Levy Losing To A 1600 (Elo Swap #2)

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It'd be pretty wild if Levy did this series with Big Brother winner Daniel Gheesling.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/BigPizzaTime 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

I didn't see either of them tweet about this, when was the stream?

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/MerelyFluidPrejudice 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Absolutely pogged content

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/enthezone 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Let's. Go.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/cpekin42 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

is levy's audio and video quality always this low or is it an NL boomer tech issue?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Nederlandsewwggooi 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen welcome back to elo swap this is a series where in every episode i have a guest play a person slightly stronger than them and a lot stronger than them until move 20 at that point i take the game over and convert a victory or save a lost position now everybody featured in these episodes knows what they are signing up for so it's not cheating they are all subscribers and all the games are unrated okay uh episode number two has northern lion twitch streamer youtuber extraordinaire he's about 1500 blitz and uh he plays about a 1600 and a 2 000. here we go okay i am i am watching your game yep all right uh i'm just flipping the board forgive me this is my first time using the chess.com interface in a bit of course they open with the the the english opening right or the dutch the english the english the english because i'm like i i haven't played chess in so long so with the english play uh e e7 e5 all right sounds good you could just you you don't have to tell me where it was you could just tell me where it's going okay um now i'm i'm a little lost already give me uh knight f6 okay let's move too don't don't be lost yet give me give me knight c6 so in the first recording of this okay i don't want to say anything okay it's our move give me um give me bishop e7 okay so i was gonna say first time we recorded this i sort of like spoke too lucy as moves were getting made and people were like you're coaching as the game is going on so i'm gonna be quiet hmm i'm gonna take a second for this one okay the opening has always been that's like where i'm derelict in the in the modern chess ecosystem so i'm just good name for a book it's uh probably many people will fight for the same title on that one i think um i will i will take uh i'll take a d6 okay we have five seconds bonus but we also i we are running down a minute yeah yeah okay and uh i'll take a a bishop e6 okay and uh queen d7 let's do bishop h3 okay so this levy's lamp had a had a line uh in mind [Laughter] i think it's fair to say yeah um okay i know we're tight on time give me a kingside castle [Music] i don't know if a line i mean it's just kind of a setup based approach it's very easy to play this with white hmm i will it's a little busted huh um take uh on g2 all right 10 more moves just survive for 10 more moves [Laughter] sure um uh let's do uh let's do nights uh to no scratch that um i'm counting on you to get me out of a time crunch here as well but you are an an international master so last i checked yes give me uh give me queen f5 okay yeah i think this guy's strategy is simple moves played very fast um i mean the time advantage is definitely not going to help um like even if i have five seconds to make a move i should be able to to win this game as long as we're not like totally materially busted but um okay interesting i think you you take with the pawn okay how about i would take with the knight i was excited and not hang a queen there yep that's already a win basically i mean you got to make seven more moves in a minute and thirty seconds i understood give me a rook uh rook from f to e8 okay i love seeing the the in-game chat as well i do do you have people like whenever you play the in-game chat's always possible i forgot that i'm playing and it's not you so you can actually see yeah so my my um my discord is like a lot of um i think like teenagers early 20s and they watch and they get really hyped for each other [Laughter] um i'll take uh hmm i know times times tight times type give me an uh knight d7 okay okay we're on move 15 you you want me to go to 20. yeah yeah we we discovered that 15's like two yeah it's too hard to get into trouble yes i mean people in the comments were literally saying that my guests should throw on purpose to get me the worst possible situation and i was like you know once we go up to like for example your level and play people who are like 18 1900 at a certain point it's unsavable right like yeah a 1900 should be able to beat me upper rook like well very interesting uh let's do [Music] hmm let's do just trade okay four more moves why is our opponent thinking oh no internet could be internet oh you got my hopes up uh play bishop to f6 okay can you hear my mouse clicking i can't actually okay okay uh give me on this one n uh knight to be six okay i'm very flattered people in the in the chat are like all levees playing now i'll take uh d65 yeah and then knight to c4 okay you made it 20 moves how you feeling who do you think is better here uh i think white's in a better position it's not as bad as i thought it would be that's my take at least it's not as bad as you thought it would be yeah i mean this is the first game of chess i've played in probably like four months that is that's actually very very good considering you're playing someone who probably plays about 50 games a day [Laughter] um so yeah now that you've activated your pieces uh basically what happened is this white was definitely better from the opening um but now okay now we've activated our pieces enough i'm really con this is you right yeah yeah i'm i'm not i'm not scared um but it's it's a little bit unpleasant like our opponent actually has some activity um so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to take this pawn that's what i would have done see there's a move here knight d5 and knight knight b5 but not anymore knight d5 activating the knight for a while has been like really good like that okay we'll go back and analyze a little bit as well or i'll analyze i guess separately um okay so i'm going to set a trap because i'm very mean i'm gonna offer a trade and our opponent actually this is a trap in two ways so first of all if they take our pawn we have rook d3 when we go down with the rook um okay they are not interested in falling for a trap it's very disrespectful so what about c6 now that now their knight can't make any forward moves and if they trade rooks with me like okay we're just up a pawn so obviously we're okay with that uh they can't take on b7 they can't play rook takes pawn because we take their rook and then we take the bishop so you're you're bishop your bishop f6 has been super super clutch i'm i'm glad because it kind of sucked on e7 i don't want to mind flood you with like my amateur chess thinking but i was like i remember that in the against the english i'd i try to play like a reverse uh sicilian and then i realized after like e5 i didn't know what that meant so i just i did stuff that seemed kind of good uh in a vacuum you had the right idea reverse english is like see i mean reverse sicilian like c45 is definitely the way to go uh there's just like obviously as you fill in the gaps of your opening knowledge yeah that's uh that's a very good move and i was sort of hoping my opponent wouldn't play that now if i take the bishop he takes my rook so i have to go here first um now white should play knight takes f6 check yeah and uh i'm in a little bit of trouble actually i'm gonna take that rook is super active i definitely took this a little easy okay let's go king up now rook takes pawn um okay let's bring the knight back so my knight is okay objectively the position is probably just balanced but somehow the queen side is shut down like you can't the rook can't really attack anything i'm gonna move my king up one square so it's no longer pinned to the bishop and then i'm probably gonna have to activate my rook somehow but i'm i am not thrilled about blundering knight e4 is that actually kind of hard to like just totally take over i'm not gonna lie oh yeah i mean i didn't do you any favors no your position was totally fine i blundered actually there i i was um that's totally fine it's a trip to play or to watch this happen with the eval bar up oh yeah i forgot you also have that as well hopefully not i feel so powerful right now hopefully not during the game but uh no i don't know just just after you took over yeah this is um our knight is in the perfect spot because it guards the pawn on a7 any square to get to the c6 pawn that's true yeah it's like it's it's absolutely perfect spot uh of course white should never be losing this position um but never say never so like i'm gonna go for this bishop now bishop doesn't have many moves rook d1 has to be played i think now i'm gonna go here yeah and see now the king is on the same line so the rook is going to go to b1 and then i'm going to play pawn to a5 and we're back in the driver's seat hey look at this [Laughter] yeah a5 so it's all about activity like it's all about just protecting your weaknesses and end games and activating the right way but that is a good move that is a very annoying move uh it's see our opponent is doing exactly what i just said like activating the correct way uh they might be familiar with your content based on their name probably not probably don't watch me i'm gonna take i honestly don't know it's a lot to calculate i could mess up i didn't want to take and then give them what what is that move this is check that's check i'm probably winning but i'm pretty terrified uh let's throw in this capture have no idea if this is correct i don't think a rook trade is smart for my opponent okay clearly neither do they um what about this is terrifying how about this move i'm trying to push b2 that's what i want here okay let's go here i really don't know i really don't know i don't think i don't think i just played a good move i think that i'm pretty sure that move was pretty bad ah what a wild position check okay i don't i don't think we're doing great um well um yeah i don't know i think all i have is traps okay let's take and go here i don't actually see a way that we lose okay that's that's comforting um [Music] okay let's go check and let's just hope for king c3 i don't think king c oh god plays the right move ah oh man we might only be able to draw this unless i can i somehow pull this off king b3 ah yeah yay all right let's go here i don't see it i don't see how to do this i also did not expect this first game to go this long this is gonna be pretty nuts if we have to do this the whole episode um okay let's give this check um do i have to do this this is crazy he's insane yeah this guy is like seriously seriously popping off here 94. hopefully he gives us the draw let's do this i hope he blunders a fork that's that's that's the remaining hope here i i think it's unlikely like like rook rook g2 oh my goodness please just do it for the content it's never it's never too late just okay that's not quite what i wanted you sort of went the wrong way but um you know close so objectively this is definitely it's got to be winning for