- The Amazing Giant Squid! - New Animals! - Let's Play Gameplay

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everybody I'm blitz welcome back to your deep in debt I owe another video for us today because the game got updated there is an abandoned house appeared down in the deep water we might try to find that today there is also a giant squid I am super excited to play both of those and I hope you guys are cute so we're going to start off nice and easily with the worm we're gonna go with the warming work because I like to permit work and stop going to get attacked by a jellyfish I see what you're doing well no jellyfish need to stay away from you know just what what yeah now now we're gonna go above land yeah above water oh okay look oh look at that I can get some meat in the ground oh yeah it's crap okay oh man I'm kind of sad that they nerfed the worm as much as I did the word when that first came out was so overpowered it was awesome and our crap and now we're gonna hide in here he's gonna eat me never gonna go this place we yeah we're just gonna pick it up good look at all this you can walk on Islands win walking use mouse to click to jump Hey keep on going keep on going whoop there's a beaver anyway I'm gonna get him nope ahahaha come back here I will play I will play all day we will you will be dead dirt dirt oh the beaver so he can hide the beaver can hide in these beaver huts whatever they're called best thing just flew in the air and wow look at all of that look at all that poop way all that seagull poop up on that land Oh take it all that loot oh hey oh I did get poisoned some more green stuff it's just cake wait oh wait wait wait voice hi oh god aha whoops anyway from him today we need to level up pretty soon here man these green bubble to go nope I got all like I got an OE respawn down here as crap begin that was bad fortune I think I'm just going to go down deep into the water I think that's what I'm going to do when I take this or walk all the way on the ocean floor all the way alcohol a hammerhead stay away from the hamburger we're gonna go all the way over there where you go down the water okay keep on going oh we're gonna wearing a level up your oh we got pressure as a crab oh look at this there's the shipwreck stop it don't attack me you dingus stop stay away they await their way eat those waters a giant squid oh we can always another one oh those are awesome looking Oh finally some nice-looking art uh Wow Oh Karen the Hammerhead down do you see that it's gonna eat the Hammerhead Wow oh man I can't wait to go all beaver stay away from the beaver hey go go go oh they laid out good Oh keep going yes yes I can't even eat anything cause I'm too - mine can go back this way and I'll come out as a jellyfish again I think right jellyfish against jellyfish so can we take the jellyfish down deep into the water Oh nope oh dude okay I'm gonna try to take the jellyfish down deeper stay away from him I'm gonna stay away from you oh oh that looks awesome okay I think this yes yes yes I can use oh no wait a minute no no eat the other one don't eat me don't eat me I said got to eat me what part of that didn't you understand her listen to while we can hide nose oh there is so much life happening down here a word deep for deep down noir what's their deal the top-left corner I have no idea all look at all this loot yeah this is where jelly fishes are made in the jellyfish hole oh no stay away from that thing I know what you're like oh maybe not it is just a regular one oh stop it there you go back this way look ya'll this dude yeah and oh there's another one OTO that's just drew the blobfish oh whoa oh oh oh squirt your way out of there get in get in this volcano made it I'm almost I'm almost off something else coming in you just need to stay away from the desk deadly thing okay yes now we're a squid wait oxygen doesn't blobfish sit with him all day all this loot yes oh we can't hide those either that's fine we get so much the yellow will just run all the way up Oh Go Go that's this case that hurts I'm glad holiness who lived it up I never lit under the sea buzz buzz blitz pan Oh something's in front of me go after him yeah yeah ready this guy's all right no we're not okay we got a lot look at all that loot oh there's a blobfish hello blobfish not allowed to live my watch okay make it through a jellyfish Oh what are you doing what are you doing trying to attack me jelly bean you can't do that uh-huh come on up oh that one hid I like this going oh there's that thing could eat me what no no no no no no no all your candy I got stuck on the corner and I got thrown back all the way uh jellyfish rose Oh scream man oh there's a seagull why are you doing down here Oh get out of here get out of here oh he's coming after me I'm gonna die oh oh you had to go back to sir I was lucky on that no bad bad bad crab bad crab you're gonna come after me the BOP I you know we can play this game don't you oh oh I'm a bird now gross I hate being a burden this game ah shoot well I guess we're gonna have to do mileages sit on one of these islands wherever they are and just camp here for an hour in this spot right here in that move or we can go up here oh this is a horrible one tuple together flappy bird oh oh yeah turtle turtle turtle get rekt turtle Oh dominated flying sea turtle joy to eat eat the birds and he can't get easy and eat the birds because they can only need fish so I don't know who was that oh is another bird this is a pretty good little bird I'll in here I've got some good stuff Plus this little beaver house