FOUND LOCKED SAFE I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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all right aiming for the penny just don't take a toe off oh that's one oh that's one big monster oh my goodness oh my goodness please tell me please tell me we're back with the unit that i i practically stole for 90 it was amazing there's been so much kid stuff which by the way some of you guys had an opportunity to buy that on our sunday night live auction and we'll be auctioning off more no doubt okay ah here we go guess what's inside george more kiss stuff um there's no doubt there's gonna be more kiss stuff but i found you're never going to believe it i found a deposit safe look at this there's a lock we love and listen ready there's something inside you got the sledgehammer got it let's go for treasure hunting prepared all right not yet you're gonna have to find shoes in the warehouse we've got a nice little outdoor grill here look it's brand new i mean it's obviously it's got cobwebs from being in storage this is an easy easy twenty dollars it doesn't look like it's been used at all no it hasn't this is an easy it's by charbroil it's an easy twenty dollars for sale in the actual warehouse nice we also have you know what set that aside because i i wants to totes my goats it's green and red well hopefully usually christmas but hopefully we're going to find some actually steel-toed safety shoes in here for you to wear okay because i want to get in that safe and you know you know our rules safety first no busting the safes first no wait usually that's last before we get in here though i have a little bit of a surprise for you surprise i love surprises what did you want to do today and i was like absolutely not we have to go to the warehouse there are auctions coming up we have to work on everything in the trailer what did you want to do today my new favorite addiction here you go the elvis coin picture machine i was having elvis withdrawals there you are elvis there you go it's actually a really cool clog the king the king he's my bff no he's my bff stop claiming my best way oh look at this okay okay we've got oh okay we've got now here's the crazy thing t-shirts vintage tees can be worth a lot 1995 cleveland indians that's when they were killing it all right so we got indians what else do we have here we've got uh what is this nascar oh petty number 43 petty the legend number 43. so a lot of this depending on what it is can actually be worth quite a bit oh omar vasquel you remember omar he was the man yeah he was the man the man the indians the legend uh looks like we've got a ton of okay so here's the crazy part if he has all of his sporting stuff what do you think he's going to have in regards to concert tees he's going to have everything from kiss he was a hard rocker there's no doubt it's going to be in here some of those t-shirts can sell for thousands of dollars if we find the right one so some of these if they are the right ones they potentially could sell for that amount there is something else down here there's something else down here richard petty there's nascar richard petty there's more stuff down here what else do we have uh these t-shirts are actually hiding something else so we've got hollywood we've got yeah champions of the league there okay so sports sports tons of indian stuff oh yeah and it has achieved stuff which means it's gonna it's it's even more because they got rid of chief wahoo who's this who's that is that alamar albert bell oh that's albert oh my goodness albert bell he used to be the man he was the man in the myth and the legend some of these are going to be worth something for sure okay but look look look look what he was hiding down there do you see it baseball collector's training let's see maybe we'll find some elvis cards are you ready it looks like there's a couple different things here we've got i think that's cleveland indians mesa jose mesa okay yep definitely indians um these these aren't these aren't pre-80s i don't know what year they are i'm not exactly looking they're usually on the back sometimes on the front these are probably 80s but they're double-sided i'm not going to take any out looks like we're getting this is more of a 70s type feel and i'm gonna pull the next one out if you see if you can find a date oh look at this okay here we go here we go now we get cards all the time we get so many cards we have so many cards and we know nothing nothing about them we do find a lot of trading cards we find we just know that the older they are the rookie cards obviously are valuable yeah the common sense stuff is what we know which is pretty much what we know about everything we are not experts in anything we're common sense and everything okay so we've got football cards there it looks like we do have some earlier baseball cards there here's another one there are more cards in there oh there's a ton in here oh nice look at all these are these are older ones for sure okay this is like the let's see if we can find the year and these are going to be a little bit more valuable come on where's the year where is the year 70 yep these are 70s okay so these are 70s right here that's what i was going to say