SPORE: Modded - ADVENTURES OF TOM! | Ep 1 Season 7

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yo what's up guys this is tara saysd and welcome to season seven of sport modded baby let's go let's go so i've been tweaking stuff and fixing stuff and installing stuff behind the scenes since the last season as you can see the galaxy seems to be a little bit higher definition in the the texture quality and uh that goes for a lot of things in the actual game yes you will see later on in the series but yeah i've installed a bunch of new mods i completely forgot which mods i have installed so i guess it's gonna be a surprise for both me and you when we start playing so first off let's choose our planet let's try to go for hold up what type of plan did we go for last time we went for a green and blue planet it was kind of boring didn't it didn't really like it that much okay you know what i think we got a winner i think this is the planet that i am going to go for this season so let's go baby choose your cell hold up i apparently you can create your own cell before you actually begin oh my god and the editor is it's the full-on editor man i don't know if i want to do this because that's that seems a little bit cheaty doesn't it i mean we got all the parts here with all of the power-ups so this doesn't really seem fair so i'm probably not going to mess around with this okay how about this we'll use the parts that we know are available in the beginning when you choose a cell we already know a mouth usually comes with the cells when you choose a cell and i usually comes with it and maybe a flagella that's it that's all the things that a cell usually spawns with so let's just start out with something simple like this but we can use these parts all the other parts that are not cell parts because they don't actually give you any type of abilities so we can completely deck this guy out making it look beautiful without actually being cheated so i'm just gonna whip something up real quick and i guess we'll be right back [Music] okay so i have spent way too long on this already and we haven't even started playing the freaking game but i gotta say man this this is probably the best cell that i have ever created now that is probably because of you i use the parts that are not in the actual cell creator just a little reminder these parts do not give me any stats so this is not cheating this is purely cosmetic and that is a-okay for me okay so let's do a little quick paint job okay so there we go the paint job it's okay it's okay i i'm just the worst painter so i'm not going to deal anymore with the whole paint job thingy anyway what should we call it sell sila why not because it's i mean compared to the other cells this guy is gonna be i mean it's not decked out he doesn't have any stats per se but he's definitely attractive i don't know i don't know what he what his advantage is maybe maybe it will be easier for him to find a mate not that i would want a mate with a cell i'm just saying he's a he's a damn handsome guy name your planet 7 topia because it's season 7 and i'm bad at names what can i say oh my god i think we chose the right planet look at that planet it's beautiful i think it's beautiful i think the colors work i mean yeah it's the red ocean probably doesn't look that appetizing i probably wouldn't drink from it but it's hella cool and there's our rock look at us float you know what i'm just gonna press escape because i cannot be bothered to watch every cutscene there are so many oh my god there we are look at how beautiful we look how majestic now this this is a what so what's going on with his eyes why are they so wobbly okay so he's not the fastest swimmer but i mean hey it works it works okay it's it's better than this guy that we're about to eat come here buddy come here come here there you go there you go thank you for the food oh my god this guy is so freaking slow i need to get to the creature creator asap or the cell creator i'm sorry i also need to add a different mouth i didn't want to add both of the mouths because that would be cheating but i definitely want to add a herbivore mouth this the cell states just become so much easier with both the mouth could you why is he so much quicker than i am oh we need that part we need that part oh my god but we're not gonna get it if he's gonna kill us okay we can go behind him there you go there you go there you go oh oh wait i thought he had lower health okay no problem no problem we got it we got it no problem no issue whatsoever this might be an issue though okay i'm just gonna that oh no don't you don't you dare don't you dare don't you dare you leave me alone why are there there's no meat okay you're meat come here buddy oh there you go there we go just a little bit more just a little bit more okay now i'm way bigger than these guys so this should be a piece of cake hey hello hey hey stop it stop it stop it just stop it stop it stop it stop it stop okay this ah this is a beautiful game oh are you serious and then this guy just shows up and she okay and he steals my food i can't even eat it because i have so little health i mean i just gotta say i'm completely in love with ourselves it looks so majestic look at that thing just look at it what i know i was looking at myself that's not fair that is hey hey it's not there you know what okay we need we need a little speed boost so let's just get a little bit bigger see if there are are there any new parts that i can get before i go into the cell editor there doesn't seem to be any new parts in that case let's just click on call mate and let's go let's go make a baby let's go make a baby hello you let's let's make a baby that line always works it's a it's a banger guys and there we go it's a good thing that i tried to use all the