She's Back! Premier1Rider in the front seat-Clearing Customs in Fargo

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well not exactly a great day for flying but it is time to leave so off we go so got a few more bags back when in Canada [Music] Vancouver Clarence premier 3 9 0 golf mic remember 3 9 0 golf my click Fargo Fraser 6 departure runway all right ready flight planners arches 1 3 2 3 squawk 0 0 3 0 ok you limits the Fraser 6 venez filed for my eighth right one 3300 three zeros the spots are coming drug off mic that is correct your location on the surface we're at that way my desert off mic thank you you [Music] Thank You 5:04 Heco's don't civilian air taxi with pleasure for Co Delta Rho mu zero right altimeter three zero one one taxi if adult Rodolfo you realize ero eight right that's the whole sort of alpha or echo Delta fantastic you holding short runway three City Roger and all the shorter runways right right monitor each of them and when I'm holding her very late I love on it here one one eight there's an option grand premiere 3 9 0 off-mike taxi from my landmark with Victor Trina take off my crown always right right on through three zero zero one taxiway alpha cross me 3 1 1 2 I ate right by alpha cross three one three nine zero Mike double O one boricua Delta tech Chanel my alpha cross may 3 1 you'll be falling a beach premier just leaving the FBO if you're left up ahead ok mark adult detection i08 right by alpha and cross runway 31 slips triple my ground Tech's help across major one I'll put her on eclipse tonight there's been a 22 is well alpha cross mystery 1 I'll focus on my 3 1 Harrisburg a cuckoo alright ready to go that convert our premier 3/9 off-mike hope short on the right side ready for departure remember t90 felt like vancouver terror and alpha liner runaway jury right in wait will be a short delay for turbulent departed medium aircraft 3/9 ergo off-mike line up and wait eight right [Music] what you say well from that taking off fairground believe me here to the assistance of an tak departure its landing on the other royal air hotel p90 cufflink in the turn contact departure from alpha quick kickoff runways your degree weird 3 names are golf my clear for takeoff run away right November 5:04 echo Delta tower and also line at runaway directory for example line up little a zero yet great Beck over departure premiere three nine zero golf I got a 1400 remember three Niner zero golf Mike thank you for departure right and a HUD climb a 1x out what six thousand circle in the clouds that's been our trip yeah it has put a lot of clouds at Jerell golf might contact maneuver center one three five - four three - 3532 zerg off-mike add a feature like getting on course convo - a drone but a little too late they were getting off course Vancouver Center from here three nines are golf like 8100 climbing one six thousand three natural golf Mike Vancouver she'd direct Iowa intersection on course mindful to a true strength I walk on course up to flight level 280 Rose are coming here's the son so 2 hours 30 minutes to Fargo North Dakota how's everybody doing back there but they look good good that storm up ahead or is that no that's just some cloud players up there now she'd have a nice point comedy cloud9 trivago had to tell Whitney with our onboard thank you everybody fine i three desktop i'm one seven thousand here i gotta do some manoeuvring up bump my one seven thousand videos uh patty 550 not nearly as scenic is on the way out hey well there's some thunderstorm activity over there Deb that's probably over whistler number t90 golf might continue to climb out but it'll for10 by level 4 1 0 certified cameras coming off give you a break from filming 3 9 0 golf my contact thank you sir now on one three three seven thirty degrees sevens our cup like a day Vancouver from here three nine zero golf Mike 21.7 climbing file hole for what sir premiered in November a three nine zero golf Mike thank you for Center Roger zero golf Mike for traffic stop climb a flight level a350 level 3/5 stars are go 5-0 golf Mike continue climb the flight level three seven zero expect higher in six minutes I thought well 3/7 tears are coming zero golf like I think in zero golf Mike continued climb down to flight level four one zero level four one zero zero five and zero golf might contact Seattle Center one two eight four or five 2845 zarkoff like the dead rising 2 4 0 27:43 elephant Seattle for France freelancer it off flight level three seven zero climbing to flight level four months are coming soon and it feels off makes everything and then make three nine eight zero salt makes sense a Salt Lake center one-one-niner point seven five 1975's work off plaque attack don't stay here five you can expect that about two minutes back last year 1692 father maintains all three five zero Travis for the Fox to five miles west found nearby saw three six zero hey Claude make a flight all a350 looking for the frost golovkin 6090 to fill your silver sterlin fourteen to fit a file discretion maintain that level two-niner-zero prescription teens are off wait there an amplitude is 106 off our first level it has there there were three Niners your golf Mike Kelly sitter Britt not to go up like level four one zero writer thing Ruggiero golf Mike contact Alex hunter one two six point eight five 2685 zarkoff Mike a day just twenty six eighty three descend and maintain for the whole two-niner-zero instead of two nine zero built upon piracy 4720 cross honey got about 4300 cleared the harness cs4 only one one and two offices all right Kirstie Arnett is one one in the Williston gonna go down to four point three seven thank you Salt Lake for merits real answers off like my level four months are on November 3 9 is your bells Mike felt like sinner educated s November - three Niner zero Gulf Mike contact Minneapolis enter one to four point two five twenty four twenty five zarkoff market day 43 47.89 high tech Minneapolis under one to eight point four two today their keynote of 144 convict Minneapolis under-13 2.15 Minneapolis Center prepare three nines off my level 4 1 0 summon your stream occurs here call Mike Minneapolis another afternoon scattered centric you 60.1 2000 or 3000 for iOS only one day the protein youths in matter Seth Conn takes approach for one to zero point four he's crossing bugs in the city of hardware fourth is weather and that Sierra tango zoo available on highway 50 flight service most and in parachute jump operations in Memphis any of what further four out of the 140 thousand feet inches on deck is Romeo consummation Romeo 25 three Zulu when one Niner zero at five ability to in one half he's 3,500 scattered centric you 62.1 2000 or 3000 for