there oh corn plants are dying oh [ __ ] oh yeah right now yeah yep yep everybody everyone right on that yep um i'm gonna assign all of them to let's do yeah plant cut number one and then yep good you're way ahead of me there we'll get them all out of bed yep there we go yeah we gotta get that right now i'm just gonna go to their work tab for a second and just have everybody work uh what hour is it right now two hours so i'm just gonna have them work yep all throughout the night okay there it should all be working now oh [ __ ] that was a close one kind of yeah it's it's still taken away a lot very quickly so it's a race against time at this point we could go to the hive we could go to the half i think we get we need this corn more desperately do we have we have enough room for corn in our fridge and some of the corn finished off so we should be fine it's 98 grown yeah we're gonna lose around like half of it i'd say oh [ __ ] damn quick holy [ __ ] at least we got some stacks out of it we got a lot out of it though yeah who could've who could have known we did pretty well turn your auto home zone oh good call um i actually i like auto home for the most part cause usually i de-designate the home and i i forget more quickly to do it the other way so but yes that is how you would do that that is true all right we're gonna forbid sewing now because it's winter you won't be able to get this back should be fairly refrigerated out here too yeah emmy the donkey i mean the donkey now pulling her weight and this donkey is the mvp has not had one mental breakdown attack the mega scarabs fully trained to attack haul and rescue it's a valuable ass donkey hey the mega spider's gonna die it's gonna die in 19 hours then we can go get the jelly yeah and the grizzly bear as well hey we forgot the corn oh [ __ ] the corn reminds me of corn like something out of laura ingalls wilder hydroponics and build interior farms true though it will take us a while ideally we could just have enough food to last through the winter yeah ideally we could have heel root i think we'll be fine on that it's really just a matter of medicine which we have seven medicines so we're fine kind of cheesy but if we're using wall right wall light actually would have been another good mod that is one of my favorite mods quest exp who cares we didn't want it anyway i'm surprised i just survived that long hmm i was thinking what do you want to do now we've got um we could probably get back on research now we've got food we've got needs taken can you want to go for pemmican so we can go on that caravan trip um yeah you know we'll change the research to that and we'll also build them individual bedrooms i think that's going to be the last i'll get um you want to get dick or stevens on it um either one either one all right i'll just throw stevens on there who's the good miner i think dick is a good miner so we'll have stevens do the research yeah um so if we assign that yeah good hey the dominator 13th or elite or 1337 either way thanks for the follow-up oh my god enjoy your floor my friend restore the work schedule again so that they sleep tonight okay we are being backed by a man stats oh [Music] [ __ ] okay we have guns there's two of them so why did we make everything out of wood i really hope they don't trigger one of the spike traps uh what do you want to do uh should we go on fight or should we just stay inside i mean we might be able to kill them but we do have really bad fighters um okay dick is the brawler i don't even want to give him the thing because they'll get upset uh let's just have them go yeah we could keep the doors open and then hurry up shut them behind them take a couple pot shots at them as they come in by a man what were the odds of a man hunter pack of boom lups you want to get you want to get there um they're going to meet yeah let's put them behind the cover yeah um stevens will be slightly more in front and then will we have time okay good we'll leave the door open and then we'll tell them to close the door as soon as they get in as soon as they come in that's gonna be the plan hopefully they can just destroy him right at the start but i'm not keeping any hey dominator thank you very much appreciate that glad you enjoyed grateful for the kindness four by four bedrooms now is it four by four or five by five i can't even remember okay let's have them focus on one yeah it's smart okay we got one of them oh wow nice yeah well done well done um if this thing flanks around okay we're good we're good should we run yet yep that uh i feel like one more okay now run run yeah yeah hopefully it'll trigger a spike trap and it'll just [ __ ] [ __ ] shut the door behind them oh [ __ ] emmy you [ __ ] betrayer donkey [ __ ] oh nicely done nicely done get that fire fighting i'm actually gonna set that to one for everyone yeah yeah that would be good and i'll put a home zone where the fire is right now and i'll hey good night these crazy cc one e have a good night take the fight to them i want to lock our doors to be honest we might want to change out the traps for uh slate ones at this point we got like 300 some yeah we could do that i'd be down um unfortunately we can't get any of their other stuff but we can't get the meat off of them i personally i wouldn't eat the meat off of an explosive animal i would be too scared that sounds like it would make some killer