So you want to be a pilot? Here is how!

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well hey we're out here at dallas love field and i ran into one of my super fans got him in the right seat here you want to introduce yourself hi my name is okay i got aiden in the right seat have you watched every one of my videos most of them some of them are kind of long aren't they yeah yeah i think so too so you were saying you like my videos you like who else who else do you like stevo tripp palmer nice baron pilot citation max yeah yep cool all right so aidan when you grow up you would like to do what for a living i'd like to be a pilot like to be a pilot and so your dad's a pilot also right yep your dad and i met out here on the ramp one day he came out and said hi so anyway so we surprised aiden with a little visit today and uh as you heard aiden would like to grow up to be a pilot aiden man thanks for coming along buddy appreciate it it's good meeting you well that was a lot of fun meeting aiden and i know that there's a lot of aspiring pilots out there who watch my videos for those of you who want to learn how to become a pilot i want you to watch the middle of this video where i interview alex as we fly back to indianapolis i'm a former air force pilot with over 1 000 hours in the f-16 today i run a medical equipment business and use my private jet to visit customers or travel with my family and friends i video some of those flights and share them here my name is greg and this is my youtube channel okay what's the atis this is 2408 gus one for 10 miles of visibility if you scatter 25 000 temperature 39 2980 on the altimeter and uh information victor okay so are you familiar with pdc yes a little bit okay so we're just going to call ground and we're going to tell them we've got the information that we're ready for 2017 so we're here at game four we're ready for push with tango so there's 2017 push your discretion information uniform is current and which one are you set up for uh we'll pick up uniform and we're set up for one three left for 2017. okay so you can call and uh tell them we're ready to taxi and it's probably here let me get the chart called up so you can see it what they're probably going to do early lima yes 420 taxi a gate 8 uniform so there's 420 running one three left taxi via bravo one three left via bravo yes ma'am southwest 420. good afternoon premier 390 golf mike we've got the weather and ready taxi now we're at uh techstar premier 390 golf mike liveground thank you running one three right taxi via charlie six lima and verify you've information uniform okay charlie six lima we got information uniform to runway 1-3 right for a three-ninth revolve mic you build yourself out i did baby yeah taxi uniform tech star like departure frequency is eight fifty fifty five should be okay let's go ahead take off next let's go and send those back over 8 000 feet you can go ahead there you go and you don't need to call them okay they'll tell you our nav door set is what they'll tell you when it's when you're ready for takeoff okay i wouldn't when they clear your takeoff okay well premiere 390 golf mike love too much going on tower hawker 800 trillion marking about one three left okay zero julie mike left our final challenger two mile final win two three zero going on it happens three left cleared to land there on this side this is southwest headquarters all over there i've got some big buildings tell how hot it is yeah a little laggy hey what are you ready for 420. it's 420 low tower challenger seven hotel papa turn left alpha one taxi out to park this frequency did you feel it's subtle as the uh flaps came up yeah yeah that's the first time i think i've actually ever felt that look how hot it is yeah warm day so you're going to tell them out of 1200 or whatever climbing via the departure coming via that said the after takeoff all right sorry about that i'm pretty much right over my daughter's apartment gotta be the change over here regional departure good afternoon premier 3 9-0 golf mike 3.4 climbing via this hit number zero above my climbing at nine or thousand turn leveling zero five zero zero five zero climb maintain nine thousand zero golf mike american 23 56 departure contact delta 483 climb maintain one seven seventeen thousand one seven thousand dollars yeah yeah they'll probably give us direct to zurlu at some point well everybody welcome aboard that was a 22-56 video 2.2 for pretty quick uh start up to uh into the runway nice being close there happens pretty quickly because we're so close and there was not much traffic uh at the moment but in the right seat i've got alex so alex flew with us number zero golf mike c direct zurlu if i maintain one zero ten thousand okay truck is early one zero ten thousand for zero golf mike built the 43 contact forward center home one two six point five seven people always say why do you talk when the controllers are talking usually when you try to talk they'll talk right back absolutely american 23 56 to nothing one zero of 1 800 via the march 2. i'm void 3504 departure okay so alex flew with us about four years ago out to new mexico at that time did you have your private license uh i did not no okay so here's what we're gonna do 754 traffic one o'clock eight miles northwest we're gonna get up at cruises oh we're looking here we're gonna turn the cameras on we're gonna talk to alex take flight and he's gonna fail you guys in on those of you who want to potentially become a pilot hannah is the pick for american 23 56. we're going to talk about alex's path what he's been doing so far and then how that might uh play into your plans hopefully the controllers will stop talking yeah one to go a definitely hot one yeah for sure number zero golf mike on maintain one seven thousand one seven seventeen thousand three nines are above my razor so i just switched it over to flight level change 240 knots so the airplane will pitch up to 240 knots it'll hold that air speed in the climb up to 70 000 feet i get a lot asked a lot of times about auto throttles this aircraft is uh 3441 does not have auto throttles 3441 departure contact i think the eclipse and maybe the planus pc24 have automatically 7544 although that's an auto throttle os one engine number eight golf my counter zero golf