SPORE: Modded - WE'RE BACK! | Ep 1 Season 6

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yo what's up guys this is tara's hd and welcome to season six of sport modded no i know some of you guys might have seen a video posted last year on my channel that was episode one of season six but after those videos my baby got pregnant and i unfortunately had to uh get a few things sorted out as i explained in the last video that i uploaded so it's been a year i don't have the save file anymore and i didn't really feel like uh doing episode two of of a series that i started a year ago and i haven't made a video so anyway we're just we're gonna just pretend like that never happened i put that video as private anyway so let's just pretend that never happened so we are back playing spore it's been what five years since i was active on youtube i tried to become oh look at that look at that all the developers of sport i tried to come back to youtube a year ago but like i just said my girl got pregnant and i had to do other stuff than play video games in my spare time but doesn't matter we are back i love your faces i am so happy that you are here today looking at this video watching this video man my english is rusty a f okay so enough of my yappering let's select a world to start playing on oh i like this one this one looks nasty yeah let's go with this one oh it looks so snazzy choose yourself let's see let's get let's get uh a carnivore and those tend to be the easiest to start out with let's see something something pretty give me something pretty man there are no pretty ones i mean this one looks pretty snazzy yeah let's let's go with that one it's purple i like purple no theme yeah that's the stick with no theme whatever uh difficulty level let's go with hard because this is season six uh technically seven but like i said before it's season six okay it's season six so you know we can't go with easy that's not that's not our style name your planet this is seasonia six sophomores sexopolis yeah there we go sonia's exopolis that is our planet [Music] and i missed you have you been [Music] oh man that's a great planet that we picked out do you see how beautiful that planet looks oh my god okay here we go here we go here we go let's go let's go man i almost want to just click escape so that i skip this intro but i just want to let it run for its duration it's no hurry we waited four or five years i can't really remember how long it's been so we can wait a little bit longer wait a minute i thought i chose a carnivore why is this a herbivore oh stop it stop it leave me alone leave me alone you guys just leave me alone let me eat my vegetables okay i just need to eat my vegetables so i can get myself a carnivore mouth stop following me god man the guy looks derpy oh and i can't i can't attack any creatures without a carnivore mouth this this is not good uh i don't i don't even remember if i've ever started out as a herbivore maybe i have i probably have but as you guys know if you watched any of my previous seasons i do want to end up as an omnivore during the creatures days because that is just stop it my god what a stalker ah okay that we did not start out at a good uh foot uh i don't know i don't know the slang you guys the young people are using these days okay there we go okay we got a little bit bigger we got a little bit bigger good stuff good stuff i really want to get into the cell creator as quickly as possible because man i am slow and i really need a carnivore mouth because yeah like i was saying i i always tend to go for the omnivore um thingy during the creatures dates because we get the summon flock during her if you if you choose herbivore you get the siren song which is boring and if you are carnivore you get the raging roar which is also a boring so i really want to get into the omnivore thingy majigger i don't know stage i don't know what to call it oh there we go okay we can uh go into the cell creator how do i do that backspace yeah there we go there we go let's go make a cell before this guy kills us again oh my god they are so cute they are adorable okay here we go as you can see i have heavily modded this game so it looks a little bit weird when i zoom out oh my god how far can i zoom out oh you can see that the uh the creature crater is actually just like in a bubble which is i mean it's kind of obvious when you think about it but it's kind of cool to see it see it from the outside anyway a lot of you guys have commented in the past that i take way too long making my creatures that it takes up most of the episode so since this is just a cell it doesn't really matter too much in the long run i'm just going to cut most of the actual creation part out if you do not like me cutting it out then let me know in the comment section below i'm just trying to do what places most of you which i think is cutting most of the creation but if that's not the case just let me know and i won't do it again alright i'll see you guys soon [Music] all right so we are back um i think i made the creature creation into a time lapse just you know to satisfy everybody so that the ones that like the actual creating of the creature they can still watch it but the ones who don't like it at least it's sped up and has some music to it so it's not a big bother anyway so this is the creature that i came up with i tried to make like these arms and legs that we will eventually uh transition into actual arms and legs