mexican food really really spicy boomelope oh yeah that's it explosively spicy you will explode when you eat it isn't there like an episode of spongebob where they explode when they eat the krabby patty or something i don't vaguely remember that squidward eats so many krabby patties that he explodes they go straight to your thighs oh no hey jurassic giraffe jurassic alligator jurassic alligator thanks for the follow enjoy your floor up enjoy your floor do we still need to restore our work tab um i think we did a pretty well uh a little one thing i'm just gonna switch up is i'm gonna leave all of them off of one um bed rest bed rest is pretty important we want that to be two doctor is also two patients should probably be a little bit higher as well dick we wanted not doing the research so that's okay patient yep patient two that's good okay i think we're good now this exploding pie episode also yes there were multiple episodes in which things exploded fairy whiz hello how are you um let's see he was thick with two c's schedule the chamber oh yes yes yes thank you one awesome dog i f that up good yep i had them working in the night thank you god bless i would have been effed if i didn't realize that okay let's go in here and we go to go to power and then we want to run some power lines along here so now our battery room is going to be working splendidly the mega spider is going to die in four more hours uh well are you you really want to eat this mega spider man dude that jelly looks pretty good i'm still concerned about the spelipede um yeah i guess yeah they could jump you pretty easily yeah i think default spawn makes me miss the running gun mod yeah run and gun is wow it's a great mod hmm i'm dumb did a massive hydroponics garden for a year round heel ridden drugs my current playthrough it's raining something the thing is that indoor lamps are such power hogs they take up like an entire geotherm it's not like an entire geothermal generator a half a geothermal generator to power one it's absurd how much they take up i think there are mods that get rid of it but yeah lights honestly are like a huge power to drain even like the standing lamps add up when you add in a whole bunch per room yeah like just lights in general i generally i tend to lower their power consumption and mods but yeah yeah well yeah makes sense it is way too high vanilla yeah insane here we go let's build more copies of these let's just dot our whole front area with spike traps to keep it safe yeah that way we'll continue a little a hallway yet or should we just have them out in the open uh they'll path through them we could um i i've done hallways they're kind of hit or miss all right if you want to like plan something out feel free no i'm not i you should not trust me with uh uh it's like security defense less drainy light mods that's true running out of ten theo general generators under yeah honestly like if we could find more geothermal vents and actually research geothermal power soon that would be good okay we get some thrombos don't [ __ ] with them yeah no we would get destroyed we would be eaten unless if we could lure them into a spike trap and then hide forever which is also a distinct possibility bleed out uv it lights use up less energy with wall lights wall lights is a very good mod because you can configure it so many different ways among the you know also the fact that you can add wall lights which is good we'll haul those this room is actually going to get an incredibly spacious advantage but we've also got this yeah we might want to give that to york because he is greedy and that negative a is almost always there here we go i'm just going to have her clean up everything and uh for some reason why can't i i can't have them clean can't yeah i don't know what's going on oh it's it's out of the home zone oh [ __ ] there we go i edited it oh nice okay cool yeah there we go now should she should be able to do it wait listen we got more you're recruiting more oh [ __ ] i like him he's gonna be mine special boy okay so he's gonna go straight to mining right what is he good at construction and mining yeah just have him do those he's also good at animals but nice i've moved out actually there is some way down south if you want to go for him oh he's good at animals too yeah he has a nine oh nice he's also good he's good at everything he's a fantastic columnist great colonist let's give him a bow too just so that he doesn't get killed in two seconds and he's good at shooting too he's got a melee passion but he's got better shooting skills so we'll leave him on that storage bins are a necessity yeah i wish we had lwm teep storage because there's too much crap lying around to the ground for right now we're just vanilla storage and that's okay but ideally we would have other [ __ ] we have an eclipse hmm okay now i think what i'm gonna do next what would you think of smoothing everything yeah i'd be down for it all right or maybe just individual bedrooms first general mood yeah yeah i mean anyways after we get get done digging them out major breakers dick might break not the dick no don't break dick oh well okay he is crafting you know what we've really beauty ah that but he's also an undergrounder too so he should be you should be glad hideous environment there is that we might want to get him out of there for a second ah you know what let him go crazy so