Gotham Chess Guide Part 2: 1200+ | Attacks, Endgames, & Blunders

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/philtheputz 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
been to the games shall we uh at the time of  recording we're also live streaming this so shout   out to my chat how you guys doing okay wonderful  efore I'm not gonna do anything complicated to   start I actually like I play the French and  I play the caro-kann but I feel like at 1200   people aren't as familiar with this so I'm just  gonna play you know standard opening principles   getting my pieces out okay he castles I'm just  gonna play Knight f6 again this is really for   people who don't have an openings base you know  they're just developing and taking the center   and h3 is a good move it prevents Bishop g4 I'm  gonna play h6 cuz I want to prevent Bishop g5   it's actually kind of annoying the most common  way for him to play is like this and now yeah   this this is okay this is just the sign of a  player that doesn't really know what to do I'm   gonna offer this trade of Bishops and see what  he does at the elementary level he's doubling   my pawns but really I'm opening the F file and  we see this commonly in part one rook b1 well   I think with these last two moves it's very  obvious he wants to play b4 is it something   that I need to stop I mean I can just play a  five that does prevent before I don't really   have to though I mean before just but should be  six now doubling his pawn what on earth is that   move what on earth is that move okay there's a  very cool tactical motif here the bishop x-ray   is like this so I'm gonna play b5 and I actually  he has to take me this is not a free pawn 982 is   so weird what a move I guess he's really just  wants to go here okay he plays back if I take   and he takes PS doubled pawns I really want him to  take me though for instructional purposes show you   that ok well that I mean he just read just really  doesn't want to take my bishop but he just forgot   that I have two things on the score it's better  to stick with the night here and then get to this   position it's now the night is under attack I'm  going to bring the knight back to c3 or not we're   gonna play that move so so far two mistakes by  this 1258 miss counting attackers and defenders uh the night is still hanging so he needs to bring  the night back but now there's another problem and   that problem is that oh my goodness he this Bishop  is just this Bishop has been his blind spot like   throughout the entire game okay at least he finds  that move let's go here and attack the Queen this   bishop is just a reign of terror look I mean  like it's it's done so much damage from this   diagonal its poor guy and and we'll come back and  analyze really like what what has been the problem   throughout the game so Queen is is targeting the  bishop but it's guarded I talked about this in   part one a lot when you're winning there's a  couple of ways to play you can either simplify   the position to make it into an endgame or you  can use your material advantage and try to create   some attack try to make your position better  looking for checks captures an attack so first   things first I am just going to try to improve my  position I'm gonna play Queen f6 this is just a   useful move getting the Queen out some potential  in the future to put some pressure here and enacting the rooks on the central files is  always good if you don't have an immediate   way to create danger okay we're up materials so  simplifying is good for us it's fine to trade   the pieces if we're up now I'm gonna play rook  e8 and the threat is efore to fork to pieces   in the center of the board this is unguarded  okay that's not a bad move but when he pushes   the pawn heat excuse me he weakens that square  so I'm gonna play Knight d4 looking for a trade   of knights again when you're winning simplifying  is a pretty easy way to go you know just getting   the game into the end game and not blundering  anything that's an attack we put the Queen in   the center and we are attacking this pawn also  it's important to use your pawn majorities okay   so c5 and c4 always a good idea the bishop  is very strong it controls the promotion   score this Bishop is glued here forever he  did not guard the e4 pawn so that is three   mistakes so far by my opponent where and where  he just had a blind spot for undefended pieces that's actually not even an attacking move so  let's see if he takes this let's see if he forgets   that I do have a bishop defending that from a  distance that would be for blunders and he did Wow   this bishop was like I mean the amount of material  that that Bishop won throughout this game is crazy   hey the bishop one upon another pawn a knight  and now a rook just for the value of one bishop in now he's he's really reconsidering his life  after after I took on f7 Wow um yeah well I mean   that just shows you you know the long range power  of the pieces I mean if anything King h1 I mean   all right probably the easiest thing to do here  get down and dirty here with the Queen trying   to attack everybody he should probably play Queen  f4 okay that move is fine and now the fastest way   to create checkmate chances and just winning  the game we can simplify and win the endgame   here now I'm gonna play a move like which is  gonna trick him I'm offering a queen trade   but I'm actually also threatening mate because  of the pin on the king and I you know I think   he's not going to okay he trades Queens fine  but now I obviously will create the past pawn I can't go here and here because he would be  taking so I'm gonna defend the pawn first then   play rook f8 and rook f1 to get the rook  away from e1 that was pretty clever that   he did see Queen takes III mate that's not  even sarcasm Eric f1 check and we will be   promoting the Queen but again we we didn't  do anything too complicated um in in the   opening bishop what's the fastest way to get  me here probably Bishop d5 to try to take here and that's me okay good game sir so in the  opening again for you Kings pong players like   nothing complex here it's a little bit better to  bring the bishop out first so that you don't have   to run into the fried liver attack so Bishop  c5 here you need to be able to deal with