parts that i wanted to use because now i can't use them anymore so that's cool uh where are the actual parts that i can use is it these guys hold up these guys okay so these guys are not the parts that i can use okie dokie okay so let's see where we can add all these parts we definitely need a herbivore mouth so let's just add that there sure it doesn't look good so hold up what if we did do the same thing we did last season and we make it into a little squid thingy does that look good i don't know man ah it's just completely no that's not the look i was going for no i think the fists this guy looks way better like that that looks way better but i definitely do need the other mouth so this is gonna be an issue okay so let's just have it there and i mean you can kind of see it but uh still i i need it so let's just keep it there let's see what else do we need we definitely need more speed so let's add some speed to this guy i mean it looks really gross with all those tentacles i gotta say wouldn't want to touch it but then again we do need the speed let's speed five guys come on speed five you get you gotta have it oh no i don't wanna do that oh no that looks weird that looks like a spaceship no we need we definitely need the tail see some spiky things let's see are there any this doesn't fit the aesthetic maybe we could make it fit the aesthetic hold up oh okay i got an idea hold up hold up i don't know i was going to put these spikes all around the little fins but i don't know that looks pretty derpy let's see how it looks painted i'll i'll check if i actually want to go through the effort ah it looks very derpy i gotta say i'm not really sure about that one okay now that i have added it to the whole freaking tail thing what is it called the the finn i gotta say i love it man that looks sick as look at how especially how it gets so small here at the end man i love it dude i just freaking love it that is amazing i am glad that i thought of that let's see how it paints though oh that actually looks sick as well because it gives it a little bit of a frame or whatever i think it looks great man i am ready let's let's do this man name your speed didn't i already do that so i i really need to find a better name but i just can't i i i swear guys i've been sitting here for like 10 minutes trying to find a better name but i just can't do it i can't do it i'm not good at names so i'm just not gonna put myself through that because i can't force it man i just i can't figure out names that's just me okay oh look at that he looks so much better oh my god i take back everything that i said about the spikes they look beautiful okay but we we're not going that much faster did i really hold up let's let's test this out okay if you attack me from the side come here attack me hello okay attack me wait hold up from the side from the side oh there it works these spikes work even though they're so freaking small that is fantastic man that is freaking fantastic okay we definitely need to start eating more vegetables because i want the salmon flock in the creature states do you really have speed five it doesn't feel like we have speed 5 this feels just as low as before see this guy is way quicker than me and he only has one of those little uh little jet thingies it's not fair dude it's just not fair oh and now he's running away just showing off that he's way quicker than me oh there you go you can't attack me from the side you idiot see even this big guy can't attack us from the side nothing can attack us from the side we are in what is what's the word the invulnerable from all sides except the back so that's a problem but you know what let's not be overpowered let's not fix that okay if if somebody comes off from me behind you know what they they deserve it just let them have it that sounds doesn't sound so good okay we need that poison man we need that poison okay okay it's poisonous who would have thought the poison was poisonous oh come on man he's damaged i i can do this i can do this i can do this just don't die just don't die dude don't die don't die there you go eat eat eat eat oh my god i didn't even get the freaking part i'm almost dead i oh no oh come on i was so close to getting that part okay you you there give me your wings give me your freaking wings why am i so slow okay what if i just let them attack me oh there's a part there's a part there's a part to stop attacking me i need to get that part oh my god if they're gonna kill me again i swear uh i need the poison i need the poison ah i died damn it oh oh we got a part where's the part where's the part i i saw the flashy light thingy oh i can see it i can see it don't freaking kill me man don't you do it don't you dare oh i killed you instead how does it feel man how does it feel okay we got four out of six parts so we need what else do we need do we have these jets give me those jets okay we already had those jets oh my god i'm surrounded but you know what it doesn't matter oh okay it does matter i am almost dead uh i spoke way too soon let me just eat no come on oh come on how many times have i died hold up i've died five six times okay cool this is season seven why why am i why am i so bad oh my god okay i'm gonna die again stop it stop oh i saw a part i saw a little thing don't don't you dare oh my why am i so slow oh no no there's okay can i just get another one there's another one right there just stop freaking attacking me just let me get to that freaking part come on man come on are you serious oh my god it's could you stop it stop it please please just let me get to that stop pushing me out farther away from it oh come on oh that was annoying that was the most annoyed i've ever been in the cell stage are you serious these guys okay there's another one right there i can get this one come