My Ex-Husband Called 20 Years After Leaving Us to Show Off His Fancy New Life

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hello my name is Macy I'm 42 years old and have been married twice my second marriage has been wonderful but my first was a disaster my first husband's name is Bobby and we were high school sweethearts I was a cheerleader and he was a jock we had a lot of fun together and he made me happy back then he was my first boyfriend so I did everything for him because I thought he was the one I'd be with forever we planned to go to the same University so we could stay together but in my second year when I was 19 I got pregnant my family was upset and I wasn't thrilled either my mom kept telling me that life with Bobby wouldn't be easy my family never liked him but couldn't really explain why they just had a bad feeling about him as a teenager I wanted to prove them wrong and rebel so I ignored their concerns both our families agreed to support us until we graduated and got good jobs and I'm still very thankful for that Bobby and I got married at the courthouse and had our friend first child at first Bobby was a great father and I felt like I was proving everyone wrong then 2 years later I got pregnant again by then I had graduated from college but I had to quit my job to take care of the kids Bobby worked two jobs to support us life was hard but at that time I felt that as long as I had Bobby with me I could handle anything but a couple of months after her second child was born Bobby started acting very differently I tried to talk to him about it but he wouldn't listen one day I took the kids out for a walk and came back to An Empty Apartment all of Bobby's things were gone I panicked and seeing me panic made the kids cry I tried calling him several times but it went straight to voicemail I remember rushing to my mother's house with the kids crying while I tried not to break down when my mother opened the door she looked worried and let us in what happened she asked I think BBY left me I said what what do you mean I took the kids for a walk and when we got back all his stuff was gone I can't reach him oh no do you know why he might have left I don't know he'd been acting very differently for a while but he wouldn't talk to me and then today he just left okay calm down we'll wait a while and if he doesn't come back we'll file for divorce I'll help you out but I loved him how could he do this to his children I know I wish I could find him for you and ask him all these questions but we have to move on not because he'll heal you but because you have two kids to raise my mom was right I spent the next few months painfully getting over him while raising two kids who looked a lot like him I cried myself to sleep many nights but eventually months turned into years and I slowly got over the pain my kids obviously asked questions about their father and when they were old enough I told them the truth they were devastated but surprisingly understanding as a family we learned to live past the pain my mom was a huge help and made raising two kids much easier than it would have been alone 13 years after Bobby left I met my current husband Fred at a bar during one of my friend's birthday parties my mom was watching the kids so I thought it was a good time to relax and have some fun with my friends most of the night I stayed with my friends chatting and laughing towards the end of the night Fred approached me my friends had been encouraging me to meet someone for years but I was too traumatized by Bobby to try so when Fred came up to me my friend stepped back to watch as I talked to him he started by asking if he could buy me a drink I wasn't going to turn down a free drink so I said yes we waited until we got our drinks to start talking so what brings you here he asked ah it's my friend's birthday and I'm just here to celebrate with her I replied that's nice how about I send over some drinks for all of them he offered all of them there are seven more people there it's all right I'll make up all the money I spent here the next two hours so no worries so you're rich rich ha I guess you could say that of course I'm not trying to brag or anything love no it's a great thing to font not a lot of people get to do that and you aren't being a jerk about it you're buying a bunch of strangers drinks because I told you it was one of their birthdays what can I say I have a particular weakness for pretty women you're so so weak you believe everything they say even lies yes of course although did you lie he asked with a playful smile no it is one of their birthdays but it is concerning that pretty women make you weak you should get that checked I joked how what you helped me with it maybe if I had a pretty woman by my side I'd only have a weakness for one woman Fred replied with a playful smile it was a confidence boost to be called pretty by Fred especially because he was so handsome he looked like he could be on the cover of Vogue I surprised myself by flirting back with him I was usually quite introverted so I don't know if it was the drink or just Fred's charm but I felt comfortable being flirty eventually my friends came to get me thanking Fred for the drinks before I left Fred and I exchanged numbers from then on we talked all the time we started with text then moved on to calls whenever we have free time or something interesting to share we also started meeting up more often at first we met in public places But as time passed we began hanging out at each other's homes I was shocked when I saw Fred's house for the first time it was like a mansion Fred laughed and told me to get used to his wealth because it would soon be mine Fred was very open about wanting to marry me he told me countless times how comfortable he felt around me and that just made me love him more he was also completely okay with me having kids when I told him about Bobby he was genuinely upset for me after after that he went above and beyond to show me how much he cared about me Fred and Bobby were like night and day and being with Fred made me realize why so many people didn't want me to be with Bobby I was glad I got out of that relationship but I hated how it ended Fred helped me heal and move on from it which I was incredibly grateful for we only dated for a year before getting married we had a destination wedding and flew out our closest friends and family my kids were thrilled for me and constantly told