Yellowstone Traffic Jam-Cirrus holds up jets.Icing In August?

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well good morning from uh beautiful bozeman montana we've been out in a big sky for a few days doing some hiking doing some chilling staying at a real nice house there and now unfortunately it's time to go back it's about 1150 nautical miles back to indianapolis two hours and 49 minutes 41 000 feet why don't you come along and set right seat with me i'm a former air force pilot with over 1 000 hours in the f-16 today i run a medical equipment business and use my private jet to visit customers or travel with my family and friends i video some of those flights and share them here my name is greg and this is my youtube channel zero golf mic runway three zero attack tv alpha cross two one get rid of the beach check coming off the hotel they're gonna follow the citation off your right okay runway three zero via alpha cross two one three ninety golf michael we're ready to copy as well premiere three niner zero golf mic graduated to tango yankee quebec airport see the bobcat four departure billings transition as filed climb by the sid park frequency big sky one one eight point nine or seven six zero five six three ninety golf mike it's the uh bobcat building's transition then it's filed climb via the sid one one eight ninety seven six zero five six of the squad from your zero golf mike right back is correct okay welcome aboard bozeman to indianapolis executive wow a lot of nice airplanes out on the ramp okay got a commander sovereign jet out in front of us beautiful view of the mountains out there it's warm here it's 26 celsius we're at 4400 feet elevation i need a lot of runway today 65 6500 feet of runway attention all aircraft holding short of runway three zero unfortunately we had a serious departure ifr and he he left 10 to 15 minutes ago and he's only at 9 000 feet so that's what the delay is so everybody just be patient i appreciate it you know stone for the boeing 737 short final runway three zero runway two nine are cleared option two dinner clear option you know 27. so sitting here i'm burning 130 pounds aside about 20 gallons a side 19 gallons a side per hour so commander 887's here at delta both terra departures taking the office sid on departure turn left heading two niner five maintain nine or a thousand runway three zero clear takeoff takes off and now we'll make the left turn to 295 and up to 900 000 for substitute you 42 base turn approved runway three zero quarter land turning first three zero clearly head tower that was a left hard to two nine five is that correct twin commander eight seven zero delta primitive turn left two niner five to the south of the field uh look going for the uh visual runway 3-0 now 99 are both tara roger i've had some very patient pilots down here waiting for a series to get out of the air space if you could continue on the downwind and maybe hopefully approach releases at least one of these guys how nine-nine uh yeah we'll extend that one tower well they won't even answer the phone so i guess we can get you on the ground as soon as possible hound nine nine runway three zero quarter land high nine nine clear land runway through everybody holding shorts sorry for the delay approach won't even answer the phone now i might have to replace my gopro batteries before we take off on 22 cross 23 zero out correct from charlie three to alpha three shed seven three one charlie mike no delay runway three zero clear for takeoff turn left heading two nine zero maintain one six thousand traffic door near and a two mile right base correction left thanks clever takeoff runway three zero no delay two nine zero and up to one six sixteen thousand seven three one [Applause] one charlie mike turn left heading two nine or zero maintain one six thousand contact departure thanks for your patience i would say flights over to departure watching my tip now niner eight if able turn left on alpha two now nine or eight taxi two arlen's the alpha monster ground putting texan to ireland firing groundhog frozen tower photos 943 with you visual 3-0 premiere 390 golf mike bose tower only 3-0 line up and wait all right three zero line employee three nine zero golf mike good hills 943 bows and tara continue for only 3-0 traffic premiere lining up on the runway continuing for those nine forty three gold one twenty seven tax sum of the alpha monster ground point eight texas seven of the output monitor ground point eight yell twenty seven premier 300 golf mic runway three zero clear for takeoff runway three zero cleared for takeoff three nine zero golf mike killso47 descended your discretion traffic crossing numbers runway at two niner cessna runway two niner cleared for the option traffic 47 southwest inbound full stops with x-ray those 124 both terrafor corners see the four car i chose sun 24 yellow stone 25 make a turn to the north enter the left downwind for runway 3-0 and report midfield make a turn to the north end of the left downwind report midfield yield 125 premier zero golf mike thanks for your patience contact part traffic safe flight zero golf mic or switch and we'll see ya larger premiere three nine zero golf mike 5 500 climbing one six thousand dollars zeroed off mike thanks guys to context rodeo nine and three five big sky approach good afternoon uh fighting two seven zero vectors for a visual approach only three zero posement and uh maintain one five thousand so the altitude restriction on this is that i've got to be uh at least at 11 000 feet i'm climbing up to 16 000 feet and i will make that restriction just fine come here drove off traffic south about 11 o'clock three miles maneuver diamond eclipse he's down at seven thousand he'll stay beneath yeah circle mike we're looking rodeo nine three five eight six raised current at bozeman uh let me know when you're able to get it sometimes that far out it's a little difficult uh the wind is calm and altimeter three zero two five again you can plan northwest bozeman inbound full stop with that trick on 62 thanks for x-ray proceed inbound to bozeman and stay with me for now see you about about time we'll stay with you and big sky pro choke are you talking these