Crossing the Gulf Of Mexico in a Private Jet-Nothing but blue...

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pehle flow field arrival flash departure information panco one four five breathe honey a taxi with men I think I'm here anyone thieriot xep it Delta to Cali five well you know how that they fight Delta Charlie 5 Lima one for your grandpa it's not a good day grab for parent 3/9 azarkh off-mike taxi from flexstar with tengo una tira got my clicker and I'm going to write XP Kelly takes away my probably six-way my circa okay no call to Clarence delivery was acquired because I had PDC pre-departure clearance that was sent to me off my phone maybe my clearance and the ground the Falcon then 1/3 Lima softly cramped with tango ready to taxi Evelyn through Lima Gaddafi there's t-cell fantastic out there right now follow the second one and one three right taxi via Lima there will be premiere off your left I'll have them get ready is all right it's almost like I'm selfless they want you're right deal wave a13 lemma three three nine zero boss Mike once you guys get establish on Lima give laters me a thousand off of your right side Charlie seven joining tax Eileen about go before you okay Roger that will let the Falcon go in front of us sir go fight okay there's the Falcon turn tower to tower one 1855 get that set up check it on my checks down I want on service or separation proved nice well before 51 on an outdoor set 101 three very close to go dr. joe said remake let me take up a cell phone for everyone well fine 28 kind of every time part you're gonna have a good day there's not you okay got everything set up for the departure departure frequency dialed in there FMS has the departure loaded with all the crossing restrictions so once we get airborne if I remember I will talk a little bit about pre-departure clearance and show that to you on my phone I want to pull out it two miles northwest you got a 30 mile final for runway 1 3 left 1800 you Sonny everyone visual separation proof of a 6 proper proper previously issued traffic as news item in television for person talking 7 1 3 Lima love tower on outdoor spa runway 130 right cliff together I don't have doors I want three regular pickup I want three Lima Papa or conjoin kinetic relates to losing the Falcon daughter in front of us and we are next based on this side two parallel runways here 1 3 right 1 3 left maybe a whole short line there in front of me like we've got a 737 behind us Southwest obviously premiere 392 golf my cliff car and I have tourists everyone went to Red Cliff to go prepared 3 9 0 off my car nap to Dorset clear for takeoff 1 3 right jaqen 1/3 Lima contact regional marketing or departure today so once we go and away we go Oh 698 left are and outdoors everyone went to Ric lipstick up or knives or specular first I got one three right itself of six nine for me is there a couple my country supports Kitty shirt off mic a dick about the back in 24:44 good morning through 2005 Iago 7-7 back in 2444 departure good morning right of contact the three whiskey Delta maintain one to 12,000 contact for center on one three two point zero two one three two zero two you can uh twelfth album through with you don't know where premiere three nine zero off mic out of 28900 o'clock review episode premieres your golf Mike the pressure at a Content second 1309 climb and maintain one seven thousand twenty one maintain one seven thousand American thirteen ona topless 451 turn on the left left turn heading zero one zero maintain one zero ten top pick you up american three ninety four hundred maintain one seven thousand over 70,000 over to 394 1309 confession Center on one two three two point zero two one three two zero two American 1309 a second 394 maintain one seven thousand can't say for sure on one two four point seven five five returning that now what's good valve ok that's perfect do one thing buckets you're right tender for a moment early thank you merger golf Mike do not exceed coupons they're not controlled by your not exceed 250 desert off Mike Braham below 10,000 something I'm gonna exceed it anyway working on 18 November 1 0 thought I'm going to put a 2-14 departure come where to contact markzware 320 with fest 2040 real thousand comment via the port to americans replaying the parser come on your letter contact back in twenty four forty four do not exceed two five they're not because I'm in maintain one seven thousand there's not exceed five is off Billa five five one seven thousand I can 24 four people murder of golf Mike can check for twisting on one 32.0 to 3202 Zerg off-mike a day in a center for Maori Manzarek off Mike n8 climbing one seven thousand I sure never got my four Thunder climbing hanging if I look III 0tt trees are