C 3   and B 4 so the Evans gambit it's a little bit  tricky if you're if you're a King's pawn player so again preventing this pin with h6 actually  is good because if your Bishop is not back here   95 with Bishop g5 can be annoying if Bishop  g5 is allowed then you should play Bishop   e6 a3 is just not a good move because it's not  like it's a blunder it just doesn't accomplish   anything that that's really that's really it  it just doesn't you know I can also go a 6 but   in a symmetrical position the only way you're  gonna ever win the game is if you're creating   imbalance right like you can't just play on  symmetry the entire time so imbalance in the   piece trades Bishop for Knight imbalance  in the pawn structure and that's why I was   really pushing for this trade he never ended up  taking you know you saw the game can that are   blundering along this diagonal but opening the  F file is a good way to create some imbalance   this pawn is doubled and not guarded but it's  impossible to get I mean you can't go Knight   g5 he has no way to target it with anything  else so then I oftentimes you can use the   open F file with moves like Knight h5 9 F for  putting the King here maybe using the G pawn so getting challenged I think by a few folks except this 1200 game so I'll go for now  again I'm just following basic opening   principles up to thirteen fourteen hundred  okay interesting he's playing d6 I mean   against this the most principles is to just take  the full center free pretty reasonable Knight c3 a night of three we are not doing anything too  complicated here to start the game Bishop e2 I mean you can take but it's also  you know I'm just developing my pieces like   that's that's all I want I'm in a castle in an  opening where they don't take the center right   away I might want to play h3 to prevent the  knife from ever coming to g4 that's always a   pretty pretty useful move just be careful  of useful knight hops in the beginning the rooks are connected now again this  is a very tough position Wow okay I was   about to say it's a very tough position but  it seems like he's not going to Castle he's   just going to attack my king well the most  principled response to an attack on the side   of the board is to strike back in the center I  think I'm gonna take in the center just to open   up lines to his King and the other thing you  have to notice is he put three pawns on dark   squares which means that this square is up  for grabs only question is how the hell do   I get there okay let's play rook d1 yeah and  the idea might be to reroute the knight okay   it's gonna take a while but I'd really like to  get to that square so I'm gonna play Knight h2 just we're thinking here how are we gonna my  opponent seems to be playing extremely confidently also rerouted his night over to g6 thinking about what to do next now Knight f4  Wow okay Knight G 3 it's a very strong night   I mean he's playing quite logically rerouting  everything to have four I mean so far this is   the strongest player I've played through  the entire guide I would say so you know   hopefully it's a legitimate 1200  that's all I have to say about that I mean so far his playthrough 14 moves has been  extremely cohesive whoa okay so either he's a   genius or he's a psychopath he's sacrificing on  h3 normally this is good if you can reinforce the   attack I don't know I'm not I'm not convinced  that it's the perfect sacrifice now when this   happens use me when this happens you know  you can attack the knight but you also can   just you know maximize the safety of your King  and I actually think that f1 or h1 do just that   so I might go to f1 split-second decision that's  what I'm thinking you know if these pawns aren't   here it's actually a lot more dangerous for me  but because they're there they block the file   and he doesn't have reinforcements good rule of  thumb you want to attack an enemy King the rule   of +2 you need two more attacking pieces than the  opponent has defending pieces okay and he doesn't   have that right now he only has a knight attacking  my king and I've got a ton of defense I've got my   knight I've got my LightSquared Bishop I've got my  dark-squared bishop so whenever you want to attack   the enemy King look to have a material advantage  attacking the king of at least two pieces that's   usually what I say the plus 2 rule I just realized  that this move might have a tactical problem with   it but he didn't he didn't quite see it uh if I  take that always look for checks captures attacks   takes takes and then coming in here which check  looks just decisive I mean it just looks like I'm   gonna check and win the knight okay so 18 very  very good moves bide my 1200 rated opponent and   then all of a sudden catastrophe completely falls  apart you know thinks the longest that he had all   game and then and then this is the longest that  he thought all game for 26 seconds and he just   doesn't make a good sacrifice so one of two things  happen there i jinxed him I complimented him so   much that he ended up blundering and getting  nervous or the other one which was chitta Missy   called him out but you never know that's just  the free night and the rook is hanging and again how do you spot a move like this just look for  checks if you know you got to look for it if it's   not there or if there's a check but it's not any  good don't play it as simple as that well so whoa yeah he's missing everything now that's not good  he only has one legal move here and now let's try   to find let's try to find checkmate let's do a  little calculation exercise so we do have this   check that's not a good check that's that that is  a good Shack that's a check and that's a check so   let's do this Bishop c5 King e6 and actually we  can bring in the second bishop and that's just me   so this is his only legal move it's always  smart to calculate the moves that minimize   the opponent's options okay so he has only one  legal move after this move he has no legal moves   that's usually the best way to go um you know  the other way was Bishop g4 and and that would   have not quite been mate because he has a five  although we we win everything but yeah here we   see White's pieces utilized to the you know  maximum extent and the Queen actually hangs   out in the