white um gotta be but this is where those hours in the lab really come and they they help you learning the theory instead of just memorizing you know the first 15 moves of the game he just offered wait what was he doing why did why did he what what why did he do that uh well okay there you go is it it's a draw huh i mean i don't know i don't know how deserved that was yeah i think they i think they offered a handshake there okay folks i'm not gonna lie to you it's been two days since we recorded that's why my shirt is different than in the recording and i'm still absolutely flabbergasted at this game so let's just start things off with northern lions play um first of all lamp prepares uh the g3 english and uh very good english opening um the two main ways to play this if you're going to play it in reverse sicilian because this is sort of like e4 c5 right kind of the sicilian defense but reverse the most critical way for black to play this is to play pawn to d5 right away um and then rotate the knight back this way and set up very calmly like knight bishop bishop castle that's one way or you can play c6 and d5 this is known to be very decent for black and the best thing for white to do is to play d4 to try to get the queen out because now the knight cannot go to c6 now the difference in the opening knowledge wasn't crazy uh although i will say definitely northern lion played this in a bit of a freestyling way let's put it this way and there's there's better ways to put pressure on a person playing the english now in the english white likes to play rook b1 b4 b5 you saw it in this game white castled and then played a3 b4 b5 that's generally a plan and then another plan by black is to set up the battery to go queen and bishop down over here a good rule of thumb for white is if you see black delaying castle and kind of looking for bishop h3 jump into d5 right away because this is the major point of counter play is pawn to d5 by black but it doesn't happen okay castles bishop h3 a3 castles and b4 and then we have uh take stakes okay so one thing about this position is that black needs to start creating counter play immediately like right now right here and the best way to do that is to play the move d5 like you need to do this because when the board clears like black is happy like this is check um now you have a target right so you can play rogue d8 one pawn trade will significantly open up the chances here for black um even a move like rook d8 or rookie eight like preparing d5 potentially because when you play queen f5 this move does not do anything actually that legitimately does nothing and now the question for white is what do you do which pawn do you push white chooses a pawn that doesn't look bad but it is bad that pawn is actually that's a really bad pawn to move what white needs to do is now switch to e4 kick out this queen let's say to e6 control d5 completely and then at some point play f4 white needs to create the same side pawn storm onto black's position because if black were to take the knight jumps out white just keeps making improvements in their position and if you don't take the pawn like let's just say you play a6 f5 comes queen back and then h3 g4 knight g3 g5 like white just keeps rolling down that side of the board and black loses the opportunity to play d5 but i can still create play with b5 but it's important you push the right pawn because when you do this the reason why this is so bad after pawn takes d4 let's say knight d4 and this trade the reason why this is so bad now my queen is great right like now queen f5 is just a genius move and you have no targets anymore like we both have a night out essentially the the way that white needed to play this position was to utilize the potentially advantageous pawn structure let's put it this way the pawn structure is more advantageous because actually black is more development like black has a bishop a little bit more development you have to take as much space as you could by simplifying it in a way that now you don't really have a big space advantage black is quick with the counter play now here northern lion started playing incorrectly so here he plays a move that isn't a mistake but i really don't like this move knight back to d7 no need to do this um as much as a knot of a blunder as it is like white should immediately jump into the middle because you've just given this to me what i was drawing during the game was moves like d5 because what d5 does is it freezes this pawn this pawn will not be able to open up for this bishop anymore now another way to do this is to play c6 and then d5 also completely fine but like for example like if we just say like this end game right like with queen f3 like black is always better here black is always better in this end game and you you can take but you can also just go here and you're just gonna have a game where one person just has an awful bishop compared to the other person king f8 so that everything is guarded rook d8 bishop six stockpile pressure against this and you'll always be able to protect this which is the simple c6 so the way you transform positions really matters um knight d7 after this is uh this is actually great now like the way that all of this shapes out white plays it incorrectly advances in the center incorrectly doesn't think about the long-term prospects and around here is where the game was given to me uh and i'm not gonna lie two things contributed to me not winning this uh number one was just taking over a game with about like 20 seconds on the clock is just strange my brain somehow just like never woke up to the tactics if i had been playing the game the entire time i would have kind of been a little bit more sharp um a lot of credit goes to my opponent who just played unbelievably well like