2000 IQ Rimworld Colony with J1mmy

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guys we got a special guest here today uh jimmy who does mostly runescape but is uh desperately trying to make his way out of runescape videos um um of course i'm kidding no uh it's honestly i've watched your stuff for a while so it's i mean it's to everybody who's here holy julia's seizure was taken julius seizure was taken thanks very much for the stuff that was just the thing we were just talking about julius caesar was taken oh yeah we were just talking about that that is crazy hey thanks for the five gift subs man um yeah i think my bit i just decided what my bit's gonna be for today is every time someone gives you a sub i'm gonna destroy our colony in one simple way yeah what like just do something to harm me out of spite that would be gonna make it miserable the more money you get the more miserable you become as we play it's basically what's gonna happen i love that hang on this will this will work great with the conversation we were just having in the background and then i can take this oh i kind of like how this is going already okay i'm gonna just like kind of forcibly make some decisions that will affect your life over the next couple of days have fun right now so okay i'm gonna tell your guy to do all of the menial labor my while my guy skills up isn't that nice of me you're so kind oh what if i make all these trees cuttable uh all right i'm just gonna exp uh hang on a second uh i'm gonna cancel all of that jim i'm just gonna cancel every order that you make in this game yeah uh okay go ahead use allow tool uh okay so basically let's get started uh so folks sorry i i'm gonna be trying to teach jim how to play rimworld in like a real try hard way because everyone on youtube has been just bringing him down uh and just commenting such mean things on his videos so what they say yeah i'm not i'm not going to tell you because i'm trying to keep your self-esteem high all right so too late for that so don't know don't ask okay so you're you're doing great um so yeah i'm just gonna try to like dump my brain with everything that i know about rimworld uh so if anybody's trying to learn rimworld better uh which i know a good number of folks on the channel are um yeah we're uh we're gonna try to cover all of that ground uh we we made two colonists for obviously named after us why am i explaining this anymore okay so uh yeah if you do anything wrong i'm just gonna correct your mistakes uh okay yeah um isn't that really nice of me and inconsiderate and all right yeah so one of the first things you'll want to do while playing this game is just compliment uh me a lot you look great in that sweater thank you so much the flak vest yeah okay great you're doing a great job off to a good start is that columbia columbia flack just black jacket jest i don't know what you're saying it sounds like you might be on something i'm still sick ah thanks for the sub as well as god camp now you got to do something to sabotage me now because i just got some gift subs hey kampfnot thanks very much for those five gift subs jimmy's gonna do five bad things to me now yeah i already did about 26 for all the trees that were now cued to cut okay i'm gonna so let me explain this why uh so why i wouldn't do any of the stuff that you just did uh so a lot of those trees are only 40 percent grown have you clicked on the trees and checked how much they're grown no i just clicked on twitch and saw the sub so then i clicked the x oh okay that's fair enough yeah so basically like if you uh what was it going to say there's a tool in allow tool so go to orders um yeah this is this is not a vanilla rim world phenomenon but you could you have to do it with trees individually see the one i'm clicking on right now yeah this one says ready to harvest and this one says 18 grown so this one's gonna give you less of a wood yield uh so you wanna make sure you spend your time on the biggest trees because otherwise you're just wasting your time jim uh some look it saves time so do it okay so screw this tree uh do harvest fully grown and that's a good way to multiplayer or just generally be a tool and continue to do that i'm just i really gotta close your your chat if this is gonna go smoothly because julius seizures is making me really upset right now julius caesar was taken thank you for the five more gift subs jesus christ hey many thanks my friend just down to the stream and all the youtube videos can't wait to see more slay this coming back with more slave spires soon let's go over i guess other basic stuff so like what is your i guess just tell me what's your priority list in real world for the first couple of days and i'll just try to god i sound like such a jerk right now but yeah i'll try to like see where i can uh what i can correct or fix what my priorities are yeah i don't know why now i'm sounding like such a such a jerk jesus yeah like what what like what do you try to do in a room world colony when you start uh get shelter it's normally like a good good go-to so like this little area we have is nice it's a little uh very easy to i wouldn't put the beds there personally i i feel like okay okay okay decent you know what what's our mining levels well there's a couple of things we got to do first off like we got to make sure that our pawns don't just go into a giant fugue and go crazy because that's always a lot of fun to deal with but uh wood is usually the fastest workable material so what i would do here is build like one wood pillar in the middle we can roof off this entire area to just give ourselves one huge barracks and i'm not going to tell you that my strategies are pretty but they work like just keeping things going smoothly and kind of like no one questions anything so we just made this entire giant pile of garbage into a room if i would just stop meditating for god's sake so yeah we'll do that um now in this scenario do you smooth your surfaces on the outside of the perimeter of your house ah this is a great question this is going like an episode of martha stewart or something yes um yeah so so i would like save that till the very end because that's gonna take a lot of time it's a good way to grind your construction skill though because you know like your your pawns need to grind construction at the beginning i'm more of the constructor than you you're not really a big construction guy so yeah we'll have you keep doing the plants you're really good at mining though yeah i'm insane at mining actually like good is very understated i'm so insane i'm psycho at mining you're like uh the george clooney of mining or um yeah i don't know don't question it um so will it george clooney excel at that much he's a very pretty man it's not gorgeous that's notorious i i don't know this was never really a meme on this channel but now hang on a second okay i got to be really careful here because my walls are getting rather large yeah the martha stewart of mining don't quite yeah the martha stewart of mining this is this is great wholesome family content all right i hate that word content we're making videos not content all right uh okay so why don't you come in here and help uh because right now see i've built a house and you've just kind of been a just kind of a i don't know who cued all these trees to be cut but it wasn't me so i've just been cutting yeah that's fair actually okay so screw yeah so one thing that i should also say is like beware of tasks that are kind of too much more than you can handle in the first couple days i don't know why i shouldn't have done that no i'm it's not a very good thing with my twitch prime because i forgot i had that did what i initially did i i know i know but then you did some things to sabotage me so we'll okay i'll stop uh i'll stop fighting you know never even thought about sabotaging you or our area all right well we'll see about that in a few days um yeah i'm trying to think of how we can put your mining skill to work um i know great segway the main thing i guess that we want to get though is just beds and like a room some god let's think of this uh bed's in a room in the first couple of days so if we just get the wood to our beds before we go to bed that would be like ideal check this out show off you've seen a rock go away that quickly before in your life this is like that episode of spongebob where he's just like you want to see me run over that rock you want to see me do it again yeah i would say like any kind of test of ego like this just put that aside man this is the military arulian thanks much for the sub the julius caesar thanks much for the hundred more bits and spoon rattling with the five gift subs god bless my friend love it when those spoons rattle yeah always a sign of a good time um uh let's see okay so we've got the meals now we don't really need to worry about the meals for now one thing i'm gonna go ahead and make you do is just have you haul this wood because you've already got some wood uh we just kind of got to procrastinate on day one so i don't know why i'm going to bed i should probably finish roofing off i'm stealing this from my friend mr sam streamer but he often just says make your colonists like just work until they're done with their basic jobs for the end of the day so i'm going to go ahead and schedule us to just work forever and then starting tomorrow we'll actually be allowed to sleep again because it's you don't want to send your pawns off to sleep until your basic work is done you know what i mean yeah that's sounds cruel but yeah i guess so tomorrow like you can send them to bed and they can wake up with a fresh brain and body not be exhausted and work not harder but happier yeah but the other thing too is that your colonists frequently go crazy like i gave them like look he's already got eight without table he's got the darkness okay that's fair but yeah also i gave us kind of overpowered guys can you just stop being such a jerk and listening to me um so good at this game stop that for me to not anyway yeah yeah so don't sass me um no okay you can go ahead and do that um actually i'm gonna take you off of something can i answer your twitch chat real quick yeah yes i've tried poutine last week for the first time it's really good canada's awesome is this is this like vegemite or one of those that's an australian thing right that sounds australian yeah yeah you're australian so it works yeah you could tell by my accent okay i'm gonna wall this up uh the one other weird thing about rimworld though is that like light affects pretty much every single task so one thing i should have done would have been to make our beds in the light i don't know what quality i got i got good and normal so i kind of lucked out there uh but otherwise i just should not have done that um what are we having you do you're hauling the silver back to the stockpile okay fair enough we want to bring in the goods that are not going to deteriorate so i might actually have you bring in the uh the wood yeah i mean if you bring in the wood first that's a little bit more important but now our bedroom is safe our nest is finished jim it despite how how horrible you've played we're actually getting something together amazing right i didn't listen to a word you said i'm just trying to keep my mouse on your mouse because it's fun uh yeah there there's that too um actually i am gonna have us go to bed now so let's can we force ourselves to go to bed uh yeah so i'm just going into our what is it our schedule tab and i'm just changing it to anything so now that they're tired they'll probably go to sleep okay um do you temper with those at all normally uh not really like that's pretty much the only time that i'll do it so day one you just want to make sure you get them like beds and maybe a table because tomorrow when we wake up we're going to need a table because otherwise we'll get the upsetment debuff they're going to be pissed when they have to stand and eat i'm also going to build it outside and then bring it inside because we'll get better quality on the table if we build it in the light i know this all sounds crazy but i don't want to build us a torch yeah i know it sounds crazy but it's like we want to get the best possible quality table listen to me um because otherwise then we're stuck with a terrible table that we built in the dark right so you can't eat poutine at that table enjoyably we can make a torch and light it up in here no but like then we we're stuck it's a waste of time though because then we got to keep relighting the torch you could do that fair enough but also too the torch is only going to give you 50 actually will this work now i'm kind of questioning this the main idea is that you want to build stuff in light right but yeah that's like uh like you don't want to do surgery in the dark stuff like that you you know you have common sense so uh yeah it would be pretty funny to do surgery in the dark sometimes it does work granted like you can replace somebody's leg in the dark and it sometimes it just works you know when you replace legs in the dark i mean wouldn't you that's a fair point haven't you ever done that okay so now it's morning you slept in because you have good quality but uh actually do you know about colonist comfort levels yeah just have having like uh like a dresser an end table maybe a potted plant yeah succulent if you will well actually one thing is like the beauty of the areas so if you check on the uh what is it do you see on the bottom right there's all the toggleable displays with the red x's stats or whatever yeah stats barracks impress awesome stats baby yeah you got it so we've got an awful room so one thing we'll want to do is just like get this room to be less of a giant pile of garbage i'll show you an awful room actually you are decent at mining we could kind of leverage that skill of yours to this yeah if we wanted two five minutes uh you could i mean one thing we'll want to do is light up the room before you mine just to like even though that you're so good at mining you know also helps lighting up the room helps yep it makes you faster at mining uh you're making that up i've never heard of that you yeah you do everything faster in light uh almost except moving i think moving is the only thing that doesn't necessarily make you faster in light even like all of the tiles have have you checked out the walk speed on all of the tiles like dirt versus stone versus smooth stuff yeah yeah um that's because you're so smart um hang on a second let's just get the uh standing let's get a lamp in here because we're not savages a lamp yeah a lamp how you gonna charge that thing up uh we're gonna need some power so we'll do uh uh i'm just gonna give us a wind turbine for right now it's decent but i mean some people will fight me on this say that it's better to do like a wood-fired generator um but i just ignore those people so uh i would also say that the wood fire generator is way better i can't remember the last time i put a windmill down all right mr uh drama queens so let's do uh all right so we'll do a wood fire generator whatever we make now where would you put a wood fired generator oh where would i put it yeah since you're so good well see knowing that we're eventually gonna need a fridge right yeah and funny enough i actually found out that you can put them inside i i was putting them outside thinking of these giant things that can't be under a roof for the wrong longest time but they oh how did you how did you make a refrigerator did you just like blow ac into the outside air like soon it'll be like the north pole out here if i just keep blowing the ac out the window what no no i'm just trying to wrap my head around what you were doing no no i just always put my generators outside of my walls oh my house oh i thought you meant the refrigerator itself no no those go to the walls the wall guys all right i'll allow it i'm gonna leverage your like big brain mining skills right here actually we don't even really need to mine this come to think of it i'm gonna put the wood fired generator our advanced wood fired generator which you love um out here underneath the mountain because we don't want it to be actually right where i was gonna put it oh what a what a guy damn um as you're hovering over my mouse um all right i won't question that right there you saw it no that's fair enough that's fair enough uh the one thing that i didn't learn about generators until much later is that if you actually put them inside of a room they do heat up the room so i had some people just burning in their sleep like oh it's really hot in here well you don't put them in their rooms yeah but i put it in like an enclosed indoor area where things were just they were going to go on fire uh so yeah i'm doing one thing that i shouldn't right here i'm putting uh wires into wood walls but this is because i'm i'm trying to get us like a makeshift shelter to begin with uh yeah look those walls aren't staying cause let me show you something this is a long-term project but check this out all right all right wiseguy all right check that check that out oh okay this is kind of nice okay this is a good idea yeah we get the indoor bonus so uh we'll get some lights so we can brilliant a plus great idea wait does without mods does stone uh stone cutter tables the speed of them does it rely on crafting still uh stone cutting is annoying in the main game because you don't actually skill up in your crafting skill from yeah yeah there is a mod that changes that called skilled scone scone cutting unfortunately we got a poor quality table uh actually did i finish answering your ques uh did i ever answer your question at all no no i was wondering if it like right now base game like if i have six i think my dude has six crafting yours has three does do would i does i don't honestly i may be wrong about this i don't honestly think that it does we could do a little test but yeah like there's a lot of little subtle stuff like that and man way to just not answer your question damn i think they do it at the same speed can somebody in chat in light does somebody with more crafting skill cut stone faster despite the fact that it might just be one of those mindless labor tasks where like there's just no benefit from it i don't remember though i'm gonna try to get this indoor area lit up because everything that we do pretty much is gonna take place inside um yeah and i'm gonna move all of our constructions inside too we could have done this in a different order my god my guy is really slow he just keeps botching everything we didn't really get any good con actually i am decent at constructing i take that back let's just get this done before i end the day level five construction that takes a while yeah i don't know why no i've just been kind of performing like garbage but i also botched construction on this thing so we wasted components really not a great thing to have messed up but another thing too is that he's technically constructing in the dark which is messing with his skill see like right here see where my mouse is so it's dark underneath the mountain i wanted to get it underneath a mountain so that it wouldn't blow up but i i should have built