my contact center now one two six point five seven twenty six fifty seven have a great day zero mike make shuttle forty seven fifty four four seven five ten five two nine zero i maintain play level two nine clementine falls three five zero all right clown three five american uh three seven one come here it's three nine zero golf night fourth climbing five four one zero four one zero thank you sirs you're about mike did i miss somebody else i was wanting to get us some barbecue delta contact lobby every day that is one turn scenery is left vector for traffic something left one here cool airplanes that came while i was there just the uh falcon that left as you really falcon 2000 yes pretty quiet i guess being a weekend too but man look at that see those storms all the way out there oh yeah those are that was a big line jeez that is how many miles american 1105 paintball three seven hundred seventy miles maintained flight level three seven zero american 1105 you can see it so clearly you ever landed a premiere i have a couple times um last time i flew i had a pretty good one back in executive 216 500. but uh not all of them have been pretty sick without the trailing link landing gear okay for one seven thousand coming out of the phenom a little bit got to work for it i think purdue got rid of that aircraft didn't they i did yes it went up for auction it might have been about a month ago now a couple weeks ago and uh sure one thousand five minutes we've got their hands on it but i think the the sim that we had with it might have been part of the package three nine or zero leaving two zero zero zero why did they get rid of it you know um they wanted to focus on uh kind of transitioning from kind of the turbine time to more of their sim department so we have now a full motion hawker 900 xp sim and we have a uh non full motion 737 and a 320 sim wow and being kind of some of our professors are very close with some of our regional and airline partners with the university and a lot of a lot of things that they're seeing is they like to see a lot of the kind of the crm or the creator resource management and the ability for students to kind of be able to work together whether in the right seat of the left seat or swapped and kind of get down procedures so not so much of the flight time but kind of the things you're going to be seeing right away once you're in airlines that's kind of the direction they decided okay uh normal speed out of two zero zero on our way up to uh actually uh can we stop it at 37 we're going to be a little heavy for 39.44 to as we even get higher seems to even appear to be larger delta 483 contact forward center a one three five point five five three five five five delta 483 delta nine thirty contact four center one three five yeah we took off here from uh dallas five five five headed up to little rock you can see we got quite a bit of convective activity through here but we're going to keep an eye on that right now our current route works out just fine but i'm also concerned about it one three two one closer to our destination so better on board i think i'd rather show up to an antifa march with a mega flag than fly through that storm i agree i agree center american 1105 yeah i'd like to maintain present heading after zach for the weather [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so i guarantee you that as soon as i start talking or as soon as you start talking the controller is going to chime in yeah well hey why we're working our way around this storm wanted to chat with alex a little bit so uh alex are as we call them back home the red head that threw the power cord on the floor you took a beating on youtube over uh over that that was pretty funny threw the gpu cord on the ground and broke my airplane if it's on the internet it's got to be true oh yeah for sure so alex i won't take away all all your thunder but alex is a senior 4.4 at purdue university going through their aviation program so when you flew with me first time about four years ago did you have your private at that time i did not no okay so you came into college as a blank slate correct fresh okay zero hours and so what was tell me going through school what that path is and where you are today so for me um getting to have the opportunity to fly with you i think that was back in 2016 or 2017. the freshman the summer before my freshman year and really knew nothing about airplanes i know when i hopped up here in the cockpit i hardly knew what anything was i could press the radio button and put in a few numbers but that's about it um so i went my freshman year got my private pilot's license in december of that year then the following semester i did my commercial work two commercial classes and then we kind of hold off on that and go get my instrument rating okay um and then we come back to the commercial stuff and transition from what was the cirrus um to the arrow for the complex endorsement okay um and now the arrow is going to have retractable gear and a constant speed prop correct correct and now you don't need that for commercial license but when i was going through you still did okay um and so i did it through the aero and got my commercial and then following semester my end of my sophomore year i got my multi-engine rating okay uh what by the way what aircraft did you do that i did that in piper seminole a little uh a little low on the horsepower there but you know what uh it was a fun time probably one of my funnest courses flying courses there rating i actually feel like you're flying a legit plane oh a couple engines right right multiple systems i think i think uh one of the best moment in my flying career is the first time we shut off an engine and just to see it hanging out there while the other one's still going kind of a neat neat thing yeah referencing shutting an engine off in flight in flight for training purposes yes yeah okay not just for fun so great so today commercial multi instruments correct senior at purdue working on what rating next uh cfi is the next i've started looking over some of the ground school and some of the kovit has pushed some stuff back at this point but can never never too late to start on the ground school portion too early so then when you graduate in may your plans your ideal scenario would