Birdstrike & OshKosh IFR Arrival with Premier1Driver & Backseat Brian

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[Music] [Music] [Music] all right coming in hot sorry in advance oh boy sorry maps with with a with a with a big airplane yeah you're conditioning running all the time he's already uncomfortable checked our citation to Romeo punch okay can she run me off a trip Gary their zero mailbox off our vacation to Romeo five shot you're clear to the Oshkosh Airport via radar vectors looky that's Lima echo whiskey kilo echo dripper golf India Juliet direct Sierra Mike uniform uniform Victor I maintain 3000 expect flight level two serves there are 1 0 minutes after departure she felt good to purge the chill frequency one to eight point two or three Linux bucket or male Foxtrot ray directors looky Gipper and then Sierra Mike uniform uniform Victor as file 3000 initially to zerls a final 128 - I believe the squad was four three one six zero me I thought shut your read back correct by protected yep's radar vectors looky Gipper smu UV dependent Oz gosh 3,000 feet initially see it 320 as a final get 128 point to which all I end up and this block is for three one six its it okay information whiskey the winds are calm this guy's clear it's 20 degrees okay three zero two three and runway 3 sir it's Terry towers citation to Romeo Foxtrot read taxi from Gary Schutt occasion to Romeo five Chevrolet three bill actually by alpha zero [Music] yep you're clear I can't tell you how much better I feel to have patent paper digital you know you get some I just look out a little analog it you know what stuff for like when you train with an iPad in an Apple pen and then like I don't know not a big handle I don't get along with it you know have you tried it I have other credit okay okay all right at least you've tried I can't I can't argue you then you know I while I'm burning my fossil fuels I've got to actually have another renewable resource in my hand they're non-renewable that's there you look at it 30 25 and we're talking five okay second leg of our trip to Oshkosh stopped in Gary to pick up our buddy Brian tried to bring along his Challenger 350 but we didn't have ramp space you guys think we're kidding we're not wait until next year yeah plan ahead a little more apparently you just can't show up when you have a challenger look at another premiere are they gonna look that's it all right look at that one extra tango speaking of challenger that same guy that owns the Challenger owns that premier there which is how I met him would you be ready at the end you're we're good to go your entire citation to Romeo Foxtrot we will be ready for departure at the end of the hall toward freezer citation - Romeo Foxtrot Roger I did not sound very almonds I got a coordinate with Chicago yeah I tasted - Romeo Foxtrot runway 3-0 TURN RIGHT heading three six zero maintain 3000 declare for takeoff citation - Romeo Pakistan cleared for takeoff runway three zero right turn two three six zero up to three pound all right 363 clear for takeoff clear right Gary wanted to do a mic but answer to Julie my dark mind if we just put back over to Chicago go ahead - Julia mic switch Bruce let's do this Oshkosh here we come setna cheap tickets seventy oh boy yeah is that a bird or a bug it was I think it was a bird or I think it was a bird but it hit right on the top like a bird strike on departure yep hey Romeo Foxtrot contact departure one 28.2 to play your Romeo box we'll see 500 eyerly hotel house 3624 to sin i maintain 2500 airports you told the man about it 36 24 submittals runway 31 centers in 170 Randolph they're greater got that bill awaits our now on three five point two zero five two M sorry I was right here Chicago addition talks about leveling it stuff is pure inside charge credit report or contact I'm gonna make a name for thousand fourth out the two row mailbox Livio Foxtrot TURN RIGHT heading zero to zero contact departure one one eight point two seven five zero two zero twenty seven bucks [Applause] I don't want to do Julie like if they know we're gonna level five thousand five no Foxtrot it work out this you're gonna start educator perfect on this day one five thousand dead one five mountains your shoes are on the headache thank you I'm fourteen Catholic center one two zero three five up to want to jump out one five I see it is a beautiful New York Chicago downtown Chicago I'm out over the lake it's Midway or hare Shaz we were taking off those birds right there yeah yeah I saw something flash by I didn't check we didn't hit it Catholics we hit it yeah right on the top this is a little spot right turn right Richard heading one trees job me a box right turn I was like guys hoping there for a second like I want a 20 heading feels like my pedis tricks now what you want is a360 head yeah yeah they gotta get you above the in boats after school she give you anything else after smooth that's filed which I don't know what back that was yeah see there's the printout issue to the consequence both of them I'm really not used to backseat drivers expecially have you shut them off pilot took off from Greg's favorite think the eye heads coming out Apple pen to room in fact I turn left heading through another to do left our concern that zero and look at the corridors traffic there oh yeah as puppy that's think that's O'Hara Midway probably I'm sure that's all they're saying well I know it's been a long time yeah I suspect soon as they get you a palma pod fortuitous fast I couldn't get for sulfonate Julia contacted Center one two zero three putt click Dipper 2035 alright givers in Chicago petitions Romeo bucks top 14 550 now number 2 Romeo suckfest Chicago center final maintain more than 7,000 or most feet if you're not already 117 added 476 with traffic in about here is 3 o'clock 10 miles north Bernard 724 416 fire with fire yeah trying to figure itself out yeah so normally and I would tell you to slow down here because it's not hang on a second 11th because there's no Cisco it's for you staying in the wrong direction right in from what I actually think that might be work to get past this this thirty eight twenty I think a lot of point seven quiet one five dollars right 38:26 