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I believe it was a fantastic episode, Lucy is a perfect portrayal of anyone between 1000-1200!

perhaps it would be funnier if you weren't watching the first 15 moves and we get to see your reaction when you play them back? But what's happening now is perfectly fine too.

👍︎︎ 795 👤︎︎ u/Environmental__ruin 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Can't wait for the Northern Lion ELO Swap, just for "Let's get weird"

👍︎︎ 408 👤︎︎ u/_TheCardSaysMoops 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Good watch. Only recommendation I'd make is giving less hints/making less suggestions, e.g. at 25:30 with the hint to move the queen to safety. Feels like you're giving a lot of hints to setup safer positions for yourself but the fun of this is to play out of the losing, tougher positions.

👍︎︎ 57 👤︎︎ u/TapTapLift 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

I would like to hear more about the cheese cake.

👍︎︎ 141 👤︎︎ u/todopickusername 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Great start. I don't think anything will top "Guess the ELO" in entertainment value but this has high potential to be educational and entertaining at the same time.

👍︎︎ 347 👤︎︎ u/facelesspk 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Can you do it with Hikaru? He plays 15 moves, then you takeover and try to save the game!

👍︎︎ 201 👤︎︎ u/Shnuksy 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

I could see this idea being turned into a game called something like Panic Button. Two people of low elo face off against each other. At any move, each can choose to push the "panic button" and have the high elo person swap in and finish the game.

Scoring would work that for each move the low elo player moves, they could get one point. But only the winner gets points and in a draw both players get half their potential points while if you lose you don't get the points for that round. On the last round, whoever's ahead in points has to swap on move 15. Count up the points after four or so games and the higher total wins.

An example of how such a game would work: GM A is paired with Patzer A and GM B is paired with Patzer B. There are four games so that each plays white twice. In game 1, Patzer A plays 10 moves before blundering a queen and swapping with GM A while Patzer B holds on for 20 moves and then is swapped with GM B. B wins and so they get 20 points. In game 2, Patzer A plays 10 moves as does Patzer B and then the game ends in a draw and so they both get 5 points. In game 3, A wins with their bad player playing 12 moves to make it 17 to 25. So in the final game, B will have to swap on move 15, and so to win, Patzer A has to face the GM for moves 16 - 25 to win.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/desantoos 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

It shows how even a lower player like 1000 can play really solid if they just talk through their moves instead of just doing the first thing that looks good

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/bigchiefguy 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Good that you are listening and giving people content they requested.