he can have a catharsis well actually it's a minor break he decides to destroy the last of our medicine oh my god my hydro garden is under a mountain surrounded by 400 celsius heat dump oh my god honestly underground like an artificial gardens are pretty interesting strategies and i haven't tried them like at all would be worthwhile i've never worked with hydroponics it looks like a lot of fun i want to do a frozen biome with it york is now on a major one ready for impressive bedroom so he'll get a bedroom first yeah we're going to reinstall soon as we can get them out of the barrack that'll be a minus like um that'll add up to their uh mood dick will sleep here i'm just waiting for him to mine out this one tile i'm like he's going to do it any second waiting with faded breath there we go nice i have ocd i want all of their bedrooms to look exactly the same it's getting real late it's gone 10 p.m oh yeah we've been streaming for a while three hours now can we holy shoot it doesn't feel like it no stack xxl there's a lot of good uh the one i was waiting on was over stacks which i used before uh which since as of yet the last time i checked has not been updated yeah he's just got to let it out and he'll text just gotta let it out and he'll feel better oh god so we'll set them all up at least they'll all have their own bedrooms and then we'll have one more on this side of the hallway i'll just take them all out right now actually we did really [ __ ] well i mean this is on blood and dust i'm not i wasn't really holding anything back i didn't want to do losing his fun because losing is fun just steps up the difficulty so much more i'm surprised that we're having this nicer time everything in the lineup is dead i mean there's only been like two raids and both of them are just a single like a singular naked man with a knife chill i see what you did there i apologize for that uh i'm going to insulate us more because it is starting to get kind of cold honestly like it's shaping up it's looking a lot better than it did earlier well that's not saying much i'm gonna put in another uh no actually i don't know do we need more power i'm just worried about what if we get like a solar eclipse or something with um wind turbines i think uh sorry i mean solar flare i would recommend just to have like an extra like wood burner but we don't really have much wood to burn that's true is this randy it is randy yeah it's weird it's randy fixed uh not fixed wealth progression it's randy with oh dick broke dick sad wander how sad at least i'll get that catharsis bonus now okay cool we got pemmican wow we actually need a kitchen we never made one of those oh we don't need one we got the uh oh yeah the thing go geo again if we get geothermal power that's going to put us in the long term yep um it should be safe going it's rough to say at least my current run is dead in the middle of frozen wasteland but if i didn't have so many geothermal vents geothermal vents my one thing with rimworld power is that there's no consolidated way to scale up a lot that's why mods like rim atomics and rimafella are so good but on the other hand i mean i guess you could just build a lot of you know the same thing that would also work technically uh we should make more room for this thing right here let's just you know what i'm just going to expand out the rocks as far as possible as far as fall right out of the sky there we go they should move out those chunks now our donkey can do the work also smooth out the walls donkey's like almost uh fully tamed isn't it yeah we'll have them not sleeping in the middle of rocks in a second we just wanted them all to have their own bedrooms yeah that's a start york was greedy for an impressive bedroom now he's just living in a pile of crap good serves him right he's the last one to get a room too bad it's like it's like you know enabling a lot of really terrible children rimworld like you can't really fix their habits they just yeah but i guess that borrows it from like dwarf fortress especially when you get like nobles who want really nice rooms that's true i actually never got up to that part of it and if you have dubs hygiene team you can oh yeah dubs hygiene is dubs hygiene just has so much good stuff too it's not just the hygiene like it makes it's so well balanced dubs bad idea oh i said it would happen why did i say you might need to make a campfire to make some quick simple meals yeah put a fire in the middle yeah who knows how long this will go on for such a hazard you mean [ __ ] show do we even have enough wood to make a campfire do we have a are we able to build campfires i build them indoors no i mean like i can't see them on the architect menu well they're under temperature of my bed i was thinking they were under production yeah i got one in the middle of this like room right now that's a good corner i might just need one for heat we need wood yeah we're gonna have to chop down a tree real quick i see one tree eh to be honest next year we might wanna look for tree planting yeah i'm gonna do ones on the right side of the map it looks like we got some pretty much fully grown over there two trees i spotted yeah we gotta get that down soon enough for our colonists are gonna start uh eating like raw corn for food well it's also 31 degrees inside and they're all freezing to death so yeah i forgot about that also a major concern