Chicago centers finally maintain funding like 220 there are no mouthing I would probably go I just play normal cuz like I said we're we're going over there you know where 16.47 overhead there now damaged assembler to Romeo back finally maintained by level one that aired there'll level one Niner zero Romeo box which might be expected a yet sir Wisconsin 38-31 find anything by the Philippines very long you can click the turn again [Applause] [Laughter] discipline FeO [Applause] the major reason yeah number two Romeo Foxtrot and maintain flight level two zero zero [Applause] I can't do that right now [Applause] yeah a big thing like Yale means like a three zero five two to three years it confusing tonight you don't go I am right on top the great thing it was like kind of went on right on the top like right here yep yeah so in this case where there's nothing you can do all right you know it's like the vision Jeff anyway forget that in a vision jet whoo it's tough because there any birds cuz the engine was right there if it was coming straight back at you even if it bounced right off here it was going straight in the turnout and it's like at least these yeah number two Romeo socks a contact Chicago center a-133 points to 20:55 things like up my level features are every to Romeo five strategy Pakistan a good morning you know the ninety-five a200 I haven't said foreign language is good wouldn't be here without them the old Morgan Harvey you got in there please like leave me not am I gonna save its premiered - I thought that was thirty 93 dentists maintain Niner felt particularly you want to see an option for more info you go to sign it but also a sudden fun also not really Wow okay 137 miles mosh 27 minutes Hey Chicago Keynesians Romeo Foxtrot slide the little teaser Farrell remember to run me off but we got there under I think you can because you don't know let's take you got thinner what how this thing I'm certain yeah I mean it's no I mean look at you know put my foot planted yeah it is pretty little trim not to Telluride a few hours to fart around Oregon yes it's about 13 3 3 guys better Roger properly I was long before super friend of mine who's a permit robbery near a student Carolyn down to Greensboro last week this is pretty awesome tylenol I love it Chicago premier jet secure elevator two cords are they feel they roam in erotic bad food if you have a like a nasal spray or anything like a front or anything if anybody has a nasal block or something like that if you know you're having trouble getting down sometimes give that to help release the sinuses that's not a bad thing to have on board carry I do you know that's really about all I care they eat only a thought an amine into one point thousand block of a minute three dare to be there 1 4000 0 0 5 all right 14 right 3 2 2 0 yep what do you guys use for your premiere for Jews like like a snap like a napkin sort of what do you guys use for like 300 or greater I think everybody can maintain a right yeah notice there is not another there's not a thing okay 4,000 taking sterile cockpit to the next level a table were puffed Edward but it's what it's really about we're gonna 1901 mm what do go I always try to have that 700 number like just as like a safe number distance-wise we did Jackson Hole for the Flint Michigan one privacy but we're so tell ya know we did Jackson to Cleveland I was like the longest in history not to especially one one who played for Kevin yeah okay so obviously 2017 here's the instructions what on the gummies dude look at number 5 for Kevin relax so so Owen and I were talking about that one three three when we were coming back yeah we were talking about this in the new expansion evident on one of those six are you all I can tell you is it's gonna be a hell of a fight on the way down at the jet out we're going to be pressed at everybody kind of dude I'm trying to get anything to work last thing you want to be free this floating in the North Atlantic in a dumpy suit yep feel like I'm going back I'm watching your videos from like you're going give you that deeper all folders try to decipher some Scottish Clara yeah what do I know right five hundred and we know whether or not because big guy took persisted final three 1:03 Arctic 9 okay I'm excused rarely upon such contact walking for twenty seven point three seven - hey I'm just gonna put a new battery in is where this is about - why was that dialing down another clinic right now I noticed that as well for all the noise - so it doesn't have a push or doesn't have a in and out position nope it no well that's why it does others drink that's how I carry over from Garmin 1000 great you know is the prefect you guys in this does thousands you push it hydrates because count only hero thousands 99.5 everybody picked up and then what you're setting your MBA you just push it and yeah that's no hurry three four three-point I follow ball I can throw a three there one seven inside the are now seven approach quarter that bump we got belt but some other things are nicer like setting your MBA those things we have to down their barbarity direct able to remember so yep they up to seven yep hold it do you think I've ever come back to the list of it's all totally doable just outside is the important source last you to bank a piece do you think you don't like just let me know absolutely there's a lot of flight missions yeah hey yeah it's like everyone else 2700 500 below right two o'clock position July where to your camp are perfectly healthy to perceive a current feelings don't factor depending light on your leaders there's I think that expects her 101.5 those little closest my thoughts out there was number one and I'm so particular emulate operator for playing contact that says that when when if you swing by five 30 remain parts tray is Wonder miles from fimo for us primo and above 3000 clear darn a straight-in approach your mailbox primo header above three clergy are down all right get the approach Richi Romeo far country you'd be the one ain't do well under 180 alright so 271 F - Bravo - Bravo and at five miles off I may be feeding 9300 or this stuff your 105 and tomorrow southbound ATP 9500 a box perspective 83 level one 3089 Ramon get facebook