I bought an Unclaimed for Years VINTAGE Abandoned Storage Unit

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alright alright what's going on guys so recap long story short psy bought two storage units guys one storage units was a seven by ten and it was a little over 500 bucks is what I paid and it was massive it was a fantastic storage unit guys if you haven't already seen the first video of me unboxing it while I was in the storage unit go check it out so I also did a video number two and the only way I can go through and show you guys what's in it is I brought it home because there was too many boxes and we're going through the boxes individually and so that's video number two this is video number three this is video number three the same storage unit the last video and I'm gonna go through the remaining 30 boxes with you guys and show you what I got now long story short paid over 500 bucks for it one box from video number two paid for the whole storage unit it was all vintage clothing nua tags so literally this thing is going to net me you know conservatively probably about fifteen thousand or more and I truly believe that because there's so much stuff here and so much stuff I can sell so I'm going to continue to go through these boxes show you guys what's in it this is video number three blast video and then long story short guys tomorrow I'm picking up unit number two which is not nearly as big but we'll go live there and I'll show you what I got paid a 380 bucks for that unit so having picked it up yeah I haven't even opened yet and we'll go through that video alright so I'm going to show you what is in box number one video number three actually video number two haul but video number three for this storage unit alright guys box number one a video number two I actually scratched out honey all right let's get into this box guys this is box number one but we did 20 boxes the last video if you haven't seen it on the same storage unit and I haven't opened this one yet either see this one okay this is just linens this is a pillow so that nothing no keeper there let's see what's in this little thing here okay this is just like a little Bowl just so random and if you guys see anything that's worth a lot of money let me know because I'm not an expert in everything at all so I have a lot to learn okay so we got blankets some probably it's not worth much this box is not exciting for number one okay looks like sheets these are some older sheet so you can tell we have some clothes mixed in here we do brand new little spice rack and to give that's a grand mommy she liked it alright we have a Susan Thomas made in the USA vintage it's kind of cool I show these tacks because some of you guys may know more than I do about women's clothing so you guys can tell me if I got any good stuff or not I think this is actually vintage to buy the tag so we have another one she kept really good care for clothes so that's another one let's continue let's good tune looks like this is like a nightgown thing Scott hopefully it's focusing for you guys so it looks like a bunch of clothes in here and some slacks oops slacks off clothes and slacks guys clothes and selects oh it's focusing on me hopefully it's not blurry okay some more clothes guys will go through a couple more and over to the next box just for times sake just for times sake this is kind of unique oh it's a two-piece sets yes red and here's the other piece all right so just some clothes in here guys let's go to the next box box number two let's go to the next box all right box number two box number two let's zoom again so we have some sweaters guys find quality sweaters this I think this whole box is a bold sweater so it's gonna go really good for fourth-quarter remember I paid 500 are still whole units and everything you've seen in all the videos is that's the only cost I had remember to say oh I own my own truck this is gonna be unique sweater this thing was something like this colorful will go over the wall if I own my own truck really just gas time and dump fees if I have any but honestly everything through this one if I don't sell it on to the goodwill donations there's another one it's kind of cool something like this would definitely sell and it's older all right don't worry guys we got a lot electronics a lot of cool stuff happening and some of the other boxes though we got to go kind of quick because there's like 30 more boxes and we already went through 20 so here's a really cool sweater this one's nice [Music] yeah this is all sweaters well hi Sierra I see you're a sweater that's one good thing about storage units is you get a lot of inventory that you could here is Northwest blue I've never heard of this brand before maybe you guys have a lot of these clothes are new attacks which is crazy and they're vintage so all right this one is Marsh landing missing that right pretty crazy I have an ambidextrous turn I am a dishes but uh well they call that this one has a little bit issues who here we know the spread guys it's all that's hopefully it's focusing this looks like an older tag to so Oh brand new tags brand new with tags we love the brand new vintage clothing with tanks and that boy is brand-new brand-new that's nice alright let's go through this one here here's another Great Northwest hopefully it's focusing for you guys another cool sweater gwgw here's another one so and another one GW and let me guess another one stay for a hint yep same brand she liked that one wow this old hanger that's an old looking hanger there okay so this one's kind of neat the guy was looking for tax just a lot of tags in here but this one's kind of cool too alright so that was box number two let's continue to roll on guys alright box number three this one we went through at the storage unit but we'll go through this again we've got some a lot of cards in here I'm showing this because I want you guys to know buy storage units all the cards all that stuff goes back to the facility and then they try to get it back to the owner so any personal information will always locks up and sent back to the facility so they can give it back so these are old letters so those are going to go back some of these box these are old Christmas cards not used written in 1993 they're all brand new so those will keep so old letters again guys I mean you briefly want to look through and make sure there's no cash because a lot of times it depends this cash but other than that you want to make sure you give it back to facility baby books that's something that I always give back sometimes if they're if they haven't been used you don't you don't need to get back but this is obviously a Christmas box and some toys here's a little Scrabble board game guys this obviously is cool we have