I Played Beth Harmon 7 Times

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Can you specify tranquilizer and alcohol levels?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HiImDan 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

I can’t get past 9 year old Beth :(

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Snoopy_dat_cute_dog 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
so we're currently streaming and chess.com just announced massive news that a beth harmon bot was built you see how excited live chat is this is happening right now normally i'm recording offline we're going to do this whole thing in one take i am going to play all of chess.com's bots one after the other after beth harmon we'll take a look at the article as well you feel free to use the timestamps on the video player to jump around the games we're gonna do this in one take we're gonna see how it goes thank you for the energy chat very cool to see if you want to catch a live stream twitch.tv slash gotham chess all right let's go so first we go to the article and i'll put this in the description pleased to announce seven new computer personalities the battle um 70 computer personalities also chess.com is making more celebrity personalities these are in chess.com play computer they are here at the bottom age 8 is 850 just started playing chess just started playing chess and she's 850 that's kind of insulting to the adult population of chess.com trying to learn past five and 600 but okay that then yeah so 1200 at age nine at age nine i was i was i think i was yeah around there and studying openings basic understanding of tactics and checkmates 1610 okay while at age 15 we've got people becoming grandmasters the the difference here i think is because she had a period of time where she wasn't playing a lot you know she wasn't playing a lot if you've seen the show uh plus if you want to be you know 1500 on a certain website that's not this website you're more than welcome to make an account there um yeah and obviously it's 2417. 2520 uh it's like very accurately done by the way 2722 and she's got a dope outfit here so i'm not sure i can compete against the last two this one for me is gonna be the biggest challenge chad um i guess i'll play a game with white against the computer and a game with black i feel like that that is the most fair so i'll do two games at least i'll try um okay is there no there's no time format let's just play does the computer respond instantly try the scholars mate it worked in the show no i'm gonna teach you guys good principles two pawns in the center okay that move is uh oh that's no good listen she was playing i'm pretty sure she oh no she definitely did some she talks to you okay let's develop a knight develop another night two two two nights in the center okay now that's a little bit weak so i might go here and push this to get that oh no are we gonna checkmate okay we're still going for these two weaknesses here takes takes this is this is actually i mean this is she's playing better than the like most of the people i played in the speed run so harry rook let's uh let's go bishop i really want to prevent the king from escaping here let's take i'm trying to open up the king check castle queen side there's a lot of ways to finish this off let's give a check the king has to come here that check isn't scary intense stare that's not fair wait wait that's really funny i didn't actually realize huh takes that check isn't scary dude i'm getting trash talk by beth harmon discover check she keeps saying every check i'm playing is oh that's oh look at this the knight is pinned so we have bishop to c7 checkmate okay well i mean you know uh how did you beat me let's play again okay let's play uh let's play against this beth but with the black pieces or you know let's move up the stronger ones let's play with with two colors obviously in the beginning the bots do all sorts of like weird stuff so let's play beth here and then i'll just alternate i'll play with the black pieces this game okay e3 okay let's play a reverse london if we are given the chance wait am i is she for real you think i'm this hold up beth's trying to hit me with the best trying to hit me with the oh my oh my this actually is just like well let's just block let's not get checkmated this beth isn't talking to us um okay that move there is this let's just develop two nights in the center nothing crazy uh bishop to the one of these two squares let's put the bishop here i can castle but it's good to oh now the knight can take but the bishop is another attack so this is a discovered attack little tactic here i don't like being attacked dude me too girl me too just try being a twitch streamer she said i knew you would do that this is amazing you're playing a trash talking beth harmon okay let's castle let's be principal now bishop to e6 e4 break in the center because the king is there take i'll bring this bishop to this square to hit the knight with the queen take now there's c5 so the knight can be taken but so can this knight and again the king is stuck in the middle so it's good for me to just attack the king while it's