and i was messing around with the mouth and i found out that he could do this kind of like an octopus type of a mouth and it really fit well with the only other part that i have available i don't have any other parts uh in the even if i have all these mods none of them give me any other parts that i can use right now so this is the creation that i came up with it's i mean it's just the first cell so it doesn't really matter too much how it looks like now for what it should be called um this really looks like a nasty type of a creature my girl is has like a big phobia for like the sea and the sea creatures below her if she ever go swimming in the sea so i think just in honor of her i'm gonna call this one the the deep this is the deep phobia there we go and i mean it looks disgusting i would not want to pet this thingy i mean it is a cell so i don't think you could pet it not effectively anyway anyway okay so there we go that's how it looks like in the actual game let's see how fast it is it is pretty fast now can we can we eat both meat and vegetables yes we can great fantastic fantastic okay we are on our way let's go oh come on i keep on dying in the first i mean the cell states it's supposed to be easy it's supposed to be relaxing have an introduction to the game but man on hard i i swear i could not go through the whole cell stage without dying once i am i've i've done six seasons but i'm still not very good at this game it it's still oh it's still a hard game for me this might as well be i don't know what what what's a hard game uh what was that hard game that came out dark souls there we go this might as well be dark souls for me oh my god could you stop it stop oh i'm bigger than you now look at that i just got you i just bit your ass okay we need to get these two parts the the fast turnaround thingy those little wings and then we also need to get that poison from that a little octopus type of a thing let's see where is he i saw one right here okay he's swimming away he's swimming away let's try to get up from uh from in front of him so that the poison cannot reach us okay never mind never mind never mind not a smart idea not a smart idea let's get the freak out of here oh i see some food hey don't steal my food bro i need it i need it oh man that guy is following me that is not good now i think i've eaten way too many vegetables uh for and now i think i'm if i keep on eating vegetables i'm gonna end up in the herbivore and man that is just that is just the lamest type of a stage for the creature creator which is weird for being a vegetarian i should really enjoy being heard before but not in sport okay i'm not in sport i don't feel sympathy for these poor animals okay i don't oh oh there we go there we go we got the spike i completely forgot about this bike of course i need the spike of course oh and the and the omnivore mouth there we go that's fantastic it would be kind of weird playing as an omnivore without an omnivore mouth it'll be less than ideal okay let's get this electricity guy as well oh my god oh my god they're gonna kill me they're gonna kill me they're gonna kill me let me just get this part first oh man somebody else stole my kill they stole my kill did i even get that part i don't think i actually got that part where where did it go okay let's try to get this guy let's get this guy there we go now we got the parts now we got the parts you know i've actually noticed that the cell states has gone way quicker than it tends to for me this time around i mean i know that the cell stage is easy like really easy most of the whole sport game is fairly easy but for some reason the cell stays i keep on dying in it so uh this time it's gone pretty well i think i've only died like two times okay so we have four of the six parts that you can unlock in the cell stage let's let's try to get them all before we advance the creature states okay let's see how okay we need to eat a lot more meat uh we're getting so close to the okay let's not eat any more vegetables uh this on during these days let's just try to get the kills uh i don't think i have the jets yet let's try to get the jets can i see what parts i have and what parts i don't have let's see i think it's here oh my god there's a lot of parts oh it's probably because of all the all the mods so i can't even see which parts that i've actually unlocked for real because i don't think you can actually unlock any of the modded parts in the cell stage because in the cell stage it works like you get the part that the creature that you killed has so i don't think you can get the modded parts because there are no cells that have the modded parts if you hit by making any sense i think i think you understand i think you understand what i just said okay so we got the jet what else do we need we need the poison i think we need the poison oh okay there's there's one poison guy but man he is so armored he is so armored and there's a mega mouth right by him is that the mega mouth please tell me that i remember something about spore yeah that's the mega mouth fantastic okay did he kill him okay this guy is under attack okay we cannot attack him because we are low on health see we need some meat we need some meat come on guy come on guy can we get no that's one of ours that would be weird if we god got his meat okay i don't think we're gonna get the uh the poisonous part because i don't think you can get it in this last stage of the of the cell