be probably hopefully by then instructing uh maybe back at executive if there would be an opening at that time yep uh or maybe even for purdue stay up there for a year after um even pursue maybe a master's degree um which would keep me there a year later which would probably still need for to be getting flight time um but we'll uh we'll see what happens and then hopefully continue to build that time and maybe by then in the next year so the airlines will be better uh or even my interest in corporate continuing on doing some stuff in corporate as well okay good good so the sky's the limit it is so getting back to now if you are an instructor at uh back home at india exec for instance i get a lot of questions from people wanting to figure out how to take flying lessons right you know like how do i become a pilot so if we you obviously want the college route but for the other people out there that that's not an option what how would you suggest that they get their first look at learning how to fly and what that process is i always recommended people who are interested in flying is to take a discovery flight initially go up i know at our home airport in a lot of airports with a flight flight training school allow you to take a 30 minute or even hour discovery flight where you are sitting in the left seat there's instructor with you in the right seat you go up and they let you fly they'll show you you know some maneuvers kind of basic flying um kind of what all the avionics and some of the the gauges do introduce you to you know how an airplane reacts versus you know driving a car you got that third dimension of flight up in there uh and then if you like that from there go on explore it start taking lessons you know get a log book find an instructor that you like i can't stress that enough you're paying this money to get this this this private pilot's license this rating find an instructor that you will work with and don't be afraid that if there's an instructor you don't work with well don't be afraid to switch oh nice so i i really you're gonna spend a lot of time with that person right in close quarters exactly uh even closer than we are so if it's something if you guys your personalities don't mix or match not a big deal you know just hey i would like to find a better instructor and or someone that you would work better with yeah and i think that's really a big thing and then from from start to finish the private pilot portion if they just want to get their private pilots ratings start there um hour-wise is it still 40 hours i think that's a minimum and i think you know some people are right near that 40 45 and some people take closer to 55 or 60. okay and it's not really a big deal it's just whatever you feel comfortable with and you know some people pick up some areas quicker than others and vice versa and along the way prior to uh soloing you know 940 nfa physical correctness and then you also have a written test that you'll have to pass prior to taking your private corrections correct that's a that's a ground portion so as well as the flying portion you'll need to study up on the ground information and your instructor will help you with that and prepare you for the ground knowledge as well because we're just not about the flying there's a lot of other information that you need to know as well such as airspace and weather yeah weather is a big one like the stuff we're working around right now here let's just take a break for a second pretty massive i mean look at that that is nasty folks i'm high tops today yeah so you we're we're kind of working our way around the weather at the moment on our way back to uh indianapolis so awesome alex well that's a great explanation and uh i wish you uh much success and oh hey i got a question for you yes so sitting right seat in the jet this is not the first time you've been up with me but it's also not the first time you've been up in a premiere several premieres on our field that you've flown right seat in uh you've flown in the phenom 100 back at school as we kind of talked about on the climb out back there so you know a lot of people message me and say hey is your right seat open and and you know i'm a little bit reluctant because i kind of like to know who you are and those kind of things so explain to me or explain to the viewers how you've managed to get yourself in the right seat in your view of uh several other jets and probably will have many more opportunities available to you well for me um it all started working as a grounds crew at the indianapolis executive airport so back in high school i started out just mowing the yard weed whacking along the fences spraying a lot of manual a lot of hot work but i knew you know it was something i was around airplanes i was around pilots and that's the path i wanted to take and so each summer i worked there i got introduced to more and more opportunities um so the next following summer i began to work as a line technician so working around the airplanes fueling airplanes towing airplanes marshalling in airplanes and really each year i progressed at the airport and started meeting other pilots out there and got to know kind of the base customers and some of the companies that would come in there quite frequently which is a big thing and just after that meeting people they would ask me you know how my ratings are coming and i said oh i just got my instrument and commercials next and a lot of these a lot of these these pilots i would meet they'd say hey americans we have an opportunity to uh fly as an sic as a second in command but you need to have your commercial and your commercial multi um and for me that was something that it really drove me to work hard to finish my commercial and be the best pilot i could be and then to get my commercial multi um because they would send me a text and say hey you know once you have these ratings let me know and uh i'll call you for trips and that's kind of how it happened yeah that's awesome so once that kind of progressed uh i was able to start doing trips and after i got my multi it wasn't a couple weeks later that i started doing trips and i've been doing that since uh early 2019. so it's been a great experience to kind of see the corporate world and have a chance to fly a lot higher and a