$250 Chess Match: GothamChess vs. Eric Rosen

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all right my friends 12 games versus  international master eric rosen it is the rematch   after the original london match this time two  games shorter to be more uh i don't know relaxed   here we go we agreed that the first game  that we would be playing is a stafford gambit okay now d3 here is the move you gotta go  for this this is the only move that makes   any sense and you have to go here now let's  see if eric plays h5 i have a feeling he   won't i have a feeling he won't eric goes for  this and i did look at this right beforehand so now you're supposed to  take black ghost queen h4 here and you're just up you're just  up material here just up material   i believe that h3 is a move that i had  looked at in my in my notes because now   if bishop f3 i just castle so you play h3  and black is just down a pawn and that's it so black is just down upon i mean if i i was  actually really hoping that eric played eight   for h5 because i came up with a really cool idea  which even the engine doesn't see uh at first   and i think now my notes go here here and  here and basically i'm okay so he does this   now i castle out of it and i'm going  to play a combination of a few moves   to basically just secure an advantage  okay nothing is under threat bishop e3 um   let's see so knight d2 bishop h5 g4 bishop  g6 knight b3 this move is h5 and bishop   e3 is very simple and straightforward let's  just do it just be up a very solid extra pawn also guys you can say hi to uh youtube  youtube you can say hi to twitch   i do have chat open but chat is pretty well  behaved nobody's gonna be doing any nonsense   like spouting out moves at us or any of  that nonsense so um i appreciate you and   you know keep doing your thing keep being real  knight d2 eric's gonna go here i'm assuming i   really i don't know i guess he could have played  bishop e2 this would have been a funny move knight   c4 is an idea i take i don't want to i don't want  to give him a cube the last time that i saw eric   rosen have a cube in a youtube video it didn't  go right it didn't go very well for the person so yeah i'm not i'm not giving him the  cube i'm not going to give him the cube   and i think that's exactly  what he's trying to play for   i think that's exactly what  he's trying to play for hey so another thing uh chat members is um really last match there was some there was  a little bit of weird stuff going on where   people were trying to relay back and forth  what we were saying don't do that either   that's just that's not cool by any stretch of  the imagination i'm like really really hoping   okay let's go a5 take okay i'm really avoiding the  cube here that's just what i want i want to as as   intensely as possible with the cube is he gonna  go here what is he thinking about he has no moves ah wow he actually did that amazing very it's a it's  a game between two very stubborn people right   now i should not do this it's not a good move  okay what if i just take not much is changing   no what's he thinking about  why is he not taking my strange i need to come up with a plan here  and go knight b3 force him back   just improve my king's position  a little bit with king g2   something like this maybe put my king on e3  tough position because even though i'm up a pawn   and i'm kind of controlling this structure his  position is very solid so like worst comes to   worst you know black has an end game where  he doesn't really have like easy pawn breaks   okay let's uh let's walk the king  to e3 and not blunder anything so okay i put my king in the center i'm gonna go  b3 to control this c4 move uh he wants f5 which is   somehow logical i don't know why eric rosen just  decides to make logical moves it's like ridiculous   so he's locking in here and the reason i'm not  going a6 is because he he doesn't have to take   me he'll just play b6 and it'll be very solid so  i'm gonna go b3 uh controlling the move c4 for   the future my king is very solid all my pawns  basically are on the right color complex to   you know negate his play uh i'm gonna go rook  g1 so if take take that actually helps me i'm   gonna try to keep as solid of a structure as  possible that is a problem in some end games   that's an interesting idea what if i just play  f4 and then i guess at the end he has rook h8   so f4 here but i can oh no no no i  can't okay gh5 what he wants this tricky here from eric for now let's just  go f3 let's not do anything too complicated i was expecting that discover cache one so he he he's creating a little bit of counter  play i don't know if i would yet give this like   a lot of counter play but it's it's it's a bit  of counter play for sure let's go here i mean   as long as he can't get a rook to a6 which is okay  that that's there's his idea to get the rook to a6   now i'm gonna go g5 and try to play h4 or  g6 or knight c4 they all look really good let's do this last time the big problem for me is   i started hesitating a lot  and i got into time trouble so he could go here that is something  that i would expect out of eric rosen you play a guy enough you start learning his style got my t here and peasant and i guess rook here oh man i don't have a lot of time this is coming i guess i'll have to put my knight on e4 i'm not  gonna trade i'm gonna keep my night there nights   are tricky still like my position but obviously  could have could have done this better than i did   did not need it to get the other thing is 3 2 gives you  this weird safety net of time and it's like it's just so hard to play  sometimes again it's like you're never   flagging but you're almost flagging but you're  never flagging you're always almost flagging and i blundered did i do that that was just silly because now he's gonna pick up this pawn my only hope now is to create some g-file counter  play somehow i'm going to hide my king on e5 oh that's all i have right now this move very timely move by me and um i'm  just in time because if he takes i have no idea i mean probably this end game  is i mean it's i don't know it's very tough does he not have a check here oh wait but i have queen f6  what is happening in this game just gonna push this pawn who's making a queen  and why that's are we gonna get four queens   how do eric rosen and i manage to  do this every time we play a match i mean that's just crazy i guys  i swear this is not scripted like did you just get mated yes yes yes  oh that's so amazing yes let's go that was oh my gosh totally i mean a hundred percent that was supposed  to happen a hundred percent that was supposed to   happen okay we're gonna start out testing his uh  his sicilian a little bit i predict g6 yes he did   beat me with this once and now it's one zero as  you can see on the screen so we play bishop c4   okay d3 and eric is going for a  very direct here d5 idea mm-hmm   um i'm gonna go for this for this h4  let's see he's gonna play h5 right   um so eric and i had a game in this already  before but in that game i played the move   bishop g5 in this game i'm not gonna  do that i'm gonna see what happens here while i take a sip of my tea you know the only  way you can beat eric rosen is if you become   eric rosen you need to think in the mind as  eric rosen now why am i playing like this   um a3 sicilian is part of my opening repertoire  i have to rep it a little bit so you know should we threaten a mate to play  a g4 he's gonna go b5 b4 that's   seems to be eric rosen's big brain idea here okay that's a very significant  threat to the eric rosen position   so most likely he is going to go here  simultaneously protecting and attacking   um very important question for me then is  what do i do i just want him to think i'm   happy that he'll be the guy thinking and not  me so word broken might just be your face okay oh queenie two i'm actually not sure  white both games correct correct if you um hold on let me focus my sarcasm is not it's not  super sharp right now because i'm trying to focus very weird position very weird position yeah so um i'm playing every game with  the white pieces because last time   eric had the white pieces in every  game i feel like that's pretty fair let's back up for a sec okay thank you thank you i worked hard to get  to uh 2700 again it definitely was a while   i really don't like that eric is gonna get  his knight to g4 i really don't like that at the same time no and i mean i don't know  do i like slow play this   i play c3 try to get this  pawn i bring this horsey back like i i would i would love to just go all out   but he just looks too solid there so what  about this this this