OLD ANTIQUE RING I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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Jeremie here and things have slowed down tremendously around the holidays in regards to auctions and so we got a look online to get some new ones which i've got my eye on a few this week but we still have that six hundred and fifty dollar unit that I haven't unboxed yet and there's some other things in the warehouse that I still have an unbox now that six hundred and fifty dollar unit was bought maybe three and a half four weeks ago if you recall I took Sam out who contacted me through YouTube any assay can you go to an auction with message sure let's go and so we did a little bit of training had a little bit of fun and now we're gonna dig in to that six hundred and fifty dollar unit finally that's just been sitting and waiting for us so let's do it let's go dig in this is the six hundred and fifty dollar unit and if you recall from the original video the melt can was there and it showed some promise of antiques of course antiques usually equal money so I don't know exactly what's in here yet because I just loaded as fast as possible but I do know it's not going to be an easy sort especially when you've got a lot of loose things instead of a lot of toted and box things when I sort is it up a garbage can a recycle bin and the reason why I use the recycle bin because it gives me an extra can and then I use a scrap metal Ben as well so it's time to dig in and see what we've got let's quickly take a look at the melt can again one of the reasons why I purchased the unit we can see the melt can has been painted a couple of different times and some damage to it as well so it'll still be an extremely collectible piece in my area it will probably sell for $100 a couple other things i can see when i was actually bidding was this old piece and i assumed this is a garden piece that spins once it catches the wind what would you call this do you call this a windmill or yard decor but i liked nothing to think okay there had to be something else in there and then I also saw this basket and so it had some of the bottles now I grew up in a family grocery store and I grew up around old old bottles and it was a third-generation grocery store so lots of you like this glass let's take a look nothing nothing special that I can tell they're 16-ounce we've got if I'm not mistaken that looks like an old Orange Crush bottle but I could be mistaken you do have the old Pepsi bottles here remember when you used to take the bottles back and get ten cents my brothers and I would actually run around the neighborhood looking for discarded bottles so that we could go get penny candy with the ten cents there's another Pepsi there's a coca-cola right there I think we had a there dr. pepper another coca-cola that here's hey I've got something in there that's just let's see if it's still good things like this antique table that I just put together with the legs and it has a beautiful distressed look I'm just gonna send it straight off to auction because that distressed look is so collectible right now and so desired that I think it'll do better at auction than sitting this winter in the warehouse and waiting till spring let's jump in our first toe oh I already like what I'm seeing look at here I don't know if we have aconite nope not a connive we got a saw I saw George would like that that's actually that's probably gonna go home with me we got a dolphin what is oh look at that it's flipper this has got to have some collectable resale value I would think I have to look that up on eBay not sure what it's supposed to there's definitely a squirt thing there I'm not sure what that is beer mug kind of Cotto Lake Park Pennsylvania I've never been there got an old ball jar looks like here we've got looks like some measuring just see oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah engineering rulers I wonder if somebody was an engineer we've got look at here we've got some photos let me see oh wait wait hold a second you guys can see these cuz these are war photos look at that I think those are their uniforms okay let's oh wow Wow looks like a baby they're probably sending off the world war two would be my guess see yeah and there would that be police or would that be firefighter potentially see there's a patch there patch there what would that patch mean let me know in the comments look there's another one look at that if we come across anything personal we're gonna have to edit it but let's keep looking now that would be a personal photo but look how old that is that's just amazing look at that old time I've got a pinup in the Hat so he's got his uniform on as well there's another one there's a bigger one wow what history really cool oh let's see we've got it's like a piece to an old car not sure what type of car but look at this I've got a box here that says the faux moko so I'm sure that's the Ford Motor Company maybe Momoko Ford family a car it's empty so maybe that piece is from a Ford we've got what is this look at this this is a patch that's nice that they kept it in plastic yep police department patch right there and with it I don't know what you call these things it's not a tie whatever it is it goes around the collar so that's in there as well pretty cool look at this thing a lion lion oval railroad let me see if I can pick it up and pull it out look at that and look it's got a lion out clock right up in the top it's got little mini cars I'm guessing yeah I'm sure plugs in here's a plug right here so it must plug in and then the the train goes around the track line ville Express Wow runs on batteries really cool okay we got looks like an old drill old screwdriver still working great we've got sure that's a letter opener some kind of odd tiki torch letter opener something goes I can't stop this feeling deep inside of me all right we're gonna set that aside look at this antique scissors let's see if we give look at the design there right there on the handle you see that would you crack walnuts in there anyway we'll do these scissors and old wall nutcrackers at the same time