it like two tiles over but yeah actually that might be because it's night have you checked the uh roof tab too yeah yeah it was like uh we got some overhead mountain to the left yeah so overhead mountain is the only way that insects can spawn as well you're probably going to want to cover that up for your first time yeah um insects are kind of tricky to deal with or i notoriously die to them all the time on the subway a subwoofer less than three is it oh okay babador says it's based off their global work speed and labor speed so basically if they have industrious for the stone cutting so i guess it's not really yeah it's not really related to crafting then how do i measure my work speed how do i know uh you'll have certain traits and things like that that tell you i think it might be related to things like manipulation like if you lose your hand you're not going to be as fast as stone cutter it kind of makes sense but also too you have certain traits that can raise your global work speed like hard worker or industrious so some pawns are just generally better at it okay good we got our lamp look look we have a lamp now let's have like a lamp housewarming party man oh that's so good fine with that yeah you want me to oh we need wood oh you're you you got it covered oh yeah i got the wood baby all right here we go yeah light oh i'm gonna just take that table what's my guy doing oh i'm getting food poor quality i kind of made a jackass of myself though i shouldn't have done that hey one awesome dog thanks very much for the sup much appreciated as well as navigated chaos thank you very much sorry if i go silent i'm just like i'm getting real upset yeah no i you should be um you really where actually where are you where are you slacking boy no i've never slept actually oh yeah you're right you've uh oh god so nice to see you crossing this river with this steel look at you strapping young men um ah yeah yeah cross over that river yeah look i'm gonna do it too i tried to add some visual interest to this map a little bit of rivers you know you love those i have a complaint i i slept in the cold last night yeah actually it's a good day so like the first day you probably won't snap sometimes a catharsis can be good because it puts your pawn in a 40 mood buff for a couple of days so that's nice but like sleeping in the cold isn't so bad we want to get rid of things that will be incessant like slept without beds left without a table and also just stuff that's going to last for a long time like if your dog dies i despise sleeping without a table yeah oh did i say that yeah i said that right one night without my table next to me in my bedside i scream i have night terrors there's other weird stuff like right now we're in an awful barrack which wears off pretty quickly um we're soaking wet because the rain i'm in i'm soaking wet because i crossed water with with metal in my hands and it sunk me down i accidentally made myself a nudist uh okay let me just take off all of my clothes sorry about that do you want my clothes yeah i i neglected to see this when i was designing but i wanted us to have some negative traits because you know it's it's it's bad if you're so overpowered because then that just ah these clothes thank god i have those off we're gonna need to warm this room up for you uh because that's embarrassing yeah i think i'll be like the temperature gauge of this room you know you'll be able to uh i'll always know why are you putting me in clothes ah no please don't take these off of me you gotta adjust his uh his outfit in a sign in the assign tab uh yes fair enough fair enough have you figured out the thing about uh worn out clothing yet that you should not wear it because it's tattered yeah tattered apparel so like zero to fifty percent clothing quality is going to give you the tattered apparel debuff so just always make sure that you set in a sign policy where you get everybody in like uh you know uh 51 percent or higher clothing and then they'll just kind of do it themselves but be careful when you force them to wear clothes because then they won't take them off for a while there's like all these little subtleties that i wish they just kind of built into the game but yeah that's a good point hey i'm not gonna wear your flag vest either that's upsetting you that much yeah i'm just i i like sleeping in the nude uh a few feet away from you are you gonna like put that on when you wake up at least nah i think i'm just gonna get out of bed with uh you know wang and all uh just everything everything out you'll you'll know that you'll know i'm gonna give son of the forest a try when it comes i've not heard of this oh is that their follow-up to the forest have you played the forest i have not actually no that seems like it could be up your alley yeah barking up the wrong tree though oh god sorry i lost control there for a second oh you moved your bed away from mine no you don't like me i'm just hauling this stuff so it's in our stockpile all right all right i'll allow it okay so let's see what have we taken care of uh what's your mood debuffs what's your main stuff we'll try to fix that up and then we'll focus on i suppose defenses or something like that i don't know how good a defender i'll be though in the news i had an unsightly environment debuff so that's why i had to move my my bed that's actually quite good uh oh wow all right good yeah you're good at this maybe i could slept in the cold awful barrack i guess the cold we could kind of fix up by getting a heater ready i mean we do have more power than we really know what to do with right now let's go ahead and get some uh do we have any research table let's get a research table going um though we don't want to build everything out of steel just because steel is a bit more valuable okay now we can cut down zero intellectual skill do i have any uh yeah we need we need somebody else to do this we might just be better off right now just managing with our stupid selves for a while oh wait a second i am automatically wearing clothing constraining oh i gotta set up a nudist clothing policy for me my bed it's all saying i thought that was automatically done no am i you're right you're right and they got it so easy right there you just uh you click anything and then it says nudist you'd think that nudists would choose to not masochistically make themselves feel worse you know what a nudist masochist this pain then i would probably just reject that colonist yeah that's a good point so the game is pretty much just gonna throw colonists at us for a while like they won't try to kill us we might get small raids um until until we have three columnists three to eight is the magic number when you have more than eight like it's written into the game's code like if you have more than eight they're gonna try to kill you but if you have less than three they'll just give you colonists unless if it's a weird event like an infestation or something um i don't know actually i think we're quite well set up right here you and me um another thing that we could do is just get down some basic defenses and anything that we can set up before we get a decent researcher to join us or we could get like a research room ready um oh what's some other stuff farming oh yeah food we need food that's true also so we don't really have any rich soil here this wasn't a great place to set up by that measure of our success but uh we do have like really good defenses on our walls so it was nice for us to get set up the first couple of days let's go ahead and build a field what would you like to plant now rice good choice yeah baby also does your select similar thing work select similar uh yes it does but you uh you need to have something walls here um hmm oh double click uh oh wait no uh that's weird yeah i think they're just bugged out yeah i think we got a slight that might be weird with multiplayer that isn't in vanilla so i'm just gonna ignore that but yes that that that maybe that may be bad um actually let me plant in not the bad soil one weird thing is that potatoes are the best crops for poor soil so if you see like the yellow soil if you check the soil fertility um potatoes actually grow really well in those i can't remember whether it's the speed of growth or whether it's the yield but it's one or the other that is better um i'm gonna go ahead and just expand our rice to the zone that is this seems like more than enough for me and you but then we'll shrink it down to not include this part with the poor soil do you see that yeah yeah yeah like here we got rocky soil yeah stony soil yeah we won't allow that what difficulty settings are we working with uh we're working on blood and dust on cassandra uh trying not to play on losing is fun anymore only because it it just kind of gives all of your colonists a disease and then makes the game not fun um and randy random is just too random all right he can be fun but he usually just throws a bunch of cats at you so yeah that's kind of weird is that your experience with him and like yeah uh honestly if i were gonna go for interesting random events i would probably just install vanilla events expanded because it's like uh i i don't know more interesting stuff happens like everybody falls out of space and i think that's kind of neat um what other stuff should we be doing so we've got planting going uh we got a traitor here we might want to select similar is or isn't in vanilla it is not at least last i checked unless if they added it wow that's obnoxious that like having to select each one yeah there are some things like that that are a pain in the ass you can i believe double click on some of the things i'm gonna go ahead and uh actually there's not really anything that i want to buy here i'll give the other person who shows up our clothes but i'm just gonna kind of leave this managements yeah we're gonna be able to buy better stuff okay not buying anything from the trader what do you have uh you could go check him out if you want he's got like a couple of survival meals we could sell them our pants but i you know i uh we could give them to somebody else you know those dialogues oh crap let's see your trading section section uh i believe you're in the trading s i i left the trading session i i can see the dialogues you could just press dialogues at the top oh we could just do accept my bad yeah so yeah go ahead and trade with him yeah you can see that i wasn't lying to you you know i'm a good person uh so yeah you want to get some of that i i mean should we uh yeah i'll you you do you but yeah it's very expensive and you'll probably die yeah i don't really feel like i'm that much fun right now though i don't need it i don't have a problem it's not a party though why don't you rename our uh our monkey something something that uh oh my god that's a monkey i thought it was a cat this whole time what do we have it can attack it can guard us that's pretty decent unfortunately it's bonded to me so i'll be very upset when it dies inevitably this does have and good thing it doesn't have any health conditions because otherwise we would have had to pay a lot for vet visits um uh let's see okay good we got some decent steel here we got good resource acquisition going and we got good planting going now we got a good a number of meals and foods to keep you satisfied uh and i'm just gonna take off all of my clothes again great i'm shopping trees i'm just gonna leave speed away taking off my clothes there we go uh do we still have awful quality on this barrack we do ah that's crap um so one thing that we could do is to separate off our stockpile room to be a thing of its own so now you're chopping down the trees good job good job yeah i've been trying to get my work work ethic going yeah no you're you're gonna get a promotion soon uh maybe um i'm gonna go ahead and make our stockpile zone a different room not really it still doesn't really look like a thing but i just want us to be less miserable in here so we got what i found got some uh some marble blocks for us one thing you can check individually have you checked the beauty in uh the beauty display just to see how much like a pile of dog crap this room looks like like they don't like it when things are lying on the ground they're really rather disliked i know they hate that yeah but what are you supposed to do about something like that you know you just kind of put it into its own room like you just try to avoid looking at it uh if you if we separate out this room now we look at our barracks and although we've uh lessened the amount of space in it we've also gotten rid of all of the crap like there's nothing lying on the ground in here let's open this wooden wall here oh that's a support column oh yeah i believe it's if the walls are seven away from a uh roof support they can fall the walls i've never needed to build a little structure what is it column structure i've i could have just put a wall oh uh yeah walls orca they didn't used to have columns which is why i built the wall but yeah you could totally do with columns too actually columns are a little bit better because they can walk through them but why do i keep getting into these clothes ah damn it why do why we gotta make me a nudist there we go okay now i'm i'll get out of this clothes i thought i had done that before good okay good take off all of those clothes great okay so now i'm much happier all right so now we can make this room uh actually decent so what do we what should we do a very fast way to get a room looking nice early on though it does kind of require some maintenance is to plant some flowers in it so i'm going to go give us a plant put it in the middle of the room yeah what you wha what you think you're so great i mean probably at least you know put it next to that column or something like this area all right master of feng shui okay okay all right i'll put it there i just wanted you to be able to see it from your bed i can see it even better now probably oh yeah you're right it's closer to the lamp okay so we've you're very picky uh uh domestic uh decor preferences all right we've settled all of that that was important okay you're the one who's assigned to growing so uh we'll have you do that now you're gonna plant day lilies in there because they're extremely beautiful it's my favorite flower i believe that roses are a little bit less beautiful but they require more maintenance uh or rather less maintenance the monkey name but you don't see any name uh bernstein bernstein yeah i'm trying to see it's always there it's just always under his name while he walks uh oh wait a second yeah actually you can toggle that in the display no i i could see bernstein i could see bernstein okay i thought it was like more burn scene but maybe i spelled it wrong i don't know i i thought we were like leonard bernstein like we're going to break out into a musical or something at the end of this no no like when you're a jet you're uh oh okay i just thought he looked like a bernstein bernstein works too all right let's see actually i'm gonna undo one of these because i won't have another actually this is okay it's okay i'll allow it okay so once you get i'm just gonna speed up time a bit because we got a few menial tasks i have to carry things back because now we're kind of depending on you for a bit you need to get those plants planted and i need to get the uh oh it's gonna get kind of cold here though too aren't we where are we in the world oh yeah we are close on yeah i don't know i'm kind of regretting this whole nudist thing now let's check out how is the room quality now still awful uh whoops okay so here's a big thing uh we're going to begin to wage our endless war on dirt uh look at how much dirt there is on the ground around us you know to solve that as some floors uh so uh sort of we could yeah there's a couple ways to go about going about it you could do like wood wall uh wood floors you could do more beautiful floors or you could just clean the floors there you could smooth them many different solutions but yeah which one would you prefer i don't know i don't know at all wait why is this one negative 16 yeah because there's dirt on the ground oh that's oh it seems like a lot right like our plant does 17. okay we got a mad raccoon we gotta ah damn it hang on a second all right get the shotguns out uh you might wanna draft yourself too i'm gonna give you free will there we go there we go all right uh oh okay great we did a good job all right victory screech i'm gonna consume him uh you can butcher him you're telling me i shouldn't just start gnawing away at him right here i'm gonna put the butcher table outside uh yeah if you eat like raw corpses you're uh you're being sarcastic okay i'll allow that um uh let's see i'm cloud watching here we go oh yeah recreation we have to do that too let's see you mind if i make a dump pile yeah take a dump anywhere you like cool uh actually yeah we didn't there's so much to do with the beginning of a rimworld playthrough it's always too much to wrap your head around you know you can't eat dandelions we could smooth the floors but it would just be very time consuming i feel as if like it's more of a late game colony thing when you're trying to grind everybody's construction skills because smoothing floors is one things that colonists can't botch or mess up like it's very reliable but yeah do you know about the ceiling cap for xp per day uh i remember you talking about it one time a long time ago but i don't remember what it was this was baffling when i first yeah so like uh what is it every day you can gain i think it's either is it 4000 or 4500 xp and then after that you're learning slows which is i think is realistic but kind of annoying and a lot of people don't like it so you can turn it off with the mad skills mod um but yeah if you do too much of one thing in a day like you're going to kind of slow down in your learning of it um and once you go past level i think it's like 12 or 10 or so then yeah it's 4 000 xp thank you um once you go past level 12 or 10 or something like that your skills actually start to deteriorate if you don't use them like if you're a really good doctor and you just don't do any doctoring for a year you will get worse at it uh which which is quite bad yeah yeah it's really bad scary world it's a rim world you love it i do you you do really like it i was like god jim is really enjoying this game yeah i'm just i just love planting rice i'm just trying to save because there were so many people when i first did rimrolled on my channel back in 2017 2017 a long time ago now wow was it 2017 or 2018. there were people who would actually chase me off from doing real world videos like you ain't nothing like everything you're doing is wrong and i would kind of feel bad about it i would go on the train and i would read comments i would be like crap i feel terrible about myself now so yeah uh they would say bad things to you yeah people said horrible things about me because i was bad at rimworld i don't know why and i don't know why i read them but sometimes i would just be in a bad mood and then i would read another one i was just like crap man i gotta stop playing this game most memorable people are very nice