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that's an old suitcase i don't even think i can hold these open with these gloves on because you don't pull them over because you don't pull them oh you push the lock thing what slide the lock thing slide what log thing i need somebody's help i don't understand oh we're on the road guess what guys what i actually got an online storage unit since there's no auctions now this one's going to be really confusing but it's going to be really good for you guys to actually learn because this one is at a little mom and pop's place and honestly they sold it as a lean unit i have a feeling it's not a lean unit i have a feeling they threw a whole bunch of stuff inside and we're gonna get to the bottom of this are they staging units or is this a real lean unit you guys ready i'm ready let's do this don't forget to subscribe hit the bell notification all so you always know what the heels we find you want the cleanup okay so here's 217. any information on the on the original owner they were always late we don't normally like the auction people's units because of the cost and everything you know i mean we do a lot for veterans and so forth but um they were always late and but they pay at the last minute well this time it's been two months and we're like no payment i'm just done dealing with them so like one of the things i saw in their elderly elderly uh bathroom you know emergency equipment but then you also have like a baby you know baby high chair and i went elderly from baby you know kind of if i understood why people you know if you didn't store this stuff i'd be out of business i don't understand why this is the craziest thing you've seen stored we've gotten a corvette before from a veteran but he just didn't want to take care of his unit no more and stuff like that and then um you know so we actually made contact with him and bought the car he just didn't it needed interior and stuff you know and we're just like more wholesale it um buy the car and recoup your cost yeah i mean it's just but there's there's a lot of a lot of story here we are 150 after all the fees now let me show you why i got this one okay come on come on now this to me kind of look like it might be a staged unit but here's some of the reasons you've got a brand new look at this a brand new easter basket yes lunch guys guys look at this i i'm getting the skittles if they're in there okay so brand new easter basket but then you have really random things now let me show you one of the things why i would not buy a unit like this we love our pets all right we all do right but pets decrease resale value i did see this but i saw some other stuff that made some red flags go off in my mind i was like all right let's find out if this place is staging what do you see back here okay right back here look at this we've got a baby high chair right cookie monster sesame street the whole deal baby high chair i'm going to hand that off to you patients but right next to the baby high chair this is what we have look here we have oh i just lost a lot of stuff this is not for a baby this is for the elderly so this is a showering chair we've got bathroom this goes onto the toilet to actually raise the lid so my mind started going did the facility actually throw everything in here do we have little kid stuff and old people stuff from various units that's why i really wanted to see i want to see if the facility was actually doing crazy things but look at this no longer think this is a staged facility no facility is going to go out of their way to put moth balls in a storage unit to try and keep the mice away so we got a good one now it's time to dig in and find out what the hails we found i'm thinking patience and i need to have a little bit of a competition today we need to see who can find the most expensive thing in the unit now i'm going to show you that this is the reason why i really wanted the unit there is one there is two they are full too there are three look at that there's three watch this watch this there's more there are five five total even though that's number four i know you were thinking i don't know how to count oh my goodness look at this look at this this is the one thing you two should never ever ever play let me know down in the comments if you agree with me hails no patients and christians should never play monopoly but there are five total suitcase oh my goodness this one is heavy that one is heavy let's save these to the end let's see how much money we can find competition me versus you so you can find the most expensive thing i'm going to win all right ready yep let's do this you webby it's dusty it's webby it's perfect yes let's see what you got all right it says grammy's shoes grammy shoes well hopefully we've got grammy's antiques collectibles there's an old thing what is this oh that's a dress that is a dress that's an old dress is that a purse yeah it's a purse all right checking for money okay let's see what we have here we've got february 13th 2003. there's a hole in the bottom okay there was definitely a mouse in here oh no this would have been worth money look what you have i don't know what is it you don't know what that is so i don't know what it is that's a barney sleeping bag i thought barney was a bad guy barney that's a barney sleeping bag and destroyed by mice that looks gross oh man that hurts that hurts bad all right mice were definitely in this box yeah as a matter of fact there is a little mouse right there there's a lot