WE FOUND JEWELRY I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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it's Jeremy and George Oh hold it no that was perfect you watch Jeremy energy oh my goodness I'm rubbing off on her look at that so where are we at George we're somewhere in Norton yes we are at a storage unit one of the many storage units and we bought this one for how much 505 big one English baby English please how many times I have to tell you five Benjamin I get you're the linguistic expert but you got to speak English with me $500 unit we are about to dig in before we do George let's make this interesting today what do we have a little competition I like a good competition so do I I like some friendly competition all right how about you take a guess of one thing that we'll find in there I'll take a guess of one thing we'll find in there whoever wins gets all the profit from the unit deal that's that's it was tell me what you want okay but I want to throw if it's that easy I'm throwing in a foot rub two foot massage okay winner gets a foot massage all right all right deal what do you think we're gonna find in there George I'm hoping to find another sword well I guess I just lost but based on profiling since we already know there are video games in the chest and we see some antique furniture that suggests to me grandma but also suggests to me that somebody's son didn't quite move out and was probably a gamer living in the basement so my guess is per the stereotype there's probably a stash of porn and a white t-shirt with cheese puffs finger marks all over it that's my guess okay well I'm just I'm throwing it out there now we can shake on it what do you what are you guessing again I saw work all right shake ready deal let's do this let the competition begin George I should have said mattress [Laughter] that's probably not the only place you have doodoo now if you recall when we first got this unit George found the lockbox and couldn't get in the lockbox we still don't have the key okay so George and I were thinking how cool would it be if we actually got into the locks box on tomorrow night's live-streaming qat there's something in there what do you think is in there tomorrow night first thing during the live streaming QA will announce who wins all the contents from the safe and then we're gonna jam our way into this this beautiful little lockbox the goal is to put all the furniture in first and then dig into the boxes and the totes which there are plenty but they left things inside the actual furniture so George here has taken some of the extra boxes that we take with us everywhere she's built in a box which she's extremely skilled on she's gonna fill it up from the contents underneath and we'll figure out what's inside later the next piece of furniture to be loaded is gonna be this beautiful old cabinet love it look at the old Hardware gorgeous piece I might even have to hold on to that one just to put some of our favorite collections and except we don't collect anything we sell it all look at this in the back of the cabinet there's actually a secret hiding compartment I have never seen one like this before how cool is that as we're currently just moving boxes to get furniture first here's another chest under that another chest in this peak right here another chest we don't know how many chests are in here but right now to our count that's five that we see George I thought it was a desk you thought it was a desk guess what it really is you see the button pull it look what's under there pull it up yes it's an old singer sore this whole thing is the sewing machine open up some of the drawers just for fun we just got it into the trailer all the sewing items buttons look oh man alive look at that all the supplies there we go we've got more attachments down in there we want to go in detail through everything some office supplies so old singer sower slash desk I've never owned one of these yet like we got cards down in there something's jamming it huh all right let's try another one how about over here all kinds of look at all the symbols in there you know thimbles and buttons it could be some silver thimbles all kinds of things did you see the money wrappers in there okay no no no no don't do that that's gonna be personal health information Wow so cool George and I were having a little competition to see who could uncover the furniture the fastest I was supposed to uncover this dresser she was uncovering these side pieces here and she won again like usual so so far we're building an entire wall of boxes and totes so that we can even get to the furniture we've got it everywhere right now because we want to get the furniture first and then we want to do the unboxing George if you can guess what kind of dust this is I'll give you a shiny quarter and the kiss okay dust gets it it's a little rough the top is sliding all over another sewing machine another antique sewing machine it's not a desk it's a sewing machine these people were collectors this is a household I can't see what it is okay let's see as we can careful and see if you can bring it up and be really careful okay let's not force it let's not force it that's beautiful Wow the dressers are all it makes it hard to get in there yes oh there's an old singers stapler there's not singer swingline oh you know what this is right I haven't seen one of these in so long you know what this is what is it this is how you tell the Red Riding