I switched the tea my mother-in-law made for me with my husband's,and something unexpected occurred.

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hi it's Tara here and I've got a story to tell you it happened a few months ago but it's still fresh in my mind I want to share it to help you understand toxic behavior and when to stand up against it I'm 32 years old and live with my husband Stephen who's also 32 and our kitten Stephen and I have been together since high school we got married young and went to different colleges but our relationship stayed strong next month we'll celebrate 15 years together but there's a hitch my mother-in-law Lily won't be joining us Lily never really warmed up to me she has two sons and she's always doed on them since they were born in her eyes no one is good enough for her boys when Steve and his older brother seed were kids they enjoyed all the attention from their mom they loved her a lot and didn't noce how controlling she could be as they got older Lily's controlling ways became a problem for her teenage Sons they weren't allowed to date or hang out with girls outside ofo School Lily didn't let them have sleepovers with friends and threaten to punish them if they argued Steve and SE went to the same high school as me so I knew them a bit while Steve kind of agreed with Lily's rules seen rebelled he often got in trouble for sneaking out and hanging out with girls his mom even came to school once to threaten his girlfriend at the time what Lily didn't realize was that Cen had grown a back gong and didn't listen to her anymore he stood up for Jesse his now wife when Lily tried to scare her away and insult her when they turned 18 they started avoiding ly more and more ly wasn't happy about it at all Stephen also thought scene went too far we were still new in our relationship so I didn't say much to avoid arguments but then Lily started targeting me she did everything she could to break us up even planning an expensive trip to Hawaii during prom week to keep us apart stepen did ask her to cancel the trip but that was the only time he stood up to her whenever Lily criticized me and said hurtful things Sten didn't defend me he even started believing her when she said I might cheat on him when we went to different colleges we ended up taking a short break and Lily took Steven out to celebrate our breakup she never thought Steven would come back to me she was Furious that we got back together she kept harassing and humiliating me every chance she got I tried talking to Stephen about it but it didn't go well hey Tara you know my mom is really disrespectful to me I've always tried to be nice to her but all she does is criticize me and call me names I'm getting fed up with it can you talk to her about it Tara my mom's still upset about what happened with scen she's worried about losing me too she just wants what's best for me and my future try not to take her words too personally so you're okay with how lily treats me seriously Steve remember when she tried to break us up she only did that because she was worried you might cheat if you had cheated on me I would have been really hurt she was just trying to protect me from getting hurt are you serious she used your fears against you to break us up how can you defend that no matter what I said Steve never saw things from my point of view he always thought I was overreacting and believed Lily was just trying to protect him he refused to believe me when I said Lily calls me to criticize me he insisted Lily would never do such a thing and accuse me of lying even Cen tried to talk sense into him after hearing everything Steve argued with Cen saying he betrayed their mom things got weird between Cen and Steve Cen ended up marrying Jessica the same girl L tried to scare off he invited Steve and me but didn't tell Lily about the wedding Lily was Furious and tried to get Steve to convince SE to invite her Steve always siding with his mom argu with seen because of L he almost didn't go to the wedding to support her I said to him are you really going to skip the wedding to support Lily remember what she did to scen and Jesse in high school she still complains about Jesse and blames her for taking scen away why should they invite her to their wedding look you don't know everything it's all a big misunderstanding mom was just trying to do what she thought was best foreen she can get carried away sometimes but she's willing to patch things up we're family and we shouldn't hold grudges it's their wedding and they can choose who to invite it's not our place to make demands we should respect their decision I know I can't change much but that's why I'm not going to the wedding I want them to realize they're making a mistake I'll RSVP tomorrow they'll still have time to reconsider stepen if you skip the wedding they might cut you out too they've already done that to Lily are you sure you want to risk losing your brother over this after a lot of arguing he finally agreed to go to the wedding I was relieved hoping things might improve he saw how happy Cen and Jesse are without Lily's inter they even moved far away and had the wedding there to keep Lily away when Steven