those look like 70s so again we know enough to be a dangerous we can't look at a card and go well yeah it's worth that much um and there's too many cards for us that's a lot of research right there a ton of research so out of oh looks like we got some more stuff back here oh i saw some basketball okay so this is 77 yeah i'm seeing a bunch of 70s stuff in here so this this binder looks like it's going to be worth the most because it's the older 70s stuff and then it looks like he's got some basketball in here yeah he definitely does got some sky box yep rookies rookie cars okay that's a pretty good start i'm just gonna i'm just gonna say easily that tote was probably worth and this is an underestimate when we actually sell it it will go for more but easily 100 cards t-shirts how can you go wrong i know you want to get into that safe and i want to get in there too but banana boxes bring back memories i i wish they were good memories but george you know what this is one of those gun sleeves that is that is yep nothing i mean obviously there's nothing that is because it was folded but do you know what that might mean there might be another vintage antique pew oh my goodness look at this look at this he's got an autograph look he even has a price gino smith new york jets 65 right there so we only have to look that one up although research has already done for us but we don't know how probably it is worth more now no yeah it could be worth less but it's probably worth more here there there's a racing champion 124 scale sprint car look at that dust look at that this thing's been this thing has been in in holding oh there it is look at that okay so there's kiss shot glasses oh here we go here we go here we go here is is that kiss or is that just a weird hat a skull i see a skull okay and or osarisis or sources not sure what that is but i know what this is look at that look at there there's an old kiss patch with the lightning bolt s's that was kind of their signature thing in the beginning oh look at that there's another one kiss army patch so that was part of their whole kiss army thing as well so that's got to be worth something we should come up with patches hails are mean that might be dangerous i don't know there's an old ipod right there do you think that's the original ipod i'd have to see what what's under that well i think what's under it is an actual ipod that's what's under it should we okay let's take the protector off i think all right now what do you think let's see if i can get it to focus that doesn't matter old ipods are worth money we'll figure it out later okay and then if it doesn't work you can definitely sell it for parts here's an old timex nice look at that there's an old timex that's gotta be worth something oh is this what i think it is this is what george this is what i think it is do you know what this is a dirty uh you don't see you don't see old star wars i see you henner hold a second whole second who's this dude who is this dude with action pumping fist pumping fizz pump okay all right and then last sammer oh no matrix that's neo okay some crazy stuff there oh look at this look at this and this kiss army kiss i want to rock and roll all night [Music] and do what sleep because i'm middle-aged and i need i need my rest you do need your beauty sleep uh yeah i'm a mess okay uh cup cozy kiss love gun so there's even a cup cozy that is from 2011 there's a kiss hat right there kiss do you want to put all this stuff in another kiss lot for the sunday auction sure okay west virginia mama here is a kiss put a candle it's a zebra stripe oh it's a candle it's a sealed candle although the cellophane is a little bro i wonder what that smells like smells like a kid a vision smells like a kiss to me look at that there's a kiss pin you want to put that in your pin lot or your kiss lock all right there's kiss 3d glasses from psycho circus so there yeah there they are right there you're going to put that in a kiss slot too here is kiss trading cards you just auctioned off a lot of piss trading cards yeah and this is there anything in there there's an empty box so we'll see if we can actually find the cards that go in there we'll put that aside there what is this is that what does that say what i think it says george george is killing him killing the irish red one second i'm thirsty i'm this hot out here are you perched no no i'm not no i'm not you gotta open it with your eyelid with your eye socket ready ow i think i'm bleeding am i bleeding this is the eye they're doing surgery on am i bleeding it's a little red okay uh by the way i'm getting lasik eye surgery and we will be announcing this that one of you one of our viewers will actually have an opportunity to win a five thousand dollar lasik eye surgery on what the hail stay tuned stay tuned it's gonna it's epic it's gonna be huge and you'll want to be watching every single video because you don't want to miss it you guys lasik surgery oh my goodness look at this here is this what i think it is action figures a bunch of kiss action figures look at that i think one of them needs lasik oh george yes oh there you go i found uh i found the boots that you need so you can use a sledgehammer on the safe i'm gonna slip