corner and cuts everything off now  was it that was a you know an interesting game   he played this kind of Philidor black lion setup  again we just developed and went toward the center   this is a very this is a very interesting  system not castling just going for g5 so i   guess this guy was playing yeah like the black  lion style you know that that style of opening   where where you you you go aggressive and early  on I think that's what it's called I see some   folks in my life live-chat calling it that all  right let's let's keep it rollin we're 12:45   now we get a twelve ninety four so we still  haven't crossed into the 1300 territory again   for now I'm just gonna play King's pawn against  King's pawn but I will start playing more setup   based stuff in the next game so Bishop c5  we just had this in the first game of this   video that game when castles d3 Knight c3 this  guy plays d3 I'm just gonna copy him with d6 yeah be still I mean this is so weird like you  shouldn't be thinking on new five you know that's   why it is good to have some openings foundation  because if you're thinking on the fifth move of   the game you're just reinventing the wheel  whoa what is this this ain't good man I mean   all grandmasters would be playing this if this  was a real thing that's just a free bishop so   the logic here of what he's doing is any I can't  take that he's sacrificing material to get to my   king but if you just don't panic and just go back  like there's nothing here this is not how chess   works you know queen h5 check you just block if  Queen f3 you can play Knight f6 or even Queen f6   offering the trade you need +2 I just said that in  the last game you can't have one piece attacking   the King that's not gonna win the game you know  this is like the expedited fried liver of some   sorts like what is Knight c3 you can't sack the  Bishop and then go Knight c3 that doesn't make   any sense but there are some traps here okay  there are some traps here's a trap for example   if we attack the knight okay you would think he  has to go back with the knight but he doesn't   there's a concept in chess called danger levels  and to avoid the attack on his night he is going   to counter-attack the king and now we don't have  g6 anymore right because queen h5 we're going g6   but if we play h6 we no longer have g6 as a  possibility so let's just develop a piece for   now and then go h6 and then if we really want to  get our King to safety we can just castle by hand   very common technique when we went out you know  when our kings positioning has been shuffled I'm   joking that his play has been erratic but it's not  it's not that bad I mean he is playing a little   bit tricky like for example now does he have any  danger no we're covering that square so we do have   h6 we also just have a very simple move Knight d4  here which attacks the Queen and that square on c2 and you know he actually has to go back  just yeah and now we're gonna kick out   this night so this is the way you punish  overly aggressive play in the opening this   is going on YouTube yes if you guys okay so I  can take that but we know that from all these   positions that the pin here is vicious this  is a very very powerful pin and the idea is   to shatter the pawn structure that White has  ice located castle which is rather tragic let's think I mean do we want to castle by hand  for instructional value do we want to take and   then take to simplify let's take it'll take  and then we'll take the bishop and the idea   is just just to simplify I've been preaching this  throughout these videos just simplify bring the   bishop back the only problem we have is that our  King is in the middle and we can't castle the King   because he played bishop takes f7 so we will need  to hassle by hand which is when you move the King   move the rook and slide the other piece back  I think we'll just copy him bring the Queen to   the center here which way we're gonna castle I'm  gonna let I'm gonna let folks in the livestream   determine you guys let me know quickly short or  long which way are we castling by hand he castles   long all right all right uh looks like everybody  sing long somebody said you can't I don't know   what you can't means you can always castle by hand  all right so this is probably not the best move in   the position right now but I'm gonna play rook da  that is an excellent move I actually was hoping   he wasn't gonna play that move so his position  is rather closed right and he's striking in the   center maybe anticipating my king walk but also  just the fact that my king is in the middle of the   board so it's good for him to do that now I want  him to take I do not really want to take myself   because then you know he gets this but he also  opens the Queen no man this is ah no pawn moves   Queen is out now is not easy all right let me play  a six this is a prophylactic move taking away b5   now not a lot of 12 hundreds we play a six a lot  of people would react to this you know a lot of   people would just continue with their plan and  not realize that King d7 runs into this that's   a good move for me so this is not a good move for  him he does not want to close the center I should   have gone to f7 if that was my plan I rushed that  that's my bad okay so I guess I'll have to castle   by hand this way so I should have counseled by  hand like that but you know the lesson here is   also that plans change oh my goodness he is he's  really coming after me but I have something here   f4 is a blunder and the way that you find this  mistake checks captures attacks every move he   makes a move okay so we can take that but he just  takes back then we can take this but it's guarded   attacks that last move allowed us to attack  something always look for maximum danger Bishop g4   right that last move enabled us to find that move  and again if you just scan this briefly all the   title players don't say these things out loud to  themselves but okay Queen c4 is that attacking   anything not really that's guarded so I'm just  gonna gobble the rook I don't have a lot of time   so I do need to play a bit faster okay let's go  for the castle by hand we only have 19 seconds but   there is two second increments so I will not be  flagging and now we're upper rook so probably the   