SOLO Android Progenitor vs Rimworld #1

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for a new challenge i'm playing rimworld as a single android progenitor the goal will be to reach a singularity with a civilization of androids in his likeness ostracized by human settlements this android i've named sunny after the film irobot will toil independently aided by some basic research and the labors of a few automatons at his disposal and work to create others in his image and likeness as he crafts new androids to serve him in his growing automated dominion i anticipate that he'll scale in power exponentially and progress to the point at which the androids that he crafts will actually start crafting new androids for themselves ultimately with the outcome of automating every facet of daily labor and even thought there's practically no limit to how much this type of strategy can scale so though we may start with humble beginnings uncovering opacity of minerals to craft new robots in a quarry each day he should eventually reach the singularity as far as rimworld technology can achieve so we're spawning in with sunny in a boreal forest in the northern part of the world he doesn't have anything aside from the robots that he landed with that and we've also got these two vanometric power cells which generate free power for us sunny also has a bunch of robots that are going to serve them throughout this first part of the trip so we'll just let them install each of these items side by side and now with the last components gathered up we can activate these robots and as we activate them they should start to do jobs like any normal columnist would now ideally we want sonny to spend all of his time creating other robots to automate his basic daily tasks for him so that he can be the mind of this operation so i think by the end of this first week we want to get through our first raid unscathed and we want to have a lot of tasks automated ideally we could have at least five basic t1 androids to do his tasks for him too so i'm just gonna order our kitchen bot to chop down these trees it should do plant cutting as well as cooking and there we go sunny actually wants to help out but the kitchen bot should do most of this for him so that looks pretty good for a grow zone we've also got another major grow zone over here and we could probably expand over to that later on we'll plant rice here and although he's an android sunny actually needs food to survive he uses it for his biomass generator unless he has a battery around which it's going to be a while till we can research battery power so for right now yeah he's going to need food he won't however need sleep and taking a look around the map it doesn't look as if we have any exposed plast steel so we're going to need to rely on a quarry for this first part we'll want our quarry somewhere fairly accessible but also not completely under a mountain so we'll put it right next to our main base and the builder bot should get to work on mining this out getting to work now on our home we're going to want to set up some temporary stockpiles in here so we'll set up a small zone over here so that wood and other materials don't deteriorate now as i mentioned sunny's resistant to a lot of things that humans have as disadvantages for example he doesn't need to sleep but his energy does get lower and we don't have any immediate source of food so we'll rely on these berries so we'll have him cut down one of these and use it in his bioreactor for some fuel for the first day sonny can eat the berries and his energy levels should rise back up now i'm using the darker knights mod so it might be kind of impossible to see right now but for me it honestly enhances the experience i'll try to install some lights so that you can actually see what's important though as we go along we'll also want to put our crafting bot to work right away so we'll get that thing making short bows so that sonny can hunt and defend himself and there you go crafterbot great job do whatever you're doing to that piece of wood and now morning has risen as you can see it's a lot of work to create the quarry so sunny's just digging that out right now but when he does create this we should have pretty much unlimited supply of minerals and the cleaning the cleaning bot is just profusely cleaning the uh quarry zone it's kind of ironic because sunny doesn't really care how clean it is here and now the quarry is complete and it looks like these arrow fleets and these deer had kind of a horrible run-in with a wolf so i think we're just going to grab them and eat them more food for sonny and he's going to need the food because if we don't feed him he will start to get this malnutrition and now sonny's going to grab this what looks to be an arctic fox that wandered in down here and finish that off now he can eat raw animal meat it works in his bioed mass generator i guess we'll also invest in some lights because it's pretty dark out here there we go just finishing up those lights that casts a good shine on our crops and there we go these are the wall lights next we're going to run over some power cords from our conduits and finishing up those lines we still have an excess 1360 watts in our power grid so the industrial lamp lights up a huge area and consumes only 50 watts from our grid so i'm gonna put one of those out here so that they can light up our mineral acquisition and