on little guy come on don't you run away don't you dare freaking run away from me get here go get her there you go there you go let's get that part before somebody puts me away boom beautiful electrocute yeah that's what we got hold up where are we at in the oh oh we need to eat more vegetables okay these guys are green do they count oh my god not again could you stop it i was trying to get the vegetable thingy but oh my god there's another one right there if these guys could just stop freaking pushing me oh there's another one right there just get get out of the way get out of the way let me get all that goodness are you serious my own freaking guy is pushing me this is intolerable oh no in the last freaking states in the cell states there's pretty much no vegeta vegetation how do you say vegeta vegetation oh man so i guess ah this is gonna be an issue man this is definitely going to be an issue okay let's eat a little bit more meat see if see we can still make it there's just no way that this is speed 5 there is no freaking way oh i found oh my god i thought there wasn't any vegetation in the last date this is incredible yes yes yes yes yes yes yes give me give me give me oh there you go yes give me all that give me all of that oh come on you big meanie to die this guy is gonna die for what he just did he's going to freaking die hey stop it stop it you're helping this guy out don't let him leave okay let him leave that was beautiful thank you we got all the parts now hey look at that look at how things just work themselves out oh okay i got more vegetables this is nice this is beautiful could you stop why are you pushing me why does this always happen when i find good things oh my god mega mouth is looking extra terrifying today i do not want to get close to him nope get away get away get away don't don't you freaking touch me don't you freaking touch me i got speed 5 buddy i don't though i don't know why can you leave me alone ah there you go there you go look at who's the punk now why why is he all green oh that's beautiful ah why do bad things happen to good people this is so freaking difficult everything is pushing me and touching me and i don't like it i don't like it one bit just leave me alone oh my god it's suicide attacking me anyway so if you guys could just leave me the heck alone for two freaking seconds that would be awesome oh my god i'm going to die i'm going to die i just freaking ah okay we are pretty close to reaching the carnivore thingy which we don't want to do but there are no veg vegetables in the last phase this is the last phase so there are no vegetables in this phase but i think we're gonna do just fine we just need to eat one more time you can be our last little meal or maybe you okay hold up one more one more this guy okay hold up this guy why stop it stop it this guy that guy that guy why it looks like it's gonna be the last one either okay there we go finally finally we got it we got a little brain action we got a little tiny brain congratulations you're on the path to sentience yes i am baby there you go that only took 2 billion 900 million years so that's that's i mean that's pretty good okay so there is our little fizzy i don't want to add any legs to him because he already looks beautiful why would i want to change him why would i want to change him but i kind of have to so let's see if we can do this without ruining how he looks ah no he's ruined okay you know what i just decided to keep him as a fist for now because i got no ideas i got i guys i am all out of ideas on what i can do with him but look at him look at him i mean he's still cool you can still be a fist with some legs i mean come on anyway oh hold up i can see a little thing that i messed up there it it's starting to look a little about a little something that's not supposed to be there this is pc13 let's just get rid of that there you go fantastic beautiful should we make the mouth bigger hold up uh yeah that actually looks pretty dope yeah let's keep that beautiful his name what oh my god i'm so bad at names this is tom welcome tom this is my boy tom guys you gotta help me out here in the comment section down below do let me know all of your suggestions on what i should call my creatures this season because guys i'm so bad at names not that tom is a bad name it's a beautiful name it's the first good name that i've ever come up with but i guess other than tom i got no more ideas and there you go tom is finally setting his feet on the land and look at that beautiful tom rising from the red sea what a beautiful sight and he oh look at that he's calling off his tom friends it's just a pack of toms he's a beautiful beautiful pack of toms a squad of toms crew of toms is the beginning of a new day and for you a whole new strange and wondrous world air fills your lungs as you stretch into your limbs in your new home dry land the race to evolve has begun oh boy look at that and look at that i even fixed the mod so that i got the nest bag which is beautiful which is always nice oh man okay our boy tom is not the biggest boy he's not i mean the flowers are way bigger than he is our planet has like a really really strong green tint which i'm not really sure of anyway guys i hope you guys enjoyed today's episode of sport modded make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you did and i will see all of you beautiful people in the next episode have a good one guys
Channel: TerasHD
Views: 702,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spore, Spore Mods, Spore Modded, Let's play, modded, evolution, Spore Creature, Creature Creator, dark injection, dark injections, forgotten spore, dark spore, mods, spore mod
Id: MPfSld7xnx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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