I HAVE CREATED LIFE!! | Spore - Part 1

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type in the morning to you laddies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to spore a game where you make crazy wacky creatures that this game was suggested to me a long long time ago by a lot of people and I didn't really get around to it because I didn't know if I'd like the game or not but Steam had a sale on it recently and I got like a bunch of Spore contents like three euros so I thought hey why not just play it so we're just gonna get in and click new game sell stage start at the very beginning nurture your own creation from its humble aquatic origins okay so the way that this game works I think is that you start off as like a sail you get bigger and bigger and bigger until you're like a big large creature and you can change a creature however you want and you can put wacky stuff on them oh it's writing to be herbivore or a carnivore I'm gonna be a carnivore yeah baby we go normal is that good what Oh palak's Kevin could to me a curious random and weird Dean yeah whatever the hell this is okay so I gotta I gotta grow up up I gotta eat and get bigger and I'm gonna be a strong giant creature I can't wait to see what I can create oh no an asteroid is headed for Earth well that's not Earth doesn't look like Earth doesn't have those weird things well whatever it is Cataclysm Hey look it's me welcome to the tidepools rights for the choices you make impact your future as a cellular mission is eat grow and evolve growth is measured in your progress bar below got it oh I got it progress bar yes now how do i how do I eat stuff I just walk into it walk by walk I mean swim like a fluffy little tadpole I'm a carnivore sad wife's leg look for meat oh I just eat like that oh that makes sense just walk into stuff and eat it eat that one yeah hmm I have the best diet ever just pizza and lasagna oh yes grub it up oh god this is a big thing I can't do anything to this come on just click I can so I can move around with WASD or I can just click on I like moving around waz though it makes me feel like I am connected to my character I'm big yeah I'm when you get big there's bigger enemies okay I'm just gonna go for right stuff red meat red meat is bad according to society Oh God other cells and whoa the size of that guy is six eyes meteor bits are the key eyes to get these a new parent appears swim over the token to collect it got it call a mate to enter the cell creator oh come here man let's make some new Venice yeah let's made it up you're bigger than me use a fat go easy on me it's my first time I'm already like five minutes old oh I could you yo he looks okay we give them spots hmm No ah you look like a disease there are no suction cups no can we make you kind of like transparent there we go you've gotta be like a little jellyfish and I can add stuff to you I have a job too expensive to exit oh this is what I got how to use it oh oh yeah oh I can use this to attack guys yeah I'm gonna put you there so I can like stab people in the face get away from me okay name your species my species is going to be called spike to push the spiciest spike that ever spiked there you go spike to puss eat and devour and kill everything you're going to be the alpha predator the apex predator in this ecosystem I don't know how much I'm gonna get done in this first video oh those guys want to kill me that guy's gonna kill me anyway yeah big Chomper I don't know how much they want to actually be able to create in this video because there's a lot to do can I go faster come on please like go faster he's after me and he's trying to eat me could he eat me and kill me then I have to start again I don't want that I don't want that go away go away go away go away go away go away yes I need to get bigger ouch oh I have help okay I didn't die that's good oh yes oh you want some my god these guys are gigantic get away from me everything wants to kill me that is life that is how life works everything in the ecosystem wants to kill you oh geez gets it arranged the Reds are good the Reds are sustenance oh yes Oh chomp down on all that meat spike to push too many greens and not enough Reds get the red get the red that's what she said Wow look at the size of those dudes so yeah you can get really big and then go out onto land that's that's my understanding in the game anyway I eat you create small guys cuz they could eat me eat him oh I can damage him he damaged imma kill him and then eat his body parts so my game ain't going to be the bossiest but species spore I don't know what the hell I am oh you were at me before you want to eat me before yeah take this you little yes waking your ass here we go what are they get they got a jet so I mean it can go faster that is awesome okay I'm gonna call a mate mate where are you mates ah good I am I know the way up here thought you were closer get away from the greens we're not green people or red people that means come sit up my censored word okay so what is this this is speed I need it we need speed everything I have need speed so my tail lets me get around so could I