a lot of old ribbon in here this is definitely old ribbon you can you can tell there's no barcodes on it I've sold old room and all I do is I take a bunch of pictures of it and lots and I'll sell it in lots of us sell greetings cards you just write to make sure they're not used those are not here's the old game you want check out these old games too and on the old game sometimes if you're missing pieces you can seldom it the pieces you do have because other people are missing those pieces so for games sometimes well here's the monopoly we all love monopoly that's pretty cool another board here looks like a scheme list does not have a game to it check this out guys this is the full payday game that's really cool huh an old payday want to see if that's worth money probably not see and we have a battleship you guys all love battleship right that was fun some of these games hopefully you guys have played therefore this is a game box guys a lot of games a lot of ribbon in here a lot of it so I'll lock this up and sell it individually all right it's all it is Lots but individually and we have pick-up sticks come on guys as in my play pick-up sticks password that's not bad Yahtzee we have a Yahtzee game here I wonder if it's in here it seems heavy oh yeah it just seemed a little more heavier than normal okay what else do we have we have some candles guys some random candles in here and some more Christmas cards that's never been used hallmark Christmas cards made in the USA so maybe possibly what I can do is just sell these in a lot you know see people on back then they wanted 16 cards for him what's this jackpot Bank Wow not a gambling device a real savings bank that's interesting check this out it's old this is not a gambling device a real savings bank that's interesting does it work it doesn't seem like it's working wait oh it does work this is this is really cool I think it's missing some things in the back but I may have to look that up that meself it's even got the instructions in here that's all right it's the more ribbon much more ribbon in here we'll leave that in there check it out bingo an old bingo game you guys have played bingo what this I've never played this game what the heck anybody play that before 1966 I don't know also you have to see some more cards here you can see it's Xbox just saw a bunch of ribbon in here so alright so this box number three let's go to box number four and we have a lot more stay tuned box number four let's get into this remember we're up there every single box no matter if it's boring or not boring I want to show you guys exactly getting the storage unit so alright we got some old jeans here women's jeans with his jeans and older shirts 1995 nothing - nothing - cool but still still another GW shirts clubbing collection club Z collection here we got Jones New York sport kind of a vintage woman's shirt there another one here XL making good any good let's see oh this is so old the hanger look the hanger is disintegrating that's been in here so long oh this is a GW just another take out our dress or something it's a dress so we'll go through this quick just some basic care in Scots we have another one here Karen and rough sport getting into the kitters good stuff here Coldwater Creek I wouldn't say that's great but hey J Jill with the lands in with the Lands End shirt under there she took really good care of G Jill Miller J Jill that's why this washing said it's full of clothes and yes there's another piece here this one doesn't mister sis are that's odd just our vintage Orvis that's really cool it's got little ruffles ruffles at the top I don't know I think that's a third time woman's some of you guys some of you guys are like I don't do a lot of women's but getting getting better guys Jay chill Jay Jill the very back there and another one not bad I've sold men's I'm not too sure how the ribbons go but hey cold water all right we have doctors in here and old Dockers right there main Hong Kong and Wow you're like you guys hear that that's how long they've been in here just some basic tops another Dockers here's another one of these it's cool [Music] I think it's an old gap yet pulled yeah all right on to number five I think this is number four yeah I'm the number five guys this was number four Shh number five this one's heavy all right so I think this is actually copper solid copper Korea that's what it says they're solid copper Korea so that's kind of cool thanks hopefully you guys like this style or we do unboxings because a lot of these boxes I haven't looked in so if I got at the house yesterday so we have a lot of okay reed & barton enough you guys have heard that silverware I don't know if I'm saying it right this is kind of faded but there's a lot of this Reed and Barton silverware ISOs stainless steel and it's in Korea so there's a lot of that you guys can see that so is that good I don't have to look at the brand I actually have even pulled it up but there's a lot of this in here look at this and look they all have the original paper on them which is crazy they all they're all still in the paper yeah this one says stainless you guys can read that right there locust there we go so a lot of that kind of silverware you can go also read up on that and look it's a bunch of it in packages right here in the sets and you guys can see the scammers nothing it's focusing on me and not the hi I'm let me get closer here's another one so alright let's see what's in here woo an old Kodiak again I haven't looked up anything on these I don't know if they're if it's worth anything or not yet so I think I got the trick on the camera though get closer okay some brand new in the package and hopefully we'll find some greatest with Kris wall planter pans okay we have one of these bad boys - all right what's in here and we have bear products a bunch of hair ties so you get a random random crucial grouping of things in here so interesti and the more of these brand-new never used never opened you can see the plastic is still on them want to see if these things fetch anything another one we have two of these now so want to see if these things are worth anything I do sell cameras but I've never sold those before oh these are wrapped up some more in the package little knives at the full onset look at this thing what the heck this is a strainer look at this thing I bet this is aluminum that's yeah I don't know it doesn't say but this I bet old strainers like this sell I'd have to check it's interesting stuffs worth anything I have no idea what this is for I know it's some sort of kitchen think maybe you stab the meat with it or something I don't know I don't know I just feel good since I've started it guys all right oh this is a little disgusting but hey it's probably been