Private Jet Flight to Bermuda!

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all right today we head from cloudy rainy New York to sunny gorgeous Bermuda come on board let's go flying [Music] what no cookies [Music] [Music] one welcome on board we are flying here from gloomy white plains to sunny Bermuda now we got good friend Brian who's I've been doing a lot of flights of us so walk and walk Brian thank you and welcome aboard everyone about an hour and 45 minutes to tonight's Bermuda all right sue auction is in on my side I see it's in of your circuit breakers are good online nothing's plug nothing's yours Vijender off the start on a GPU today everything's put in the box park brake is set chalks have been removed or I close that AC is definitely on we got 28 volts and there your site your so here we go [Music] mission and two [Music] it's interesting it was eight degrees cooler on Wednesday 60 degrees hotter you know today I was living like I was ready to go yeah he was got me all right there we go do your check check rights coming on taking the load left left takes a load now parallel one two three times it's set I pop up my side up down down up up down free and correct flaps look up up and down up up yeah all right auditions not needed avionics are set Westchester 7 has brief 3000 F of 1 6 163 heading 800 feet rate turn 320 we're stopping at 3000 don't exceed 190 not to establish on that heading 3000 I see it both sides tsipras are set a speed to posted okay just behind the regional jet been all right we'll do it as he goes after he goes by 15 grab good-morning citations to Romeo Fox shot at Rossy Juliet for taxi please citation to remain Foxtrot was just around good morning were in my 3/4 back to the outside motion effects beat go alright alpha sure to golf go 2 3 4 she wrote me on Foxtrot alright we're gonna switch up the box because they just changed the run always clear left right here we go let me just switch it while we taxi are you gonna get happy could sure I'm up I am outside choose accept my bleed air on the windshield here to clear some of the water away which is doing a good job see I'll for sure to go are weary loaded it here thank you still 3,000 the city run we're heading a thousand feet level turn to 95 I'll reset to 95 for the vector which is set we're coming up on golf here that's my brakes here testers back to you alright find a good - checks later consume your thought should continue an alpha cross runway two-niner native kilos on current alright pick up kilo anyone else looking across to 9 and 3/4 to open up up should have a great day good max that's our good friend up there I wish the tower all right notable steering is checked do you aim when you're ready to push what's wrong thank you before takeoff here ice protections not eat it seats we're good he breaks her down on my side run down times 1 2 3 times or set crew briefing so the wet dates slow here we can still get back in if we have anything on fire any severe flight controllers she will come back land here ILS probably be 1 6 3 4 the mens are a little bit higher if there is anything that's not a severe issue but we need to we can't continue to repeat a let's plan on going to a Stewart as we always kind of my main it's their service center I'm just set dude sounds good I see the Vina have a 3,000 aren't get everyone welcome on board headed to Bermuda we are next to go here holding short runway in three four on alpha and Tara good morning citation to European buckshots want two or three for Radian sequence citation - I'm gonna your wife has a good morning went to either at 4:00 when we flew for clear for takeoff take on three four turn me a buck shot eat some lights to go edge instruments are clear no messages clear left alright you happy well I think everyone looks good alright forty-eight 82 over taking off with 46 past the hour stable they got powerset achieved two good engines air speeds building both sides 70 with the check v1 rotate positive rate gear up - and ten flaps up your dampener flight level change climb power engines coming on citation total me a boxer left-hand turn something New York departure one 20.8 have a good flight 22 of a potshot good day picked apart how you doing citation to Romeo shot 1700 to 3,000 on the Westchester drove a 500 parts per to contact climb maintain 7,000 and turn left heading two seven zero alright 7,000 and left turn 272 Romeo Foxtrot all right heading select 7,000 here we go I see some of those give me the 406 TURN RIGHT heading two seven zero right two seven zero there's a financer here's up flood syrup bottles or climate switches good I took a recog traffic departure one to zero point forward a twenty point four citation she wrote me a fox you have a great day Nick departure good morning citations European shut 4500 comments 7000 she set D heading addition to Ramona Fox News are letting one a spill of water two hundred seven eight all right q9 seven eight left turn Oh 180 European bunch are subject the bar chef with 28 festive two point five for five thousand three pull the other headache that first punch 2080 or departure radar contact climb and maintain one five thousand I thought what five fifteen thousand Southside usual 180 etiquette yeah I want to go too far try making a citation to Romeo shut maintain 8,000 8,000 I see see that version yeah it's crazy I'll leave the engines on wanna go [Music] removing a box rather like JFK was the navigation trick JFK sure be a function thanks trick Kennedy Nass [Music] it is cloudy should be a nice breakout though it should