sunny's just working on that and now it's kind of a different color temperature than the rest of it but it still lights up the area and it kind of shows how small we are in this whole region now we found some decent stuff already in our quarry some uranium a component we find only one at a time and 16 more plastic and since we want to keep our crafter bot working and we need more stones let's just create an electric stone cutters table once we have this this bot should start getting to work pretty much constantly what's nice about this workflow is that we don't really need to waste our time hauling since we have a bot to do it there's no advantage to hauling it doesn't help you with anything now our crafter bots creating a bunch of marble blocks so we should be able to build a larger super structure as we go so now our hauler bots taking back some more plaster so now we have enough to create a robotics production casket which should get us started creating new androids sonny can stop working in the quarry and then he can work on more productive tasks and he's just completing his work here creating the casket we'll also make this into an indoor zone and we're gonna try to anticipate more volume we want double wide doorways at least although i'm probably not gonna end up using the structure later on it's a good start finishing off our structure roofing it up and now we can order the creation of a t1 android this is just going to be another colonist it requires 20 plus steel 75 steel and 8 components and we're actually going to have him do this right now i'm just going to cue it forever and sonny actually has enough to get started so we'll take him out of the quarry and we'll put him on to creating the first of his kind out of the dark light of ignorance and into the shining glory of creation working all the way into the morning sunny will create the first of his brethren now he has a double burning passion in crafting so this is giving him a lot of experience and he should get much better at crafting as he goes he's gonna have like level 20 crafting crafting an intellectual we want these to be the tasks that he focuses on at first and the first of his kind who will be named david now i think the numbers don't actually mean anything so we're just going to give them we'll give them numbers as placeholders until we actually have perfect names for them you know we'll do it with computer indexing we'll call him zero this is zero zero and sunny and for the most part we really just want zero to take over all of sunny's menial tasks we don't want sunny to spend ideally any time in this quarry sunny greeted zero in passing the father of great nation sonny now you've had an arrow fleet go mad so sonny's just gonna grab his bow and try to kite this thing he should be good enough in shooting it because he's at level 10 but i'm not making any bets yet okay run and he got nicked his right arm got flat cracked by the aerofleet's teeth let's have him run away this time and i'm sure he could repair that before too long he's a way better shot oh i didn't know that those exploded okay just put out the fire now the last the last menial task we'll have sunny work on is the creation of a fabrication bench from this point forward we could just have his bots mine out steel and he can make it into components there and from now on he's pretty much solely a crafter we can take him off of any quarrying altogether now finally having enough materials to create the second of his brethren sunny should be able to advance up his crafting and move us one step closer to the singularity finally now sonny has a sonny has enough skill to start manufacturing components from steel and we have a second robot red we'll just rename him one so now we have zero and one and they're pretty much going to work in the quarry all day every day our kitchen bot can take care of the planting and the power production we'll expand our zone because now we need to feed the bioreactors of more of these robots sunny on the other hand is going to get his own production workshop and he'll be dismissed from all tasks that don't involve some sort of higher level crafting or research now sonny is such a higher tier robot that he can actually feel some human emotions he's recreation starved and we're going to need to create some sort of human you know human habitation for him we're going to give him a single wooden horseshoes pin and we're being raided by the bladed hive okay we're going to need to act fast if we want to counter them that we aren't really prepared for this raid i'm just gonna build a few spike traps out here and try to lead them into them other than that sonny's got a bow and he could probably kite them he has decent shooting skill we've got them approaching pretty freaking fast it might be all sunny here with a freaking short bow though we should be able to get a couple of these things done at least before they arrive it looks like they're taking the long way around because i think that this swamp land is impassable we got like one of them done all right sonny you're up let's see how you do against this thing we're recalling all the bots recruit zero and one and send them inside and sonny's just gonna have to solo this one and looks like we caught one of those we caught a mega scarab in a trap and he should be able to kite these last ones he is faster than them he's pretty fast on his feet actually for a robot