My Jet is fixed! Flying to Jackson Hole to meet up with CitationMax

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[Applause] [Music] so [Music] i'm broke well at least the plane is broke and no it didn't have anything to do with one of my landings yesterday as you know we were taxiing out for uh jackson hole to meet up with our buddy citation max and i noticed a problem with the pitch trim so turned back around came in and pulled the tail of the airplane off on this airplane the actual the horizontal stab actually completely moves it's the trimmable surface and uh that is done by in the cockpit by my thumb raising the uh nose or lowering the nose which adjusts the uh horizontal stab on the airplane so the pitch trim function was not working and so basically the airplane's not flyable so we narrowed it down to two places uh this is the electronic control unit the box that the signal is received into and then the signal goes out to tell the tale to move it actually has some leds here that give you error codes and we are getting an air code which indicates either the box is bad or the actual motor that moves the horizontal stab is bad we've checked this box out there's like five other premiers here at the field so we borrowed one from another airplane checked it out had the same problem so we have uh narrowed it down to the pitch trim actuator which we have a new part here today to swap that out so that is what we're in the midst of doing right now so let's uh keep an eye on this and see how things progress today and hopefully we'll make it to jackson hole yet this afternoon okay here's the other part i was talking about which is the pitch trim actuator it's actually two systems in here there's a main system and then there's a standby system i assume they're kind of geared together in some way but uh this is the component that goes up in up in the top of the tail there so we'll see we'll see if this is it go ahead [Music] that was like the most perfectly timed i'm a former air force pilot with over 1 000 hours in the f-16 today i run a medical equipment business and use my private jet to visit customers or travel with my family and friends i video some of those flights and share them here my name is greg and this is my youtube channel executive traffic niner foxtrot whiskey turning left crosswind runway three six executives executive traffic niner foxtrot whiskey turning left downwind runway 3-6 [Music] executive charlie sierra taking the active 360 at [Music] 98 so okay welcome aboard new day new jet headed to jackson hole wyoming and rude we can talk about the uh problem okay everything looks good to go for today three hours traffic niner foxtrot whiskey on to go runway three six staying in the pattern executive three hours out to jackson hole wyoming about 1150 nautical miles or so secular traffic niner foxtrot whiskey turning left crosswind runway 3-6 executive got another guy in the pattern executive traffic premiere three nine zero golf mike runway three six exiting to the north premier league oh yeah executive traffic niner foxtrot whiskey turning left and away we go my takeoff checks done after takeoff candy premiere three nine zero golf mic three nine zero golf by kitty 390 golf mike via far off executive looking for an ipad clearance student jackson hole zero golf mike swag six six two four six six two four three ninety golf mike okay right now i'm vfr vfr conditions i can keep on climbing here zero micro contact five north of executive recruited jackson hole mirror six boiler has filed cloud maintain one three thousand procedure x sacks 390 golf mic out of 3 800 up to 1 3 000 it's the mirrors six and then as filed and direct sacks 390 gold mine my crew back is correct execute pilot man okay i got my after takeoff checks done i am in nav mode on the autopilot it'll turn and take me directly to sax i'm going to accelerate out to 240 knots then climb at 240. let the nervy snelly's now on the back seat that everything's good to go they were a little bit shaken down 12035 a little bit shaken up after yesterday's aborted flight there's your golf bike on the chicago center 135.75 three five seven five zero got my good day chicago premiere three nine zero golf mike 8 500 climate one three thousand seven three nine zero golf mike's called the center low i see you've got your airplane stick maintenance level two three zero yeah up to uh flight level two three zero 390 golf mike it's a good day i see that hey i'm filming today too so i got you yeah i i thought i was gonna i was watching your story yesterday and i was like oh i didn't get a test today and then i thought that your airplane broke so it must have just been you know waiting to talk to me oh you just made the tape yeah no one's taking that joke off mike it said to get destination wow direct destination three night golf mic thank you okay that was a really funny exchange she obviously follows me on instagram i love it when you controllers get a shout out like that because y'all do such a good job for us keeping us safe and separated and going where we're going so uh shout out to all of you for uh your service your excellent service okay here's my sheet from yesterday i need to change the date so heading out to jackson hall wyoming we're actually meeting up with my good friend and fellow youtuber uh max citation max hopefully you guys follow him on instagram and watch him on youtube i think he and i and uh baron pilot christopher all are pretty darn good friends and keep in touch with each other almost daily as well as several other youtubers 310 pilot and uh nico and josh with aviation 101. all right lee michael chicago 3001 trent palmer on occasion trent does great videos who else might forget uh mike have a great flight and contact the center 121.27 four higher one twenty one twenty seven zero mike nice talking with you thank you jeff blue ten forty six contact chicago center one two four point eight two two four eight two ten forty six good day chicago premiere 390 golf mike sixteen thousand climbing flight level two three zero two we're calling uh first number 711 bravo lima chicago center good afternoon give me just one second please november 390 golf mike chicago center climb and maintain flight level 280 apply level two eight zero zero golf mike everyone probably you said you'd like to come off for how long coming through 18 000 feet going to get my number 7 probably uh frequency change is approved and just report back on this frequency no later than 1832 everybody sets their altimeter to standard which is 2992 a chicago build 842 checking in three trio okay so the problem that had made 42 chicago starting a day late i had yesterday when i was taxiing out i lost my pitch trim so my ability to trim the horizontal stab so that is a go no-go item so we came back in and ran some uh fault codes and it was indicating that the electronic control unit that sends a signal up to the pitch trim actuator or the electronic control unit itself was bad we troubleshot those two components