FOUND RARE OLD COINS & MONEY I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes / Wars

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holy crap no stinking wait wait let me take it down let me take it down Jeremy here how the Hales are you I hope you're having a hails of the day and we're about to have a hails of the day it's actually late in the afternoon now over here at the warehouse we're gonna dig into George's $25 unit that she bought this past Saturday because she's all sword so let's find out what kind of treasure she got today hey if you haven't subscribed yet what the hell's are you waiting for hit the button come on all the cool youtubers are doing it here's George's $25 unit we're gonna start digging through what we did see was a sword Boy Scouts camping stuff leather all kinds of paperwork even an ironing board it'll be interesting to see what's actually in here guess who just got done with radiation treatments me I'm here George is here all right let's see we had to take a look at this backpack because I'm a die-hard camper let's see what we got we got binoculars and anybody know what this is because George has the other half of it right there if you do time stamp and leave it in the comments below if you know what that is whoa I just got poked too though check that out do you want me to grab you some gloves no they're right there they're right here by the camera I just took them off see I didn't want to blind you look at that so we got some kind of talent necklace and we got magnesium strip flint and steel just telling George I was showing you showing you videos from years ago when I used to have all my program directors they they had to make a fire blindfolded I showed her the video it looks so dangerous without matches blindfolded I used to give them wet wood and they always succeeded good training I'll take up on that challenge all right well challenge me this open that up right there this one yeah I bet this matches and yep matches and it looks like looks like I got a compass here no doubt this dude was into his camping just like I love my camping so when I was profiling this unit what I saw was the sword here and typically when I get a unit with the sword it happens to be a good unit filled with all kinds of treasure that's what you're gonna chop up the West Coast with next week in the East Coast versus West Coast who gets the most money challenge aren't you we also found these these are beating sticks then we're gonna beat the West Coast actually you know this looks like peg legs for storage option pirate he's gonna need these when we're done with his team but not only that George look what I just found I found an East Coast an East Coast East Coast yeah it keeps going in East Coast but Eterna thing I'm trying to say I found the East Coast well I found a fighting stick from the East Coast all right so there are other weapons in this unit that that were kind of right on top of the boxes that we saw let's dig in here and see what we've got let's see we have [Music] all right we got personal items in here let's see what we want to show let's see what we can figure out this certificates awarded to this person for successful completion of the skipper's course boating safety oh look at this okay here this is actually pretty cool he graduated from Hocking Technical College Natural Resources enforcement Matt mighty explained the batons used he's beaten the wildlife maybe okay karate boats blue belt white belt you ever take karate or self-defense class growing up maybe I didn't need to look at this he actually not only that he's police marksman so right there he's certified police marksmen 1981 this is all of his accomplishments you found a brown belt - oh yeah karate for sure oh my goodness there's all kinds of stuff in here I see what else I can find here so police dnr national something in France he definitely something in France they'll never know I just sorta showed his name something in France another thing in France France France France France there went the bo staff French French the beating States more French wait wait here's his judo alright he was judo 1977 some Boy Scouts of America books whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay enclosed please find an invoice for services rendered through February 4th 1977 as we discussed at your sentence hearing you'll be eligible to apply for expungement of this conviction On February 4 2000 so we got a cop with a record look at that I don't know if we could go crooked cop but we got something going mouths okay I'm done there Daniel Boone oh look at this look at that Boy Scout for sure these are these Boy Scout patches okay Boy Scout scouting scouting something's going on there aardvark is an aardvark I don't know aardvark the losses tail look at all this oh yeah here's more patches how to tie knots for climbers patches patches makatsch --is that yeah all kinds of stuff down here [Music] colonel order what is that ethically what is it internal order of hits the Eagles look at this we just found some serious money guys it's the Fraternal Order of the Eagles that's one Eagle dollar there's another Eagle dollar and another Eagle dollar knife with a compass yeah I think I think we hit that box bid George let me picks the next thing so I was like little toolboxes and we got the tools compass square this thing looks like it looks like a toy this thing gyeo me biome