showed Lily the pictures she lost it she cried on his shoulder and made him stay with her for a month he even canceled our trip to Colorado to make it up to her I was really upset by how he handled everything however I knew our love ran deep and breaking up wasn't an option anymore I just hoped Steven would see the truth about L's awful Behavior fast forward to two years ago Sten finally proposed and I said yes Lily was upset but pretended to be happy for him later I found out she refused to give him her engagement ring because she thought I was a gold digger and our marriage wouldn't last I love the ring Steven picked for me we're both Engineers so we make good money he could afford to buy the ring himself plus I'd rather wear something he chose than have Lily's jewelry wedding planning was a mess Lily kept getting involved in everything from Cake tasting to picking a venue she had to have a say in everything she didn't like my ideas and tried to change the theme Lily said my vintage theme was boring and tacky I ignored her but Steven didn't we discussed every decision carefully I finally spoke up this is getting ridiculous it's our wedding not hers your mom needs to give us space to decide for ourselves I don't want her input on everything she hates everything I choose you need to tell her to back off Tara mom just wants what's best for us she's been to more weddings than us so her input could be helpful in the future you know she missed cen's wedding she just wants to enjoy mine I'm tired of hearing that excuse she deserved to be Uninvited from scene's wedding that was a her fault because Jesse didn't let her interfere I won't let her control everything she's welcome to be involved but she can't criticize my choices this is our wedding Steph she already had hers after a lot of persuading he finally told Lily to back off she threw a fit but calm down a bit unfortunately Sten still went along with a lot of her choices I was sad at first but I knew it was also sten's day so I went along to avoid more trouble I wasn't confident enough to stand up for myself and Steven was too influenced by his mom to think clearly the wedding turned into another disaster when Lily showed up in a white dress that looked like a bridal gown thankfully Sten realized the problem and insisted she changed before the ceremony she pretended she didn't have another dress but my maid of honor came to the rescue with a dress I had bought for her Lily had no choice but to wear it during the reception she made tearful speeches about feeling like she was losing her sons so awful women like me and Jesse she tried to make herself out to be the victim and criticize our relationships it made everyone uncomfortable even her own family my maid of honor took the microphone away and try to lighten the mood on our honeymoon Lily called us constantly crying about feeling lonely she called Sten repeatedly and when she couldn't reach him she called me where's my boy what have you done to him it's only been a month since the wedding and you're already taking him away no matter what you do he'll always choose me over you he'll never love you more than his mama Lily we're on our honeymoon you can't keep calling us like this sten's phone died so he went back to our room to charge it why would I keep him away from you I know how you are terara all you want is his money you can't stand the fact that he supports me he sends me money and Gifts every month you want to isolate him so you can take all his money but I won't let that happen he's been taking care of me since his father died 10 years ago Lily I don't care if he supports you you're his mom so of course he helps you out I earn enough for both of us so I don't want his money anyway you need to stop accusing me shut up you may fool him but I know what kind of woman you are now give the phone to my son right now I need to talk to him dealing with her on our honeymoon was just one of many tough conversations when we got home she cried for days because we didn't take her along it was surprising when she scolded Steven for going without her but as usual he focused on comforting her and ignored my concerns I was slowly learning to handle her tantrums and speak up for myself things were okay until I found out I was frighten it we were thrilled and Steven wanted to tell Lily right away I was nervous but but I figured she'd be happy about her first grandchild I couldn't have been more wrong as soon as she found out she started crying and yelling she accused me of trapping Steven with a baby to take him away from her she even claimed I cheated on him and was passing off the baby as his my husband tried to calm her down but she wouldn't listen I was tired of her drama by then her Tantrums lasted for 2 weeks before she decided to visit us she came early in the morning and let herself in with a spare key Lily acted overly happy about the baby and even brought me gifts Steven thought she had finally accepted the baby but I wasn't so sure that evening Lily offered to make us tea because it was chilly outside Sten was grateful for her kindness and gave me a look like he was saying see I told you she's okay now I decided to investigate I