in here for like 50 years who knows what is what is this anyways that's donation all right cool this is is this a fryer No No okay let me see if you guys can read that can you guys read that but it doesn't say what it is but hey mom will know mom well no okay a little little container there now what is this guys it's got a oh it's an old toaster this is an old toaster guys it's really good shape made in the United States so hey that's got to be worth this thing for 500 bucks Oh guys this may be worth a little bit not a lot a little bit look at this [Music] isn't this the grind like vegetable no no is this a meat grinder this is universal I think this is a meat grinder right so it's got the other components in here too you guys tell me I think this is an old meat grinder at first I thought like a sausage maker is this a sausage maker I think so an old sausage maker so that made me worth some money all right we're done box number five or six I think box number five let's go on to box number six guys not bad not all right box number six all right so when I got in this storage unit I remember this box it was it was not closed it was open on top of some other boxes I haven't checked in here yet so let's go through this first the first box that was in there was a bunch of bras these are old Marshall tags I mean look look how old that Marshall tag is so really old Marshall tags on those and we got a bunch of bras in here that are brand new and some of these do you guys know these kin is it Kim Kardashian like butts or whatever I mean this is like an extra padded padded thing so you can put in if you make make it look like you have a big butt you know so much of those some of these so these are new vintage Iraq guarantee these have got to be old older than 25 years kind of bunch of these bras in here guys I know these are older bras just by the tags and some of these have been used but then some of them are you are new like this one here I mean this is an old old old tag I don't know exactly how old but I wouldn't be surprised since 20 years old but again I'm no experts so see look at this the inside tag on it it's his older here's another new one never used so I think well if they're the same size I'll want them up and sell them here's another new attack bra a lot of the storage unit was new attacks 499 back then guys this is a 34c we have a bunch of them in here in this little box so I'll shove them all back in here this box number six guys I'm not going any particular order we have like a lot of a lot of other like pitchers electronic stuff like that coming up so I'm just grabbing boxes as they're here this is just a basic that this is not too old I don't think these here's an LL Bean you use a bean I don't think that's enough so first time to be honest but it's another basics edition hopefully you guys can see re this is the first one here's the writers so I'm hoping the cameras focus into for you just some random t-shirts Fair indigo I've never heard of that before that brand Woolrich I've heard of Woolrich I'm sold small rich so you see if it is focusing oh there we go full rich gotta find that I've got to find the sweet spot in the camera right there that's where the sweet spots up alright looking jeans women's jeans with double flowers surprise we're not seeing any Nike here's some more LL Bean this isn't too old this box is not really old I don't even see the brain in this one I guess and see in a box too so it's all bunch of used clothing guys Dockers I kind of wanted to show you everything so you guys have an idea what's in storage units we've got a lot of being in here another LL Bean believe it's out of me right hope you know that me another Eddie Bauer Lana Eddie Bauer a lot LL Bean hears ya more Eddie Bauer another I don't sell a lot of any batteries fast all right so let's go into the next box guys you guys kind of got an ID on this one are we on six are we on seven I don't know I guess I should be keeping tally okay so this is nothing exciting guys but again I want to show you everything so but again everything's new with tags in this unit I could use this for the tomatoes this year so this is just an outdoor outdoor stuff guys will spare you on this one but I want to show you on everything so it's got pots indoor planners you know some plants not very exciting box six but I wanted to show you guys box number seven I haven't even looked in this one um got a bunch of Jean long-sleeved jackets or whatever you want to call them two of these st. brand something vice oh this is Lee so these are some older Lee's you can tell these have the cool buttons where they say 19 or sorry 1889 they have the cool buttons that's not 1889 but they're older and you can see all right this thing is just donation Ralph Lauren an older Ralph Lauren but you can see there's a lot of issues with it and I've never heard of this brand before made in Turkey let me know if you guys have heard about Maine Turkey and we have the necessities toilet paper you get them in every single unit it seems like everything okay let's get into this looks like its packaging stuff [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh these are glasses water for crystal maiden Poland so this is crystal you guys sell any of this stuff let me know I don't sell a lot of it we have some more this sworsky made in Jordan I don't sell a lot of glass either so you guys let me know on that obviously I've heard of that brand I just don't know how much forth here's another glass so we've got two and you guys know with my bar I all the glass crystal I have in there I got from storage units so there is another one hue this one still has the tag on it that's one good thing about getting storage units guys is you get some really high-end expensive stuff for virtually nothing you know I mean I spent $500 for this unit and two videos ago I got my money back so here's another one oh here's another it must be the full set that's in here you know if you guys can see that but let me know as well if you guys know here's another one so let me move this over room for all this she had a lot hi aunt stuck in the punch bowl and they fell high quality there's another bull this one has no markings on it that I see just a random one it looks over but I'm working what is this what is this oh just a cool butterfly picture so that's cool about this one there's another flower all right this is really cool it's glass see it's glass okay let me get another Bowl another Bowl and we have a smaller Bowl e oh this must be the set this must be the set this is interesting this is kind of cool plate I like I've sold glass and I like dinner there's less competition nobody wants to ship it one thing that you can do is you can when you take it in I think it's $20 or $24 