and he is an android leader he's the highest tier of android that you can get in the game so he shouldn't have too much trouble getting around they aren't gonna light the fields on fire or anything either and i think he's just gonna run and gun them i mean this is like but it's still a good shooting experience tagged it another miss take it back take it back keep running sunny he's got good range so he should be able to outrange them and the more shots he takes the better it is for his shooting skill too got another hit in i guess we could like lead them away and then have them rebuild the traps while sonny just shoots at them from afar nope this one is pretty much just trashing my base well if he gets enough hits in they could probably just bleed out well sonny's now at level 14 and shooting so he's a crack shot but it looks like the short bow just isn't doing enough damage to them after running back around and they've pretty much just trashed the outside of my base but it looks like he's gonna be safe from these things yeah we're slowing them down so he's getting more shot attempts level 15 and shooting and you know it says that dexterity affects melee range and accuracy other kinds of delicate work i'm using their rpg level up mod here so i think we're just going to raise dexterity more oops wrong character there we go and it's taking him a lot of shots but sonny's working with what little he has kind of if you remember how in i robot all of the i robots were like kung fu masters but yeah this shouldn't be too bad for him as he takes out the last one and at level 16. at least he had weak enemies like this to train against he should be at level 20 before too long and celebrate we just won bring back out the bots and let's have traps so that never happens again and we're getting raided again by the menon kingdom uh don't worry it's just a guy with an axe that is a damn good haircut though okay sonny you know what to do you've trained for this everybody's counting on you sonny let's just go out there and f this guy up and sonny's just gonna shoot zayn this guy's faster though oh [ __ ] he is really fast and it looks like this guy's bleeding we could probably just leave him out here but it's good shooting skill for sunny and sunny's taking down zayn now we're actually gonna capture zayn because although we'll never take people we might capture them i mean i never said that sunny was a good robot did i he might not survive he's got only about five more hours but i mean if he doesn't survive we have all these automated robots to do our work for us we'll see if it's even worth saving this guy if nothing else it's more medical experience and it looks like there's a space battle going on above us says that several massive spaceships have engaged in combat in the planet's orbit debris might impact the ground could lead to massive fires i heard something okay there it comes uh yeah we might get it yeah there's just a lot of debris falling from the sky now ship chunks and it looks like this zane guy has actually made it now it's gonna be a lot of maintenance because we have to feed him and stuff you know but hey at least we could force him to work man there's a lot there's like people falling out of the sky all kinds of characters a porcupine another person a bunch of click mala and it looks like sonny should have enough to create two more androids now we've got a new one called aaron we'll call him two i guess the other thing i should say these androids most of them are simple-minded they have this trade in their bio so when they're t1 they're very simple beings sunny on the other hand doesn't have that trait he's more complex because he's a more advanced android but now he has enough to create a fourth this one's called dale call it three next we'll just cover all the ground in concrete it doesn't really matter how the ground looks for us but it just matters because it makes it faster to walk around on now this is more looking like a robot base sonny's finishing off four right here tyler will be named four and now that's pretty much where we wanted to get we have five androids that are doing all of the mining for us along with our builder bot sonny's kind of up to higher level tasks he's still in the workshop he's still working to make more androids i guess since the only material is marble we'll pretty much just be stuck with this and i think we're going to build him a lab to work in zayn has successfully been calmed down by sonny so the prisoner went paranoid but sunny actually calmed him down which shows he's got a lot more social skill i think zero tried to calm him down but failed now another thing i've noticed is that sonny actually doesn't like an unsightly environment so we might want to create him a nice lab if he's that thinking and feeling and he's going to be spending so much time in here the best material we've got right now is just this normal paved tile so sonny can get to work on his workshop or not his workshop he's already got one of those he needs a lab now for sonny's lab we're going to need a high-tech research bench obviously and we might put in some installments next to it to make research go faster now we've got an ancient danger right behind this wall but i think we're just going to leave that alone for a while it might be worth raiding later on now sunny can finish off this research bench and now we're starting to need power running low