I was a betting man thirty five decimal nine twenty-eight or looking to a 300 departure twenty point 85 today what did he good buddy of mine he was asked he wanted to listen offline ATC now it's time this get back twenty twenty twenty point four thirty five 923 like he's a tennis before I can just about ten times the past month yeah just a few just a few times this is the main mission of the CJ three plus this is the main reason why we upgraded is to be able to fly line to Romeo factor out the proper 35-point minor today 35 nine she wrote me in budget circle so it's a beach built use the lead for the mission on that you're gonna 13.3 solo 28 three bye guys york how you doing citation to me about shutting down drink entity she will be a punk-rock column a Tier one to twelve thousand twenty twelve now Koff house nice 212 so it's great to be able to use the plane for the mission and we've done what meeting you've done what six trips the past six weeks done from eight trips the past thirty days it's been it's been really really busy it's been but it's been good the hours are racking up its racking up 10,000 what's interesting though is every time we do they just do something just a little bit different we never get this same you know to me which is kind of interesting cuz there's always some you know you imagine fat legs or whatever before - yeah go over to think clear direct ship from here which is they want to go but the hope everyone's been enjoying the the new plane so far and very excited to you to share the journey with everyone it's been and pretty awesome you know feel super comfortable in the airplane it's the same avionics really just some very minor differences with some systems and obviously have bigger engines but we're going to climb to 45,000 feet be able to do you know 0.73 it's definitely nice the speed but I think Brian you probably grew up this it's pretty much the exact same airplane is the m2 from a cockpit layout but it's all the same it is the same type rating the 525 s so it's I do it the single pilot endorsement on me on the airplane these one simulator for both types that flight safety and the true exactly so I did a company like ship thanks during ship to Romeo punch track now if the ship is in there we go this is true so I did about a day and a half differences training where we do anything from engine fires contact you know shuttle one to eight point three today twenty-eight three Jeremy a fox a great day the RK dhowan citation to romeo talks at once you 12,000 redshift like they do to romeo New York clinical under-17 about 70,000 Jeremy a buckshot 17 cents of your life will change so it's who's down in Tampa about a day and a half their single-engine stuff a lot of just learning their 1:41 problem but some minor differences but overall it was the usual kind of training just as you do a recurrent training it was actually very good to kind of stay fresh it as I just went for my type rating that long ago was really one felt super super natural Larry everything was just one super by the voters standard as they say SOPs and an operating procedure so it's good 2774 clear direct the altitude turn down here done point them for it studying faraway 4190 written exam and go ahead for my ATP c5 course left or right heading can valve on two weeks now right Morristown and C being barely proof so it could be doing that just gonna be yeah gonna be a lot of fun excited I think we're gonna be doing the global 6000 simulator is where we do some of our same time so gonna get that done do the written exam shortly after that and then straight back into that recurrence with the citation I'll be getting the Air Transport Pilot multi-engine training added on top of my license as I do have a commercial license now we have an Air Transport Pilot license so excited for that keep the ratings going here to learn or cut that walk better one three frequently to become a better pilot so it's three one setting times ahead for sure 1 3 3 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 don't want to go I got nothing on my wing still clean over here - still war can't believe it's six degrees up here and said yeah that's crazy this time of year if they don't feel I'm gonna go with the old Cummins been in to get food so on the way to pick up citation dad and then we'll be flying battered your plate or tonight or clearing customs in Newark and then our good friends at Morristown ops told us that hey we've their customs their which we didn't think we could so we've been now going to bars down quite a bit clearing customs there and then repositioning back to back to White Plains until we land after midnight we White Plains customs is closed unfortunately so so we've been doing it's been actually really really good been pretty easy there 141 Papa condom in our home in our vibe room recently primate but they weren't real enough that definitely shadow me oh feet direct dumper crime to pedal one Niner zero alright turn dumper and up to the white level one 900 me a bunch done have 19 see every time is different Brian every turn every time 18 standard standards we're now back to the breakout Brian it's gonna be there it's gonna come eventually get you Romeo I mean paying photobook Niner zero that means eight to nine zeros they think you owe me a bunch of names curious what the tops of this stuff is it said on the occult world fuel we report 41 so the one cool thing about Bermuda which is which is kind of unique is the oceanic basically means go off VHF to high frequency HF we your recording points different