I know it's kind of expensive but if it's really high ends you pay that at the facility there and they'll ship it and pack it for you which is really nice so that way the liability is not on you I want to say it's 20 bucks they ship and pack it for you but I could be wrong I mean this is 1986 designs made in Jordan 1986 fini you know but this might be good to put on right now for the holiday season oh here's another plates like that one oh this is a bigger plate so maybe they have the full set in here those [Applause] so it's definitely the full set okay and more bowls more bowls another bowl [Applause] like this is just like I probably not worth anything in China [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no way different color all right so that oh never mind I was just an old jar just a 2008 not worth anything but cool little jar anything else in here did I miss anything [Music] all right on to box number seven all right box number eight anybody we're all ready box number eight this one is very tall you can see it comes up to here it's on the desk I have not opened this one up yet maybe we'll just do like this Oh [Applause] some glasses guys okay so this is full then some more wine glasses Ashley came to help by the way guys on this one glasses all right let's show them here Ashley [Applause] more wine glass this is a gravy boat yeah gravy boat I bet the top is in there it's got the gold trim I have so much packing behind me oh okay so there's the box oh it's a set the whole sets here wow these are new these are completely new they sold the sticker on there I don't know how much they're worth but it's a whole set it's got that full trim [Applause] that's kind of cool what is that oh this is cool this is this is nice glass this one see what's in here oh this is cool oh you got one too oh you got the other yeah and see that a little sticker it's still it's still not used ever been won just that left plate [Applause] Christel Linux face the size of my hand see what's in here shall we oh yeah really pretty they don't like a little weird tent to him you see it's like a shiny tint to them wow it's all full I got six of them here so I'll sleeve them in here but [Applause] these ones don't have the tents I wonder if those another ones have like a shiny tint to it if you guys know what that is what this one stone [Applause] oh these ones with the shame it's like a it's like a rainbow in the glass like a small one like how like this is it's smaller than just little expresso shot like Wow see that focus focus focus pretty crazy alright let's go on to box number eight bucks number eight all right box number eight or nine whose County and I have no idea at this point we're gonna go until we're done video number two video number two okay so we have some some of these bad boys you guys can read that kind of hard it's a whole set leave them in here but you can see that those are the same size this is another China box I think [Applause] another one of those sets it's like so blurry you can't tell what's on the bottom of it it's the same as those other ones more take up another gravy but this must be the whole set yeah this is made in California USA oh man it's just so you guys can see that but another gravy boat this must be a full set in here side off to be rocket but yeah it is here's some more of these little plates so let me know if you guys have seen this brand before it's kind of hard to read [Music] [Applause] here's some more bowls and their number two this is number 13 so all right this was an easy box beeps it's all the ones that guys that way we don't have to put it all back on to number nine or ten all right de bercy's hanging out day - video - guys we got a bunch of boxes there excuse me bunch of books and a bunch of boxes we probably got maybe 20 boxes full of books and so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to see if they're worth anything and get them on Amazon if they are I'll send them in to Amazon and a lot of them are older they've got the ISBN number but they don't have barcodes UPC's so I may just I may just look at these and see if they're worth anything and sending them into Amazon and here's some more books guys you haven't even looked in them yet and there's a lot of play a lot of Bibles in here too so I'm gonna look through all these books there's I'll spare you guys from showing you books but we probably got a lot of boxes full of books so and we got another box here full of books as well so I'll put these back from it I just want to show you guys that we got a time my books Oh so this one's not very exciting let's go like closed pins in here this is really cool that's where they keep their clothes pins some hangers I'll use the hanger but then you've got a box full of tight guys so it's still good too if you want to use it for a while look at this wow this is laundry booster helmet hell this thing is it's so old you can't even so you can scan it Wow anyways just again I want to show you everything so this will not add to my value pretty much tight it's expensive okay this is the random boxes in the unit shoes and these are lands in and they've never been used so brand-new lands and shoes guys lands in I think is gonna do better now because see a lot of people purchase their lands in from Sears and Sears was a big like you know Lands End supplier I'm sure they can get lands in elsewhere I'm sure those stores the operator maybe then we also got this what's these books Ashley these are sermon books and they're brand new it's the whole set huh five volumes guys so I'm wondering how much we can get for these things brand-new never used sermon sets so I don't know still in the box and this is it rare so hard to look at that and see so that's pretty cool I'll keep you updated on some of this stuff alright then box number 11 you know say hello [Music] mmm-hmm big smiles all right guys we didn't find him in the storage unit what's up with the tongue are we thinking that I'm not what the tongue all right guys let's unbox this okay all right all right I lost count but for Ashley who's that eating in this video this is gonna be day two and we have shoes so we already have about three boxes of shoes now and you got to be careful because I've after closed evaluation here some of these shoes do not match the boxes so I have to look but we have Montgomery Bay shoes or sandals those ones are used let's just go through the shoes and she kept decent care of her shoes these ones have padded pads in them but some of these are used but look the soles are really good on them so this one you know made in Poland the shoes were made in Poland I don't know there was anything but we wash we shall see she really liked all my shoes and look she took really good care of them