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/indiansprite5315 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen i'm super excited to announce a new series called elo swap in elo swap i will have a guest in every episode that guest will play against people at their level and slightly higher at move 15 i will take over and finish the game off or recover a lost position my first guest in this series is none other than lucy my girlfriend she's rated about a thousand and in this episode she will play a 1000 and then a 1400 your feedback is appreciated and we'll talk after the games are done here we go i am white okay i always play e4 very good but i was taught okay now this means like in vienna this is beyond all right i can't help you in the first 10 moves so i just sit here and look pretty hi youtube i haven't played chess at all in three weeks me neither okay it's going well it is going well okay now i'm supposed to reinforce the center um let's just go here so i'm not the pinned uh i think i developed it's either i push this pawn or develop my knight i never remember which one comes first so i'm just okay don't be nervous i'm just gonna develop this video will not have any views anyway wonderful castle seven moves so far i haven't lost anything yet yes i haven't blundered my queen yet okay i'm gonna attack him this looks like a typical game for me i think i've had countless games in a position like this and normally i would forget to move my queen um but i will what's a good move i will retreat just does hang anything you're allowed to think just hang anything okay i'm thinking whether this move hangs anything you can also think without actually touching the piece oh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute just let go of the queen okay i'm letting go wait a minute because now if you click on a square by accident you might move the queen i know i understand this is also under attack right so if i go here he'll just go here and attack my queen anyway so why don't i bring my queen all the way back that's the most you've ever thought about a movie i know you're scared because youtube's like gonna make fun of you yes wow you've seen me hang my queen on move three yup yup yup you do a nasty alexandra bottas impression i'm really good at it too yep all right so anywhere between move 10 and 15 while 15 would be the latest but at any point you can hand it off but i think i'm doing really well yeah i mean if you blundered against the person you're level that would be bad so you're keeping even so this game will be a lot more about how to go from here but um okay very interesting very very interesting um okay here are my thoughts i can take this pawn with my knight um if he takes back i'll just take and then i'll trade bishops or something like that and i'll like win a pawn but if i take and he takes here i can just wait hold on if my knight takes and he takes my bishop like this i can go here he'll take and then i take looks good to me boop what i actually i think if you're completely equal after 10 moves we should just go to move 15 you shouldn't be able to hand it off basically yeah 15 is good fifteen that's making up the rules as we go well i don't know yeah i i i i have no idea because you're gonna play stronger people after this game so yeah okay but what if i like lose before move test like you get checkmated well then you're you're a clown i mean against the one against someone your level that would be very bad uh you're a thousand so that would not be good but if you lose to like a 1610 moves is that expected no losing in chess in 10 moves is more impressive than winning in chess and 10 moves it's more impressive that they lose so yeah b5 was just a mistake i think that i think i made a really good move it's more that they made a really bad move and you played a good the good response so let's just go with i made a really good move boom oh they're deep in thought yeah yeah yep yep that's good that's always a good sign get them shook yeah i guess our opponent did not realize that knights can i did not expect this here's what we're gonna do okay we're gonna take this now what's your opponent's best move probably to take my bishop yes and then oh wow and um what move is it it's about to be number 13. yeah this one's so complex i don't know i should just risk it all and challenge you a little bit just play the best move dude leave me alone i want to go here for no reason at all um no that's pretty bad i'll just take i won't i won't jeopardize our chances too much knight c6 was the best move no why well why did you no it wasn't no of course it was because you were no why did you you said why would that jeopardize our chances that was because because what if the queen just goes here and attack it i'll just move my knight again but then you could have sacrificed the knight for the pawn attacking the queen again that's pretty funny okay play two more moves oh my god no you're lying to me no was the best move you're lying no [Music] play some safe moves and you'll you'll be fine yeah i'll just shuffle my king side to side c3 is not it's not a blunder but these are like the hardest positions for 1000s to play and i can i can show you basically from here on out like the the best way to to play this c3 is fine it's not basically as long as you don't blunder at this level you'll be okay yeah uh oh i'm incredibly upset i doubted myself yeah i was like that's too risky what you did is you set a move and then gave a verbal a random verbal blabber as to why it's wrong yeah and you didn't actually you didn't disprove the move you just were like meh okay now you can choose which way to take okay okay the first elo swamp of all time swap complete so yeah maybe during the rest of this video you'll actually have losing positions on move 15 that i'll have to get you out of um basically here's the way you okay so that's actually a very forcing move it forces us to probably take um yeah actually this move is going to change the nature of the game a lot essentially if our opponent so like back here uh i would have created an attack on the king because we already have a bishop here so how can you create an attack here with your pawns oh just push it push and push yep to open up the rook and then get everybody like you're not going to create an attack like this because they'll take your rook so you have to use the pawns here but this move will force some trades in the center um if knight takes pawn