and like me me but then there is this like sub category of people who just like just go at it at trying to take you down so i i don't know you're no you've had a good start with it like i don't know you haven't i'm just going to floor this because i want to try to avoid trekking around all of this dirt where else is there dirt we got to get it out of our stockpile room but yeah just like stuff like that like trekking dirt is kind of a pain in the butt like right now why is he spending so much time on this so what's your go-to for combating it just literally cleaning it all day uh eventually later on in your colony when you have like eight or yeah that is some people just hate everything too which i think is quite funny and i've i've kind of learned as if as i've had a youtube channel there's this subcategory of people where you just look at when you're like my god this guy just hates everything um no as far as cleaning the floor but most people are lovely um but uh as far as cleaning the floors go you want to try to get dirt off of the main paths that your colonists cross as you go through like if you find that we're crossing like this patch of land right here all the time maybe you want to put down a concrete floor there um there's certain places it's unavoidable like next year farms you're always gonna have dirt on the ground but as much as you can avoid us trekking dirt into the house um and they will track dirt from place to place the better there are some strategies where you can just have your entire floor be dirt because dirt can't get dirty which is true they can't track dirt onto dirt um i know that sounds like paranoid and grandiose but yeah yeah no that took me forever to figure out though like and once i finally grasped that like apotheosis man the death of my ego in the words of uh max or say what did you just say yeah that's i experienced enlightenment baby yeah yeah you're the one with the two intellectual i still have zero i don't know what's going on neither of us is very smart needless to say i'm in the nude just trying to floor the dirt in her house this is a i know it seems pathetic like all the things that i'm saying like man this but at the same time it's like you know at least we're not going crazy yeah no mood breaks impressiveness dull yeah okay we made it to dull ah yes ah so good have you have we set any like for the micro management stuff for like priorities for work do we do you use the numbers the numbers are better later in the colony um honestly for me if it's just like one or two colonists i'll just do check boxes um yeah we could set numbers numbers is really the better way to do it um let me see so one thing is i'll never put anything on one unless if i want colonists to like uh like unless if i want them to do something immediately like if there's a blight on the plants and i'm not using auto cut blight i'll just bring everybody's priority to one like okay everybody go out and cut the plants right now like who cares if there's a fire uh stuff like that but otherwise yeah two is a good number two that's a good number yeah it's a pretty high number i don't are you just saying that because that's your intellectual skill uh no no brag a little bit okay no why would i do that i'm just a naked man yeah you are that's thank you for reminding me that uh i don't remember this one for sure i think berries there's no am i mistaken about this are berries no risk of food poisoning i believe berries are the only plant that you can eat where there's no risk of food poisoning because if one of us gets food poisoning we're uh we don't want to get food poisoning uh because it's just gonna slow everything down and you're just actually like increase good poisoning odds uh so certain foods like if you eat a lot of yeah there is a whole thing on the wiki oh wait is it two percent ah two percent chance but that's pretty good wait is it all raw food i feel like i get more food poisoning from rice though maybe that's just me there's something nice about berries though if you consumed that raccoon right now okay then i stand correct you have a 95 chance of not getting food poisoning and that's good odds if we just oh actually raccoon is just five percent though we do get the eight raw is it the raw food or the yeah there's all this like cuisine the thing is that there's such a vast world of things that you could do wrong the right way to do it is either to go for a nutrient-paced dispenser or just and just like accept that slight mood debuff or nutrient-based dispenser before because i've never even seen nutrient paste oh let's try one actually both of us are terrible at cooking so this is pretty good all right so we'll have you do all of the butchering because you actually have a minor passion in it but we'll still have a lot of food poisoning for a while but yeah let's do it actually i'm not assigned to constructing at all wait what a zed dead pl thanks very much for the sub and rep republicans thanks for the host um okay so since we're both level uh under level eight in cooking we're probably going to be better off with a nutrient-paced dispenser until we could get something really going uh rice price does keep for a while uh where do you want the fridge to go eventually uh probably it's gotta go here because it needs to vent outside right okay fair enough yeah we could have some fields here it's usually good to have your fridge next to your fields so that because harvesting becomes this massive labor uh hog in the late game so somewhere like here could work because we have fields over here we're probably gonna have a lot of our fields out here so i would suggest that co actually this would work nicely because we have this but uh yeah i'm gonna say tentatively since you're so good at mining we could probably just knock this out in a day like right there good at mining aren't i yeah you're really good at that mining um yeah so i would say uh yeah i'm gonna put you to work there there we go yeah good job jim um this i'm going to power that up so that you can mine faster we don't really need wood anymore okay what you do so i can mine faster would you do oh we're putting in a lamp to help you mine it's not on uh uh ignore that for a minute there we go okay okay all right yeah you spoke too soon oh thank god uh you met intellectual you have to remember that i just i just react to things without thinking about it no you and me are the are the idea guys yeah no yeah actually you are you are going to town on that you are mowing through rock i have a lot of experience mining things in the past oh my god hey zed deadpool thanks very much for the uh for the gift subs why'd you it was going so well and you just had to mention at gift sub no yeah now jim's gonna do something bad to me oh crap you're doing such a good job though in here i'm just gonna make a little hole right here because i'm pissed i'm gonna make it all uneven ah no why did you do that oh because you gotta get i'm so upset right now you know i noticed that you were like taking out all the imperfections and the walls i kind i feel that we have like very similar brain waves i feel like i too felt compelled to do that oh great we've got a butcher table now all right so let's see how are we gonna uh worry about so i think in here where my bed is right now i'll move my bed deeper into the mine uh closer to yours um let's see i think we'll have our refrigerator right in here and then we'll have a dining room right about where my bed is right now so let's go to that yeah multiplayer mods working on 1.3 now isn't that great oh love that okay so let's get what would you think of a nutrient pace dispenser like oh thank you for moving my bed no problem oh you're the best let's reinstall this at here did i ever mention how good looking you are you know me yeah yeah you yeah okay normally it's normally when i get freaked out when you say without clothes on well let me let me do it again then thank you let me see i think nutrient paste dispenser like here ish we do we'll mine out more of these walls and eventually we'll make this into an actual refrigerator which yeah it's enormous absolutely enormous but it does great stuff yeah so uh check this out so we'll get a minor mood debuff from this but uh hang on a second let me get the butchering bill working creatures i just stole your bed i didn't mean to do that oh my god i i'm reassigning well actually you had the better quality bed i'll i'll take it no i'm i i fixed it don't worry so the next thing we have to go ahead and create in this we need to create at least one hopper so i'm gonna make that right there so that we could place the rice into the nutrient paste dispenser uh and then it just magic yeah magic man actually we have two types of raw food right now so i'll put the copper yeah hoppers you've never seen a hopper before oh i've seen a hopper you are in for a treat yeah we get the butchering going at the butcher table now thanks good seven or eight cooking thresholds is that yeah i believe it's eight once you get to eight there's not really much point to having more cooking skill than that i suppose for things like doesn't it govern psychite tea or something like i can't remember which one yeah cooking skill isn't really that useful i'm going to create different hoppers though because we have different types of raw food and i don't want to micromanage it's pretty cheap to create hoppers too they're only 15 steel so yeah like we got one for meat eventually we'll want this all to just be rice though because meat is better saved for luxury meals what's other stuff we gotta do uh how is this room looking now i think we're back to awful quality so we we're going to want to get all these chunks set yeah right i was so disappointed too oh because of the chunks yeah we moved those into our room so it's taking the whole thing into account uh yeah you want to build like a special stone room like is that legal here uh uh we you don't tell the government about this okay jim i mean it's illegal in like a lot of states now it's just like i mean i follow the law we're not breaking it yeah um uh we'll just we'll tell the guy to uh meet us in the back room whenever he comes here um okay yeah yeah why don't you why don't you go ahead and build our stone room somewhere somewhere else oh you wanted me to build a stone room yeah yeah actually we got to get our schedules back on let's get sleep let's make sure that we're sleeping at night actually we don't have any night owls here one two three four five six seven eight hours of sleep might actually be too much i've been told so i don't want them to do that uh let's go ahead and haul some of these things okay oh my god yeah they're gonna prepare for a while oh he's nude just like me oh look at that beard though it's like getting attacked by lincoln with a knife four scoring seven years ago oh my god my guy's sleeping yeah i'm meditating i think my dude's tired he's just sleeping for fun yeah i i put us back onto like more of a normal sleep schedule because we kind of stabilized we got a bulk goods trader yeah this guy might just defend us without us having to do anything yeah we're good hey hit point in thanks for the raid god bless how'd the stream go hang on a second i just got to give a quick shout out hey thanks hit point in uh oh got so many capital letters point in what were you guys playing ah battle brothers ah a fine game hey thank you very much it was nice battle brothers are supposed to die around here get inside yeah can we get jim have you tried battle brothers oh great look this guy is like here right now hang on a second you got to get out of bed you got to get out of confronting him i thought we were going to play a prank and let the the bulk traders deal with him oh actually yeah you know you're right i overreacted again i'm sorry that's okay because no you go back to bed all right uh i'm just gonna be done sleeping i'm just gonna walk around a little bit yeah let's just kind of loiter in the house while we wait for the bulk goods trader to come oh no he's gonna destroy our butcher table oh crap don't don't overreact it's we'll we'll get another one yeah yeah you're right i i wanted them to deal with the form it's just that they're so slow and he's so fast look pretty fast if he goes for any he might light the crops on fire now though too okay i'll take a pot shot at him oh oh god he's coming okay we hit him he's fighting our monkey please don't kill the monkey though that's gonna really upset me okay this is a great no what did he do to the monkey okay great job i'm still shooting him can i stop shooting um you did a great job there oh the monkey oh no they cut off the monkey's left arm deep left no ah i mean like i thought that the i thought that he would be preparing for longer i just kind of i'm getting a little defensive here now unfortunately we don't have psychopath if we had psychopath and all the other good traits we could like uh yeah yeah would you want me to sell your pants then i mean it's up to you i don't really consider them my pants anymore perfect okay all right all right uh let's see we might uh might want to trade that for a park uh you could only because i don't want you to go cold in the winter um i don't really see what else do we need here though oh they do have a parker look at that what do they have hey blue space weep thanks very much for the sup um we could i know but the monkey can get a cybernetic arm later we'll ignore that oh you can get a double strand park actually if you want yeah you get whatever you want jim you get whatever you want i'm gonna accept it what yeah trading both goods traders can be pretty op keep that in mind okay i'm going to wear my parka okay we've got decent meals now oh good we'll leave ourselves on these regular meals until yeah we'll use up these meals eventually later on in our colony we'll get a good fridge going all right i'm gonna speed up time a bit so do we hate nutrient paste or is that just like universally loved and accepted nutrient paste uh actually parka will be better for like the winter you might want to save it for now um only because parka gives like no insulation from the uh yeah i didn't know what a parka was before i started playing rimmel so educational right uh i actually feel i feel kind of bad that i didn't know what a parka was i thought a parka was like something that you wear in the rain you know it just seems like kind of a like you know i'm a confused man if you allow it my guys auto equip it why did you change the monkey's name to deep laugh oh did he auto laugh all right he's always deep laughing weird i'm what is that is that a rev is down again i feel bad i don't even know this reference the monkey wait a second the monkey doesn't have oh well because the monkey doesn't have a monkey bed hang on a second we got to give the monkey a monkey back oh my god oh my god animal sleeping spot yeah okay monkey return to monkey god look at the monkey's blood everywhere ah this is just going to ruin our impressiveness i really just i wish we never had monkeys in the first place oh great so now i've got that nutrient-paced meal did you see what i just fed to the monkey what did you feed so it's like it's a nutrient-paced meal it's um does he like that it's everything that the body need what is the line from the matrix everything that the body needs but uh are you sure that's from the matrix yeah isn't nutrient paste from the matrix or maybe it's the matrix too if you want to get really specific oh i just watched uh the first matrix again on the plane like three days ago so i like vividly remember them not saying that and uh i thought that gaslighted me i i think it was what is it the matrix no it's matrix one apparently it was matrix one there's a scene with it yeah i think that is a pretty direct reference though i guess heinen likes the matrix such great uh work together we've been doing here i guess the next thing that we'll want to get is i don't know what do you want to do next we got a couple of options our defenses are kind of crap like if we had been raided by more here what is this what is this uh so basically this is one room right now although it looks like it's leaking out into the atmosphere over here um i don't trust that yeah it's a little sketchy for our fridge like it's kind of sus we're gonna want to double wall this if we're gonna make this into our fridge look look what happened i i took the park off and i i disallowed it but then you automatically okay it's it's fine you'll live you'll live you could oh oh wait my bad uh crap i i kept doing that accidentally yeah no you did it right i i f'ed up i'm the pro veteran here yeah i know i'm like why am i why am i saying all of this stuff that i don't even understand damn nothing makes sense anymore isn't it a bad bad thing to have power conduits outside of walls like just floating around yeah yeah yeah so we'll eventually want to build those in um yeah right now i just did everything kind of like temporary uh i guess we'll have you finish off that let's go ahead and try to i want to square everything off because my mind tells me to uh what kind of stones do we have we have some marble here we actually have 62 marble stone um yeah i would take marble here because marble isn't really a great stone to build this with don't get me wrong but it's also like this doesn't really matter it's our fridge wall so we'll just leave that there and we're gonna have a lot of marble so we might as well get it used up now marble is the prettiest stone so if you're ever making like dressers or anything like that and you want to build them out of marble you don't have enough jade go ahead and do marble the prettiest one yeah it's very beautiful don't uh yeah you won okay marble is pretty uh granite is the hardest limestone is also very hard but not quite as hard as granite sandstone is the fastest workable i'm just i i learned a lot of this from watching pete completes videos he does a very good job with that uh what else can we do a cooler here yet we'll want to do a cooler yeah we'll get a fridge going okay good all right now if we want to we could start smoothing out some of the walls we get these wires buried yeah this uh you know this wall two layers deep or should we mine this and then just have our wall oh we could mine that yeah let's mine that uh yeah let's make it nice and trim now now we could do things like uh manage our ocd about oh my god you are a machine oh look at that you mind out how are you mining that fast jesus i'm so crazy yeah you're pretty good man well let's see i still think we're best off with a barracks we should get like a stone cutting room cause now we're see we're delivering all these things outside or we could make this into the stone cutting room if we wanted to but i kind of want to preserve this space between our gardens and our fridge just because we want that to be nice and short because otherwise we'll spend a lot of time hauling in the food later on you see what i mean yeah let's see what you mean yeah yeah um such good teamwork we got it who's good at crafting are you good at crafting yeah actually you're a great crafter wow i didn't even know this about you oh you're welcome all kinds of things