a little bit more important i thought about the food the storyteller will kill you will kill you by making all your paws destroy more meds i feel like that the storyteller is subtly trying to kill me i am with you very subtle manner poor sad dick we are still alive though we got a solar flare and now all of our electronics are not working in the dead of winter which is probably not a good thing coco holy crap it's not even winter yet it's still fall you get geysers sea ice has none oh sea ice has no geysers jesus you need like to just build a campfire it's like jack lund's in jack london to build a fire need more wood yeah got that good yeah i think this is safe rapidly drafting undrafted upon when there is taking a pacemaker oh s larry is a snail okay that's good no i didn't realize this about the i forgot how this was rapidly draft and undrafted upon when taking a pacemail forbid dropped first time to stockpile them for solar flares oh that's smart that's true yeah can we just practice that just perfectly time it we gotta wait for someone to actually i guess oh we gotta you have to eat yeah so we gotta wait for them to do it of their own accord right not freezing your balls off yet it's all good yeah coco actually did that 100 guys in the sea ice or whatever it was was it sea ice or i you went like the full extent i think you went to sea ice if i recall correctly right that was hardcore i was like that just equal a lot of self-cannibalism yeah i mean hey it's a viable strategy if everybody's a psychopath cannibal basically all the other 99 colonists are just extra food rations yes solar flare shield does look like the way to go with this time to switch to mobile and possibly fall asleep sis aa's sumptuous voice thank you cass tatara i appreciate that that made me suddenly tired for some reason you're gonna have it for a while i think we'll probably we'll probably throw it off in a bit but it's been fun so far especially since i'm running a custom scenario that means negative 130 degrees fahrenheit jesus that's like the uh i'm trying to think that's the um what's his face planets mods yeah there is one mod that does that it's really interesting i've never tried it before but it makes the world like heat up to like a thousand degrees and then go down to like it's just a weird mod coco that is a beautiful name to name literally everyone steve ah yes that would be thoroughly confusing i just gave my number names it reminds me of uh that one uh fallout mod i know not the mother the fallout the vaults where everyone is named gary and it was just a bunch of clones of gary that was so damn funny i think i know this f12 for the win ftw thanks for the follow enjoy your flarp my friend enjoy that flarp worst thing i knew and then no idea which steve was supposed to do yeah setting up the work priorities for the 100 and 200 colonists play throughs were just like like that [ __ ] drove me crazy i was like what is happening uh let's expand out our stockpile zone a little bit more too all right let's go down yeah we're kind of running out of room we might need to build out with walls soon enough better to run out of room than well it's actually never good to run out of room never mind there we go good yeah good on the stockpile right now all we need them to do is clean this [ __ ] yeah uh should we just set one person to like clean on like one priority just get that out of the way yeah we could have a cleaner now um you want to pick him uh yeah don't matter you could pick 200 animals named scott all right um let's see i like our colonists all for different reasons you know let's have um let's have stevens do cleaning first that way she could do that then research this isn't a good long-term thing but maybe once she cleans more lights or uh yeah we could do that and we could also smooth the walls so that we could get um yeah let's do the bedrooms first so that they're not like so nitpicky yeah we'll smooth each of the sidewalls that way we get double payoff whenever we do it now you're cooking um [Music] and then we'll also we'll give them a really nice rec room let's clean up this rec room area too so we'll do that um yeah you know we'll leave it as part of that for now because we just want to make the room extra spacious so let's get it all in one room and aurora oh good okay we've got it's been he's been too good to us randy he's been too good it's almost like he's setting up something for disaster he's probably gonna do something terrible in a moment i could see it or maybe we just got really lucky with randy raymond and we're only going to get good uh good events from now on please don't say that because when i just said solar flare we got a solar flare okay okay flarp is a made-up drink what flavor do you think it would be like grape like a tropical you know blend probably like uh grape yeah like tropical that sounds like it maybe would mix with cherry that was creepy as [ __ ] all gary could you imagine i like the vault where you go back in time to the uh imaginary place and there's the clown who's killing everybody and the game is in black and white that was probably the coolest part of fallout uh memory lane was it yeah what was it uh something lane yeah you had to go like into like the simulation that's probably one of the most immersive parts of fallout mine out that sleep and replace it with slate wall um yeah the steel we