I Evolved Creatures That Shouldn't Exist Using Every Spore Mod...

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so ever since i first learned that the cia invented dinosaurs in 1724 to discourage us from time traveling it's always made me want to time travel more yeah so that's what we're going to do today we're going to go and evolve stuff in spore and i added literally every single mod i could find so this will be exciting so i click on this button up here it says create also spinning the galaxy wow i feel like i really am time traveling but i click on this create button and i get to make some really really crazy things because i put on a call on twitter that said i need ideas for custom spore creatures let me hear them and you guys came out and you told me all sorts of things also quick plug if you're not following me on twitter do it there's a button you can click up you can just go find me it'll be cool anyway we're gonna get to it you guys are quite strange and i love it well first off good old grandma max you know the developer of hydroneer he says mr krabs now there's the two options there's the two options of mr krabs we first off we have you know regular mr crabs but then we could also do the creepy mr crabs that is like the fan mr crabs i think we're gonna i think yeah we're gonna yeah we're gonna do the creepy one we're gonna we're gonna do it also i learned that mr krabs really doesn't have feet oh that's terrifying i love it so first off mr krabs is kind of round you know like the greedy owner of a restaurant would be a fictional restaurant of course unless you believe that spongebob is real but i don't really know what to make of that and almost triangular in shape does that look good i think that looks good maybe we should straighten out his backbone a little bit yeah that looks awesome and i should try to give him some arms oh oh those are actual looking like crab arms oh that's amazing what kind of a mouth do i give him does that work nope not quite there that's a good one oh i like that if i set it back in his face a little bit maybe make it a little larger oh yes i have to create something on his head so i can give him eyeballs let's see what kind of eyeballs i can give him can i extend that out let me see something quick there's a beautiful mod a very beautiful mod called mad mannequins and we should be able to add things onto his head anywhere we want them we could even give himself real feet those are awesome how about thighs a thigh no thigh master 10 000 doesn't work on him do you think he'll forgive me if i do use thighs for his eye eyestalks and then the object is just to put eyeballs oh wow oh no thanks can i make him bigger oh man now what he needs is eyelashes how do i give him eyelashes is that in here that's uh those are horns not quite eyelashes it's working yes now he needs legs we just need little stumpy sort of net what are these things oh those aren't bad no those are bad mr krabs does not have crabby legs no what are you doing over there he needs some sort of nose now we do have all the cell parts from oh okay that looks that looks remarkably close to the picture wow no that's disgusting i love it let me see can i accept that and then did the the game goes the game goes and crashes and guess who the dingus is who didn't save it that's me i'm the dingus okay honestly speaking that is almost more terrifying i think he's got a slight problem i think i think i made him backwards because his feet are pointing whoops but why would his backbone be in the front of his back maybe that's what crabs do we'll just quickly oh no no don't have arms out there we'll just flip them around like such as this there we go that's weird how's he look how's he i love it i love it that's perfect how do i save him now oh my word [Laughter] yes oh that's terrifying should we see what he does when he like roars wow how about spins what's it doing is there the mating dance i want to see it's mating dance there's the sumo charge oh here we go here we go oh hey baby how you is what's that that's terrifying scared okay it's hiding its eye things but you're probably saying yourself mr blitz he doesn't have pants he needs pants let's see if we can dress him does he need one of these yeah i'll just give him an uzi i'm kidding he doesn't need an uzi he needs armor that's what he needs gamma pauldron nope why is it everything weird where's the regular game armor the ivory deflector that's awkward it kind of looks okay how do his pants look do the pants look terrifying i hope so so the game crashed again i didn't save it uh it says my creations number one but it also says displaying zero items so i don't know what i did wrong but i think he looks pretty good don't you guys think mr krabs looks very very creepy mr crab like in a creepy sort of mr crab like way and i like this idea a lot too probably because it's really easy but mike wazowski you know the happy little green guy from monsters inc yeah should be pretty easy to make all we need is a ball with legs how big of a ball can i make that large of a ball he obviously needs to be green so is there a nice scaled green color ooh like that yeah it's got some good patterns to it look at that thing looks like an egg i love it so he needs like a giant eyeball that doesn't look right how about this thing what is that no need to like a real eyeball not these weird like space eyeballs oh maybe we need a weird space eyeball nope not quite that's actually pretty good oh that's terrifying i feel like it needs to be a little rounder but i don't know that might be all right we'll keep that one maybe this one will be good is this better make it a little bit larger more girthy i know his eye yeah that's gonna work his eye in the movie is green so it looks like he's got two little horns too should we give him those ones just little ones we make them thicker and then shorter and i said short and i said how do i make it that's whoa mike wazowski nope those aren't shorter i need smaller ones i don't know why purple ones are the ones i want they aren't i don't want purple ones maybe this one will work the narwhala corn yeah that's not bad what kind of a mouth can i give him this will be interesting experiment i do like this one a lot that doesn't look like mike wazowski though he needs a big open happy smile face like this one nope there's like a dinosaur mouth that doesn't work either is there just no open ma do i have to go with this one again no we can't do that this one work that's disgusting there's this