there rook b8 i don't want to lose that rook maybe bishop c6 yeah i guess i'll i'll take with the i don't have to take but i'll i'll i'll just take fancy move i don't like being i know me neither removing the bishop from the defense here protected by the pawn uh can i make a little mate net somehow maybe okay let's take the bishop uh i i don't have a lot of checkmate practice at my level of folks are generally resigning so i'm gonna try to make sure the king can't really move let's push this pawn forward i've blocked my that was kind of unintelligent by me trying to find the fastest way to do this and i'm really not finding the fastest way to do this she says be careful be careful what check check check check mate be careful talking about be careful be careful no i mean obviously i hate losing let's play again dude you and me both so looks like if if this bath actually is quite strong in the opening but then after that kind of loses the thread but you have to you know you have to still uh obviously play the tactics out uh let's go new game now then uh by level five it's gonna start getting really intense okay let's alternate again i'll play with the white pieces i need a challenge can you provide that i don't know i'm pretty bad at chess i'm not gonna lie uh let's go for d4 this game let's go for london king's indian or nimso indian uh neither girl it's the london it's the london opening did this even exist back then wow that's actually like very good okay knight f3 dude we're playing mainline london opening theory okay well that's an inaccurate move you should play knight c6 but it's okay she's she hitting me with how does she even know about this idea a 1600 oh my god okay so now in this position there's a kind of a cool positional idea bishop e5 and if you take the bishop i take with the pawn and the knight can't come back and if this happens i bring the bishop back and i've made you weaken your king okay well you i mean you just can't attack in the center like this i'll just take um yeah i mean i know i'm playing a freaking i'm playing i'm playing a cheater she's using engine okay now breaking in the center here is very good because these pawns are way too weak and after knight takes i have a lead in development the light squared diagonal is extremely extremely delicate and yeah okay it takes one good pawn break but um we seem to can i like sacrifice and go for a cool checkmate somehow let's be principled i want to go queen d5 i should have played queen d5 last move actually um knight g5 i'm going for f7 but harman does not want us to go for f7 takes this wow it's like it feels like i'm okay of course don't trade queens here the knights see each other so i'm gonna play queen f3 uh if knight e4 that's mate yeah but there's no castling here that's the thing so now i'm gonna play rook d1 hitting the queen and we see again the power of the lights what okay well that's the thing about do you think this check leads to something i think they should have programmed the machine a little bit better because she just talked trash after losing a queen and that would never happen in the show so uh yeah your bot uh is a little bit of a doofus chess.com uh the real beth harmon would have never talked trash after losing a queen but that's okay that's okay um you know i respect i respect the trash talk all the same uh that's a cool move because my queen is under attack so i think i'm just gonna play queen e4 and if you take my knight i will take your night was that a mouse slip okay i'm gonna take here is our mate here here let's give this check do you think this check leads to something yeah you probably should have also programmed the machine without the same line of trash talk but it's okay you gotta at least diversify the trash talk and we get here um check she's still saying the same thing that is a mate now oh it's still saying the same okay well that's a faulty product feature but that's all right that's okay she's still saying the same thing okay take i'm gonna move my king up and then i'm gonna bring the rook here but she's good at getting out of mates that this is my first loss since mr scheibel taught me how to play show me how you beat me sure well you played a really good game but you weakened your king too much and you fought in the center you developed well but you weakened too much in the center here it's better to go bishop e7 in castle rather than attack and also there's no reason to play passively with the knight just go knight to c6 bishop d6 and then castle all right there you go there you go so she asked so i answered okay um new game let's go to level four beth this one's 1880 why 1880 in prince oh because she said that was her rating right she enters the state championship all right uh i was white last game let's go for black this game i would love to play you d4 is a fine opening move cap uh i mean huge cap also she played e4 her hold yo uh let's go for the dutch defense that's a bad opening that i will punish i feel like if i played anything she would have said that so she's making fun of my opening b3 okay this is a dutch defense trying to play bishop to how you gonna be out here telling me my