My Husband Invited My Parents to Our New Home and Made Me Leave While They Were There

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I don't want to see you anymore I don't want any mess in my new house so please leave what do you mean I don't want to live with someone I don't like I'm Laura I'm 34 I was married to Paul who's younger than me by 4 years but that didn't bother me until recently I met Paul at a party through my friend Lucy Paul and Lucy went to the gym together Paul was good-looking with a strong body and a nice smile he was friendly and fun I was single then and Lucy really wanted me to meet someone so she introduced me to all the guys at the party including Paul hey Paul meet Laura my friend who's into books and has a lot of money Lucy stop it you're embarrassing me don't be embarrassed it's a compliment I blushed and said thank you Lucy you could have also said smart and beautiful about me you're right you're smart and beautiful now have fun and I'll check on me other guests after Lucy left Paul asked hey why did Lucy call you a nerd I smiled and said well I'm an engineer and I work for a software company I'm busy with work most of the time so my friends tease me and call me a nerd well that's cool so you must make a lot of money since they call you a millionaire nerd I burst out laughing yeah you could say that we spent the evening talking and getting to know each other Paul was really nice and I liked him a lot after that we started going out for coffee and dinner Paul even used to pick me up from work so we could spend more time time together he worked as an assistant in a small company after a few months of dating Paul asked me to marry him I loved him but I wasn't sure if it was the right time plus he was younger than me so I was worried if he was serious Paul are you really serious about this of course we've been dating for a while now it's only been a few months since we met and you're 4 years younger than me poor chocolate come on Laura are you still stuck on those old beliefs that say the husband should be older it really doesn't matter to me but I just wanted to make sure you're okay with it relax Laura you're a modern woman you shouldn't be worrying about these silly things Paul convinced me that we would be happy together as a married couple so I agreed we met each other's parents and told them about our plans while my dad Glenn didn't say much and seemed happy my mom had a private chat with me Laura dear I hope you've talked about money matters with Paul yes Mom don't worry I'm just worried that your success in your career might cause issues between you and Paul men can be sensitive about these things no Mom Paul is really understanding he doesn't have any ego about it he's even agreed to help with household chores since I'm busy with work that's good to hear Take Care honey this talk made me realize that I hadn't talked about finances with Paul and he hadn't brought it up either I never really cared about his money because I earned enough but Paul had had asked about my salary even before proposing it bothered me for a bit but I decided to let it go I was excited to start married life with Paul after the wedding we went on our honeymoon to Florida a gift from my company we had a great time then about a month later after dinner Paul sat me down and asked for a favor honey I'm really sorry to bring this up but I need your help what's wrong Paul is everything okay well not really my parents are having some trouble they live in an apartment on the second floor and there's no elevator it's getting hard for them to climb the stairs as they get older I see why don't we move them to a ground floor house or an apartment with an elevator he didn't seem to like that idea actually Laura I want to build them a house I was surprised okay but building a house can be really expensive you know yeah I'm aware of that do you have enough savings or are you thinking of getting a loan Paul looked down for a moment and said Laura I was wondering if you could lend me the money to build the house I was shocked this was unexpected I didn't know what to say huh what but you make good money so why do you need to borrow but Paul I'm not sure if I can lend such a big amount why not Paul got a bit aggressive I didn't know how to say no so I just said okay let me think about it I'll let you know I spent the night wondering if it was a good idea to give gave Paul all my savings to build a house for his parents I've worked so hard for this money saving up for my own future the next morning as I was leaving for work Paul hugged me and said Laura I'll wait for your decision let's talk about it this weekend I'm running late I wasn't feeling too good about the situation so I talked to a colleague for advice she suggested making an official contract with Paul to ensure he'd pay back the money it sounded like a good plan to make sure everything was clear and Paul wouldn't back out later when I got home I told Paul I could lend him the money but he'd have to pay me back in 3 years surprisingly Paul agreed I made it clear he'd need to sign official papers and if he didn't pay me back I could take legal action Paul laughed when I mentioned the papers you can't be serious I am serious I have the papers ready what he looked surprised then said okay I'll sign he smirked and signed the papers I transferred the money to him but I still felt uneasy because Paul's salary wasn't enough to pay me back after that Paul started acting strangely he came home late and didn't help with chores when I complained he said he was busy at work my feelings for him started to fade on weekends he was often away overseeing the construction of his parents new house sometimes he didn't come home saying he was staying with his parents I started to suspect something was wrong I can't take this anymore Paul you've been acting strange and living off me like a parasite in this house house what do you mean how dare you say that you've been living off my money since we got married you haven't contributed financially at all and now you don't even help with chores he looked at me and said casually you knew I didn't earn much so why did you marry me I was shocked what I'm not in the mood to argue with you I'm looking forward to the housewarming party your mom's organizing at our new house tomorrow he said mocking me I couldn't believe it he didn't even tell me the house was finished and I have a party without inviting me you built the house with my money and you didn't even tell me it was done and now your mom's throwing a party without inviting me what the hell I yelled he Shrugged oops my bad come if you want he said and laugh humming I was so angry I wanted to break something but I calmed down an hour later my mother-in-law called hello I answered hi I'm calling to let you know we're having a housewarming party at our new place tomorrow tomorrow she said okay I replied shortly before hanging up I was pretty sure Paul had asked her to invite me is she genuinely wanted me there she would have called earlier besides she's never been friendly to me not even when we first met or after the wedding at first I didn't want to go because of everything that had