MONEY IN OLD TRUNK I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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Jerry here and I know what you're thinking what the Hales is he up dude today well if you remember the five hundred dollar unit filled with treasures I mean it's just overflowing with treasures George and I got it in the trailer now we got to get it out of the trailer and we got to give you a second unboxing video we don't even know everything that's in there and I have a feeling there's gonna be a ton of glassware a ton of antique books and a ton of other things hidden around every corner because this thing just seems to be the gift that just keeps on givin which is pretty appropriate since yesterday was Christmas there is a tremendous amount to go through in this unit and honestly in the first unboxing video with the totes in the back that was that was going quick it was freezing cold and we've got all of this to go through so what do you say we grab that shoe box we'll grab some totes and some boxes and we'll see how far we can get today let's see what we got in box number one we got some books we got the original been here we've got fundamentals of the Full Gospel embroidery stitches 100 of them no big surprise there oh look at this this has Hills on it do you guys remember Hills the old department store there's a free small pretzel yeah except it expired in 98 we've got wow that's grandma and she's probably the one that was doing all the embroidery look at this yes we got gift cards we can never go wrong with gift cards this 50 bucks and gift cards we'll set that aside and check that out we've got some kind of certificate of authenticity the Easter angel looks like we got a couple of them I'm not sure what these are maybe some of you guys know what those actually armed we've got looks like we've got a stamp collection we've got more stamps I see Kenya here let's see what we've got you know just ripped off kept stamps never have enough of that right chicken soup with rice mother is a word called love oh look at this okay we've got some old school pictures and photos look at this Wow now remember when you buy a storage unit absolutely everything in that storage unit is yours Wow military one of the oh look at this one one of the things with these old photos these old black-and-whites these are extremely collectible on on eBay and so somebody would buy a lot of these now that's up to you Wow look at that old car that's up to you whether you want to try and return them to the family which 99.9 percent of the time if you give them to the business the family will never come back to retrieve them because they're gone they abandoned it on for a reason but if you wanted to resale that would be up to you as well you own it you get to decide what you want to do with it you can do whatever you want with the information I give you that's cool stuff look at this look at this money look we've got some money here this one's missing Oh for missing a quarter probably right here so I'm not sure what this is do you guys can you guys recognize this money maybe this fits along with the military National Bank of Cambodia 2004 right there this looks like Cambodian money not that I've ever seen Cambodian money but if it's listed as that it must be that we've got some American flag stickers you got a Omar Vizquel Mariners card right there another card a thermal setting s or long-life covering play let's see what this is not sure what that is by Acme safety products have no idea what that is country stamps that's um looks like postcards that one looks military yep there we go battleship commissioned old postcards are collectible as well so if you can find postcards there's a whole group of people that does nothing but collect postcards we've got some paperwork here got some old three 3d thingies that looks like Boy Scouts postcard postcard got I got some cards and we got a couple more stamps down here we got the King and we got I don't know who this box says Graham's dresser top tape is loose but it's still on so let's loosen it up and if it's Graham see what we got here we'll try move fast cuz there's so much here's a fun time bear I've never seen one of these before we've got some books I'll go through the books off to the side okay I'm gonna set those off well look at this it's an old granny I mean we're gonna find all kinds of sewing needle work I don't doubt that at all especially with this unit look at this we got see us you'll seasoning zinger T's looks like we've got got some jewelry in there for sure probably gold I'll look at that off-camera got a wig a little patch this is just hair care products a vapor rub things like that we've got some things wrapped here let's see what this is there we go there's a figure of Jesus no doubt a very religious family just based on some of the books we've already seen there's a beanie yep that's Nast not a beanie that's a Russ that's probably my guess would be that the jewel is birthstone see what we have here there's a shell maybe from a trip beautiful shell there's love never fails