because we're using a lot of high-tech devices and right now we could make a wood-fired generator to get by for the moment that can also take coal which we've been mining out of the quarry and now we've got enough to power our research bench i think the last thing we're going to do here is just get set up with some spike traps and we're also going to wall in our compound we want to get zayn to work because we want to be ready to take in new prisoners every single raid is going to be an opportunity to get new workers uh and if we use them right we should just be able to get a simple nutrient-paced dispenser going and that's pretty much free labor looks like zayn has pretty much recovered he's out for a walk and he's definitely yeah we've also got on dubs bad hygiene so he's pretty much living in his own filth we'll need to get him set up with a bathroom and other stuff but i mean this whole place could pretty much become a robot robot paradise and human prison pretty awful but yeah that's what it's gonna be getting raided again by the bladed hive so now it looks like it's the mega [ __ ] okay we've got giga locusts but this time we actually have some spike traps set up so we could lead them through them they're not particularly smart these guys and just get a couple more traps in and everybody get out of the way it's actually right down to the wire bring everybody else back inside recall our robots and sonny does the last of the workout here and good run run run i think we can beat these things yeah okay just have them run over the traps and one two three four jesus christ six i was like five traps right there only 58 still i think sonny's got an advantage here we still got a lot of spike traps left and these things are probably bleeding out yeah the other gigalokas just ran through a trap they're slowed down sonny's at level 18 and shooting we need to get him a better weapon right now he's taking right now he's taking on massive insectoid hordes with just a bow and it's just massive kiting now meanwhile everybody at home is just rebuilding the traps and there we go just provide a distraction for a bit longer a little 19 inch shooting and i think we'd run through our gauntlet one more time and these ones should just get themselves killed on traps good sonny can run back and [ __ ] it got the kitchen bot no no no pretend play dead kitchen bot no oh rip rip kitchen bot the first of the losses to the bugs no builder bot builder bot get back get back builder bot yes we saved builder [ __ ] and they got in the base [ __ ] okay one got through three no run three three save yourself okay sonny let it back out you guys run well let it fight the prisoner instead of us here we go sonny get back out there at least he gives sonny a way to hit the mega spider oh no two two's leg has been shattered we're gonna need more android repair kits here come on sonny two's down and they're going after four well at least he's fighting the prisoner now we're just gonna have sonny build an android pod now he could rescue two the first to be fought on our their crusade against the robots ends here it's gonna take him a while to heal up we're gonna need to get some repair kits but i think we've saved this android's life it needs to get him a replacement leg and make more i guess we could use gigalocus meat in our bioreactors and on top of all that we made it through not one but two raids and we set up a basic compound it's gonna be it's gonna need to be less of a mess next time but we've got a lot of interesting mod items in here to experiment with we might even get one of our prisoners addicted to royal insect jelly and get a defense force of mega spiders or just use them as meat shields but until then we've got our traps set back up i'm honestly feeling ready to scale up this effort anyway i want to say a special thanks to roll 1d2 games because uh i was looking for other scenarios and i've seen a lot of his stuff with androids androids and bots and it's actually pretty neat uh so it got me to thinking of what i could do with a scenario like this that and just all of the modders responsible for creating everything that's in here there's so many mods i'll put a list down below and i'm trying to figure out how to get it so that you could do one click subscribe all on the steam workshop but i haven't quite figured out rim pi yet so for right now a word doc i guess especially to the android tiers mod because i mean that's what this entire series is based off it's really neat um and also misc robots because it's just freaking it's amazing this mod too but yeah i'll put that down below and as always my name's ambiguous amphibian i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys in the next video [Music] bye-bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 506,135
Rating: 4.9627323 out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld game, rimworld mods, rimworld androids, rimworld androids mod, rimworld android tiers, rimworld robots, rimworld robots only, rimworld solo, rimworld let's play, let's play rimworld, rimworld modded, rimworld mod, rimworld android colony, rimworld 2020, rimworld royalty, rimworld mods 1.2, rimworld 1.2, rimworld 1.2 gameplay, rimworld solo colonist, rimworld one colonist, rimworld misc robots, rimworld royalty let's play
Id: dcoFeclkjtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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