because the soles are actually really clean see these one stalls the stickers on them they were 66 95 now 3490 Nordstrom just--can see him but they don't look like they've been worn they just look older so no god those ones are new these boys see these are decently clean as well on the back here and she always put these ones have been worn but all her shoes she took care of them so that's cool those will actually look good to take photos in put those in there alright I don't think these are Margaritaville but their sandals so they don't fit the box nice little margarita built men's shirts all right here's another pair again really good care of the soles she probably warm only a few times if that [Music] just like some Souls and really nice these are dr. shinola listen to the pads she uses remember she had some of those guys these are good-looking shoes handcrafted Footwear and these are actually the Fox so that's rare just lost it so they've never really been used but once maybe and I don't know I haven't sold many of these so let's see how much they won on the box there's no price Wow that may be a good find your nose Oh still I don't think these have been worn they have the tag on them so there she was shopping in the clearance section they look new they look completely new so even they use ones it looks like they've been taking very good care of these ones that definitely have not been taken today but they definitely look older just by the pads and then stuff too but then they have a little sticker on the back still we got here so not too bad worn inside a little bit we have some more margarita business partner wreath of this actually maybe Margaritaville they are oh they're new Margaritaville they're new it doesn't solve for time but I mean people buy and we read of it they got a cool box with it too and these can go first class a lot of times if you eliminate the top some sandals yep Maggie let me sit there and yeah that's the only thing is I have a boxing net interesting huh and they keep coming Thank You gummy this pair looks pretty good made in Italy nickels am I saying that right nickels made in Italy okay again these are made in Spain no you can saw not up on my women's shoes so let me know in the comments below throughout these videos these whole bit is storage of all videos if if I got anything good or if I got any faster [Music] [Applause] some black on black and I have to put you know they've been worn they sell the tags inside the box there's a made from made in Brazil Nine West I know Nine West isn't a crazy brand but alright these are fancy these are fancy made in Spain these are fancy see that black on black oh they got that size in there Wow fancy looking shoes right Easy Spirit these are new some more new stuff they've got the tag so even on clearance there were 25 bucks and then originally there were 60 but these are Jones New York brand new there's all the tags inside so I mean again it's just like it's although you get so much and storage units so you get like there's so much in each unit here's another pair these are pretty cool and they've been worn but these these are new these need to be thrown away they've got a lot of issues guys those need to be thrown away we have another pair here guys Gloria Vanderbilt I know her jeans don't sell for a time they people are religious about her jeans like women jeans I saw nice jeans but they don't go for a ton but like they seem like they're steady sellers and they salt nor shrooms and we have these bad boys kind of cool little loafers and I can't really see that those things alright last one and then I gotta change out the battery in the camera I think it's anyone so these are cool what I think it's joy you guys can see that but all right guys three boxes of shoes is crazy I'm gonna change up the battery with the camera continue on alright new battery in the camera done this like four times now such a long I have not been through this I just looked at the very top one because we didn't have time so let's go through this some more clothes but I can already see me with tag clothes so got the old dart strim bags look at this we have I know it's Ross but it's brand new Rek I haven't sold many of it but when you can get brand new clothes it's crazy see tags tags so that's brand new and it's we have some Jade Jill OH Talbots women's brand new attacks okay so how many brand new attack clothing items have we had so far on these two videos like it's crazy this was a really good unit so another brand new attacks Jay chill another brand new with tags I have heard of this brand before JK hook but hey brandy with tags I don't think this guy's branding with tags but hey that's pretty good start for the box I would have to say that's pretty good start alright let's move on let's move on I see some more tags tags this I don't have any tags not brand new that's the next one but hey we have a lot of these more new with tags below here let's see a shop or missing piece yeah it's a brand new attacks guys they wanted 80 bucks for this a long time ago I've never even sold this brand before but it's a two-piece set brand new with tags alright man everything is in plastic it's like crazy how nice she kept this stuff I almost don't want to take it out okay so this must be a set we've got to keep it somewhat nice because I'm gonna turn around so this was made in Italy and Wow look how nicest that is actually I'm not amazing made in the USA oh wait sorry this is not meeting Italy made in the USA don't know why I said it guys I'm tired made in the USA but look at this look at the quality of this man and it's got the pants in here as well so look at these pants first sorry not gonna skirt and pants oh I'm not sorry then all right I got put that back in the closet that was close a nice one and she kept all her stuff extremely nice all right so Jessica Howard and it made in the USA this is definitely vintage she called it tag like a dress my arms are sore guys from football this is brand-new brand-new with tugs we love it we love brand new with tags it's gotta be vintage look how old that thing is made in the United States new attacks all right let's move on shall we wow this is a nice one too look at that man they made quality seriously actually has the pants inside just attack for that bad boy and one of these workflows but we have none we have non clothes stuff in here to another set here another set and another pair of clothes alright Oh beanie babies look at this guy because it does beanie baby stuff Oh 2006 so he's the 2006 yeah yep look at this guy and another ducky flip-flops extremely relaxed animals and we have a little little beanie baby carp thing basket another one he probably fell out all right man there's there's some more clothes in