sell this cell for 15 yeah and now I have enough for this can I put this on the back that good okay we're gonna go back out into the world my guys right now do you like him I think he's cool except you're not the pattern there we go now you're in the pattern that I put on you let's do this I have like a butthole now feast your eyes on me world this guy is awesome I like him to slice it hose jellyfish when I keep away from those more focused on guys we creepy bastards and I don't know kill something I want to show how awesome I am in this ecosystem that most so much faster now ouch little green what happens if I actually lose all my health do I die and have to start again because that would suck I really don't want to do that oh I'm so much bigger oh so big I'm growing by the second come here come here little red dude mm-hmm geez person begorrah I kill you I kill you everything's too fast I'm doing like a little nudge-nudge oh yeah I kind of miss my little tail get away from me get away from me you be orange kill all these come on these even though out Oh get away go away from me killing me get away get away get away go go go go go go go go go go gooo eat something else here we go there was I've Hutt's back yes health get okay so I don't find chunks of meat anymore I actually have to go and kill these guys or those guys or all the guys I don't know what I can kill them what I can't kill I guess it's just trial and error just jump down and see what dies you die no you oh you hurt me oh okay so hear from you I need to go over to little red guys I'm asking a little red Bakula tread I need to devour you I need sustenance that's it that's it into the jaws of life Oh another red guy a guy that looks like me we kill him crank yo him can't kill him no is that a mate can I might I don't know what's going on oh it hurts oh I don't wanna hear that I'm dead no this is it like a checkpoint system yes I just started as this again nice nice nice as rice that's a bad search I think I can kill this thing it's running away from me ouch I can I hurt it it didn't hurt me nice comeback that's it that's it oh yes that hurt you didn't it hurt it in the oh oh you farty bastards those guys a big purple fax and it hurts me and kills me it's like walking behind a big fat person whose fact in your face I couldn't have been a herbivore what am I so much easier just eat those things instead of waiting for these guys to run towards me okay come here oh wow oh he's a big big he hurt me hey come here come here pinky stabby stabby slashy smashy come here eat you talk about fast food haha yeah well I'm dead again okay things are getting hard I need to get my tail back I think I don't like this jet that pushes me every so often I need like a steady stream oh if your tails now one little jibber jabbers too little little wonky donkeys I don't know what eyes help me do sight I know eyes help me see but I don't know how useful they are in the game yet I was the list of to site your creature needs eyes to see clearly in the world okay can we go back into the world my little two tails this game is awesome I really like this come here come here you trying to get away from me training it away from me I'm slower than I was before that was a mistake okay if I can just get to this guy and stab him once more all he needs is one more step and you'll die come here as long as he doesn't get food come back please is there really not a way to go faster in this game well all God Wow ouch my eating me killing me something something there I need to get that meat I need to get that meat down me come here come here meat come here meat come here mate oh yes oh glorious mate what is this I need this give it to me give me good Silvia fast turns like flipper fins okay you're coming my way and you're hurting oh yes right into the jaws of destiny I am so much bigger now come here come here wife teach you a thing or two come here stabby stabby stab there we go oh I got all the meats and I'm Audi the hell are you can I kill you I can hurt you well you are fast oh don't think that like Spears on their faces die today can I stab you to have you good can they stab your ass just like you should yeah yes hey I'm getting bigger I'm getting stronger nothing dead well what are you oh I like it too shiny and you're like a secret thing it's like this yes there we go what did I get poison yeah Giggy there are so many things to kill and eat gobble up EE we're wearing it till I died put one of them on the back in between like that so now I have the little things to keep me on a steady stream and then I have the butthole to just go and I fire out really fast I could put on fast turns but I'd have to get rid of something I need more can I afford spikes I only have three I'm so much faster now I like this this is a really cool game and I turn this into like a series I think well if you guys like it I will I'm not going to turn something into a series if people don't like it but I think you guys are gonna like this series because a lot of you have been asking for it I really should have done it sooner I didn't know that the game was like this Oh