thing it kind of works it's still gross though oh no he's smiling that one worked because it's smile i know it's creepy i love it okay give me some arms now we need arms i feel like mike wazowski has just should i give him like he's gonna be absolutely ripped with teeny tiny pencil legs that's awesome he has little claw feet on him like these does he have two looks like he's got three toes there you go i ripped mike wazowski this is going to be weird but he has human hands so that means i need to give him human hands like like these like regular wait they aren't actual hands hello he needs those for hat no we're not doing that that's against the rules there you go nope that's creepy um um where's human hands can there be human hands somewhere in here how about robot hands we're doing it we're doing it mike fazowski i gotta save this all right let's test him out come on load up skin oh wow [Laughter] look at him go oh this is great okay running time running okay the running the running is about the same i hit walk didn't i okay he's tripping over you know he doesn't run or walk very fast let's try some emotes out what do we got the point yeah that's pointless how about let's see the flex oh wait look at us when you're gonna flex bro [Laughter] okay hey baby how you is oh yes what a dumb thing i love the swoon oh oh yes he loves us so much that mouth and whatever you forgot to brush your teeth bro love me some mike wazowski the only thing i feel like would make him better is more swole he needs to be just jacked all right bro now flex for me where's the flex thing that's not flex that is totally not flexing there it is oh yes it's so dumb now the next suggestion here is to make a helicopter like one that goes wash wash washwa um we could we could cheat and make like a military air vehicle but i feel like i just feel deep inside of me that making an organic creature that looks like a helicopter is much more exciting i don't know why i just ha this was a bad idea and i feel like a good old apache helicopter is probably the best helicopter we can make so i guess we're gonna get this body straightened out and figured out he's gotta go down and up right like this we'll make that tail a little bit longer so we can stretch it out because helicopters they have tails right so kind of so that's as long as i can make a helicopter i have to take him to a chiropractor after this he's getting all sorts of messed up not gonna lie that actually looks kind of helicopter-ish except for the whole bouncy part now helicopters apaches specifically have three arms now i'm wondering if in one of these mods there isn't some sort of like mugma limp i don't even know what that means i don't think i want to know what that means oh yes here is here we go what are these things arms what are they the crusty abs i needed that for for uh mr krabs what a thinnest elbow these are arms oh we got we got guns oh that's huge i need it he needs okay make it smaller that's fantastic i need those in my life actually not yeah i think we do we'll just we remember where those are i don't know what these are i don't know what they do oh those are definitely legs the other ones are hands so i spent a really really long time trying to get one of these to work for the legs i don't think it'll work so i added real legs and then put tires on the outside i think it looks incredible from the side we also need one in the back and i'm thinking we should probably put an arm back there even though it's gonna look really strange having an arm dangling down behind the guy it's spore i mean that's so awkward oh it's so awkward i need skinnier arms where's this the scrappy that's probably skinny that's huge he's swole just like mike wazowski was the gun show that was my nickname in high school you know what he doesn't need they don't he doesn't need extra weak legs armed things he doesn't nope i'm just not gonna do it okay maybe i will some of these are cool why did i not see these before no i'm kidding we're not gonna do it he does need like fins though i keep calling it a he i don't know what an apache helicopter identifies as though is this the kind of wings it needs butterfly wings no thanks go away butterfly wings you're dumb and now for my favorite part firearms let's see does anything what is that what is that we're just gonna put like a grenade launcher on the top of it no that doesn't work why would you even consider that blitz we need an rpg instead i do feel like we could mount a mini gun down there okay so i know i'm missing the thing that goes right here uh it just doesn't look good at all like i can't get it to turn in right so we're just probably just gonna you know skip it now the question is should i put on horns for the helicopter blades they need to be maybe can they be thicker oh my word oh this is fantastic i love it so much wow it goes swash swab big time this is weird i like weird today here you stretchy boy and then thick boy and then we're going to go boop yes oh my word oh i love it maybe maybe we need to do the narwhal horn instead because i feel like that one's straighter can it go out as oh we need to do narwhal horn on the back i don't know how i'm gonna do that though you know what i don't need to use these i can use like this thing here hold up hold up we'll remove these parts all together then if i put you back here oh i think i like where i'm going isn't there like a saw blade tail i can use somewhere yes the saw blade and that means i can stretch this boy out longer and we can put you up like this scrunch it down no way oh i'm so great at this game okay that one's too big i need to use this one instead turn you right round baby come on turn around there you go and then we're gonna stretch you out make you bigger fold you back oh that's so cool oh that's so cool uh save before it crashes okay i need to test it it still doesn't have a mouth oh yes yes it walks around oh look at its tail go oh i love it we need to give you a different skin we need to give you like a gray skin is there a pattern he needs to have like a metallic pattern that looks really cool i like that let's see if there's any more why are there why is there cell stage stuff that's what happens when you install too many mods ooh look he's like a tiger shark a tiger apache oh that looks cool oh that looks cool cool now i need to figure out how to give them windows instead of windows i might use like scales like these bone tablets it'll work look at that it actually looks like windows look at that thing up there