alpha beta Delta Gamma can you read that it is it is a toy Paramount Pictures all rights reserved 1993 okay what's movie is this from guys who knows which movie is this from well there's something else in here is this a stud finder no this isn't a stud finder this is 1994 something from another movie and I wonder if it's actually is that Star Trek stuff it looks like this is 1992 Paramount Pictures this could be these could be careful that could actually be worth something alright guys if you know we need to know in the comments what's going on with this stuff what movie are they transporter devices communication devices what is it ruler there's nothing else but how cool is that yours random come on big money big money big money yeah I would well I'm not putting anything in the West Coast West Coasters may may roll like that but I don't there's more stamps music company religious oh look at this look at this coin holder I'm not sure how it holds the coins but there's a coin holder more stamps yeah more stamps these are good okay these aren't collectibles these are still good to use today 34 cent stamps and then collectible stamps [Applause] so much belts with a buckle some kind of scalpel mr. death that's definitely a scalpel yeah that's definitely a scalpel that's your kind of thing right there look at that blades down in there what was this dude doing all over the world the scalpel maybe you just left look at this I've never seen a ziploc bag with an actual zipper of you look at that that's a real zipper here's a ton of calculators it looks like he collected calculators okay Goom ah and you got to have a key to get in here guma is has shoes that does not look like shoes in there at all okay I don't babe I don't know if these this case is worth anything I don't want to wreck it if it is what do you think let's well we found a ton of case so I'm gonna see if one of the keys work okay I was gonna rip it open she says wait she says wait babe those keys were like this big they were like east cosines we I didn't see any West Coast sighs keys oh oh hold a second hold a second let me get it in there let me get it down let me get it down what in the world why do people do this look at this guy's look at this look at this are these collectible coins we're gonna have to go through those do you see any do you see any silver your $25 is easily right here and there's your 1 million you're 25 bucks is easily here there's a 74 I'm looking for silver what's that I don't see a single penny this is all silver babe there's not a single penny in this bag there's some in my home well he separated it at least look at this guys look at this this this is an entire bag this is oak that's coming out it's ripping it's ripping holy cow go through it and all our common coins go into our five-gallon bucket and then the rest we collect this is gonna be using the cash in in coins baby yeah your $25.00 easily is right here yeah you probably have a hundred if not more right there what's that god no heroglyph fix yeah hold it like religious items yeah and more money more money what's this one that's a cool looking one babe but if you know what this is look at this side what is it no what is it this isn't a necklace what is it look what is it what is it why don't you just tell me what it is okay let me grab this if I can find one oh you got me now I can't find one I'm looking for a quarter except I have one in my hand sweetheart oh she was on to it but look you can stick a chain right in there I know I'm doing I'm trying to say is it's not if somebody made this out of a quarter oh there's a quarter right in my hand right there how cool is that we'll have to we'll have to give these to Jesus let's hold on to those will give those to Jesus this box is heavy and I seriously doubt that it's a shopvac you ready George it's actually taller than George right now she's reaching up and that's a black bag we have here something that says Tandy Tandy Tandy is RadioShack yeah well we got a laptop a Tandy 1500 HD laptop computer how does it work alright she's gonna try and figure that out don't wait alright as the train goes by Hales yes if you had a laptop like this back in the day Hales know in the comments if you didn't have a laptop like this the desk mate look at that I bet that's worth a pretty penny looks like we got another laptop I'm just gonna set it over here stuff is falling out looks like I set that over to George we've got a what do we have here we have a assess computer system alright I'm getting the gloves off I cannot do anything with gloves on we have a user's manual for level 1 Radio Shack trs-80 microcomputer system babe I think we have one of the first computers ever made all right I think babe it's really starting to look like it can you see down here there's the power supply no you can't see down there you're knocking the camera all around power supply look look at this keyboard yeah look at that keyboard oh my goodness okay look it has a plastic on it and we have can you lift that plastic up there alright oh just press it just press the plastic against their will believe it on Radio Shack trs-80 video display there's your monitor right there oh my goodness how much you think that's gonna be worth hundreds you can just call me Jeremy or friend of Jebus was a jutsu life book all right George grab this box since this is her unit let's see what you've got George my Georgie do