Palworld's most POWERFUL 9 to 5 Employee

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Alright so everyone knows this ray of sunshine right? Well over the past 2 weeks, I sent out on a quest to create the MOST powerful Depresso the world has ever seen. And for that, I caught the legendary Necromus, and then bred him and his traits all the way down into Depresso. And after about 6+ different breeding combinations, so many cakes, and countless hours of waiting, it finally happened. *Hype* Using the countless failures as sacrifices for their perfect brother, this is the attack power of my Depresso at level 1. For reference, the attack power of the legendary necromus with no special traits at level 1 sits at an attack power of around 111, so there’s a considerable difference already. Now before we go any further, we gotta give this guy a name. So what’s a good name for this typical 9-5 employee. Uhhhh, lets just go with Zach. Sweet, alright since Zach here is a dark type Pal, I also wanted to catch some hoocrates to boost his attack power even further. And by some, I mean roughly like, 468 hoocrates, that way I can condense them into the perfect team. This ends up putting level 1 Zach, at an attack stat of 317. Surely that’s enough right? Well listen, if there’s anything I want you to take from this video, it’s that I have literal insane levels of dedication. So no, there’s still at least 2 more things we can do to make him even more powerful. The first thing is to come over to our statue of Power, and use our Pal Souls to max out his Attack, Defense, and Health respectively. Then, we’ll come over to our electric Kitchen, and take a look at this food right here. The Eikthyrdeer Loco Moco. When eaten, it’ll boost attack by another 20%, so let’s go ahead and make idk, 50 of those just in case. Just don’t ask where I got all the deer meat from. *Violent Slaughter* Anyway, now that that’s done, let’s eat one, and see where that puts us. 494 at level 1, that’s even higher than this level 50 boss mammorest I have. And honestly, that kinda makes me want to see how strong Zach is right now, while he’s still just at level 1, and then when we can really see the difference when he gets to level 50. And who better to test him out on, than the first tower boss, Zoey and Grizzbolt. Alright, as I was heading over here, I realized that Zach only has Poison Blast, which is fine since it’s a dark type move, but I decided to bring along some skill fruits to give him that extra umph. Which reminds me, I totally forgot to mention earlier, is that this trait Lord of the Underworld will only work if he’s using dark type moves, so that’s the kind of fruits I brought. I’m gonna start by feeding him these 2 Spirit Flame, and then Nightmare Ball, and then we’ll keep our last fruit for later. But without further ado, lets do this. Hey! If you liked the video, and want to see more videos like this, let me know down in the comments what you want to see next, and I will catch you guys next time. Alright, let’s feed Zach, and then let’s send him out Zach you got this! He missed... Great Come on Zach, you can do better than this. Okay, okay, that’s not bad, that’s not bad Oh he cannot take hits though He’s doing a decent amount of damage Come on Zach, you got this! Oh it is not looking great. Come on, Caffeine Inoculation You got this! You got this! Go Zach! Alright, first attempt, complete failure. Honestly, gotta say, pretty disappointed. However, he’s only level 1, so let’s come back when he’s level 50, and see how much changes Alright, after a lot of grinding, we are back, With level 50 Zach, with a standing attack power of 1931 Now that is a lot better than what we had before. I’m gonna feed him Dark Laser. Make sure he knows the moves. He’s got Spirit Flame, Nightmare Ball, Dark Laser. Let’s do this. Alright Zach, you’re a completely different person now, it’s time to redeem yourself OH...Dayum. Ok yeah, that’s a lot more like it 2 attacks! it took 2 attacks for him to beat grizzbolt Welp, I guess that means there’s only 1 thing to do Alright Lily and Lyleen, meet the most powerful 9-5 employee, Zach Uh, I’m gonna try commentating this like a battle announcer. Alright Lily and Lyleen appear to be bugged out, nope now we’re good. Zach starts us off, but Lyleen knocks him out with a spine vine, only for him to get back up and be hit straight on by a bubble blast, but he does not seem phased in the slightest. The look on his face just screams that today is Monday. *cough cough* Aw man, I don’t know how people announce like that for longer times. I will say, Zach is doing a lot of damage with his attacks, but he is just taking these hits. He’s gotta start avoiding them if he wants to come out on top here. Maybe caffeine inoculation will help. That extra speed and he can dodge some attacks or something. It doesn’t immediately seem to be helping though, but maybe it will. Dayum that nightmare ball did 5000 and 83 damage. Still, Zach has gotta stop eating these attacks man. I guess I could be calling him back into his ball to avoid attacks, but I just feel like that ruins the spirit of him beating the boss on his own. It’s like outside interference from me. It’s getting to be a pretty close fight though. At this point it could probably go either way, but I think that a few good attacks from Zach and we can he win this. So let’s just see what happens. Oooo come onnn, it’s sooo close. Finally, after a minute and fifty two seconds, he finally won, but at what cost. Wait! Zach, NO! You have so much to live for Zachhhhhhhh!
Channel: DaCodesta
Views: 76,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaCodesta, Palworld, PalworldPals, PalworldPalsExplained, Depresso, Pals, Gaming, Explained, 9-5 Employee, Employee
Id: Dpr0baXjLSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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