passionate about it what kinds of things do you want to make uh bowstrings okay all right this is this is a direct crossover from runescape nice he's like i just grab it um [Music] uh we could have you crap we were until we have an intellectual making chunks marble blocks yeah you're good at making actually yeah you could do that you could do that so do you want us to move the table out there or do you want to move the rocks in here where would you like your crafting room to be do i get a penalty for being outside with this uh uh yeah but we could build a room around it you know be inventive jimmy wait i need a chair here is this all technically one room still i will find out in a second i don't know if i need another wall there yeah we could give you a chair you know if you don't want to live like a savage yeah i put one sometimes people will like uh if they're really limited in space they'll put a chair here and a table right here so that they could sit in the same chair that they you know sculpt that as the i i've seen pete do it and pete is really remarkably good at rimworld i will say that i learned a lot from watching his stuff um you should watch some of it sometime slate can be good for floor i think slate can be quite beautiful and is fairly it's like kind of a mid-range stone for everything i believe uh you know there's other ones that do stuff a little bit better [Music] um do you know about the mood buff that you get from working with double passions and singular passions uh yeah yeah yeah yeah uh what is this oh yeah i guess it doesn't do it right now because it's not crafting but that's such an odd thing yeah it's funny that they don't give you that uh so we'll try to get you off of crafting these giant stone blocks but yeah um one thing i learned recently was that stone beds don't actually give you as much comfort as wood ones which was crazy to me i'm like but isn't wood not a great material so there's so many like there's just this dictionary of subtle tips i've learned that i have nothing to do with so it's thanks for like humoring me while i just kind of expound it all i don't know why it gives me this odd satisfaction you're wandering sometimes he's gotta do that uh because his recreation is low our raccoon meat rotted away oof actually how close is that that this rice may not be close enough to grown um all right uh we could either pick some berries or we could go hunt some caribou i see a lot of ibex rams will they attack us when they no no oh yeah we're good yeah yeah good yeah i'm gonna go hunt those um sometimes be careful i don't know if i don't remember a zero percent because you can get like a bunch of rabbits decide to just murder you and that is actually quite scary when it happens well you can can't you can see the attack chance yeah but i've had is it just me like i've had herds of muffalo rise up against me yeah they're like 10 really maybe it's just like click the animal tab or sorry the wildlife tab at the bottom middle can't actually see the percent chance of them for attacking you that is true that is true but also like sometimes when they get pissed yeah sometimes you'll get like a big herd can you have non-violent herds of animals decide to take revenge on you as a herd despite the fact that they won't do it as individuals i think i think you're right no i've never had ibex rams attack me unless they were maddened like on their known accord yeah it definitely happens with stuff like bores i don't know maybe i'm just being overly cautious ah crap man uh hang on the nutrient paste thing a wall oh yeah it's it's gonna be or as soon as we get the uh as soon as we get that door we need some more wood though let's go find some wood uh where's a grown tree okay here we go we got a full grown tree outside yeah uh let's see what else let's get that it doesn't really matter if our fridge is dirty so i'm going to move the butchering table it's convenient that he destroyed it because now we could just build another one i'm actually going to move this into our fridge what ideally we could get like a small pocket of a room down here like maybe have a butchering area right here actually since you're so good at mining i'm just gonna ask you to mine some more thank you okay if i'm mining you're smoothing these surfaces so good to have a man around talking about the dead body outside [Laughter] that sounds like something that the american psycho would say ah jesus uh ironically now you're smelling the walls actually not a bad way to have you grind construction skills since you're not the world's best constructor that's true ah move the light into the fridge to double layer the stone uh we could bring yeah we could bring the light a little bit deeper we're gonna have to reorganize a lot of stuff now we're starting to get like that basic outline of a colony um [Music] actually we did pretty good we didn't really have anything horrible happen like nobody snapped this went perfectly smooth me the only thing that happened was i mean the monkey lost its left arm but it's still moving around it's deep laughing yeah yeah manipulation but look he's moving apparently this monkey walks around on his two feet because he's still at 100 moving and that's really all we needed him for yeah yeah we're fine hmm you keep getting upset because you you passed the dead guy oh yeah so we could bury the body i mean kind of a short-term solution right now would be to dig a grave you want to do that yeah yeah yeah let's do that only thing the main thing about dead bodies is you want to just destroy them all because otherwise you can get this annoying mood debuff called corpse obsession where people will just like take out the dead bodies and upset everyone so that's generally not as good yeah good though yeah let's get that body in the ground oh whoa whoa we need wood now no what's what's what's the problem oh yeah yeah you're right yeah we do uh our lives aren't really so bad without it but yeah yeah it's kind of making everything worse let's go out and get some wood that's probably enough hunting for now i'm gonna take myself off hunting we gotta chop those guys up yeah there we go yeah that also sounds like something the american psycho would say so uh yeah it's a lot of quotes by him today wait did we have the butcher table he keeps coming back and remember that guy destroyed it okay i didn't know if we made another one yeah no i uh haven't had time haven't a time yeah so we got off to a good start the one thing we might uh we can't get qualities on doors i just keep getting unlucky with this let's do this first just going to cancel that the only thing we've got a bear parked out front we could make like a miniature trap hallway because we are kind of in danger of somebody just walking up and yeeting us uh i hope that doesn't happen but it could just keep it in mind always be ready for disappointment you're cloud watching i'm not no you're uh oh actually at least you're getting your recreation yeah you're doing okay you keep doing that you keep doing that the rice is almost ready that you planted is it yeah good job thank you you're welcome i'm getting us all the wood yeah actually i've been kind of coming up in my plants cutting down uh can you bought your harvest on trees i'm pretty sure you can't bust your harvest on cutting down can you really mess up cutting down a tree maybe not we aren't very good with parts though i mean if you want if you want it to be makes a video of just messing up a tree no please don't do that to the tree game theories about washing trees on the next game theorists video can you mess up downing a tree yeah just a bunch of mathematics what do they call it deep diving like whatever whenever you like go into the code of the game to like find things what do they call that you know oh i love those kinds of videos yeah i like get all the easter eggs from the files i don't know what that term is i don't remember yeah deep dive sounds about right well let's see data mine yeah is that what data mining is i thought that was like when you rigged the stock market to i i love that crypto mining silly oh got my uh obscure uh cyber crimes mixed up yeah damn it um butchering table i think we're good now yeah we got to get these caribou okay they're going to die in a couple of days good no i mean we got the basic outline the thing is that we can move furniture around later on as long as we just keep kind of chugging along here we don't really have any uh we'll we'll fix this up in a bit oh yeah we gotta smooth out the rest of these okay sorry i neglected to do that yeah i i could do the tool i just i find this more satisfying you feel that though oh oh yeah like the where you go the orders and do they have us oh they do have a smooth surface order look at that yeah i just enjoy that so much everyone gets angry and upset when i do it but i just it feels like it satisfies this kind of adult add i have yeah yeah yeah thank you okay good yeah let's see dude grilled cheese daddy's here that's the only that's the only sub i'm not pissed about no no where's grill oh grilled cheese daddy hey grilled cheese daddy thanks very much for the sub like is that like your dad makes you a great that seems really like kind of heartwarming hey son you want a grilled cheese why is it no it sounds like a good food truck name i don't i would pro i bet you would get a great grilled cheese if you went to grilled cheese daddy yeah it's like oh man you got to try this place it's like make the best grilled cheese you'll ever have straight out of a truck like what and then yeah it seems like you're like you're right you're right like he probably uses pretty gourmet ingredients too you know like one of those bougie food trucks that goes up and they just follow around hipsters see where they go today not a stolen truck it's not i don't know why everyone accuses him of stealing the food truck to run his business because he does it so his lawyer is better call saul yeah yeah hey caco's here only defended innocent people sorry i haven't been looking over at chat quite as much hey caco how are you all right so now we got crap that was a ah i i didn't do that what'd you do nothing i'll find out i'll inspect everything one butcher table oh yeah see what i did uh-huh yeah see that was pretty dumb okay there we go butcher table yeah we got an extra one for when it's inevitably destroyed catastrophically uh let's see butcher creature forever i definitely have a tendency to ah crap there we go not assigned to cooking uh so you should there we go you are gonna kill all of those or they're already dead yeah so i'm gonna start to manage these let's get a rid of the stockpile zone for corpses there and there's really no downside to having corpses in our fridge so we might as well just put them in here uh where it's going to be this isn't even a fridge not yet no unfortunately if you turn into a fridge it's going to have a temperature bad guy what's the temperature temperature bad guy like the uh wooden butcher table is gonna have a temperature penalty really no no it has a it has a dirtiness penalty like it makes the room dirtier but it does yeah why would that how does a table make a room warmer no no no i'm saying i thought there was like a work speed penalty for being in like a cold area like not a warm inside area true which is why i'm uh you see this little kind of inlet over here yeah yeah that's i'm gonna move the butcher table down there yeah so we'll have like a little offshoot from our fridge in which we can do that basically like you know the the main idea here is that we have the fields up here um people can come in and quickly bring in like vegan goods into the fridge and then see there's all of this diverse fauna out here the animals and we can go ahead and bring those back to our butcher room where it's nice and toasty uh and then we can bring you know hopefully we'll cut up the corpses pretty fast then we bring them into the fridge over here and everything is sanitary and kind of like separate it out into its uh its main work needs yeah has anyone ever told you how much sense you always make i i don't know that's sarcasm or like i sometimes i can't really tell the cause no it's hear me out though like it's gotten to the point where people will say like man this is a lot of great poetry in the video and i'm just like that's how i normally talk so i don't know but yeah all these uh yeah i like to make it a mystery also yeah i mean you know we wouldn't be here doing what we do if if we didn't have that though so yeah i feel that if i see another tweet about new world whatever that is i'm gonna go crazy i mean if i owned my own streaming platform i would probably create a game and force everyone to play it too wait what who owns that amazon doesn't amazon own a new world i i believe they do it that much i i don't is is that true i that's only what i conjectured based on what i i was like yup everyone is playing it so that must mean i saw so many hyped posts about it before like all these people going crazy like somehow it has so much traction and now it makes so much more sense it's an original app i knew only that i was by their publishing studios is it that they do everything from the ground up from develop the game is it is it literally a game built for that's my only thing because it looks cool but i'm also like is this being built for a profit which is fine which is fine if it's a good game but i'm i was also just kind of thinking all of these thoughts nothing wrong with that either we're not uh we're on amazon's platform right now of course so um nothing to see here but uh the last game made not for profit other than muck that doesn't count because that was also profited from the millions of views it got uh that was didn't danny make that though he's a youtuber right he made it and then he profited from it not through sales on steam but from the millions and millions of views he got that's true i think i think he was very open about it i i don't think that they would be against saying that they were being open about that i guess that there are some things that are created out of love though like just based on what i see i mean regardless what do you think of uh everything on it uh notch seems to game based on just stuff that he loves like notch follows our friend troopin on twitter and he does a lot of uh factorio stuff um and he just seems to enjoy legos and gaming and stuff like that is he like uncanceled yet or what happened there i have no idea um yeah partly like i don't know i feel like for this discussion that's uh irrelevant but yeah that that's fair but also too like i don't know i just i admire the way that that man games yeah the gamer he just like he seems to get to the crux of what makes gaming fun for me you know like and whenever i come back to that i always get inspiration for new videos and ideas so i'm like yeah like i don't know it's it's kind of a cozy way of gaming i actually i guess to kind of go back into that the didn't he create minecraft by just saying like i wanted to create a game that i would have enjoyed playing and i feel like it does kind of essentially get down to that bedrock of what makes gaming fun yeah it's true yeah like room world they thought i love being miserable feeling miserable working towards something just for the payoff to be miserable and then do it again i love that so i'm gonna make this game actually a lot of that's i don't know if this is for you but that's originally the reason why i created my channel was that there were certain games in my steam library that i didn't enjoy because there weren't any multiplayer ranks or achievements and i wanted to get back to that old childish feeling of just enjoying gaming for itself um like not as any reward that came of it from like ooh i hit the higher rank or something like that and i couldn't concentrate on zomboid because i was like i have nothing out of this so i made a youtube channel because it was just like oh i get to enjoy this while i play the i i don't know i feel like that's fairly easy to relate to though and a lot of older folks i think the older you get it's like it's easier to have or you have more fun thinking about the memory of something rather than doing the thing itself sometimes true yeah not that deep though maybe that's too deep it's a deep laugh moment did you hear the monkey inside the fire coming out of the monkey's head it was deep laughing yeah what is deep laugh i don't know what deep life is i mean you hear it is this like uh ah man i feel like such an old guy nah tell me what it is it's just what it it's a deep laugh i don't know it's you can hear a deep laugh when it happens right i don't know is this like that monkey trying to figure out if this is just like a pop culture reference or a reference it's literally just or if you are just like being a jackass right now i can't tell it's one of those three though i've sorted into those three categories the last one but i just it's been the thing recently it's just like when something's funny you're just deep laughing about it it's just deeply all right i'm just gonna get on board with this joke and we'll do it to the next person we meet yeah like and one of my recent videos i named my character in game deep laugh and then we just like terrorized everybody in runescape like we in the like seasonal game mode it was uh like a free-for-all basically and uh we just went around like as the top levels going around and just taking everyone down and there's limited lives and it was funny i think that you're just a menace yeah and then we were deep laughing about it all right i'll allow it though okay yeah ah man this rice okay this rice harvest is we're actually doing fairly well now as soon as you finish we i really should have been less of a giant pile of garbage about this rice i'm gonna speed up time to see if we can get a third guy yeah i forgot that we were gonna get one of those no i don't know i feel like we've reached the state of zen enlightenment you and me like here we are yeah we have everything figured out living in this calm and happily the irony though is that like i feel like so many of the things that make rimworld rimworld are just playing it badly and when i finally managed to get a colony running i'm not saying that i have a huge brain or anything like that but yeah maybe i do like uh you know like it lost all of the like this has been very calm and cool and collected everything that we've done in here like you've been perfectly fine and the craziest part is it's going to stay that way and nothing else is going to happen like it's going to just continue on this path of greatness and tranquility and feeling safe apotheosis the death of our egos literature yep that's what i was thinking yeah we have a second monkey bed i don't know if you've been planning on adopting a cat or something okay good we got the right to measure the amount of space i've moved uh away from you uh just simply been always moving further away from you i don't know if you've noticed but this is mining the wall deeper in to get further away yeah it's constantly moving this way all right i'm going to move near the good stuff yeah i probably smell we haven't showered i am just