big old airplanes north of us there is uh seven two hotel defender maintain one one thousand turn right heading zero nine or so other aircraft approach again north about a half mile southbound about 40 knots fashionably overtaken behind it to your left uh indicates one zero thousand two hundred we have that traffic inside yells at six too thanks contact bozeman tower on one one eight point two let them know he's dead traffic does look like they're gonna pass away all right over to the tower 118.2 we'll let him know we see the traffic thanks dude another left-hand turn 935 turn left now so no issues there premiere three nine zero golf mike turn left directly on course 1916 okay left uh direct to um i missed what you said direct to uh billings bravo india lima check the billings up to sixteen thousand zero mike come here zero golf might contact salt lake city one three two point four for higher thirty two four see ya thirty two four zero golf mike take care salt lake center premiere three nine zero golf mic 14 500 climbing one zero six eight zero tango romeo and a chance for shortcut okay picked up a little ice there that cloud there's everything around the ocean bravo delta hotel direct bravo delta hotel 68 turned on my engine inlet and my wing heat takes bleed air from the engine and routes it out to those areas here we go busting through the top level that's a 1775 fellow center roger conway 3301 contact spoken approach one two four point niner spokane on 249 you have a good day man 3301 hello salt lake coast 53 85 360 spoons that's 53.85 santa rosa everyone wrong mailbox starter contact two miles southwest of the coppertown vr sales kid 12 500 one arena sucks run salt lake it's american 281 heavy uh we're right here at the top of this uh any rider reports that uh four zero zero open 281 we'd like to request four zero zero version 281 climate change four zero zero five maintain four zero zero american 281 all right so when you take that bleed air off the engine it really compromises the performance of the engine quite a bit is that southwestern right just uh [Applause] there's a probe on each side of the front of the nose that vibrates and when the frequency of it changes you get the icing light in the cockpit it indicates that uh then when ice has accumulated on that probe it's really hard to see icing from the cockpit here contact salt lake center one two seven point seven five twenty seven seventy five zero off my good day the uh bozeman altimeter there it is three zero two six okay as some of that was blocked there in the middle for american 27.83 i just got a 52-8 was that you yeah we got at cody airport place guys 5288. it's got a fit 280 individual fronts no known traffic around change to advisory frequency approved good visual gains two advisories got7288 2783 uh descent pilots discretion linked in one seven thousand seventeen thousand position three zero two six pd one seven thousand three zero two six in boston american 2783 salt lake southwest 1600 390 southwest uh 1600 assault lakes so like premiere 390 golf mike flight level 250 climbing flight level three three zero so there's three nine zero golf mic so like say hello zero tango romeo's uh three nine zero so that was the sovereignty that took off two airplanes in front of us these are three nine zero now running around combining some still us there you are six eight zero tango romeo so lake center hello good ride salt lake center caroline 269 sierra hotel [Applause] i'll have so weather back home looks good really nothing in roots city uh center uh scout one of the buildings nothing of concern so i'll let the time lapse run and uh overlay some audio from my atc 0017 and we'll pick it up on the approach back into indy thanks [Music] november zero golf mike planning champion [Music] [Applause] november zero golf mike contact minneapolis center 128.42 another three niner zero golf mike minneapolis center renderer november three minutes here goes my contact minneapolis 10119.72 contact chicago center one two five point two two seven three nineteen zero golf mikes yoga center roger welcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] indianapolis executive airport via direct food jack julian alpha kilo kilo sierra fenwreck brickyard victor hotel papa and direct for the airport 390 golf mike jack's brickyard direct and just confirmed that was jack's frick here direct 390 golf mike jacks brickyard direct thank you [Music] november 390 golf mike contact mini mini here question chicago center [Music] 135.97 [Music] [Applause] november three niner zero golf mike chicago center [Music] november zero golf mike contact chicago center 125.57 premiere 390 golf mike chicago center smooth rides november 39ers zero golf mike contact chicago center 134.02 number 39ers zero golf mike chicago senator roger should be a smooth ride [Music] you cannot do a goal for mike's been maintained for two nine or zero flight level two nine zero zero five fifty nine zero golf mike high school power snow one two [Applause] chicago premiere three nine zero golf mic 35 five descending flight level two nine or zero run three nine zero golf mike skeleton okay weather back in indy we are 126 miles out 23 minutes looks like there's some pretty significant storms to the south of uh indiana southern indiana there but nothing for us and [Applause] 2467. and then runway three six short taxi in jump in the car and on our way to home the 390 golf mike defender maintain fly level two four zero flight level two four zero zero five so for descent purposes right now i'm using a vertical speed so i'm descending at uh about 1300 feet a minute it's where that blue arrow is i actually control that blue area by this wheel right here i can increase or decrease the rate of descent the three nine zero golf mic contact chicago center one three five point seven five three five seven five zero golf mike good day chicago premiere 390 off my flight level 306 descending flight level two four zero number three niner zero got five chicago star cross jacks i maintain one three thousand indianapolis altimeter two niner nine or seven jacks at one three thousand two nine nine seven zero mike okay so let's go one three thousand put it over