frequencies HF frequency cell call waiting you'll open up the window here del put 25 everyone clapping to fight a little TV 3-0 a week's come on oh here you go Brian as promised alright weakens our on I'm gonna put the tail in here for a second and it's all coming off yeah drop t1 from nine to minus one pretty quickly - yeah / - Romeo 5 contact New York Senate 1 3 3 + 33 5 charvaka Thea your good morning sweetie here at lea function 21:5 dominant you now know that they should - Romeo Foshan here shut a good afternoon - mr. Claude turkey King requested I'll be there and your mom you gotta give us one second Russia all right he wants the usual King so right now so right now it's show it on our flight plan how far is dumper from King here I think if we go and change it over to oh yeah all right so or a hundred thirty hundred and eighty nine miles from king look at eighty six months soon now one 186 have a good showing 17:29 who thought you agree yeah that's what it shows and I think we 29 our topic Lyme is a tweet dumper Niles yes so it will speed up a little bit ago I think 27 so we could always we can always change it if it's if we give her an estimate and it's more than three minutes the short set it alongside we have to let them know but we're gonna say 27 and New York vacation I'll be rubbing up on shut s meeting King 1:7 and q7 Jews I can put for 500 on request phone 7/3 come on the two women function trot rather that climb maintain 4 5 0 means a month point seven three and cruise all right Thank You cycle I maintain quite level for 507 3 and cruise European Foxtrot 45 that's good so there's our first so he's gonna been relay that to oceanic which is going to be a New York radio and then switching us to HF radio which is kind of cool but we are on our way one of the main reasons why we did upgrade to the CJ 3 plus from the m2 was you would think okay the m2 can be able to go it can do W go no problem from you know white claims for betta butta morning problem was the can't go get to be beautiful but you can't get back so what say you on approach the aircraft in front of you had an issue on the runway or the weather was it suddenly dropped you wouldn't have enough fuel to feel anything we'll get back to your opening which would be either and tuck it or Norfolk Virginia so the reason the CJ 3+4 you were able to do it is because we carried a fuel now be able to fly automated Bermuda all the way back my Airport was IFR we could have enough fuel to still flatter or alternate well shoot the approach go around flatter or holton it plus 45 minutes after that and it's a dramatically larger fuel tank CJ three-plus carried forty seven hundred and ten pounds of jet a compared to the m2 which is right around thirty three hundred thirty to ninety six to be exact so pretty much burning the same amount of fuel at 45,000 feet the m2 is at 41 so same thing so it's uh and that's really the main reason why the m2 could do it why this is really my dad's main mission and why we got the my are we upgraded so but it's really a fuel eating bigger fuel tanks I think all the ice is gone now Brian that's good hope that explanation kind of helped [Music] all right so we'll talk to everyone here a little bit now it's going to get boring [Music] all right everyone we are just begun our initial ascent now into into better Primula sunny Bermuda which is nice just gonna need us here who migrated blonde York Center we're also oceanic now and I'm thinking are making our approach to community sees told us to expect the ILS Zulu red wine freezer which is a beautiful approach kind of this right and of our key turn around the island so I'm excited to show you that and again we're on our descent dipper view the stem check this up here which is what we use so send checklist is here so we're gonna look at so descent windshield II fog is on this it is Bermuda and it's the air is really really saturate it's the pep dew point spreads really close together a lot of salt the sort of a humidity in the air in the atmosphere a little bit like South Florida I'm gonna put the winch toe bleeds on let's open up pressurization is set for Bermuda senators are not yet so it's gonna be us here out in 4 1 3 km/h 1 0 2 1 hp a runway report runway 3 0 Mike Weir and right there at Reich we like that line and of information hotel Hotel Eliade International Airport Addie's information hotel time one seven five five expect all instrument approaches runway three zero when 2 or 0 degrees one two not visibility one zero kilometers or clouds scattered 3,400 feet scattered 3-0 thousand feed temperature two zero one three one and your extender citation terribly unfortunate we do have a this hotel all right it's run the moment one RNAV arrival today so we're planning the three zero transition so we're right now direct moment and it's gonna be a left turn direct Kapil and then a bit V where will join the approach that's what they do every time when they do wrecked my three zeros we're planning on longer the eyeless you with me and Brian ready briefed it but it is the ILS you lou 3-0 won't take it for bid feet and then 50 hundred feet till we get off the approach will be localized slope establish once we are over Kaiba answer to 54 which we won't eat today but we do have the bugged one to two times and we're coming down the hill landing data every three sir we're at 12,000 pound airplane landed that's 700 or so below on max landing weight okay if you want to call this festive revealer do you want to pirate be afraid here is 10.2 thought they throw romeo Papa right if they