everything is just hanging out oh yeah i know mad guinea pig crazy ass kitty i'm going straight for him all right you're gonna be down for a few days let me know when you're ready and we'll unpause what are you i just i like to make sure you're ready okay if you're ready you're the man finally made it watch this what the hell weird already why did it just it just glanced away from you all right apparently this man is guinea pig repellent it's a game of confidence i'm learning stuff is i'm picking stuff up from you i'm and now i'm taking notes yeah jesus oh look at this look at this wooden butcher table click that guy work speed penalty bad temperature yeah you because you've been lazy and you haven't been doing any mining yeah yeah yeah i don't agree with that hey you go up boy how are you i'll do the reading at the end today thank you very much for the 500 bits happy to see you here uh i couldn't find the the view for it when i don't know how you said it's that french boot forward i never i know nothing of french pronunciation pronunciations all to say in the english bufort wind scale that was the poem he requested that i read that i read from the other day and i'll i'll definitely do that at the end you read a poem the other day no he requested that i read a poem but i i had to check on it so honestly every time that poems get brought up i forget that poems are a thing like i forgot that they existed until i'm reminded like when they're some somehow randomly brought up isn't that kind of nice though like those are the things that you should really live for it's like playing the guitar or something any kind of instrument you play a musical instrument uh you seem like kind of a like a flute guy you know no it's kind of funny because i don't play any instrument but i do have a significant amount of plays on spotify that i am still confused about damn i i i was kind of i was picturing that we would create a band but okay i mean you could listen to the music vocals all right okay yeah fair enough like maybe we could uh mc mc gym my god our plant skill is just pure garbage wow i feel like i feel like you don't give us enough credit yeah i should probably be more feel like we're doing a good job my psychiatrist keeps saying this hang on a second wait i'm not allowed to go anywhere until i refuel this there we go this is why we need more colonists all right we'll keep speeding up time till we get another person we're doing pretty good here though you me and the monkey you me and dupree deep laugh hmm that's not dupree it's you free from that's so disrespectful to deep laugh poor monkey man whoa why am i minding that uh because i made you why would you make me do something oh that's actually pretty cool yeah anywhere you can get the like uh the pharynx uh yeah anywhere that you can get the like uh chain of supply working in a line is nice so if we keep the fridge central we put the fields up here you know we bring in animals from out here-ish we do this and then it all kind of culminates in our fridge honestly if i were gonna do a bigger colony i would like i would make these spaces bigger but i just i i didn't even think we'd get quite this far so good job uh keep working i'm gonna keep working yeah yeah good all right there we go we have plenty of food the vampire outlaws is this guy any good body purist brawler actually this guy might be decent kate good with plants if we can capture 15 could be useful honestly could be really useful uh if we think we're ready to take on a prisoner right now which we do have cooking automated i say we try to imprison this person yeah that's cool me do you want to try and run at them and like keep our distance well we don't have run and gun so we're gonna have to figure that one out yeah she's got only a night we can't really let her anywhere near us or we'll die immediately because she's gonna cut out our she's going to cut her head off if we do that uh i mean we do have distance we could right now if we pause time we could just build a spike trap like and that's that's like all we need to do those spike traps are really good at killing people also so uh i don't know uh you pick him you pick him i would say uh i would say that we kite her back and forth between us and we do something like this uh by uh walking are you going over there right now would you like me to join you no i'm not really panicked about it i think we'll be fine what's our shooting skill i have shooting six you have shooting two okay uh yeah my [Music] yeah let's build the spike trap okay just in case let's do it as like a fallback type of thing we'll just put it right in front of our house so i'm gonna do that for the door yeah uh you uh make sure good we're both in a good mood you stand in front of the spike trap so that we don't have to pass over it um i'll stand here we'll finish that off and then uh unfortunately we will have to risk our lives as we walk over the spike trap but it won't be as bad for us as it will be for her uh probably so yeah i mean i got some good pants on about you i don't know what you brought to the it'll just stabilize uh my it'll just get me in the in my foot uh yeah there we go point out that i am my biological age or maybe it's the other way around i don't know i'm 848 years old oh come with me oh yeah okay uh well it's okay i don't want to be like you because you're uh dirty i'm old yeah hang on a second um we'll get into cover uh we'll we'll try to hang on a second i'm gonna wait for you to be ready are you ready to shoot yeah no you're uh why don't you stand there there you go okay i'm shooting already okay so good uh if she gets a little bit closer we're gonna run back unless if okay her moving is down now let's just see uh okay so we got her in the leg so she's at moving 63 we'll see if we can hit her once more and then run back okay run if this one misses uh run back run back we can usually just keep staying away from her as long as she's slow what's she doing now she's baffled yeah she's in shell shock is she i have no idea i just this is a bad game i guess later go cross-eyed i don't know if we're gonna want her anymore this is the only downside to this we okay it's only one of her kidneys we destroyed actually we really can just let her stay out here and eventually pick her up when she's yeah she'll be fine i mean ideally we would have done this with a club let's just see if she bothers us so much though okay she's the beginning of her assault now this just changed your mind uh okay yeah we'll we'll down her i won't be heartbroken if she's all right yeah yeah unfortunately she's dead yeah we'll just leave that body over there we won't really see that i did i didn't know whether you're in front of that or the body that's i was like what the all right all right i'll bring the knife back because i'm a good guy we got steel nice we can smelt down these steel knives to get more steel out of them if you do like an arctic colony or anything like that that might be a nice way to live your life what is oh uh smelting down the uh the knives that your raiders drop i did an arctic colony once and we didn't have any steel so i just waited for people to come and then i off to them one by one as i uh yeah i used their bodies and their knives to build my entire base that sounds a little obsessive now that i go back i don't know does that seem obsessed i'm getting kind of self-conscious now that's pretty oh you know what you're doing new what do we do about this spike trap that we're just walking by every time oh let's uninstall that yeah we'll use that later somewhere else okay we could just put that in the store room for now a very nice last minute defense though in case of things if really hits the fan we're doing great i was honestly expecting that we would get another columnist before now um and uh it's been a while yeah you and me are doing pretty good in here uh honestly if this were my main calendar i would just start getting you to mine way deeper into the mountain um and for my just because you know focus on the things that you're good at uh for my guy i'd probably take him hunting a lot and just start storing all of that in the fridge because we have a we have a freezer so we can you know like automate all of that work so yeah let's go do what we're good at uh wild boars okay i'll hunt a bunch of alpaca basically make them extinct yeah that is about all the alpacas left yeah but they're so invitingly close to our refrigerator that i thought i would bring them even closer into our lives why you're the boss over here yeah uh oh great job you revealed a new area deep laugh is pleased jeep lex is deep laughing right i'm now bed all right let's see what other kinds of stuff do we get um i'm not honestly that scared of infestations only because i know how to deal with them now arguably but oh my god beautiful i thought we were going to see a lot of bugs there yeah i was like that's going to be the last words i'm not scared of them and just like 50 of them come out wow that's actually so lucky oh it's it's even more likely to happen no i kind of invite them the only thing that we don't have right now is a melee colonist but we do have a small narrow passageway i just think it'd be a great deus ex a way for the stream to end if we were to uh both die if to bugs we'll spawn him in later but yeah it just moves his bed way deep into the cave of course now our uh now our home is technically outside because do you see this light shaft that's coming actually is it outside i stand corrected it's just one of the largest rooms we're living in forever we could just put like a door here right honestly i think it'd be kind of badass if we just moved our bedrooms into various arms of this cave like you sleep in this oh in the dank shaft over there and i'll sleep in this over here i want to see if this is uh oh yeah the bad boy room oh why am i even saying anything no yeah you you know rimworld in and out let me see man i kind of want to get some in and out now oh my god i miss it what is that in and out i don't think it's i don't think it's a bad boy room yeah we lucked out is there one up there there is an urn up there oh dude earn yes what i'm gonna now you're kind of making me a little like uh a little ocd about these urns yeah there we go okay yeah all right good we could get about 40 times more ocd if you wanted there's water down here free ernie yeah you love drinking um me and drinking more than the same well i did notice that you planted a patch of smoke leaf smoke leaf is good psychite tea is a little bit more addictive but is a little bit better for your colonists because they they don't all go into combat like stoned um like it actually makes them faster if they have psychite i don't believe it impairs your senses you just got to be careful managing their like addiction to it make sure i wasn't even gonna i wasn't even gonna like smoke it or anything i was just gonna like start a side business sure you weren't sure you weren't no i wouldn't no honestly um like beer and basically every every drug in room world is really overpowered you can just avoid every i later on in a colony you can actually manage having a lot of people being addicted to like everything yeah it works gentle ibex okay oh we've got a new colonists who could join oh you checking this out are we gonna accept this jim wait where is that go check out the quest tab this quest colonist is not very useful to us but is an undergrounder i'm not a big fan of t totaler is that how you pronounce that word uh gaining pleasure from chemicals yeah she's a cave child i don't really think that this is a great colonist for us to be honest because you're just such a you're just such a dank miner yourself catherine she likes to be called cat harris yeah that sounds like a real person this is this is weird this is giving me bad vibes is she smarter than us though no she's really she's almost an exact replica of like the combination of both of our personalities yeah i don't know you you pick him do we want her or that i don't i don't know is it just me or stop being so indecisive pick one or else i'm gonna go get the bison wool what a great way to subvert the question ah damn it all right uh uh i don't know i don't really want to ruin this bromance we got going they don't seem that cool i don't want to deal with them they don't offer enough to us you know that's what we got to think about here what can they offer us yeah that's true like you and me are fairly look we're waving we're high-fiving each other as we're past this is kind of great we're like roomies or something oh yeah yeah you and me are actually like we are in the middle of a deep bromance deep laughing romance yeah yeah something like that okay we'll roof this in god i have so many plans for our friendship yeah like maybe one day we'll like at halloween we could carve a jack-o'-lantern or something we could go to an amusement park that'd be so nice what amusement parks does room world have uh uh wally world i think really yeah you just aim a gun at some guy oh god i miss national lampoon those were great movies have you ever seen national lampoon the guy just oh yeah oh yeah he cheats on his wife in the hotel so many crazy moments in that movie ah i like the i like the uh the christmas one i haven't seen that one i i think the only one i've seen is the vacation is it is it equally good it has like all the flair and flavor of old saturday night live you know yeah i think it is i i don't know i think i grew up on it so i'm like i'm a bias because i just watch it as a kid growing up and i just kept watching it every year so the christmas vacation one's always going to be good to me no that's a nice memory i like that your bed is is getting really you actually might you could have your own bedroom now you're allowed to have one man i like how you didn't just move your bed as far away as possible but every day it kind of ticks a little bit further away i'm gonna start uh you know i'm moving my bed away from yours i'm gonna sleep in the dining room how do you like that you try to get up have some breakfast wait where's your where are you gonna move it in the dining room i mean everything is the dining room right now everything is the dining room i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and just wait a second what are we doing now here we go okay let's actually start to separate out some of these rooms now like in a more reasonable fashion um okay couple things so first off always a good idea to have your stockpile zone in the middle of your colony or in the uh middle of stuff because you know if people have to get something they should go to the middle right like they should they shouldn't have to take a big walk yeah thanks um so that's a good idea we can have our bedrooms kind of on the periphery because colonists rarely have to go back to their bedrooms for much of the day um i think we'll make our dining room like here so let's wall off the dining room we could have this entire space actually just be like one huge rec room that can be really like a major mood buff on your colony so we'll do that we'll do double wide hallways so that people can pass each other uh without getting slowed down uh yeah so we'll do all my guys sleeping i didn't i didn't understand a word you just said you have to run that by when he wakes up uh just keep uh doing all the forced labor i tell you to okay all right okay i'm on it yeah there we go great job thank you i'm gonna eat now real quick so we do get a slight mood debuff from this what do we get i think it's only yeah it's only a negative four though and you and me are in pretty good moods ourselves would i consider doing a series based around the greenland tree mechanics tribe of tree huggers with an anima tree psychic need the ideal legend dlc for it yeah we were doing a good bit of ideology before i was thinking of doing a bunch of like vegans trying to achieve enlightenment or something um yeah i i feel like that that has its place i don't know i feel like jim you're i feel like you're kind of subtly moving me toward veganism though i mean you did start by planting the smoke leaf yeah you or i don't know are you a meat guy encouraging veganism you weren't just talking about in and out that's true but you also you know you're a man of the herb yeah i was also going to ask you about these mushrooms in this cave what are they about do we actually there is there a magic mushrooms mod i don't know only available in holland what they're legal in holland aren't mushrooms legal in holland i believe that they are actually someone made that up and then everyone in holland was like yeah yeah yeah all right what are you gonna do go to holland and like try them out and go and see if that's real you're not gonna need to go to holland i'm going on a vacation next week and i know what i'm doing oh jesus do we wear shoes or do shoes wear us what the hell what i hear alex i don't know that's a great comment though i feel like i feel like i should know that they are supposedly they're legal but how do i know that you guys aren't just people perpetuating the rumor that we were made out to believe how do i even know that holland exists i've never been there you know what's crazy is i don't even think australia is real that's like the thing that i've been on recently isn't this like a well-known meme that people just deny the existence of australia like i'm pretty sure that like australian accents are just a bit that british people do and they're just like they've got us all convinced that there's a place called australia somewhere and they just like slightly alter their accent the way they say things and they just like all get good at it i don't know that's just a game theory as the guy says i mean yeah like this could be this could be your expose content coming up yeah where are they now yeah australian accents i do like australian accents they're kind of aren't they kind of nice australian accents i think people like them more than they should but i think like yeah they're kind of nice though i i don't some of them some of them true was that an australian accent no is it like a texas accent or something i don't know have you have you started to develop that text you know i did start to get a boston one when i lived there for a while like i started saying rum instead of room like get your uh get out of my rum you know or you'd say that you call things wicked so like my boy's wicked smack i didn't say smack but i would say wicked that dude the college college it's like awl yeah yeah that's the i don't know where it really comes from it's a little bit more uh it's a little bit more dense on the east coast just because that's where you know the original colonies were so uh accents are genuinely going away though as time goes on education generally seems to destroy people's accents it has that force yeah if you have an accent it means your iq is really low as well sometimes um [Music] is that what if there is a correlation i don't i i wouldn't generalize and say that people with accents have lower iq i'm sorry i'm generalizing it right now that's just because you're a bad person you're not a good no i'm thinking of times in my life though because accents are a