that goes without saying uh and like come uh it's gonna be three reasons i think number one goes props to my opponent for keeping up with somebody who's rated 2 400 2 600 blitz uh and uh number two is is on me like just pure overconfidence like like just kind of like i'm obviously going to win this game i mean i'm playing somebody i just sort of thought anything it didn't matter what i played and it's funny because my opponent like created active counter play once this was one time and you heard me during the game i was like talking about active counter play and then rook d won and here black is totally winning like totally winning knight c2 just get in there hit the bishop hit the pawn i'm at least going to pick up a second pawn you can't take on c7 because rook d1 in the game i kind of was like well c6 you know then i can't get in and then i was sitting there going wait a minute but there's knight e4 and see the difference between knight c2 and and the move c6 like you can't play knight e4 now you can't play it here's the difference the knight hits the bishop at the end so takes here here here this is all that happened in the game but i've net a1 you see the difference in the game is that when all this transforms i don't have knight takes a one anymore and i'm actually getting laser beamed now here is where the level difference still became prevalent i very slowly froze my opponent's play and activated my rook and activated it this way and targeted the weaknesses right this is instructive the way i did this it's also instructive how white completely held his nerves here a5 and then proceeded to play the only feasible way not to lose the game on the spot now maybe i can trade the rooks but i didn't i didn't know and i wanted to keep the rooks on the board for now because i wasn't sure this was winning and of course it was and then as the game progressed right around here i started doubting myself i was like there's like counter play here for white it's completely lost if i play rook a1 take stakes in b2 doing that to flex my jaw by the way if i just like take take and play knight c3 for example it's a nice move or i have even prettier b2 and this wins by force because rook b1 knight c3 rook b2 knight d1 and it all just comes down to where this king is like just a totally forced sequence of moves rook takes a one here b2 or knight c3 and then it's just over like there's no counter play anymore maybe again i would spawn this if i was kind of playing the game but all of a sudden i'm like wait a minute our opponent's getting some counter play and then here i mean i just go completely insane i just play this move and forget the bishop can take the pawn white finds it again and all of a sudden like right around here i'm not playing knight f4 and winning the pawn like i'm just completely malfunctioning falling apart now here again there's like a moment i can play knight f4 it happens somewhere here i remember analyzing right here like give this check opponent goes here just check on f4 it's just a fork crazy i mean and then by the end of it white is completely winning this is a totally winning end game and it's important to take a look at how to win this um it's a little bit of hard work white needs to constantly create the threat of sacrificing so for example like this you you know you need to know when to sacrifice like this is a win for white but for example this is a draw you need to know your king and pawn end game simplifying um the way that white needed to win this uh was like for example here like king d4 you know king d4 and then i if like what can i play i mean if i play knight b4 for example you give me check king e6 and something like this and this is known as zukswan like i can't move you you have the rook completely paralyzing my king you will go and get rid of my knight right and if i try to come back here well you do the same thing i mean you're just gonna suffocate me you can't go here it's not a fork because pin so for example king d8 okay king e5 king d6 or or or maybe even this and this might be winning yeah this is winning here here outflank it's very important you kind of use this space advantage and um and beat it home and yeah i mean i i i straight up almost lost to lamp i'm not like i sometimes i gotta sit here and go i don't know what the hell happened welcome to elo swap baby we're gonna go to game number two now ah there we go beautiful okay uh and then yeah thank you d5 this is about where my carocon knowledge ends uh i believe without putting you too far down that the next move you make in this situation is uh let's do uh let's do g6 wow this is called the gurganiza system this i i that's only because he got there first i i popularized it in or invented it in many ways he just did he made it more popular yeah yeah yeah i remember seeing that in chess base it was um there was a photo of you right next to this opening it's a very famous game it's a blitz game from before the tournament started at my local chess club okay it's probably not too common to like uh fianchetto and then uh not put the bishop there huh it's atypical don't answer that uh you know what though give me uh give me an e6 i'm not throwing on purpose i promise i have ideas uh and then i would say play a a c5 on top of that wow okay it took us a while but we sort of got there how how's this uh gergenzita terrible it's all right we'll figure it out this is not good not good okay um well if it's not good then the only way out of it is to play a knight c6 it's not it's not uh it's not losing it's just it's it's considered um subpar is what what a strong chess player would say but i'm not a strong chess player so i just say it's fine [Laughter] uh we do need to speed up yeah okay fair enough um well let's uh play play c4 oh that is unique