technique here is simplify win a few pawns and get  the position into an endgame so Rick f8 it takes   I can take with the pawn or the Queen my queen  looks pretty Oh No okay even a title player can   make a mistake in time trouble I gave him c7 that  was not smart that was not smart okay rook d7 and those on YouTube won't see this but we did just  get a big raid Thank You Alicia I'm pronouncing   that correctly we're currently doing the  part 2 of Gotham Guide which is when I'm   basically playing from a low rating Queens  under attack that's guarded don't take it 1200 to 1400 playing against uh folks here yes we  castled by hand excellent and now we can actually   maybe even use the open C file again sim pressure  here as well so we've castled by hand the Kings   out of danger everything's good a lot of different  concepts in this game okay like I said open C file   he just moved the screen off the C file let's  go bulldoze him that is a free pawn though that   is that bone is free you can't take it if you  want there's a lot of good moves right now no   threat so let's create a threat alright and  now when you move that this was hanging but   I can also take it with the knight I'll take it  with the Queen I want a queen trade if he takes   this then I bulldoze in with this pawn okay he  trades Queens which is probably not very smart   he kills all chances of survival any threat there  no all right what do you do b5 let's play on this   pin try to go b4 he plays 96 let's not forget  the rook is under attack let's bring the rook   to the open file rook open file those things go  hand in hand this Knight is very annoying I might   consider trading it off exactly what I'm gonna do  because he just checked you know he attacked it   if I get rid of the knight my position becomes  a lot easier to play actually so I could take   with a pawn attacking the rook but then I give  him a passer I'll take with the rook then offer   a rook trade this game is all about simplifying  so I'm not looking to use my material advantage   to win the game I am looking okay you just get  this into a rook endgame and rook is devastating   here I'm just gonna take every single pawn he has  just be careful about his past pawn I don't even   have to take that I can now begin to push my pawns  don't be afraid of this your rook is always strong   enough to stop it not to mention that your king  is in the square so I can just push that is and   I always have that in my back pocket so I will  just push now I have to stop the pawn as he was   a square from queening h2 and yeah I mean I am  queening and so is he but the problem for him is   that this happens and now probably the easiest way  to win but the King off on the back rank I could   have made a second Queen and now just walk my King  around and made him it's just the easiest in here and that's actually made in one okay that was  the thought that cables hard work I mean even   for me like the end this guy was very solid  even though we've been up a piece since move   five so just a couple of things I mean don't  be put off by stuff like this alright like   bring the King back to the home square the  rule of plus two he doesn't have two more   attacking pieces than you have defenders but  the other thing is danger levels okay danger   levels don't throw in moves like h6 that move  actually just loses the game which is why his   strategy wasn't that dumb like I was making  fun of it you know he he blunders a bishop   then he just plays a developing move I'm  sure he's beating people like that like he   didn't just decide to do this in this game  he's beating people this in the past so right like this is uh this is important  danger levels you always need to look for   checks captures and attacks but also for  your opponents like super super important   age six just loses that's why get develop to  get everybody going all right we're 1265 let's   keep it rolling I somebody asked me if I should  play five-minute games maybe maybe but but this   is also not so bad and I mean you can always  you know rewatch it later another efore okay   I'm gonna play the Kings Indian setup which is  an opening that's not a five there's two types   of openings there's theoretical openings which  is when you need to know which moves to play at   the exact right moments and they're set up based  openings set up based openings you just look for   the same kind of position most of the time so  here we go this is the Kings Indian setup you   don't really care the way he sets up that's a  very weird way to set up by the way is he gonna   Castle long no okay well he prevented me from  playing Bishop g4 I'm gonna play knight c6 and   attack this pawn in the center if he pushes I can  just hop in anyway this guy's playing pretty well   he's playing pretty well so far opposite side  castling means that he's going to be attacking   in this in in you know on the kingside and maybe  in the center and I don't want to give him this   pin so I think I'm just gonna attack his Bishop  right away this is a pretty annoying bishop and   he just leaves okay well that was very kind of him  now I can play e5 and it takes just Knight takes he pushes now hops to the side here don't  really do anything you might be thinking   I'm getting toward his king you're not doing  anything he's just gonna attack your knight   and here you have no moves in the Kings Indian  we very often slide behind the pawns and for   the Kings Indian wow he is this guy's aggressive  goodness he wants to go g5 let's rout this knight   backwards to rook Queen on the same file common  attacking idea in the King's Indian is f5 man   this is gonna be a very complicated game I can  already tell it's gonna Smurf like really well I'm always curious it doesn't look like it takes takes hello  friends let me know your thoughts thus far   that move is the first weird move that he made  that move got out of the threat of the rook   but it doesn't do anything let's attack  the bishop now the bishop has to retreat and maybe we can get real tricky here and  like okay so so this is a good question is   my king exposed your king is only exposed if your  opponent's have a clear way of attacking it okay   you need to look at the G file the G file is a  bit open but he's I mean he's pretty far from   an