could do that's fair yeah i've just been using it as a temporary uh temporary [ __ ] that's true though let's go do that why is it i'm sorry i i if i sound insecure i feel bad whenever i don't have an idea first you're right you're right batpone you're right you were right all along i feel like it would it would taste like slurm what is slurm from futurama did you watch futurama lime were you there yeah i watched a few episodes i like watched like the first and second season i wish we had to replace stuff mod though because then you could just do that like this oh yeah instead of having to mine it out and then do that it would be nice all right so we've got a decent main room the bedrooms are still off she's shaping up who is it that is jealous i think we should just replace the we could replace the floors real quick without smoothing it just as like a temporary fix um let's go for walls first because walls can't get dirty and then afterward um see what i mean like uh because that way we have to keep on going back to maintain the floor and then um and then we'll do floors yeah um actually why am i doing the battery room oh because i wanted to run wires through the wall i think it's weird how you need to have smoothed walls to run battery through them but it kind of makes sense we're running power lines through them i guess you can't like run a power line through a mountain that's true that's true all right fair enough with your logic tranquility lane that's it thank you retros oh okay okay hey pixel we uh we did a little bit uh we got a we got some progress made um surprisingly we haven't been raided there's been like no violence we just had a bunch of bad [ __ ] happen to our people and they took everything away from us um but we're fine now no real crazy breaks as well it's actually shaping up the addition one hurt quite a bit some floor maybe tastes like smooth jazz and sour cherry i like that something tastes like a sound even making even more questions that's [ __ ] poetry jeez the hash slinging the pint-sized slasher oh the pint slice slasher oh that was it yeah yeah that was the creepiest part of fallout i was thinking hash slinging celestial person sorry everything is just a spongebob meme to me the hash slinging the slash bringing you know when i was a kid uh the nosferatu bit oh [ __ ] plague [ __ ] that's really bad we only have three men then we're [ __ ] tend it right now plague minor um who's our best doctor i think it's stefan's that's not saying much right now well she doesn't have it fortunately so she doesn't have to self-tend okay good so she'll do the tending um we could wait for light to do the tending but we won't oh great and our heater broke are you [ __ ] me oh my goodness smashing maura is going to do that we might all be dead hey wolfinator thank you for gifting the subs only to take out half of us we'll be fine appreciate that wolfinator you're a gentleman and a scholar god bless oh hell yeah thanks very much appreciate that that is quite a lot let's get a let's get a little smashing for wolfinator thank you very much appreciate that queen of god oh queen of gotland flawful bumps luigi x reika and me me me oh hell yeah thanks sweet yeah it is smashing um should we keep okay actually the plague victims are staying in bed okay god bless the stream is behind [ __ ] yeah we'll try to get the other resolutions covered once i get a partner someday uh stephen's feeding dick raw meat you know what it's funny it's funny it's kind of funny from me put the meat in his mouth put the meat in his mouth all right i guess for as they say as they say yes he's content flak shell pixel is real gustav goldman thanks for the follows appreciate that enjoy your flarp enjoy your flarp love your videos glad to see you live hey thanks for coming out appreciate it it's uh it's kind of fun to change it up here on twitch fun do something different for a change all right let's see it's 21 degrees 23 degrees i'm trying to see do we need another heater uh how about we just crank it to the max it's negative 20 outside [ __ ] no i think that we just need to make another one open all the doors to the bedrooms hold open all the doors to the bedroom instructing yeah he is i'll have him do that after focus on focus on temperature and not room quality for a bit all right yeah good oh yeah okay cool there we go so he's doing that stevens is researching 14 degrees fahrenheit i think we've got the maximum insulation more is doing that that's as much as we can do in terms of temperature though yeah we could also turn off the uh cooler pretty soon yeah um i'm trying to think will we even need this do we need to be using it's not really pulling much power though to clean that or to keep that cold i mean fortunately the wind is kept up fortunately the wind has been keeping up we literally we have no power diversification we totally depend on the wind to keep power yeah it'd be nice to have a backup yeah uh we need to defend these more now but i'm gonna throw down a solar panel behind in the back just so we have some sort of diversification you want to make like a quick little room i mean quick little wall like just closing it off yeah um okay we got a lot of slate left so we can easily just get that out real quick you know what we could do is we could build a door here yep and then let's do a sandstone wall uh we actually have more slate right now