another bone one oh that looks so cool i forgot to have to give him a mouth though oh look at how to duck the apache duck bill helicopter asaurus wow i almost have to i don't know why nope again is there any dumb mouths i mean they're all oh you know what there's the shark mouth i feel like the shark mouth would work oh sharky boy yes yes that's fantastic i literally can't even i can't even it's so amazing i literally i can't i can't deal with this [Laughter] i'll get him going okay let's see what the flex looks like the laugh no way helicopters aren't they're not supposed to laugh he's dancing oh wow let's see if he gets mad flip no try that aerial maneuver that is not what he's supposed to sound like the spin move wow that's awesome sit down boy sit down oh he came in for a landing punch wow that's amazing what does this one do backgrounds oh i can change the background nope don't like that one i feel like i didn't get any of the mods there's like a bajillion and a half mods that change the backgrounds should we see what a baby looks like i feel like we need to know what a baby looks like baby helicopters come on my friends oh my word that looks pretty good i'm not gonna lie i am very happy with how our helicopter bro turned out i really want to see these guys like all dance together let's see happy the hippity hop oh only the dad dances that's so sad oh no the baby ones are dancing too yes okay what's this one oh look at that smooth moves how'd you like to be in battle and then all of a sudden a shark helicopter apache thing flies in and starts blasting you and then tears you up with his bone tail this thing's awesome all right we have one more creature to create this one i'm looking forward to the among us character to appease the algorithm oh who should we be i mean i feel like we gotta be blue there's a blue one i said is why does it have leprosy or like i don't even what is that i don't like leprosy make it go away why it still has leprosy make it stop game i don't want it to be moldy rotting it's gross forgot to wipe oh it's probably because i made it i made it the giraffey boy yeah that's why what are these why have i never seen these before i don't know what they are but i like them it's got some good texture to it so he's a little taller than mike wazowski was kind of tubular in shape almost maybe a little shorter that kind of looks good that kind of looks like an imposter he's kind of sus i feel like we gotta we gotta go with the legs first those are perfect little stuffy legs i love them let's move them back and forward yeah now the question is if we're going to make the imposter how is he going to kill kill the people now we could do the little oh like that's an idea and a half right there we could do the little mouth thing yeah that is kind of weird is there a teeth one i can do this is gonna be funny look at that it's like the little mouth it's a wiggly and weird they can walk oh yeah he's us he's pretty sus i'd vote him out i feel like we gotta have a big open gaping maw on him kinda like we did with wazowski okay what about what about this picture should we oh that's really gross i think we should make him or try to anyway lots of tentacles and weird things coming off of his face teeth and shark mouths around at a certain point you have to kind of step back and think he overdid it a little bit yeah that's where i'm at right now i got way too much paint on this thing oh here we go oh yes an actual eyeball thing can't make it thicker though what happens if i put two of these together okay so what about this mouth i kind of like it i kind of i kind of like it i'm not gonna lie i i like that and molds are hard on a flat body like this that's a good choice there's also like we could make it kind of creepy like this in a way this isn't bad if i set it back in the face a little bit it looks like kind of legit but otherwise like super shark mouth it goes out so far out of its mouth that i don't like it and it doesn't fit with the eyeball lens thing okay what about that what about that it opens up yes we need to put it we need to put the little wiggly thing in there that's this one okay can i shove it back in their face some oh i can flatten it out okay that's not bad and i'll put the little tongue thing inside of it there you go oh my yeah he likes it he like this is weird i think i like it no i don't like it that's weird okay we gotta move them up oh it's in there okay let's uh pull that out remove the head and then we're gonna move you back in just so we have a single point like that and we'll move the mouth back onto it there we go there he does look like the imposter oh that's so cool we need to give him some like uh maybe not i was thinking of giving them some spikes that's actually not bad i kind of like that kind of looks like the imposter a little bit are you ready for this check out that skin oh it's beautiful oh yes i love it we need babies we need lots of baby imposters look at their littles their little glasses oh they grow into them oh that's so terrifying i want to see them roar can they roar oh my word i love it oh we need to put him in the lava he's going to pull us yes oh that's so cool okay i want to hear him i want no i don't want to know how that's okay that's weird here's the laugh wow where's the terrifying roar like thing hot foot yeah oh they're dancing i don't want them to dance i want them to what happens if they sit down [Music] here roar oh wow yeah that's awesome look at the little ones roar too oh i think i think i found a new favorite game again anyway guys i hope you liked our video if you did drop me some comments of weird things that i should build in the next video and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank ben ellen hagan dickie james autodave eagle arc seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff noah collingwood jason mcfarland dagan paul longstone and rail as well as the rest of the patreon supporters and everyone who has joined the channel as a youtube member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 507,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, spore, spore game, spore gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, simulator game, gameplay, funny, spore ep 1, let's play, game, spore 2, spore (video game), lets play spore, video game, spore mod, spore creation, galactic adventures, modded spore, spore mods, evolution
Id: YDbh7nk8NdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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