okay that's very interesting actually i don't necessarily think okay but i'm not gonna say anything i'll take uh bishop to b4 i would take knight to knight from g to e7 10 11 more moves okay let's see we can hang in there we successfully closed down the position and made it as as uninteresting as possible definitely you're going to follow this with bishop to a5 ah interesting you faked you faked him out like oh maybe he's going to take my knight hm what a delightful move uh whatever dude go there see if i care give me uh knight to f5 well by saying knight to a5 you've effectively prevented him from just going there which is what you said oh yeah hey would you look at that uh well i mean in that case you you got to follow that up real quick with a uh an a6 very very nice i'm not supposed to be talking like that it's fine and uh i jeez louise i don't know what the heck you do after this point i didn't really think that far ahead uh let's let's be passive and give you some time i'll play a uh bishop to d7 that is definitely passive that is it's not it's not a bad move it's just it's a oh wow g4 goodness wow wow okay uh i'm drawing some arrows temporarily this is a bit of a thinker um i would play um i'm going to give you the greatest thumbnail your end title you're ever going to get fianchetto the knight so knight g7 knight g7 1500 does what all right six more moves i'll take a a queen c7 oh no he's he's activated yeah that's a nice bishop yeah um hmm i'll take uh i'll take a kingside castle anyway i i sent some hesitation there a little bit not gonna lie yeah yeah for sure this is not good um i don't know if we're going to make it to move 20. uh i'll take a uh i will take a i want to give levy as much time as possible let's do a oh man yeah this uh is not good i can i can understand your conundrum let's do uh um wait what what is your move i you're gonna laugh i think it's no that's not very smart um time is so tight i'm gonna say what i was gonna say which is knight to e8 yeah i think that's the only move um i i was basically going to say like just to to overtake at this point yeah and i would take here as well i think we have to take the bishop yeah and then uh let's play uh queen d8 after this so yeah if if queen takes queen d8 actually we're fine because i think we trade the queens but if pawn takes then i think we are in serious trouble okay i think it's like i don't actually see a defense for the knight coming in and um but we can play queen takes on f4 potentially yeah but it's uh yeah the problem well we we can survive i think yeah we can survive and i i'll what's okay this is good this is welcome to elo swap baby this is this yeah what do you what do you think your odds are we'll do queen takes f4 yeah that's i think it's the only move um i might be completely wrong uh my odds are not high okay i don't fair enough but to be fair wow that's that move is designed to make the move knight g5 possible so that our opponent doesn't blunder d4 like doesn't wow okay i do not have a lot of time um uh give me uh no no it's okay i was i was gonna move oh yeah yeah okay all good that's what i was gonna do oh very good there you go there you go there you go and here so here if knight e5 which i think is just really strong it looks really strong we have queen e3 check we win a little bit of time with this move this is a very important move and we we might actually be okay like we might be okay we might also just be completely lost then i'm an idiot but i think we're okay oh it's it's a great time to to see the uh the eval bar i'll tell you that so it's either yes so now i think we take on e5 we need to we probably need to get rid of this knight aggress like this really aggressive knight so i'm just going to take it to get rid of it and now there's no threat and now i think it's our time to shine with a move like bishop b6 and the threat is just to take the rook and trade the queens look at that look at that and h6 is protected and i also want to play king h7 just to guard that pawn yeah i was looking at that too that also is a move but we can actually get aggressive here and um oh yeah and we have a really nice resource just the important thing is like not to take the pawn on e5 because then queen h6 queen g7 is it's actually it's actually not game over because we can play queen takes f6 and the rook cannot take because it's still pinned to the king which is pretty savage i'm drawing arrows don't worry if it's oh yeah yeah i'm just i'm just the spectator at this point i am all the pressure's off i what what is this move oh that's very creative wow that's a very scary move i'm gonna take this with the pawn um because if you took with the queen you give up h6 yes so uh yeah the simplest thing just bail out bye bye and um yeah now playing this for a win is a little bit annoying but i think we're fine we just guard everything and it's it's still it's still a pain to win this i have to say like this rook is super active super annoying you can repeat moves here to gain a little bit on the clock oh yeah that's true i think i might play rook d5 though and can i do this it was a little fake out there and now i'm going to take some pawns because even though we're really passive there's no threat there's nothing everything is safe so i will play rook although there are some very annoying ideas to try to like get in with the bishop you see bishop f3 bishop c c6 bishop e8 like get all the way up in our in our stuff over there but it shouldn't work it shouldn't work just don't hang your rook easier said than done but we somehow managed okay again an opportunity presents itself to blunder or rook is bishop takes g6 a thing like sacking the bishop to get a past f-pawn no way right no chance bishop takes on g no way if that happens and i don't