whoops yeah i got it there we go thanks make some advance oh vents yes that is very smart oh cloud why did i not think of that flops is a tangy cherry but no cannon yet i really love your videos you have a great humor it's great sense of humor and there hasn't been a video that did not make me aw thank you very much wolfinator i appreciate that grateful you've enjoyed them vanilla game they don't pull meals out from the nutrient to space spencer give them paste meals oh really oh wait i must have been using too many mods then i didn't realize that bat oh yeah we have to do like the manual thing of when they get hungry yeah cause they've been doing that ah [ __ ] yeah that's why uh that's got fed raw meat that's dumb i don't know those have food poisoning and plague honestly you can have food poisoning and be sick i don't care anymore all right let's see more is smoothing the walls it's still 14 degrees fahrenheit okay the temperature is going up yeah it's 49 in the room we could open that up to the bot battery room that should be safe let's have more walk in so they could get that temperature going and we should get vents going because we're gonna need them we will in fact need those that is a good call good yeah there we go that's fine by me i know it's a little bit more work that's aren't really needed you keep the doors open but the disturb sleep debuff instead let's do we'll close the doors and we'll give them all vents because i think vents is ultimately gonna be a vents transfer heat slightly better than open doors do if i'm not mistaken so now we've got decent temperature i think so i think so which is weird right yeah that doesn't really make sense but i guess it's like almost high 60s now when it was like 50s yeah so they're in a livable temperature again it's kind of cold in the workshop but [ __ ] the workshop um yeah they got parkas for a reason i guess the next thing that we could do is just make their bedrooms more comfortable and of higher quality yeah so we could go can we uh put in like potted plants as like wheat beauty enhancers we could there'll be a lot of maintenance though um only because furniture doesn't need to be maintained um [Music] and it might also get really cold set up uh we have quite a few uh stone left we could set up some dressers maybe we could give that a try that'll increase their comfort yeah do them of uh do we have enough marble no we won't have enough marble for all of this we could do them out of slate yeah okay in fact we won't be able to do with all of them yeah so let's do slate end tables and dressers events aren't really needed if you keep the doors open but they get yeah okay my bad sorry i read that already playing rumor hold while watching hey i think that's a pretty good way to learn the game you still need to cook at times assuming that there is any stuff you want tips with oh now i oh [ __ ] dick is pigging out on food what is he going to eat oh [ __ ] he's playing horseshoes no i was scared he was going to go try for that insect jelly up there oh my god could you imagine he still might i'm kind of worried he is he's got so much between him and it no he won't do it he can't do it doing an android play through my androids won't take the npd either so colonists will put meals from the nutrient man i really wish that the nutrient based dispenser were a little bit more optimized like that yeah you should be able to queue up some meals it would be nice hmm i guess i should keep an eye on that for whenever someone gets hungry i have to make all these straight for the just raw meat yeah that's what dick does he goes straight for the raw me dick johnson everybody any windows i've accidentally made is stupid from the start this character was just a big sexuality well they are just digging in the wrong feet right now i should have stopped you can stop now okay oh my god up to you now are we doing the heaters right because i feel like two heaters should be enough to keep the room warm but it still doesn't quite get to 70. i'm just i don't know another p65 parkas how are you affect people too badly hope you're doing well hope you're doing well usually use fine meals fine meals could it would be nice i want to say i started watching on youtube recently it was blown away at the video call i just wanted to check out two on twitch of the content i hope to see more of the recent rumble kind of hey thanks dinos appreciate that means a lot that you come out here to me to twitch where i am now no i'm not here forever but uh but god bless thanks very much that's very kind of you dick likes to go for the meat yeah after watching sunny's exploits i started an android colony yeah i feel like i feel like i would i used to enjoy watching stuff and then doing it i watched uh frankie on pc do daisy and then i was like i got to play daisy it was always good i've always wanted to try daisy i i loved mr moon it's not bad it's like in his um uh cinematic videos um i should have been looking at the plague percentage okay it looks like he's barely going to pull through oh really i completely forgot about that yeah i totally forgot i totally forgot about playing since we don't have a remote oh [ __ ] [ __ ] hey ratman thank you for the follow i appreciate that enjoy your fruit just realized dick is probably gonna die actually uh no he'll be okay yeah he'll be all right yeah he's gonna he's gonna be okay