here ooh Calvin Klein jean jackets whoo this is older Wow me in the United States it does but somebody will still buy this thing yeah I mean look at that Calvin Klein jean jean jacket oh we have the Pooh Winnie the Pooh yeah and there's just a lot or some more jean jackets in here like a lot of them oh these are old suspenders are these oh no sorry suspenders this is a main Hong Kong don't you guys exp I gotta get up on my women's pants northwest blue I mean some of these may not be worth much but and here's a Levi's jean jacket or this is nice this is nice and here's the tag on this thing this is nice another lands in so yep just some other random clothes in here guys lands in route 66 which is not worth much yeah but not bad guys not bad let's get on to the next box all right so we're not even gonna count boxes anymore I decided now is that yes which is a good idea all right we have a Christmas Box here guys just in time for Christmas so a willow tree that's an angel right Ashley yeah there's an angel in there we have some bulbs that's one thing you're almost guaranteed in a storage unit to get and that's at least some Christmas because nobody wants to store Christmas at their house so it's all looks like it's new it's never been really open I think which is cool and some Christmas you can't solve for a lot oh those are Martha Stewart no nose baby is that before or after she had her little spiel where she got put in jail or whatever and we can always use some of these we have a one of those things I'll read [Music] some more ball loops folks will have to use some of the AVI Avon Avon bucks and we have another cool willow tree is this an angel - OH nativity scene willow tree is just the brand of something all right guys let's get two new on let's continue on you guys know the drill another box just man they really took care of the wrapping why train classic care new improved formula we have more China yeah more China rose classics yeah Wow it's a whole set you guys remember that gravy boat well we have to gravy boats but this is the another whole set we have like three change sets a little not Guinea okay this must be the other stuff oh yeah that's beautiful isn't it that they're made in Germany Wow look how beautiful that is so leave all these in here guys put that whole chain is set like the gravy boats I can see now why they package small box but mighty it's really cool box by the way but this one has some gloves in here never used Ralph Lauren we have some cashmere gloves they were 53 bucks Ross wanted 14 bucks back in the day cashmere in mind we have a lot more Ross tags in there so that may have fell off here's another one we have there's all kinds of clothes in here leather gloves she was very like yes just lost the tags on it Jones New York it's a little scarf some more handkerchiefs yeah no this is the thing that they guys suddenly was doing stuff okay but yeah this a lot of this isn't new attacks so pretty cool I think these are older yeah print just feels old fires do my guide your research make sure you're correct all right whoo man I've been working out last couple of days so new bucks and we have not looked in this one we have a brand new telephone an old telephone guys brand-new AT&T new in the package back in the day they wanted at 30 bucks for it it's random close close close telephone okay Wow this just does this look like a table clock look at this big hanger Wow wait this thing that's beautiful huh hopefully it's hard to see on camera [Music] another telephone used to have this fun it's also the owner's manual and everything with it Wow this one looks like it's been used it's been used but hey what do you think sir what do you think about this okay daddy do good on this one or what crushed it okay this one is just a bunch of lands and older lands and a older land really up some more phone cord ups all the packaging phone cord some people find out is who we have new attacks hundred and ninety-four dollars down there we want to see what that $194 is can you imagine like five or six tournaments paid for this whole unit Wow cluttered what is six seater blocks you find everything folks yeah they wanted $7.50 for wood Beaupre oh so you put this in with your fur coats Wow I wonder if they even sell these things anymore I doubt it brand new wow this must be like in another new box 149 dollar price tag is down here we're gonna see what it is I would be surprised she has fur coats that's what that problem is huh and you got think 194 dollars back then oh well this doesn't new attacks to this unit just keeps getting better and better okay boom let's play four new attacks any kind of grant money another new attacks Myron or Frank Valerie Stevens pure silk Valerie Stevens pure silk forty bucks new attacks does this new attacks do not know what tags we're getting we're getting spoiled here with all this new attacks this is new attacks though yeah you like new attack this is a hundred and sixty-five dollars mark down to 70 Wow brand new guys how much brand new stuff are we gonna fight in this unit oh man the here's another one guys you can see you can see it's so old that the little you can clean it up like wash it it'll be fine but the hangar was disintegrating that's how old these things up if the hangar goes up Pauline maybe moisture okay CW Clifford and Willis you got me in treats young New York Oh knew it tugs yeah more new with tags all this new attacks got Jones New York she wearing these clothes this is a hundred and ninety four dollars this is not the one I saw by the way one hundred ninety four bucks guys back then which is happened oh the little thing fellow that excuse my French a little buttons fell out of here let me put it back so Jones New York we have a whole suit oh no my one right not is this new this is a whole women suit here we are you gonna list all this okay we this is new attacks Victoria a little skirt new attacks like out what that tag is they wanted 79 bucks here's another one is that this feels like silk to me yeah 95 percent silk got lands and hangar guys I'll keep those if I find more else all in a lot what is in here Wow look at this thing it's an old a machine keyboard and old a machine keyboard guys you find everything all right let's see just think oh my gosh this is heavy what is in here it is like really heavy this is Portland Oregon - lets you I know it's old wow what is this Oh Talbot's wow this is vintage Talbots I believe just by the tag it's made in the USA I could be wrong I'll have to check because I know some of their newer stuff is - I think it's women's I don't so many ways but this is wow this is beautiful look how long this thing is I wonder when I was I don't know I might sell this thing there's another one of those wood things is this