pretty powerful force group identity yeah man that stuff is a little bit stronger over though in like places like the uk where if you live on a different block you might have a different accent or so i've heard though i don't even know if the uk exists you know i haven't been over there it's not real yeah it might just be a figment of my imagination every person has true because they're all kind of relative though they say that it kind of goes away in the american west hey get out of my room i haven't been able to hear like anything in the game for the longest time and like my ambient volume is really low so it's just been kind of like eerie oh i play without music yeah i i have too much soundtrack yeah how many hours do you have in it and what uh room world 300 are you jesus christ how many weeks is that i don't know didn't you just like find out about it a week ago i don't want to talk about it i still have the same amount of knowledge i did like the first day too [Laughter] this never got better i don't think you can at this game there's just like so many so many things to do that's crazy wow there are a lot of folks in in our community who have like thousands upon thousands of hours that's true that's fair damn i kind of respect i kind of respect you for that though maybe you should move to holland to try the like the the drug policy that's not real yeah like so that you could make uh you know rimroll drug policies more resemble real life or uh rather vice versa real life foreign they're just like hanging out what are they doing the top of our map uh oh yeah what is that oh yeah they were all hanging there for a while yeah they just wanted to check and make sure that our australian accents existed we have well we have them now we're we're a part of the bit yeah we've uh we've gradually uh entered our lives into the bit that we've been doing that's just that's just how it works yeah shady lemur thanks very much for the prime hey when i tell you about gifts and subs you're subbing yourself hey i'm hero licks hey thank you very much for the prime ah good look at all this meat uh so so good to have oh god damn it all the power went out yeah man i wish we were smarter jim uh now we're we're the best do you think maybe like because we've been wishing like you know we we became australian somehow maybe also too we'll just get smarter from this i'm gonna go ahead and build this uh beautiful windmill ah sorry this isn't a windmill that i would always used to call wind turbines windmills yeah windy terms turbo reno there we go cargo pots hey we got a present from oh we got nothing it's literally just steel that fell out of the sky what that stuff could be pretty useful though in the upper right of the map uh are well like around here-ish yeah maybe the rabbits ate it or something those australian rabbits eating all the food australian rabbits are just guinea pigs fair actually fair fair aren't they from there deep laugh keeps laughing he keeps laughing he's like the buddha man so deep haven't you ever seen the laughing buddha ever considering doing a factorio c block multiplayer actually that could be a lot of fun troll potato have you done factorio c block or factorio jim i have not i think you'd like that if you like this do i get to like amputate people in factorio uh you get to lobotomize people oh basically playing playing i'll say this though playing factorio multiplayer is one of the most unpleasant experiences when you do it with your friends the other time it it's kind of like going to the bathroom with your friend you know like but like you have to both take a dump in the same toilet um together simultaneously yeah it's like combining your brain with somebody else's not pleasant the first time um and you could tell trooping and pvl i said that because i made a whole video on how unpleasant it was to play with them um no no a really rewarding experience though the second or third time when you really uh that also works yeah when you've created a social dynamic that works for everyone you know one guy's in charge and the other guys do what uh he tells them to do i don't ever want to be near in a five mile radius oh my god now playing factorio honestly is like trying to do a math test with somebody else i could just go on with these sim elites for days sorry i'm getting a little ambitious here but uh but it's also like you both have to have the same answer and if one guy doesn't get it then the other guy is just waiting for the other guy to think of the answer which is kind of unpleasant you know it's like one guy is a really good player and the other guys just holding the other guy up jesus christ in rimworld at least one of us can just i could be like you suck i'm gonna keep going and ignore everything that you're doing and everything will be fine for the most part yeah but in factorio no yeah hard mode hard and i'm not just saying that because i'm nudist you know here we go i'm gonna head inside there we go i opened both the doors so that you can fit your fat ass through the doors yeah actually you're not that actually you are you kind of look enlarged with the parka that's true yeah just trying to keep warm i don't i need to find this ancient danger dude i know there's one here yeah actually mark did some factorio he did his space video i like what was his original one mart's mar's a damn good guy makes damn good a nice guy and also makes damn good videos the ultimate combo but he hasn't streamed in a while has he it's nice to just see more factorio though because troopin doesn't really make as many videos lately he's busy with other stuff at least the last time i checked in trooping makes some damn good factorial videos too third-party mod manager can fix your issues but you love it adds extra layer of depth and fun a rim pie i mean our colony is kind of like busted we did a great job we just we haven't gotten anything from cassandra i i don't regret it for the record because if we had done randy we would have had like 30 pet crabs by now and they would just be breeding and we couldn't even kill them fast enough uh whoops sorry that's alpha animals yeah you haven't tried alpha animals with the crabs yet oh like a diseases mod yeah no alpha animals is a great mod hang on a second we're going to bury this body because we keep spending time up there we're actually doing great i got us so much wood yeah actually you're coming a long way with those plants buddy you're like uh you're like a gardener yeah oh wait oh no we don't want to kill these urns hang on a second let's claim these yeah you're gonna need an urn there you go i'm gonna put this one next to your bed oh you love it uh it's just one more thing for me to move every time gas station boxsters and uh stitched anthropophage thanks for the bits guys as pk thanks bye and uh is that like pk like like runescape like player killing where uh thanks for well just sub thanks for the prime and high thrive thanks for the prime much appreciated is that a thing or is that like an old school thing i still remember the original wilderness it's a very very known thing it's dead now but yeah it's sad yeah yeah i miss i missed the old o-o-s-r-s yeah a good old days yeah like 2005 back when fallout boy was a thing well they kind of came back though they had a big streak when they were originally a thing god this really brings me back to my youth the dance dance is that their thing was that older yep that no that was that was exactly when they came out with it it was there was panic at the disco was pretty big too before they kind of came back you know all these actually all of these bands kind of came back this is like post backstreet boys as we know the backstreet boys one of the most major influential if i could blast finger 11 paralyzer right now i'd do it damn you were hanging inside and hey there delilah right afterwards yeah i don't know as i get older i just think about how old i am ah just piece of i'm turning into you know like now i have memories of the olden days uh now i'll give you a little uh i can give you a really really crazy nostalgia trip in just like the first four seconds no i appreciate that though i appreciate that about you i don't take it for granted speaking of granite i'm gonna go ahead and make this uh room i'm gonna make this into our stone storage just because i figure if we get stones we'll probably be uh actually wait no i'm whips i changed my mind and maybe that was kind of a jackass thing of me to do um guys aren't automatically refilling what is this re-arm refuel you know okay um i'm thinking that yeah we're kind of crap at that we also don't have batteries research maybe we will just make a research table if we remain this stupid for this long we might just die like that applies to real life as well as video games all right click the video i sent and just play the first like five seconds and you'll just go right down memory lane i'm tempted oh my god jesus christ this reminds me of my windows xp folder that i have on my desktop i remember all that i just i just play windows xp sound effects in order to just feel young you know that's true you ever do that you just vibe to some wimdos xp sound effects i think i had what are they memeing with i had a windows 95 desktop background for a while ah that's nice tell me about that i wasn't even born in 95 so i wanted to know what it was like did you just give me all that work oh yeah uh hang on a second uh let me explain okay so go ahead i've started my mining oh what are you complaining about you've just been sitting around in your cave you have a cave now you be happy um so i was thinking this i'm happy now we need a lot of space to store stone chunks so if we bring them to the middle because you know you're going to be doing a lot of work i have a lot of work that i have to make you do by mining out this entire mountain and we might also bring in stone chunks from the outside because there's a lot of other land that i'm planning on uh acquiring so why don't we have you dig out here we'll put all of our stone chunks here in the middle and maybe we'll move our stockpiles either we'll leave them out here we'll put them deeper into the mountain but i know that i want this operation to take place over here uh yeah if you change any of it i'll just reverse whatever you do okay yeah a dup shot thanks very much for the sub much appreciated sorry uh 95 but well a good year to have been born in but you know well you you were after that so you're not as good um yeah they didn't make babies as good after that um that's what i've heard yeah but you know still a pretty pretty decent time before everything got bad you know so fortunately you made it out before that there we go oh yeah we got some saving going on jesus christ oh we get some ideas goodwill if we keep her happy fauna fur wells prime counselor of one though is should we just uh is interested in learning about other cultures she wants uh appreciates quality accommodation we could just get her because we need more labor we'll like arrest her when she gets here uh um no we have a thing called free will here in the united states um uh wait you're from actually you're from the united states of the united states so i don't even need to explain this to you you're good all right um i'm just means i'm just being ignorant of course um uh where are we now uh no she she was not one of the ones who will refuse to do work like one of those um yeah yeah she'll allow it okay there we go yeah actually we'll accept her i'll take that uh what do you want you want advanced components you want hyperweave or goodwill probably advanced components right those things are hard to get advanced components are pretty good yeah we'll take that okay she just got pooped out of the sky uh what is she good at she is garbage at everything and probably one of the worst colonists that i've ever seen wow oh so bad though she is slightly better with plants she can't even help us fight she's a chemical fascination depressive but look she's gonna do so much work in the garden thank god yeah that would have been pretty bad without that no opinion on the new ideology dlc you know i i like i like ideology i kind of feel like that it's a a separate game unto itself sort of in a way but it's good for variation and i think ludion let's see for the amount of enjoyment i've got out of it it's good i i i guess for newer players it might be like a little bit much but yeah ideology is good that's the opinion no opinions do you like it they're like what do you like ideology i mean you're a little a little bit newer to the game yeah i've like only played with it though like i wasn't really pre-ideology ah okay that's fair do you feel like it fits into the rest of the game yeah okay okay it's the only game i've known that's fair that's fair i don't have a fair opinion of it i feel like well i mean though yeah i mean you're a pretty disagreeable guy so i don't think uh yeah i won't yeah i don't think i'm gonna let you uh have that opinion no change your opinion i'll bring the brainwashing machine over uh hang on a second let's get rid of these rocks i'm so tired there we go he's so tired of mining he loves it uh you don't he actually does that's true yeah i know our tasks are like very road and kind of boring but we've done such a good job with this i'm gonna go ahead and actually i'm gonna delete this stockpile zone for rocks now and we'll just undo all of that we're gonna move our rocks in here we wanna just keep the rocks out of our sight because we hate rocks um except you you love it i can't get enough yeah i'm just trying to make you happy thank you oh well it's not really for your sake i'm just doing what's best for the colony which just happens to be you being weirdly obsessed with mining actually maybe we won't get this because most of our rock chunks will be from the inside my god you are a unit what'd i do you know i think we're just going to let anna go crazy and explode because she's not really that useful to her colony and i don't really care about one advanced component do you oh do they not deliver it until yeah it's like one of those contracts where you don't get anything till the very end so we're just going to let her kind of rot here i mean unless if of course you want to take care of her in which case go ahead be my guest what if we disabled all of her work things funny she would probably just spend all day wandering around and eventually get depressed and destroy everything she's already depressed so well she always will be she's just you know like she's kind of a liability i don't mean to you know reign on your parade but yeah no my parade's cool man i oh your parade's good okay fantastic yeah now i got it figured out and i've decided i don't like anna yeah i mean either okay good let's just go back to being you and me eating a lavish meal in front of us what the hell wait she has a lavish meal we might want to just not even we'll she's from wanna how do we feel about wanna okay they are neutral to us we might need to trade but do we want to just like take her what if we just like locked her in a room or something we could imprison her and then force her to join us eventually later i mean she is a good doctor we don't really want her though yeah no i'm just saying like it's pretty valuable cloth button down shirt ah actually i take it back these aren't that good now i wanted the free labor i'll leave it i mean you know she is doing work around here so more power to her i'm gonna go ahead and hold some of these doors open just because there's no point you know it's not winter it's not any extreme temperatures outside so yeah we'll be good that's true so we're just gonna not not give her a bed either yeah i'm gonna i don't know i'm just gonna give you autonomy over this you can if you want i'm gonna just let her go crazy though run train on our lives does she have any addictions she actually has no addictions she just sleeps in the corner there okay good job good job at least like geometrically it's very satisfying you know yeah she'll fill that nice hole in the wall and i hear one better hold on let's make uh let's make blocks until we have we'll do any uh should we do yeah okay any stone blocks until we have let's say let's just make sure that we always have 300-ish stone blocks on us okay we're doing good this place actually looks quite good oh my goodness oh that was kind of nice to you you gave her a plant pot yeah i'll just feel at home whoops i'm just gonna do this there we go yeah that's a good idea unfortunately she'll always avoid it but yeah we just you know we gotta get rid of other people we gotta the human population is getting out of control yeah it's someone's gotta do something yeah oh yeah unless she becomes one of our lovers oh i mean i am walking around just showing off all of my you know goods uh yeah it's gonna kind of gravitate towards me so i don't really appreciate that imagine if that was just a thing in modern society what what if you're just allowed to be a nudist sounding public impressive oh i'm sure like someone will like uh start a protest for it like i can't help it i don't like clothes and then i'll do like 17 twit longers and i'll get like approved yeah can you imagine if like if we got society that point i think that would be great yeah think of all the things that would happen before that too like yeah no that's crazy like there's no way crazier stuff doesn't happen prior to that getting accepted like that's just another thing in the mix at that point that's who knows yeah that's that's the thing that happens after uh oh god cannibalism is okay now yeah like you know because of his dietary restrictions yeah it becomes acceptable i love that kind of thing soylent green baby laura laura thanks for the sup much appreciated finland allows it is this the cannibalism or they're just walking around in the nude i find that i don't know like ah but at the same time maybe there's just so many like neuroses that are in our all right this is getting to some deep territory i don't think i really want to be here i just kind of want to like uh i want to shoot something with our colleagues you know you want to shoot something yeah i got to shoot something you know it's it's a hobby of mine psycho path in the making i mean yeah yeah but it's like for some reason it's societally acceptable if it's animals right like you can just shoot animals that's allowed in our society yeah it is you know like doesn't that kind of suck for the animal like what if the like my cousin's a big hunter like the animal just got away and he was like he's like a pretty good guy too you know do you want this lady night owl tough miss andres although we're both men we'll make her trust us she's incapable of caring though in firefighting uh that's a problem we're in a forest and i like being cared about yeah you know the other day i bought a couple plants and i was just talking to them about the way life has been going and other things like a succulent or a real life live plant no dude it was it was two ferns i got two ferns between two ferns with sac galifianakis between two ferns oh is that one of his things i have not kept up with zach galifian it's fun to say his name that's really