What Pandemic? Goodbye Jackson. Hello Bozeman-Private Jet flight

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if the country's in the midst of a pandemic you certainly wouldn't know it by looking around here at jackson hole wyoming there is more traffic out here and more heavy iron than i've seen short of uh busy days at aspen or um maybe the super bowl it is insane out here all right well shout out to the guys at jackson hole aviation they over fueled me at the seven dollar a gallon rate but they actually credited me back the amount they over fueled me so uh good on you guys for good customer service let's head on up to bozeman i'm a former air force pilot with over 1 000 hours in the f-16 today i run a medical equipment business and use my private jet to visit customers or travel with my family and friends i video some of those flights and share them here my name is greg and this is my youtube channel [Music] mike might be a few minutes early ifr to uh bozeman 390 golf mike jackson ground cleared to bozeman airport via the alpine 2 departure idaho falls vor transition correction idaho falls transition direct this file climb via the sit except maintain 1600 expect flight level two four zero one zero minutes after departure salt lake center departure frequency 133.25 and squawk four three seven alpine 2 idaho falls transition and then direct climb via the sit except to maintain 16 000. flight level 240 10 minutes after one three three two five four three seven two swag premiere zero golf mike free bear crate grab premiere three nine zero golf mike taxi from jackson hole with sierra premiere zero golf mic full position hold position united 472 is ready to push with sierra united 472 hold you push holding united force 72 septic kilos clear going through the south rim premiere zero golf mike runway one niner taxi via alpha give way to that cessna opposite traffic on alpha one nine via alpha and giveaway to the uh system traffic 390 gold mic and premiere zero golf alpha give way to a delta airbus exiting alpha one three nine zero mike will come chasing ground on 2845 for one niner 2945 jackson ground texas park would be out alpha park delta 29-45 uh ready taxi you know 472 are you pushed you know 472 jackson ground still you know 472 are you selling your push yet yeah it took a little longer than i anticipated but we're actually moving now you know 472 rogers thank you delta 2945 giveaway to a united uh airbus pushing back good way to the united delta 2945 flex j580 runway one niner taxi v alpha you'll be in sequence behind the premiere departing the ga ramp at this time ground flex ships it's like chef 580 runway one-niner attacks the alpha behind the premiere one nine of the alpha behind the premiere flex at 580. okay welcome aboard jackson hole jackson wyoming to bozeman montana not a lot of narration at this point guys because i am busy so bear with me should be a really scenic flight going up so i'm excited to show this to you guys shout out to uh jacksonville aviation they over fueled the airplane uh at seven dollar a gallon fuel and uh ground citation echo hotel actually gave me a very nice credit to compensate for their mistakes so shout out to those guys citation 420 we are at 6400 feet field elevation it's uh not terribly warm but it's not cool so i need about 5500 feet of runway today there's over 6 000 here so that's plenty jackson ground clear to bozeman airport via alpine 2 departure idaho falls transition as follows climb via the sid except maintain one six thousand expect flight level one eight zero one zero minutes after departure salt lake center departure frequency one three three point two five squawk four three six five also ii departure idaho falls transition then as filed on by the sid uh 1-6 expecting 1a 10 minutes after 33.25 4365. yeah okay on my middle screen you can see the red and yellow that is uh terrain around me i just want xlsdf for another whole bunch of traffic behind us premiere three niner zero golf mark jackson hold short only one niner i've got an inbound aircraft approximately four mile final now and uh you can expect your depart after them three nine zero golf mic hold short one nine will be ready november 1 november charlie left turn off one contact ground up the only left hand charlie i think i'm going to ground down nowhere for child sex premiere 390 golf mike runway one niner creep takeoff premiere 390 golf mike cleared for takeoff runway one nine flagship 580 is ready to sequence one night extra 580 jackson tower holds short runway one niner waiting on it 580. and premiere zero golf mike center minute your initial climbing altitude to one four thousand fourteen thousand five one four thousand on the climb three nine premiere zero golf mike contact salt lake center strike salt lake center premiere three nine zero golf mike 7200 up to one four thousand jackson power 118.07 thanks for the help 1807. thank you just 360. salt lake