how to stack items in palworld !! tip and tricks

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all right today we'll figure out how to stack some stuff usually I'll start with the breeding pan I start to do a 5x five so this way I have enough room to put everything and that usually I do four so I can do three set of stairs and I guess you can go as high as you want yeah so again 5 by five this one's 4x4 but I'll hat on there you go when you done that I did like four level you need to wiggle a little bit and going to be able to place your place your pan there your really is how you call it I don't know you can break pretty much everything but need to be in the right order if not everything is going to crash down and when you did that you just repeat like I said I did four I think so I'll do that for more time 5 by five it's just really important the how you're going to break it because if you break the wrong one it's going to clap so and before to place your pen you need to break two like that that's really important if not it's not going to work sometime can be a little bit tricky to put it put it in place so you just add stuff so you can walk on it and it'll eventually work there we go see I have three done I think we need to break under in the right order if you try it you'll see what I mean if you want to get rid of everything I'll sh the in how to do it too we go three that's the last one I usually don't put one in the bottom you can do another one in the bottom if you want usually with four I'm good see always the same order there we go you can put this one if you want to keep the structure there so this way you'll be able to go get the eggs and you can put your pile on it so it won't drop just drop a few pile there to show you a little bit how to do it so you put it on the little square there so now it's going to be okay take another one because only one pile will not make great baby there we go so now we have two we can break that don't need that and we put it back so we can see everything's good and you add some cake and even if they're not and the pan is going to work you could keep the floor if you want to but you'll see what I do at the end there and just fly and take the eggs and get some cake you don't really need stairs like that they're all in the bottom and now I'll do the same thing but uh I actually forgot the name [Applause] there since I have a slab on the main floor or I can just put the wrench on top of it and even if the pal are not able to go they're going to do the same thing but on the floor so you have all your thing on the same spot you're just going to if you do four you're going to have four time the amount you can just break it don't need it you see they're all floating there there you go now we're going to add some B Don't Judge Me On My Pal we go so I think I have one to mini so I'll break this one cuz I have I like to have easy access to it so now this way everything's just going to be on the floor [Music] go now I'll show you how to put some bed I just need a big I just do a big structure like that so this way I'll it's going to be easier to reach there understand she sing what I do there cuz usually if you want to put a bed you need at least 20 bench high so every two bench you can put one bed I do it with the cheap bed but if you do it with the other one the the the nicer one you can put two maybe you can put two there but I don't know didn't work for me I tried to do every bench but didn't work you need to do it every two bench see that you break two bench you put one sometimes is a little bit hard to put there but it's there we go and like that you're going to save a lot of room you have a tiny base or you want to be in the circle so like that put like 10 see they can go sometime in there or they're just going to sleep around it and last thing we're going to do uh for Plantation that can save you a lot of space too because they're quite big sometimes usually when you do that you don't want to build it too quick because you cannot see through it so you can wait a little bit this one I don't know why I did two there probably because uh he build it too quick so it's too hard so as long as you understand how to do it go see every bench is good break one and put yours there we go and if if you build it too quick you won't be able to see and you won't have the right angle to do it so you won't be able to to stack it like that so there you go five stack garden and that's it so you can see what look like I could could made it closer but just want to show you how to do it guys it's not really my base and if you don't want the stairs and just want to fly by can do that as well you see there you go no stair no nothing everything's on the floor but your eggs and your cake take you need to uh you need to go with your flying F to go get it the only thing there if you need to switch your pal you won't be able to do it so is it a good option maybe not but hey if you want it clean there you go there you have it how to stack stuff and like you you see there just passing on top of it and I'm full so you may be able to put a gate around it or something oh well there you have it guys for
Channel: QC819
Views: 24,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld stacking
Id: 1AG6B83MCDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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