would you take um you would you would not this is this is better than this okay so you should just move your queen instead yeah to like here to attack it or here to attack it or there or even here very tough to choose okay just don't hang your queen so i'll go here uh this is a bad trade because your bishop will permanently be better than the knight there's no need to do it now you might say oh i could have taken and taken this pawn yeah but then the queen would have gone here so it's important not to just stop your brain after one move like okay i can take on c7 although that's really hard like at the 1000 level but yeah just know that bishop is usually going to be better than the knight and now that we're not starting an attack anymore what's important in end games weak pawns weak pawns i was going to say that yeah so weak pawns so we can play like oh and see our opponent blundered our opponent went danger levels but never go full danger levels because what's our best move now i don't know you don't know why we went here uh to create an attack on the no way to um wait hold on oh just take the night with what with the queen yeah see our opponent forgot that we can do that so like that will happen it's just like congestion among pieces like queen e5 at this level easy blunder queen e5 and like i said i mean the best move was to defend the knighter to move it but never go full danger levels our opponent just basically forgot this is the most do you remember me telling you about this like when you make one move attacking moves on pieces what do you what should you ask yourself where is it gonna go right that's like the easiest blunder to what because you just play you're like i'm happy i attacked the queen but then you just okay so our opponent didn't lose the rook now here for example this is under attack right now i know the move you would play you would go here no i would go bishop c4 maybe youtube you would go bishop c4 but you attack his pawn and you protect your own yeah but three minute lucy would have definitely played the one move attacking move on not gonna lie that was the first move i saw correct and it's just not necessary like this is fine it's good and now simplify okay just trade rooks it's forced unless our opponent wants to go here right since we're up a bishop and some pawns the way you win end games like this always make sure you have no back rank problems then trade because a position with no rooks is so much easier to win and then i would bring my rook to esa yeah that's like the best so this just bulldozes everything the rook on the seventh rank um another one thing i was gonna suggest is you want to enable the rook trade so you would play bishop b5 that's like the easiest because bishop and five pawns is the most winnable thing ever at any level plus you don't have a lot of time so the more pieces you can trade and what's lost in all this besides rook bishop and back rank stuff bonds like make a pass pawn two against one you need to understand that you can play a3 b4 so 211 a3 b4 but yeah now this is now here's a question if you can take this what would you take it with bishop or rook um bishop or rogue maybe bishop because it's also a check rook because it's peace congestion like your bishop is completely fine where it is your rook should go do the damage see rook because also imagine bishop take some king here yeah oops like you have to be very careful then this is the ease and now you are threatening a discovery check oh okay our opponent got out of it okay so see now we have three and a half minutes like what's the best way to win this position you can like start panicking here like what's the best way like what would you play now um maybe push a pawn which one a three like we planned to go here yes you can also hunt the pawn down and open up everything for your pieces moves like bishop this is a prime example of like if we don't have this pawn we can very easily get back crank mated so wow that actually stops us so now um what if you wrote those yes you have to take some pawns and then enable your movement but we don't have a lot of time you're playing all the moves that i would play correct very good that's perfect um king g6 rook takes pawn now we have this pin so this is also very good mm-hmm now you could take with the rook because yeah simplify it and now you can promote yeah and if i i mean of course our opponent should not should not take now that's hard to defend the best move is here obviously i'm just gonna push right and again it really helps there's no back rank mate this is a perfect spot to hang back rank mate and then throw your phone so as i have done maybe once or twice now you wanna so here to get the rook off the back rank you want to go rook c8 and and force through the pawn yeah but you can't because your pawn is so you go here first okay and then rook see and boom and now black is completely lost that is how you and now we make a queen and obviously the easiest way to win this position well you can just mate with the queen if you want to be a gangster but just gobble up all his pawns take take all the pawns make sure that it's not stalemate uh-huh uh-huh it's not stalemate although that's push yes and then you and then you would push doesn't matter just push one pawn make sure the king is always moving back and forth and now it's a little bit weird so this is hard but what i would suggest is make sure every move is checked because you can stalemate here okay it's definitely possible so for example get as close as possible with the other queen and then bring your second queen don't check with the same queen like make sure they're both doing their job now you probably have mate and one oh you do this is a very famous two queens it's a little that's me so your queens can do the crisscross applesauce and our opponent just decided to resign but this is mate okay so anytime you swarm a king in the center of the board like this with two queens like gluing them together is made or you can just you know go like that's also made and might be another one somewhere but no i think that's it uh so that was good uh we did good you slightly you slightly messed up in the opening very slightly oh should i have pushed the pawn before moving my knight yes but you didn't you didn't blunder anything this is a very bad move because it you don't just give away bishops for no reason for him yeah but honestly and then you spotted this yeah because if you played this you