over here hello crab you're my favorite food uh I got stuck on the corner seems like that's the deal today gets stuck on corners look my bird mark must oh wow oh my hammer head to the wind for the lost shoots this is so hard I hate playing the bird I hate it the worst thing in this game is the birds do haha Oh stupid hammerhead man oh I'm gonna eat you maybe Oh get out here go no no no no no bad bird okay get up here oh my that was that was really really close I was gonna eat his tail but I couldn't oh and a blue oil um no mrs. wale no hat your ankle or oh if you off yep I always loved watching Oh what happened here oh oh oh yes yes I always loved watch some things fly across the Sun or the top of the map I think that's hilarious thought there's a black inky burger it's so hard to control when you're up in there like that we're almost done with this stupid Zee go here we go here we go oh gosh yes it feels like the game oh it was a little bit leggy that's still a little bit leggy try to refresh cadet it seems to have worked a little bit yeah maybe not I don't know I don't know what to think we're gonna go down beep yes we're skate now all right okay some difference right maybe haha hello seagull I think I just swallowed a worm place your head against before we could also eat the flappy ducks I forgot about that oh this guy's in trouble I'm gonna eat you I'm gonna eat you yes and I'm gonna eat you squid oh wow directly bark and bark yes another dominating dominating with race racing is pretty far oh yes yes good job hello love where'd that guy go someone's a straight-up disappear here OOP ah I'm gonna eat that jelly bean nope no jelly beans for me and they left the other side hello ah oh that was gonna be mine jellyfish oh we're teamed up we've teamed up oh yeah now oh this is what we're gonna do we're gonna be this one angler fish I do this everything oh we gotta get down to deep pressure gotta get up you're kidding me I'm taking damage take your damage some height and this guy up so high oh no that's dead I'm so dead I'm dead oh you can still eat that heals those up a little bit oh I'm so done I can't make it I can't make it I can't make it to the pressure No ah and we're back to the seagull stage ah oh it's something get up to the surface that was horrible I didn't even think of it Oh [Music] jellyfish crying oh oh it's a seagull I was gonna eat this ego chewed I can't eat teammate nice not taking damage Wow flying flying jellyfish okay we're going down we're going down now go and down going down we're going to turn into a ray and we're going to win with the Ray again okay I made it back to to be an array and it went really quick so I got to get down to deep water I want to be that angler fish again and I just you know we can do even keep up here with this and I'm still getting points so that's not too bad but hi we must have a fan you I don't even know his name I don't even know his name we're gonna go down oh wow look at all this where you get all the green stuff oh hello hello I am mark and Fox no ice not do wait what nope I'm not allowed not allowed to eat me mr. shark not no Sharky shark bait shark whoop aha you know now haha no no aah hey hey it's the stupid shark that just killed me ha are you think a lot bunch of but you did go whoa but your bird pecking you to death huh yeah anything of that now huh oh dude just get rekt oh I made it back in the water that's awesome Hey look at this this big old build some sort of whale thing what you say a whale thing really likes to keep water viable there's all sorts of really cool items done here really cool people things bad guys good guys explosion oh there's or fish there's little blob fish just accidentally ate Holyk all this loot ha ha no jellybeans this is mine oh don't you dare don't you dare king crab with you yes look at all that oh shoot stay away from him there's a Oh oh my word there were two of them there that looks deadly as all get-out we'll stay away from them for sure oh wow the giant squid man the mysterious mythical giant squid I really like this house it's really nice it's cool yeah a little-little tiny one down you we live in a pineapple under the sea spongebob squid did oh now I can turn into the other guy awesome okay well finally finally I can do it what oh hello oh no bee oh I just gonna get all the loot I can't I don't matter oh wow now what now what huh oh I could have got more loot I forgot now I have to camp and actually attack things like this game oh okay if someone eats it hundred percent were damage to them okay let's just bond right here for a second no that's mine you dingus oh boy oh boy yeah Wow I don't think I got any of those points though move this down here Oh move that right here will accidentally pretend someone's gonna come interface yes come on you see the blue thing oh trap him Oh with me I want to eat my can I eat that my own meat no this is going to be a really good setup okay come on in come on come on here we go here we go well that guy just got accidentally swallowed meat again Oh hundred damage 50 damage oh that was good come on come on fifty cute Wow you're hiding stop hiding on me oh he did it he took it he bit me and then he left ah Oh crab crab oh I missed it ah so close well there's oh come on this thing is hard here he is jellyfish everybody get just one shot jellyfish alright I made it finally after a long time we can be this thing I don't know if you mimic the shape of movement style animals you killed boosting create inks that blind yours oh that's cool guys I don't go invisible okay oh yes whoa