for Corinthians first Corinthians 13 the love chapter in the Bible see what we have here look at this beautiful vase lamp there's marking down there I see eight seven Wow look at this this looks like an old powder old powder I don't even know what you call yeah it's definitely it's the powder so that's the old powder for the ladies we have here we've got a strawberry is it a candle bath jelly huh we've got a container that broke see all kinds of oddities down here there's a precious expressions here's a soul [Music] let's open up just a couple more of these pieces of pieces that are wrapped and there's an angel then what I'll do is I'll go through the box more fine-tune Lee and and if there's anything of value I'll show that to you nice this box the tape is already unbroken we've got old ball mason jar got a little bit of a blue tint to it I'm colorblind I think it does look at that got the porcelain top as well I just think everything in this unit is going to end up being collectible we've got an atlas over here and ball look at this this belongs to Charlie from the old house in the hollow there's an actual note inside so this is from the old house in the hollow porcelain again so whoever Charlie is this came from the old house in the hollow Wow look at that vase no markings there's something inside there too there's another note okay let's set that aside because look at this wow wow another little wizard we just found a little wizard so little wizard Wow look at that and that beautiful okay we're gonna set that aside we got one more to look at here here we go right there and then this this one goes on with the pressure that one's got a nice green tint to it in that beautiful this one says old glass right here I'm right here but we're taste you think I would have had a kunai f-- George wait George isn't here I'll be right back one moment got it here we go connivin this thing open all right old glass let's see what we have here you better be pretty careful I know some of you love this little glass I have a feeling it's all gonna be antique Oh Mike a knife ding go through here there we go okay there we go well we definitely have some got some paper maybe a fruit ball candy dish there's another one I would assume most of this as old she passed away let's see what we have here or maybe all of this is part of a set no markings down below this is the top of something go we got a topper one of them maybe this is an entire set and I think that is the top this right here looks like had some some kind of candy something in there we have here this feels like another cop good now that's a candle holder it says made in the USA sitting in this big wow that's pretty ornate looks like there's an 8 or is that a B down here I'm not sure how that identifies it but pretty pretty peaceful sure man there is no way we're gonna get through there's no way we're gonna get through all of this today it's just gonna be so time-consuming because everything is a collectible piece Oh another Avon there's so much Avon another Avon piece there couple of on pieces with this look at this here I can't see any identifying marks it doesn't mean that there isn't Lord knows this isn't my expertise I think you guys know as well there we go candy dish ball things let's feel big around Wow look at look at the pattern this is China made in China have to get George to read that she's the linguistics expert that woman knows every language her her brain is just wired for languages look at that piece Wow see what this is that's probably the top but this is the top no that's the top - it's that amber is that green the colorblind remember that I'm colorblind so I don't see things the way that you see things that's the top - this chandelier pieces in there so with this be depression glass couple more pieces this hasn't like a pink this is like pink red not sure if the camera picks it up or not with the background but in my eyes this is like a pinkish red or a deeper peach I think a lot of you guys have taught me that's depression in those colors oh there's the lid to the China piece right there Wow cool box this box is not labeled they just cut so it's not sealed look what we have here we've got a crock this be a mini crock I mean it's still got food stains on it so it was absolutely being used sticky sticky and gooey god bless our home Wow look at this look at that what does that say if I say Atlas one old grater or all-in-one not Atlas all-in-one so this is an all-in-one antique grater these are the old porcelain old porcelain plates right you got the porcelain coating on them now they got a hole right here too maybe they were hung up or maybe that was specifically designed that way we got Cracker Jack nothing in it okay definitely have or more glassware that's a spa missing all right let's do we got oh nice we got more antique little ball jars he's got a three on it I bet so this is what they all are [Applause] yes there you go perfect Mason ball that's number seven Wow look at the color on that one that's the number seven this one feels slimmer that's because it is this is