um even pacing about insanely we don't need to beat him up and put him in bed we don't need i was that's just too much of an innuendo he's developed immunity and he's now sitting at the table while eating raw meat this man is a tank dude he has been meal forging himself on meals ibex meat from the start of this character has been oh man knights require fine meals and barons uh yes uh we actually aren't running uh royalty right now it's vanilla desserts are good too watch your youtube after looking on rimroll videos got to your channel and love all your content hey thanks helping appreciate that enjoy your uh enjoy the videos enjoy the videos thanks for coming out here to say hi god bless god bless and it's good to see so many people around we've never had this many viewers ever yeah it's kind of crazy like 300 averaging like near the midpoint which is pretty damn nice yeah it was fun i mean still fun i actually i like it really small i like it like uh like about 50 people you know not too many because okay good he's going to destroy the flake because that way i can stay more meaningfully but i always feel bad when i didn't get to everything but i also want to keep my narrative and you know yeah but it's all good it's all good i'm glad to have you here i think we'll probably finish up in about 10 minutes or so i think this is one of your longest streams as well almost like three and a half hours i think we've taken this colony about as far as you can balance it shall we open up the ancient danger uh we could you know want to do a save yeah safe skillet yeah i just want to see what's in there curiosity's just getting the better of me i don't know why i guess we'll do full save and i'll do a regular save too because i don't know why it didn't all right something like that okay if you want to save any of it too i mean if you ever want to pick up with any of this i think that would be fun this colony is actually coming along pretty good okay i'll just try it again like next weekend or something vanilla expanded brewing too because alcohol is funded uh i hope not well you could always come back in if you haven't yeah i just pressed convert to single player so yeah i did okay i think you have to come back out and bring that real quick i want to see this uh ancient danger you can run a winery colony that would be in the whoa what the [ __ ] stefan's stevens is on fire what the hell happened something just exploded i got z we've been getting the most random [ __ ] is she gonna die yeah it's not like been raged it's been like every other like means of just screwing us over no she's gonna set everything on fire [ __ ] dude this has been the most random ass colony she is on fire oh my god what is going on dude this colony like it did oh my god we didn't get raided at all but just random [ __ ] happened random [ __ ] happened she was researching at a desk and then the lamp behind her exploded the lamp exploded [ __ ] the donkey got burned she got burned like this lady has a really unfortunate life i'll say that yeah she got burned all over her body that sucks man hell it blew up the research table no i valued that highly and a manhunter pack it's always things in manhunter balc of alpha beavers classic room world i want to see what's in the god damn ruin everybody go to area 51 this is a flippant silly ending why is nobody helping i don't know why they can't help each other beat out the fire on them this woman has destroyed our medicine she got inflicted she's had a pretty [ __ ] life i'm sorry about that been inflicted with sensory mechanites now we see the valuelessness of turning everything to wood can they not uh it's outside of area 51 oh okay i'll just expand it out a little bit then yeah so that's good we did it there we go okay there we go okay moore's gonna put it out and let the fire of hell burn consume them we got one food we did we did save that's true that was good think i'll i think i'll leave york york is still overcoming his plague right oh no he did develop an immunity so he's okay okay cool we get the other alpha beavers kind of water at least you don't have to worry about the temperatures being too wacky everyone has heat stroke right now uh yeah it's actually 120 degrees inside and now this is the rarest situation because we have hungry alpha beavers out front i'm going to let some of the cold in yeah hopefully the alpha beavers die from the traps oh and oh [ __ ] no it's almost died there yep now it is this is this just the strangest situation we are overheated inside it is there's alpha beavers at our door we want to put everyone inside the storage unit or in the freezer then oh we got visitors so we're safe heat stroke yeah that was crazy that was absolutely bananas okay we're just gonna fire at this ship we go it rotted okay immediately whoa we survived that was amazing i don't know it's weird all right we'll let him back in and out yeah this entire run is cursed that was just a a funny happenstance to end this whole thing funny little happenstance you know half the base burned down we basically turned like the entire colony into a hot pot yeah yeah we opened up the freezer that's a good idea equalize the temperature we might uh we could add a couple mods next time yeah it looks a little bit better you know we could get some lights actually this is a fully developed colony except we just need defenses and research