ANTIQUE GLASS I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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it's Jeremy and no George this mornin she still has her nine-to-five but lord knows I need that woman's help today I'm gonna show you just a little bit just a little glimpse of the behind the scenes of what it looks like in an average day for me right now it's 1208 I'm just leaving the house no I didn't just wake up I got up at 6:30 with George it took all morning just to answer communication from you guys that's YouTube replies on comments that's email through what the Hales at that's Facebook messages it never ends just keeping up with the communication so I'm now able to get out the door back to the warehouse for the unboxing but even then I have to do things before I can go to the unboxing you're gonna get the look behind the scenes of what that looks like on a daily basis don't get me wrong I love being self-employed I love being able to do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do that's a phenomenal thing but as any small business owner will tell you it's around-the-clock non-stop and you're gonna see just that today tomorrow is garbage day so I'm already getting garbage out on the curb which is extremely important and I have to get to the warehouse and get all the garbage cans and garbage out of there too from the storage units that in itself could take up to a couple hours today but that's our start so far the morning afternoon whatever it is our first stop this morning is going to be at Goodwill because we have to get rid of the clothing and the linen items while many of you love selling those things it's just takes up space for me and spaces money therefore the donation receipts that I get come tax time it all works in my favor again there's nothing that I do financially that's going to hurt me it's all to help me and therefore I need the space so I can continue to sort you need an yep Jax receipt please more bags next I've got more garbage I got to take care of because garbage is never-ending in storage units you saw all of this in the 210 dollars or 220 dollars with the giant jewelry chest this still hasn't been cared for it's got to go out on the curb long it's been sitting here at one of my other properties which I was fortunate enough to be able to just sit it here but since garbage days tomorrow it's got to be wrapped in plastic to protect the garbage men from any bedbugs or anything else and that goes on the curb it's 111 now after fighting the wind and the weather and the traffic trying to wrap flimsy plastic around all of this stuff so got it done even have to go home once for more tape because I ran out and need to get a jacket because it's getting cold here in Ohio post office is next welcome to downtown Worcester we're in the winter you've got guys wearing dark socks sandals and sports now I'm at the post office have to drop off packages George has been going knock crazy on eBay and bills and things along those lines and check the PIO box to see if any of you guys sent us any love since we got the peel box we've gotten two items in it so far both of those items were addressed to somebody else they weren't for us let's find out a few tubers have sent any love this week if you have our first letter okay and it even has Hales with the dollar sign stopping at every red light makes me think about George shortly after our fourth date when we had our first kiss she made a little bit of a policy that every red light we stopped at we have to kiss and it's been that way ever since it's 140 now and I just pulled in at the warehouse I've got roughly three hours to unload and sort and try and create a video for you in daylight hours now that I have things situated to where I can get the boxes and totes again I've got myself set up for recyclables for garbage and then these garbage cans over here I usually put I'll either put clothing donations or I'll put scrap metal in there and then I had to get other garbage items out of the way and some of this has to go out for the trash tomorrow and then I have other items where this stuff is stuff that needs to be looked up at on eBay but that's from yesterday and that's in preparation that stuff was looked at so was that and then we've got some really cool things here I went through one photo album just for the fun of it because I love this old look and a lot of these are the old pictures turned into postcards but the first thing we're gonna do is dig in to that trunk because a lot of people said there's a secret compartment and we're gonna see if we can find it but it's already 250 and I haven't eaten yet because there's not enough time in the day for a real lunch and usually I just snack on whatever I find any unit anyway today we've got just peanuts cuz we got to get back out there and we got to start recording and if that's not hard enough it's raining now Ohio weather and I still haven't unboxed a single thing almost three o'clock it's 3:15 I'm finally finally set up to record something I've got 45 minutes of light left all right many of you said there's a hidden area in this trunk so I've set myself up just to try and find it and we'll see if we can some of you thought there might be cash in we're gonna see what we can figure out here so not sure exactly what everybody was referring to unless we're referring to this nothing there multiple people well whatever you were talking about at least I found Captain Kangaroo there is no doubt this family had tons of collectables oh my goodness and tons of glass and again no knife no knife Where's George you need to crack the whip on me one second I got a kunai f-- we're good to go here we go Oh careful don't ever cut towards you that's how you cut a hot dog off I always cut away from you we have to remember safety first especially with knives and glass okay cutting away see what we have here oh wow look at that angel that beautiful angel just like it's LED lights up we're