oh that's really neat so if I kill something really big I could pretend to be them and just swim around or I can be an octopus hopefully this ha oh come on I like this guy that's really cool and then plus you have the blind if you squared away there yeah now pretend for dead Kristen oh can I eat whatever this guy eats no that's an interesting question did I turn into him I do I could go up top oh I can't eat the green stuff though that's too bad watch this this guy's gonna take them haha joke's on you joke's on you oh oh come on come back here come back here you flew away oh that was me I was a little bitty jellyfish oh that's that's really sneaky [Music] I got ripped apart this is such a joke I just got killed by a whale as a bird oh now I'm down to this page again are you kidding P man you're the you're the problem you are the reason I died ah so far back I was I was doing so well I had like a hundred thousand and now yeah yeah now I now it's beginning again so amazing how far back you can get placed in this game it's just a bad spot like way off air here you go so you just get spotted in a bad place and all of a sudden you're back to jelly bean again and then another ray comes up just crazy like the top and takes a long time to get up to the top now and what you do is like it's more difficult to stay up there kind of like to change I'm not sure I don't know if I like it or not yet I kind of do but I kind of don't is that where you gonna get me you did of course Wow hello leg all right I leveled up I'm gonna be a beaver I'm gonna hide in here good I've never been I've never been the beaver before so keep close to the left side of the map it says I can we walk on land I bet we can we don't really want to do okay whatever we can teach people make sense my edge this is gonna I don't like I wanted to stay with the other ones I don't think I could oh ah there's a stupid English know some English will stay over here and I guess we'll just farm some of those stuff we can't go too deep I'll just go back and forth on these maybe I can eat some folk like that guy you some people that are trying to fly around and like straight oh they're okay get your brain I might be able to get the rate oh it's so close yet so far away yes this side of the map isn't terrible looks like this a the Beavers that's terrible that's not a little thing to play at all pretty pretty decent sort of simple me you just got to go up but you can hide pretty well and then these guys you can just jump over the water and eat them if if one's a low enough level low nuts health you could eat them pretty easily the birds were you know array at the bottom oh man he snuck away with his life okay he came up again going in going it I'll come back here hahaha so close yet again close it crap okay I need to go up let's go up and oh hello new crab and we'll go back down oh oh you're being sneaky all right give me the octopus again what sounds fantastic yes an image the shape of the last animal you killed oh yay oh oh you really want to do this okay I'm just kidding oh oh okay I could kill you DJ diamond dice oh that is so sneaky you go down here you kill one of these little dudes and then you pretend to feed them and then you're like I'm a little dude and then the big dude come to eat you and you're like ah lol just kidding we're gonna kill you instead and then we kill him although we can do pretty good Oh haha surprise yep I am the real blood yup maybe there we go yo that work sure doo doo doo Oh lay this guy oh I'm burning God I like oh man I like this octopus might be my favorite thing in the eight-legged squanchy here hi Quan Chi how are you hi laughs you didn't know that I wasn't it I wasn't okay so here's the deal here's the deal can we try to get a penguin all right now the penguin or these other guys like like the beaver here watch watch DJ dominate you go swing around he's be like oh oh you know what's going on don't you you know what's going on catch oh I don't know can I walk like a I don't think I can oh okay hello I need sleep ah okay yeah I don't know what to do I like this guy this might be this is definitely my favorite no come on baby but not come on are you making a video video bliss yeah I am yep okay hi DJ dama dice oh let's go get up come over oh oh it's so much fun you're all eager to visit it okay you got oh no oh no oh no no you yeah dumb whale thing pack it out of here get out of here I was you were not supposed to be getting me you didn't know that it was three I was different ah oh man I love this thing this is my favorite guy in this game definitely Oh beaver beaver king later game and yeah a little guy eat the bottom stuff not man I got leggy a little bit drop it on the frame rate still says 60 but it doesn't seem to be that some we're gonna oh oh deep water oh yeah oh we're trapping you jump in you mister screamin there it is no no see this is the deal really uh-huh you're gonna hide in here you know how do you pretend to kill me I'll get you there snakes great so the next animal lives in the deep waters I think it's the forg fish where to pretend to be a seagull that's to be fun now we're going to try to get down to the deep waters yeah I'm pretty sure the next one is the or fish so well up there it is yep there's or fish too let's get over there nearby units lower this seagulls health level twenty percent of Max and we got to get down get down oh oh no oh no no no no no no well if I do die I could just play again with the other thing okay I made it yes you know I get stuck up all the yellow pimblett's tablets whatever these