were terminated you kind of see video feed or left that it de Vaca 39 way to clear with terminating all right 35 and ashes off pounders good 114 104 we have 900 available talk about it ILS Zulu 3-0 you know when we're parking is like to be a right turn off do they want to ever go out live in April 4 so hotel it they're leaving fpou avionics er sets chill transfers off terminated I tickets no passengers through belt stop off you're on in 3 9 cottages or no no I'll make sure at 0.5 or less can I touch down before letting to go sounds good so what the cool thing down here is I get to split the views so it's always good going into an airport this much situational awareness as possible stuff and I go ahead and put the approach so we can see what we are doing even after we've briefed it always good just to have a backup and then centered do you remember just once double-check our discretion to 5000 to 1918 omnipotence and Jeremy if I just went double check 5000 on our discretion and then 88 on the health tip they're coming three zero one five we don't want to buy it all right thanks 15 nice - Romeo fast trust fifty either above 3000 with the hours we will run like three zero press all right it'd be at about 3000 fill the island Zulu runway Green Arrow's vacation Charlotte buckshot at 30 50 on the meter thing sir 9 1 9 November at the unites a Riviera both real in the approach 3004 get rid of them do you think the papal here that's not right through there we got another guy by this I think I see the airport kind of through the clouds yeah I got it too but they take the copy of the gin deck when we were here the other day no they made us they print it out at the FBO and they sign because they have notes for all us you which much sure why they changed it through year do polish yes 2020 and some future videos it was pretty cool me or Brian we went out to see citation grandpa and that was a pretty that was a pretty awesome trip it's a really cool approach is Senator swirly cool weather we it's a great rate gentle vol.3 for us yeah yeah we did San Diego back to White Plains and still landed with an hour plus our 15 fuel which was amazing did White Plains Denver I mean it was just showing the range on this thing was pretty awesome good afternoon video they come on proving that approaches here you taking it yeah that was cool three one two three they decide to reduce other Dana or till one day we got a telephone number are you thank you 61 thinking there's some court for expect eratic on say your mouth stop iris so 3 a 0 sure thing we'll send the 42 and if service terminated return to sleep the DLC freaky things approved you know Eddie token it needs to be does he have a good day want to go it'd be a turbo 350 approach like at 1500 they're 9 1 9 November ecto clearing 52 Sun power position maintain 5,000 Judy tutti-frutti that's all right all right 3 0 1 5 5 she's got a 5,000 ever final another thing - Romeo flashback contacted me as our 18.4 unit 18 one citation you owe me a buck Chevalier wanna go we're getting arrogant afternoon citation the number chirping up hotshot island freezer no helmet Romeo five seven three zero continue approach surface than 260 degrees one three not can you for doing 3d recitation continuing Oh steals coming in no feel free to week departure one three 12:05 if I've got a top prickly speed checks blow juggernauts upset I think if we're coming a social media guy I love it anyway this book gets two grand pictures ready to go see I've changed you're rubbing off on my ass it is pretty it is beautiful why'd slogan we greet no red go one 61 laps 35 let's see the three cream all right before landing landing gears down three green flaps 35 speed brakes hurt down both sides their speeds coming back what about your hampering to go just coming away now no pilot autopilot Froylan checks are complete we're just waiting on landing clearance and ever show me a bunch got the winning winner number two a meal for a 23-0 plane to land surface when 260 degrees one trade off Verlander no woman I know for zero additional traffic requires another one we had in here about three to zero Rajan and put there will be looking like ever is that was that King here right Oh was it really anything so if you could call it that five hundred trucks at weight set the ship a little bit one have a touch more to the wind minimum minimum +5 Roger bird below speed brakes Ralph claps is deployed edits our hellos from our Canada's on i-43 holding short breather already taken enough for three remember to reinforce replicate remove a attacks we echo way to an alpha can't our ground one to four decimal five echo alpha 24:55 European Conchetta Thea ground good afternoon vacation - Romeo Sasha let's go right on alpha for Seoul aviation remember - oh short round that's the Alpha Hotel apron for alpha Hotel eat Britain for you have a great day thank you thing to improve thank you very much all right we're rockin and rollin fix everyone a welcome to Bermuda it enjoy our video please hit that subscribe button greatly appreciate it and we will see everyone on the next video wish everyone mini tailwind and safeline see you [Music]
Channel: CitationMax
Views: 508,355
Rating: 4.9156947 out of 5
Keywords: Ny, baronpilot, P1D, BERMUDA, foreflight, garmin, camp, bermudatriangle, ocean, S1K, citation, CJ3+, aviation, cessna, avgeek, cirrus, cirrusjet, visionjet
Id: 5uPhXQ5zVYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 23sec (2303 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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