CitationMax to the Rescue-Saves OshKosh2019!

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well here's what I love about aviation when a fellow pilot is in need of transportation all it takes is a phone call right behind me as my buddy citation max coming to my rescue in a brand new m2 as we head off to Oshkosh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] left engine fire right engine fires left engine fire right engine fire left engine fires right engine fire Nattrass executive airport automated weather observation one one four six Zulu weather wind calm [Music] anything in yours right you just over a gate can we start it gotta wake up 12% really so your fault baby duck yeah semi old school thing fader yeah you set up for a36 yeah but that was you got the radios I got the radios head cool executive traffic citation - Romeo Foxtrot texting out for departure runway three six oh my gosh it took every ounce of left brain power for that radio call how did it feel you sell the texture on family so it's you know I actually really like this push the talk switch over do you have one like that in the premiere no we do not have any do not okay I know there's some other brands that will remain unnamed yes have it up here I tell swear but you know someplace other than the yoke is actually really not yeah yeah for sure cuz you know me I I prefer not to hand fly I only hand flying in a person see least according to my viewers so I think I can manage running the radios so I can adjust the range on my side yep so this thing here you move over now you have how I say okay gotcha said it's all yours okay and if you want to go like full if you wanna you can do that or again because you can split it on PFD and then split mode there okay you want to do that it's a nice bit nice colorful big display does not look like there's a single soul out there this morning no it's just here that's you're talking about Wow yeah they really welcome to the wild wild once max not six idiom already been way three thick the calm so wavy one is ninety-six rotate ninety eight get to 106 yep you got 7500 I just how did I just blow that's fine whatever you think you know this there's no better start kind of point yourself up towards Kokomo okay I'm ready whenever you are yeah executive traffic citation - Romeo Foxtrot departing runway 36 exiting to the north [Music] 70 looks guilty anyone at race and join a tutor I look a lot of expen 1835 any departure what you owe me a box I didn't - Romeo bucks on PFR off in the executive part of my apartment here put you in the foxtrot 469 m beside they came too far 3,500 fighting cheering back considering they thought sure that our contact north of the executive airport certainly carry until the direct causal model I could hear 65 certified out heading into a mere six Kokomo if I maintain one 3:13 you owe me a box truck this headache dude why there's a foothold in his file thirty thousand one Bravo fear cut that group sample into 16 that was easy yeah but floating around here have you that much right to write it down yeah you know what they're gonna do yeah check out their Chicago thinner 1:04 doubters but 127 so we are clear to 13,000 right to 30s 1638 now 62 the fine but this guy will probably read it before it's like following point here at Chicago Foxtrot he loved about confronting one Treecko [Applause] so interesting maybe 60 but it would be very difficult for approach our departure to clear us at leave how close airiest I was right areas like your face so this is all the airspace that we are there working out of Fort Wayne well there's also some low-level stuff in there too crazy stuff in true yeah you wouldn't want to fly through that area if it was hot yeah even though it's Samoa yet Alec you technically can't fly through it's not Karen's life from Dallas to Naples what's that area and near Pensacola right they used to use of training oh yeah yeah that well there's a huge huge area out over the Gulf there yeah and if you look and see how the cue routes are set up they'll go from like Harvey to Orleans and they'll go south of those areas okay and then if you're gonna stay up high the routes go if you're gonna stay over the land the routes go obviously up high yeah the door around that space so there's really agreed to the right 550 public air leak so nice flying our point max yeah she flies pretty good out yeah lots of fun stuff to look at okay so let's get eight is called up I'm sorry too common though has a divisor is your white 3:04 board pay for a plate a fabulous out of service I tell you the pressures on twins call ten miles visibility so I'll tell you what I've noticed happens here okay this you end up a little bit high by the time you get handed off to Gary tower really so from a power management employ yeah we'll watch out for that by the way there's Kristin air force base right there cool that's awesome then I've got kc-135 tankers there my wife and I took a kc-135 to review de out of there really yeah on a space a flight back in our in our younger days probably earlier age and what's funny as I told my wife I said hey for the officers they roll in this this pallet seating so it's like your own first-class seats yeah so we got there and I can we get in the airplane and it's nothing but web seating down each side and my wife looks at me and I'm like I don't know that so we end up taking a flight down to Bermuda so there's only like two windows in the back of those hangars right really so you're sitting in web seating yeah with no visibility and on our way down we stopped in South Carolina and refuel special sixteens for like two hours so we're up trotted around yeah we get to preview them or finally just like completely worn out right we're like oh my gosh just get me off the airplane yeah fools back up oh now don't you go we do about eight touch it goes Wow somebody's getting some recurrency all right but your wife is giving you another thing I'm serious you just see Gary here what the glass we're in this hour the week that Justin so do you find that's easiest airport to get into downtown Chicago it's the combination of it is a very easy Airport bid way is easy as well yeah but Gary has really cheap fuel so I can arrive you know with low fuel I fell off him save myself a lot of money and it's an actual difference between Midway area correct yeah yep big reasons ooh yeah boy yes yeah absolutely times I've been in there yeah now one of the videos coming up had to be cookie to like this tailwind so I can only start the down one engine right yeah sup taxi out and it was like 110 degrees all my girl and I had to start left into which the AC doesn't run off though so I'm like sweating bullets in the plane and I'm hoping that she's gonna taxi being kind of in this direction that you've started lol she puts me to direct 30 not tailwind so I couldn't start it oh my god so at some point I said listen is there any chance I can pull it to the run-up pad and just start up