Hood story Once Upon a Time Little Red Riding Hood and then look like down here you flip it and then there's granny so there's granny but then the big bad wolf comes along as granny this puppet tells the story I haven't seen one of these in forever that's pretty cool Red Riding Hood granny in the wolf Wow careful I might find a sword all kinds of crap items look at this that is some serious shears there Jay Swiss and Sons they have somebody was serious into their fabrics there's a box in here labeled all quilts and it's a huge box so they're probably making coins - you got handkerchiefs all kinds of stuff wigs is it a wig that's definitely a wig two of them baby matching wigs I'm thinking what I'm thinking oh god what do you think come on you know what I'm thinking I don't know about this one let's do this I feel so much more dignified now I feel like I should be sitting in a judge robe and a court back about 200 years ago but instead I'm here in a storage unit last piece of furniture let's take a look George oh look we got a baseball card collection nice yeah yeah nice baseball card collection and fabric seamstress more fabric this there's an angel I don't know we got to keep going we got so much to do more fabric more fabric more fat oh oh you know what this is George he wins George this is he-man Masters of the Universe anybody who knows anything about toys knows he-man Masters of the Universe the original stuff worth tons now this is an incredible find no why are you always trying to outdo me why are you trying to get the dresser why is everything a competition to you because just because I'm 5 foot 2 I could do this all right granny get it get it granny get it granny Oh lost your hair but you got it with all of the furniture out now we've got walls of boxes and totes we found five chests grandma's hair we got a wallet totes over there that we have to go through we got a wallet totes over here that we have to go through and only one thing got damaged in the process that's not too bad what do you think George done they're not for captain fumble nuts only one thing I heard any bad you thinking what I'm thinking George won by challenge what you got there I got me a cheeseburger oh it's getting serious he rolled up his sleeves oh we're making a bed to have to do it Paul one bite real man can do it in one bite here we go good job George it's your turn why are you why you conniving it I had to say goodnight to it why I think I'm ready to step out already you win my winter oh my goodness it wasn't even a challenge alright George so us what you got open it up the first box you know what it is no that's not just a collectible car look at the knob at the end that's not a spare tire open it up okay take a whiff and made by even those are all Avon collectibles because people absolutely had to do flutters there's one still in the box is it full Wow another car okay let's see what's in the other box next to it I kind of figured looking through the handle the same thing yep more the same all in the boxes Wow there's a Jaguar down there look at that huge boxes of them okay let me move those out of the way for you let's see what's on this tote since we've got so many we can't show everything oh you got there can't see that you can't see your head there now we can see her for Christmas where are the guys is that an original pound puppy look at the ear mr. wrinkles and it's a wrinkles I've never heard of a wrinkles before not a pound puppy I'm still looking for those pound puppies yep anything in there pretty sure that's Charles Spurgeon nope that's not Charles Spurgeon that looks like the grandma from the unit he's modeled after the chart the famous Charles Spurgeon that was the hairpiece yeah was yeah look at that what kind of car is that buggy huh is that a spike bear down there some bunch of Batman and Robin toys huh gotta get a gun it's a gun bear wait that's Star Wars what's the date on it oh come on come on come on come on come on got a date it's an Avon watch no date no this is an original this box is labeled quilts travel and bags do you get a knife or you're just gonna manhandle it well you know how I like to manhandle things can I borrow George can I borrow your head baby I'm getting old and decrepit can I please have a nice these are the granny's quilts oh that's so much better okay let's see what we have in here a lot of you guys know handmade quilts work a lot so I see a lot of fabric and here we go we've already seen all the signs that granny must have been a quilt maker so there's some quilts could you imagine a car Annie giving you this quilt for Christmas this Christmas okay we got another one here look at that old quilt I bet you she made these we've seen a number of different names in this unit here's a cat quilt for all our cat viewers yeah there we go yeah all kinds of cool things in here granny knew how to quilt that's for sure this one says good dishes handle with care don't worry guys I won't let Jeremy touch this one aka Captain fumble nuts yeah she told me get away from it to back up wouldn't let me do anything oh look at you didn't get any dishes got a bunch of newspaper that's what you got that's what you get not letting captain fumble nuts by it oh wow these are collectible dishes oh my goodness Wow huh as is 79 I wonder if it's from 1979 or they paid in 79 cents for it maybe grab a couple more see what's in there the entire thing oh man it's dish after dish after dish 1974 Avon that's