here execute it gotta come up here and hit v nav at one three thousand and you can see the snowflake is already below us there so we gotta run down there and get it light path is now below us we're gonna have to dive down so to speak to intercept it also selected nav okay so that'll work because i can see my bottom of my descent is before jack's there on the screen that little uh arc that is where i will reach number 338 bravo golf to check out number 33 bravo chicago center traffic about 10 o'clock 7 miles north or westbound descending through 7400 i'm verified i've already got my descent check okay so you can see we're capturing or we're catching up to it and they probably got that traffic uh about ten o'clock three miles northwestbound up to the kids six thousand eight hundred now now the descent of the aircraft will shallow out a little bit follow that glide slope on down across jackson thirteen thousand feet okay he's gonna hand me off here shortly number three niner zero golf mike ten takes india approach one two one point one twenty one one zero mike good day andy premiere 390 off mike one four thousand across jackson thirteen number or three advises in the executive weather upon the visual approach stephanie 2997 we do have the weather plan of the visual zero mic so there we are jack's at 13 000. now we're turning towards the brickyard and hopefully he'll give me another descent here and then break off this part and head over to the airport here's your golf mic to send to maintain one or zero thousand ten thousand [Applause] contacting the approach 124.95 turn direct to the field and 24.95 zero got my content good okay november zero zero echo you're vfr you just want to terminate radar service reserves director radar search are terminated squawk vfr and frequency change is improved tonight departure southwest 527 is going to be passing four point five for five thousand runway heading sub slot 27 in the departure radar contact climb and maintain uh i'll tell you what i got a lot of traffic over there to your left we're gonna go up to the right turn right heading 180 southbound and climb and maintain one three thirteen thousand okay right turn one eight zero to one three thousand southwest five twenty seven indie premiere three nine zero golf mike eleven two down to ten thousand i'll turn on zeroed off my procedure executive decided to maintain three thousand by the airport drinks the field down to three thousand three ninety golf mine okay so i got the power back number five echo romeo contact indy center one two four point five two twenty four fifty two five i get a little bump in this cloud here stop the 527 turn right hitting two three zero right turn two three zero southwest five twenty seven percent thirty four twenty one that is two point eight for five thousand return thirty four twenty one indian departure radar contact climate maintain one three thousand thirteen thousand for thirty four twenty one he it's the bumps there to make sure that she remembers the flight accidents let you just file appreciate direct terre haute maintain one three thousand contact indie center one three two point two terre haute one three thousand one three three point two southwest 527 one three two point two thirty two two one three two point two southwest five seven thanks yeah okay thirty four twenty one turn left direct break you in the mirror yeah there's the field left turn direct breathing and the mirror six thirty for 21. andy390 golf mike field site we can cancel and switch on over there's our golf mike cancellation receive squawk bfr frequency change approve there's multiple aircraft in the pattern circuit yeah executive traffic premiere 390 golf mike is 10 to the west planning a downwind entry one by three six okay i was going to come in and do a left base to a straight in but with a bunch of aircraft in the pattern i will try my best to follow into the flow here for departures exact traffic stock 66 blaming yankee turning turning left base for only three six that traffic okay so that might work out okay it's me turning the autopilot off leave me yankee turning file runway 360. executive traffic premiere three nine zero golf mike entering a left downwind runway three six first week you're gonna come six correction two three echo foxtrot go ahead hey we're on the south rim can we get topped off please yes sir we'll be down there as soon as we can [Applause] look at a traffic premiere three nine zero golf mic turning left face three six traffic scouts traffic one thousand executive traffic premiere zerk off mike turning final three six oh yeah right on glide path executive traffic skyhawk six six lemiaki turning left crosswind runway three six is next traffic 500. in the executive checklist this plot is two nine bravo zoo ten miles to the south gonna be straight in for runway three six is the exact exact traffic there's a bird that just went by indiana section of traffic 390 golf mike clear thank you travis scott six six leave me yankee turning left base runway three six sec okay welcome to anthony party three six left turnout to the northwest two hours 43 minutes 2 650 pounds of fuel 1173 nautical miles i hope you enjoyed today's flight remember to follow me on instagram at premiereonedriver you can always support the channel traffic skyhawk sticks buying yourself a t-shirt or a hat or anything final and i'm currently in a four mile final for runway 36 indiana so enjoyed having you along and just a beautiful day made it all the way across the country without encountering a thunderstorm we will see you on the next one so if you guys just want to go i'll get everything oh yeah those were kind of bumpy uh don't you hand me a couple things debra we'll do this this is heavy you can put that in my car okay exactly you
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 162,731
Rating: 4.9621344 out of 5
Keywords: flying, private jet, private jet life, cockpit, pilot pov, airplane captain, single pilot jet, jet pilot, corporate jet, business jet, airplane pilot, predeparture clearnace, gopropilot, avgeek, pilot, avporn
Id: m-2Oo8vD3OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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