those on some small feet okay there's some kiss stuff i have small feet but not that small sega dreamcast that's my favorite system i didn't even know they came out with a kiss psycho circus is it in there if we find a dream cast in here i'm gonna go crazy it is it's in there the dreamcast game kiss dreamcast my goodness look at this kiss belt buckle and it does it has the lightning bolts kiss everything this is wow there's a kiss mug there is a what kind of pick is that is that a kiss pick i never know what a kiss pick would you shine down some kind of pick there okay we've got what does this one say we something i don't know if that's kiss or not i'll set it aside since i don't know some little figure there dallas cowboys is that a yet west virginia bell i should do west virginia a lot i was going to do a belt lot can do a west virginia and bed a lot uh-huh okay something there here what do we have oh it's part of a vintage he ripped it i can't believe he ripped it that's not good that is not good at all he was probably feeling himself dancing in the mirror one of his favorite songs came on he ripped his shirt off illinois here is kiss the second coming some kind of brochure look here's more here's more here is holy cow here is kiss well now it's getting so windy i can't even open this in here all right here is probably a concert program in 1979 so there there's another program right there i wonder how long it took him to put makeup on i don't know here's a bunch of cards baseball 12 set factory sealed cards so there's a bunch of cards in there there's griffey yeah there's some 98s looks like he might have opened them rookies 2000s yeah he did open them he opened those chicago mug west virginia i could go to your west virginia lot look at that it's a little it's a little jewelry chest oh new new river gorge west virginia that's where i went white rather water rafting remember i told you the story where i was so bored white water rafting i asked if i could just jump out and go through the rapids because i was bored in the actual raft that was dumb that was really dumb okay it wasn't extreme enough for you it wasn't and i was exhausted oh the belt must have fell off whoa what oh the hails what the hells look at that look at that die that'll go in the dice lot i love that one uh is that real gold is that a kiss golden bracelet look at that oh my goodness is that mark there's any markings let me see i don't even know how to open it let me okay oh i think it might get rid of these stupid gloves okay something happens here that hurt whatever i just did okay i can see it somehow opens here i just don't know how to open it oh i got it i got it i got it i got it okay is it marked i don't see a marking but at least we figured out how to open it we'll check that later we'll check it later for markings look at this here's a pocket watch what kind is that i can't tell through the viewfinder see this this is why i'm getting lasik i can't see i'm getting too old i need to be able to see in the storage units and you have to be able to profile i can't tell can't tell it looks cool whatever it is look at this here this looks like um yeah that's turquoise look at that that's turquoise indian art it's pretty not only that it's silver so you got turquoise right there that's an earring hanging on a bracelet is it gold i don't see any markings on that there's a pendant oop somebody's in that pendant and looks like there's a little diamond for mother and look at this do you see what this is this is an 8 gig flash drive and we go through the flash drives every sunday night on our lives you want to figure out what happened with this guy you want to figure out what was in his flash drive do you want a little peek into somebody else's life sunday night live stream 9 p.m eastern standard on the what the hells be square look at all this in here oh are you seeing it are you seeing it is that elvis that is the king that is the king right there not only did i find you the clock now i found jerry is there he is right there i found you the king you know what that means what there's gonna be more elvis stuff in here too there's another die we got oh there's a 70s card there some other cards we've got um a lot of lottery tickets i don't know we'll have to check them later i don't play the lotto i don't gamble so i don't i don't know how you know i would i just would never waste money on gambling oh i know what you're all thinking coin pusher it ain't gambling if you're winning all right you got this thing here whatever not you west virginia okay some kind of paper some vintage news oh well here you go really well football 90s that's west virginia football 1990. okay oh check this out check this out that is industry integrity vica united states skills olympics west virginia look at that look at this this looks military except it's not it is that's like a dad joke right there this isn't a dad joke this is a sign that we need to get into that safe that's what this is this is a sign should we just give this up and then get to the safer show is there anything else that's good well i'm sure there is but i mean man the entire unit is telling us get to the safe what's in the safe then let's get some safe cracking