FOUND DRUGS I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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it's Jeremy what the Hales are you up to today over here in Ohio Hales Corp is exploding we've got a busy day ahead of us so we got to drop off some packages at the post office we've got a youtuber Lynn Wilson she bought some socks from a unit the hundred and thirty-five dollar units they had to everything you guessed it brand-new inside of it so Lynn your packages is on the way I'm dropping it off today because it's on the way to the warehouse over at the warehouse we're gonna meet with the family there was a fire here locally they lost their home lost all their belongings and we're gonna help out spread some Christmas hope and cheer because Jesus is the reason for the season we're going to share that hope with that family so we're gonna let them take whatever they want from the warehouse and then we're gonna dig into the one unit that we are all on edge about we're at the cliffhanger with the revolver by the way I will not be showing the revolver the revolver is gone don't ask questions can't tell but we will dig through the rest of the unit as we are able to now and we'll find out together what's exactly inside so here we go this is where everything is at right now remember this is a hundred and twenty dollar unit with a thousand dollar revolver the revolver is not here the revolver will not be disclosed to you where it is and I have to be very meticulous about what I go through and what I do with the items in this unit so my goal is to sort this all today but it actually may take me two days because of the sensitivity of it all so let's dig in together and let's hope we find some sweet treasure first thing we're gonna look at is this briefcase it's on zero zero zero zero zero zero and we're gonna hope and pray that yeah it opens okay and remember the story was grandma's heirlooms were in there and they wanted grandma's heirlooms but this has nothing to do with Grandma or heirlooms this is appreciate presentation guidebook for selling little looks like steel buildings so we got flags presentation guides got a side pocket over here which I should have gloves on especially with the knob that we have on this unit I don't see anything in here except a beautiful briefcase got one of the dwarves here let's take a peek what we got remember always checking your side bags we've got whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa we've got crack pipes remember you're gonna find drugs in every single unit and I got a feeling these aren't grandmas so now we got to be a little bit more careful because we don't know what else we're gonna find in here well kind of what I thought we were gonna find in there so based on what we already know some of you are going to be thinking okay so what do you do do you call the police well the police were already involved as you're well aware and they weren't they're trying to regain grandma's stuff no we're gonna be really careful set that aside we got to make sure my gloves are on the entire time because this unit isn't gonna be the safest one marbles we got yeah we got an arch card George you and I may be going out to dinner again never you never get enough munchies right after some of these things we got Oh forever stamps we got some forever stamps right here two of them I stopped I stopped buying stamps a long time ago I get so many in storage units so dinner in and oh we got another arch card whoops captain fumble fingers we may be going to dinner twice George that would be a great stocking stuffer for her let's keep that between us and I'll put that in her stocking okay all right let's see what else we have on the side here I'm just gonna zip this back up Joey's like to try and check the sides first nothing there see what we have in here oh yeah yeah we got we got a Garmin when we got here I got Office Depot okay because of the drugs some just got some weight here we got well it's one of two things it's either a pleasure toy or a massager who would know because of what you got to be kidding me what is this there is a blues harp harmonica I have never found a harmonica in a unit before there you go very very odd especially in a bag with crack pipes I'm gonna clean the rest of this up and if I find anything else of value that I'm gonna show it to you on camera I did find a couple more pieces for the pleasure toy for a very very large woman and I found this here and I thought we would just go through this together so we got a pair of sunglasses foster grant if you can read it let's see what else we have let's just dump it out again Oh bond see ball again remember they wanted something from Grandma here we go car stereo Kenwood we got a Casio watch nothing special about that got some hot hands that'll be good for the next storage auction ten hours of heat it looks like we got some spare change so out of there the hot hands will have the most value but the radio can be sold - as I often tell you there's a story in every unit this story is one of drugs obviously and not paying any bills after going through an entire box of letters filed by the county from the sheriff from every lawyer which seems like in Summit County I did also find that they were kicked out of the property the property went up for sheriff sale and they paid none of their bills none whatsoever I did find a bag of all kinds of this one's empty of pills and vitamins and just based on the nature of this actual unit I'm going through them normally I would not it's just it's too time-consuming but because of what I know oh and there you have it you see it right there this