happened but then I thought if I didn't Paul and his mom would probably say I'm just jealous of their new house so I decided to put on a fake smile and go for a bit my when I got there I saw the entrance decorated with flowers and Paul was standing with his mom greeting guests as I walked in my mother-in-law said oh you came I didn't think you would what made you think that Paul interrupted you're here now so come inside I followed Paul inside and saw my father-in-law sitting alone he smiled genuinely when he saw me and thanked me for the money it was the only time I felt good about lending it because neither Paul nor his mom had shown any GR attitude Paul and his mom ignored me the whole time I just chatted with some relatives waiting for the party to end so I could leave when everyone left I said goodbye to my father-in-law goodbye take care of yourself I told him but then my mother-in-law stepped in you don't me to worry about my husband when you can't even take care of your own huh what do you mean you've been a terrible wife not doing any chores and making my son do everything what kind of wife are you he volunteered but you should be doing your share I work too so I need his help you should be grateful he puts up with you instead you abuse and torture him what I've never tortured or abused Paul don't act innocent Paul told me how you've mentally tortured him for money and got him to sign an agreement what kind of wife does that my father-in-law tried to stop her Megan stop why are you being cruel instead of grateful sit quietly or go to your room I couldn't believe Megan would treat Thomas like this then she turned to me you should be grateful my son married you who else would marry an old and ugly woman like you I was so frustrated with her words that I lost my temper and shouted back how can you talk to me like this Paul stepped in Laura watch your language how dare you raise your voice at my mother did it hear how she spoke to me he rolled his eyes and added I can't handle your outbursts anymore what my outbursts do you realize how badly you and your mother are treating me I don't want to see you anymore I don't want any negativity in my new dream housee so just leave what why yes I don't want to live with someone who speaks to me like this you've been living off my income all this time and now you're calling me trash you're pathetic Laura let's be clear you knew couldn't find someone as good-looking as me given your age and looks so you married me and now you shouldn't be complaining about money Paul said I felt my face burning with anger feeling deceived and Furious I yelled at him I can't stay with such a shallow person I want a divorce and my money back Paul started laughing evily sure you want a divorce fine but you'll have to pay me back the money if you want it since you want the divorce it's on you Paul's Sinister laughter revealed a side of him I hadn't seen before I was livid at his evil smirk you'll have to repay the money I lent you or I'll take legal action go find your stupid papers first he sneered feeling numb I left unable to Bear any more insults they had belittled and mistreated me I went straight to the bank where I kept the papers in the locker only to find them missing checking the bank log I discovered Paul had accessed the locker a month ago it was a joint account so he had access too we'd opened it after getting married to save money but it was mostly my earnings going in even the copy and my wardrobe was gone realizing how Paul had deceived me I understood his interest in me at Lucy's party was because of my salary he been living comfortably off my earnings in my house then he emotionally manipulated me into lending him money for his house and later kicked me out and now he stolen the agreement so I couldn't get my money back I've been tricked but thankfully I still had the original papers I gradually felt like Paul might betray me so I kept the original documents safe at my parents house and kept copies in the bank and my wardrobe despite all the pain and insults I was relieved that I followed my instincts and kept the papers away from Paul's reach I called my mom and told her everything she was Furious and wanted to sue Paul and his mother for mistreating me she also admitted she wasn't surprised I asked her did you know about Paul's intentions no I didn't know for sure but I had a feeling he wasn't truly in love with you how did you know he rushed into the wedding you hardly knew each other when he proposed and insisted on getting married yeah you're right I should have been more cautious when you came home I asked if you talked about finances with him and you said Yes actually mom I lied I never talked about money with him and I never asked about his salary it just wasn't important to me well learn from this don't trust too easily I hired a lawyer and sent divorce papers with a notice demanding repayment in 3 years if not the court would of his property to pay me back Paul and his mom had no idea what was coming when they got the papers and notice they tried calling me but I ignored them and blocked their numbers Paul even tried calling my parents but they ignored him too Paul left a voicemail on my office phone saying I'm sorry for everything please forgive me you know how much I love you my mom influenced me but I hope you'll take me back Paul always used my emotions to manipulate me but not this time I deleted his message and blocked his contact his lawyer also asked me to forgive some of the money as Paul couldn't afford it I ignored the request after all the insults and attacks I couldn't forgive them I waited patiently for 3 years Paul could only manage to pay half mostly through loans because the salary was low he had to sell the house he'd insulted me and kicked me out of the dream house and now 3 years later he has to sell his house to pay me back it seems like things didn't go well for for Paul and Megan after everything came to light Paul moved back in with his parents and they faced a lot of backlash from the neighborhood Megan continued to mistreat Paul and Thomas for their financial situation even after everything Paul's reputation took a hit at work and he eventually left his job and moved away Thomas also left Megan and went to live with his brother in the countryside Megan now works as a nanny to make a living I don't feel sorry for either Paul or Megan as they brought this upon themselves I'm glad to hear that Thomas will finally be able to live peacefully in his retirement years it sounds like you're being careful this time around you've been dating Charles for a year now he's your colleague and 35 years old you've known him for a while but there were no romantic feelings before about a year after your divorce you started to enjoy each other's company at an office party and things progressed from there it's good that you're taking your time to think things through this time it's important to be cautious after what you've been through
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 1,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: 4Zpa0k03QXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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