gonna set that aside trance made a sister hearts made us friends give it up we have here all kinds of collectible things this is probably for a candle with babies cherubim lots of bumps a bare minimum or see him bummed on that when I win this little angel this must be the angel collection this one's a big one we have down here this got to be the angel question sure is look at that sleeping angel I think everything in this box is gonna be any of that look at that that's a big one that is not a sleeping angel this is that ESCO plaster stuff some of these sell for hundreds if not if you have the right piece thousands this is going home George is getting ready to sell some of that okay let's see what else we have oh look at that you get Jesus and the little children and let's see what God that's Jesus loves little children I bet it doesn't work you know well I bet it's Jesus loves little children is the song it probably plays see what we have here looks like we've got a beautiful bride here I thought it was gonna be all angels looks like we got a beautiful angel a very busty angel I guess when God made angels he made them with the bow Bhatia's bust you only have here Jesus Lennox handcrafted in China oh we got liquid okay this is Avon and then we've got a liquid so no I thought that went in there it doesn't flammable Avon and Avon random love for a bomb good somebody could have an Avon business just selling the grandma hand-deliver it signed sealed delivered I'm yours Oh what do we got we got all kinds of it's fallen out of the actual newspaper got all kinds of little balsam of life it's this Thomas Jefferson I can't read that safe safe kidney liver cure since 1892 old medicine violet bottles elixir tree of life since 1880 it's hard because of my color blindness when colors blend I can't I can't see it like you can which isn't necessarily a bad thing it just gets a little bit challenging the king the Kings patent Wow cool really cool set those aside all right we got another angel yeah Lord bless this angel with a bosom just not with two cans let's see what else we have another angel earth angel hey will you be my darling oh we got Santa Claus a little late Santa time for you to go on this mission alright I think we got one more thing we got a piggy bank there's something in it let's see what we got we'll pull the rubber if we can Oh we pushed it that's what we did all right let's see if we can get it out and oh grandma I love you I think I can maybe etch that and make it say George George I love you see what we have in here got a teddy bear your Christmas barek originally from Kmart see if we have a date 1987 from Kmart right there we've got a purse look at this we got all kinds of sewing things in here let's see what else we have in here we look at that we got an old Pez there's a lamb see if I can get that focused in for you apparently not what do you carry in your sewing purse just a little hacking I've just in case you just never know another knife man there are so many knives in this unit see I there's just a little bit of everything and I don't want to pull it all out because of things like this I can't believe it it's everywhere there are bullets everywhere knives everywhere here's some editions of life 19th May 17th 1937 ten cents see that right there wow that one's 1971 and then we've got a bunch of fabric definitely quilting looks like this is an unfinished quilt right here or one that was in need of repair for sure looks like start of quilts such as this one this is the start of a quilt helpful one more glass neither could i buy I bet you can guess that monies and we've got another ball jar Hey another mason ball jar look at that beautiful it's like a green blue to my eyes number four on the bottom see what else are you having I wonder if this is just gonna be hard making jars starting to look like it that's the number eight on the bottom well there's some other stuff in here that isn't all Mason it's another mason number nine or number six on the bottom this is a small one that's Wheaton that's sweet and glass right there this one feels heavy this one is whistle this is ketchup this is an old ketchup from Akron Ohio look at that that's my deal right there ketchup bottle probably being old mason jar you can't be kidding me look at that okay you got you got the old mason jar but inside of it you have all kinds of salt and pepper from McDonald's in a plastic baggie never have enough salt and pepper just never know and here we got another one 76 a1 on it it's a ball it's got something in it okay we got an M&Ms tin with a million different buttons all you button collectors there they are all kinds probably money in there too and then we have another tin come on of huge buttons tons and tons of buttons tied together wonder if there's any cash in there waffle that's a sweet little Mickey Mouse tin good place to hide your buttons I had mine in my pants my butt is on there is a 8/8 would looks like two nipples another little a bond another Avon strawberry bath foam let's see if we can get it open George oh wow look at the beautiful color in that glass wow I can get that one open oh you know what I think these go together definitely this is loose whatever it is looks like a sprinkler top now I know the old pop bottles had a sprinkler top they were bigger than this from what I remember cork and then you would turn it over and it would sprinkle some of you probably remember that could correct me if I'm wrong we've got another bottle here two-fifths of a pint with a cork in it [Applause] strawberry top [Applause] [Music] oh wow okay what is it what is it no bland turn okay this is obviously wait hold a second that would hook there put fuel in here this would strike the spark this has to be an old lantern going out to the old outhouse Wow soldered a million times back together Auto light right there on the top more cowbell and we've got an old pirate looks like a baby bottle its 425 now and we already had overcast