attack and I can always tuck my king to the  H file behind my pawn and cover myself with my   pieces not to mention that here you know I do  just have a way to kick his queen out so it's   not really not that dangerous I was thinking  of f3 and if he takes Knight f6 actually traps   his queen the problem with f3 is that I just  reopened this um but you know what I'm gonna   do I'm gonna set a trap I think how do we set  a trap here and we maybe make him play the move   Knight f3 and then trap his queen with Knight  f6 like what if we play a6 I'm just being tricky   oh he did it and we trap his queen a very natural  move just developing looking for route g1 but that   was actually his Queens escape path and I was  Queens traps haha that's how you set a trap you   know because I want Knight f6 right away was good  it would have forced this Queen back but we wanted   him to play the natural move Knight f3 okay now he  just gives away a queen for a pawn which is rather   silly and we are obviously completely winning  so he played completely reasonably okay check   and this is an example of how our king is not  actually that exposed we're only dealing with   one open file and it's you know it's not so bad  we're just gonna trade the rook and everything's   fine so good lesson there don't just jump in with  your queen your queen should not be leading the   attack I mean she should be coming in after the  reinforcements Knight g5 is there any threat now   Oh Jade is not a good move because of this uh  I can take I also can play a move like Bishop   g4 which attacks the rook and is guarded okay he  attacks me now probably Bishop just back here is   completely reasonable and oh I've under the  fork oops alright well it just goes to show   you I mean you know I got off the diagonal  the good thing is you know despite getting   carried away and blundering that I'm still up a  queen so even if you win the night or the rook   it's not it's not so bad all right now let's look  to simplify we're getting the rook off the board and now I guess he's letting us go down here  let's follow the path of the rook he sidesteps   so we're just getting in here the position  has a closed nature closed position means a   lot of pawns on the board usually locked up or  just far apart from each other so how do you   get in in a locked position open files and also  pawn play so we are going to attack the bishop   and then the open files are on that side so  there is an infiltration point it's on the   kingside well he's Castle queenside but it's on  the Kings side so we get in with the Queen I can   take that I can also just push in fact pushing  renders this night pretty useless is he has to   go here or here and that is under attack but after  I just play a five look at this night I mean it's   dominated by a pawn c3 I can take but let's not  forget that I also was creating my own threats   right I mean this is this is why I came here I can  take that as well it does have an extra attacker and I do have this as well and by the way  I have this very very very nice thing here I mean I that is hidden in all of this is  that I have this and I also have removing   the garden two things guard the  bishop but if I take the knight   and then he takes and I take the bishop I  win the bishop let me take this Bishop and well we in the bishop meet here   to do me Maya my chat is screaming about my time  guys titled players are always aware of their time   don't worry don't worry I see my time I know and  now I know that I have a two-second bonus so that   that comfort for me is you know a lot of people  time for them induces panic but it's it's it's   not so bad I mean as a title player we've played  25,000 games probably where we've had less than   10 seconds wait though yes exactly so one of the  chats this is real strength is 1700 not 1212 80 so I know that people watching you know their chat  you know the time might be freaking them out you you let's keep it rolling you so for another game here I might  play a caro-kann in my next one I   might not will seem getting a lot  of people in my rating range okay efore d4 let's go for a d4 for  d4 and just play normal stuff I can go for a London I'll go for a fee  and keto set up night of 3G 3 Bishop g2   this kind of stuff very solid this is uh this  is like from keep it simple c4 and Knight c3 so pretty easy setup here and I'm just gonna  take the full center okay he gave me the full   Sun I'm gonna take the full Sutter now we have  a Kings Indian defense by my opponent which I   just played with black very common idea here  is to push and let me close the center okay so   we just had this structure last time he comes out  with Knight c5 he's attacking this pawn I'm gonna   bring my knight back maybe I can pin him I can  also play Queen c2 uh let me go Knight d2 this   setup it doesn't have any sort of name it's kind  of the Catalan this setup is is is is known as   the Catalan set up with d4 c4 Knight f3 Bishop  c4 attacks my queen but I can't just attack his   Bishop that's the one thing about this I don't  really understand and the other thing is oh man   that's not a good move this Knight doesn't have  a permanent home here I can just attack it you   know with before that's actually why if you're  a Kings Indian player you need to play a v after   you play 95 because now your knight just gets  dominated on a6 okay so I have more space and   in a position where you have more space you  really can call the shots right do I have to   take that no can I take that is it good for me  if takes takes I get b5 that's a fork but if   takes takes I mean I don't really let's do it for  instructional value let's do it let's do it yes   everybody everybody gets their reading back don't  worry and now Knight b3 the knight move opens up   the Queen attacking the d6 pawn that pawn is a  very big target and he just didn't see that so   the Catalan is super theoretical but not at this  level if you just want to play the Catalan for a   setup that a free pawn that might be a lot really  a free pawn because he has some tricks with the   Bishop I'm a little scared of taking that pawn  let me just reinforce on the D file with my rook something like this so it's not super theoretical because people  aren't going to be playing the critical lines   they're