Spore Ep 1 - Butty Spikes

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hello on the given Bieber and this is a new series of spools a new series like I did it before Oh Ryan no we haven't done school before but you guys have requested it and I mean by request that you you've actually that comment saying played I'm not just making it up so um and I know that power plays does this but the person or the people that brought this to my attention really wears gamegrumps game grumps played it and I found her playthrough absolutely hilarious and I wanted to try oh look at all these places it's like brown I don't want to start a battle bloody whoo look at this place green ocean so we can go this creature stage Sal stage um should today can you just start as the creature stages is that possible oh wow is it we're about create what's created choose a creator okay so apparently I'm people who play this they they don't like anything that isn't the like after the creature stage it gets boring apparently so I don't know if I'll do that but I will do this one no a new game sell stage okay here's what we get to choose are we gonna be a herbivore or a carnivore um well you know I'm gonna have to quit carnival ha ha theme choose a theme come no theme brilliant so cough it just seemed great great okay let's do um cheating easier noble I kind of want to do easy cuz it's my first ever playthrough so don't know what it's gonna be like well we're gonna call us we're gonna call us Oh what shall we call it we call as nip bits Oh wrong way round nip bits because we're tiny and we nip hmm - I need your where's the plan are we on the son oh no there we are see us yes there we go so it started like when you're the primordial soup which is where everything is microscopic and if you're Christian this is not how the world started where's God where's where's Jesus I am something oh look at this cool we we came from outer space just like all life whoa look at this aren't we beautiful welcome to the time pool make progress at the bottom oh I don't need your help oh just like hungry shark yeah yeah so do I eat meat is what I'm eating what can zoom in I'm gonna zoom in so I look pretty with this what's bite oh I think I by automatic so I can't eat that I can't eat the grass can't do that yeah god were ugly hahahaha organ bigger whoo big bubbles pop the bubbles oh who is that who are you it's got lots of eyes eat him oh we did eat them awesome other cells and medial bits are the key to finding new parts ah so we have to eat things in order to get their body parts and we have to collect the tokens awesome I want to be spikey let me be spikey oh it's so close but I can't be eaten I'm gonna say that's a thing I don't want to be eaten so let's find some things to eat call a mate heck no oh god he's a lot bigger than me I'm not gonna eat him yeah whoa meat yeah oh there's a little guy there's a little guy again oh yeah yo kill me oh oh oh I see this guy oh no I don't know I could fight him but he's got lots of spikes oh no it is the same guy I'm gonna fight him from behind it so ate him whoa big we need this guy now yeah yeah yeah oh god he's really good for me I can't some way he's just constantly going for me oh oh that hurt that hurt but I can eat this thing body in the body I need this guy eat him oh wow that's a huge thing of the background dear Lord but let more of them the like cows and I'm the t-rex oh you know all of you come on eat you meet you too ah look at all the meat and pumped in down to field of oh there was something huge though oh oh God run gonna bait lead safety oh it's over here it's over here quickly for a die now he's coming after me oh oh she's smaller than me oh he's smaller than me oh I'm the girl cuz I made an egg slow this is the the part where you get to choose what you looked like oh look at this custard ah I see the more horrendous ah are we cute I want to be red Red's my favorite color so let's be red we won't go faster stripes or just walk hmm that's about fast stripe going down the middle how about this one this looks like whooshes let's okay it looks like with some sort of flirting muscle beautiful now to fix everything I want one I know no oh my God look at this oh it's beautiful so many points to have cuz oh we got 20 worth 20 points um we need we need something oh god I'm gonna sell that oh it just is 50 oh we got eyelashes oh we get a little whiskers what what are these are these legs oh then mal it's a mouth that's a mouth Oh God uh-oh look at this scroll scroll the mouse ha ha okay oh that's amazing well the bigger is better why don't like get some hips going so only big fat on the outside whoo I see everything we are potato man so that's 5 the site site so this is just we're gonna have a beady eye just one beady eye at the front oh look the press elet above attack so I'm guessing would be attacked from the rear a lot so you know I'm gonna want those oh we don't have a tail why do we not have a tail why have one when you can have to hold on me I need to get us perfect there we go little dingle dangles so can we afford it yeah more spikes spikes from the side ah we are perfect we named this new hmm Stegosaurus hell yeah description badass is so patent it tags awesome beautiful is that it yeah are we done so we we've changed a lot but for the better ah-yi yeah well God one of these why the Mentos in the water or polos or lifesavers oh I should have just got like ten beaks how it worked out so much better oh we just got big well you know that means look they're called shysters each shysters bad I hear something big Oh what are you grubby you called what what are you cold dead yeah yeah yeah yeah oh he's good poopy butts get him ah yes we got something good now we can just walk into stuff it's uh what's he got God he can move fast Conti oh I need him we'll get stuck look at him he's like it's like now living now I'm too slow do fat I want to get him Monica can I get this mother oh no no they've got jammed together this is this is my opportunity to strike but I was stupid about it god they're they're too fast really really thought what they called Oh what is this thing what even is are you gonna eat you oh did I hurt him what did he hurt me Oh Oh God okay I better just start eating you know what that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna eat is there anything hey Louise no damn it who are these mentors can I can i crunch those Mentos no account oh.he meat