skies today light is very low I'm gonna try and keep going we've got a brand-new baseball Cleveland Indians we've got all kinds of numbers obviously for some kind of sign maybe we have a sign in here maybe we don't we've got a Kenny loften baseball got more numbers and there goes the baseball we got a zipper so you can find anything else got out of these like like this frog plan I don't know what is that in his mouth clean some okay we've got things like old bottles jbw company 5 ounce whatever it was we got other things like more bottles elegant flavoring extracts that's from Dayton boy I imagine us finding bottles we'll never thought it huh and what do you think we have in here more bottles all kinds of them there's an Avon powder bottle another bottle let's see if we find anything else start of a pinewood derby car all right over there we got to move quick because we are losing light so this is a welding helmet as a matter of fact that plate glass that we found yesterday somebody mentioned that it went to a welding helmet so I bet you it actually did we've got a doily big doily stained look big doily we got hair never have enough of that especially if you're middle-aged balding man like myself I've got a big shell that's what she said we've got something standing for something I don't know look at what we got here look we got a bank we got a Mickey Mouse that's definitely a Mickey Mouse Bank animal animal toys Plus Inc Walt Disney Productions animal toys Plus Inc m'kay right there on the arm I don't see a year but I do see a sweetie there's his George look it's Mickey Mouse is George there's a six there animal toys right there still oh look at that you put the money in the hand and drop it in how cool is that I bet you the same thing yep same thing here you put the money in the hand drop it in cool got some little ornate plates collectible plates we've got porcelain bird cool more porcelain plates more Avon this looks like middle Little Miss Muffett probably sitting on her tuffet eating her curds and whey and then we've got some more this looks like powder and it looks seal what's for dinner I got a feeling it's gonna be glass and what do you know it is there's another mason six sticks on that mason for we have here there's an atlas easy seal there's an eight we got ball 775 a three on the bottom then that'd be cool fort on actual food starve it that's a four that one's lid is off that's a one hour that's an eight let's say it was a 100 nope eight not sure why you need to put a line on the eight and we got another one a big cooking pot because I'm showing you more of behind the scenes than all the work that it takes everything that you saw me get out as quick as possible I did it as quick as possible because I only have so much time on my s seven that I can actually video it usually gives me about fifty minutes worth and that's what I have to edit and create a video with so when I'm all done I have to clean that all up I have to sort it and it's ass much slower process about thirty minutes so here you can see these are the things that I kept out after the sort that I thought hey I'd like to hold onto these and just show them to you real cool PI Centennial key some little trinkets and a nickel that was attempted to be flattened and then garbage goes in the garbage can and then recyclables go in the recyclable but even things such as see this old mail glass that's an old glass mailbox you almost saw this or just a quick glimpse of it but I had to cut it out I had to edit it because it actually had the mail with the former owners address on it and so that's why it takes four five even sometimes six hours to edit these videos to get it ready for YouTube when I go home at night this is yet another trunk that we haven't dug into yet it's heavy but there is no lock it just has it slides off like that so here big bird okay now I've shared with a lot of you that some of the things that I've sold for the most on eBay are actually children's books usually I'm looking for a red cover it would be this type of material with a red cover sometimes it has a picture on it sometimes it doesn't but I know a lot of you love books and so here we go here's a bunch of them and I have no doubt there's much of a collector these people are look at that boy scouts victory let's just look right there I actually collect this type of stuff anything outdoor education look at this boy scouts victory let's take a look and see the date we've got 1912 look at that there wow wow wow wow love that kind of thing now I have a collection of old books particularly Boy Scouts look at that leader of the tender patrol let's look and see what we have there on a date man falling apart well let's just not touch that right now okay things like this but read cover I mean they'll sell for hundreds if not thousands children's books story of a secret state I mean this thing's just packed with them so this is gonna take quite a bit of time to actually go through there's the choo-choo this would take a lot of time to go through so what we're going to do is just set this knowing that we definitely have some collectible stuff in here even though it's kind of hard for me to actually just let it go without looking there's the Bible okay seriously we're gonna set it up and we're just gonna we're gonna look at this stuff later even though I love love this kind of thing those Boy Scout books are gonna go right in there and we'll get it all back together just the way it was we are running out of light and time I just pulled a quick box I'm not sure if that is the goose tuna made in Italy not sure what it does some kind of grinder some kind of this here okay this is this some kind of slicer slicer and die sir it looks like blades on the inside you look through there nothing here okay so this must come down there's the blades then what this comes down the blades I don't know you guys probably do what in the world do you do with that thing cool pot cooler right