just going to be you know just  developing their pieces in ways that illogical let's finish our development with  the move Bishop III and now our rooks are   out all of our pieces are out our queen is a  little bit precariously placed but she does   have a way back home and 94 doesn't really  it does actually there is a trick here 94 ninety-four 94 actually is the best move okay do   we want to trade Queens I mean  not really but also whatever that's not free anymore let's just bring  our last rook into the game and okay this   is another instructional game closed position  how do we proceed from here what are the right   pawn breaks right all closed positions  you're looking at pawn brigs b5 f4 f4 is   not that great I feel like f4 just open  stuff unnecessarily it opens the bishop   maybe for him is dark squared bishop but  also maybe allows Knight g4 that's a weird   move let's try to focus on the queenside  so let's play like a 4 B 5 maybe c5 maybe   Knight c5 the trade like this seems like that  that's a very powerful spot for our Bishop that is an attack here but the idea was just also  to march forward so I can take with the night or   the pawn I mean generally it's good to keep your  things together so maybe I'll go see tags b5   have a very clear target on a7 okay that is an  attack on our night are we pinned not really   we can't move the Knights can we move it to d5  is that is that the right move of decision 95   if he takes I take he takes my rug I take he  takes gonna be a big trade yeah I kind of like   this and I like it because at the end a seven is  gonna be a problem let's not forget that when all   the rooks come off a sevens just it's gone and  when a seven disappears our majority of pawns   on the Queen side again we inside pawn majority is  gonna be a big problem but here I also have what's   called an in-between move I don't have to take  the rook I can take like this and then he takes   and then I can take so the difference would be  that I don't have to shift my pawn forward it's   very tough to tell if that's what I want or  not so I think I'm just gonna take the rook   I don't know if this is the right decision  so he takes and now I don't want to take   with the bishop because I don't want to lose the  target there so I'm gonna take with the knight   and again he doesn't have a he is only clear  way of guarding this is to play Knight to d4   he needs to interpose this he has to go  here and he does okay so his credit he   actually he does play the best move not bad  so I need to find a way to get rid of this   Knight 92-93 are not possible but if I play  King f2 and then 92 that looks pretty smart ninety-seven was not working guys because even  though it was a fork he had taken a rook already   so I'm down a rook in that position f-for I can  play but it doesn't actually help me cuz when   he takes the bishop is still guarding the knight  this NF for though might be something he doesn't   have to move the knight though he does not have  to move the knight and he does have a path here   so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this and  then play this timely move which I think will put   all hopes to rest I'm covering this and now Bishop  b8 Bishop a7 that's the pawn that I need to get to   and I yeah I don't think he's really  preventing that oh oh that's his idea   oh this this guy's resilient man  okay so I can take but do I want   to I kind of want to make a pass pawn  I also kind of want to give a check just the forces came to be passive and maybe throw an F for to activate my bishop oh  that's looking real nice activating my Bishop to   get to the c6 square Bishop h3 is nice but it  unfortunately it's not with f5 it looks really   good though it's a window to win that bishop okay  can't I just walk my King right up to your pawn I   don't think that what he was trying to sneak it  past me what is going on here okay check again I   have six seconds I need to focus oh that's just  mate that that's just mate in the middle of all   this endgame stuff his King just got locked up  he doesn't know where to go so he actually had   to play the move King e6 which is unnatural  because you don't want to step out of the way   of the pawn but this is still losing and it's  losing with the very simple continuation push he has to take take take and take and I mean I  the real reason this is winning is I just have   two connected passers he can get back in time and  guard but we would win this in the pawn n game and we might not even have to do that you  know we might not even have to push we might   not even have to push the d7 pawn we can just  be patient here you know we can we don't have   to rush anything in in in end games where you  have like to pawn advantage there is no need   to tactically win the game or something you  can just play King d3 King c4 king c5 let's   play one more game I mean I am kind of bummed  that we're not getting like you know thirteen   fourteen hundred opponents but we are seeing  a lot better fights today than weed then we   saw in the you know in the 1000 to 1200 okay  I'm gonna play in English somebody requested   in English and English opening starts with c4  and then g3 and Bishop g2 this is this is what   you do you fight for the light squares in the  center so somebody requested this and this is   how you play it another set of base the opening  normally what you do here is you play III 92 and   then d4 looking for it for it for a d4 push best  playing very aggressively spinning me already active bishop so when people pin you like this  sometimes it's good to just ask what they're gonna   do with this bishop I can't go D for now actually  because of that pin oh is this is this a sign that   he wants the Castle queenside okay if he wants  the Castle queenside I'm gonna play a3 and I'm   waiting for him to go there to start an attack  on his Queen side with b4 so again be mindful   he's not castling don't oh there it is there it  is okay b4 here we go we already got a bit of a   head start I want to go a4 but then he takes I'm  gonna go b5 then he goes here and he blockades   me so maybe the best way to play this position is  to prepare the move a4 with a move rugby one that   might be the way to go here a4 a5 is coming  so there you go it plays g5 so opposite side   