would have immediately been losing game over and if you play this this is lurking so your opponent would go bishop take c3 and now you can resign that's like i can totally see that being a blitz game you just go take take 92 and you're like oh my god but it's good you paused for a moment which you never do when you play three minute games and uh because i don't have the time to pause i'm a busy woman so the way we won this and again here yeah you saw knight c6 this is a good move it's worth a shot and then if queen e8 or whatever you're gonna win this anyway so desperado sack the knight oh you're gonna win it anyway because this bishop's not going anywhere oh but you yeah and now here f4 so this is the most constructive moment probably the whole game like how to create an attack and then open up the position yeah that's that's pretty difficult okay so that was game number one two people rated about a thousand going head to head the opening was more or less solid uh then the players clashed and black actually blundered a pawn and almost even a full piece right around the time the handoff happened what i had to do was demonstrate how to take a slightly better position and ultimately convert it and hopefully i did a good job of that i hope that was pretty satisfactory the balance between how to create an attack uh kind of in a closed position with your pawns and then ultimately how to convert a position and which trades to make and like i said converting a material advantage uh now game number two lucy is now going to play a 1400 let's see how that goes you're playing black versus 1400. how you feeling one last chance for your subs oh scandinavian again i don't feel good i'm actually really all right scandy scandy scandy he's not attacking my queen should i'm over to the side anyway i don't know i can't i can't help i take over in 13 moves okay explain it to me afterwards okay um yeah what did they do if they play a move that you did not expect like i don't know what to do designer um yes oh man i have a feeling this person is also no match for the lucile gotham combo [Music] that would be cheating so it was taking over the middle of the game yeah but uh but they knew what they signed up for it's and it's unrated and it's youtube wins in the end so okay hassle i'm gonna do the same all right so far so good nine more moves you feeling confident pretty confident if it's good unless you make me go to 20 again go to 20. so wow that's very bold you know you know fun fact i've actually taken this pawn with my queen lost it lost it okay i don't know why it's so hard for me to see a bishop is attacking chest is hard my mic or something i also forget sometimes it's not easy um i found a good spot for my queen i know it's under attack don't hang it this episode okay playing it safe okay how are you feeling me yeah you i don't want dessert what do you mean like about the chess we have a mini cheesecake in the fridge that we bought from the deli last night i don't think youtube cares you does youtube care about our cheesecake let us know in the comments below it's chocolate's world now take care yeah now they're like it also has 360 calories very powerful and scary pawn push why don't they play like this against you when you play like on your phone it's only for recordings i don't know they're just going easy on me no because we didn't tell them when we switch exactly [Music] so far but they know i knew they were gonna go there well that seems like a logical follow-up for a3 yes interesting i knew it alright so these guys coming to fight very balanced position um it's good i hope i'll be put some pressure on um i kind of want to push this to get my bishop moving but there's also like limited squares that my bishop moved to so i think i'm much better off okay what happens when knight takes knight queen takes and attacking his rook see that your bishops see each other yeah but my eye also protects my bishop and then his queen comes oh no you are attacking his rook which so secretly you're a genius how about this how about this how about nothing um we're gonna say bishop takes bishops yeah yeah the knight just goes back and i attack nothing the boomerang um it's fine i have time to save myself because if i go here he's going to have to move his rook correct before um correct yeah so you got lucky i go but yes hopefully opponent is like oh hi bishop hangs rook that's not super hard to see that the queen is attacking the rug so also the rook does not have to move to be protected um the bishop can no no no no no no that was not what i was going to say at all good night tonight the knight can go to c3 there's two moves rook a2 or knight c3 that's it the opponent has to play one of them is this the content you were looking for yeah this is pretty nuts that you're keeping even with 1400s would you call this even i think like is better here really yeah black is definitely better white is way over extended on the queen side i mean for for 13.99 versus 1 000 it does it's chaos it's a completely unclear position but uh yeah black has more development white is super passive it's probably about equal here's a thought okay why don't i just protect my bishop with my pawn that way i don't really lose anything to play five more moves or ten i i'm thinking if i just push this pawn i don't lose it anymore and i make a little space for my bishop in case it wants to go out the other way yeah i'm gonna do it was that good i have moved my bishop instead like to that square yeah that's an option but i think could have also taken the bishop bro if i moved my bishop here i would be attacking them would have been what's the bishop on a different diagonal oh um [Music] oh oh oh oh what if queen takes singles here bishop takes i take the queen i lose my bishop good idea or in here um didn't realize we're having a boat as impression interlude here this is uh um or you could just move your queen somewhere safe and be quiet that also is an option just move on fight another day have five minutes five minutes to find all the ways you can hang your queen um what i do i want to find a really spicy move maybe that's just not an option here maybe that's simply not an option but i like the idea of having my queen in front of my rug are you sleepy oh yeah i'm sleepy let's see um i'm gonna go here okay that seems safe and non-threatening yes and i add an extra layer of protection to my knight yes yes move 15 couldn't have come quicker i think white is now