an Avon yeah isn't that the truth and it's a sword no nope not yet you still haven't won yet god is love look at that that's for hanging up it's lined with gold 20 25 23 karat gold Wow alright there's just way too much for us to go through in there baby so let's delicately put it in the trailer aka you and then I'll grab on to something like blankets that I can't break George did let me touch this box because she's in the trailer right now she doesn't know so we'll see what we got in here lots of people we got a go-fast oh we do have glass look at that look at that Keebler you see it anybody know the year let's see if we find a year anywhere and 1984 baby baby you said you wanted to have a competition who was faster going through boxes and I got a jump on it while you were in there oh yes more Burger King Return of the Jedi remember from remember from this in 1983 remember all the Star Wars cups that we got in the one unit the Boy Scouts I bet you we got more in here let's see here's another McDonald's one here's the Muppets where's that yeah that's the Muppets the great Muppet Caper happiness hotel McDonald's these are so cool the beautiful thing apart about this when you sell items like this online you're not selling an item you're selling a person's childhood you're selling a memory and you're reconnecting them with it and that's the beautiful thing about getting all of these items and then reconnecting them with people who love them from their childhood you bring back a flood of memories that they just can't get enough of look at that well it's 1913 and it is Avon oh yeah I'm using some of that tonight you don't find out tonight you'll find out all right guys up open a couple more there's more Keebler there there are since we moved all this we were able to read a lot of labels on the boxes there are ton of boxes labeled labeled glass more Muppets so we're probably there's no way we'll get through all this today either I broke it or maybe why would you think I broke something you come on Norman Rockwell's will probably do a part two because there's just way too much to go through Care Bears okay we got to see what else is in here that's chair bear a cheer cheer cheer beer cups I love these things another Keebler so would you recommend selling it together well it depends on the actual cup like this Miss Piggy cup this is from the great Muppet Caper and so we saw the other great Muppet Caper I would put the great Muppet papers together because you're most likely gonna want to buy the set of them if I didn't have the full set then I would sell them individually to individuals that there's another great Muppet Caper that wanna add four there if somebody wanted to buy it as a lot then that would be a great way to sell it as well I would just keep all of the items that are together with the same title great Muppet Caper together with the great Muppet Caper see what else we have down here all depends on your buyer really got some duplicates down here so it looks like what we could do I mean if you wanted to really sell it in a lot you could sell everything together maybe that's my egg go ahead and shake it shake there you go you're the rhythm section now maybe let's sing a song you ready I need some rhythm it's not maybe it's actually a print no it's a percussion alright I think we saw them [Music] alright that's enough back to work here's your egg back found this Timex jewelry been gold and silver have to look at it later there's another brooch huh what's that ring right there they're wedding band no it doesn't look like a wedding man I'm passin jewelry like the look of that [Applause] might be gold here I'll take a look at it while you're looking at the others [Applause] can't find a marking on that one can you look at this one that's the Mona Lisa look at that see if we can show swiss-made we're gonna have to look at that one a little bit more deeper oh wow wow this might be gold and silver okay clattering there's a class ring United States are maybe that's the United States Army look at that guy's United States Army class ring and it is absolutely gold all right I'll see if I can show you I can't show you I can't get it in there Wow Wow this has an eighth engraved in it oh I can't believe I just dropped that okay for all you've you guys know your know your stuff this is the symbol for what all right what's the symbol for some of this is costume jewelry Avon is engraved in it this one is 10 karat and actually there's some of this up for sale right now on the what the Hales eBay site that's a great find right there Wow there's gold in the silver and yeah baby that looks like personal paperwork anything else got a snot rag that's always fun it's just everywhere more snot rags check out that little change purse is there anything in it what is it what is it a good luck point oh yes well so far it's bringing us luck that one's a wheat wheat penny right there are they both wheat pennies keep me and never go broke so far we're doing okay some jewelry what is that 1960 this is a class ring all right well let's put that in a safe place let's put that in the truck and not in the trailer what do you say yeah this box does it labeled anything it's like we got more glassware we've got so much glassware oh there that sound how much you think is in there alright let's find out who do you think is right i I'm guessing now that I see it two dollars in coins who who do you think is right George or me she says a dollar