well we got a name there oh there it is whis and all I can see is forged steel USA come on get in there there we go and all I see is a pattern here I'm sure there's collectors out there just for scissors as well okay let's see what else we got we've got a little Rubbermaid oh look spice teas we found one of these in the $500 unit and you guys said the tin was worth something I set that down right there we've got oh my goodness this is see their Bell & Howell that's got to be from a microscope yeah that's got to be a microscope piece we'll set that down in here and set this over here electric shaver Lube kit Schick all right let's find out it looks old I don't see any date we got paperwork look at that can we got lube and oil how cool how cool there's a big 20 on it I have to look at the paperwork and see if I can find the date I bet somebody would be interested in that that's got to be collectible there we've got a set of keys some people keep asking me to send them keys because I find so many keys I have I've never seen keys like this before what is this the Three Little Pigs and hats anybody seen keys like that before America Tourister would that be for I don't know and then we got a blue oval certified looks like a 4-pin and we got one more thing in here let's take a peek it looks like it's got some damage age spots and it looks like looks like our a Calvary officer okay there's more let's see an old-time Plains fight painting by Frederick Remington courtesy of Harold McCracken and there's more there's like three or four or five here let's see if we can look at them all there's a trapper come on these gloves aren't helping at all here we go the cowboy we got one more we didn't see which is going to be this one here an old-time plains fight maybe that we did see that one an old-time plaint see up we did two of them same one this next toad is a rather large toe but it's also a light tote so here we go let's see I don't know what all the duct tape is one two three well looks like we've got some weed barrier to go down for a flowerbed and we've got a two within a tote let's see this is that looks here here's another one you know what this is these are sides to a barbecue okay so we got the sides to a barbecue we've got some kind of plastic and we got a tote within the tote and an empty water bottle in here wait wait wait we got another piece of the barbecue not our best find let's dig in see what we got here this one's kind of heavy we got a basket here looks like a couple Amish or a little Dutch I guess they're both the same from behind little basket nothing much in it here's an old iron I think my mom had this iron growing up had the orange button you guys remember all this growing up look at that all right oh cool you know what this is this is we're picking up logs so you open it up like that and then you pull the handle which increases the tension this is the handle pick that up and now you can get those logs where you want them and we do have we do have a name I can't see it again my color blindness when colors blend in can you guys can you guys see what that says all right let's keep moving on oh we got an old drill got another old spinny top drill thing neat needs a little cleaning up though for sure soak that in some coca-cola or some vinegar yeah that needs some cleaning huh Sears model 5 75080 12 volt rechargeable portable battery pack holy cow it's heavy it's really heavy what in the world would you use this for here's a little a little something here I think it would go in there whatever it was for and there's a there's a cord there's a cord as well so you would plug this in I don't know I've never seen one of those before oh look at this a Coleman Maxx micro stove come on be in there be in there oh man if it's in there we can actually heat some food up I'm starving okay let's see what we got oh it's brand-new whoo yeah look at that brand-new micro stove how cool is that man I would have loved to have that with me out on the Appalachian Trail oh wow that's great can't beat something like that especially when you love camping like I do Aion but in the world is this I think I found the little people's hammer for sure my entire hand will go around that all right let's keep going we got Broadway seconds these cards let's see yep Atlantic City they're playing cards sure are we got a compass I wonder if this is a Silva okay it it's a Boy Scouts of America compass for sure we'll get there right there on the edge yeah and it is a Silva there it is right there Silla systems we've got a handy tamp temperature made by Taylor see if there's anything on the back see if we can find a date mercury nope I don't see a date anywhere obviously old what is this you know what this is this has got to be the first Elf on a shelf only it's goat in the tote something Wow that thing looks rough Wow oh yeah oh man I am starving just what I need just what I need please please Oh too strong for my own good nope no food all right I'll do a scrap metal here's a pokeymon look at that there's a Pokemon see if we can on that I don't know which Pokemon that is we've got the wall see if we got case here Oh beautiful that's a brand-new set nice that's going home with me looks like we got why would somebody have a pot in here would it be porcelain lined or there's pints and cups on the inside collect it would it be collectible oh here we go okay the Vollrath company USA cook king where 30 bean pot maybe this is a collectible bean pot you guys let me know piece of piece of coral that broke off huh somebody's holding onto a piece of coral see what else we got we got the gap let's see what this is looks like a mini Trapper Keeper remember that Trapper Keepers when we were kids going to school well those of you that are my age oh they're stickers nothing else there's another one let's see what that one looks like two of them in there this one's camo the gap oh that one's got pens pencil eraser pencil sharpener it's a grand new pulls that we've got a little mini book dating for dummies there we go now so many of you have been asking for my tips on how to land an Egyptian beautiful woman in just three