of babies that is a baby mouse this just looks like comforters jeremy i'm afraid you know what you know what i have no doubt i'm gonna find the most expensive thing after she pulled this box first you got nothing i bet i got a baby mouse look at this look at this it does it's probably the key it's brand new all right it's got stink bugs geez this is normal this is normal that is a brand new honeywell there's the keys look at that free stink bug get that out of there there are the keys i'm winning already what did she find dead mice what if i find dead bolt lock safe right there security box which one you gonna pick probably the one that has the least amount of bugs on it see all the cobwebs look at this you see she's fighting with the cobwebs over here christian look at this this is a good sign because we know this stuff has been undisturbed this is what we want to see when we're buying units all this dust see all that there dust everywhere that means nobody's been in here that means the facility was legit no way oh she just found a nascar collection i did nice this is not what i was expecting that is that is what is we're doing okay guys what is this we are gonna do all right it's a little building set yeah look at this they got a whole little nascar collection in the box they got this they just like this guy somebody like number six who's number six oh what is this martin it's mark martin that's there you go yeah that's pretty cool all right you might be in the lead nut you might be in the lead now i'll give you that let's get this out of here all right i'm not picking the fan we're just going to set that aside even though we'll sell it for something and even though we do have reggie the red the rocking reindeer i'm not picking him but he look at that he is in there and he's probably worth a pretty penny he looks like the friday night the freddy guy he looks animated oh his his uh his antlers are down there so this is probably worth something but i'm not picking that i'm just moving it out of the way all right right now it seems like you're testing the waters with everything no i'm not testing i'm just pumping iron right i mean i'm pumping gas pumping gas all right because what i really want to get to i'll leave this super cool tote for you because what i want i want this little nightstand because i know what most people put in their nightstands i got a feeling we're going to find something good in here okay here we go i get all three drawers okay and drawer number one yes contacts okay got contact not worth anything okay but for this little nightstand i can get oh here we go i'll probably get i'll probably get 75 to 100 for this little nightstand and i do is this my oh no no i thought this was i thought this was like a sword so um michael's tickets what's this iodine swab sticks there's a porter in there this is what i was looking for for the elvish machine right there 1982 that's when george was born that's when george was born okay what else do we have so i i definitely have 25 cents yeah okay festive mini soap all right let's see what's in the top ones here we go check this out i think they're my size 38 by 33 these are look at this guys you guys don't know what you're looking at right now you have no clue do you these are vintage antique wranglers and you're never gonna believe it button flying they are they're button fly no they're zipper this is actually worth money these are vintage wranglers look at there look at there that's worth money right there yes the only thing that would be worth more money is if we found antique old underwear which is oh paper towel holder we're safe there okay we were safe i thought for a second we found what i thought we were gonna find what's this oh poo and tigger poo and tigger poster something else is hidden in here though look at this there's an ant got playing cards that will go on a playing card lot and then we have usually the spare change well we did find a quarter and the the toys are usually hidden in these dressers grand cayman hell postcard oh lots of postcards and stickers lots of stickers she's probably still winning right yeah i am probably there's like i can already tell you what's in here green toe red lid you know what that means you know what that means in every storage unit christmas and she chose it oh wait this is a dress she actually this isn't chris this is actually mine that's money right there that afghan this one afghan what is this oh this is just a blanket wait wait wait open it up that is christmas is that disney no that's looney tunes that's actually worth something really yep oh it's a celestial sylvester yeah fold it up real quick you got an afghan in there this is a handmade that's beautiful that's worth something this is just a whole bunch of fabric fabric right now those are pajamas these are jammies christmas jammies these are also jammies this is a jammy shirt i think oh this one has a face on it should i open it depends on who it is no no no no show that one looks like this the fam this what is this a gospel bathroom okay gospel baptist cruising dude whoever put this in there packed is so nice and i'm just messing it up it's just these are just clothes all right dig down dig down dig down oh here's a there's a tigger yeah that's cool all right dig down dig down dig down we don't gotta see all that we just want to see the good stuff all right there's another one notre dame notre dame that might sell yeah notre dame all right not bad and another notre dame whoa whoa there's your