estates so i think we're just gonna have to abandon that hope oh my god there's a lot of guys here there's a lot of guys here let's get that meat let's get that oh man and i died okay well still i'm pretty happy with the amount of times that i died today because it's not been that much honestly i'm pretty satisfied with it so now that we have all the parts that we can get i mean we can't get the poisonous part because there's just no way of getting it anymore so now that we have all those parts i'm just gonna try to eat as much as i can so that we can just evolve into a creature and uh actually start the real game i don't really i don't really count the cell stage as like a real part of the game it's just a little thing that you have to do on the way of actually playing the game okay there we go congratulations you're on the path to sentience great fantastic oh my god i was so close to being hurt before that is splendid that we did not have to go that route okay so we're in omnivore fantastic it took us 1 billion and 600 million years that's fantastic okay so i think oh what what happened to my creature why is his mouth like that what's going on this is not how i designed him okay you know what i think i'm going to do the same thing as i did when i created this cell and just do a little time lapse and please let me know in the comment section down below if you want me to continue doing all the creation as time lapses or if you would like me to commentate while i'm actually creating anyway for now let's do a time lapse and i'll see you guys in a second [Music] so [Music] okay so we got a problem we have no more money left and i don't really want to sacrifice any of these parts but we can't jump as of right now we cannot jump that might become an issue but i don't i don't really want to sell any of the items that i have on him because he still doesn't look good i mean i could sell the spit little thing it does nothing for how he looks it just adds a little bit of a spit but we do have strike so we could we could get yeah get rid of it i know a lot of you guys will think that i can just get rid of the little middle part no no that looks so good having that little triangle kind of a shape it just adds a lot so no i'm not going to sell it uh i might how much can i sell this for uh 25 oh man yeah that might be worth it yeah that's worth it okay jump let's see where can we put this little we could add little wings yeah let's add little wings to him or maybe perhaps not that looks uh looks just uh it doesn't look that good maybe if we have a few of them let's see if we add something like that and then another one above it kind of like that maybe and then when we actually get wings that could replace that uh that doesn't look good at all what is that i don't like it i don't like it okay you know what after some consideration um i have to choose between health to uh jumping or what was it spit and i really don't know what to choose uh you know what let's just go for uh let's go for spit let's go for spin or maybe jumping would be useful no it's not that useful okay let's go for spit why not that gives us a little bit of an extra extra thingy there we go let's go with spit and uh what i'm hoping with putting that on the tail i hope that his tail will kind of like shoot up and then like in front of him and shoot that way but uh usually the animations in spore they don't turn out that good so i i am not holding my breath for that result okay there we go that's our little creature i know he looks derpy and it's not my best creation but hey it's something okay it's something let's see uh what kind of a paint job should we give him i kind of liked the uh the color scheme that i had i um i'm not sure about that yellowish tone over there let's see if we can get a bit of a different color okay uh that looks okay it's not it's not bad it's not horrible okay you know what i'm getting tired of scrolling through all the colors and stuff so i'm just gonna say that this is good enough i mean i'm i i i usually tend to edit my creature like a thousand times over in one playthrough so uh you know what this is good enough for now we will uh do something better when we get more parts to play with but you know honestly i don't think it looks that bad i'm pretty i'm not proud of him i'm definitely not proud of him but he looks he looks fine he looks fine okay looks fine all right so for the name i think i'm gonna keep with the phobia type of a theme let's call them because of the mouth he looks so nasty but i think i want to keep the whole mouth thingy for the entire season i am really enjoying that let's go for um flappy phobia flap flap phobia let's see phobia souris there we go phobia is ours that's that's a good enough name as any all right so let's click save and exit and that will be it for today's episode guys so i thank you all for watching make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed the episode and i will see you guys next episode have a good one guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: TerasHD
Views: 245,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, teras, terashd, Let's play, no cussing, no bad words, no swearing, spore, modded, spore modded, evolution, Spore Creature, Creature Creator, dark injection, dark injections, forgotten spore, dark spore, mods, spore mod, spore mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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