another I've never heard of this brand before and I'm in Oregon here I'll show you guys maybe maybe you have Portland Oregon but it's beautiful - wow this is an old union tag union workers international lady garments Union ought to look at some websites and see it's another one oh no yeah Dumas made in the United States Carlsberg yes all right pretty crazy finds guys let me know in the comments below if you guys know anything about these things all right another little box guys that we haven't been in a love for slippers look at these flippers Wow Wow these are new a corn slipper socks since 1976 made in the United States in me United States I got put more batteries in now all right it's brand new guys Wow Wow that's funny I'm gonna have to sell these obviously what else is in here what else is in here it's just all lady old old lady stuff all right guys I'm gonna go change the battery and then we'll do another box no their box oh trying to angle this as best I can so I can see a lot of these boxes we didn't have chance to go through Wow I'm going to get more new attack clothes we're about to see I have a lot of things all right let's move the box up here so I can show you guys the clothes better all right so the first we have we have some Jeju guys not new used I haven't sold much JJ I'm not too sure that the market is for it but if it's new I'm like I could sell anything classic mm somebody may want that it's got some pants in here someone is to his pets she liked what she liked the list pants look how nicely she put everything on hangers though in the boxes all right let's continue on here a little bit of a crazy mess okay get some lands in oh wow everything just feels interesting being that shine have it feels like silk it's me so sponsor shirts guys nothing too special yet we have to go through cuz it's there's a lot in here and you never know all right Ashley Eddie Bauer we have a bar casual look at the tag busted some more you have to look though sometimes you act close and on the bottom you'll get bones Heights close the funds that's an old-looking tag Longson in the Philippines I thought we had her first new attack item in the box but though here is a what is this how am I gonna get this wow this is some sort of contraption guys for a contraption all right let me see okay whoo some Mormons you gonna see that this is a really cool hang on yeah okay well it's all she's a lot of these always crazypants things phones yet we have lands in some more lands in this is all pretty much lands in here here's this crazypants bigger more pants we have some leaves Lee pants Calvin Klein Calvin Klein Jeans made in the United States Calvin Klein all right Eddie Bauer it's a lot of work a lot of work but hey please and pretty much Eddie Bauer Calvin Klein surprised Carl Reed and Express so that's it alright let's go to the next box all right small little box here just pictures I mean they're kind of beautiful this is in France somewhere [Applause] this is interesting this ex-old yeah this is just an old friend it's another frame looks like a gold full frame steel in the box here just all pictures oh and a cool flower alright guys that's it for this box to the next this is a heavy box so this one I keep in the very beginning well look at this I don't know exactly how much these things go for right now cuz I haven't actually looked at the models we have a Sony 5 disc system here and it looks in really good condition it even has like the warning label on there so that's good I mean I don't know how to look at it but this could pay for part of the Union right here I don't know how much this is going going for but Samsung probably not much but look it still has the seal on it like that's how new it is so DVD player like I said probably not ton what all right here's another one this came out of the unit looks extremely good condition guys a pioneer sound system let me leave this thing this is some perfect condition there's not many scratches on it all no rattling pieces lips and this particular 8 shape over so again I don't know exactly how much and last but not least this one's a little bit more beat up but not too terribly bad a VHS player Wow Toshiba VHS player and it's not a really bad condition I guarantee you the way that this person was meticulous and take care of took care of their stuff that this probably works of course I need to try it out make sure but man this thing could be worth some good money I don't know but it looks in great condition guys so no rattling pieces that's why that box was heavy so remember I keep saying this the 500 over $500 for everything you've seen in all three videos literally that's all I paid for everything you see in all few videos that's why I love storage units here are some kids books Ashley may like we have Disney Snow White and the doors here's another one so she may she may actually keep some of these magic I'm a dog no weird vibe Madonna Peters pumpkin house and then these ones too and a little polar bear now there is some glass in here and it's just straight blast I think it's because it goes to some tables I still have to pick up there's probably like $400 worth of solid wood oak furniture left in that storage unit guys so there's a dresser a solid wood table so I'll probably pay for the unit just in the furniture the big thing with storage units is you can make a lot of money like I'll make a lot of money on this unit but it also is a lot of work you guys see it's work but give me an idea guys ah it doesn't look hippy but they are okay let's do this another clothing box holy cow all right let's get into this all right so again packaging is amazing [Applause] and this is nuts got a little flair to it got a little spoon schoolgirl the Diana Morgan pretty cool there's no new attacks yet I got so spoiled with the name with tags right look at this little little schoolgirl I don't know it's got a little I don't think it's real a little pearl maybe I don't know but that's a cool outfit I'll have to put these back in here alright let's continue on keep truckin keep checking you have lost like 50 pounds lost two years all right we got suits here guys this one's in bad shape I don't even know the brand but hey another one oh there we go oh this is dryclean only it's probably in the pocket oh there it is right there and this is a really cool piece actually I bet it's brand new it just doesn't look like it's been used it's a really cool piece Wow look at this tag the help us take a paper tag always learning is alright with a bunch of paperwork here this is the first trash we've had all right it's a full on coke looks pretty nice is there money in the bucket I'm gonna have to check these pockets or some case before because you never know people find money Goodwill