center premiere 390 golf mike 8 300 climbing to 14 000. the number three niner zero golf mic salt accelerator contact two miles south jackson hole connor maintains level two four zero white level two four zero five and i'm sorry who needed the frequency again i'm sorry 24-35 salt lake 9-2-3 bravo whiskey we could cancel met up with our buddy 132.4 have a good day united 502. town of jackson boy what a beautiful day three niner zero golf mike contact salt lake center 128.35 have a good flight two eight three five zero got my good day alaska 14 74 contact salt lake center one two four point three five two four three five alaska 1474. salt lake premiere three nights are golf mike thirteen thousand climbing flight level two four zero first three united show golf bikes dollars so this route unlike my previous round actually takes us to the west side of the yellowstone so we won't actually [Applause] all the way to idaho falls which is a 60 mile leg kind of 60 miles out of our way over zero golf mike turn right heading on two seven zero right heading two seven zero zero mike so yeah maybe this is going to work out yes guys uh four five nine juliet solid start copy just check on that three eight zero japan air 11 contacts all like center one two one point one five today one two one five eleven yeah judging by the traffic it looks like they're not going to make us go all the way to idaho falls he's also got another guy coming off of uh jackson that's going to the same place so no joke off my clear exposed boseman zurich thanks okay that is very helpful that cut off okay coming up on 23 000 feet at 23 000 feet we'll get an audible alarm indicating that we have a thousand feet to go to our selected altitude salt lake flex shut 580 out of 183 climbing three two zero and uh clear direct on the leg beautiful view back towards the tetons direct two legs switch at 580. so as you can see on the top of the screen there you maintain that fl 240 is flashing now we're going to altitude capture it will capture the altitude and accelerate out [Applause] guys 55-67 contact salt lake center 132.4 get it 324 sky was 55-67 so now i believe we will actually go pretty close to the western boundary of yellowstone i will have to pull the throttles out of max continuous thrust otherwise we will exceed our 320 knots indicated airspeed airframe limit center good afternoon citation 420 echo hotel 12-1 climbing my level three two zero citation four two zero salt lake center right here climb maintain final four one zero five maintained four one zero i could tell so our ground speed 415 knots true air speed for 20. you can see up here our fuel burns quite a bit higher 700 pounds aside yesterday the flight over from uh indianapolis to jackson hall the fuel flows were around uh 440 aside 460. that was your hotel buy your present heading and uh uh for your fun frozen jets are much more efficient up at higher altitudes there were zero golf bike contacts all like then it went three two point four get it three two four zero golf mechanic salt lake center premiere three nine zero golf mic flight level two four zero november three niner zero golf mike flight center so we take a look at the uh four flight here see this is all yellow stump park over here and we're coming up along the edge of it into bozeman bozeman's basically the north side of yellowstone park and jackson where we took off jackson hole is the western our southern side yellow stone is where okay so that was information uniform at five five it's one eight five five so they're just getting ready to switch over the eighties again so i'm going to give it a few minutes then go back over and get edis looks like runway 12 though so let's go and do this but get a visual runway 12 set up i found lake except that's 4 17 climb through 13 thousand on the bobcat 4 departure did they have 417s [Applause] [Applause] roger you got the westfield stone summer three zero um one three three two five for horizontal twenty five fifty six information victor that's three twenty at seven temperature twenty six altimeter three zero two two so we are headed to three thousand and maintain one one thousand eleven thousand yeah south of bozeman here in the mountains four one thousand two three six judges you know them there the nav dmes and serviceable apparent possibility of parachute jumping exercises daily wildlife hazard coyotes near the movement areas and looks like grass cutting in progress also okay thanks this video 387 cleared visual approach west yellowstone airport clear for the visual jet uh three to seven united states contact seven point seven five [Applause] leveling one six thousand salt lake center climb and maintain volvo three five zero five level three five zero zero delta november zero golf mike center power suppression maintain one seven thousand the boson altimeter three zero two two feet down to seventeen thousand zero two two three nine to golf mic heads there now judge