dates let's see let me see predating warm-ups that's going to be what I need to talk about bet first the best places to meet people I got to tell you we met at Buffalo Wild Wings we had cheese curds and it was history after that all right a couple other things in here let's take a look real quick what is that 40 years afford afford q1 Timken looks like a pin what's this oh you know what that looks like a birdhouse yeah that's what it is that's a birdhouse really cool this tool chest was hiding in the back corner and so we're gonna peek here and see what we got we're always in good shape when we get some tools although I'm not seeing anything of high dollar or value here there's an old pair of vise grips if you remember those rat wrenches oh there we go akka knife look at that that's a Gerber - that's a Gerber connive unfortunately I haven't needed it yet let's go ahead and we'll make sure that Kenai Fizz safe won't go down all right drawer number 2 flat feeder we've got a charger outlet here we go we've got an old old lighter in there let's see it is a Nimrod you can read that there it's an old Nimrod see what we got down below open her up here we've got ratchets upon ratchets upon more ratchets and then we've got nuts and bolts tires and that looks like pieces - separators separators and toilet stalls lots of odd things there see what else we have we've got listo marking pencil that looks kind of old green Solo cups instead of the Red Solo Cup wd-40 which obviously we always need see what else we got wow that's an old old tin see that's pretty rusty oh my goodness I got it ah there's where we put those Christmas bells away right there we put those in the old tool chest got glass fragile over here let's see it doesn't well some glass it's gonna say doesn't look like glass but then there is some glass check that out United States Marine Corps veteran how cool look at that Marines that's beautiful we got Anchor Hocking salt and pepper set 1977 on the back there is a name 1977 looks like it's never been opened and whatever was just in here just came out so Dakota air dude or litter I don't know whatever it was it was in here and it originally sold at Murphy's for a buck nineteen I'll find the rest of it down here oh wow look look look look look at this look at this old Jeep see the logo hmm it's a TACA TACA toys see on the tire let's see if we can find a date this is plastic down below but there's 10 as well I don't see a day so this is a plastic and tin piece obviously painted still really cool truck there is a number 18 NASCAR Cup there is a harley-davidson mug again Harley sells like crazy and again the wolf theme sells like crazy too so that's a win-win if I've ever seen one here's how that goes to that box so there's more the thing that came out of there 30 cents it says there's a little a and W cruisin a and W root beer mug it's I think it's plastic see what we got here can you guys read that on the bottom mm and I think it says 2003 we got a little crock so nine 20 on the bottom of the little crock I wonder if the lid is in here there's another United States Marine Corps glass beautiful glass okay we've got a Harley model keep going we got another Harley we got a Harley hog right there how cool is that we got a Harley hog we got it over the hill parking permit so apparently you put that in your visor and you can park wherever you want what do we got here some kind of rolled up calendar we'll set that aside look at that brass now it's party light that is a party light 1994 piece right there I wonder do people still even collect party light there's a brand new John Deere right there tags still on it how about that lamp-wick we got another Harley model we've got let's see c7 105 would that be a Melkor creamer poorer well is this there's Brahms and a glitter explosion inside hmm made in China go figure up there it's another one of the bottles oh there we go whoops careful now we've got we've got a magazine or a clip or as George and I like to call them a clipazine [Music] okay got some other random things in here I'm at a Harley Davidson magnet board so you just take it off throw it on that's kind of cool somebody loved Harley's and then we've got some other other things down here as well some odd diecast looks like there's a couple others too look at that look at that dragon piece nice heavy metal piece the artwork there and there's one more of those if I can get it how the trolls hair we're caught in the troll look at that how cool is that no markings on the bottom though and we got a troll few other pieces down here respect the vet a little bit of glassware down there a couple mini pieces of glassware here see if I can get that one out of there there we go we got a chip in that one that one was made in Japan look at that we got an arrowhead there's an arrowhead who would have thought thunk thunk that we got stars on the outside of the taupe maybe that means there's gonna be some superstars inside of it let's see we've got tinker toys oh wow I wonder if these are the originals you would sure think so see that inside look at that Wow what's this see an e Marshall company open her up what what is it look at this it's a bunch of vials you see in this vials of different pieces and parts I have no idea huh let's look at this again a greater service I have no idea I've never seen that before oh look at that nice little cheerio cap right there got some old bowls with an H on it there's a number 5 and a 120 I got another matching Bowl right here 421 anybody know what that is with the H I've got no clue we got a little beanie cap for Richland Avenue school anybody who's ever gone there there's your beanie cap you little war we've got what is this what is this oh I think I think we know what it is now okay I think this goes on your car and then you squeeze this and you get mooned all right can't wait to show that to George here's the cobbler bench I bet the pieces in the hammer probably down there somewhere well there's the hammer right there there it is there's the hammer we got another Harley item there's a Harley hat never have enough Harley never ever itself so quick on