a Wheaton it's got a maybe a 13 I'm not sure what yeah 13 on the bottom for shaking something out don't know what then we got another mason jar this has just got like two nipples on the bottom I have the trunk out the only problem is I don't have a key to get into it so if we look here Excelsior Excelsior but some of the cool stuff on it is it travelled through the American railroad and so you've got the Express Company the actual tickets right there and I think we have one on the other side too I don't want to damage it because of the railroad history but somehow I got to figure out how to actually get in this thing without doing damage because I would love to preserve the railroad history let's see what I can do safety first you guys taught me that the desire to get in here is just killing me there's no way I'm gonna be able to preserve the actual locks so here we go here we go I'm gonna find out what's hidden in here hopefully a treasure chest filled with goodies three two one in three two one we're getting close we're getting close getting close almost come on come on we'll bring in the big gun now to see what's inside come on here we go oh you're killing me you're killing me you seal it up we just break in and it's sealed up all right here we go are you ready are you ready because I'm not sure I am all right here we go here we go here we go here we go I tell you this it's heavy all right these are unhinges Wow okay okay we found a gun without a gun keychain gun you see don't worry I know it's a Smith & Wesson it's pointed right at me we're gonna be okay it's a little keychain the gun room okay let's take a peek here okay and let's see what we got actually I'll tell you what let's do this let's bring the camera over all right this is so exciting all right we got a Bible look at this this is a metal a metal cover I've never seen one like that before it's actually inscribed on the back 19:57 Wow wow that is incredible let's see what else we have this I don't know what that is look oh we got a purse come on come on come on come on come on come on here we go you ready here we go all right oh man okay oh look at this look at this look at this okay there's a plastic barrier in here he can't get to it here we go here we go here we go oh I can't believe this okay here we go look at this okay we got buffalo head right there look at that we got Liberty dime man I got to figure out how to show this all to you with it all focused okay let's see we've got a dime there 1963 alright some of you were gonna go nuts when I throw this 1910 Liberty head we got a buffalo nickel we got another buffalo nickel we got a 1896 Liberty head 1896 Wow Wow okay let's see what else we have buffalo head here's a 1910 its 1910 Liberty see what else here's a 1907 1907 Liberty come on zoom in on that here we go look at this 1951 nothing special there let's see what do we have here here's a Liberty dime there's a 1944 is that 44 that is that's 44 okay what's this this is 1941 buffalo nickel let's see what else we have here 1947 we got foreign coin 1941 dime there's just a little bit of everything in here this there's a 1943 steel 1940 copper wheat on the back okay here's what we're gonna do there's just so much in here I'm gonna I'm gonna look through it see if I can find a 1943 penny that's copper if I do you'll probably never hear from me and George again will be retired will disappear but if I don't then you'll see what's next didn't find a 1943 coppers so we're still in business I guess all right those are family pictures and my guess is these are gonna be as well it does say photos yeah this is a lot of personal stuff so I'm gonna set that aside wow look at this but these be baby shoes old baby shoes oh look at that oh my goodness look at that I'm not beautiful so no locket okay how's it open it opens like this Corde okay Corde I don't see any other markings Wow okay we'll set that side we've got old hot wheels got pocket knife probably a million pocket knives in this unit we got first class mail photo don't bend and we're just gonna set that aside that's a family photo Hey collectible pens I got an old stamp $2.90 stamp let's move on over oh here's Boy Scout I'm bloom right there maybe we have more Boy Scout stuff down below we're just gonna pick the camera up we're gonna slide on over and see what we have here Oh box 241 1969 made in wodsworth Ohio by B Scott I have no idea what it is none whatsoever huh all right Raggedy Ann oh yeah yeah yes yes yes Wow yeah look at this look at this hiding under here oh my goodness oh all you coin collectors are freaking out because they're clanging look at this okay all right that's Canadian all right there's a $1 susan b anthony hey a bucks a buck 1922 Liberty oh wow oh wow and there's more than one come on come on come on up that one's not as old oh wow 1967 I'm not sure what that is Venezuela Venezuela yeah I can't even speak right now I'm too excited here's a national defense looks like probably decoration for a soldier and these coins probably came from somebody who served wow this is matching the the paper money