excused myself and went to the kitchen to check on Lily I saw her making tea and adding something from a carton both my husband and I are allergic to lactose so so we only use a specific brand of oat milk the carton ly used wasn't ours she used the oat milk for one cup and the other carton for the other I thought maybe she was just using a different kind of vegan milk for variety but I was still uneasy when she handed me the suspicious mug I panicked and switched cups with my husband when they weren't looking we drank our tea but Lily just smirked at me the whole time luckily nothing happened that night but in the early hours of the morning I heard my husband throwing up in the bathroom he kept going back and forth and it woke me up eventually he came out and lay down on the couch looking like he was in a lot of pain Lily came out too and looked worried when she saw him suffering she started crying that's when I realized she had used cow milk in ourt I was Furious but first I had to get stepen to the hospital I called 911 and they sent an ambulance Stephen was in a lot of pain and almost passed out we got to the hospital and the doctor said he needed to stay overnight when the doctor came for a consultation I made Lily confess to everything in front of stepen she was worried about her son so it wasn't hard to get her to admit it the doctor shook his head and said stepen needed to stay in the hospital for a day Stephen looked troubled and suddenly he started to see through L's actions he was baffled by what she had done he asked her mom you know I'm allergic to milk why did you use it we don't even keep cow milk in in our fridge why did you bring it here and terara doesn't drink cow milk either you know that stepen believed me I didn't mean to hurt you I don't know how this happened I know you can't have milk I'm your mother then why did you put milk in my tea huh what happened ly just kept crying in the corner that's when I decided to tell him the truth I know why ly brought cow milk into our home you see it wasn't meant for you it was meant for me what Tara you can't have cow milk either Lily knows that why would she bring cow milk for you I don't understand Lily wanted to hurt me and her baby I don't know why but she wanted me to suffer she gave me the cup you drank from I switched our cups because I didn't want to risk our child's health turns out I was right there's no way she would do that you're lying terara mom say something you told me you were happy for us tell me you didn't do this Lily started wailing and screaming it caught so loud that a had to take her out none of us wanted her there anymore stepen was shocked and traumatized by what she did he apologized to me and promised to keep Lily away from our lives I comforted him as best I could and took him home the next day I changed the locks on our house while he was in the hospital he called Lily and told her we were cing off contact for good more crying and wailing followed Mom after what you've done I don't want you around I've always defended you but I see now how much you've hurt my family I won't allow it anymore you've crossed the line stepen please I didn't mean for this to happen I felt lonely because you were spending all your time with her I thought the baby would make things worse I just wanted to hurt her a little and make her suffer I'm sorry sorry doesn't change what you did it's unforgivable I can't even imagine what would have happened if Tara drank the tea you gave her I'm disgusted with you and I don't want to hear from you again leave us alone with that we started cutting off contact with her she showed up at the house and tried to get in with her keys when she saw we changed the lock she started banging on the door we called the cops and let them handle it we blocked her on all our phones and social media Cen and Jesse informed our extended family about the situation everyone was disgusted and appalled by her behavior after discussing L's actions with me stepen seing and Jesse we decided to get a restraining order against her we have evidence from our security cameras and her confession to the doctor the order was granted quickly so far she stayed away but has tried to gather information from our extended family no one has entertained her demands and we've CAU offed financial support so she had to get a job at wart we're rebuilding our relationship with Cen and Jesse Steven and Cen had a heart-to-heart conversation and resolved their issues Jess and I were always close so this brought us even closer thankfully my husband has finally seen the the truth and protected me from Lily we're happy and eagerly awaiting the birth of our child to be safe I made it clear to Steven that Lily won't have a relationship with our child to my surprise he agreed immediately our household is peaceful now that Lily's gone for good we might move to scen city after our child is born I'm not sure what the future holds but I know we'll face it together
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 1,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: I-CWZj5n7Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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