knight e3 now c3 queen b6   it's an annoying position so here's my plan i'm  gonna i'm gonna offer him a trade of knights   this bishop can be preserved into a lot of  attacking situations that's also just a free pawn so okay queen a5 check i don't really want a queen trade i  also really don't want to play this move just don't want anything like a nihilist okay dude just go come on go go go   i have some different ideas uh ready for eric  in in the sicilian beyond the a3 sicilian but yeah this was uh this was not great i  played i played this game way too slowly   that i did not expect i go bishop b3 i just honestly  i'm not sure what to do here   more than anything else um i'm unsure of myself so let's uh let's try to fight back if he  goes here yeah i i i didn't i did figure   this was happening at some point i'm i'm going  here but i'm not i'm not thrilled about it so   the teachers have this move am i just a bad chess  player well then i have this and i'm just in time and shut it down shut it down i'd have to go chucking upon here okay i think the only way i'm going to  survive this is by sacrificing material   i don't see anything and any anything  else so i'm just going to go here   and i'm going to hope for the best but he  just says bishop e6 so just a good game   from him honestly sometimes there's just  nothing you can do you got a golf clap wow stuff just got out played gotta play  like the whole game start to finish   absolutely had no chance  this game just got clowned on all right one one that was good oops i keep uh  i keep rematching him and i keep forgetting that   that's not uh oh last time it started 5-1  so this time it it's not going to start 5-1   uh i mean actually technically the alakins defense that i did not expect i'm baiting him into this that's what i want that's what i want do i go vienna gambit   what does eric have for me the thing is the  problem is if you know your opponent is gonna play   into the vienna gambit like a hundred percent you  can prepare and just get a very good position you   know what i mean it's like not that complicated  to do that and then it's like if he goes here yeah   this is gonna be hard this is gonna be hard uh so  i have to avoid lines that are in my preparation   which is so hard like that's so unnatural  because you play what you know best   you know anyway let's go here um oh  interesting isn't this different isn't   he supposed to be taking already  or i don't know maybe not supposed to be three the move no i'm gonna  castle i have no idea if this is right no i wouldn't say that the vienna gambit is  garbage i would say that any forcing opening   if your opponent knows that it's going to happen  they can prepare using an engine deeper than you   can i'm going to be completely honest i did  not prepare not because i don't respect eric   but because i was like whatever what's 50 gifted  subs win or lose let's not take this too seriously so anyway how did that work out for chiu what  in the karo khan match well i think the level   disparity between the players was really at  fault there i i'm not really sure that was a   you know a preparation thing i think that was more player disparity than anything else   okay so eric is down 30 seconds  that i like i like that very much this is an idea this is an idea it doesn't my  move isn't as powerful as it looks   bishop h6 it doesn't really create a threat does this create a threat i'm gonna go here  just so he has something to think about like maybe this is my threat and then to be  honest i actually think this is my threat i just made an accidental threat more than anything else okay so he's moved out of the way now  this is no longer possible but this is   and then i can somehow move on with my life  for example so now i'm tripling his pawns   but a reason why this wouldn't be good for  me is that i'm opening lines for his rook let's go bishop e3 back play like this um so i'd like to go here uh guys just good rule of  advice if you see that this streamer is involved   in a match where he has to focus he probably  will not be answering your random questions   it's just no disrespect intended  although maximum disrespect is intended   so all right i am just going to give this away  i'm going to go all in on attacking mr eric rosen   e6 is on the way i'm not even sure  it works i also have this move a hypotenuse is a pot news that smoked some  weed that's what it is okay now eric rosen   has 50 seconds now if i know anything about eric  rosen i know that he is going to fight and fight   and fight now the cool thing about the vienna  gambits one of the reasons i like it a lot is   you you just chuck these pawns often times and you  just go you know you just go you just go for it also you play good music and you know good things  might happen okay that's a threat so bishop there   is met with this move so probably he has to just  go back here yep problem is that he has this   question is can i can i just like chip away  at all his defenses there can i go here and here yeah that's what i'm going to do right now mm-hmm i did know that that was going  to happen i literally just said that let's creep forward a little bit so he  can't go queen e8 that hangs a piece and   if he plays g6 it loses because i just  take it i think but then he can pin me   so maybe we just keep crawling forward and if  he plays bishop f7 then we come back i think   now we come back and now that  space has been freed up for   the pawn so we have tactical ideas  like g5 e6 something like that take   i don't know the other thing to remember is that  i'm not actually sure that this is creating a   threat yeah like i saw this and i just don't think  it works so for example e6 here queen h6 if here or just like rook g3 even i mean  just not even to give him any fun   three king h8 e6 take bishop night eat night here let's just do this we're very close here we're very close so it it  it feel it feels very close   it's just winning actually because  here i just take it's just winning   so that was that was actually a beautiful  vienna attack that was a beautiful vienna attack   so first of all i have this with bishop d4 check  picking up the queen so he's not letting me do it um i could just take this it takes and i also have queen f5 and then  bishop f4 maybe it should be six he's so tricky oh man let's go here what a weird ah no time just go nice there it is that's the  win and that's the win easy check and that's it rook up it's game over all right mr rosen it's it's it's time  to resign my friend no no no no no no no why is eric like this what why is eric like this okay that was  good that was a very nice attacking win   that was a nice attacking one i'm very happy with  that we just did all this peace transfer and then   just kept it together for a move it was good  that was good win all right two one let's go e4   aha this i was also expecting um i'm gonna go for two nights am i gonna  go for two nights what am i gonna go for   is he gonna go into a sicilian ah ah okay this is also interesting so let's play like closed sicilian now it's e4 c5 and then  this system okay i think b5 is a is an idea here   i think d4 is also an idea here like  play for a quick d4 here here here   yeah i'm going to do this uh the a3 line uh the  thing is there's no need to play into the a3   line once you've already committed to this now  i'm gonna go queen e3 i think this is the point   but i don't remember and now you play like  knight e2 and you just you just get a sicilian   player into an imbalanced position i i didn't  play queen d3 because i didn't like knight b4   and i can play a3 whenever i want let's go castles now so it's it's a it's a  sicilian but it's a little bit of a weird sicilian   it's a very non-typical position so i didn't go  e5 because he has knight g4 so he plays knight e5   i'm i actually don't even understand the  point of that move so i'm gonna play b3   maybe he's about to show me  why he played that okay ah oh is it an o i don't know i have queen  d2 i i'm not getting i also have queen   c1 if i really need it the reason i did this is  because that prevents knight c4 right queen g5 or is that too risky maybe too risky i don't know queen g5 knight g4  i'll do it maybe it's a blunder   but i'm hitting the horsey oh wait he just  has knight g6 am i on something ah i like the   knight on g6 at least it's not looking there  i just totally forgot that this is protected so and i mean eric can make this like  unnecessarily complicated by like   sacrificing this pawn and doing some stuff but he does that then you know we'll  we'll we'll figure it out but um   these knight g6 i can i can  bring this guy