I said two dollars all pennies I don't see anything silver I'll take it a penny at a time if that's the way I got to make it wait wait wait there is there is something silver there's a nickel right there there you go there's a nickel for your people all right straight to the woman who else we got in here look at that that's I wonder if that's depression it is in that something else this whole box is probably filled in there I'm not gonna go too hard on this one put that one back we got so much we got more here than you can handle a saucer it's not what it is a gravy Bowl China okay let's do this let's close this one back up and we'll do this swing looks like a little measuring cup will do well do this one more thorough you got a shoebox here take a look oh yeah we got all old cars look at this we got all old matchbox Hot Wheels cars whole box of them can't be that oh there's a little bus there's a diesel one I've never seen them before if they're old individually if they're contemporary a lot of muffins oh hey there's 25 cars 425 degrees okay we looked at this day one but we didn't get in depth we're gonna do it now we're gonna see what's actually in here or see how crazy things are any all right we still have not found still haven't found George's sword or what I thought was going to be in here so maybe this Johnny Cash top cash maybe this will count George does there's a throwing knife count it doesn't is that who I think it is is that David Hasselhoff I think that's David Hasselhoff from Knight Rider George I think you would look incredible and and probably this to care once you put that on nippers tons and tons of CDs here here's a coin some kind of coin let's just dig down lighter fluid not sure why you want to keep that in your chest that's not bad George you're getting cray cray fancy okay old calculator there's a buck knife I'll rather have a buck 50 but yeah that's a hunting skinning knife and we've got some pieces of jean-georges I don't know if that's a wing with the hair tie baby I'm not sure yeah that's a sweet hair tie right there okay we've got a Nintendo controller nice sweet okay some odd things over here there's a magic towel never have enough magic anything this magic okay this might be this could be your sword we know it's not it's a tactical knife there we go that is a nice one that doesn't mean your sword still isn't in here though I'm gonna hand that off to you remember never aim that at anything that you don't want to die baby find the money now okay here we go got more money okay that's good all right a lot of this looks like it's personal items I really don't want to dig through right now and then I think we have another knife buck light right there this is one of five chests that we have the rest of this looks like personal items I'm not gonna dig through it it's all paperwork but you can get a glimpse in a feel from what's inside just by looking there that's a heavy box George I'm ready to dig in yeah just don't break anything on this that's a box full of DVDs no that is Masters of the Universe is he-man we keep finding he-man that's a great thing huh is that that's the book of 300 [Applause] money no no no that's not money that's a bunch of bullets I should have said we were gonna find a gun so far in this little competition we've got we got George at almost the sword and Jeremy almost got nothing what do you got is it all just DVDs V for Vendetta Watchmen this guy is a collector Batman Batman vs. the predator is there anything else down there there's all kinds of books yeah there's all kinds of books all right well we can keep digging but we've got so much work to him yeah we'll do a part two with all the books this trunk says genuine Val canonize balcan eyes something fiber binding this is trunk number how many trucks are we open so far one this is truck number two of the five I've got a light post there guess again guess again this when you have your rate bottle today and this is your raid bottle back then this is an antique sprayer okay we've got an entire this isn't fondue this would be chopsticks it's a whole chopsticks sushi set brand-new okay oh look at this babe it's a piggy bank I see nothing in that one I don't have the money okay good angel we got a lamp or two that's probably what's in here yeah we've got more glassware I mean they've got so much glassware 1776 1776 log cabin syrup there's a wooden box down in here too well let's not disturb any more of this let's get on to another box with you that that is either a hard helmet with a light on it or that's an Optimus Prime mask liner well for a low kid with an imagination I'm Optimus Prime what do you find it down there look at all that cash some cash you found a stash of cash Johnny Cash good thing all right so what do we need what do our viewers need to know about totes filled with total bows on top doesn't necessarily mean the treasure isn't buried do you know what this is sweetie no what is that this is the bottom of a guitar stand this is the bottom of the guitar sits right in here justice 33 do justice all right let's just get this out of the way dump it dump it I'm gonna see what's down here yeah there's the rest of the guitar spam what else is down there trophies I'll cover the name can never have enough balls Franco so all those balls go on this Indian stand right here collector balls statue cache old school there's another one that looks like is that phone - yep that'll go with the other few hundred