Evolving the DEADLIEST BATTLE BEETLE in Beetle Uprising

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you know there's one specific kind of game that i like probably more than any other and it's the evolution games where we can take dna and slap it together build up a crazy critter like that beetle and have fun doing it this game called beetle uprising and i mean that's exactly what we do is we breed and genetically engineer beetles to create these weird crazy things now it does kind of look like a ps1 game like frankly it it's not very aesthetically pleasing but that's okay it did just come out on steam as a full game it was early access for quite a while but we can breed our critters together we have grin gritter and those are probably good names and these are the possible offspring that we can get now it does take all of the stats and tries to create something different this one's actually decent here every stat is an increase so i'm going to go with you we're going to keep you and your name is narquaz i like that name that's amazing there's narcos hello little fella we're gonna rest on some leaves eat up our bread and let narcos just kind of settle into the colony for a little bit yeah everyone's just having a good time but it is time to go and take care of some missions now these are different areas of the map we can explore but back here we can do some things like getting well rest and we can other get other things too we have a 60 or 85 percent chance so let's just jump in now you'll send that way i also i don't want to attack yet but i do want to send other people to get some things chances success 88 58 i meant nah i'm not going to send the new guy out yet back to home the one will go we'll speed it up and the time will take down very very shortly oh hey look he's an adult now narquaz i like you um richter he failed to get well rested he's still happy though so let's just send them all out now goodbye friends go get the loot hey we got some goop and some experience and same and oh what's that a bed of moss very nice now they're going to groom each other and preen each other but they are getting hungry i forgot to give them some bread to eat there you go i think as soon as he like cleans himself he'll go green and which is happy mode yes we're all green time to head back out on adventure and what do we get this time uh oh a failure oh a leaf bed two of them 10 xp and some more goop nice i think it's time to breed them once again now i know i know we're gonna breed the children with the parents which is kind of awkward let's see what we can get out of these two i wanted oh this is this is decent here a 50 on the quickness that's real nice that's like i think that's as high as that you can get if we can get 50s all the way across the board that'd be amazing we're gonna take you oh wow here um a 42 plus a 42 on quickness and speed or strength i think i'm gonna go with this one right here we'll keep you and you will be corporate so i want to explore around the nest now scout the area for more resources this is a good idea and i do want to go into an attack somewhere too but we're going to get some food with a 90 success rate and we found another task called it's got electrolytes i don't know what that means oh wow and a steak of bananas and some more xp beautiful oh this is beautiful the not welcome i didn't see this before but we get a starter mystery we can get an egg here maybe i should wait until corporate wakes up becomes an adult i think that's a better idea we'll send out some more people here oh dirty but gertie a rotten apple my favorite oh wow and a rotten carrot nasty that wasn't rotten very nice that was a lot of food we needed that yes yes this guy corporate is now an adult we're gonna send out an attack army based on him right square to here i like this the armor isn't so high but i'm gonna send out a bunch of people because i have a lot of goop right now and i want to get an egg yes there's our beetle swarm coming out from under the ground the first time all right we have to spread out we have to find all of the bad guys in under three minutes then we can kill them kill them all oh they're so fast look how fast my little dudes are where are you oh here we go here we go here we go yes oh that's a dirty battle it's beginning it's beginning does this remind you at all about uh that empire is the undergrowth game oh wow there's more back here i didn't see him we got a spitter oh there's a spinner okay that's fine we are just destroying these guys come on up here very good oh my word it's a drive-by clobbering just kind of spread out a little bit send some troops different places nope here we go here we go here we go one left oh am i going to get it under a minute yes oh that wasn't the last one no oh there's one i see them three these dudes are so fast come on come on take it down is that it right here take kill it thank you oh we got more i want to pause it so i can explore and find him but i don't see any more bad guys he was hiding in the plants no i lost it i got a two star though yes we got two eggs two eggs not the best genetics but enough to get our conquest started okay i'll take that we got an acorn and a bunch of other stuff too now i want to see how to use these eggs i've not actually used them before we just like just put them down oh okay new beetle grigson okay brixton's a good name and why not right oh we need another nest you know you're not that good sorry bud you're not really you're you're worse than everyone else we're going to shove you in the blender oh no no never mind i don't want to juice him why is he good yay now we leveled up what are these wooden building block and crystals and stone beautiful all right now i can put down the other guy where are you there you are oh hey i like those stats so corporate and maybe up together i think they could make a good baby i kind of want to do corporate verse corporate but i don't think that'll work these are high i like this they are they are pretty strong i like that quickness at 50. i really do and this guy seems even