My Spore Creature Sucks The Life Juice Out Of Everything in Spore

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explosions and weird animal things it's yes guys welcome back to a game called sport it's been a long time since I played the game and I wanted to try it again today cuz I mean it's fun oh look at the galaxy oh we're gonna mess it up so bad so I do have a world somewhere no I don't want I don't know I don't want to go away I do have a world somewhere yeah there it is yeah oh do you remember those things we're in the Civilization stage but that was really boring to me like no joke I thought that was boring so we're gonna make a new game somewhere else where do we go and this one it's got green water oh look and we're gonna start at the cell stage because that's my favorite maybe it didn't creature 2 but the cells let's do it and shoot I mean I let let's be real you're herbivore or a carnivore we want to eat things not things that things eat no theme what we get themes what does that even mean um back forward I guess I guess we don't have a theme no theme oh that's too bad and easy mode because I'm I'm a Care Bear okay we need to name our planet and blitz topi is taken already cuz that's what I named my other planet destruction that'll work nope gonna barrows we're gonna hit this button celeb that sounds like some sort of disease Celie do piss and kelan okay why are all the names just terrible look at that what Belle Belle Carina perfect we're gonna go to the planet of Belgrade here it is welcome Belle Karine I have birthed you next to the big glowy star thing it's still bright and shiny oh is it actually birthing the planet what I don't remember this this is cool oh no nevermind that's like an asteroid bringing life to the planet yes you do you little asteroid break up hey I'm an okay there goes ready ready that's cool I really really wish that there would be a new sport there's two games that I want more than any other game and it is sport and Sid Meier's pirates those are the two games that I love a remake of more than any other game anyway we're about to be birthed into the world hello oh hi I'll crack it open there I am there's there's me welcome to the tide pool throw this for your choice to make an impact on your future I mean not really and what is this scream like all messed up hey that's better haha okay now now we need to eat stuff green stuff okay we don't need green stuff cuz that's gross we get red stuff haha go little buddy you can whoa those things have eyes I need to eat them cuz they have ice yes right in the butt get it get it get it Oh demolish it spit out more junk or those eggs what kind of pieces oh I got it I'm getting DNA I'm getting DNA did oh I grew up hot dang I don't remember growing up at all I'm gonna eat another one oh excuse me weird thing in the water all things are eating each other over there got you and oh I got you here to battle me what is this other cells and the meteor bits are key to finding new parts oh I need to go collect that excuse me for a while I must I must collect this bike ah and now more red things oh I got an attack and break we know there's get on my way get oh oh that's big that's big oh I need a mate I don't I don't want to mate I'm too young right now I need to collect all the pieces uh that thing's gonna eat me that thing's gonna eat me swim away swim away eat the little thick I'll go for mission oh that was terrible we're too slow oh that one's gonna eat me already I'm gonna get dead ha ha yes now I grew up now who's the biggest oh wow who is the big boss man it's me nope you little turd nugget I'm gonna eat this thing because it has it has ice la Ola is bigger whoa hey yes I hate something I need revenge on you too you dork come back here come back here yes oh oh I got him oh that was amazing whoop okay keep getting more he points up keep getting more here that thing's got like a squid tail let me eat that one eat this oh that's more than me never mind don't eat him or is he is he one of me I don't I can't tell hey you just saved bubbles no it can't be me because it has a different tale come back here come back here I'm gonna eat you so much come on maybe maybe I just can't eat it oh I can yep I definitely ate it look at these two they're trying to make babies got no says I agate get it get it oh whoa whoa fast hey no did you just eat your friend pieces I hope your your vegetable Aryan oh I'm sorry oh wow I'm getting bigger already the game really wants me to mate is not mate maybe it is mating time I just need to kill this thing first uh I got a nice and I'll eat all these pieces there we go I just want to unlock that Oh what I would lock that then we'll meet this will do the trick this will do the trick it's mating time my mating remaining noises whoa excuse me little feather fish we have it's mating dance time save me the sake of your people oh oh they're gonna go oh we just made an egg and that ladies and gentlemen is how babies are born oh look at all the new things we have we have spikes with attack and brake strike can I put in like a million spikes on them no why can't I afford I need more DNA I need more we need more spikes maybe if I remove the eyeballs then I can make more spikes and the the no I don't these need to go can I make them bigger