in there I'm like no Hans right and she's again everything but it was a it was like 20 Southwest places it was amazing yeah that's yeah this is a beautiful morning today I'm here at 16,000 feet on our way to Geary to pick up our flying buddy X and I enjoying some good storytelling up here yeah no lies being told like now or not at all not at all nothing's being exaggerated but having a good time looking forward to our day at Oshkosh my Papa said you got to get a picture of you and Greg in the airplane so for her we got to do it right yep here we go check you talked so much about Greg Stemm accuse me of that amazing $1,000 they don't really do 31200 or characteristic there's no difference I know it is amazing in it and there's no Claire yeah Wow okay yeah yeah I mean they are legit Wow yeah you sold it let's stop by Rand off today yeah I said they were having some where it's models long sale I really I'll be cool so I like that it's got an AOA yogurt that is something that I would really like to incorporate it into general aviation a lot more than really I don't have one don't have one get them you know it computes a away just just give it back to the right doesn't give it back to you I've been trying to get my scan to focus there but don't find it hard where it's positioned right I didn't get my time trying to yeah it needs to be right up here look at the TBM or something it's there I know they are not for graded for facing an Arif I don't want to know for me it's like you know and you train a ga and you kind of move it to different but you have a certain scan right like when you're especially depending especially my lending doctor credibly great anyway so I kind of have my I kind of think that worth it is really a layout so yeah exactly the same time to Nate transition or 0:05 start context often the third twenty five point seven five 25 I do like it yeah Romeo Fox 2011 seven level again a lot don't you let me yourself itself up minutes per year to to the shuttle maintain 4,000 down to 4000 Romeo box [Applause] say we're 50 miles out ten minutes yep four thousand four times that's up ahead to get us now pretty yeah that's that's pretty good we'll see what happens once we're you know pulled you there for a little bit well I've had him dropped me off at like 3 miles at 4,000 feet grill out and it's like man this isn't work yeah your speed brakes work pretty well it's I do they do is I think 3-0 is but it's pretty much your street in any way for exit just diamond drive time because 7,000 cultural context I'm updating those findings on zero [Applause] it's pretty though easy with pretty enough we're already past the windmills there's a lot of windmills Drive is there yeah Brian to be there seven perfectly that yeah we'll get the fuel there to worry about mustachio all that jazz remind me won't we go to though it osh to attend put the white buttons oh let's go so we going to eat up your knife and your bandwidth and your data for the money that flight out here oh it's pretty flat what you got on there yeah is it yeah courtesy trees but it was unfair mom click click for jeweler numbers nothing out of 12,000 for one and I look at your panel there's like a different pool of clubs now I'm gonna pull up the pictures compares to that the throttle quadrant has Lexus open for every fella 20 mile deep down I'm gonna be at 5,000 will be on tires are the first one to eight point two go approach citations you Romeo Foxtrot 4,000 with into a five-star geographers router procedure if you want to animate gain of 3000 expect the visual pressure on like three zero strike the Washington watts so that was good of you to have the ILS called up there yeah I tried to I just thrilling we're vertical tonight yeah well this give you a visual approach use it a lot a refi please always have guidance to a runway yeah I'm good for a white plane oh yeah all the New York approach frequency 's yeah everything else syllabic out there difficulty 5.0 there's like 70 you know 70 different sectors oh yeah it's crazy [Applause] we call it never would you like one do you don't like to call it dear Ellen from your party humans thank you for the little eight-30 here [Applause] all right in cleared the visual individual landing clearance with Tower [Music] alright coming into landed here either is Chicago out in the distance right there see it picking up our buddy Brian and then head on up mr. Yosh gosh with me if I'm sure I can take Gary to our one to five points individually throw me a box Tarrytown recitation Romeo Foxtrot five mile final hey here's a meal pocket I gave does level e30 click level zero quick glance throw me a box for about - what I'm looking at but it's pretty intuitive yeah I always go between a full PFD and then splitting it's lit this also - yeah I mean this this has enough real estate that that's splitting it up like this is more than adequate he declares too late they cleared us LAN 3-0 yes our furry little Papa's we need to talk he's a flight following you [Music] I remember Seven Keys will pop both what Airport offenses what they get out of liebe don't want what airport you get it to alpha off your notes your tire what is this name it it is Viva Allen County and remember dress have Aquila Pete Papa the resurrection your head looks like maybe she'll bend on one 18.55 up in one 18.5 I appreciate that's beautiful say Chicago yeah that's why my skyline aren't there I'll bottle here runway zero air pressure Max's got it all five hundred minimum minimum I think you're ready for a landing competition how do you know that was a bird - Romeo Fox right right turn away bolt-action a barking the AL fell across ug girl stay with me alpha is crossed to zero - Gary jet Foxtrot alright now flip it across welcome to Gary a lot of birds around here they're as Brian's man along is that this have mr. Ryan having Brad coming yelling them let's get our sounds by record check it out loud click Roger that gun they Cavanaugh Sam watch your head well we came to pick up every ran over them yeah so I'm like watching like yeah jeurys our experimental five Niner Niner Delta tango c'mere middle five Niner Niner Delta tango Gator I'm about the 70s south I like the transition if your line from South ap 1d fans thanks for riding a long leg one of our trip to Oshkosh be sure to head on over to citation Max's channel as we continue our flight up to Oshkosh there's some really crazy stuff that happens on this leg so be sure to go over there and check it out I've included the link here at the end of this video I think you'll be surprised as always thanks for riding along and we'll see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 164,340
Rating: 4.9510489 out of 5
Keywords: flying, private jet, private jet life, cockpit, pilot pov, airplane captain, single pilot jet, jet pilot, corporate jet, business jet, airplane pilot
Id: 4_Ll_OpPRO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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