that we found look at this there's an S stamped inside the Buffalo I don't know what that means Wow okay I'm gonna set those aside right there oh man what else are we gonna find in here oh okay all right oh you know what I bet the coins were in here they sit down that's what we're gonna do we're gonna put them right in here and we're gonna set them aside please be paper money collectible money please please please Hey we do have look we've got we've got more military honor there and all right that's gonna be set aside what do we have here okay we got a collectible pocket knife got an old fan wonder how much of this is from traveling we got a veterans privilege card so obviously someone was a veteran all can you imagine what we're gonna find in here oh my goodness can you imagine this unit we have to go slow this may take two or three days if not even more there's a couple rifles a couple of pins their rifles how cool is that okay and some stamps we'll set that aside look at this this is gonna be a little sword whole knife but it's missing the actual handle I wonder what that one's to any of you war historians look familiar Wow okay all right you need to calm down a little bit nice we're gonna put over there we've got an antique baby plastic definitely oh you it's got powder in it see the holes in the head it's got baby powder oh my goodness this this thing has baby powder in it oh wow okay here's an old creepy dial with the eyeballs old creepy let's check for any identification not seeing anything looks like old baby toy that would roll around and probably squeak yeah elephant made in Taiwan I'm sure this is toys from when she was a child another old baby taped on clothing oh my goodness this has got to be what the first dial soap ever made right there and 1979 not sure who it is 1979 toy I'm gonna set that aside over there plastic baby plastic baby head of a baby another creepy baby with the eyes no markings okay we've got some jewelry I'm gonna set that over there with the coins here's a bank we've got an owl Bank the rubber is still there he's got baby powder on it oh wow look at that antique mirror wow what a find what a find hopper land Wow okay let's see oh yes yes it's in there whatever it is it's in there okay it's pink red and let's see if we have the markings Domonique see if there's anything underneath alright I have no idea what kind of what kind of ring it is but it's there oh we got old cowbell old doorknob those are collectible now oh please please please I was thinking it was actually I was thinking it was more money so oh I just lost an old penny okay let's see what we have in here we have old collectible knives look at that Wow oh my goodness what a treasure what a treasure we're gonna put that baby over there I'm gonna put the bullets over here there's the keychain we already saw okay something Avon here let's see what this is you figure out how to open it it is a little pin some other things and then we've got a another piece of soap still in the packaging there's a key I hope that's not the key to get in here all right Boop well let me cover her up we've got some kind of something let's slide this over here oh let's see what we got to see a bank right off right off the bat I see a bank okay just for editing purposes I'm going to turn this off and start a new video start another clip because it takes forever to edit these huge clips just again we've got I don't know is that Care Bear it doesn't look like it animal toy set that aside we've got a bank and there's money in it see the bank there let's open her up it's the old old plaster now the challenge with opening these up Wow okay we've got jewelry down here - Wow okay the challenge with opening these up is this old rubber can actually break okay I'm just gonna set it aside so we can get through this that looks like something from Rainbow Brite there's an old old turn toy that is from the first years 19 I don't see it Wow okay let's just pick that one there's stuff in here celebration 1979 there you go there's what we got inside okay let's open another one Man Man Alive what a treasure chest oh Jesus is the reason for the season right there look at this how much of this do you think is gold how much do you think is silver I just don't have time to go through it all right now okay it's gonna get dark in less than an hour and I can't be stuck out here Tiffany and company see what we have in here [Applause] here is another coin wait this is good luck from Jesse James hideout okay family photos I'm sure gold and silver in there too especially when we're seeing Tiffany's else we have here back is killing me okay if we look back here this one's clear we have Popo is coming more jewelry more jewelry yeah that's how hot this pump is saving everybody to put the fire out that's how hot it is wow talk about about a hit my goodness okay let's look at another one it's a thimble some more coins show you okay 1942 Australia okay obviously serviceman or woman okay we got we got more down here we got stamps that oh man just kind of watch pins boy we could do to an entire video