win it's time to like officially abandon hopes for the gm title like it's i mean it like no okay yeah that that kind of makes a bit more sense and can i take this opportunity to actually attack white with my own weakness like beat r beat white with my broken arm here like is that is that a thing i can do and now there's no escape to f4 maybe i can mate the king how about a midboard ladder mate i don't actually know if that's gonna happen i just want to push my seat on this is the power of the gurganiza system yeah yeah yeah i'm sure you're finally finally giving it the respect it deserves well i i you know what you're right i uh admittedly i've played the karakon my whole life and i've never put the pawn on g6 and then fianchetto the knight is an important yeah you don't fianco the bishop it's actually a fake out it's um you really you're really confused you confused me and him and and yourself probably so yes i become pre-confused so like that's not out of the norm for me all right now we've picked up the pawns and they resign oh you did it so this one was a lot more fun and actually we did record a game where northern lion had white i know that if you made it this far in the video love you by the way you're probably like why'd you play two games with black well because i figured that this individual would not play c4 i thought white or black doesn't really matter like you could it doesn't matter because the opening is is rare and everything it doesn't make too much of a difference so it's going to be an interesting game no matter what we did record a game with white but it wasn't a great game just wasn't great for the episode so this game was kind of hilarious uh the biggest level difference here is the opening like northern lion didn't know what to do on move three i was like so he played g6 and then he played this which is just all sorts of wrong like i love northern lion but we need to have a stern conversation and yet excuse me and yet the position that ended up happening from the opening was like totally closed it's just a structural battle for example in this position i'm not sure f4 is the best move because f4 commits a ton of pawns to dark squares and white and black already has a light squared fight so if black can actually land the move c5 black is going to be kind of okay it's actually better to play like h4 and attack me on the flank and for example if you make me play a weakening move like h5 then slowly you can build up with the good pawn breaks just like last game we saw the good pawn breaks this game we also see the good pawn breaks f3 and g4 is going to be very useful in certain positions in the future to try to attack this putting the knight on g3 but this game was really a a lesson in how to maneuver close positions there's two ways for black to play this takes and try to fight for this like knight h6 for example knight d7 so like takes if bishop d4 knight h6 knight f5 and uh pretty unclear like bishop b5 is no good because now you you i hope you folks understand that trading the light squad bishops like this only helps black like if bishop b5 check is played so you don't just trade the stronger you get you got to realize this is my worst piece don't just give me a check for no reason and trade it i mean that's idiotic what no keep your bishop my bishop is terrible but here he played c4 this is the second way to play this position and here black shouldn't play bishop b4 which is what we did in the game you should maintain you should realize that you're going to get stormed on this side so it's actually very useful to now play h5 very useful because it's a big difference and if white plays h4 white has no play anymore like you go knight h6 white will never get through on that side and then you just go here it's a totally different side of the of the board so a lot of these closed positions are about maneuvering but also realizing where the pawn attacks are bishop b4 is not a good move it's not what we want knight e7 is fine but see now you gotta waste time so before you absentmindedly develop a piece you gotta think where is its future like maybe this bishop should go here because in the future maybe you wanna pull up with f6 or again you know you wanna play h5 because g4 is coming the thing is once g4 and f5 happens black is in a lot of trouble and you'll notice that that's exactly what goes on in this game although knight b5 is not a good move knight b5 is not a good move and by the way it is not good to take this you might say oh doubled ponson like it's a weakness folks if you put seven of your eight pawns on light squares and then you go and trade your dark squared bishop that's not how you play chess now you're able to get away with this because it's a closed position so in closed positions you can break these rules a little bit because the position's cl it's closed that it's harder to maneuver can't really justify structural advantages as easily but but knight f5 bishop f2 and now and now there is one and only one move as far as i'm concerned and it's h5 okay you have to prevent g4 if you ever plant a knight on a square like this you need to stop enemy pawn attacks and if h3 very instructive in many positions h4 to take on poisson you need to deal with this you need to deal with it now your knight stands really strong but computer also shows this using this knight against your opponent your your opponent's piece has just wandered in just like yours and g4 is coming queen b6 because now if this oh uh oh that's not good that's very bad okay this queen b2 stuff so and if a of course right we just get rid of it so what ended up happening in this game was g4 and now probably the worst move i've ever seen in my life and i told northern line this after the game you don't do this you absolutely never