yes yeah imma make him look like a pickle come on I mean yeah that's better and instead of an eyeball we'll just use spikes I'm kidding he needs tonight nope like an eye that's on it a button die a single eye I like this I don't know what he looks like but he's hideous we got to find something with color oh that's no color gimme color red hey that looks kinda cool I'm gonna go with him name the species randomized robro BIA spikes ply good sky Lina angle Oh soo that's like a dr. Seuss name I like that one we are being born into the world oh this guy looks it'll actually looks really cool I like it and now it's oh oh yeah hi there do I have another strike I'm not very fast at all I'm gonna eat that guy so I can maybe get his wings oh there's a lot of them over here look at this dork aha Oh go gather his strength come here come here my friend come here nope nope nope yes beautiful yes oh oh I got a new part I think did I get it it's a spit poison I don't like spit poison I'm so slow Oh what why would you even to try to attack me that's better hey it's one of me it's what I mean attack ouch bow that dude's got spikes I didn't realize those words place oh and I got something else I got speech yet nice I haven't found his weakness oh well maybe not that's not a weakness I mean I thought his weakness nope nope come on and go for the weakness part ah okay mating time this is not working and maybe okay so we don't need this bikes cuz nothing's really attacking us sell the spikes they were cool what I need is more tails we need and like move you to hear and we yeah I put a jet on your butt okay that worked then mouths Wow the mouth is too expensive how many parts I have 13 fine we'll just evolve this butt oh yeah that's a little bit faster I like this I like this whoa look at those eyes we must kill it ah oh whoa am I actually killing it I am I'm attacking him aha fast and speedy right in the butt come here come back here no you're not allowed look at those eyeballs you're a good boy just bug kill me whoa hypnic just squirt it over there no more mission I need those fins I need those believe me those fins yes oh yes I got the fins I got defense oh I grew up how do you like these apples huh how do you like those apples I'm gonna destroy your life let me spin around you come on and then whoop okay maybe maybe this is not a good idea okay I'm just gonna leave well what is that it's a lightning bug I must capture the lightning bug parts oh no he's electrocuting it's not quick oh this way hey hey Oh what Marty's dead yes yes Oh Lord oh stop zapping me dude stop did I get to all I got the electrocute oh okay that's fun Oh being bigger it's mating time we just need to see what we can get old ethics that electrocute is dirty come here I smell your essence look at that one it had three electrocuting things that was cool okay so fast turns do it I don't want fast turns that's the electric thing 25 oh we have 11 bucks I need another mouth though huh we're just gonna have mouths everywhere we'll make these side mouths like super big and this one like super small okay oh it's terrible maybe we'll make this one super small and this one super big I wish I had 10 more points I don't we'll have to make eyeballs and we can't make them any bigger oh man I wanted a big eyeballs I really don't know what I did differently except bullies fast oh yeah but extra melds on I should work that should work really good come here squiggly I'm gonna play him oh wow he died big ahh get those extra pieces oh he bit me in the butt stop that it's not nice you know No ouch you little turd nugget why is there so much juice flowing around here is it because of you are you displacing juice oh yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa no don't why is everyone eating me stop eating me stop eating meat it must grow bigger my evolutionary pattern is not great right out I bet it bono totoro way why is everything a carnivore tip well I am - Oh poop nuggets I died good thing I just get reborn as another member of my species whoop okay so this is like the last stage of the creature stage like why isn't this a game where you can do this for days and hours oh can I even bite that one I can't I'll just bite you on the neck or the rat tail thing that you have nope never mind what is this thing Wow it was an egg oh no oh no oh no bad ideas man this oh stop it stop it we got mouths for days my dude my mouths are better than your mouth oh I'm gonna eat you I'm gonna eat your face god no but tell me cool wow those jaws are cool I think this is the last gross stage oh don't want it to fight that guy again can I eat this guy No Oh again Oh what are those big things No okay I'm gonna eat this guy would you just get off me stay away stay away I'm better than you I'm better no stay Oh what okay turn I turned it oh okay that guy's gonna distract him would you seriously not want to eat me right now please thank you okay if I go over here there we go they'll be distracted No oh now I got another one fine we'll fight we'll fight huh you want to fight I got I got mel's four days I got mouths four days here there we go I attacked him oh he's so much faster than me so I don't like the idea of having those I just don't like those I don't what is that the electric note there's the poison maybe