found those to be fine and the crazy thing about this is is that with the pitch trim fail i did not get a red light in the panel usually i would get a red light in the panel that says pitch trim fail number two echo charlie the next sector did offer uh going all the way so i did not get that i like uh you can make the request as soon as you check it out it really kind of threw us off in the troubleshooting three point four two one through three and long story short after about six hours of tracing wiring back we discovered that the connection for this system to the main power bus we uh disconnected it it was a basically a cannon plug and reconnected it and everything started working again so uh must have been some kind of bad spurious connection in there um and now everything seems to be working perfectly so we are back in business thanks to the guys at first week's jet center for some awesome troubleshooting we had actually ordered parts preemptively and these guys very wisely didn't uh start swapping parts out they they were investigating the inputs into those parts just to make sure they were getting good inputs and when they realized that they weren't they uh figured that there was no use to change parts if the parts aren't getting a good input doesn't matter if the parts good or bad so i saved me a ton of money cost me a little bit of time but that is okay safely on our way to jackson hall at the moment chicago hello star trek 12 39.5 climbing 4-0-0 star trek 12 chicago sunriders okay so really not much weather all the way there let's take a look and see whether it's actually thank you very much sir 240 at 10 gusts into 16 10 miles and clear so decent weather there november zero golf mike climbing maintained for level four zero zero flight level four zero zero zero golf mike okay so i'm gonna come off the cameras um then uh once we get a little bit more enroute i'll uh turn it back on and get you guys some information update you and then we'll film going into uh jackson it's got the beautiful teton mountains there yellowstone park to the north it's a beautiful countryside beautiful area of the country and it looks like it's going to be clear so we should have a real nice uh video into jackson so uh thanks for coming aboard here reserve golf mike for traffic can you be level of 40 in three minutes or less absolutely sure got mike mike rogers under retail four zero zero in three minutes or less level four zero zero three minutes or less good afternoon market 23 45 380 or something right american 23 45 chicago center russia was 1259 to 330 light shots i like to entertain the idea maybe going uh back up to 35 or 37 if you're swift with 1259 chicago center standby [Music] kansas and nebraska so it's been pretty nice up here but we've got uh some weather out in front of us let's take a look at it here on the ipad our original route of flight had us coming right through here and if you look this was going to be the way we came through that was a little bit dicey so i requested present position directly here 780 flight level 4 sioux falls jackson should look pretty good and if we come over here to the mfd we can see that that stuff is uh pretty high tops at 41 there so we would not have topped that minneapolis center premiere three nine zero golf mic requests how about present position direct sioux falls then destination and november 390 golf mike approved as requested direct uh sioux falls then destination three night golf mike thanks [Music] [Music] thank you so much we appreciate it [Music] [Music] today [Music] if that's at 409 contact chicago center 125.22 [Music] okay we are 105 miles away from jackson you can actually see the tetons his ability is uh so far everyone two hours 42 minutes i don't know 20 minutes left a nice flight had to work around some weather i showed you guys that a little bit of turbulence up at four zero zero four american twenty-five contact tower one one eight point zero seven 1807.2512. planning on the visual to runway nine got that set up in my fms ref speed is 107 knots about 3 300 feet for landing on the roll out got it all set up november 390 golf mike reduced speed do not exceed 2509 second thing slow to no greater than 250 390 golf mic 497 selling five is the traffic you're following is a hawker eleven o'clock seven miles down to seventy three nine thousand clear visual approach runway one niner jackson airport okay cleared official one-niner at jackson hole that was following the hawker inbound office here one runway here at jackson they have uh commercial traffic as well as a bunch of general aviation traffic premier zero golf mike trump you're following is a gulf stream turning from the left downwind to the bus stage down about a one zero mile final i'll call him again november three niners zero golf mike maintain 104 14 000. down to 14 000 and delete the speed restriction 390 golf mic all right push it up that is a face full of the tetons from here jazz zero belt jackson airport eleven o'clock two three miles traffic your following is uh on about an eight mile final golfing train through eight thousand five hundred feet struck off my field outside do you say field a minute and a half roger that zergoff mike and i've got the gulfstream traffic in sight the salt lake it's all black american uh 28.85 is out of one zero ten thousand for one six now marion twenty eight eighty five salt lake center american 28.85 zero mike good day jackson tower premiere three nine zero golf mike left base runway one 390 night mike jackson tower continuing left base runway one nine or four to five mile final continue and uh report a five mile final 390 golf night uh premiere zero golf mike i have you inside you describe that five mile report on my one iron turtleneck one nine to land three nine zero five well it is gusty out so one thousand okay five hundred so we are here premiere zero golf mike left turn alpha one contact ground up the wrong way left head alpha one then the ground three nine to go mike just passed the door for the uh he said that 314 jackson tower report one room ground premier 390 golf mike is clear to uh gi here premiere three niner zero gulf mines jackson ground texas park in the alpha parking via alpha 390 golf mike so so boy some nice iron here so so what do you think about that hey p1d fans thanks for riding along with me today and as always you can follow me on instagram at premiereonedriver and i don't ask for money for my videos but if you want some cool swag you can go to my website and get yourself a cool t-shirt or hat thanks for watching fly safe we'll see you next time you
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 701,169
Rating: 4.9105659 out of 5
Keywords: flying, private jet, private jet life, cockpit, pilot pov, airplane captain, single pilot jet, jet pilot, corporate jet, business jet, airplane pilot, predeparture clearnace, gopropilot, avgeek, pilot, avporn
Id: duPRnw-uVRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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