castling we're just throwing throwing fists but  I think he doesn't realize that when he goes g4   I don't have to take in fact G for I go H for when  your pawn storming on opposite sides of the board   blockading blockading is what you want to avoid  you don't want your pawn attack to be blocked   either by pieces or by pawns so right now I don't  really want to play b5 because then I don't really   have a way forward in some ways I actually  prefer to take to open the file or play even   like Bishop a3 which is a bit of a weird move both  of those moves prevent him from kind of blocking   my attack I'm gonna take this move almost is a  bit illogical because he's just opening my rook   which is bold and now Knight b5 and I already  have a tactical threat here that wins the game   he kind of stopped it don't know if he got lucky  but the threat was Bishop takes c6 and then Knight   a7 I don't have that anymore but I do have a  move like Queen b3 now I can't play Queen b3   right now or can I are there tactics here think I  can play queen bee three Queen B three hangs the   knight which is a bit of a bummer but I would  love to play Queen B three if it was possible   Queen b3 he takes I can move the knight back okay  that kind of works kind of I can go here and then   if he takes my night let's first of all to see if  he sees that TV sees that my night is hanging the   idea is that night see three attacks be seven  and also the Bishop I can win the bishop back   while threatening me see if he even sees  this I mean if he doesn't see that that I   just get away with with with with that move  okay he he didn't see it he plays kind of a   logical move you know B seven is not  a problem anymore I need to get rid   of these this kind of dark-squared guards here  so let's maybe bring in the night to see three   so we are you know we are mobilizing we the only  thing I don't like yeah is that you know he does   of this but I said g4 guys don't take h4 how is he  gonna get in now so he made a mistake of getting   blockaded and he doesn't have a way to get to my  king now right this is this is just a problem I   mean he probably has to play something like Bishop  g6 but even that like that that attacks my rook   whoa oh he does that's not a good move you do not  want to trade pieces that are guarding your king okay get the bishop out and the fastest way to  do that is Bishop i3 mission before once I get   the dark-squared bishop away b6 is a lot more  vulnerable because I have a five coming and I   predict we win this game by checkmate within  a few moves that's a good move though let's   let's not forget that he is attacking here I  can sacrifice the rook but I mean honestly ah let's do it let's play Bishop before he's gonna  get really excited he's gonna big ha ha idiot he   lost his rook he's not gonna realize that I'm  the guy with five attacking pieces and he has   one defender yeah he takes he got really excited  I God now he has no defenders he doesn't have   anything defending his King the Queen's not  really guarding the King Queens over here so   he doesn't have anything guarding his King  anymore a-five is coming Knight b5 is coming   look at this bishop like this bishops not  a three-point Bishop this bishop is worth   at least 5 points you really want to tell me  this rook is a five point rook come on and so   that's kind of like where relative value comes  in is rook for Bishop isn't always that you   know drastic of five four three sometimes the  rook is not really worth five points my rook is   worth five points it's involved in the attack  it's backing the Queen up but it says rook on   h8 really worth five point is this knight on f6  really a three-point Knight my knight is right   so relative value of the pieces is something  super super important it's going to come up   throughout this video that's a good move that's  a good move it at first glance it looks like he's   just losing a pawn but he's gonna make me  trade stuff I'm gonna put that on pause I'm   gonna play a5 mainly because if he takes it's  just me like it's literally just ladder mate and I you know this was always my plan I wanted  to get rid of his bishop so I can play a five   that's another good move defending this pawn  but I should have a way to just win here to   just break through and win the game first of all  I'm always looking at deflection tactics and I   think they work so is he going to take with the  pawn of the Queen Queen Queens very dangerous I   have discovered check we now for check and now the  queen is hanging so he has to guard but I should   be able to deflect his King away and win yeah  yeah this is winning so check and now the very   nice move Knight takes c7 check Queen is hit  two times the King has to guard the Queen and   this is just the perfect example of why you need  more attackers than guards and he had no guards   except the Queen the Queen cannot be the guard of  the king when you trade all the pieces that are   guarding your King is just gonna lead to bad you  know bad stuff I don't have a force mate as far   as I see but I have check and then I can even win  this pawn now with my bishop and now all my pieces   are playing a he never got in we blockaded his  attack and he never got to my king so Bishop d5   Reyes rook f7 is a threat I don't really care if  he takes I am up a queen for a rook and yeah this   was like a very smooth game I mean obviously but  you know the guy playing white's high-rated but   just navigating his you know the ideas that he  was that he was in employing a queen g5 check I   had a little tactic here actually I missed it but  Brooke f7 the rook is guarding over there so check   and I guess he's not going to resign so we  will win this by promoting a second queen   that is the easiest way to go just make  a second Queen and apt everything will be   uploaded yes guys if you're not subscribed  already on YouTube please do that part ones   already up the King G 2 uh just be mindful when  there's only one rook involved in counterplay this is completely fine and we win when it was a nice win a spite check so the English again an opening when  you play g3 Bishop g2 Knight c3 and develop like   this trying to push for d4 this is a very  very aggressive like way to play actually   I mean he played very well couple