better than corporate so we're going to keep you kiki globe the names in this game are fantastic okay we're gonna put the cluster here i don't even know what that does but we need it i don't know if it's a good idea but i sent literally everybody out to go explore the red rocks maybe we'll find some more rotten food uh xp rotten food blueberry good our kids are waking up and we got more stuff back very good another building block very cool what is that one a cotton towel huh so i'm going to explore the red rocks fully we're going to send out gup out there and maybe he'll bring something cool also we can send out some things here oh no oh no up cup died well striving for the nest no that's the one we sent out oh no that's too bad i guess since we lost up gup it's time to make babies again i like these two together just because they can make some oh we got a 51 and a 52. hot dang these are getting better okay which one of you are better uh they're both kind of the same but this one's got higher armor we'll go with it we're going to keep you should i do it again i think we have room for two oh yeah that's a good one right here too yes earth kamiki i want to see if i can get any better uh eggs out of this hey i did it i don't even know how much time i did it in oh yes whoa what is that the cleanup trophy beautiful oh corporate is not happy we'll put our trophy up here next to the big rock thing we could make another one if i could but i think it's time to send out another guy we want somebody who's got a really good success rate ooh 95 success rate you do this wow that's a buttload of stuff oh another crystal thing there's something satisfying about having like crystals everywhere in my base all right did we do it successful task now we get the red rock very good number of swarms different types of enemies very good i want to see what it looks like now oh i get a fight out here i need to another starter egg i don't want starter eggs well that's okay like we're super strong i'm gonna bring out a big group i really just want eggs oh boy there's a dead person's hand there oh no oh can i get across through here i just crawl over the hand i can these are ants yes we're destroying the ants oh that's fine my three beetles can take out an entire ant army maybe just kidding they can't oh my word why are these ants so strong why are we massacring all of the ants is there one here yet nope we're good these team a lot stronger than what i was used to at the other one hey we did it in less than five minutes really nice couple eggs oh and a rock thing all right eggs oh you're bad but you got high health okay you too oh you have different different body types i want to see what you look like there they are okay it's red i like the red color you're bad at everything else i'm gonna store you and then we're gonna change how this guy looks yeah apply that right here yep apply the visuals uh-huh and you know what i can do i feel bad about doing this i just juiced him good thing they don't care so here's something interesting this dude right down here this young one he's bad on everything i'm just gonna send him out exploring the lost beach if he dies it's fine don't care i don't care at all same with some of these older ones like grinder here yeah 57 i mean that's pretty good we'll send you out and you should be back any second nice you were successful wow that was amazing and they were both successful now i know both these map areas oh okay i like this we can fight although i kind of feel bad about fighting especially when we have people like kirquez here who isn't very good at anything so i'm gonna blend you in the juicer never mind the 31 on that that's a good one but you're like 20 21 see that's the problem definitely you're not great we're gonna juice you okay doing these newest two together and we might get something even better oh yes oh yes i like it i think this one in the top left is the best i'll try another breeding see if i can get anything better oh this is another good one here armor is low but that's okay i feel bad about gooping everyone it just started very good greg said i'm so sorry i'm so sorry you were worth it for a while oh man i just gooped the people we like the most i feel like i need to send out another battle oh i have two swarms that's cool there we go we got group one and two and then i control them with obviously one and two there you go one should go down here two is gonna keep rolling through here oh boy oh do we walk on the green i feel like it's okay to walk on the green oh man oh man the purple dudes are no joke they're destroying my red guys oh no request okay green's coming in we need to fight together wow oh hot dang her bills berkey is almost gone her this was bad this was bad i didn't realize how strong these nerds were wow can i abort mission oh an egg i gotta get the egg that's all i want is the egg i got it okay these guys don't seem so bad i don't want you to die though oh they explode when they die on fire oh no well did we at least get the egg no okay evidently i think we need something with higher strength and armor there we go we got a 30 armor a little bit less perception i think that'll be okay that 30 armor is going to help out a lot all right let's try these two together and see if we get anything fun come on oh dirty come on ah there's oh a 32 armor i like that i like that and we'll try it again maybe i get another oh a 32 there we go there's a good beetle right there curzap there's kerzapp what a strong beetle man that perception keeps going down though if i use some of these other guys it will try you and i don't know i don't want to go lower so this guy had the high armor maybe if i do armor and armor i can get good a top left one's real good so this is interesting we've leveled up our colonies so much that urbiki here the one that we took out on the last raid is now one of the lowest ones in all stats i feel really bad but we gotta juice them right i don't even know what that word is we'll just keep him because he's got that thing going for him but i think it's time to begin a