fee in shadow a knight and you have to do it in this game you got to give them the man props but oh my god um no no no no please go here and as the attack is in coming get out like get out or go h5 like start an attack a counter attack and don't castle and we did everything wrong in this game we castled into the storm now the way i urge you to have this kind of foresight all the way from back here is to envision how your opponent will attack you how can they attack me how will they put me in danger the only way is bishop h4 you have no other moves like b4 on basant right practice that and here before you commit your king give your opponent put yourself in their shoes who's going to come attack your king how's the queen up oh oh wait a second that's not good see if you were playing this position with white you'd be salivating with queenie one well with black it's a little bit harder to see that stuff you're like yeah i'm gonna castle you know i don't want to go here and lose my right to castle excuse me you don't deserve to write the castle after putting the knight on g7 let's just be very honest but here now it's a lesson in defense and what's funny is that in this game we were both wrong i thought that after this it's instructive you have to take with the pawn because if you take with the queen immediately you come back with queen d8 you don't even think about it i don't care if the computer gives a move like knight takes d4 do you know why the computer gives this move because the idea is knight takes deform and not queen d8 but bishop d8 trapping the queen and threatening the knight that's why this is winning for black so don't you know that's there for my more advanced viewers but really it more comes down to the fact that you need to activate your pieces in a way that you you just counteract what it wants i know why it wants queen h6 and queen g7 or knight g5 and queen h7 now to counteract knight g5 you have always h5 so just how that looks like this it will delay mate if you go here it'll delay it you'll probably still get obliterated after pawn takes but you buy time it's the only way another way is to run your king but you can't you're not fast enough so yeah it's a really bad position and that's why i played queen f4 and during the game i thought rook d1 was a brilliant move you saw me being complimentary of it preventing this yeah it turns out that just going here uh wins because even though i get to take with check and h5 and of course if pawn takes now i take the queen that's not that this was my idea i was gonna get this far and figure it out now white plays rogue d1 and now i have to release the pin and now white takes i can't stop the attack anymore this is just too strong an instructive game and how to create an attack but white did not want me to take the pawn with check and now we stop everything and the one move that holds this position together is the move queen e3 check it's what makes everything possible so for example here white can go here preventing queen e3 to come within it with a check and actually this is winning now for white if i play queen e3 because of the absurd bishop c4 if i take and my queen's trapped say no it's not here my queen is trapped say no it's not here it's mate okay congrats no it's not queen h2 yeah okay stop arguing with me so king h1 is a preventative measure to stop my attack oh sorry not this king h1 this king h1 prevents this and here the only way not to lose is apparently to take this knight and i i don't know why i i don't know why that's like what if i don't like what if i go here then knight e5 is really strong i guess taking the knight removes the defender from the bishop so for example if the knight goes to e5 nope this is also losing rook d8 uh-huh and now with 95 yeah the fact that the bishop is now hanging and i get to win some time ridiculous i mean yeah and and the way this ended up happening in the game is i one time with this check i removed the knight and now the only piece to attack me is the queen and i have two ways to win this one is to just get aggressive and the second is to continue to play defense with a move like king h7 to make sure this is guarded i realize that i can go here and now you can take with the queen first because you've got backup as long as the queen is the one taking and we managed to simplify and this is just easy glue the structure shot offer a trade of rooks infiltrate on the d-file and the rook beats everybody up usually on the enemy second rank um the biggest level difference between 2000 and 1500 was opening and recognizing your opponent's resources recognizing their play their pawn breaks and where they want to fight on which side of the board uh and then decision making of how to retreat and regroup depending on how your opponent is going to come forward it's a pretty big difference it's a pretty big level difference granted also my guest had not played chess uh for a long time uh like several months and his opponent was a 13 year old talented player from india who's probably going to be like a title player in a few years but folks as always if you made it this far on the video uh please continue to leave feedback on elo swamp i really enjoy the series i mixed it up for this one with five minute games and i almost lost to a 1600 um but the content is there and i hope you learn a lot and continue to enjoy and i will see you in episode number three peace out get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 478,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, gothamchess guess the elo, guess the elo, elo swap, gothamchess elo swap
Id: dvhXKQNrQp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 38sec (3098 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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