back this way   uh e5 bishop g2 ef6 that's does not  strike me as very smart so rook d1   activating the rook at some point i can move  the horse i don't know if i'm gonna do that queen to b6 that's strikes me as a smart  move should i just go king h1   king h1 is such a such a  bold and unnecessary decision although it could be brilliant okay now why would i do that just go h3 why i have this idea i i really want to go  here and essentially i want him to take me   to glue his pieces together for the foreseeable  future after which i will play the move e5 he will   take i will take my king and bishop i mean my king  and rook will hit his bishop and this is hanging   he then can play this move which attacks my  queen or he just plays it first okay interesting   but i think now i have this no i have the  same idea but with a bonus i think also i can   go like knight f4 for example wow he respects my  threat so much that he doesn't even take my pawn   well that makes me feel better about myself well then i guess i just play something like f3 no   oh you didn't take i did all this big brain  thinking and then he just totally didn't even i thought i was like huge brain i'm gonna go knight d4 that's  what i'm gonna do he's gonna go   here i'm gonna go here he's gonna  go here then we'll figure it out i don't think it's good so maybe  actually i'll go here instead   i'm just gonna damage my structure but i'm gonna  get the two bishops and then maybe i'll drop   on back and play something with a5 that actually  that could be a secret million dollar idea because   somehow you stop looking at a move like that  you just stop you're just like that doesn't work   and he just backs up all right i gotta stop i got  to stop it with these uh these huge time and you   know expenditures because eric doesn't even eric  and i don't see the board the same way not saying   that i see it better i'm just saying that we i  look at very sharp forcing potentially incorrect   dangerous ideas and he'll just oftentimes play a  solid move that doesn't over commit um most of the   time it's good for him and sometimes he'll you  know miss out on an opportunity where he could   have done some damage so let's go f4 i'm just  trying to create havoc i'd love to play b4 i   played this i don't really know why maybe h3 king  h2 camp with my king at some point a d5 is coming   constantly monitoring whether or not the capture  in the center is good this little box of pawns   controls the knights although his knight could  go to g4 but luckily there's no threat at least   i don't see one and you know oh no am i missing  something is he going to take on d4 next ah do it am i sneaky or am i an idiot million dollar question once again i don't think  he's gonna take if he takes i mean i'm happy   but yeah it's gonna come down to a time scramble  here we're gonna try to make moves instantly   he can take take play okay yeah  i figured he wasn't gonna take me   okay let's go f5 feel like this is  uh f6 strikes me as pretty natural i i just i gotta go yeah so he goes back bishop  a1 so now i can move my knight i could have moved   it there actually my king is very safe and i'd  really like for him to take and not vice versa   i'm going to take now play knight d5 i don't  actually know if what i'm doing is any good we're chess players we're you know  we're kind of specialists at that   let's take is he gonna bail he bails  i'm not gonna bail i i thought i had   queen f2 actually in in that position  but i but i didn't she totally didn't take this discard that he  could have taken it actually i don't want to draw so oh no that's like the world's saddest horse   i don't even know what to do i'm  so devastated that he played that i'm like absolutely flabbergasted that  eric just did that to his own piece what that's crazy oh i hung up on what am i doing   i just forgot his pawn could do that i mean it's  rook i don't even know his piece names anymore okay but somehow it's like still really  weird for him to get to my pieces i'm giving him my pawn looks like it's just gonna be a win for him ah wow he clutched it out in the time scramble   well not yet but he's about to that  was uh that was that was a tough game oh i don't know it's not  over yet let's do our best don't actually think that doing our  best is going to help us much here sorry sometimes you just go you just got  to resign just go for the next one   i'm cutting him off but i i don't think he's  gonna do something crazy just go here and push i am not as creative as he is alright tutu that's intense that was crazy wow so we had the draw in hand what a wild game that was all right two two should we go d4 what's he got  for us i'm gonna turn on the ac   getting hot and hot it is not scripted  okay so he's really daring me to play this does he know i play that ridiculous line does he know that i play this  does he know or is this new to him should i go for rook a3 no i'm gonna go d4 am i getting the points back what  points blizz points guys come on   i don't care about my blitz writing  let's be let's let's be serious so i'm not i'm not gonna do this enigma  yells at me too much i've had a lot of   blitz games where i do play it  but i'm not playing it right now   but i am gonna sack a pawn i'm going to sacrifice  a pawn i would like for him to take and i'm gonna   try to do an alpha zero impression this game  it's like famous last words guess he wants e6 c5 is met with knight d5 knight c3 what about bishop e3 here and takes or something i'm trying to make the  positions exciting maybe some queen h5 idea thing is he's just gonna go here it's gonna kill  my fun a little bit so i'm gonna go queen h5   i'm totally making stuff up at this point i have  absolutely no idea what like i'm i'm totally that's that's just what we're going after here  anyway i'm happy to donate a little bit of points   to the eric rosen fund queen f6 great song by the  way youtube can't hear it but that's okay we don't   need to share our secrets with them feel as though  i need to develop all right that's what we're   going to do we're going to develop some pieces  now i've already i've messed around in the opening and i think for him the best move is this   i'm gonna quickly castle and i'm gonna  fake that this was my preparation all along alright so i don't know if we're gonna castle on  opposite sides let me ask eric i'll   write him a message in the middle of the game  just kidding don't do that bishop g5 is um   another idea yeah yeah bishop g5 was another idea okay so it's a very weird position i've  got bishop b5 lurking i have f4 lurking   because of the pin i have knight e4 with bishop  g5 ideas which could straight up just win the game   okay guess he wants to take if here here here and he takes on  d5 essentially calling my bluff i don't know let's let's see what happens  like i said i'm just here to create some chaos if we get it great and if  not well we tried our hardest   you know i did see that he had this and  i and i was just like he won't do it   not not that he's like not capable of doing  it just it's a little too risky i thought   i was gonna go here but now i just  realized he has this move and bishop b5 maybe i just give him the two bishops  or do i just play f4 i just play a four here i'll move my queen down three pawns but it is what it is all right he's got one minute on the clock it's got 50 seconds now keep  on thinking keep on thinking okay takes he's gonna check me and then he's gonna  take my pawn now i need to keep two bishops on the   board if i have chances of winning this game  that is 100 accurate maybe i should i maybe   should play c4 whatever all right he's down to  35 seconds that doesn't always help me though   doesn't always help me especially  not when i play eric like i said he's   incredibly creative of a player low on time but i  think i'm gonna create some attacking chances here   so i'm only down one pawn and i actually think  taking this pawn yet and i think he agrees with me   that taking the pawn is too dangerous  so what do we do here here here his last move was pretty good it was a  very important move that he just played this i've got i've got some ideas i  don't actually know if they're any good   like i said that's that that's how you know you're  watching a chess match everyone's constantly   going what am i doing and all that's all that  good stuff all right rook a3 forces queen b6 so i like that now let's go c4 and on this move let's go   bishop e4 bishop b1 or bishop b4 let's  go bishop b4 have some idea in the future uh it's better to be a creative  chess player than a good one yeah eric is definitely gonna see that move this is insane ah what