better how why would you say that well there's the thing is like there's okay oh no this is good this is good this will be content this is this is oh no i know i didn't even see that oh you saw the bishop attack the night but you forgot to diagonal all right it's time to recuperate it's time to i'm gonna go here it's time to you have two moves and then you can swap i'm gonna go here okay he's gonna take it and i'll just go here okay i'm not gonna lie honey i love you it was a very bad move why would you trade bishops down a rook i don't know so you need to focus you blundered you could have trapped the bishop with your f pawn okay you could have completely oh i could have just you're so devastated you hung so now i take over down to rook oh so you blundered a rook and literally you've basically stopped functioning as a human being um which is good this is why elo swamp is good content so here i am so yeah i was really hoping you were not gonna play bishop g7 um okay so that rook is over there um i could go here basically what i need to avoid now like i'm just gonna i think this is trickier it looks like i'm i mean i think my opponent's gonna see this but basically i also need to avoid queen traits the one thing you need to do when you're down a rook like this is be really solid and also try to be kind of fast okay you need some advantage or else you're just gonna lose so okay that does protect the rook um i can try to create an attack on g2 i can do my best also the clock is a piece let's go queen c i believe in you this is also not hanging very good i'm sort of hoping this happens our opponent like sees this and is like oh i can win that pawnify because g4 weakens the king that's our only hope or some weird way that our opponent blunders over here if our opponent is able to consolidate the pieces it's going to be basically impossible i'm gonna have to like really work some magic queen e2 of course we don't want to queen trade i guess i'll try to hang out over here wow if there then rook b1 traps my queen that is not good okay queen of four but see if our opponent is smart they're just gonna fiend for a queen trade which is gonna make this really tough but at least we're catching up on the clock yeah you uh you made it very difficult losing that rook and then training the bishops i'm not gonna lie dude i didn't see and then i panicked okay you're also going off camera uh yeah bishop h yeah so panic is a big thing just f6 like you're gonna trap this bishop and then it's still a game you have rook for bishop it's not the worst thing in the world but okay so now we're only down a minute we went from being down a rook and two minutes to being down less than a minute here unquestionably this is the best move you need to harass the queen and go for a queen trade that's or like queen g4 if white can successfully trade queens i don't think i can even against the 1400 i don't think i can save this time will be the only thing just just time and the way you would play this is you would just be solid you would play like e6 you would play like right there this is good okay now we're within 20 seconds okay why is my opponent thinking so long okay so you see i've been saying this move now don't do this don't trade queens uh if you can help it also this is kinda hanging but again you see how that would lead to a trade of rooks i'm very hesitant to do that like we need to keep pieces on the board so now i'm thinking of moves like rook d4 to attack the queen it also really helps that this is not under attack okay we're about to be up on time very soon can you stop like fading off the i'm sorry you gotta like sit back and okay so you hung a rook and since then our opponent has like really just stopped functioning also they do not know what they're doing and i think it's maybe because they know we switched because that was always are they just going to lose on time that would be really anticlimactic i know they were doing so well they must speed up at some point like i would maybe they're nervous now that they're playing you but they don't know they're playing me we're recording offline yeah but he knew just deep in the game probably what is what is going on maybe he's cooking dinner okay knight d5 interesting so that threatens this uh that's not a mate threat because the queen is protecting the threat is to take so we can either play rook d7 or doesn't this just counter-attack the knight and get it out of danger no none of that is possible oh by the way remember uh the move rook d4 yes so if the knight goes here because very few people want to repeat moves so our opponent will probably not go back he'll try to play a safe move that does not okay see what i said that's actually a good move though um [Music] rook d4 attacks the queen rook d4 is not an awful move i also don't want to trade knights ah i would go knight d4 this is not a bad move to just keep pieces on the board or knight h4 again this is not really a threat so let's go knight d4 the more our opponent like spends time not winning the game the more they will end the panicking so for example they might play f4 people really like one move aggressive moves like f4 they don't like a4 preparing b5 c6 so see queen g4 like our opponent's really trying to do something uh we're just gonna keep not trading oh queen here if queen here there's knight c2 and that attacks our knight and our queen and so like that's a really a tough thing to see so i'm just going to go quinn so what has happened since we've lost the rook nothing except now our opponent has a lot less time and we're not trading everything i'm keeping an eye out for checks if they become available i'm not trading like our opponent needs to attack our king the way you win this with white okay you like stop trying to get a queen trade like you need to play a4 b5 c6 you need to okay there we go that's some progress and he checks for the opponent nothing is under attack i'm thinking to just go attack the queen okay let's just do that don't push pawns by your king for no reason because then the knight can jump in noted the queen will probably go back and then i will go back and then they have a minute you're just gonna win on time i feel like yeah they like straight up have a minute i mean but this is i mean this is oh if queenie five again looking for the queen trade we have knight f3 check so you see this is a pin yeah oh did i not i i knew it i knew it i knew it and that and that wow the mind of a 1400 yeah