instructs of  moments right here which way is he castling it   looks like if he's not castling kingside it  looks like he's castling queenside opposite   side castling is you know is something that  can be caught on very quickly so just play a3   this is not a wasteful move or trying to go b4  and then really the rest of the game was just   navigating how to attack avoiding blockades in  pawn storms you know you I didn't play b5 right   away because he's just gonna go here and that  I can't accomplish anything I want to open this   position so now I take you know I don't play b5  just for the sake of attacking a knight right so Knight d5 King b8 Queen b3 like this and the  one instructive moment here right is this like he can take somebody asked me can I go  Knight a7 I did see this this does look very   very strong the idea is that there's a threat  here if he takes with either of these pieces b7 and the only problem with this  is I think there is this move all right so that's really the only drawback  of this but my idea was that I can at least   win this Bishop bag by playing the move Knight c3  okay we're almost out an hour and then if he at   least blocks I'll go like this let's play one last  game let's take it one last game to the next hour um and let's play let's play d4 and let's end on a London shout  out to Eric Rosen love that man Londyn system is another setup based  opening just like the King's Indian let's my c4 though let's play Londyn with  c4 so it's like a Queen's Gambit fusion   again putting the knight on c6 we saw this  in two games in part one this is not good   the knight does not put any significant  pressure on the center here but if you   play the C pawn and then the knight  that's actually a lot better okay so and then you can play like route c1 and  now when the file opens you actually have   some legitimacy this should be to just playing  against the pin is developing what is this what   what why would you okay I don't know he's  wasting time in the opening make any sense yeah this is I mean this this move makes sense but   I lost that all this chaos is the fact  that the night was actually guarding d5 and then I can just take like if I took with the  pawn his trick was that he would just do this whoa that is uh that is a tricky move that  doesn't quite work so he wants me to take   because then he's gonna get this but first  of all then I take his night and second of   all let's just follow the yellow brick road I  mean he gave me this I might as well take the   next thing yeah so this guy just I mean  I I played solid improving moves and on   move twelve I'm already up three pawns and I  didn't do anything complicated this guy just   got aggressive blundered e5 c7 b5 and I mean you  know we've had a lot of fights today this game is   not quite a fight okay so h6 I can't continue  to take let me just bring the night right back   look at this night it completed its little  diamond journey it won three pawns and next we will just start simplifying  let's just start trading the pieces we're up three pawns so we  might as well just simplify it you you that is a good move though I can't take  that because the Queen's hanging and I   can't take like this because I'm actually  losing this trade that that is a good move   but I can throw in like an attack on his  Queen I mean it's not super complicated   but it's very nice I mean he is you know  he is working through the pin on the Queen oh I got my bishop trapped Oh No Wow even I am  skin blunder to 1290s I see I've made mistakes   tonight playing too quickly okay uh well if  I take that guy then I'm going to win back   two ponts so let's keep the bishop sorry let's  keep the knight and this is a pattern that we   saw yesterday in a game where we got to put  the knight on f5 so it's Knight to the side   as long as it has a way back he takes yeah that  may be allowing this was like not the smartest   let's just be very direct with our intentions  okay let's just play exactly as I said you   want to go Knight f5 so let's play Knight f5  it's a good move those of you that are been   Feingold fans knife f5 and this bishop is not  really a bishop I mean its power isn't really   felt so I don't want to make a trade of Queens  because I am down okay and Queen chiii is next   so the count is Bishop for four pawns I have six  pawns he has two I actually now have six pawns and   he has one so yeah this is a Oh No oh poor guy  uh he did so well he honestly but but he just   got greedy he just wasn't thinking of my threats  and I mean I couldn't have telegraphed this more   you know night of five and targeting the bishop  on g7 and despite hanging a bishop you always   need to look at your opponent's threats oh man  he yeah I made a mistake the best thing for me   to do was not to get caught by this little trap  I just forgot that he could go g5 somehow but   yeah Bishop g3 definitely bishop g3 and I'm just  you know I'm safe and if we trade everything then at least in this position I end with b3 and  I'm up to pawns and I just use the queenside   majority which if you've been watching the  whole video a few games in the beginning   the game against the Ukrainian player I had  a queenside pawn majority with bishops and   I ended up winning the guy right winning  winning the guy winning against the guy so that was pretty fun so I mean a  lot of instructional games and   you know all of these games will  be linked in the chat on YouTube again you can you can play through the video as  slowly as you want it's it's an hour long and   there's a lot of different games and different  instructional moments if you need me to you know   to reiterate on anything put it in the comments  I know those during the live straight and don't   have the comments but this will be uploaded on  YouTube if you're not on my YouTube page yet go   there and stay tuned for part three in part 3  we're gonna hopefully get some 1400s and then   we'll start playing real openings I'll be playing  my courses and whatnot and hope you guys enjoyed
Channel: GothamChess
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Id: X21uL9lbHbw
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Length: 59min 13sec (3553 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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