opening is bad when you play what okay there is no way the beth the real bet harmon would have played queen d2 come on let's let's be very serious come on come on also let me move this down so you guys see the crop better okay i mean c5 i don't know let's go uh e5 e5 attacking the knight knight is coming in this way uh d5 is it is a is a sacrifice of a pawn i like just pushing here in the long term this is going to open up my bishop yeah that's a good night but it's not attacking anything and i mean if if if beth harmon takes the bishop here that's actually no serious advantage e3 is interesting so is queen e7 putting some pressure on the knight at some point i will have to break down the middle so right now this move is good if queen takes i take the knight if pawn takes these are now doubled pawns and i can play my knight like for example to g4 where it hits two things and the bishop comes out like this am i going for mate or just trying to provoke a weakness i don't know dude you just gave me a check it's just a check i thought you were going for mate if takes here here here there that works okay takes bishop um i'm just gonna take back but this knight was obviously i mean it was it was very important for the white position um now i don't have to take this i can continue to kind of come forward here the queen cannot take and now if the queen takes this i have a check second time second second time so that we've that we've seen this and then this is hanging as well now it's easy i allowed this i don't need my queen did you did you see what that just said that said that said i don't her her line said i allowed this i don't need my queen okay that's kind of bold okay these trash talk lines are a little bit like anime you know like an anime everything is like much more okay take it's like much more dramatic i'm gonna sacrifice oh i thought i was gonna give a check but if you're not gonna take then okay i'm very happy um [Music] queen b2 it's a take that check doesn't scare me still saying the same voice lines but that's okay let's bring this bishop back because it's hanging the king is completely cut off so we'll play g5 g4 and it will be a mate it will be a mate i don't think it can be stopped am i going for mate or trying to provoke a weakness um i don't know checkmate though all right now the challenge begins i'm not gonna play until i win against the stronger ones if i lose that will be the end of it okay that will be the end of it i'm not gonna be one of these you know try hards all right we gotta play with white this game to me it doesn't matter what color i'm playing because i will probably lose if i deserve to lose anyway let's go for e4 all right you really want to test your dude it's move one are you already talking trash let's go knight c3 also she totally didn't talk trash at this age all right vienna gambit do we do it do we do it let's play vienna gambit oh man but she's probably programmed with a really good openings book still theory yes it is that's not the most accurate move okay d4 bishop to d3 knight e2 bishop f5 so far so good so far the position is actually very good for us this is a perfect vienna gambit now we just have to create some sort of attack on the king wow she's given us like the perfect vienna setup now do i play rook f3 do i play queen g4 do i play knight f4 i'm trying to like also respect the fact that there's not unlimited time uh uh it's tough to calculate so fast like what the best decision would be very tough knight g3 also looks good i'm trying to play it like a blitz game let's go um let's go rook f3 rook h3 that seems very direct yeah the queen trade here makes a lot of sense because they don't you know doesn't want to attack i'm not going to trade queens i'm going to put my queen on h5 i think white is a lot lot lot better here let's plant the queen on h 6 but this looks a little bit okay that is just a losing move okay so the opening theory here was pretty decent uh but after that it was yeah it's just lost it's just lost and now one important move you have to play here is the move bishop f6 and you probably just win the game um bishop f6 takes here yeah that's just game over all right you can add a clock it's okay i'm up on f6 and we just win right yep vienna gambit op do you like your chances after capturing my queen yeah yeah as as a matter of fact i do thanks for asking now i don't think it's going to be so easy your check does nothing all right guys you really should have programmed this a little bit better i mean she talks incessant levels of trash uh okay that's mate now somebody's saying i missed the maiden two chat if i missed something it's okay rook check your check does nothing i beg to differ i think this is made yeah i well she didn't she didn't play the most accurate theoretical move actually um knight c3 is actually not the best move there's f5 and knight c6 but i've okay new game let's go for uh beth level uh beth h20 2500 all right this is about to go very badly oh my god do we trust the carrow let's go for uh a6 bishop f4 take how many more captures until this game is over i wonder what on earth is that also no one says that no one says things