things are oh hello nice of you to drop in my mouth hole and we're going across the bottom floor going across the bottom floor something else came through an eight year oh oh I can't eat him I feed him though Wow no I can't what can I eat can I not eat anything I need jellybeans whoop-whoop is that all I can eat spongebob squarepants to the panel energy go man or fish go go go I guess it's just as jellyfish they're their favorite food or something I remember it mandra's like a vacuum cleaner up in here get me through here did I just swallow that jellyfish oh no oh oh where are you I can't see nothing and up the side we so many yellow pebbles so many pebble yellows oh man nobody's clean this out in a long time here we go back down a little cut across here I was a half of a level already and I'm pretty sure the one after this is the giant squid so we're gonna try it out come on down hey I'm noticing up the bottom again great except you guys hi move thank you no hitting it hey look it's your pie out of mine - OOP okay did I eat that guy I don't think so man got messing me up oh this is so fantastic nobody cleaned these up Oh Oh get away from this squid man oh that was hella gonna be the end of my life for sure hello blob fish okay we're good we're good or fish for wind or fish for the win hello jellyfish thank you for running into a mouse here we go this is going to do it real soon real soon or to become a giant squid after an hour oh yes use your boost to catch animal seagulls or above while catching your movement speed increases ah well we're currently the max level thing in the ocean tonight oh my word oh my word I just ate him alive oh there's pressure so we have to stay down deep in the deep waters okay I'm cool with that I am totally cool with that I'm naughty all number six on leaderboard I don't think I'm going to get to number one that is for sure hello what you twitch are you seriously wanting to eat me I should go attack some other things as a surface I don't know I don't know what to do because there's like a lot though got you I got you nice oh this is cool man you need so much stuff with the student is the temperature in the game over here can I go over the squid level oh oh I got you oh no come on code Oh what up a trip out hey look at these guys oh man the boost is so neat little guy I need to get oh yes okay we need to stay down deep for a little while is that pressure back hello oh wait a minute wait a minute no no I did not know that you can eat your other friends dude I didn't realize there's cannibalism these things oh great okay we're gonna turn around the special escape hello I'll miss it I don't know I'm gonna try that again d maybe he's not at me you're going back up top hunting see if we can find anything cool up here bump bump ball ball ball ball ball ball ball ball ball ball ball hole nope go back down try to get that pressure back oh there you are oh how did you catch me I slipped catch him there now I got you yeah you're good that mean that's kind of oh you're kidding me yeah stay away I don't like that I don't like to cannibalism between the big guys I guess that makes sense I can't really kill anything else I get him very good try it again look a little food YUM got the D dude knock so there's a good way to get away from things huh that's it that's the cool I like the colors of it that's pretty neat hey I'm up to four now hello all the dude I'm just gonna eat this guy's meat and all the time thank you for your meat there's a there's a dude here what are they called am I actually getting XP for that wait a minute yeah oh come on it's a one of those anglerfish right here thank you and thank you and thank you everybody's mad the meat is meat we're going on us we're going on up who just be good etiquette ha ha hey we're kicking you down taking you down town and get you again no I did not like that Oh funny funny funny no oh I like that thing that's cool down oh whoa how many dudes are here how many dude no oh I remember wait hold on what's going on here yeah we can do this we can play all day just get a ping pong back and forth think I'm lower now I need to get out of here oh that's the leaderboard yeah boy I just took the top of the leaderboard down oh yeah oh that was cool I didn't I never expected that we're going to try to get 1 million points now hi hi Trish wait I totally did not expect to get to the top of grid but I now I knew what he was doing oh you're on me now nom nom huh well if I die that's fine okay so I guess we're playing frenzy oh yeah he's at number seven Wow all those other guys must be real big they don't like me hi DJ davon nice of you to level up a little bit Oh I won't at him I'm just swinging around again come back down they're ganging up on me now no this is totally just talked about ganging up on me and uh I don't like that Heidi Gemini's for you oh man yeah I'm in trouble now I'm in trouble now feature me in your video but iam monsters well guys I think that's going to do it they does not like me either is for them all working together because I took their leader out anyways thank you for watching if you enjoyed the video please let me know and keep your stick on the ice [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 3,257,405
Rating: 4.7614698 out of 5
Keywords: Games like, Games Like, New .io Game, Top Player,, gameplay, game, funny moments, new animal, update, deeeepio, gameplay, funny moments, world record, deeep,,,
Id: qBFQmlpec3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2017
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