money there's your money right there right there open it up open it up there it is that one looks brand new yeah number six brand new you got another one you got another one look at this you got collectible tees now that one was worn next stains in all by big dude but she's gonna need bigger profit if she's gonna beat me i'm not picking this box either i'm just showing you that there is a viagra carpet right there number six okay that's all i'm showing you that's i'm not picking it because i'm picking something else i'm gonna here's the here's the high chair and there's there's the chair that the tray goes on okay okay you believe me right this is what i'm picking i'm going for i'm going for a couple different boxes here look at this walt disney character costume guys this these are old costumes this is this is cash money this might pay for the entire unit we'll have to look it up on ebay it is it's all in here look at that that's a minnie mouse costume so this would go on your face and then you'd wear the other piece okay be very very gentle with this don't throw it around like we usually throw stuff around let's see if we can find a date do you see a date anywhere walt disney let me see you dated i don't see a date either okay let's check over here all right we're gonna have to do some research yeah okay i don't see a date anywhere either okay so that's the one that i'm picking i'm also gonna pick this one this says mark martin war paint car oh yes look at that brand new nascar 2000 racing champion that's a that's probably an easy 25 i picked multiple boxes because my boxes were small okay look at this mark mount martin stuff right here see what it is whatever it is it looks brand new too okay we'll we'll find out what's in there in a second we've got number six decals we got another mark martin look at that we got another mark martin t-shirt brand new shirt what do you think's in here i have no clue do we have a knife do we have oh we don't need one oh i think i know what it is i think it's a watch yep all right 1990 10 years racing champions no it's a car check that out it's awesome oh man this unit is actually turning out to be incredible i love it let's see what's in this one oh my goodness oh yes oh my goodness you got this look there's a cabbage patch okay these are actually money that one's pretty dirty but oh my oh man what a box this is a plush bear nas carbon number six i don't wanna number six okay fake roses there's this there's this bar oh wow yeah that's nice thunderbird it does match the rug did she was she peeking when i was loading no not at all why would i do that there's this wow oh these things are they just tins or is there anything in it it's not it feels like there's something in them but i can't oh they're candy they're candles that's pretty cool winnie the pooh and piglet oh there's this thing i didn't even see this is this an ornament that is yes collectible ornament that's pretty cool what is this the nastiest candle i think i've ever seen in my life ew i don't even want to touch it look there's more whoa this is what i thought was going to be in the bed stand in the nightstand dresser right there these oh no wait those are those are candles sorry what is this that is this is a this is a beanie baby full beans so it's like a beanie baby but it's not a beanie baby it's a full one i don't know what this is what is that is it's a glass hershey kiss it's gonna be crystal oh all the crystal you guys found in the other units now look you're finding more crystal that's a little one okay i can't get that back on the gloves are too big yeah oh this is wrapped up what is this what the heck it's your time to soar oh that's from a christian uh it's from a christian kids video series and i forget which one i've never seen that at all is this hercules christian yeah i've never seen that movie hurt your knees hurt your knees it's a grinch oh there's another six nice wait look at this look at this she's going so fast look at that fuses these are actually fuses for your car and you get an actual car nice how cool is that there's these little figurines there's a lot of these winnie the pooh yeah oh this i thought this was paper mache you know i hate to say it i i was hoping your box would be poo no you're actually there's some money good one yeah there is some money in here oh you know what that is no okay turn it this way yeah or this you'll figure it out there you go it's a music box there you go but it has a big now you got to put down on your hand ah i like it ah and then what else is in here just this glass thing looks like silver platter yep not bad not bad that's it that was a good one i need something to blow her out of the water and we haven't even gotten into the suitcases yet and there's definitely profit in here i'm thinking about just digging a little bit moving a little bit of stuff digging back here here's an old here we can load that up i don't want that here is oh there's a blanket holder we'll get we'll get 20 bucks for that at the warehouse but that's not what i want i think what i want some kind of foam thing [Applause] all right that's not what i want although my bath does hurt okay oh oh yeah okay christian you thinking what i'm thinking uh i don't know maybe what are you thinking i'm feeling a red tote red always means christmas i was thinking i was thinking this yellow one right here yellow yeah the yellow one oh that's money right there okay i'm going for it it's heavy too okay down at the bottom down at the bottom here