came down with him there it is so partly this game was supposed to be epic it was supposed to be this amazing amazing game oh hello gonna eat you yes oh we got it we've got the frills birth so yeah this game was supposed to be epic I think it's from the same critters as Sims and when it first came out was gonna be this whole amazing experience you'll get to control so many things it's basically like styling your own universe I guess it sort of is but it didn't really live up to the expectations everybody unfortunately ah I still a tiny bit faster fine we're gonna waste my time on you I'm gonna eat this I'm so big I didn't start a chat so weak it says we can call a me now but I'm sort of wanting to eat more things whoa we can't move very fast ah yes beautiful so the more DNA points the more things we could add to us um I'm getting a pop there babiness Oh Oh God okay broad run ah that was not so good took a beating there seventeen dnase I even worth anything do we go there's loads of huge things in the background and it really adds this sort of grand epic seal to it looks awesome gotta say like if this the moment looks great god that's a big bubble oh god that's a big Mentos the world is getting smaller or bigger or smaller yum yum yum Oh oh god he's got electricity fight him fight him yes that's what you get you don't sup me oh look it's another one of me kill it eat it oh I can't that's a caution Anakin's okay let's call them mate and try to evolve let's get jiggy with it yeah oh we do little dance oh that's cute there goes the egg so what can we do now too expensive then why speed up we can get frills is that it we could only get like these certain certain things okay get feathers what's this I don't know with these well I want a bigger a bigger mouth can I just have another mouth hold on ah I could have closed ooh double eyes Wow hold your horses yeah we could just be we could just pick claws claws everywhere look at you do not want to bump into the back end of us yes oh god that looks amazing I'm wondering if yeah actually it's sort of cute in a weird way from a big but a big but it looks like returning this way he's got an oh look an odd that's great can we move it whoo don't you just make him fat I wanna I wanna get him yeah I'll do and we've run out of DNA now uh we can get can we get more of these so that Oh God right welcome back I had a little error I sort of I did something silly I don't accept what know exactly what I did though I just sort of stalled it like I think I clicked somewhere down here to uh to like accept and then a pop-up came up just as that second happen in a closed sport so here I am again so I'm seeing every time we see one of these little things pop up at the bottom that means that there is a new creature of that that we can like eat and get its body part and I think this one's the electric and so we got I haven't been killed by anything yet in fact is there a safe yeah there's a save awesome why don't I just save the game on planet vang is saved haha that's funny because in oh god boys I know there was a huge meteor thing damn it I wanted that who you what's going on why is everything so big where's the electric body creature oh god oh god he's killing me I don't know how but he did oh I need the electric but II quickly where's nothing oh what's this I wanted oh oh oh I got a poison dinghy but I want the electric one where did that thing go it was there was like a creature that just had a big piece of meat Oh God do you want to go do you want to go I don't think I do God yeah let's run run I need a get big fast quickly into the current hahaha this stuff anything's going on where's the electric bubbly buns a one on either bubbly butts god we look so cool but we are incredibly slow we need that speed oh god I'm being attacked by a pufferfish ah oh he hurt himself he's hurting himself oh my god hopefully you can just kill himself oh my god what's it done one more it is dead that's what you get you greedy bugger God can I eat him now I'm gonna go around the back to eat him eat ah just like accidentally killing things ah very good Oh God what was that it was poisonous whatever it was damn gonna miss the electric miss what's this just a shell okay in oh we getting shells now hmm yes Jess there's a poopy bus oh that's a big shell oh my god is huge who you dead where's the electric but dummy did we not get the electric boat eNOS fine that's okay oh wow woah woah woah what is going on oh geez he's killing himself on my little spike again you did he died on my spike I'm not even meaning to kill these things but they're just sort of dying around me is there something that I haven't seen before that I could possibly look at like guys like always dead so you you're all dead hahaha yum-yum-yum-yum who do that she'll just blink of me no no it was nothing come on we need something we need something to eat come I can slow this there's the dead guy behind me just sort of floating dead can I call them mate I could do but I don't want to starve small again there's nothing here looks at oh just I can't even eat my own kind come on Stegosaurus well one thing I'm huge oh god what's going on what is this what is that wow it's changing color as well oh is pretty pretty a brow bone yum yum yum call a mate I could do or I could eat this guy Ernie Ethan how come you so much cooler than me ow who you you're gonna give me hell so I can fight him actually use the putty spikes yeah buddy spikes win yeah hunt and break open the meaty oh oh what Oh what's happening what's happening oh we grew a brain yeah what I passed the sentence sentence congratulations when it comes to swimming and slugs you rule the pool when you were ready to stretch your legs in the big wide open click the advanced button hmm so this is it we dominated we won everything and can we not get any more thingies is that it there's nothing else to eat I mean I'm a little bit peckish but I wanted I wanted to get only got four hours six damn it okay and the next episode join me when wool alone
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 4,212,489
Rating: 4.8011966 out of 5
Keywords: Spore, sim simulator, creatures, alien, funny, walkthrough, lets play, thegamingbeaver, carnivore, derpasaurus, dinosaurs, beaverasaurus, fight, social stance, ea, Spore Creature, Creature Creator
Id: RiKUmQvI9Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 28 2015
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