do i play just ran out of ideas he just didn't take he just had a free rook  what why didn't you just take it i'm so confused i'm i'm like what what what is going on  right now eric's not taking free pieces   why is he not taking free pieces and  now he's giving me free pieces but why is he nervous like i'm pretty i'm i was like  pretty chill this game kind of rattled me a little bit it's like eric and i are like just  junkies for adrenaline or something i don't okay this should be a winning end game for him but let's see that's going to be annoying i should have lost so long ago that i i  i feel like i'm playing with house money   a little bit it's like weird i shouldn't  even like be at this stage of the game but all right c2 rook a1 king b4 or  something like that okay let's go here   trying to trying to delay a little bit this is crazy should have f2 here i tried to claim the draw there but that  didn't work i see now playing e2 there we go yeah that was strange that was really strange i  felt like i was fighting back most of that game   all right it's time to stop messing around i'm  down 3-2 this is my first ever deficit it was   my first ever deficit i was never trailing um so  let's see how we can fight back we're down 3-2 here we go gloves are off that was a tough  end game that was a very tough end game he   but i mean he did some crazy stuff that game like  i played rook f1 and he just didn't take basically   why i panicked here is because he's gonna go  here and there's nothing i can do about it   um and i just totally like i'm just down too much  material i just panicked and i played this move   could have just played this but i saw  knight d3 knight f2 so it's probably all bad um but then he just didn't take any of my pieces  that was probably in the game actually uh but yeah   to uh yeah definitely definitely a  little bit shook all right let's go what's he gonna play is he gonna  play knight f6 again g6 okay um let's go here is he gonna he's gonna  play the sniper what's he gonna play   wow okay i feel mildly disrespected but let's  see what happens i just want him to play okay he   plays normal h3 here we go my favorite this is my  probably my favorite line against the pierce h3g4   i love this line with bishop  here and and all these you know   i love this line so very very happy to  play this uh what do we play bishop e3 492 or bishop g2 now you say why why would you  expand like this is because when he castles   i'm gonna have a kickstarted attack so against the  pirates the king's indians set up this h3 g4 it's   actually also if eric uh checked out my opening  scores no uh i'm not gonna sell my opponent my   opening scores um i'm gonna play d5 just gonna  take some space i think de is also a good move but   this game i'm feeling i'm feeling like a squeeze  you know i'm feeling like a little bit of a like like giving eric rosen the big hug and  also yeah so obviously he's gonna play c6   uh if he plays h5 i'm gonna go here i  think bishop e3 is more than okay here and this is another benefit  of this move is that there's   no knight g4 both the bishops are in the  game taking away queen b6 plays queen a5   i just castle he's not going to be  winning my central pawns anytime soon   um i'm not playing g5 right away because he just  says this but if he plays h5 then i'm gonna go g5   and he doesn't have that square for his knight  anymore and then i shut it all down so uh pawn   takes pawn takes this is this is actually an okay  position for black i'm not saying that my opening   is like winning well b5 is is a move and he wants  to go bishop b7 this is why i like to play eric spicy maybe i just play this move i take actually  wait serious question what if i just take if i can play c4 i'm basically winning so if  he plays queen a5 i'm just what what really okay okay interesting wow that was his idea okay amazing okay i did not expect that that  is not what i thought he was going to play   wait why not take on a7 is  knight a7 just a free pawn i guess i just respected my opponent i i  just i just shouldn't have respected him i just didn't think that okay i'm trying  to go knight c4 is what i'm trying to do   wow okay that was hilarious i don't know i just  i just didn't expect them to make that blunder   queen a5 i think i'm gonna go knight  c3 and then here oh doesn't even work not playing well not playing well missing a lot  of stuff so i think what i'm gonna have to do is   bluff my way out of playing bad essentially meaning just play faster don't  give him time to think he seems to be   making better decisions than i  am after spending a lot of time but again another game where he doesn't have  a lot of time so okay take some d5 amazing wait what what don't i have bishop c6 at the end of this so he probably thought he had  rook b2 if knight c4 he goes here   but i can check him and step out of danger   and then i can probably play a move like bishop d2  and i should just be winning i'm just up a piece so it's gonna be three three ball you know give it a second oh can i go queen  takes d6 for literally zero reason knight c4 king   here here no absolutely terrible idea what about  queen d2 i like queen d2 that's a very nice idea i just need to not get into time trouble  and i should be fine yeah so queen jesus hang a queen is that what he just did yeah you  just hung this queen like an actual oh no my queen   not one of those fake ones from youtube i've  seen those i've seen those oh no my queen moments   this ain't one of them a knight c4 at the end should be decisive so i'm hitting his knight this is under  attack takes at the end of this variation   i have knight c4 hitting his rook and  the d6 pawn and that should be a decisive   tactic because if i take on d6  he just loses too much material that was a very convincing win i he he just he just keeps  playing he just doesn't resign   what that's a check what is going on i feel  like no wonder people feel disrespected   sometimes when they play oh still  playing oh we're still playing okay we're no longer playing all right i'm really  i was really confused i you know i i don't know   that that was okay that was nice that was a  good win so it looks like we slayed the piers e4 three three very close match three  decisive games were trading blows a scandy okay i'm gonna take oh is he gonna go  here that's an eric rosen thing to do never mind   okay this is just the scandy  the scandi's getting tested   is eric streaming i have no idea is he streaming   yes of course my opponent we are both guys we're  squad streaming youtubers see this is why i   like you guys more you guys you know you leave  sometimes you leave critical feedback but like we're literally there's a button that says we're  streaming together no i i was born on twitch   i can't i can't hate on twitch  twitch is uh twitch's home   which is home but a few of you make me  really really question myself anyway   i'm gonna go queen b3 hitting this pawn  i actually think this is very good but   we'll see what happens yeah i was just saying a  few of you make me like oh god what am i doing   yeah so so so this is like the reason he's not  just blitzing it out is because it actually   weakens his structure quite a bit it does uh  otherwise he would have played it pretty fast just got ven mode for an openings course you  guys can check it out use the courses command   i'm basically playing i mean all most  of my own recommendations with the   exception of something like the vienna  gambit um which again it worked in one   game but i i don't want to spam it i'd  rather kind of mix it up a little bit i'm really confused what he spent so long on  that move like so long i'm so confused oh why let's go um i don't know   some ideas in these positions you could play a  move like this now obviously he wants the castle   i don't know i'm not gonna spend long i like i  i need to demonstrate that i'm learning over the   course of the match and i'm learning that i'm  slow that's what i'm learning mentally oh wow   thank you very much bishop v3 it's a very solid  position uh queen maintains pressure rook is   coming to d1 potentially i think i'm going to go  knight e5 or g4 here and knight e5 opening up my   king a bit but securing the bishop pair if i can  get this knight for this bishop put this bishop on   this diagonal position is pretty good now eric's  probably gonna play a move like knight c6 hitting   my center i'm gonna have to play rook d1 and then  constantly monitor whether or not the move d5 is   possible or he just plays d5 right away okay well  now i have to go d5 sorry he plays c5 right away   and now i am creating a pass pawn in the center  of the