lot faster into some of the world's busiest airports so some good experience there for sure yeah it is i mean really good exposure right uh how the real world works and uh number three here we go contact memphis center one three three point one two thirty three twelve you have a great day zero golf mike go back on course actually you can deviate now uh for nashville okay uh now and uh nashville first session hey do 241 a friend climb maintain follow got multiple traffic at 38 and 39 so 37 for now you can deviate as much as you need when able to wreck nashville center good afternoon premier 389 is zero golf mike four one zero a little bit right of course for now deviations mike memphis center around here southwest 10 contact memphis center all right well you're doing a great job you've obviously come a long way actually let you set the fms up and handling the radios doing a great job thank you appreciate it uh yeah i'll be looking forward to having you on again thank you second 15 41. nicely done american 15 41. on the zero golf mike there is moderate to the stream pacific station 12 o'clock about 50 miles about 40 miles diameter aircraft has elected so uh where 41 you can go either left or right but uh most aircraft have elected those left in that lower house three landing mike you can probably tell but we are kind of heading to the left of that we've got it in sight thank you memphis center good afternoon premiere three nine zero golf bike four one zero three nine zero golf mike in our roger i do show area of moderate and then at 12 o'clock moderate participation one o'clock it's uh moderate to extreme as well and the line is about two zero miles in diameter around the left that is the way you work yourself around a line of thunderstorms mf is premier 390 golf mike we're direct pagan city thank you where's the golf mic contest approach 124.95 24.95 you have a great days here above mike andy approach good afternoon premiere 390 golf mike 9.6 descending seven thousand come here three nine zero golf bucket approach afternoon indianapolis departure loss of five zero one one thousand nine hundred fifty-five pesticide maintain one three thousand one three thousand five nice view nice view of the international downtown it is way over there after 501 raceway park all right direct to uh all the highlights the a tour of the city see the uh exact way out there too oh yep as we get up on the north side of eagle creek we can just cancel it sounds good well clear these clouds as well the 62 in the approach squawk zero three two zero a good view of the the reservoir there eagle creek is where i learned to fly really yeah i don't know if i knew that yeah we ii we flew out of there it's a nice trip yeah yeah i have a pretty pretty little area there all right if you want to cancel and in the approach three nine zero golf mike we'll go ahead and cancel ifr zero golf mike uh thank you cancellations glock one two zero zero have a good day okay vfr have a great day zero golf mike okay you wanna fly sure your airplane fire plane on autopilot so you're gonna have to wrestle it from the autopilot ready go cancel out there so did you hit the red button or the uh oh i hit the red okay so yaw damper's off so i turned it back on for you just for the time being let's stay at five for now or you can do whatever you want i would probably go ahead and start getting down uh i could set this up for you that should get some kind of steer yeah there you go so now you got steering i like to keep the speed around 200 for now or 180 i would probably start slowing okay just uh kind of help yourself you slow to 180. executive traffic premiere nine zero golf mic is 10 to the south planning a straight and three six as you know is hard to go down and slow down so it just kind of helps to not yet it just kind of helps to um got to get below 200 knots for the first notch of flaps but what i would are you yeah you're back at idle so you're fine this is going to work out fine i wouldn't i wouldn't head straight towards i'd do what you're doing right now okay okay so i'd go ahead and get one notch flaps right now okay coming down and i can give you some help i'm gonna go ahead and drop the gear here in just a moment i'll give you one more notch of laps start to bring a little bit of power in if you want because we're going to be fine on uh that's good right there for now the castle air traffic westline helicopter 145 equilima it's 10 to the north northwest so i have a 2 300 full stop new castle looking good i'm gonna go ahead and give you full flaps so i can tell you're kind of mushy right now so full flaps will help you out help it stabilize and your throttles are pretty good about where they are you know about 55 60 percent on one okay we'll get you about right yup this is looking good go yep one thousand fully configured for lannix you're good to go 500. good tad low here yep that was a good correction newcastle traffic lifeline helicopter five five to the okay northwest that is 2300 so full stop new castle there you go bad you can let it roll out a little bit okay not bad i just let it roll all the way in because nobody here okay good get yourself substantially slowed so it was gusty out a little bit a little bit a little right at the center line there but hey we'll keep working on it okay you keep taxing then you don't need my help there right one hour and 49 minutes get yourself three hours and 45 minutes uh right seat jet time today it's the best and a landing citation 10. it's a nice airplane i like it hey p1d fans thanks for riding along with me today and as always you can follow me on instagram at premiere1driver and i don't ask for money for my videos but if you want some cool swag you can go to my website and get yourself a cool t-shirt or hat thanks for watching fly safe we'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 181,603
Rating: 4.9590592 out of 5
Keywords: flying, private jet, private jet life, cockpit, pilot pov, airplane captain, single pilot jet, jet pilot, corporate jet, business jet, airplane pilot, predeparture clearnace, gopropilot, avgeek, pilot, avporn
Id: 0jON3a4GOQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 0sec (2400 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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