we could try it how many points alright I will 11 still so that gives me the spikes back I mean why not try to put the electric things on old are the sides that's cool let's see what it does now I snapped it already nice Oh we'll keep biting it keep biting it I have the evolutionary genius okay notice that after oh wow I just ripped that thing apart I hate its Norv except it's not electrocuted that one - give me your give me your lips onions oh wow beer I need all of them my name is sapping the world I get out whoa what happened there I don't know haha Wow I love these I love the zapping the zap ability is awesome hey get zapped aha oh that wouldn't even get zapped uh-oh no I don't want no it's your brain too bad AHA gradual ations here are the paths is sitting in said sentient sentience since that word when you're ready to stretch your legs click on the wide advance button no no I don't watch him I'm not can I just get more DNA points I want to keep evolving I want it to be a sandbox mode I don't want legs I don't want them I just want to keep eating things like this guy and get his beak oh did I kill it ready oh wow I got it oh look at him get over there stop it what does that guy got out of this face I don't know are they Oh a second my juices own oh no don't suck my juices out of my face okay I'm gonna get him in the but now I'm hearing oh I can't go in his wake I'm here give me yes somebody to fight hard oh did I get okay I stabbed him I got him again he's leaking I keep stabbing him I need that I need this little tube thing rod electrocute yes the electrocution did it I'm gonna get him I'm gonna get him and stab him I got him yes I got him [Music] oh wow that thing just destroyed my life in a second I really want to eat this one I really want those mouths Oh i electrocuted him give me your mouth No hey pretty lady would you like to make another love illusionary baby with me I hope so okay we got this siphon oh I guess we can't get those other legs that's too bad too expensive huh maybe maybe if I just do it's still too expensive okay that works hey it's a little struck I like it give it better and then we have five points left man okay we'll get rid of that maybe I'll just put spikes on oh I could do one more spike yes just what my evolutionary desires wanted this thing is creepy looking I love it already way that that's cool I think over to be the top dog on the totem pole oh wait can I not okay I really all I can't eat those things come here yes I love it are you sucking all of his juices out of no no stay away from me stay away yeah boob the eyeballs go crazy yeah a house like that I got spikes PJ's nerd I am spikes for days oh whoa whoa I think up the job what as long as this whoa this thing's cool I like him yes that's perfect Wow okay so I might have to I really really like this guy we might have to give him legs so let's just do it and see what happens timeline oh yeah I'm totally carnivore del that's fine oh what's happening what's happening yeah we can give him legs oh he's hideous Thunder cows can I have small legs just I just want little small legs okay that's good that's fun maybe I gotta bother me to be the same tonight oh yeah I can curve down the backbone I guess I don't need the little little Lake things anymore do I oh but they make up his identity ah there's the Parts I need okay eyeballs he needs eyeballs now we're just gonna move it so he's got one eye on the top of his head and a really big one that kinda looks up yeah he's about the same I still have 15 points to maybe another spike on his legs no on the back oh oh that's so cool yes that's our dude ha ha I should have made his legs a little smaller here we go we have made it into the world we can breathe because I have a periscope for a nose I think okay that's cool I like a little friend you've made it my friend you've made it now is he gonna eat things on land other other animals I hope so I hope that little straw works well hey I got a new mouth a new part matches the cool stuff I don't want a cool stuff a mating call somehow I really just wanted to to go like well those legs are cool I really just want to go eat something Oh are these Perry people hello pear person I'm gonna destroy you by eating your face hello I'm gonna eat you just eat them no I don't have the right mouth bytom's I don't ever hi oh man this thing's stupid looking and bite yes oh that fight you're the world's worst fighter hey hope you know that Oh it's attacking me back my spikes you're doing nothing bite it dude bite it you're gonna die so bad oh okay so we were the Olympian Lucian Ares genius when we were in the primordial soup but now our little siphon tube doesn't seem to work hey guys I think that's gonna wrap it up oh I was eating it yeah it's gonna reopen up for today's video I'm Spore if you enjoyed the video let me know and keep the stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,175,686
Rating: 4.8696208 out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, spore, spore game, spore gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, simulator game, gameplay, funny, spore ep 1, let's play, game, spore 2, spore (video game), spore 2019
Id: pKHqnHgfMbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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