board we will um we'll see what's up okay take stakes and uh i control the breakthrough  square also this gives me another idea can i put   the rook on the c file always important when  you trade the pawns to keep in mind how the   position changes and what is available and what  is no longer available so knight b5 knight d5   queen d5 bishop h2 so knight b5 knight d5  knight d6 rook d6 i have this at the end   that looks pretty good if i can get a bishop  off the board i should be a lot better   a lot better as a person as a  chess player we'll see what happens right because i calculated this this  and very important that that's not   free there is a discovered attack but if  i chop his bishop his knight rook here i   have a piece superiority in the center of  the board i have a lot more active pieces   which means i'm constantly monitoring  whether or not there are tactics   in the position that's what i'm monitoring  um c5 rook c5 and c1 that is that good it's queen a5 here here queen b4  about a million dollar solution there   god this is i don't even have to do any of that but but it looks so cool i mean i might just  take and he'll go rook d5 and i'll be really sad   so maybe i just play rook d1 i'm you know what i'm learning something about eric like  there was actually there's still bishop's e5   no there isn't there isn't bishop c5 he wants c4 it's clever so here's c4 really that just like works that's just that it just works is that what  you're trying to tell me and then he wins my   d5 pawn we need three queen c2 queen a3 rook d5  take take his knights on d5 at the end of that   you're serious that just works what i said  you're serious i didn't say hey siri you off unbelievable how does this work i'm absolutely astounded okay i guess i have to go here i'm blown away  actually i it doesn't make any sense that the   tactics work in his favor when he's playing down  two pieces but that's why that's why you love him   that's why you love him and you hate him at the  same time this is eric rosen ladies and gentlemen   this is the uh the man that i dubbed the king  of counter play the god of counter play if you   will the god he is a counterplay savant and he  is in full swing right now he cannot be stopped   his position is subpar he cannot be stopped  though actually i just think he's lost but you know we'll see i think he's gonna  think a long time and play this move   that's what i think never mind i was  completely wrong he did not play that move okay take and d6 what's the count is it equal  is it six six that's wild six pawns six pawns   i gotta stop getting this low on time easier said than done though i got i gotta  tell you guys like i'm i'm really trying   it is not that easy to do i don't think  he should have allowed that though   threatening rookie 8 and the  rook that seems like a problem rook d6 rook d7 resigns what's going on he's giving me all his puns i have a lot of material he does not have a lot of  money oh i hung a bishop though that's why he plays on that is literally an  example of why he plays on because you never know okay i predict okay probably  no point predicting anything check eric is so funny he's just so he's so fun  to play against because you just never know   what's gonna happen next like with me you also  don't know what's gonna happen next but i don't   play some mate i think that's that is not  something that i do okay he's gonna come in here you gotta put eric away several  times like several times okay now i'm gonna take he doesn't have this  anymore and also i think i think another thing   that why eric plays on is because he he actually  he does it to be instructional uh because it's   not always so easy converting a winning position  so now i just play queen h4 he doesn't have this   okay um and probably just ladder him here  somehow yeah that should do it now if his   king goes here it's made if his king goes back  it's made so he goes there rook here bishop g8 probably missing a faster  mate but let's do this and okay he's trying to play for a  stalemate but he does have a bishop which does prevent a stalemate there will not be  a stalemate because he has a bishop okay he no   longer has a bishop but it's still not going to be  stalemate because he has a lot of legal moves he   has resigned and we have the lead again 4-3 over  mr rosen so far so good very tough match thus far that was intense yo shout out to sam tan  thank you for the 22 months all right here   we go we're gonna keep it going e4 eric was  just up three to two we take a two game lead   um what else do i know against this is he gonna go here all right the thing is i know that  bishop c4 this is the best line   okay i'll play it i'm not a big  fan and also this gives him the   frankenstein dracula or whatever variation  okay interesting he's just going for this   he's not going for c6 knight a5 is a critical  line um i played bishop b3 against the afghanistan   skin i got a very good position i actually beat  tomaszewski in title tuesday with bishop b3 baruch   has played this should be 3 a lot of people play  they should be and the point is that you're going   to just lose your bishop so what you do is you  just consolidate big time you play like knight f3   um and castles and if like bishop e6 which is a  very natural move white has advantage after d4 so yeah d4 i might go bishop e3 and d4 actually so this is the point you just get a very very sol  it's going to be the most solid and boring game   that we play probably so okay place a5 and go for  d4 obviously position is like totally primed for   this move so but i don't have to play it actually  magic harry thank you for the two months wasabi   and all the other subs that i've missed while  playing mr rosen in this very intense match   which is draining all my focus i'll play queen  takes d4 why not you should not get your queen   out unless you're gotham chess then you could do  what you would like little scam train going here   i'll give love to the hype train i usually try to  you know focus on the but youtubers don't donate   anyway so kid tat thank you for the prime but you  can donate check out the links in the description   maybe they'll donate i don't know anyway knight g5  going for this bishop trying to again ruffle the   feathers a little bit create some imbalance you  know tell eric rosen he looks like a bum today that move does make sense he is trying to go for  this take and then what f4 knight c5 what do we play f4 i it's it's not the best move it is  definitely not the best move um but you can't   play bishop f6 because i take so what's gonna  happen is he's probably gonna put his knight on c5   but there's no threat especially if i play  something like rook d1 then queen d6 oh that is a move that is a move yes okay let's go  queen d2 preemptively avoiding the move bishop c5   and then maybe we'll lock the position so that's  kind of an interesting idea bishop c5 yeah d5   is a good move confrontational move i could  have taken also have f5 as a potential idea   he plays that i'm going to go rook d1 because i  i think the battle is gonna happen here i don't   think it has anything to do on that side take  take is not a problem now he has queen b6 which   adds some pressure here i guess actually queen b6  is a good move i underestimated that move so here   i thought i had knight a4 here but i  just forgot that this is check which is   kind of stupid to forget big thank you for the sub gifts guys oh  that's a check interesting it does this one   and again i'm still looking at this  he still can't take and i don't want   to take either i'm just helping him if i  take f5 rook f8 oh man i could get really spicy let's go rook f3 so i'm off the  back rank now so at least when he takes   me i'm not losing a rook with a  check maybe double up even or e5   let's go e5 the center is getting locked  eric we're leaving you behind big boy i'm gonna go here what does that do is that  a blunder no sometimes there's like various   tactical things that can arise but doesn't look  like that's a blunder rook f1 over protecting the   f4 actually no not over protecting at all that  was literally hanging idiot idiot idiot idiot   okay 15 second time advantage not a substantial  amount what's that trying to do i don't actually   know if i just go oh no that hangs this  pun stop trying to lose this pawn levi stupid okay i guess i'll go g3 i really  don't want to play g3 to protect this but   i don't like that i can't move any  pieces this queen's very active you bought my e4 course it is worth it it's  great a lot of people like it a lot of people   have told me that they've gained a couple hundred  points from it that's