so that's like mid game stuff so we made it through early game i don't know i mean if you want to pick this up again next week oh yeah let's let's do that hell yeah yeah let's uh make a save real quick or if you want to just continue from the last one he made oh yeah oh yeah and then let me save that next week oh hell yeah yeah we'll do this i'll overwrite my old ones let's uh just open it up shall we all right who's gonna go open it up i kind of wish the visitors stuck around we could make anyone open it up thanks for the great story i guess we can bring the whole colony together you know bonding experience oh thanks arboreal appreciate it thanks for the bits too good to have you all right let's go get the uh let's get the ancient danger up scary has a high chance of constantly rotting 900 animals fever with rabies scary oh scarier oh i didn't even realize that oh yeah cause they're man hunter ones right yeah i think that's like the basically the rimworld rabies oh okay i see it now yeah i forgot about that actually good to bring that up um i guess not because we didn't oh i guess if they bite you yeah that's what i was thinking of dick is a slob all right well thank god i saved okay let's get more to open it no not more i like him let's get the entire uh colony i mean it's a safe scum so yeah might as well have everyone joining in the fun all right i'll just draft them all over there oh whoops sorry there we go all right everybody's going in it's gonna be a real uh team experience we could safely add rim hud that's good rim hud would be very nice jack needs to finish it out multiplayer please explain private lineman i got the multiplayer mod working so we're uh finishing up here there we go there's his cursor here's mine and let's go find another one am i like green red or blue uh you're orange i'm what color am i okay uh you're red oh okay now i know we could oh look there's plasteel here we'll be able to use that oh uh [ __ ] i forgot let's set their zones back to normal oh we don't have aktung on yeah i'll just do it manually a good old-fashioned way there it is nice ancient danger all right well we get to save scum and find out what it was for next time and it is oh oh [Music] yeah [ __ ] well might as well battle it out all right let's just see how it would go if we did fight it nice this is so sad yeah this is going to be a pretty terrible way to watch it all and it's just rolling up on them beyond this they're also all frozen to death yeah they might actually not hello dragon buddy gene hey they might actually kill post is always red i think we could i think we'll take it out i think we'll lose more though if we do it this way once again where is coming all right and all we actually the sarcophagus now that would be a totally pyrrhic victory but let's see what is what is going to be in there when we pick them up oh [ __ ] there's a masterwork assault rifle in here jesus and a shitload of hostile colonists all with drugs i'm glad that we didn't decide to open that up no i believe in dick dick is gonna stab them all dude these people have really good stuff yeah no this is gonna be really good if we can like game it somehow it's gonna be real nice if we can game come on dick come on dick i think they're all starving to death yeah i think that's the closest source of food because their knees are they're all going to put them in a joke point they're all high yeah dick is just going to take them out one by one with melee you know they might get themselves killed and speaking of which we could probably a good place to like wall off and put a campfire in just boil them yeah honestly and well we could also open up this ancient danger to the top after building walls by it so that they're forced to be funneled into those things oh we got a man in black that's why he's got a knife that's why we came from a knife oh we got a man in black at the last second he actually comes in a decent accoutrements accoutrements all right i think that's all we got time for today folks yep that was fun we actually got a whole colony set up and we could keep like you know going in and out of this like no you know pun intended we could keep uh going totally be down to play this again this was fun as hell i don't want to let it save so i'm going to quit it right there all right close the server unsafe progress will be lost but that was that was nice it was really smooth like i checked my connection and i was only like five to like three ticks behind you so it was like seamless i don't know what do you guys think of that we were gonna get in pr but then pr had something come up yeah we'll plan it for the next one but that was actually really easy to just do like right off the bat it would be very simple to make another colony oh yeah i think it's i mean we might be able to get some more mods as well yeah we'll keep testing them out it goes like one by one uh it seems like it goes slow if you uh more than eight hey thanks finn yeah thanks ted poulio crash and once again i'm here with private lime
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 87,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld multiplayer, rimworld gameplay, rimworld mods, rimworld game
Id: YZsAmz4oTOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 34sec (10894 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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