battle oh you're so good but are you are you small whatever we're going with it i think it actually spawns big ones there they are okay i don't know what to do i've never done this map this is the other one oh here we go spiders i don't like spiders destroy them there you go take them from behind oh there's spiders everywhere oh the big one i really don't like big spiders nice kill it kill it kill the big spider kill the big spider kill the big spider it's dying we didn't die or we're dying oh balls this is not good kill the big spider please okay good the big spider's gone the little spiders are no joke i'm glad we took the big spider out right away oh no down down down abort mission reverse direction oh i don't know what that means but i like it dudes stop it turn around stop there we go this way this way oh that's why our perception's low it's because we're a bunch of dummies now there we go okay you just leveled up this is good news now i can breed you that's not the one i wanted to breed but it'll work actually those are the ones i wanted to breed maybe i'll keep you okay this will work this will work right here i think oh hey hey whoa hold on hold on some sort of horns do you see that there's horns on you and then there's purple purple slice i like that you're actually better nice we're gonna keep the horned one beautiful zing to me i'm gonna do this one again oh there's another horned one why there's a lot of horned ones here and there's the purple one i'm gonna go with the purple i hate to say this but i think it's time for him to get gooped both of those and you too you don't you don't have a purpose to us anymore or you really i'm so sorry i feel so bad about gooping them i really just want to save how you look because i think that looks amazing same with the purple bro are you purple bro yeah let's store you okay kitten r i'm gonna make you horn frog all right i gotta try this i gotta try putting these two together because we got the horned one plus the purple one i just want to see if there's anything cool there wasn't anything cool we got horn stripes over here ah this genetic system is so cool in this game i'm gonna take it just for the genetics here we go here we go now we're starting to get somewhere and getting him stronger this one looks really good i'm feeling lucky this time no i'm not gonna actually go for it i shouldn't maybe kill one of the groups should i try oh should i try to kill the spider i don't know if it's possible here we'll take one group up here to attack the spider and the other group to get the egg and then we might just come on get the egg get the egg somebody get the egg all right you know what we'll try it we'll try to kill it if things are looking bad we'll just abort the mission hey we killed it nice nice one down okay all aboard wait i should bring one group over here nah i'll just swarm it oh my word these guys are strong i'm glad i did another evolution i kind of feel like i might have a chance that spider was no joke though okay we'll let uh purple go in and then we'll surround with red yeah we'll just come in back we'll flank them there you go there you go that's beautiful well done i've got it i've got all three all the eggs okay we're gonna take one group here we're gonna take both groups here we're gonna do that same thing i don't know how these guys are but i think they're spitters oh they look so cool though i want stripes like that okay we'll take group one up here and then you'll come back and we'll flank oh they're blower uppers they're blower uppers there's floaters we got exploders up in here wow that's bad i don't like exploders where's one left hey we did it wow wow oh they're so mad at me i only got two eggs out of the deal though but i got the i got the toxic waste trophy okay eggs something cool no you're terrible armpit your name is armpit you're also terrible why do you have to be so bad i thought maybe you would have something cool in your life who's got 36 perception 36 okay i'm gonna see if i can get some perception out of you we got 35 down here wow we dropped the rest of the colony way down though i'm gonna try this one last battle again with the big spiders and stuff i'm feeling that we can do it destroy the entry of the yellow milk crate okay complete all the one star objectives destroy them okay so we don't have to is this this is a yellow milk crate we destroyed this nice we did it the nest entry on the other side were the giant spider spawns that's this one we don't actually have to kill everything nope nope nope nope we don't have to kill any spiders we just have to make it over why didn't i read we're not actually meant to kill the spiders because they're super dangerous there we got two down no stay back here stay back here those spiders will spit on us and kill us super dead no no yeah just kill him no no bad spiders good thing we're fast we can just blitz past him get it splits joke yeah just come over here we don't actually care about them wait how did we fail hey we failed in success wow i didn't realize that's all i had to do who gets juiced definitely you you brought my whole base down and you get juice too because you're terrible and why don't you get juiced i just want to get everyone that's like super red juiced if you got two reds you're gone and an egg you have more than two reds and another egg you have lots of friends guess who gets juiced nice we explore the concrete jungle uh oh we got the the mud men and the pile of tears so we can go out in here and attack more yeah that would be fun an uncommon oh those sound cool collect all three eggs oh man this looks good but if you guys want to see another video of beetle uprising let me know down below in the comments and we'll see you next time [Music] bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 321,868
Rating: 4.9533606 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, evolution, evolving, beetle uprising, evolution game, evolving game, beetle, battle beetles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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