not even like joking that's a lot of people have have have  enjoyed the recommendations   i might get a heavy piece end  game here with uh queens and rooks so queen c5 is a move on a chessboard i'm gonna go here so he can never play g5  that's my that's my big brain idea of the   moment please b5 queen a1 god i have no  idea what if i just go like crazy just g4   just create my own attack screw the queen  side just all in baby just boom boom boom   choo choo train etc etc he plays b wow he's  respecting my attack why isn't that five playable i don't quite understand this rookie eight okay let's go queen g3 for now yeah  okay that move that is a good move one of us is gonna lose might be me don't know why is he not playing a3 okay he plays a3  there we go that was so delayed it was so   strange why he delayed that move now h5h6 is  my idea to try to then secure the pawn on f6 but i guess he can just go  here i don't really or that or here here here oh whoa i go here something went wrong in this game  when i take a i'm going to take a   crack at it and i'm just going to  say that it was probably me just   going on a random attack for zero  reason that's probably what it was just bad bad bad don't play like  me okay just don't play like me not not good and i'm not as good  as eric at creating counter play okay luckily he's just missing that move but that's just ah he found it don't attack eric for no  reason lesson learned four four   did you push your front to b4  when his queen was on c5 yes uh here yes i could have played b for you   that would have been a good move  i think i mean i just saw this and   i'm kind of a caveman so i just decided to go  this way but it wasn't smart it was not smart okay i just wasn't smart but happens all right here we go four four thank you okay let's go knight c3 what's the move here like  there's like a critical move   but i don't remember it i'm  gonna stop him from playing b5 that's what i'm gonna do no b5 for eric rosen yes i definitely need definitely need a video  on how to create counter play also on youtube d3 some f4 someone some i'm sorry sam you got to stay here  sam like you you just answered the question dude   i win when you're here you left i lost so i think my only concern with playing  the open sicilian against the guy like eric   rosen i don't know a damn thing about the open  sicilian so i don't see a benefit in it because   he's played it his whole life no dude you can't no bathroom  breaks for for you me   anybody kh1 always a useful move okay let's take um i really want to play a move like e5 i also  want to finish my development what do i do e5   i'm gonna go for e5 i'm not fully convinced he's  gonna do something like d6 in the future and   bishop b7 looking to trade off my light squad  bishop i'm gonna pop this horsey to e4 and um you know we'll we'll do we'll do our  thing bishop e3 c3 knight g5 queen g4   queen h4 this move does a few things but  most importantly it clears up that square you woke up at 6am to watch me i i respect that  level of dedication man on a serious note sarcasm   aside you actually felt so strongly about the  match that you woke up early to watch it that   is uh that is very very cool i always say that  support of the stream uh or the youtube channel   comes in three ways there's people who pop  off financially sub gifts you know bits   and then there's like a category of folks that  don't do things like that because they can't for   whatever reason might be their you know where they  are in the world or their students or something   and if you're just a good community  presence you bring good energy   that's also good it's not just all about wallets  and that's coming from a jewish guy alright so anyway political correctness has gone out  the window not a triple nine having said   that just gifted five subs he said levy enough  sentimental nonsense go beat eric rosen i say   you got it big man is that just a free pawn  i mean i feel like it is and i'm just gonna   take it i mean i i am not convinced that eric  rosen is getting sufficient compensation here   oh that's a bad move because he's intake oh  god eric rosen i hate you you are so tricky   how do you do this all the time  how i don't know how he does this i just didn't see this and b4 what  knight c2 oh that is ridiculous crazy eric i we have a problem thank you i was gonna play knight a6 but i  don't i don't like that move anymore now the most important thing here is i can't  just spend all my time and get a bad position   because i'm really good at that let's just go here now i saw knight d4 but what  i didn't see is that there is this i just didn't   see that he saw and i did so now my attack  is gone because the position has opened up   now he's gonna trade pieces off the  board and i'm sad and i don't like   being sad chest shouldn't make you sad  just kidding it all it makes us all sad okay knight g5 it's chess are we kidding it's literally just a  just the orb of sadness constantly is what it is   uh man i don't have a good position this is   not pleasant i guess i have to play  this really ugly and dumb looking move could be worse i guess i don't know my god you play chess because you're sad  i'm so sorry to hear that that's just   going to make you more sad it's not really  a way out you know my way out play checkers like i said hey levy where can ui buy your  course uh i don't buy my course i have it   uh if you want it there's a command i  think uh somebody put it in the chat okay ah we'll see what happens correct if you listen to maroon 5 it'll   it'll make things better a little bit a little  bit depends what you listen to i mean they   have a lot of very sad music too so you can't  get a you know just no no no running from it so who knew that this would be a  match and also just an inspirational   talk for happiness derek played this  i think he just blundered which is   good for me unless he has another trick i  will be so upset if he has another trick   he doesn't have another trick you could  tell from how long he spent on the move   now he's gonna start looking for tricks but it's  too late eric you lose in the words of hikara   i don't get to say that very often i'm gonna  pick up a second pawn here for my troubles   oh my god or not evidently no i think i think  we we will actually pick up a second pawn or not because he has rook here  i don't know i don't believe excuse me five gonna go uh f5 takes takes he takes here okay or you can listen to um   cardi b generally cardi b is also a good way to  bring happiness i mean she's just really funny it's a ridiculous position oh my gosh ah i can't beat a guy up two  pawns are you kidding me terrible i don't actually think that trading is even that  good for me after i wreck a draw he declined it we'll see what happens but let it let  the record reflect that eric rosen did   decline my draw offer if a dirty flag occurs i cannot be penalized by law are we still playing still  doing this what's going on he actually is better because  of his outside past pun   and i think that there was moments he could  have traded okay or he's just going this way although i think even this  is probably just the draw hey man he is working really hard i respect it but  hey that's just the draw four and a half each   oh man so i gotta think what  am i gonna do against this   i think from now on i'm gonna play  the b3 sicilian and against e5 hmm i don't know whatever remember  first is six and a half three more games   that's it three games not much  time to think three more games goes back to this um what do i know against this the  four pawns attack is pretty interesting   i also used to play something else  i used to play this line with d4 a very aggressive orange is rad thank you  i haven't played the rue lopez because eric   hasn't given me a chance to play the rulopas  is it bishop c4 here or like knight c3 you know i should probably play  lines that i know how to play probably a good idea it's four  and a half four and a half i'm   taking a risk playing something super aggressive   and not particularly solid uh it'll either work  or it won't we're about to find out it's knight c3 he's gonna take and then why this is bad  is that your pawns are very overextended   so at some point black will play move like d6 or  b6 there you go i did say it was going to happen i don't think he did this the right way though shy town thank you for the five thank you  thank you thank you okay let's take on d5 here here maybe i had bishop  takes d5 what's he thinking about very strange thought there so take now here  and something like queen b3 so we're going to   develop very quickly also trying to avoid a