gone fine Martin pink is ever dying Delta Mike for clapping away I got my climb chicks I got my pick through with you don't decline maintain one seven for the things of have a vacay eight seventy thousand three week eat up right three nine zero golf Mike turned ten degrees left for the climb that left circa fight and they don't I don't like 1-800 eighth or ninth open mic for Center Roger turn the 15 degrees left for traffic 15 degrees left for traffic totally thank him morning for words there's a 7-3 wiki tango climbing through five points a second on the weight at 9,000 feet for a thumper we should hang a polar Center right here the long view limiter 3 0 1 1 0 1 1 3 1 angle okay so right now I've got the autopilot flying and a heading mode because I was given a headache I was actually given 10 degrees left of my previous heading I'm using flight level change so I'll hold it there here's an iconic photo when can you take point five seven one two three five seven American 1309 I have it sent all the way 33 2208 45 46 57 envoy 33 43 3091 do about 400 I like one 7003 neither of golf Mike get past that - marsh now trick the bars the surco fine anyway second climbing 3291 one thousand five one seven thousand thirteen ninety origin maintain one seven seventy know if you once on the phone 32 now stop those forces join can take four seventy six point five seven okay climate through 18,000 my altimeter set a standard 30 to 90 turn 10 degrees a little left and all I'm hired don't forget 30 check the theater kit at the campus pressurizing a point three four one zero if leaders are on which the lead is on take a few for Center on your home here in a minute we are on our way up to twenty three thousand flight level two three zero so here's what I got from a free departure clearance so it's it it looks like exactly what you would hear that breed good morning is Dallas Landry for is luh rvq 105 to read fit q102 Revis picker 590 clicker to mark clearance is the Landry for March of Xillia transition of a sales of tennis elbow to 3-0 that was thicker squawk but they kinda eight main hangar gonna head out all owners in their present heading Java 698 brazil golf my contact 476 million five seven 26:57 zurk off mic a day murk you like a Bravo contact Lumbee approach one 28.5 bye-bye center for maori Manzarek off-mike flight level two one zero climate apply Bella two trees are prevented I do got my fourth that I look I'm maintaining the flight level two seven zero five level two seven zero sir come fine clothes fit American 189 three bear 189 for Center good morning good morning continuous flight shop here at 38 anything they think more the theme here and I've had some aircraft start defending early and off in Antonio area you're welcome to throw down if you want 30 might be a better ride don't give that a try all right so we'll pick back up in Cruz I'll figure out something to talk about as we are out over the Gulf actually I'll show you guys by our route of flight today get me that 85 can take over to the 1/3 2.27 take care but for the Marlin we're headed out towards New Orleans we head out over the tortilla and then down I'll show you guys once we get out over the water I'm hearing off mic mommy turn around your co-director Tyler quick sylars ergo fine correct Tyler execute now since we're gonna ffs about your point we'll make a turn pet doors Eyler so we are 226 nautical miles from after I did for Kip blue 131 a320 april's 35 minutes out so if you look at our route of flight took off out of Dallas seeded East on the Landry for a clear directive Harvey which is New Orleans there we got a short horribly nervous - golf Juliet might be thunder climb maintain Bonneville 2 0 0 4 X 2 extra off a golf Mike Juliet I have your requesting bud that you see resume Sylar come along Santa Bell there and I left Aaron Anton April's pretty standard reading come on over this way we were at flight level 4 1 0 but start picking up some moderate turbulence and I've got premier one rider in the back you know how she enjoys turbulence if you watched my prepare one rider video going into Eagle so we went down to 35 everyone seven four nine but it'll treat minor down so it's been a nice flight but I'll pick she's terribly happy with me at the current moment every 1749 my McKenna rowdy what about Serena self Mike the finna maintain bottom up you matter to their over traffic 29 my bowl to nine zeros are going fine you I remember three nine zero golf mycroft dialogue 1/1000 apel val Kimber 3 0 1 4 so I learned at eleven thousand three zero one for certifying ok so let's take a look at this so Zeiler it already has an F at myself acute of 11,000 feet so the ffs recognizes that on this arrival Sylar is gonna be crossed at 11,000 feet the