like that i think i can go knight d5 here and she can't take the pawn because the bishop would hang okay okay weird position okay take isn't that just a free pawn looks very dangerous because rook d1 i don't know if i fully trust that that looks a little bit too insane what if we just play g6 and bishop g7 yeah that looks a little bit too no bishop c4 uh-oh uh oh bishop c4 was extremely strong yeah i'm getting a little bit too creative in the opening okay yeah bishop c4 was much better so this computer is is not is not perfect i realized right after that bishop c4 would have just completely been the end of the game i think um queen b6 then again we have kind of no like real time barrier so free okay must be a sacrifice i what am i missing oh my queen is getting trapped is what i'm missing okay let's not get our queen trapped okay queen is not trapped we still have a getaway i think i should go b5 here i should play b5 to get this uh bishop and rook kind of blocked out yeah that move is annoying because my queen is on the other side of the board i'm not really equipped to meet an attack right now i can play b4 which attacks the knight and her only move is knight b1 that actually does look good that does look like for a moment it slows down the position so i think i will play the move b4 knight b1 is now the she's sacrificing a piece what what is there rook b8 no no there's no rook b there's no rook b8 there's no repeat because i have e5 oh my god what is this i think i'm safe i think i'm safe i don't see a way in oh and neither does beth harmon evidently because can i go no i'm not gonna risk that f5 hits the knight and that's the only thing protecting this but uh that looks way too risky bishop f5 also looks really risky um bishop f5 there is this move and that looks terrifying knight d7 i need to trade the knight if i can create a little barrier around my king okay now the computer's starting to do very weird things all computers have a breaking point they all start playing very strange and bad moves at a certain point and it's important to start taking advantage when that starts happening so queen d8 or queen c7 i don't actually know let's go queen d8 yeah but now i'm fine i'm completely safe yeah you're not gonna break through and i'm gonna play f5 so did you see this check coming yes i did thank you for thank you for asking uh rookie eight maybe or take again i still think i'm safe still looks pretty okay queen looks safe queen e8 is also a queen trade which would not be good for my opponent who is down a bishop now i'm safe guys we're gonna beat we're gonna beat beth at least this one rook d8 take no that's bad uh f5 f5 and now the bishop comes alive bishop is going to come alive here bishop to f6 and uh i have defense of the d8 square so i'm gonna play rook takes or not rook takes that's the wrong word getting a rook off the board and that's it unless i get mated in the process oops oops oops oops poof completely missed that whole idea okay jeez stop trying to throw the game what are you doing it's content but it's bad content bishop c7 oh my god that was not good queen d8 i don't want to blunder like that again yeah queen d8 let's trade oh my god if here here check oh my god wait what bishop c4 if here rookie won no but then i have bishop to e5 i think but then rook takes pawn takes queen takes what is going on i do i mean i don't want to play queen c8 that looks like a terrible move to have to play this is actually insane hold on i mean i think this move is fine or queen e8 because queen e7 they can also move the queen queen e8 rookie one bishop e5 this is terrifying this is terrifying okay she just took and then she said did you see it coming and yes beth harmon i did it was the only move you had okay uh take wait i gotta make sure this is not okay take take bishop f4 c6 bishop h6 c7 bishop back to f4 oh man that's not winning how about take take rook f7 yeah rook f7 getting the rook away rook comes back now that's mate okay okay now we're now now we're making a lot of progress we need to get rid of this so let's play f4 and then once we get rid of this we're fine because we don't have a weakness anymore also rook c7 yeah let's go rook c7 hitting the pawn okay we're in the clear we're in the clear just don't take and lose this we're in the clear oh we avoided we avoided disaster we're gonna get this we're gonna date we're gonna take and uh ace uh nice nice nice nice we're gonna win we're gonna win we're gonna win nice we're gonna win like this just got to be precise king f7 and then bring the bishop okay that's a little bit inconvenient actually if we play bishop f8 then she can't defend her pawn anymore she can't defend her pawn anymore and now it's easy i mean easy is a bit of a strong word but so the easiest way to win this end game is to just go for this i'm gonna try to play this fast and avoid these nonsensical comments up top uh let's cut the king off so the king can't move forward let's play g4 king g6 and bishop to e5 cutting the king off more and then f4 f3 and that should be the end of the game you saw that check coming a mile away cool man cool cool cool cool now we can trade the