queen  trade and have some serious serious pressure here   before he's able to um develop his pieces i don't  actually know i feel like i've been saying that   the entire match i don't actually know this is  good stop myself so here and here and took nine um did i have queen no no no i i thought i missed  something and i i think i'm just on drugs   generally you need a certain kind of drug to  help you play chess and i'm not on that one   so i'm insane for what oh and orange is  red and crank man reset thank you guys this looks dubious for white  your face looks dubious um modafinil adderall um drugs that  are beneficial for chess players like   competitively but i i don't take those okay eric  is just really deep in thought bishop to c five okay um i have this cool  idea d4 here that's anything so have like other ideas that aren't stupid check let's just castle in and just  go here and don't we just win i don't   m singer just gave 10 subs shout out to him thank you very much i'm singer maybe we go  d4 first now that now that somebody popped   off with the 10 sub gift but maybe not cause  like we don't want to take risk and die so 3 000 viewers i mean who would not want  to watch this whatever you open twitch   i'm streaming dude i never stop streaming  that's my secret you know that's my secret   i i don't know why he's thinking so long like i  feel like he should just go here but i think he's   oh wait that's a hilarious blunder   because i have that threatening mate and the  bishop oh my i'm a genius it's the best i was   just sitting here like why is he thinking so long  he's calculating all these crazy deep ideas and   i'm just like okay like why he's thinking so long  let's go knight e4 just turns out that you know turns out there's crazy  complications in the position um i think this is a good move  because i need to transfer my queen   to where the attack is going to take place  so now if he plays something like knight c6   play d3 if he plays knight d4  that that looks a little annoying this move does look a little annoying  i'll probably play some i don't know   the knight getting here is is is a pain maybe  just d3 okay so now is my backup idea d4 f5 he has arrived ladies and gentlemen yeah  i mean obviously that's why you play that i   take take and play queen g6 uh queen h6  i mean whatever that whatever that what   whatever square that is i'm not really good at  the squares okay i just i just check mate on them   i can't bishop h6 we guess queen  b6 that is so heartbreaking he has   queen b6 stopping everything  that i work for just stopping it i'm out here trying to create like a beautiful   tactical game and my man's just taking all of  my dreams away from me eric rosen is basically   just big pharma or something like i don't know  killing all my fun nicola thank you for the resub i mean come on so yeah we we basically just got to the bottom  of it eric is just big pharma is what he is i love banter during these these matches  absent-mindedly just talking trash all right let's sit back let's relax  for a second we have a better position not going to be a lot of time to sit  back and relax that's a free bishop he's gonna keep playing for sure unless  unless eric rosen has totally changed his   ways but i but i think i i i am fairly  certain that he's going to keep playing   i know everything anything about eric  rosen it's that this game is far from over yeah but i'm gonna try to i'm  gonna try to get that that bishop   yes that's that's the move that i  needed he's gonna go here though   or not he's not eric rosen is losing  his touch a little bit queen g6 oh my god i almost flagged i could barely  make that move what was that that was so weird check check this should do it was not the most  convincing conversion but we take it check i just want to get rid of every  pawn he has it's gonna be rooking for two rooks and and four versus nothing it's just he  he doesn't have pawns just not one he is lacking   in the pawns department just keep pushing just  keep going i really can't screw this up i mean   i'm not even gonna let him check me not once no  checks for him he's too tricky to give a check just went here though but like playing him it's like it's like such a such a struggle you know emotionally because  you just never know with eric like am i gonna   screw everything up i mean some people just live  with that general anxiety anyway but okay check   check check take that's it there will not be a  stalemate and we are going to take a lead here now what he wants is for me to  like do some weird stalemate thing   uh i don't want that imagine and  that is why i'm just gonna go here okay i have all my pawns now i will zig and zag doesn't really matter he  cannot stalemate himself here and that is gg f7 that is upon mate and checkmate  with a pawn and now we are in clinching mode   five and a half four and a half we have a one game  lead there are two games remaining in the match   a draw gets us at least the playoff here we go   we ready let's take a deep breath chat all  right debates start in 15 minutes let's go b3 sicilian here we go b6 so i i  really like this system where you trade   and you're not worried about this  um because your bishop is so strong i don't i don't think i'll  watch the debate on stream no probably just queen d2 and so now  like bishop b4 doesn't win anything   um and this bishop is really  nice that's why i like this uh bishop d3 i just just just get  a sicilian player away from prep so castles i guess he's gonna go knight g6  knight f4 yeah something with with a knight   here but a c4 i'm trying to shut down the d5  expansion and my dark squared bishop on b2   we see the whole point of the b3 sicilian is  looking quite nice drop back the queen c4 um now i have different sacrificial ideas which  i i i always like to potentially uncork deep thoughts here from the opponent   common idea with a knight here is to play like  this g3 h4 h5 i'm hesitant to do that because   i don't want to risk my state my king safety  but g3 does stop a lot of what he wants   those were very poorly drawn arrows but i  assure you that g3 was in fact preventing   what he wants like for example you might  be able to play h5 if i do that right now uh okay so here i'm gonna go back with my bishop   first of all there's a there's a sneaky little  thread on d7 here which i'm assuming a man of   eric rosen's statue will indeed see and he did see  it uh but constantly i'm gonna be monitoring this and then b5 a couple of different  moves here bishop a3 to hit the pawn   is possible um i'm like maybe in  the future i'll get some big attack trying to like find this balance between  instigating and not doing a damn thing   and uh right now i am not finding it very well so  queen a3 the i have another idea maybe knight a4 what's happening chat members are we are we are we  talking about the debates before they're happening   yeah guys wrong wrong forum um you know if you  want to spout conspiracy theories there's 4chan   there's a lot of um you know there's a lot  a lot of places you you can message your you   know local whatsapp group we're we're really  just trying to focus on the chest right now   you know i wanted to see like two you know   two delusional old guys yell at each other and  then have you guys commentate on it oh my gosh   that is a good idea it's a very cool idea doubling  his pawns and he's trying to get knight d4 okay let's go here i'm not i'm not happy  with this you guys distracted me chat membership i'm hitting this thank you for the 500 bits if he goes here oh i just take it   i thought maybe there were some tricks yes of  course i'm going to take this and then i thought   i was big brain and i was going to put my knight  on c5 and my big brain or my in my small brain it's like that's that's really what we're   what we're after for here is  this a good move or a bad move now he's not gonna take but i'm just gonna  pre-move it but he damaged the structure to   give himself a blockade of my bishops and  an outpost on d4 that's what he did there uh but this did give me a two on one so bishop c8 is not a move i  expected i expected bishop a8 let's go here when he moves  his knight i'm going to go b4   unless he plays knight a5 then b4 just  allows this so knight a5 i might just   go here yeah so now b4 right oh wait whoa  whoa whoa whoa levi levi what are you doing what are you doing levi levi okay at least i have knight d3  levi what are you doing homie like knight b3 now i have this why are you trying to throw the game are  you trying to just provide excitement for   your viewers all right f4 let's go f4 takes  takes eric rosen if that's even your real