fact that happened I have to do a couple things I have to come up here to my altitude selector and I have to dial it down to 25 24 see the blue counting up down there I don't go all the way down to 11,000 feet that's be telling the autopilot that I'm releasing it to go to that altitude I've got a press we get n1 of a boat I went through my kilo for a module and a blue vertical down number nine one three out of here parameter well four five zero one five Chile at Miami thunderclap I do the Ross is Ayler at 11,000 feet you can see up here in the right hand side that 11,000 39 for to fall fiddle repossessor to stuck up here 21 5 meter rudder Air Canada 20 for 20 seconds on 135 correction one will raise that imported in Tyler dot-com 41 13100 41:21 we're good checklist comes up here on the MFD scroll the route make sure you hear everything that no golf might contact Miami Center 1/3 2.35 32:35 sargon flank attack x-ray alpha golf Mike golf stay with me Miami premiere three nines ergh off-mike 24 2 descending 8 11,000 and what's another girl fight my machine arrives in April of 73 zero one four rip they're gonna jerk off Mike maintain three servers are not the greater 300 mouths for critters or go fight dot-com 41:21 maintain to eight do or not pay will flow the 280 dot-com 41 over 300 River Golf my contact Fort Meyers approaching 1 to 5 on 1 5 2015 5 to 3 and a half 4 3 Delta mercy from Myers although there's trees there one for bellies in 1605 their fourth 9 o'clock in about 8 pounds one in 1605 leading 1605 spirit Mitch approach to runway torque I'm a food court at our Thea everybody off all over television 1505 241 21:18 atha cliath 11-minute available November three Niner zero golf blink forward or we're about the middle three zero one for 34 teams er got Mike everyone to whom earth first results industries are on four three two one four definitely 9:03 turn right I think two men are very much based on I maintain 1500 1510 ID atic JetBlue 3 November they're about like this and I maintain 7 ball separate dozens are going ok so here we are coming over the top of Sylar and about at 11,000 feet and we are gonna hit you on down to 7,000 I'm also gonna have to slow to make that happen legally because the cannot be below I cannot be above 250 below 10,000 feet and there are 3 turnright anything 0 1 0 2 field 3 o'clock in about 8 mile would I weren't eternally evidence either Tippin and o3 clear approach or one way to connect our Thea go unto tower original thick gentleman has right and once again the speedy operator you see at the windshield Spillman thousand then defendant maintained seven power 111 and window seven knock down 41 that displays ground speed up there in the front window display that's off of the GoPro quick app also displays it miles per hour the airspeed restriction is 250 knots indicated willow 10,000 feet are 200 knots indicated or less below a Class B airspace have 16 had a waiver on that fly as fast as you want it to or to be a supersonic remember their golf playing context first one to 4.1 to Thea 24:12 zerg off my good day right hold on four parts approach premier 3/9 served off bait bike 8,000 descending 7,000 with hotel 303 9s drove off night for Myers for Roger oh so there is kept Eva it just sound a bell number four Bravo level 8000 with level 4 Bravo four riders Fred Rogers yeah deliver for golf Victor can't say Mabel targeting forward it's our today for brother over 700 me a whiskey turn left bending to 600 Microprose horse and when we're the girls here at the opposite of maintain 6,000 Roger down to 6,000 Rogoff Mike but then I maintain 5,000 5,000 zero five there were six alpha tango contact approach one to five point one five good day two five one five good a six ounce packet there's something wrong with you ready to follow phenom on the five mile straight and I'll give you approach there and for that that truck hit that beautiful view of Sanibel the wrong with the understood I'm able to watch through a lot of aircraft of the South common to 3,000 glad need to keep you above all term I'm here Harold off mic turn left heading on one three zero back the top approach for website one three zeros there cup pie-o-my rock on 4121 $7 I got 41 21 for my first Rogerson to maintain 5,000 504 Tom forty one point per meter zero got Mike the hen maintain 2,000 at the 2000 zero out Mike field outside the hole what happens you lose this in the maintain 6,000 the seventh is because I was the one on the little 30 zeros here Delta sin to maintain 5,000 leaving six for 5,000 an eternity of them there are zeros off mic to an unfair presidenting clear division for only five maintain best horse speed you're number one with Devon Apollo Roger that sir cup back bapak should have read some of