iOS from a 1/8 approach in use in that aircraft context approach for 1 to 0 44 these cross members in vicinity of Harbor Airport is weather and that Sierra tango zoo available on highway 55 service many parachutes on violations in the vicinity of Watford or four out of the 140 thousand feet [Applause] November 0 else make this enough - maintain flight level 350 row PD to flight level 3 5 zeros or a cup by November here for my friend 10 degrees right that's it for your design generator call 5 November be your golf Mike this an amazing site level 2 3 0 please level 2 3 0 0 5 ok that was for another three Niner zero call from I call me I don't know who else took that but November 3 mean I know xeric off my Sesenta maintain flight level two tree zero remember go fly fly level 2 3 0 aircraft exercise I remain your alpha 2 please another movie or 17 go contact Minneapolis Center one to seven point one not near just yep courtesy of 233 meeting up us on there good afternoon good ride November is your golf might clear director Fargo Airport talk to the airport certify calculating the how long we've been flying so we have been airborne I can tell you two hours and 15 but that's thanks I don't customs we've landed 2:30 we're gonna be pretty much right on schedule two minutes late where's the time right there November 4 zero zero zero four radar contact one of these the Detroit Lake feel or whatever were with it I got so mad at us for being late at customs you never hear they're for the Fort Pierce Dallas Fort Pierce that was a jerk every said he was gonna set the Coast Guard out to look for us really good evening 25 minutes secure for direct Devil's Lake after eight thousand five so we are 83 miles out for Fargo never before done out there for the maintain 8,000 Fargo altimeter three zero zero four they're making it sound like there's a lot of people out here but I don't see well he's controlling probably a big chunk of airspace that we can't really see if this stuff this thing only shows up flights that are close to our altitude before that like lady he's controlling a pretty big chunk of the sky the Liberty Road all fine Kadena maintain eight down 8,000 circle there might be a fair amount of traffic going from East Coast West Coast up high you know something going from New York into Seattle or Vancouver or Detroit to those areas is going to come up this high got a hazy number zero golf my contact part of overexploited 0.4 24:05 good day Margaux approach for your three nines or golf bike 1460 sending 8,000 with Romeo remainder three nines Ravel Frankfurt approach the above question maintain 4,000 the finding it or not a 0 vector I lesser my money okay four thousand and zero five zero magic circle there's what the airport looks like we're gonna land on runway 1/8 and fax it back here for customers right there hopefully it'll be as easy as Canada was he won't pick us up they're gonna take all of our backs off Oh especially one person's back which is fine it's really large everyone by mile from Kenny TURN RIGHT heading one five zero maintain 3000 from our Mirabel flank turn left heading zero eight girl left etiquettes Raiders are coming what's up or is hazy yeah it really is to those two and a half miles ability I'm here about Mike reaching 4000 reduce speed to to zero zero natural f at 4000 slow to 200 last circle commuter belt McKenna maintain 2500 2500 circling I'm a job elf Mike that amount from Kenny turn right heading one five zero maintain 2500 tilts up some localizer cleared ILS runway one eight approach right two one five zero two hundred five hundred tell establish clear the ILS runway one eighth circle fine Marvel folks could have to do here 9-0 push yourself back again 8,000 we have Romeo you guys are fortunate South Fargo Park Ji sang about special maintain 4,000 spectra silencer my wanting I still retain 4,000 sectors I laugh or take a year for dumb let me jog off my fish in the pot roast beef on a 2004 mount well Roger that word slaughter cup put Madrid offline contact our one 33.8 they go up two hours or go fine they're from here three nights ago Mike's with us money from here 300 off Mike Bargo tower win one out of here o at six but I want a quick Atlantic butterfly in Toronto I won eight sir come by although we have no idea where we'll find it have faith Pacific 7co Charlie turn with that eagle contact on our list our deco ground point on our cereal I see it there good eyes oh yeah you saw before 1000 I wasn't really paying attention about Road right there we could always use worst-case scenario five hundred minimums minimums juice like cost right there in the Hat [Music] premier zero golf like I left that and run with every contact up one item left if I were 503 degree on circle fine grab for me or three nights ago Mike is clear from oh three to customs primary three Niner there we go Mike over growling turn left on Bravo going to coming left off Bravo also to seventh circle let it clear above a might go into it threw that bottle six and I broke Mike good miss Marquez by maintain for like one second after one to 0.4 departures welcome for to throw thick Avery okay let it your brother Mike read that correct and about your element win ready two hours 39 minutes 185 20 on the fuel 1082 nautical miles premiered here at Gulf Mike Ross 97 our brother - right on Charlie - good there Bravo across to seven off Bravo right on Charlie to the jet centers are coming to use use my spotter next time they have the runway it wasn't a couple or for you to grip on T though get your water bottle in there or it is US Customs yeah it is hot okay looks hot here guys here comes customs everyone look friendly doing great are you back from we're coming back from Vancouver all the way up there they're up there for Sunday to Sunday 7 8 come on inside bring it [Music] [Music] all right just finished getting through customs and fueled up and big shout out to Bryan and Carson at Fargo jet for the quick turnaround and actually for being fans so it's nice meeting you guys hey p1d fans thanks for riding along with me today and as always you can follow me on instagram at premier one driver and I don't ask for money for my videos but if you want some cool swag you can go to my website premier one driver comm and get yourself a cool t-shirt or hat thanks for watching fly safe we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 427,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flying, private jet, private jet life, cockpit, pilot pov, airplane captain, single pilot jet, jet pilot, corporate jet, business jet, airplane pilot
Id: PxBopkfaAlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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