rook that's it once the rooks are traded i guess i could have played rookie one on the last move that's it that is it gonna be uh it's gonna be a dub for team gotham and we take now g3 because of the pin don't take though because both of those moves are stalemate give a check give a check okay now the king has only one square so king d3 take only one square don't make a queen don't make a queen don't make a queen it's you can make a rook but i'm too scared to under promote bishop to g3 so that you have to take and then i'll queen okay now beth whatever's oh okay she's still trash talking okay easiest checkmate ever queen d4 and now you play copycat first you put the queen as if it was a knight it would be giving check that's called knight opposition and now you go if the king goes one square you go one square if the king goes one square you go one square or since the king is on the cutoff you find a way to make it not come out of that file queen to g6 boom all right i mean you guys know how to make with king and queen but in case you don't boom now we did it all right it's time my friends it is time we have made it to the grand finale new game we have made it to winter beth we have made it to winterbeth i will play with the white pieces wish us luck this is the beth that beat borgov here we go let's create a masterpiece nah i'm just trying to oh no world class if it's so world class what will she play against the a3 sicilian do we gambit against beth harmon i'm kind of scared you're not supposed to do this huh that's already kind of a strange move she's not taking my gambit okay let's continue to gambit depending on her yeah her next few moves will really determine how well she uh she uh like how well the opening book is is prepared wait what wait beth just hung a piece the night is trapped wait the night is just trapped what beth harmon just hung a piece sorry is this like all is this still normal is this some sort of engine preparation wait what is happening i guess the is this some engine line where like i'm boxed in here what engines are so scary what if i just play like normal moves like bishop c4 knight e2 and castle and i just ignore these pawns wait this is so crazy what and queen b3 for example hitting f7 wait did we just solve beth harmon's sicilian no but this this is lost what knight c5 is an idea i guess knight g3 and then queen c2 or something or d3 knight c5 is that knight d7 is a very annoying move i can also sacrifice but why is the question why would i sacrifice let's go for d3 and then come back to d1 we just want to trade the central pawn okay so if i take she wants this and if i take this and then this position looks pretty decent or is there knight b3 somehow i don't believe there is knight d3 i i just i mean knight b3 i don't know it just doesn't then again i'm literally playing a robot so it doesn't matter what i believe okay well beth harmon is trying to argue that there is can i repeat guys do we take the draw that would be a repetition of moves so then what do i do do i just like play man but there's there's not a lot of good moves rook a2 just knight c5 i have to win all right easier said than done i want to go f4 but it looks like kind of a terrible move so let's go knight d2 bishop or queen takes think i don't want to put my queen there at the same time i can then play f4 dislodging some central defense can't play a fork is now d3 king h1 now f4 f6 no f6 but i thought f6 had to be played because now i just shatter the center and then the d-pawn is just what what is this what is happening knight takes hello am i stupid don't answer that no but doesn't this just look great for me i've just won two pawns i don't understand that's a good move of course okay knight f3 just guarding everything i mean there is a mate threat yeah but it's not oh and that's a threat ah that's what i missed i missed that that was a threat too rook f2 queen e4 but still this should not even if i play rook g1 queen e4 even like bishop a7 doesn't look that terrible also doesn't 91 hit the rook and protect what if i go knight to e1 that's kind of a ridiculous move again it's a move that i i wouldn't really believe in 91 rookie 2 like e6 to get the g7 pawn oh god i don't know i don't know it's uh just don't get mated rook f2 we need four rook of two queen e4 looks terrible for me night she five queen d for no no no but that also doesn't look good let's go here or um rook f2 i saw that at the last second i don't think it's that scary there's this threat so if i if i take take and then knight to e1 now 91 there doesn't look good at all what if i i take and then like queen f1 queen g1 very tough to tell which one is better now queen e4 no queen e4 but why not is it because they can like she could take this at any point she blocks my bishop from taking i see but now i can go knight to e1 or e6 even i want to go h3 but then queen e4 that still might be my best course of action because my pawn is so weak [Music] 91 uh rookie 2 is the is is really the problem yeah this is like this is less than pleasant i sacrifice takes some knight g5 idea um all looks a little bit sus all of it all of it looks us what if i play