that back but it's alright because here here Delta produced B 2 2 1 0 then descend the maintain 3000 okay slow to 2/10 and that down to 3,000 beach at a terrible first row Gulf Bank I ready 3 2 1 I've corrected one either ok zerk off-mike slow to 180 but I was number 107 behind me let me girls off my content enabled our good day let's work off my good day papal staff from here three nights work off my clip based runway five it's really jerk-off like the entire number coupons here's the shoreline on final runway five Berlin my five client three to come in land I got assessment a luck crosswind now let me know when you get them in sight okay now come on I'll stay down on the shoreline herself Juliet and I come miles northeast through the fields at 3,500 requests for step one the four subjects it back with information hotel 3 by 3 surgery a name start by southbound report over I 75 twice off now reports i-75 suicide research Julian our premier weather control a priority go over and we go into the two Charlie women tipster I just pull up shoreline culture only five bottles of whiskey turn right shoes practical in contact ground point six when you exit all righty four point six seven by nine seven one you can actually your traffic is paralleling you he's just at the shoreline now off your left side I don't write a nice someone make a right 360 and then report at the midfield left downwind like 369 one there a temp at number two on jet traffic just coming up on the shoreline tower could have today today what six sea air pump be ready to take what's the fun for can wind up back over Roger you'll be behind assessment do you want don't that go Roger Naples Tower good feature they thunders here top this with the other visual pro/5 and their sheer nothing it was that reduce numbers free for the airport I get traffic on now that's probably just not gonna work continue inbound towards the airport you know slow it up Roger was slowing up approached up maintained one eight zero yeah well they're jamming me up five seven five I got traffic off your right continue inbound towards the airport keep their speed up I got a beach jetties a mile and a half behind you I may have to break you up the final I'll let you know that was great time five permit of you coming direct now okay yeah I got jet traffic right behind you approach kind of snuck them in coming fast as a matter of fact if you would just fly to the right side of the final and and just don't think he's gonna be able to well continuing battle fine I someone make another right 360 join the phone left downwind now like 360 this is another one and then join the left downwind for runway five not a simple took off Mike I was that just enter for you a firmer the circle five serve up mike turn left up to five contact ground point six five go to ground circle they pose around put our server plus three four zero Romeo about ten miles east about nothing we hotel there's one three four zero me and they must our aside for Lando transition has smile 2004 five zero and ten one two four two four one two one four zero two iron grin 898 departure and the aircraft is coming off a delta state called fun prepare three nines irk off my cat delta v botnet naples jet go on of the jet can proceed via Delta 0 golf bike after that you were busy yeah can see I know that's right try to get you first one up two to eight plus one give way to that Rex here and excess that coming out and then let's proceed to general aviation P Delta perimeter road alpha probably over Delta now for us keep us flying giving away to the out Naples ground remember six three thousand a year plus six three D you ground there's a Harley order if we can get on the one for here if I taxi up and then on the one for come back down by Charlie three four Bravo we need to spin in a circle for a couple swing no worries we can do that for you just give me a second actually if you want you can start taxiing via Charlie hold shorter Delp I need to get an airplane anyway no problem holding sort of bells are going up with Charlie going up Charlie 50 1d fans thanks for flying along with me today and if you want to find out more about me or my airplane you can go to my website premier one driver com as always I appreciate your watching thanks again for riding along you'll see on the next one
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 1,166,418
Rating: 4.8853469 out of 5
Keywords: flying, private jet, private jet life, cockpit, pilot pov, airplane captain, single pilot jet, jet pilot, corporate jet, business jet, airplane pilot
Id: S8YpKomA4xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 48sec (2148 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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