as far as i go with it and then there was that song by hot shell ray where they talk about zach galifianakis and i was like looks like that galaxy no remember that song tonight tonight i like that song yeah yeah yeah at the rooftop parties on the rooftop yeah yeah there's a party on the rooftop uh sorry i don't want to get dmca so i'll change the lyrics uh dmc is not even real tomorrow night tomorrow night no don't don't get me in trouble jim um hang on a second we gotta oh god damn it goddammit no no she's getting through all the doors ah crap hang on a second you gotta save me let's get anna here hang on a second oh yeah wait let's use her as a meat shield so uh crap okay no she didn't break the flesh hang on a second you you get away now too get anna in the wake don't be a hero man walk away i'm walking away damn it her pieces there we go yeah get her in there crap this sucks wait a second like ah crap no i gotta save you i gotta save you crap okay oh gosh jesus ah no i'm so sorry man ah crap are you gonna be okay like a champ yeah you'll be fine actually she didn't even break the skin with anything why do i suck oh jesus christ oh no no okay good she's dead all right i gotta save you first oh geez louise i am so sorry man this is just a bonding exercise oh hey riddler fan thank you for the jesus christ with ten gift subs thank you very much riddler finn now i'm injured and pissed off because of riddler finn hey killa cheese killer cheese thanks much for the prime crap okay should we let anna die uh i feel like she did yeah they destroyed her right like but you're okay though you know she didn't actually um she didn't actually give you anything in danger of infection i don't know why i'm using this good medicine you know i'll give you the good medicine just because you're i want you to recover faster yeah uh let's see i'm gonna have to go self-dent yeah i'm surprised though like what did you take you took a club to the everything yeah yeah basically everything but you know it was mostly just your right side maybe you'll just walk with like a slight limp for the rest of your sad life in australia so oh boy a mad squirrel and our doors open right now oh wait no the door is wait no she destroyed the door or the monkey is crap we got to get the monkey to close the door hang on a second okay it's open right now now i'm going to teach you how to get a monkey to close the door in this game okay okay all right so we gotta restrict the monkey to [Music] yeah we gotta restrict him to somewhere outside that way he'll go outside and close the door before this know it's kind of up but just listen well they're not gonna hunt a monkey no but if the monkey closes the door the squirrel can't open a door a monkey can close the door what are you saying this is yours bee ah hey dead air thanks very much for the self okay let's get the uh let's get the monkey outside okay he lets out a deep sigh of satisfaction damn door deep laugh yeah yes good job deep laugh great look he's even fighting off the squirrel oh my god he's deep laughing on the squirrel right in front of us it's amazing oh it's so deep too not too deep though yeah he's he needs to get a little oh he bit out the oh my god this is horrible he's going to town on this thing jesus christ my hero i mean this is kind of like a fight to the death this is pretty up should we rename it ahab ahab yeah ahab lost his leg right i mean a monkey if you're a monkey your arm and your leg are pretty much the same thing right okay let's let's let deep laugh uh let's let him out of the we literally just assigned them to a square so you can go anywhere you want i mean yeah he's pretty strong in that squad oh anna's gonna die really quickly i love how the animals know how to no don't get this get the monkey before we get to anna yeah anna's gonna bleed out about two seconds yeah she just lost her left leg there's no hope yeah she's gone and i'm really sorry for letting you uh down at least you'll recover fast though because i use all that good medicine on you yeah i can't walk but i'll be able to walk soon yeah you'll be fine what a champ oh great we could eat anna now oh good i mean that would kind of change you know we're so short on meat we really needed all that you know that's the issue though it's like i don't really feel like i'm playing the game right if i don't play with cannibals or uh just people with all kinds of other baggage you know like uh it's not like we're living in holland or something like that it's like a like from all your time surviving on like sea blocks and everything and then you try to go back to normal society and you're just like we have to kill the people to eat them and survive and we're like dude we we have rice and normal livestock yeah no that's true though there's like certain traits where once you play the game that way you can't really go back because it's like oh i could eat those people like ah i can't eat those people you know it's it's kind of a buzz kill in in rimworld but yeah i guess we're going to need a couple definitely a couple more graves might want to take out a few more for the uh just have a a surfeit of them i think i have to swallow my own pride and move myself back in the normal area because my guy's very unhappy with his bedroom right now consume uh strip there we go barry yeah i'm gonna try to get rid of all the blood from this room i mean so far we haven't edited any actually you might be the uh first one to go on a mood break because you oh you're ravenously hungry hang on a second let me go feed you oh feed me yes eat you love this something else awful barrack record yeah we're gonna we're gonna move you back in here actually you want me to move your bed back in here yes yeah i'm gonna move you back in here yeah get out of bed all right oh you can move your own bed idiot can i walk oh i can yeah yeah bring your bed in there okay there you go there you go okay i'll bring back in these important rocks there's no space for those rocks i don't know i don't know why was that the first thing that like oh cause we had them on a hall urgently why would you do the dead this is what pisses off like i had a friend who's into strategy games but he can't get into rimworld because it's like uh like your character doesn't have any common sense so it's unfortunate yeah there is literally one called common sense but would you want to explain that to a new player so it's like you know uh so we aren't friends anymore no i don't do that so i just decided it was such a great solution ah no you might want that revolver men i'm recovering all right fair enough i'll pick it up later yeah it's got blood all over it i don't need to see that right now yeah i got nothing yeah you're right all right i'm gonna clean the blood all right so monkey score one hey the everything bagel hey thanks very much i appreciate the bits and stitch anthropo page thanks much for the bits oh yeah okay this is this is improving you know i think i'm going to uninstall that spike trap after years of fruitless searches u.s wildlife officials say the celebrated ivory-billed woodpecker and 22 other species have gone extinct thank you ranger jim dude humans are just alphas we don't go extinct the other things do [Laughter] you think about it i like to imagine that there's just an invisible species that's smarter than us watching us all the time clouds are species probably whoa that'd be crazy if clouds are up in there they're like what we're so high up yeah yeah okay taking good i'm taking such good care of you oh can you thank me dude that's such a letdown man i just took such great care of you yeah man i'm so underappreciated this reminds me of when my mom was taking care of my grandma uh i can't appreciate it you shatter a vase and it's your fault and then you put it back together okay okay expect a thank you yeah that's fair that's fair but i mean like come on dude like i was trying who was i to expect that with this is an issue that with eight shooting skill and with a bolt-action rifle she would just walk right through the two bullets she walked right through two bullets not uh that was weird you're not blank and couldn't you like hit anna i think actually the bolt action rifle does worse at close range uh yeah it's weird like that uh revolver like if we were to get a masterwork revolver or something you know you're so great at crafting uh quite honestly we might be better off with like a masterwork great bow or something like that if we could just get you like inspired again because your glory days are well behind you you'll never be as good as you were but we might get something some juice out of you before you you know expire and just lapse into a deep depression oh what oh dude yeah you gotta smooth these i know i know yeah yeah but i don't have time okay okay fair enough here i gotta work on my rocks you're like hank from breaking bad they're minerals marie full goods trader and a mad this is gonna kill us we're dead i can't stand another squirrel oh actually the trader will take it out look it's running right for the trader oh god so climactic where is this happening so exciting look at the traitor yeah look oh god oh it's like the end of uh 300 i don't know what was it was it no it's not like that i got nothing it's not like 300 at all i don't know we've just had so many references to the odds that it's giving me nostalgia for more things that came out in the arts yeah great decade it's a good decade back there we're an experiment ant farm from aliens watching us deep laughing the clouds deep laugh clouds are always deep laughing that's what they're known for we could trade though yeah i'm going to trade let's see what they got see what they're up to right uh anything you see that you like i have to open it up let's see um [Music] we could sell some of our alpaca meat if we oh actually they got a cow and a bowl you want that i if you want them we can get them i just that's so much responsibility man i can't remember the last time i had a good cow uh yeah yeah always good to have another cow in your life let's sell our k we aren't using all of this fur yeah it's too expensive let's get the cow on the bowl uh we could probably raise pigs if we wanted to though that seems a bit expensive don't you think let's just get rid of all the leather just to bring down our colony wealth uh we'll sell uh we'll keep the rice because i don't want to die um the alp how to see the alpaca meat i don't think we really need all this alpaca meat like we're not really ready for luxury meals yet let's get um let's exchange it for pemmican you call me an uh actually not really a good idea we'll keep the gold we'll do that uh yeah except okay we just sold a lot of our because we had so much crap in our lives there you know maybe that was a terrible idea i don't keep crap in my life all right everything i do is calculated that's because you're arrogant um hang on a second that's also calculated now where do you want to keep these cows i'm thinking they're going to be making milk because they're cows that's what they do we could make a pen man oh this is going to be i think we need one right yeah actually we might have to have well we might not need to have one but it's kind of nice though to have a pen yeah we got a lot of wood sitting around yeah we could have like a little pen island over here oldest oldest joke in the book uh let's see uh well we want them to be on grass let's put that there god uh we could rename one of them bernstein oh crap and talk about nostalgia hey yes oh god look at this it's like the lawn lawn ranch jesus oh what yeah zelda man yeah this is kind of nice yeah i don't know why i'm so excited about this i've always wanted to raise cows and i've never got a traitor with cows ever since the new update though and i just thought my life was just in the garbage pail uh until this happened hang on a second oh you i gotta feed you because you're just such a giant pile of garbage um yeah i don't mean any of that feed me yeah you're doing good actually you are kind of coming out of this you're moving is now it's you won't have any permanent injuries i have a smoke leaf tolerance in my body though because i've had to just cope with your uh lack of utility to our colony what is that they're roaming away oh yeah look they're getting out of here hang on a second come on uh you gotta get out of bed man this cow is i'm right i'm making moves ah do we have a 10 yeah i'm building one right now what do you think i've been doing here i've ever seen yeah i know it's big but we're gonna have a lot of cows man we're gonna have a whole dairy farm you don't get this guy trapped in a little baby space well uh but he he's not that fast though right like he's not gonna get off the whole map in time probably faster than me yeah just try to keep like you know goading him on good yeah see there he goes he's not just like making a b line for the end of the map yeah not yet keep that cow in line oh you're doing great okay actually if you want to help me build this fence ah that'd be really nice of you so good to have a man in the house oh my there we are what am i doing no that was great you you keep cutting down those trees that was such a good job oh i'm getting wood hey sky blaster thanks much for the prime okay skye blaster i'm on to you great okay only one or two more trees to take down i'm just really uh kind of obsessive about this is he how far off is he oh they're kind of getting out of there crap hang on a second i really want to just have the gratification of having the whole fence done though but look they aren't so far away no like they can't just be lost forever okay hang on a second we're gonna have to work deep into the we're gonna have to deeply laugh into the night if we want to get these cows yeah look they're go dude you suck that was just yeah he's kind of getting far okay hang on a second ah jesus hang on a second uh you cut down that tree you see that one up there or actually let's just get other fences let's just build more fences along this fence to avoid the tree god we're so oh we're doing great okay and individual that is an interesting name thank you for the sub yeah okay we just gotta work into the night in a second good my guy keeps trying to go back and play horseshoes okay one of the cows one of the cows is getting pretty far away hang on a second i'm gonna make a a rush for the cow you finish off the fences and you finish off that sign post in the upper right otherwise i'm gonna hit the cow okay yeah we're gonna do some cow tipping baby oh crap no this cow is getting kind of far away hang on a second counters no no no no no no stay stay this would be the worst dumbest way to lose this cow if this cow does cut crap no dude okay the cow is just like kind of chilling no no no no no no no no no no no no he's he's like threatening to leave he's leaving no is the fence almost ah crap okay i'm dude i'm gonna hit the cow i'm gonna hit the cow then he's really gonna run away no he he's he's gonna get more aggressive toward me then probably okay i'm gonna be ready to hit the cow you finish off the uh oh crap hang on a sec okay good you're almost done finish off that signpost i don't know i got so ambitious with this i didn't think that the cow would run away this quickly temporary pen marker inside the house oh that's true we could have done that damn it but why would you want the cows inside all right hang on a second okay we could speed up time again yeah you'll be fine you're doing good great job on that fence am i going to break oh no you're going to break because you're going crazy i'm building this french for every day of my life no allowed reachable pens hang on yeah keep building keep building all right we'll speed up time i don't think we're losing the cow you don't think no i i got my eye on him i got eagle eyes good okay we're almost done there phew what a relief y'all okay okay you got like two more fence segments to go okay i'm hitting the cow i'm hitting the cow the cow is just it's making moves hang on a second no the cow is coming after me okay good at least the cow is coming back though am i gonna shoot the cow okay good the cow was distracted from yeah i'm gonna shoot the cow i i just i gotta down it before we get the pen wait this seems like a really bad okay the cow is staying i'm fine damn it where's the other the other cow is is fine i know i'm hurt i what happened the cow kicked me okay come on come on get that cow don't don't good the cow's not getting away good okay i just gotta keep like making a b-line for this cow good good okay i'm leading it back in tame her i know but it's like also too i don't have anything to tame her with ah crap you ah i'm oh that's great oh man well i of all these stupid things to go wrong i guess this is because we're all both intellectual too okay i'm coming back i think the defense is fine i'm more worried about the fence than i'm worried about god damn it you're destroying the entire fence you giant pile of crap hang on a second you gotta knock me out or something ah no you know i'm just i'm gonna build the fence marker inside that was stupid to me we should i should have done it this way from the beginning i'm so glad we're doing that okay yeah yeah yeah okay did the cow get away oh you're not telling me that the cow got away dude the cow got away counter strike no ah miss him already we have one cow we have a goddamn male cow what are we gonna do with a male cow we have to why am i eating berries off the ground the cow our cow ah no what happened to the cow man can i spawn us in another cow no i'm not gonna we're just gonna i don't know maybe we'll end the stream i'm pretty pissed just to add like i don't know i was i was thinking i was gonna have this ambitious like uh like a what are they what do they call those things like a hacienda in uh in south america like in argentina you have a hacienda i was thinking we were gonna have a great farm you know you and me and we'd have some i wanted to do it all in one big step but it's like you know i let my pride get in the woods pen i've ever seen this is not that big i was gonna make the pen even bigger yeah i figured like you'd make it like here like this big first all right okay you can be smart no i i can't i'm zero into i'm so surprised that that cow just all right well now we understand why pens are important i guess that's i guess that's the lesson to be had here yeah i think it's kind of funny that you destroyed the entire fence that i was forcing and i was breaking the entire fence in like two punches each like just mowing them down i think you had literally one unit of fence like what do you what is this this is an inception fence right here we got you look at this what did you do here don't ask it's like a fence on a fence it's combobulated defense structure i feel like we should just leave this colony like this colony is so quintessentially rim world of just making like one mistake after everything was going so swimming i'm gonna buy you a cow though i i'm gonna get you one for your birthday thank you maybe i'll send you like a gallon of whole milk do we have another cow in the world no damn it ugh don't come along no i let my arrogance get in the way man i'm sorry why