name   show me what you got tough guy 20 seconds  let's go i gotta win this game i'm talking   too much trash come on let's go who even  gave you this title who gave you this title   was it fide would you pay off that a good move uh takes it's a good move solid move by my opponent let's go b4 hit hit the uh the queenie god it's so claustrophobic on c4 i i'm just moving out of the pin that's just what  i'm doing i'm just moving out of the pin and we're   just going to stockpile our arms here that's it  the game is going to be decided like right here oh man this is crazy oh i should be six that  [ __ ] should be six wait have this move and then i have like a getaway maybe i just go  bishop d5 oh god oh god but i've invited rook h6 take take there's a check it's very scary looking i don't  know if it's any good it looks very unpleasant that's some mate no it's not i'm just lying  nothing you won't see in the debates tonight did you blunder is that a blunder from mr rosen it does look like it does  look like he's blundered here   we are up upon winning this is going to be brutal   it's going to take a very long time and very  well might be impossible but we are going to try okay queen d3 gotta hold this gotta hold  that and basically just need to expand somehow somehow was you know we'll  we'll deliver that at some point   i've not really discovered that just yet okay  check check and this move oh i don't know i'm really clenching here wow okay that's very cool   that's very cool what he just did he gets he  gets some respect for that that is very cool   that was cool all right that gets him  that gets him a little bony bonus point   not gonna stop me from beating his ass but  you know oh my god he's he's ridiculous oh he's too much man i'm giving him this we're  creating some imbalance here maybe he goes g5 okay check i wasn't very smart  that accomplished nothing oh oh i messed up is it no matter what i do all right we're gonna walk into the queen  it's time for the king to be a gangster i think it's i think it's  been already very much a draw   that was very cool though why didn't i take the  queen uh it was a stalemate if i took the queen he can take but then i think i go here okay that was tough 6'5 the clincher it's actually you know it's exactly how  it was last time six five and uh i need a draw i need to draw to clinch it that was uh play for a quick draw   no we'll play for a win yeah that was really  nice that was really funny king eight shade all right he needs to win with black what  do you play sicilian gotta be or alakine   you don't play okay plays this the knight c3  and i'm gonna try to play for this f4 thing   interesting pierce i think he's gonna  go c5 that's what i think uh-huh so i saw a game by yasser quesada  perez against dennis cadrich   that went like this and it was a super  weird game it went h3g4 so quickly like so quickly like something like this even and my music broke no it didn't no no your heart's bumping well tell it to relax   what's i i'm the one that should be  nervous not you why why are you nervous no it didn't it didn't break it's  been like this for the entire match   i always turn it off whenever we're recording this is not how you should play by the  way when you need to not lose but but but uh-huh yeah i thought he was gonna do this   but i just assumed i would figure it out  so now we really better figure it out okay he's got a pawn on d4 and a dream  armageddon if we tie if we tie we've   agreed to play 3-0 blitz until there  is a winner that's what we agreed to i'm just going to go g5 here try to lock out  his dark squared bishop yes i gave him bishop   f5 he also has to worry about this and bishop f5  i will just play bishop e4 in fact that might just   be my next move no matter what so for example if  knight c6 i'm gonna play bishop e4 i like indian   or mexican food more um oh good question gotta go  with indian probably indian food it's very close it's fair it's very close uh i would i  mean i can't i'm i'm hesitant to answer   your question i want to play d3 because i i feel  as though i i need to get my king castled and   if he's going to create a lot  of imbalance with a move like f6   i will chop once and it's not clear who  that's even benefiting so if he goes here am i worried about bishop e4 it looks like such a  ridiculous move bishop b4 but it could be   the best move i actually think it is the best  move because i have to consider what he wants   and he wants a bishop on f5 and if i play the  move bishop e4 that stops bishop f5 and then if   he plays bishop e6 then i'll play knight f3 and  now i've developed my knight behind my bishop   so my bishop is actually the more active  piece and i can play moves like h4 and f5   i don't actually need to play h4 i'm  just saying then bishop d2 and so on so but it's it's crazy how this is the  exact same match situation as the last time   i'm up a game going into the finals  and that's it you know okay so bishop   d2 here to continue my development the 40  second time advantage is really important   um yeah so eric of course is going for  this line oh and he wants e6 that is for   sure what he wants i mean i'm just gonna play  knight f3 i'll give him e6 but then again he's   playing without the dark skirt bishop so long term  he'll play a move like this to try to get it out   um very tense position very good very very uh  this is very much the position that he he wanted   not me and against a move like i i want to  play c4 so bad but i don't think it's very good   and i'm not the one who needs to be playing moves  like that so instead i'm going to sacrifice a   piece because that's what people who don't  need to lose play like they attack pieces i should b4 that is a cool looking move i  want to take and take and irreparably damage   his structure and c5 doesn't work because  i take queen i5 b4 and i have an advantage so he's down to 50 seconds i take yeah don't actually know if it's good but here  we go and if here do i have this with queen to h5 i don't know oh do i sack a piece when  i don't have to at all yeah probably i don't need to do it but he's got 30 seconds i'm  doing this for you guys i'm going to gonna go out   with a bang we're not mating him because he can  just sidestep and there's nothing but if i move   my queen and push my h-pawn i don't actually see  how he's going to create any counterplay but he's   very frozen so you know you don't think there's  counter play and all of a sudden you get slapped   he's like the best counter puncher ever he's  gonna go here or that which i did i hear here   here here and rook f2 should be winning so  obvious bishop f3 ah so then i play bishop h7   bishop e4 king j8 queen h7 here  and rook f2 and that is decisive that is what i do he's gonna go here thinking  that after queen h7 here   or he's not he's just not gonna do that because   he doesn't wanna lose so i did say that this was  always my idea uh huh go bishop e4 when i need h4 oh i have to castle queen before was  coming don't want a blunder queen b4 f5 just all in f5 looks good to me  let's go choo choo all the pawns   he can sack he chooses not to why is he letting  me do that does he think he has something here okay where's my win i'm so i'm viciously looking around  for my win and i don't see it this is this was this was the problem  with the web oh i think there it is   that was a huge mistake by him there it is there it is ladies  and gentlemen check check check oh it's not even check somehow  eric is always surviving check check yes yes yes yes clutched it out toward the end but of course  it's always ggs when we play against eric   he's gonna try very hard to create some counter  play but even a draw here is good enough you take everything oh that was that was rough ggs to eric   that was intense we clutched it out  we down a game once but we did it okay we got to do this again though thanks verboten that was um that was intense
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 519,378
Rating: 4.9001436 out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess impressions, chesscom, chess for beginners, gothamchess 10 minute chess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess london system, gothamchess gmhikaru, fog of war, imrosen, eric rosen fog of war, variants chess, chess variants, no castling chess, fog of war eric rosen, hikaru fog of war, eric rosen london, eric rosen london opening, eric rosen gothamchess, gothamchess eric rosen, eric rosen chess, eric rosen
Id: pKpsoXemVQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 41sec (7301 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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