lots of puffer fish come here come here you Oh Big Momma long Ducky's the out of here something needs to die Denise to die and I need to eat it come here come here you you you die you die yes oh so much made big dude out of nowhere I need to get out of this part I need to get out of Dodge those guys are scary this is a bad part of town okay I'm gonna sneak up behind you and stab you oh wow that was a clash of clans right there stop this guy stop this thing yes he did it oh he did he got verified what was that something exploded up here I need to go get it that was a new thing there it is it's an acorn electric I can electrocute a fire stuff are you going are you going you big eyeball freak come back I'm going to so kill you so kill you oh gee Wow come back I need to get you need to kill you I need to bite you I need to bite your ass yes there we go I mean to get me to get help the other way away you guys got electric you guys hurt Oh like you oh you're hurting blue you're hurting ducky come back everybody died oh you got friends your friends to back you up huh can't fight your fights huh come back where do you go I know but I'm gonna eat all these small guys these the small guys are awesome come back small guy once they turn too fast oho big fish is small pawn huh come here stabby stabby and killing everything now and I get a few more of these and then I'm gonna upgrade my everything is dying to me I am the apex predator in the making look at this awesome okay let's go create something let's go create the life let's play God I don't know what you're saying it's baby-making time he just like shakes out a ball and then moves on nice I changed my guy around a bit now the tails are fine where the air like that and I got four spikes now and I got my jaw in the front I mean a couple big jaws in the back like a like eat from both ends how does it even work I mean butthole you're gonna be changed to boss asaurus and it has to have an extra make some point because everything I do is extremely loud and extremely yes I am such a menacing silhouette in the ocean right now yeah taste my spikes okay that's my mouth still you stealing my meat you stealing my mate you son of a okay I'm getting out of here you stink like ah fresh new life come here green yes chomp need to get them and even get the little guys I'm a bully I need to get the little guy he's a big guy whoa you just came out of nowhere you were just born and now you were dead that's the circle of life I'm afraid that's how life works sometimes you're born and then you're dead whoa Mike Hill this dude let's stop stabbing a bunch of times here we go I'm gonna kill him I'm gonna be Wow what's you doing it's like killing me I don't know I don't think I'm losing health hey chop this little guy chomp the little guy chomp am creative ass so he's small how's he killing me getting away a scary little dude he's a badass go after blue come here blue ah poke you in your bubble but bubble but bah bah bah bah bah bah but come back there we go no no stealing my meat stealing my meat like when somebody steals your kill and call it Judy or Counter Strike or something getting I thought I was getting bigger but no I was just dying I am getting bigger what's happening one more one more we should be good one more we should be good are we good one more one more yet I don't like my booster yes we filled up my progress bar now what I got a brain I am a smart fishy you're on the path to sentience I got to be awesome oh my god I get to put legs on my little dude look at my little butthole and they're so cute think real butthole okay what kind of legs Thunder calf Fenella how can I see something called Thunder calf and not use it oh sweet lordy Lou what is this abomination onto the man of the world so do you not need this stuff thing anymore if you got legs I don't know how this works okay so I'm gonna leave this episode here the first part of Spore is complete I have legs bow down everybody but if you guys want to see this become a series where I go from start to finish I think it could be really cool I'm really enjoying this this is really fun it's really unique and I think I'm gonna be able to create something very boss chronic in the end but just let me know in the comments if you want to see more of it but thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it parties are like what in the face like a boss and my face alright [Music] another million for come on open credit-card by a magnet
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 8,557,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Spore (Video Game), silly, funny, hilarious, Gameplay, spore, first, stage, creature, creator, carnivore, let's play, gameplay, commentary, facecam, webcam, funny moments, silly moments, compilation, funtage, playthrough, walkthrough, part 1, funny creature, designs, funny designs, penis, funniest designs, DLC, story, campaign, evolve, evolution, Video Game (Industry), spore galactic, galactic adventures, parts, mods
Id: NFztn-ibPtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 08 2014
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