eBay you can't hold on to it Boston Tea Party nothing in there okay got another piece of glass something Kraft I'm not sure some kind of craft Dallas Cowboy NFL we've got a we've got a well I honestly don't know it's backwards this must been a stamp for something okay it's completely and totally backwards let's see if we can read any part of it finishing contest no fishing this is a fishing contest fishing contest tackle prize and has silver grand prize this is a stamp for something and look there's the fish up there huh I wonder if this was advertising for for a newspaper we've got a teddy bear I doubt that it's a gund the legs do move 1993 Hamilton gifts we got a Manny Ramirez right there he was amazing for Cleveland ac/dc buttons bad taste bears keychain oh wait wait wait all right we don't need to show that didn't realize what that was Kodak watch Kodak in this in the Olympics found money money money look right there the buck stops here this bag contains money that was recently in use it's old fives tens 20s hundred-dollar bills even yes I know exactly what I'm gonna be doing tonight I'm gonna start taping this up that's awesome I'll take that home to George ask me another riddle buy Cosby something Cat in the Hat missing parts of it we got a monkey we got a bear what else we got oh look at this look at this Nintendo 64 this must be a WCW strategy guide yep right there sonic adventure so that n64 is probably the exact same thing there it is right up there strategy guide that's what it is the polite elephant the stud playing cards jumbo index more Harley there's a head piece what is this there's a tiny planer I'm sure it's probably a collectible it's yeah it's a toy it's made by Marx see it there ma are X so this is a toy planer but I'm sure it probably works how cool is that Wow that goes on your work belt there's some other odds and ends I found just a couple more small red totes I thought we'll go through those before we head home because it is dark it is late I'm starving and the real treasure is waiting for me at home so some kind of something in a plastic piece there we've got a original beanie baby maybe tie right there nice WD 40 specialist right there a brand new hat never worn nappa racing another one never worn we've got a snap-on torque hat never worn bought for $2.99 some kind of that's a diets number 50 lantern for apparently for Halloween that's odd never seen anything like that before Goodyear with a skull obviously ashtray but it's never been used that's great oh look at that with that piece right there I'm sure somebody's looking for that on eBay right now oh cool look at this look at that while gas and oil is so collectible it looks like we got some cookie cookie cutter prints let's see what else we have we got a troll and a Dalmatian and Tucker flavored vodka drink charm inside I have no idea what this is too pure to know that stuff let's see we got here the heavy weights hot wheels see we can get that in view there we go we got a heavy weight hot wheel got a hold light to something some other odds and ends down here sweep ins some pens huh here's a Dodge Ram something let's see cup holder or ashtray first a Dodge something alright let's stop this one and we'll dig into the next one this one's labeled tools up top it is not tools yeah yeah whoa that's not tools not tools at all not sure what you would call that but definitely not a tool okay assembly line we got some kind of Kawasaki Ninja there's a brand new Kawasaki Ninja model needs to be built how cool is that looks like some other pieces to an old toy I love the toys brand new Hot Wheels speedy spray series beautiful there's two faced from Batman still in the bubble there's a 1941 Plymouth the wheels white walls and everything that's gorgeous okay what is this oh that's Tinker Bell it's a Tinker Bell handkerchief and we got some Dallas Cowboys brawls sips Team six okay McDonald something whoa that is either the largest bead I've ever seen in my life or it is the most beautiful green paperweight with a hole in it that I've ever seen in my life and not do I only have one I have to look it's twins bonus here is an old pop bottle opener what's this oh look at that look at the detail on that ring see oh is this a 1933 it does 1933 come on come on show us that show us the ring not the other stuff USA Chicago 1833 any idea what in the world this could be guys it's beautiful whatever it is wow what a nice thing a beautiful piece of ring there I'll take that home show that to George that's my Ronald what else we got here Vinylmation who is this Disney vinyl three collectible figures that's Nightmare Before Christmas I think and that's some old cars you got some old skeleton keys you've got some Walt Disney trivia books and tales of something it's been a long day in a cold warehouse and I'm ready to go home because I'm starving absolutely starving haven't even had lunch yet so this has been Jeremy thanks again for watching don't forget to subscribe because there's gonna be a ton of things coming up and you're not gonna want to miss it make sure you hit that Bell over there by the subscribe as well that way you'll get notifications when the new videos come up and out and remember how was work today one thing clothes for me at work five sweetheart I'm a little concerned that they're all knives yeah they are are you serious this dagger how much 20 bucks okay I sold this Smith & Wesson nice 10 bucks and then I sold this how much 180 I'm the next sold of vintage gun case is that what some of the big boxes that you're building down below yes Wow got a pretty good day at work and a pretty good day hustle nice all these sold while you were at work man that's beautiful yep not as beautiful as you but still beautiful thank you darlin you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 55,219
Rating: 4.9154434 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found a ring, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: hfk6NCeEcLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 25sec (2605 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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