we go it doesn't move much whatever it is oh but but stephen king sells really well what you want to do what you want to do if you get a bunch of books is you get a book app and you just scan all the barcodes it'll tell you exactly what it actually sells for online so the one that we typically use is book scouter and generally as a rule of thumb what i tell employees what we do is if it's worth more than ten dollars we'll hold on to it we'll sell it if it's worth under ten dollars then we just donate it to goodwill look at that hat this is going with the mark martin collection and and oh this here's what i think will sell best right there that box yeah do you want the hp box the what the hp box yeah the hits box all right let me pull it out here for you oh okay nobody wants to look at your backside they want to look in the front side of the box oh man oh is that what i think it is another number six no that's not what i was looking at what you don't see what i see no all right well we'll see if you find it then i still don't like there's a book that's a book some kind of something there's a whole bunch oh there's a holy bible check for money in the bible yeah that is true doesn't look like it so far so with every bible that we get we actually have somebody who comes over to the warehouse and picks up all the bibles and uses them in the jail ministry that is okay you don't even know what that is i don't know oh my goodness this is made by tomi used to put different things on here okay if you go in the back don't throw this away so fast you put this in here and then you put paper over it and you make tracings your crayon goes in here you go back and forth this is an old toy this is worth a pretty penny you're actually kicking my butt yeah i am baby farm animals all right now you're throwing stuff too fast baby farm animals this is golden book this is actually probably where something is well binding this hurt we're gonna have to look this one up so she's like baby farm animals chuck i didn't think we were going through everything you're not but your baby farm animals are worth money you just don't know it yet i don't oh there's a number six numbers i really like numbers more money there more money oh my goodness oh there's another old book okay this is probably worth something as well so i've sold old books hundreds and hundreds of dollars this one looks a little rough though it's another oh my gosh this person was obsessed with this guy all right this is a box dedicated to him yeah oh here we go here we go she found it is this the thing that you're talking about yeah but it's not what i thought it was this is a this is the spice rack look at that all right we're sporty spice and there's mousy spice got into the spice rack so yeah that's gonna end up getting thrown away unfortunately okay what else come on there's this big amount of big money big money garlic recipe that's a recipe stand this is great i've never seen anything like that you set that on your counter and that's where all your recipes are oh tote inside the box yes more money this is for dale earnhardt yeah dale earnhardt earnhardt's worth more money yeah definitely i don't wanna i can't grab these things yeah there's a little wallet this thing says pops on it and they got junior in there yeah they got a cup nice what is this all right so we got more money there she's actually doing really well did you check your garbage yet my garbage no oh my god what's in your garbage can um let's see we got we got an ornament we're weird wait hold a second what is it it says carnival it says genuine 24 gold yeah gold it's gold finish it's plated but it's still gold what is this the where parts company there's that there's these little easter egg things oh my goodness there's a little turtle stamp i like turtles i like turtles put that in my trash can i like turtles oh there's some glasses you look wild okay there's so what's this more nascar the piper sun could use a drink right now oh it's filled with mouse turds nice it really is filled ew it's just this little thing oh there's these two little things what are these they don't even don't say anything on their own see there's money in there listen oh there's this canadian mist thing i don't know what that is at all oh this is a beanie baby right looks like it he's a number six oh there's a reader's digest there's some nora roberts books what is this no ice yes 27.95 nice that's what he bought it for or her whoever bought it there's rudolph it looks like there's a whole bunch of beanie baby tags here and i think that's it what's that thing right there oh there's a little avon thing in here this is a personal organizer is that the original siri i guess i guess i don't know you know what i'm thinking what i'm thinking it is time to get into the suitcases use let's see what's in here suitcase number one out of the five yeah we're opening up [Music] jesus no i'm going to be coming back strong watch this watch this i'm opening up all the pockets it's empty it's complete that's not empty look at that look at that are you kidding this is money in today's in today's culture what this is this is money you got to have this what are you talking about you're right you got no money no i got the american tourister right here so let's see what we got wham what i got is definitely not empty look there there's a little master lock see if i can find oh this is actually holy cow this is why we wear gloves okay let me see what i have look at this oh my goodness look at this okay