is a heartburn relief what kind of heartburn relief comes with a baggie with white residue so be careful and I have my gloves off you be careful I'll be careful as we go through these things together I'd much prefer to find the stash of money versus a stash of drugs let's see what we have here we've got some got shot glasses see what else we have Niagara Falls this looks like a collection of shot glasses Denver property of the Wicked Witch I know who that is see what else we have this feels like more shot glasses we're just gonna rip them yeah heavy-duty shot glass another heavy-duty shot glass heavy-duty shot glass shot glass a bunch of them in here nothing unusual about that nothing unusual here's some here's a Cleveland Indian shot glass it's kind of nice because I love the Cleveland Indians who wouldn't love the Cleveland Indians here's some more different designs got got the arches there ain't captain fumble nut strikes again Cleveland Browns there we go yeah we actually sort of have a team this year The Sopranos on HBO are you just cringing when you hear that glass touch all right this is all shot glasses this looks like a working clipboard which I've already found a lot of different cool things as far as clippable AE here's one of the crossbow arrows right there this is a nice clipboard sent that arrow sign I actually probably gonna hold on to this so that I can use this when I'm out working potentially at the auction that's pretty nice there we've got blu-ray player it's a Sony so hopefully we actually have the cords with it we have an HP laptop so we've got Windows Vista on it we got the webcam the whole deal so that that'll be doing alright we've got a metro line so low case nothing in it we've got another case nothing in it that's a darts case and cable source cable source I don't know if this goes maybe that goes to the laptop we'll find out we'll keep searching looks like we have garbage bag yeah we have garbage bags inside of a bag it makes sense always makes a good sense this I have already found enough drugs all right it starts this is rubber tip I've already found enough drugs to run my own pharmacy my goodness rest of this looks like looks like clothing okay we've got some knives yeah let's let's just check under here being careful again remember we found the gun in the drawer of the dresser in the clothing so I'm just gonna kind of give a little bit of a shake and there's there's more drugs more pills always a pill and we've got got shank not surprising and we've got we've got a wallet with all kinds of everything okay I'm gonna go through these and just because I don't want names shared because I know you youtubers think you're helping when you contact people you're only hurting so I'll share with you if I find anything of value there I did find a pretty cool Harley Davidson skullcap hat in that pile of clothing which anything that has hardly on it I it sells immediately when I place it on ebay so that'll be an eBay item for sure it's a pretty cool lamp I'm sure you put the ball bin and then you get the lights coming right out of the eyes so pretty nice they're really cool I'm sure that'll go for something liquor bottle special note on it I'm sure it has some type of historic meaning to someone just not me we've got glassware that one's busted that one go right in the garbage huh looks like wrapped up the stuff that he valued again remember we were told grandma but I've yet to see anything that has anything to do with Grandma what's this nothing nothing at all Beaver Valley operations there's another one got a chocolate mocha more the same mug at least we get the comics around this one that one looks hand-painted kind of cool another Miller Lite and long a burger I've been sorting through quite a few things lots and lots of mail they obviously got evicted didn't go through any of their mail well kept track just never opened it but it was all bills so let's see we got a loofah that one actually looks brand new Listerine this looks like all toiletries Old Spice mmm brand new toothbrush now go home we'll put that with all the millions of other toothbrushes one a day go directly in the garbage Loctite yeah use that in the shop alcohol I'll keep that here at the warehouse in case we have any boo-boos shaving gel body cream go in the garbage Old Spice bulk it up okay we got some toothpaste toothbrush more deodorant doesn't look that you really have anything in this bag which is interesting see what have here couple bags together okay we got a pen and we have a here we got an iPhone charger I'm going to take that one home to George because the other one isn't working for so George you're getting an iPhone charger I need to I need to get that beautiful woman stuffed up for Christmas now I have how many days left today is I don't know what do you get them what do you get the perfect woman for Christmas nothing in their game you got batteries receipt we have we have got a phone I wonder if this is a burner phone got these little garbage cans everywhere that seem to be filled with just about anything we'll just take a quick look earbuds receipts this has got to be for the Garmin wherever the Garmin may be and let's hope it's there and another pill nothing in that one okay got a battery Trident gum a gum mmm looks a little rough but I mean come on when you need some gum you need some gum are you guys thinking what I'm thinking are you are you ain't gonna happen with that gum let's see what we got a license plate why would you even keep this stuff inside twelve dollars Probie inside of a fool oh no all right completely and totally moldy look at this oh just smell it it's