done sorry let's get this done first cowboy look at this look at this you got old mcdonald's mcdonald's cards so that's here's more cards we got there's wrestling cards football profile that's west virginia west virginia there is a key chain who is that cleveland indians martinez oh martinez yep and oh he must have had a thing for brittany too look at that britney spears watch when we get on that flash drive we're going to be finding something check this out do you see this oh sweet look at this this is a collection of super bowl pins that's awesome 1968 69 70 71 72 73 74 77 78 81 83 84 85 86 88 check that out i'm going to auction those off or you want to put them on ebay those might go really well on ebay really really well those were put out by starline all right let's see what else we have a few more things and we'll get into that oh it's like a fancy pen fancy pen yeah and we've got zz top something from zz top motley crew this guy was a hard rocker harley davidson and motley crue and you know what got a lucky penny i think we need this penny to get in this is that that 1943 penny we've been chasing this would be the 1993 penny that's gonna help us get into that safe this is our lucky penny i'm gonna put it on the safe for you to smash it and it will go straight through the safe getting us to whatever is hidden inside and there's definitely something inside gotta find new shoes i think i'm ready do you have the right foot apparel now look i got so much room for activities oh you do oh look at that who gave you those safety feats those are yours oh oh look at that you got some big old feet some big ol yabba-dabbas i think these will do the trick don't you think i say give it a swing see what you got there's your lucky penny see what happens if you lose a toe so be it well maybe i should switch shoes but on appropriate shoes don't you think if those aren't mom feet shoes i don't know what are but most importantly they're still toad we had them in the warehouse oh my goodness so this is what we've got we definitely have a lock i was looking on the back look at this die bold die bold incorporated so something's going on there for sure i don't know where do you think's right um should i just aim for where i set the lucky penny yeah that's the best thing i'm ready to give this thing one hails of the sledge all right let's see what you got aiming for the penny just don't take a toe off oh that's one oh that's one big monster oh my goodness oh my goodness please tell me please tell me it's money there is definitely stuff there's a ton of paperwork oh man it is smoking it is definitely smoking all right let me put gloves on well forget the gloves here you take the camera okay take the camera all right holy cow george holy cow okay see what we have oh man oh man oh man oh man okay all right well let's just we'll start here we'll start with legal data okay and we we know kind of already know this dude is a bad dude he's got a a long wrap huh okay well there's the first thing hidden in there you see it oh wow okay all right let's see what else is oh this is nasty stuff okay i'm gonna show you that what does that say that's rehabilitation determination uh that's not disability that's rehabilitation that's rehab okay yeah we've got court documents probably evidence in here oh man oh man why [Music] okay social security warm mildewy paperwork this is rough uh more yeah that's gonna be more that's gonna be more legal paper oh what is this what is this okay this is actually a certificate of marriage in the state of west virginia two of them oh man i'm getting this all over my hands i didn't want to go grab the gloves because everybody says if the clip cuts then obviously we must have done something because the clip cut so that's why i didn't go put gloves on what do we have here oh oh careful kick here let me peek first in the court of here at west virginia complete duly served complaint okay we have a whole lot more court paperwork this is in west virginia fayette county i spent a lot of time at fayette county actually roughly two years yeah you went to college there yes i did all right uh that is oh oh oh oh look where we're getting now you see what we're getting we've got coin wrappers here so maybe not only will we find coin wrappers oh that's your favorite george it's your favorite oh quarters you you know who george's favorite rapper is 50 cent because she could put it in a quarter machine all right so we've got oh my goodness social security okay there is we're gonna have to go through all of this and see if there's money hidden in there there's more down here because people hide money they hide it most bizarre look at this here we got what is that not a piece of fabric i don't know okay all right social security benefit what is this okay all right here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna go through all that paperwork see if there's anything expensive in there if there is we'll show it to you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 56,279
Rating: 4.8937807 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, self storage
Id: PHFQUe5q9ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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