totally froze up like just didn't know what to do was really spooked of our queen bye queen wow wow wow wow and now what's the best move with our queen um yes you can go backwards but probably move it yeah but it's not going back we have a much better move you're not thinking no you're not thinking of taking the rook right that would be dumb much better move i don't this is your brain uh um it's a one in five chance we have four yes because you attack this and this and uh that's a problem not my problem that's a really i think it's just lost because there's no way to guard this if you go pawn up rook takes right the rook cannot guard the knight and the knight has to guard the rook so in the time our opponent spends defending the night for example rook c2 we know we if we add another layer of attack to that knight we're gonna so what's black to play i like to play and win black brook no i would i wasn't takes d2 and oh no you're gonna lose it um add a layer of attack to the knight right d4 root d4 yep rook t2 wouldn't be that bad actually because if knight takes we take the rook and if rook takes that's a great move danger levels that is an excellent move um probably just up a square right so now the threat is check which wins the rook and if this rook goes out of danger it's like maybe some back rank problems here we also have this check you still win the rook yes so that looks like what we want but it's actually this and um wow thanks and now now time it's pretty oh well okay so that was actually i wasn't like as satisfying as it could have been so first of all let's go through the opening this was all good like everything you did here was excellent this was a really unique idea i have to say mm-hmm um and you did good and this was good and then you played knight d4 knight d4 was an interesting move you actually were completely fine about playing e6 you need to be just okay moving a bishop one square you don't need it to go out all the way over here because then when this comes you can play knight to d4 so your opponent's pawn play here you know how i said over extending yes yeah you control really good center space with the move knight d4 so opponent played knight takes here rook a2 and here i said black is slightly better yeah and you're slightly better if you take the bishop basically what you should be doing here is trying to make progress with your position this does not do that i see this is the move that you're can you focus i am stop looking at the disc 99 focus so this is a kind of move that your brain just floats through as a 1000 is like can i do this oh i don't see anything totally wrong with it except the fact that you trap your own bishop so anytime your bishop has no moves like this it can be trapped even if at the cost of weakening the king which i'm sure people watching on youtube were like was there g4 and some people even commented before they watched the whole game and then yes there is g4 100 you need to make progress this move makes progress it attacks the knight the computer doesn't like this move because it thinks that after this your queen will become a target and then you will get steamrolled but that's too high level for this level for for this rating g6 is much more avoidable how can my opponent put me in danger okay so this is a this is fine this is fine and then you just one moved one move laundry you saw this but forgot about this yep can't forget about that bishop seven what right what i'm saying because you're just talking about the problem and by the way this is actually kind of nice because what's your next move hello it's like not so bad and then here big moment the best and only move you have to disallow the bishop from escaping now the computer is gonna find ways to like not let you just go and win this thing because it's gonna go here but no 1400 place yeah maybe if they're lucky they're having a big brain day but they're trying to escape with the bishop somehow yeah do not trade okay yeah cause now it's like plus seven and we should also look at how my opponent should have won this game because they did a lot of good stuff and then here they completely malfunction you see their best move c6 gotta go for my king and then here if i take my king gets opened up this is very dangerous if i don't open up my king and i weaken it this pawn covers this so where should white move their queen now um um the queen wants to end up there work backwards right queen c4 queen this is over it's just completely lost like you need to end up guarding everything and then your opponent slowly well as we saw in this game it's still possible not to do that but our opponent basically didn't find the right plant they didn't go for our king and this shows you that if you just stick around and be solid don't trade pieces when you're losing and then just focus on the king how crazy was it i called this move like on the i just this is a very useful tactical trick to keep in mind and we just like whereas if you trade queens you you will never ever ever save this ever because you will slowly lose all your pawns so that's pretty good so in that game actually the opening was also pretty good but you could see that lucy was very hesitant and kind of uh timid and once the middle game began like trying to analyze things a little bit too deeply um and ultimately making a couple of slight mistakes but ultimately a massive blunder and i had to bring it back and that's sort of how you end up losing to stronger players it's a lot of psychological stuff and it can really be just a one mover rather than just getting systematically outplayed but you can fight back the clock is a piece but that basically concludes episode number one of elo swap let me know how you enjoyed this i will have future guests that are maybe stronger and maybe i'll play against like a 15 17 and a hundred and like a 2000 in an episode so we will see uh but i'm gonna keep coming up with new content i have to give some credit like i said in the intro to uh to reddit and the people that uh have suggested for me to do this series very much like guess the elo i will see you all in the next episode and in future content peace out get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 828,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, gothamchess guess the elo, guess the elo, elo swap, gothamchess elo swap
Id: sg6MQhavGtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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