just on this just this trunk alright let's see if we can get this little thing open which here we go looks like antique beads let's flip it I didn't know how to open it look at how beautiful that is jeez now go the antique beads captain full loop structures again okay no doubt tons in there let's see what else we got got Avon beauty we got I drop stuff everywhere there's another bullet antique sure shot camera how cool it's a purse there's a purse guys minute which George was here oh I wish George was here okay more bullets it looks like we've got antique marbles glass marbles it looks like everything in this unit is collectible so probably collecting pens as well wow what a find look at this more money more jewelry I don't even know if you can focus in on that what a fine Wow okay see what else we got I see another purse here's another purse we've got it's like oriental know how do oriental there's another purse these like little Holland dolls look at the eyes look at the eyes on these I'm so excited and then you're in a camera view I'm sorry guys okay see it the eyes go back and forth on these I've got a marking 14 em and there's a silver spoon down here two silver collectible spoon 1886 through 1996 okay all right I gotta get into view alright I'm gonna start another clip just for editing purposes because it's a whole lot easier and faster to edit small Clips than it is huge clips let's see what we have over here on this side lady Remington I've gotten to be an original huh another antique baby toy look at this old paper dolls that's that's before Barbies you know your toy histories paper dolls and then finally the Barbie came out beautiful stories about children by Charles Dickens this here the thing I've sold that goes for more money than anything else on eBay children's books Wow Wow okay just a lot of this has to come through with a fine-tooth comb another baby and that's very difficult to do while on camera okay oh my goodness you guys think of what I'm thinking sheera isn't that Shira I'm almost positive that Shira look at this we have some bronze baby shoes 1952 Wow we got some beanie babies yeah being W service if she can even see that it's make sure you can wooden wedge that's just what it is it's a wooden wedge look at that old pair of Mickey Mouse slippers that's from the Mickey Mouse Club I wonder how much that's worth Wow more dowels there's just there's a goldmine everywhere hymns of praise seven lessons in a rifle shooting course ten years of service skeleton key tie tack down there let's see what the tie taxes look at that we've got more women's powder oh no we got matches and match books are collectible as well they collected everything I mean literally absolutely everything they threw nothing away look at that another powder with all kinds of things in their old lighter salt and pepper shaker old family Bible my goodness another family Bible more tie tacks alright one more thing big and little six sisters dolls and pets how many of you had this growing up before your Barbies if you're anything like me right now you're still shaking a little bit from everything we just found I don't even know how to put a value on everything that's in this trunk we paid $500 for the unit the trunk alone the trunk alone could have been the unboxing for this episode and we still have the full trailer I mean this just one trunk can you believe it so here's the deal we're coming back out tomorrow I'll be back out here all week there's not much going on during Christmas week anyway with auctions so I'll be back out we're gonna do more unboxing we're gonna find out exactly what else is out here I gotta get this all inside I gotta get it taken care of before the Sun Goes Down which is in about 30 minutes and then oh my goodness make sure you subscribe because you're gonna want to see what else comes out of this unit I don't know how we keep hitting gold mine after gold mine after gold mine but we do here in Ohio who would ever thought it thanks again for watching don't forget to subscribe and remember adventure weights go find it before I do I mean this was a really good one to find you should have found it too you could you can do it anywhere anyone can let's do it that one stamped with a letter SS somebody stamped s in it I've seen Freemasons stamped coins before we've got all silver here yeah that's my favorite the 1922 dollar right there the oldest one was 1896 got a ton of silver in foreign it's one you gotta come to work with me tomorrow are you gonna call off for me I'll call off for you what are you gonna tell my boss lady you can I'm gonna tell her you got a new boss in town new boss is here yeah Mooney that was 25 right all right let's check the next one count another PT July 26 2018 that was your lucky day you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 879,221
Rating: 4.5352836 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: 0tfACbmPIUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 6sec (2946 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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