or my sniffles freezer 1:7 perceived requests and probably in trouble for the Panthers goodra plentiful thank you five miles from people trust primo and are both rebounding yeah only post them because I have to go go go you don't have a speech three 8004 did somebody go to it'll be a pretty good breakfast view I just really don't know so for you to be their address FEMA director email for each other freaking Romeo partridge look here any of our generator for a target that said throw one when he played five stick your landing light on you have a great day yeah as soon as you can left off in the grass all the way down to the or stop your inside about a two mile final the highway that's turning phase and now keep it coming all the way around keep it coming and the highway over the numbers airborne all over the orange stop thank you Jason - Romeo Foxtrot 8 out finish - Romeo 5 Tosh got a tower for three mile final what you guys get it on the ground I need you left in the grass as soon as possible please do as possible that's not a quitter lat let R be Roger two mile rate base you're following a you found assess on about a mile and a half file let R be follow him clear land in the orange dot just coming over the festive just come over Lake sure you haven't missed a great RV I think it's looking all right well square you beat the 'final and you should be right in front of you now just crossed over Lake Shore it's got a they follow him you're clear line in the orange stop thank you and you get you guys land I need you a little grass as soon as possible if you're going to the right side any job to do spots on our service red RBI go ahead and turn right into the hook there's a guy just turn it so I'll handle that so yeah you're good on to me as soon as the landing aircraft got it under control left turned into the grass please it's been rolled smooth for you like an aircraft inbound from Fisk I know the right downwind of gravel said it begin your descent on the downwind ensure your gear is down landing light on or main single-file those five outside though over under the dish to room in five terribly late Asian to room in fact over only two seven clear land traffic they are be about a half mile final Jerome kept buckler glance at stuff all right I got that guy up there Harvey all the way down to the orange tie please keep it airborne to the orange done ok max you're good to go you're cleared to land you just concentrate on wrecking it down there's a guy short finally out of the way thank you face is clear you're looking good grid RV exit the runway into the grass and follow the flaggers welcome so five hundred on why a square hold everybody for you buddy look at that yeah we can we can make that metal turn off great if not we'll take the next one up there minimum minimum on the ground safely yeah that will make the third turnoff very nice 20 airplanes there waiting to go oh my god sedation to reveal Foxtrot nights out fraternal hard surface and welcome to show how do that thank you welcome - gosh aircraft inbound from Arras for the runway two-seven and a right downwind inside the gravel pit begin your descent on the downwind to ensure gears down landing light is on remain single filed out side by side no over/under welcome to eyes on the sky forward saw flaggers at this point haha yes sir okay here we go max if you've got any landing stuff you want to do and want me to taxi I'm happy to do that but it might otherwise you gotta get certain taxi yeah you got it Jules after landing checks you got the airplane now or Bonanza see I'm so much better so pilot no but whatever you want wait till you go to a crew training great first time I reach up there dial that altitude by Ansel my husband I've done I'm just honored to be finding everyone I'm serious likewise max I flew sick about you know in the Jets for 20 years it's like my son let's turn base now truthfully you're a little angry dot okay you just read ahead light it up Brian there's the Gulf Stream that's taking our ramp space yeah your ramp space Wow the place looking at this launched um yeah this guy come to a boil the hell they when they take up no there's nothing there's nothing I only on the premier like that every night for a thorough barrel on the taxiway at 9.0 come back to check on no see transition will run way such a realize like how much g8 I really hear about right now Wow bread might Cessna nice job left turn in the grass when you can and follow the fibers welcome the show there's just bleeding everywhere Wow you never did this before no first time I'd pop my Oshkosh cherry sour for we do Quebec gosh okay on yeah sure that yeah my bottle yeah knife or a 2-0 Quebec runway two-seven clear let your believe - Stephanie Turkel back and they throw Quebec honor after the orange dot please are slowing over the ground was like alright could be a crown partial ur Boeing on the down one keep you just that coming a little bit more expected tight tight in Baker inside of bonanza yes two-mile on a two mile final yep oh yeah eight durka back to traffic's just over the numbers turning final and put them on the horn you can go all the way down to the orange dot spanking over here beetle over the rubbish great job thank you this one dead weight all right one down the middle seam there detail on the runway giving us get an uncontrolled and left turn into the grass soon as you can please thank you hushed our plot of 23 pop echoes coming up on Freebo four to seven we have the airport site boss 23 papa echo trashed our report three mile final what three mile final pop echo equals three eight Delta alpha re on dude women up that was awesome awesome like a pro like a pro he is a pro I'm just trying he just proved it [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: CitationMax
Views: 209,106
Rating: 4.9633093 out of 5
Keywords: flying, private jet, private, jet life, cockpit, pilot pov, airplane captain, single pilot jet, jet pilot, corporate jet, business jet, airplane pilot, citation max, citation, cessna, m2, textron
Id: 6hdRVgEg7y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 4sec (2284 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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