sandy Alomar that's the Boy Scout book nice Boy Scouts you think that sounds good right now we're out here freezing time is running out for our challenge and then your sword is gonna be in here George I don't know see yes ready this could be a sword stab you with it yeah maybe what in the world is that it's for sewing a doll okay well there's a whole bunch of them oh oh look I didn't even see you know what this is that's the original NES sweetheart this is our first game system your mom still have it Hawaii that's where we're moving to for next winter right you're coming with me dude do you know who that is Rainbow Brite Rainbow Brite that's spray okay all right look at here you guys all know eBay started based on Pez collectors wantin to get together right there's Pez that was gonzo gonzo has a nose like me but he lost it we got a bunch of knives in this crazy donkey bunch of knives in my hand those are their spray there's another spray fantastic stickers by the way stickers are collectible as well and they're easy to ship if you're selling on eBay nothing in there we've got old McDonald's Happy Meal toys like their spider-man I'm all straw definitely collectors there's a California raisin yeah original it's a sketch made by you should you live in Ohio Ohio are made them these are from let's see baby you think we can put what the Hales on here all right what do you guys think of my art all even better even better there's he-man Masters of the Universe yep this is a paint by number which please please please be original here maybe even better we've got an entire thing of Hot Wheels in matchbox even more and a scooby-doo you know what that scooby-doo reminds me of the guy in the last unit that went to jail for stealing the Scooby doobies [Music] alright what do you say one more Toby before it gets dark [Laughter] this one says mom's room who's that toys toys mom's room all right there might be like you're right not if this was mom's room maybe defying Terry let me peek okay don't worry I'm the purest of us all here so all right we got a purse and here you want to check for money look at here now this is a Fisher Price toy Fisher Price has a number on all the toys this is a happy Apple okay now the number is on the toy there is a long stem happy Apple and a short stem I can tell you this is a long stem because what would happen is babies would actually bite the stem off so if you've got one with the long stem it's worth a whole lot more than one with a short stem but even with the stem bitten off the happy Apple still worth money that's a good one to have no money in them we got a Mickey Mouse okay what's that okay we got fur bees what is that would you get sweet Susie look at that do you have a date on it from the Ben Franklin shop boys everywhere this is all Furbys entire bag is filled with soft and hard Furbies there's beanie babies there is what's this Toys R Us animal alley this okay guys isn't is it this one of the guys from one of the original he-man action figures help me out I'm almost positive this is from he-man this guy right here and if he is he's worth quite a bit I hope he's got a mark on the butt he's got a mark on his neck as well this could be the original GI Joes are worth quite a bit and you can tell the GI Joes by the joints this one this is an original though this is 98 Ernie bunch of toys bunch a bunch a bunch of toys we'll have to go through those individually bunch of toys with black pepper unless you don't like black pepper and you got your Avon in there as well since the volume is so much in this unit we're gonna do a second unboxing so if you see everything stacked up stored here we've got chest and tote and boxes there's a ton of stuff labeled glassware and all kinds of collectibles these people no doubt we're collectors we're gonna have to do a second unboxing video so George neither of us were right today but you are the closest one right I mean in all reality because but I was looking for you yeah but if you duct tape all those knives together that just makes one big long so you officially have one I concede and you will get that foot massage but but if part two we find the stash that I thought was gonna be in there I get the stash the cash on the prophet deal deal shake on it yeah deal I'm a strong man you know this a man handle things I can't feel my hands thanks again for watching don't forget to subscribe we will do a second unboxing and we've got all kinds of other things going on and remember adventure awaits we finally made it the Longhorn how's your steak baby [Music] and then I got lobster and shrimp mac and cheese oh I got french fries and ketchup mac and cheese and ketchup do you accept plastic the crusty stuff on the top is bonus for you George you're taking this competition thing a little too far now I see how it is sweetheart nobody is gonna see anything in between your teeth and why are you flossing with your hair instead of dental floss because I don't have any dental floss maybe you cray-cray it's called improvising why are you recording me adapt overcome improvise conquer [Laughter]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 163,387
Rating: 4.7869129 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found GOLD, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: wDpTiVVN7wQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 14sec (3074 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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