i got a ton of master locks i got this is asthmatic somebody was asthmatic oh wait was something else another master lock okay and all right that's a lot of little kids that's actually that's really cool i like that as a person that has to have locks everywhere that's incredible ready to see what's inside here yeah whatever it is and beat your other one what it is it is wait hold on a second it will beat it it will be no it is there we go uh let's hey christian let's hold on to these in case we get any boo-boos we'll save these as bandages okay okay first aid here we go we've got a heritage right there valentine little look this is the the joints right there not this isn't the usual kind of joints that we find in storage units the other joints we find are very different okay so that's not bad now remember a lot of people hide stuff in their clothing and in in towels and it's usually weapons oh typically weapons are are hidden in this kind of stuff but actually this kind of those mines those might be sweet on me okay not a bad not a bad suitcase time for patience to grab another one yup all right we're opening this pacifica one i just fell it was way good all right what's in that's here suitcase oh this one's already open that's a brand new suitcase yeah it's it's empty there's absolutely nothing else in here you're doing really good at picking these empty suitcases yeah you're doing great wow you're doing really well right now this is it that's it yeah that's not it we still have two more suitcases about to get a little samsonite action going on again got my gloves see what we have oh there's something in here there's definitely something in here what do we have oh oh look at that tom's quick packs okay so for your belly that's his i'm getting hungry you guys getting hungry yeah yeah patient's been hungry since we got here i believe it she's been she's been getting hangry that's what she's been doing i ain't dumb i know hey a girl needs your cheeseburgers christian what time what time of the day does patients usually get angry like 12 30 to 1. george usually gets hangry at 7 00 a.m 7 30 a.m 8 00 a.m 8 30 am 9 00 a.m oh come on if we got more vintage no that's not is that vintage so be sweet if we ask faded glory that's not vintage if we have more vintage jeans we'd be looking at thousands of dollars there's riders okay these are really nice jeans though i mean we we easily have a hundred dollars resale in jeans here which isn't gonna do me much because i prefer to donate it because i like finding anything other than clothing we got one more suitcase this is a carry light i think that's an old suitcase i don't even think i can hold these open with these gloves on because you don't pull them open because you don't pull them oh you push the lock thing what slide the lock thing so i want a log thing i need somebody's help i don't understand oh she figured it out i see oh oh man oh man oh man what do you think is in here uh goodness greatness greatness and what is oh antique expensible glass jeez i want to do this big one yeah look at this that is probably gold leaf yeah probably gold leaf all over there this is where they put where they hid all the expensive china yeah this one oh my goodness this looks like hot glass it looks like depression glass that's wild oh there's a whole bunch of them oh that's a little shot glass a little root beer mug shot glass [Applause] no telling what else will be in here i don't know they're all shaped different gold silver that's part of a lamp oh is that the bottom that's goes to this part of your life what kind of lamp is that an expensive antique lamp oh of course don't knock it over yeah christian step back you're clumsy oh that is that's uranium glass that is vaseline glass that'll glow in the black light you see how it's glowing already no this will glow in black light that is worse that's a big piece there so that is that is that's money that is money it's pretty it's beautiful that's a nice big piece i think this is another lamp oh wait i might have just fibbed i might be a favorite look at this carnival glass horrible how do you know all these glasses i don't oh i like that one it's pretty carnival it's got the mirror effect you see kind of the yeah the mirror this one's a plate hopefully you've been wrong before it might be wrong again i had let's see what it do that's it's not as pretty as the other germany it's germany it's made in germany it's worth something yeah that's money we don't know how much yet but that's money put her in there all right let's do this one i think it's another one of those yeah definitely another one of those so this is gonna be another one of those and then this one is gonna be another one of those i think this is a baby one of those somebody else hate the sound of uranium glass oh nice nice nice that's gonna be the same thing yeah that's gonna be the same thing this is a square what is this one oh is that uranium glass it has like the same stuff no it's not green it doesn't glow it's like this is a little creamer little creamer glass thing i see and then these are the uh these green ones not bad wanna see what the heels we find in the rest of the unit make sure you subscribe hit the all notifications and that's all you have to do it's free [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 68,145
Rating: 4.9071975 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: fmfuYNm-zqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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