a4 a5 just completely change my idea just go a4 and a5 to try to undermine this pawn and take and like this she's playing this so fast something doesn't look right here like what if i just bring this bishop all the way back and push my beep on is this just like lost knight d4 i mean this position looks completely insane knight d4 hits the rook b6 a3 queen a6 a2 b7 okay i mean i'm just going to push i don't want to like take a million years to play this game out so uh queen c1 there might be an e6 somewhere in here that i could play oh there's this i guess i mean this strikes me as the right move but frankly i have no idea queenie one is a queen trade let's go here uh b7 rook b7 no queen a7 then queen here could be a problem i don't want to hang mate don't really want to get mated uh queen a7 queen e2 knight h4 g5 i know but g5 doesn't work because oh man i haven't i got guys i have no idea what to play here this position would require like 20 minutes of thought normally this is so brutal uh i don't know i don't know i don't know oh this is so hard let's go here my logic is that this gets us closer to the king a little bit and maybe queen a7 queenie two we have like some we have something i i i don't know h3 i'm i'm like emotionally exhausted oh man oh i thought i was gonna get a draw maybe a pity draw this is guarded rook b1 rook b1 don't i just isn't that what can't i also just come back wait what what is the bot doing is the bot like does it not want to draw so it's not huh oh i get what it's doing it wants to sacrifice and play queen d1 check uh let's go knight to d4 i think i don't know i don't know i don't know also queen e7 is a cool move no it's not because pawn takes never mind i didn't say anything queen d7 is a queen e7 is an idiotic move knight forward [Music] oh there's also queen e1 wait there's also queen e1 maybe i should go like this is crazy oh oh yeah didn't see that move not gonna lie didn't see this whole idea well nope totally missed queen f2 completely missed queen f2 well the only way to not get made it is to go here yeah i'll resign king in hand just like borgov just like borgov how do i resign now how do you end can we analyze this game i had two mistakes let's see so i was winning i was winning i messed up in the opening and d3 was too slow apparently i should have played f4 e takes f3 queen take way hold on hold on why would she take on poisson if i played f4 knight c5 oh queen a2 oh i know no i i didn't even think about that i just only thought about queen here which is still good but i played it a little bit passive and then oh knight c1 is ridiculous yeah i mean i would have never played knight c1 i honestly when when when this happened wait sorry what what is the computer oh i missed knight c1 i missed icy one i missed my c1 in this position i was like i'm gonna repeat moves i just completely forgot about knight c1 oh my god oh my god i'm still better and i still played the best plan with f4 she didn't play f she didn't play f6 which i said was the best move yeah and then i guess i took too quickly i'm still apparently winning rook g1 so looks like i was wrong to trade the rooks that got me in a very difficult position that would have required some c and i played the best move again and what did i do wrong i should have played bishop g1 queen e4 oh like this like this oh that's brutal yeah i didn't see that yeah yeah i didn't see that i didn't see that i didn't see that i mean bishop g1 because i was like what the heck do i do i have to play bishop g1 it's apparently the best move but i went for this which apparently is still fine and a5 is a mistake so this plan to create the past pawn but give her a pass pawn was just wrong so wow but still it's apparently unclear b6 wow well we kept even for a very long time we kept even for a very long time even this is fine wait where did i blunder this whole time i thought i was like losing wait what wait what and i didn't take this pawn why why didn't i take the pawn yeah wait why didn't i take the pawn i didn't take the pawn because of queenie one oh what i'm crazy i'm crazy i'm actually just i'm crazy yeah queen takes a four but oh and she found the kill a3 e4 oh my god even this position is not losing queen f8 and then i just try to get the queens off the board well check whatever and then i like take i try to get this end game wow wow chess is hard chess is hard and at the end it's just losing because yeah i can't stop like i have to play knight f3 this is lost but i have to play knight f3 yeah chest is hard chest is hard
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,055,227
Rating: 4.8752036 out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, queens gambit, the queens gambit, anya taylor joy, beth harmon, elizabeth harmon, vasily borgov, beth harmon vs borgov, beth harmon and townes, beth harmon chess, elizabeth harmon chess, elizabeth harmon real, beth harmon bot, beth harmon bot chesscom, beth harmon best moves, beth harmon games
Id: y1erhZLaUjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 3sec (3063 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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