horrible which again makes the whole cord smell that way and there's great and there's a nest right we've got the pull-up bars as you know I can't show everything as a matter of fact in a typical video there's probably anywhere from ten to twelve hours worth of work to show you a 20-minute video you don't see the moving and all of the storage and the sorting but there are just a ton of these file organizers and I don't know why I keep thinking I'm gonna find something and then I don't so there's more sunglasses found a lot of pug sunglasses or pugs I think they are here's a lighter lots of random band-aid [Music] it's just manila folders nothing really exciting because there's nothing in them most of them are empty I've been showing you some of them because they're empty you can feel it when you pick them up or you just take a quick quick kick peek on this paperwork here's some okay here we go not sure what that is but it's supposed to be on something we got fluorescent light bulb flashlights not working oh look at this remember what I told you I never buy stamps there's a complete roll right there forever stamps and that my friends is why I do not buy stamps anymore okay there are cards down here there's a driver's license here's another flashlight this one works oh look at that $50 gift card so we're gonna have to check that one out okay credit card Wow actually quite a few driver's license would make me wonder why oh here we go another gift card yep another gift card for target have to check that what's this a chromatic tuner metronome they have here playing cards has NFL on the side Oh San Francisco 49ers playing cards from nineteen look at their 1994 good stuff and that's not the only football thing okay 1996 score oh there we go we got more cards there's Jerry Rice Jerry Rice Jerry Rice Jerry Rice Jerry Rice actually there's only one Steve Young that isn't a Jerry Rice more Steve Young Steve Young anything else is this there's a coin down here some more paperwork here's a coin one pound oh my goodness is that that's fair this is going to George there you go George right in your stocking this Christmas this is a very time-consuming sort somebody was on a breathing machine well maybe that's the first sign of Grandma but I have a feeling these these work boots steel-toed have nothing to do with girl is all kinds of dart pieces yep darts darts dart tips everything darts I've officially lost light outside so now just drop this or inside the trailer got decorating design just looks like one page was started that was it yeah a bag filled with nothing more back look at this I don't know about you guys but when I was a little glad I had a bouncy ball collection although I don't have that collection anymore these would be great as far as that collection we've got some jerky cure and seasoning oh my goodness bag after bag of halls mentholyptus pops off we got a subway gift card I'll have to check that one out as well man we are hitting gift card after gift card hopefully there's stuff on them oh yeah we got a Lucky Penny I know George likes shiny quarters but I'll take a Lucky Penny if I don't get a shiny quarter we've got otter looks like we found the golf shoes we did there's the golf shoes fj Sport nothing else in the box like we got an atlas and personal mail in the next okay let's see what we got here quality siding I'm never gonna have enough siding right golf balls and a ton of shanks look at this okay there's an old scale it's a $5 sticker on it somebody must have been collecting it's an old mercury thermostat made by Eko deep-frying candy jelly maybe this is not a mercury thermostat or be careful with that one some kind of old shank yes I know it's a can opener $10 price tag on that one old walnut openers there's this this looks like an old can opener bought for two bucks old Apple slicers huh this is a long sort and as you can see already this is all personal bills and I've covered it up with a little bit of paper and so that's all that I've sorted already having to go through every single envelope every piece of paper and then garbage wise were just halfway there donation wise I've got quite a few bags of clothing all set up and then other things set aside over here to go to auction keep in mind we still got a lot of unboxing to do this week why it's a slow process today we'll hopefully finish up part three of that unit tomorrow we still have the huge unit for five hundred dollars I think was five hundred dollars up in Norton I've got to get that back this week we still have this unit as well this is the six hundred and fifty dollar unit we've yet to unbox lots of antiques you might remember the actual the melt carton and then we have the $200 unit which is all back in here which had the jewelry chests so we're gonna be unboxing this for quite some time I realize most of you would like the whole unboxing to be in one episode unfortunately my days just don't end up that way it is a tremendous amount of work to continue to sort and load and move and video and then editing so it takes a lot of time and then replying to your comments so every waking moment is devoted to you right now so I appreciate you watching thanks again for watching and don't forget to subscribe make sure you hit that Bell so you get the little notifications and remember adventure awaits go find dad you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 499,916
Rating: 4.6188102 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found DRUGS, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: 8gl2E1jCypE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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