at 417 contact salt lake center one two seven point seven five twenty seven seventy five for judge at four 417. i like jeff 257 w257 solid sensor the boseman altimeter 3022 and your final suit is 1 7 [Applause] november zero golf mike contact fellow lake their attraction big sky approach one one eight point nine or seven eighteen ninety seven zero pick yep big sky approach premiere three nine zero golf mic 22 8 descending 17 000. three and a half zero got mike picks up so treasure turn 10 degrees left back to that vision push right downwind runway one two just gonna maintain one three thousand thirteen thousand ten left down to uh ten thousand three ninety golf night all right three niners off mike one three thousand thirteen thousand yep too many numbers there in my head okay down to one three thousand three ninety golf mike we have information victor no problem okay they're just in front of the wing as big sky where we're headed okay i'm gonna need to pick up my ready descent here big sky breakfast [Applause] 1955 please now we can hear you 1955 okay thanks i'm starting to get you know jeffree 257 okay stay with you on 1897. that'll work thanks exclusive 505 i didn't say altitude okay i see the airport we are high premier zero golf mike turn left heading three zero plan left heading three zero zero zero mike thank you for that heads up jet blue 257 turn right heading two seven zero effects so 50 mile based on that i thought if he was going to three juliet tango salt lake center now on 1 3 2.4 okay that's interesting it should be in 1955 but you'd say of course you get the bozeman the clearer this radio is going to get because this is the west side frequency so this should work just fine sir you're number three of the airport expect about a 10 to 12 mile based funnel roger that's still scratchy yeah listening to you i don't know how you hear us november three so i've got a visual approach set up it'll give me guidance both laterally and vertically over zero golf mike just gonna maintain one zero thousand turn right heading zero four zero ten thousand right to zero four zero zero mike the character 96 mike back with you out at six thousand for one three thousand five hundred four miles southwest of three four four southwest zone jump nineteen or six minutes big scaffold killer option six thousand two hundred climbing one three thousand five hundred ninety six points jumping under six microsec four miles southeast [Applause] airport okay on a 15 mile right base got the field in sight zero golf mike turn right hitting zero nine or zero and join the finals and maintain eight thousand zero nine zero enjoying the final down to eight thousand three ninety golf mike and we do have the field site jetblue 257 center maintain one one thousand seven eight one one thousand definitely 257. premiere zero golf my cleared visual approach runway one two clear division one two three nine excellent 547 big sky approach turn right direct kick down intersection descent and maintain one five thousand verify you have victor put some speed breaks out to slow down exit at 547 quickdo kilo india charlie delta oscar the altimeter three zero two two premiere zero golf mike contacts our correction uh ozone tower 118.2 going to tower 390 golf mike see you lesbian tower premiere 390 golf mike nine miles out runway 12. premiere 390 golf michaelson tower see how hard it is to bleed energy in a jet rectangle roger right on alpha two and contact ground point eight apple two to the right and okay we are looking good runway one two traffic will be lining up on the runway for departure we'll be in embryo 500. so skywars 3852 boston tower runway one two ladder pulley traffic turning the ten mile final to one two airbus roughly one two miles premiere three niner zero golf my termite alpha two contact four point eight right at alpha two three nine ground premiere three nine zero golf mic at alpha two to arlen's ready three nine zero golf mike poser gonna turn right on out for okay 38 minutes 212 miles quite a bit out of the way 910 pounds of fuel well i hope you enjoyed that flight it's a pleasure having you along you can show your support of the channel by going over to premiereonedriver.com and picking yourself out something for the merch store remember to follow me on instagram and we'll see in a few days america here comes the red carpet but of course most local spots are closed sunday and monday so we'll have to cook from home [Music] take hey p1d fans thanks for watching fly safe we'll see you next time you
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 194,784
Rating: 4.9438348 out of 5
Keywords: flying, private jet, private jet life, cockpit, pilot pov, airplane captain, single pilot jet, jet pilot, corporate jet, business jet, airplane pilot, predeparture clearnace, gopropilot, avgeek, pilot, avporn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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