don't you why don't you give me some jobs to do i'll i'll uh i'll i'll assuage is that is that the word i'm looking for a switch yeah uh don't look at me i'm playing horseshoes yeah you could assuage as much as you want man yeah i mean when in doubt deep laugh get out of here i'm pissed oh man my dream i you know i raised an entire farm of turkeys on a stream once just to get the validation of having created a fence and you know how this really puts me down in the dumps yeah i get that i'm not spawning a cow i would go into debug mode and spawn myself a cow but i just kind of want to relish this disappointment yeah it's fine we'll get another cow it'll they'll come along it'll be a glorious moment when it comes marching in in fact it's going to march in and self-tame that's what's going to happen yeah maybe you're right actually that that would be that would be amazing if like three seconds later that happened i'm just glad that we didn't get an infestation right after i said that infestation thing that would have been so good okay here we go colin is no we can't lend one of our guys unless if i want to get rid of myself for making bad decisions one calls for 16 days what is this guy's problem he'll i'll like you what if you had only one colonist in the colony i'm surprised that we got cows before we got the uh do we actually even have the cow in this pen though allow animals here we go yeah where is our other cat we just have a useless male cow he's just looking for someone to look he's living in a cave yeah he's entered like a deep depression since he lost his wife oh this is a he's laugh depressioning yeah how is he gonna get out of that let's see if i can get him let's see if i can bring him around after i no enclosed pens oh because we don't have a gate on this pen oh actually no you destroyed this segment of the wall because of your anger management issues uh yeah quest available the dessert oh we got somebody don't expect don't accept that one uh let's see that's a bad one to accept oh dude she's getting murderous what was that movie uh loyalty squad she wishes to join you at she's oh we're gonna be hunted by the emperor i've never actually had this you never know i didn't know this was an event i mean it would be a terrible event to take up so let's do it yeah we've got only like 20 more minutes left to stream let's take this person on and just ruin our lives yeah you want to do it or you want to i don't know you want to keep it going i mean it's up to you i mean i'm always down to keep it going but if you want to take on the ambition of that sounds like something that somebody would say on tinder so i'm gonna uh i don't know i i think i'm gonna i i think that seems kind of sus like i don't want to get involved in this okay it's too bad that we can't actually see her though oh yeah last joints no information available she's just somebody with a gun link on her head on the other hand too i'll remind you of this if we make enemies with the empire you and me are smart guys we could take their stuff and then it wouldn't be theirs but our stuff we would have to go ultimate sweaty rim world mode but we could do it what do you why do you think i play this yeah i mean if you want to do that and you want to get down and dirty and step up the grind we can do it we're enemies with the empire put her there oh my god she does have an smg is it uh bonded to her i mean it's poor quality yes oh poor quality heavy smg is garbage wait we take it back we don't want to take you in anymore uh crap what did i sand this up for she is actually she's quite good um she would be a decent researcher actually she's exactly what we need an artillery woman i don't know i like her i like her man she's greek i have a lot of greek friends look we got some she's walking oh no she's she's swimming through look and we got another guy who has an lmg and this gentleman is addicted to luciferian we could just keep him outside for like two weeks and eventually he'll die he's a wimp and he's kind oh that's kind of nice though here i'm gonna take control of my guy and get inside i like how she just joins us like we're just the most random colonist it's a nudist and you're just a guy who wears like you're kind of like the kid who wears that really heavy jacket because his mom made him uh your pistol's in the storage room where are you going no he goes where he will oh wait this guy is just waiting okay hang on a second let's let's go out and chase this guy down all right my gun yeah get your gun jimmy's got a gun the whole world's come undone and everybody wait for me guys last scary we're going to put her closer because she's got the smg we're just you know she's better armored than us too so we kind of want her to get shot we just have to make sure that we don't snap in the middle of this whole thing let's uh let's just have her kind of run in there she's epic watch this she's gonna mow him down oh uh run run back run away he's got an lmg though too but she has so much more armor than us that so does this guy this guy actually has quite a lot of armor we might honestly be better off just going in there and just punching this guy i'm down oh ah hell yeah we got some luciferium too yeah we got an lmg you want the lmg yeah i'll equip it nice good quality lmg nice take luciferio uh strip him uh what are you okay i got it oh hell yeah okay good we got we have an ass load of better armor now maybe i'll just wear this since uh you hate clothes it's actually one of the most compelling narratives i've ever done for rimworld it's like i've never been so gripped love it we could do so uh this guy is not very good right tortured artist he he was like meant to be an artist though i kind of feel bad for him like he's a kind wimp tortured artist like he was this guy is ah but he's also addicted to luciferium to tell you how they're just gonna he's just die he's basically just like a rich kid who goes to an art school you know yeah yeah uh i think we're good good we got the cow in there this is the most lonely sad colony love it she needs a bed lonely sad company look she'll sleep between us oh great you're doing you're doing a good job man what am i doing no but it's like it's kind of dear to me too though like you know like you have some nostalgia for periods of your life when you were kind of sad you you get that sometimes maybe that person's gonna wake up by the way like sadness nostalgia oh no yeah well he's probably just gonna i've never seen somebody die of luciferium need what actually happens to them if they die like they always just they kind of dissolve right i think that would be a nice death though like if i had to pick off of a list like i think dissolving would be very i don't think that would be like a painless dissolve though i feel like that's like a really up thing happening to you yeah but it's also like how many other people experience ah yeah you're right maybe that's maybe i'm going to i don't think yeah i don't think it would come down to like a like i'm the only one who experienced this because like well you'd never know because you wouldn't be around to know that you had like yeah just died like awesome like you wouldn't you wouldn't even be able to do that that's true like your your final thoughts are gonna be like yep this is probably the end have you ever thought about that no i don't want to oh i'm quite comfortable with it now i'm going to say why am i putting on a helmet wait is this it's okay can i be yeah i can totally be a nudist with a helmet on wait do they not care then wait nutrient paste meal negative four i knew we hated it oh that's not so bad well compared to like food poisoning or whatever else could happen well i mean we have no risk of food poisoning oh that's a good point yeah that's why we do this nutrient paste deep down enriching to the body or what god i gotta go re-watch the matrix or something now it was a fun thing to rewatch the other day i like the matrix ah damn now you had me thinking you know i don't know i feel like you've you've got me beat on some of these film references like i gotta go back and read some books and watch some movies okay thank you for being polite i appreciate that oh look this guy is just leaving well i'll see you later it's like yeah go tell your friends what you saw here wait is he is he gonna stay and just make a new life for himself no he's out of here yeah if he does say what he saw here he's gonna be like we can take these guys if we just bring one more person like we got this maybe they'll bring maybe they're all tortured artists and that's what wimpy kids yeah les scaris was just fleeing that i don't know that was the diary of a wimpy kid actually that doesn't greece have a lot of money like they had those they had the trojan war man like the greeks sacked why doesn't greece why aren't they the richest country they have so much like uh yeah they killed yeah man i'm talking about the trojan war the greeks sacked troy and they killed king prime shouldn't they still have a lot of that left over i mean we've had a stock market for thousands of years um yeah of course that's not true but um you know they should have they've been investing in gold and other things mycenia i don't know what i'm saying anymore ignore all of that uh celeste celeste stealings thanks very much for the sub and ghillie theory you're right oh god i thought it was like i thought it was like stella's stations but it wasn't ah god i might be a bit dyslexic yeah no no i've butchered things way worse than that that's like when's dc venue today came around i was like d d7 d cevin yeah but you get that too right like you understand streamer blindness is that yeah is that a phenomenon that you experience or is that just me i mean normally it's me trying to humble my viewers by not talking to them or acknowledging them whatsoever um that's a pretty good oh that's a pretty good technique though i don't know should we do that more yeah to the point where like they don't even know that's a pretty good idea pre-recorded or not like no idea like we're even talking to them that's kind of funny you could just honestly just oh god post whatever you want on here as a stream be like no no he just doesn't talk to people like [Laughter] it's his thing he doesn't acknowledge chat i think my cousin did that with kovid but it was with his job um and and zoom yeah i mean clever clever yeah he had just filmed a gif of himself um like uh nodding and smiling uh and people just believe that he was there on his camera lpx90 thanks much for the three months a scholar oh you deserve a scholarship i want a scholarship oh we could uh we could apply for some for you your uh your mother and i um or me and lascaris wow very neurotic steadfast night out is she gonna be any use to us i kind of like how she dissolves on her death death acidifier check this thing out can you like take that thing out or is that just uh honestly don't know let's go find out operations uh we could euthanize her uh oh that's different we could remove her tongue jesus is this a new thing from 1.3 interesting ah i don't believe that that operation was there before i thought that was from war crimes expanded but i guess they might have just taken that and she's going to show binge is she's not a gourmand though is she no no we're okay we're okay all right i'm gonna create a dead uh squirrel stockpile zone here we're gonna have only rotten ones only rotten ones squirrels yeah cause the thing is with the rotten animals is until we get burning going which i don't really want to go to the trouble of getting burning going uh we just got to put dead squirrels over there see like we had a dead rotting squirrel in front of our house that would kind of be a damper on the mood like for a welcome mat you just put a dead squirrel there dude i just bought it with uh welcome mat the other day ten dollars fantastic deal yeah you can get a welcome mat for ten dollars isn't that great i have a welcome mat with a pineapple on it that sounds kind of nice but it's only because it's so dry where you live yeah and like sometimes yeah you're just overly compensating i've never done i welcome matt on the other hand completely plain welcome matt does it just say welcome in like comic sans font it doesn't even say welcome it's just a matte it's actually it's not even a welcome mat it's just a man this is w yeah a rug you know i've never seen a welcome mat that just said matt and not welcome as well the person's name is matt like m-a-t-t and then they just i was like i live here this is me dude or their best friend's name is matt and it says welcome matt and then they just have that rug at all times or you just pay a guy named matt to welcome people at your house when they walk is like welcome matt like he's like that's his uh abbreviation just welcome or he just stands there day and night and then welcome welcome matt dude that's ins that's matt and that's matt ception yeah that is i don't know i like our colony can she she can do the thinking for us they're right okay let's get a research project underway because we need she's smart sorry i'm back on topic now uh yeah let's get yeah she's way smarter than like both of us combined of course as soon as she stops eating um which she's constantly eating but think of how full she'll be you know that it's kind of nice yeah but then she'll go into a food coma and sleep uh yeah but you know maybe you have to oh dude we got to make a third chair too oh crap i've been putting this off you know we might want to rebuild it better i haven't clicked like anything in like 10 minutes yeah i've i've kind of noticed that like you're like i'm just looking around the map like looking for like something i haven't seen yet as if i'm gonna find like a buried treasure like in the open fields that's okay that's cause i'm this cause i'm much smarter um yeah there's zero hang on a second let's get the let's get rid of this poor table it's i'm gonna force you to do some things then for no you're what are you do now you're okay you're just trying to make it look like you're working there we go all right now i'm working no okay well all right very well no there's chairs oh you're making two tables i've never seen this uh no i'm i'm just gonna move this one over oh yeah reinstalling is good the only thing is that there's a lot of things that can't be reinstalled in this game so minify everything i don't know if you use that mod it's ridiculously good mod because it's just like i should be able to reinstall my wind turbine right i mean wind turbines very easy to put up and take down i don't know what here yeah that should be a breeze yeah we're actually we're doing we're doing work in here this is looking good yeah that's spicy that sounded kind of not really like my personality oh i don't think i should be right in here god she's been eating for like four days fantastic well you can beat up your colonists or arrest them to get them out of mood things sometimes arresting immediately works really well they don't get the catharsis mood buff because they couldn't get it out of their system but you know they'll just have to live with that i learned today that i can arrest and then press release on them instead of having to recruit them over and over again yeah i didn't know that i've been recruiting them back every time i arrested them yeah i honestly like you've made i i thought i was gonna help today by doing like some just brain dumping but you've learned everything that i it took me like it took me years to learn some of these things in rimworld and i'm not saying that out of like patting myself on the back but just because a lot of people that i try to get into this game will be like no like it's too hard you know uh no you you you've got some some brain there sir yeah i mean i just i just play games you know that's the secret it's the secret knowledge to know about hunted count this uh we can't get anybody honestly i think we did pretty well in here because the empire is they're just a giant pile of garbage anyway uh let's see how is our faction relation oh jesus christ we took a big colony spike in wealth when we got that lady oh crap hostile minus 100 empire come on yeah because we just dude this would be like taking in a war criminal though i don't see why they hate us so much because we took her in as a deserter and i think that this is part of the reason why they're running a totalitarian dictatorship down with them down with them yeah yeah bad people yeah oh great our martha stewart would be so glad about our home jesus oh yeah oh look you even mind the things that i kind of wanted you to mine out yeah i think we're like we're we're synced up yeah dude uh mascaras okay good you're doing that are we doing any research what is she doing she's cleaning the dirt in the pen cleaning the trash okay we're going to have her not do any cleaning uh you do the res you do the research alaskaris here we go good i'm just gonna have everybody four on that cleaning you don't do cleaning lascaris good okay so now we're doing some science uh technology we need batteries yeah we don't have any batteries okay cool i think this place aside from the one cow that i regret losing which i'm going to mysteriously uh put into the game because i'm mad at myself yeah in the meantime uh yeah i think we're good i'm actually gonna have to head out in a couple minutes so uh dan it's been really good having you on man thank you so much for coming out jesus christ this is uh honestly i uh i i really enjoyed playing this uh if you want to do it again i don't know like we were chatting about our schedules and stuff so yeah let me know what your uh let me know what your plans are my plans are building this colony and getting us off the planet oh hell yeah you want to save it and we'll pick it up another day if you're up for it or uh i mean otherwise as like a one i kind of planned for it to just be like a one-shot like beginner kind of thing like answer any questions but i just had a good time talking um yeah i'm i'm invested now yeah i'm i'm getting that a little bit like this could be a fantastic post yeah we could even like kind of alternate on and off i don't know uh everybody guys if you're if you're coming out here jimmy's on youtube i used to watch his old school runescape videos and he was just like uh kind of chilling in my chat one day i was like what the and then uh but yeah you made your name necessarily more confusing because the jimmy on twitch so guys go drop to me a follow um or check out his youtube if you do old school runescape he has a lot of good old nostalgic stuff uh i guarantee that you'll like it fantastic storytelling and just goddamn good music um but i'm gonna stop uh tooting your horn now anything you wanna add or subtract or i don't know i'm just gonna deep laugh a bunch oh
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 307,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld game, j1mmy, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, ambiguous amphibian, rimworld mods, rimworld multiplayer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 5sec (11165 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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