there that looks like probably all brass I don't think it's old enough to be all copper it might be though that crock pot in here and other utensils let's grab another box got the kunai Fagin here we go lots of tape on this one too labeled glass I know drill shocker again careful with your kunai f-- don't want to get it too hot too to the hot or too close to the hot dog oh this is an entire box of Avon collectibles look at this it smells like Avon this Kenai fizz not very sharp it's either the Kenai for me that's not a shirt I'm not sure all right we have a ton of Avon collectibles in this box yep there's plates - dessert plates see what else we have I'm sure everything is in there Cape Cod collection wine decanter Sugar Bowl Cape Cod collection this thing looks like the entire Cape Cod collection but it also looks like something in the bottle exploded and everything smells like Avon powder this is the Cape Cod collection it looks like everything from the Cape Cod collection see is this what exploded no that's the candle but it's in the box all right here's what we're gonna do we're gonna put the Cape Cod collection back this thing is just too messy right now and it's getting too late for me to be able to clean this up after I pull everything out this is gonna have to be the last thing as we're running out of light and time we've got an old shell net 100 pounds chemical company so gas and oil obviously collectible what do you know what do you know the Akron pure milk company there's a milk bottom p.m. milk bottle p.m. it's cold talk right now which isn't always a bad thing all right so we've got a son suite that says water so we got a son suite water bottle got cut a few things wrapped up here this protocol that he stick and protocol not sure about this there's the bottom we got aconite we could have used that before just throw that over there life something later bring glass and oh look at this one look at how pretty that is Merry Christmas 1971 the Christmas tree this is a symbol something about a Christmas tree so Merry Christmas 1971 whatever this is got a deer deer foaming-at-the-mouth rabid deer got an old vicks vapor rub yep rape vapor rub and a 25-cent thing on it let's see if it no nothing left could have used that out here though in midnight okay yeah this one feels like the Christmas bottle but it's plastic LBJ the Great Society Lyndon Johnson President 63 69 there is his profile first edition Wheaton first edition these people love glass just about the one thing that shouldn't be in my hands all right the birthplace of American flag Philadelphia January 1st 1750 to Betsy Ross that's the best view Betsy Ross bottle there's something written down there I can't read it have some things in Styrofoam 1971 collectible decanter so it looks like we've got some collectible decanters as well here's another 1971 collectible decanter Abraham Lincoln this goes along with the theme of the others okay we got a Republican decanter from the campaign 1972 let's just peek at it real quick there it is and I don't know what that says on the bottom Wow let's see what else we have down here let's start digging a little bit deeper okay we got another decanter so we have here 1976 this looks like a log-cabin bottle it is a log-cabin bottle so there's a syrup bottle man how in the world in the world is so much glass we're getting my hands of all the hands in the world my hands okay here we've got like a gravy bowl I can't see now because of the flash of my eyes John Hancock and Sons England it's like we have another decanter we sure do another to cancer here Robert Clark Hoover there we go again from Wheaton Wheaton's making the decanters puts more here somebody bought this one for a buck 50 or they were trying to sell it for a buck 50 little butter dish and it feels like we have another I know this is gonna be a shocker to you but it feels like a decanter there it is another Abe Lincoln all right we got to clean this mess up now so we can go home it's getting late out here it's already dark the only reason why we can see is because of the flash and it's dinner time so let's see what we can do to clean things up it's 5:16 right now dark and we've got to clean the mess up that we made so we've got through very few items in all reality this is the mess I have to clean up at the dock this is the mess that I got to clean up from that tin and we still got a pile in there and we got to get the garbage out of here so let's see what we can actually do getting all of this cared for and put away okay almost six o'clock and I'm recording without light on purpose because a handful of U of ass hey can you show us what you whole day looks like this is what my day looks like now I'm gonna go home unload more garbage then when I get home I'm maybe gonna eat something I have 5 to 6 hours of editing video I hope to have this video up actually before midnight and then George will be sitting right next to me and she'll start responding to five six who knows how many hours of comments that you guys make on the video so let's head home see what happens hey bomb don't edit it out the youtubers are gonna tell you how many things I break today it was all glass it's crazy these YouTube comments are so funny especially the ones that hate on you favorites the one who told you should pick a lock-picking class I mean what fun is that someone else suggested that you should read up on books on glassware we've got time for that maybe on your leisure maybe you know we're gonna our Cellini yeah we're gonna fall asleep here again tonight just remember remember when how we fall asleep in three
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 74,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found GUNS, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: SU9hTzpz0wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 39sec (2499 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 27 2018
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