you know what these are these are old planes not like flying this is what you would file down wood with so these are pretty collectible in themselves who needs the blade though oh look at this this is the blade so the blade it goes down like so and then you level where you want it and then and there are two of them with blades we were this might have been breaking out of jail overseas I don't know see what we have in here you've got five banned solid state communications receiver from realistic ahead it's in here it looks like it's all in here yeah it's like everything is in here communication speaker the whole deal this this electronic equipment this antique stuff people love it they still collect it you're gonna do the honors if you want me to last box open her up how you notice the last box cuz I'm done for the day all right she says this the last box it's the last box here's another one with a garbage bag it's filled with a garbage bag are you fighting against me look he's just fighting against me you plug a war we got survivals wilderness survival that's my kind of thing I actually collect these kind of books other kind of books we've got order of the arrow handbook Indian talk types on the planes the pages there's all kinds of books here I was gonna give them all to you Indian art studied other Dada Boy Scouts handbook I've always been looking for one of the originals outdoor survival skills those little glasses mini mannequin man could wear those ok HP can you hold that oh we got more pipes look at this one shocking yeah I was not a stone okay you got more pipes you got not sure what you would call that another pipe can't get any thank you can't get a grip that's fine they can see his first name where we got what do we got what do we got Oh fine $2 Chris baby one for you one for me and one for you you bought the unit sir Chris dollars you just got two dollars this must've been a Christmas present so again she spent $25 she's got her money back Justin changed that she's found okay all right we got like a grooming kit yeah this is the pages holy crap holy crap no stinkin wait wait let me take it down let me take it down so we can no way no no no hold a second babe they're double-sided look at all this silk they can't see anything over there look at all the silver oh my goodness oh my goodness okay look at all the silver oh wow no stinking way hey no way I can't believe it babe here let me here hold you just hold it balance it this sucks with the flashlight the flash is just glaring on everything see if she could do it they're still not gonna be able to tell what kind of coins they are all right well we're just gonna have to do what we're gonna have to do it's 10 o'clock at night here in Ohio been a long long day anybody that tells you storage storage unit buying is easy work lying to you but it sure is rewarding look at all this that one's got hole Center Wow it's just pages and pages and all this look how big that one is that's really cool unfortunately I can't see them try and give you guys some close-ups we realize the glare is horrible if you guys ever find Court foreign coin in your units and you're unsure of what they are just send up to what the Hales one easy way to get rid of them just send it to what the Hales or you can download the coin Oh scope app and it'll tell you exactly what you have it takes a screenshot of the coin and bam this is insane look at this it's just pages and pages I don't even we're going to look all this money up look at this it's just pages and pages and pages and most of this old stuff this remember this foreign money is silver look at this man I wish it was natural light right now so those guys could see this we might have to do in a complete follow up another we might have to do a follow up just on coins yeah Wow Wow holy cow holy cow are you shaking alright if there's a box in here and it's heavy alright you gonna open it you got more money more money you got more money you wanna look at the camera you got more money you got paper money foreign money holy cow look at that you've got 500 something whatever it is there's a thousand there's just thousand francs ten something there's some more Frank I'll give you some Frank one hundred five hundred are you sure there's Ireland there's an Ireland dollar I don't know what that is there's ten thousand something which probably is equivalent in u.s. money oh there's another foreign coin oh my goodness look at this and I wanted to get a safe look at this 50 cent pieces - we just found that other bag filled with money look at this look at this oh look at this oh wow oh my goodness there's so much crazy stuff in here Wow 50 cent pieces dollar pieces another dollar 50 cent one dollar dollars right there oh no way look at this there's ten dollars in quarters wrapped up there's ten bucks right there let's come on let's just do something okay you spent how much money you spent twenty-five dollars all right there's ten there's ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 there's your 25 bucks look at all these half dollars it got silver look at this I can't believe it you did it again [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 69,728
Rating: 4.8924136 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, found old rare coins, coins
Id: kZBQC519CWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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