bins all the time in the pockets size 14 guys size 14 [Music] we have our first leather coat great northwest clothing company this actually may be worth some money here I have to pull up a lot of salts and comms that's for sure here's another one it's really cool feels like good quality to another wood hanger thing [Music] London Fog Maine the UNH states London Fog no new attack stuff here now but still some goodbye don't worry guys I'm gonna list these pretty quick they're back okay this actually may be new says newest made in the United States is there tax with it this is a Jones New York petite Jones New York still got the little bull made in the United States tag looks in good condition why would they keep that on no maybe the tags are inside but that's it like a full-on suit oh this is new attacks we found our first item new attacks and attacks we found Karen Scott's right here some Karen Scott what this in here nicely it's like a tablecloth tablecloth oh wait now these are sweaters these are sweaters st. John's Bay st. John's as you guys can see that oh my gosh just keeps going God oh all right guys I'm gonna take a break and then we'll do a few more boxes so stay tuned all right yeah another would seems really cool this is an ashtray that's an old one wow that's a little work wow this thing is crazy cool so it's an ashtray guys an old ashtray but you got a little lever here you click it it shoves the ball then it's got inker grooves in there so you can kind of see where the ball lands Wow and this isn't Marino see just like weird you click it and it literally will land on a number because of the grooves like to be Wow I think it's really cool alright let's look at this small box here we got just a t-shirt they're gold here's calvin klein sports right there this is a sloth clothes I think all silk lot of silk in here this is a dress Wow okay we won't go through we'll spare you guys all these but just some shirts shirts shirts pants go through now go through those we have this is not opened yet a little kids wooden highchair and good stuff like this all the time this is brand-new it's for like a turkey or whatever you want to roast basically guys it's a roast rack never use so that's it for this little pile we've got a few more things that we're gonna call it I have about another eight or nine boxes over here some open some knots but I'm running out of steam guys it's been a long two days let me just actually move the camera to you guys show you guys I think that will be better okay let's do this alright so we just have a few boxes some open some not so we haven't went through this sorry I wasn't looking at the screen on the camera here guys so we have this bad boy now let's take a look at that pot more telephones in here you just get like a really interesting looking lampshade another Oh some trash bags look at that old target okay yeah that's a plunder that's a plunger okay let's go on to the next and then you get stuff like this this is all look at this all sealed household stuff you know you just get random boxes like this it's all stuff that saves you a ton of money though saves you a ton of money cuz you don't have to buy it right and then going over here this may be a box we'd actually want to open ash can you hold the camera for me and we will show with some this thing I think there's some I just forgot about this I haven't actually looked in here alright so so this box guys welcome each oh this is in here it's a platter Wow that's a price tag of 40 bucks that's actually in there random stuff in here let's go back to the facility that goes back to this okay and here we have some more cleaning supplies some of the stuff you can use that's not been opened yet right now I'm safety a ton of money I mean cuz some of this stuff can last for a while yeah so yeah cleaning supplies we have some shoes there this is just kitchen stuff and this is personal papers this has to go back to the facility and I forgot to show you guys this it's kind of cool would you get a jar full of quarters as well um bunch of Lights in here all brand-new and then you get you know kitchen I'm just gonna spare you guys this is just regular kitchen stuff Pyrex fire excels you sell that I'm Akari and stuff so that's just kitchen stuff hey this box I think this is more kitchen stuff yeah more kitchen stuff guys there is probably some good breakables down there but anyway alright that was the storage unit guys so we do need to go back to the storage units and pick up the remaining box truck there's probably another 20 boxes in there a lot of books I do have a washer and dryer in there but primarily bigger bulky stuff so I'm gonna leave that in the box truck and sell locally so hopefully you like these two videos it was really fun to make it was a lot of work loading that big old sucker in there and filming it but it was it was a really fun unit I think we're gonna make a really good amount of money on it it's one of those units that you don't want to get overwhelmed you just want to go box by box list box by box and then continue to go on the no be done so that's kind of what I meant to I hopefully you guys liked this I know it was a wait long three videos but I just wanted to show you guys everything and if it wasn't raining and nasty out I would have done it in two units instead I had to bring the boxes in here and show you guys we are picking up one more storage unit that I had not even opened the door to tomorrow and so we'll film that possibly live so hopefully you guys have already seen those videos these ones will be edited sent out and hopefully you enjoyed them long story short if you know something I don't it was something that I pulled out that's worth money let me know I like I said I'm not an expert I'm learning alongside you guys so put in the comments below and subscribe hit the thumbs up button much love this is a turkey day don't thing you guys have an awesome turkey day and I will talk with you soon until next time wait out
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 129,824
Rating: 4.769196 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an Unclaimed for Years VINTAGE Abandoned Storage Unit, I bought an Unclaimed for Years Storage Unit, Unclaimed for Years Storage Unit, I bought an Abandoned Storage Unit Unclaimed for Years, Abandoned Storage Unit, real storage auction unit, storage wars, storage unit, auction hauls, treasures hunting, storage auction finds, storagewars, storage facility auction, real storage auction, abandoned, won a storage unit, storage auction locker, buy, sell, found money
Id: kn05zYkWp5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 7sec (7147 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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