me how much they loved Fred which was a huge relief for me life from then on was smooth sailing Fred eased all my worries and even helped with my kids education despite me insisting I could handle it he showed me that he accepted all of us not just me he decorated my kids rooms exactly how they wanted them before we even moved in together Fred did everything Bobby didn't and more it was a true turning point for my family and that's how we grew into what we are today from then on Fred and I had a child of our own but never treated my kids differently about a year after our marriage my kids asked him to legally adopt them which was another big moment for our family after that we became one big family we did all the things families do going out to eat going on vacations having fun together you name it my career was going well and Fred's company was thriving too there wasn't a single thing wrong in my life before I knew it 7 years had gone by then one day out of the blue I got a call from an an unknown number hello I answered look who it is it's Macy who is this don't you recognize me ah I don't think you remember much anyway it's Bobby here how are you doing the voice said Bobby what the heck how did you even get my number I asked surprised ah I forgot how whiny you are I just happened to come across your number and thought I'd give you a call to see how you've been Bobby replied how has life been treating you since he asked since you left me oh come on Macy we were having way too much trouble and both you and I know that we would have gotten divorced anyway so you just chose to leave without saying a word well I wanted to avoid all the emotional drama so I did what I had to do Bobby said you are unbelievable a pretty rich piece of work do you even realize the harm you caused me leaving was the best thing that ever happened to me are you serious right now yes I married a wealthy woman with kids but I was willing to overlook it because of her money and it paid off because she got me this amazing job that pays me so much I'm living my dream so you abandoned your own kids to take care of someone else's you got to do what you got to do right please never call me again goodbye I was stunned by the sheer Audacity Of that man to call me just a brag about his new Rich lifestyle part of me wanted to keep talking to him just to find find out where he was so I could give him a piece of my mind but I was so overwhelmed with emotions that I could barely think straight after I hung up on him I felt hurt not for myself but for my kids they grew up without a father who was too busy taking care of his new wife's children we struggled but what did he expect we were just high school graduates when we had our first child where would we have gotten the money for ourselves at the same time I felt disgusted he was the epitom of a SLE back he only cared about someone if they had something to offer him I decided to block his number because I didn't want to deal with him anymore that chapter of my life had been closed for long enough and I never wanted it reopened I told Fred about it later that night and he was understandably upset but also glad that I blocked Bobby's number we decided to move forward from that about a week later IED another call from an unknown number and once again it was Bobby I was getting frustrated by his constant calls he called to brag about his luxurious lifestyle his new expensive car and how well his kids were doing at school I didn't bother being polite this time I just hung up on him but that didn't stop him he kept calling every week after that telling me about his extravagant purchases I blocked him with every new number he used but he kept finding ways to reach me eventually I stopped answering his calls altogether because he was becoming a nuisance it seemed like he enjoyed bothering me one day when I was stressed at work Bobby called me again oh hey Macy he said can't you just leave me alone I snapped oh come on I'm just trying to make up for lost time he replied casually well you're 20 years too late the kids don't care about you and neither do I leave me alone I said firmly you know you love it Macy he replied I really don't I don't want to hear anything about you or your new good life why are you jealous are you jealous I'm living the life that you'll never be able to live he taunted I can assure you I'm not well here's something that will definitely make you jealous I just got a promotion I don't give a crap you know you're jealous I mean I just got a promotion at digitom one of the finest media companies I'm going to hang up I said ending the call I was Furious and annoying after the call but something Bobby said kept nagging at me I was too angry to think about it at the moment so I pushed it aside when I got back home I couldn't shake the feeling and then it hit me Bobby mentioned working for digitom one of the top media companies in our city and it struck a cord because Fred is the CEO and founder of that company my husband I couldn't believe how perfectly the universe had aligned this meant I finally had a way to teach Bobby a lesson not just for bothering me but also for abandoning his children I waited eagerly for Fred to come home bubbling with excitement to tell him about my my day did something happen why do you seem so hyper Fred asked when he saw me nothing happened per se but I did find out something big I said I'm able to contain myself oh what is it he asked entreat Bobby called again that sick guy if I could get my hands on him Fred started his anger evident that's the thing he might be closer than we thought I interrupted huh what do you mean W today he called me to brag about his big promotion at work and guess where he works I said a grin spreading across my face you need to tell me that he works at my company Fred exclaimed disbelief evident in his voice yeah at first I couldn't help but think his company name sounded really familiar and then it hit me I explained did you really not remember the company I created Fred teased listen I was way too angry to remember my own name cut me some slack I joked back I'm kidding I'm kidding anyways do you want me to fire him Fred asked absolutely but before you do I was wondering if there was any way to humiliate him I said definitely bold of you to think that I wasn't going to fire him in the worst way possible for him Fred chuckled with that we began planning our revenge we decided to wait a few more weeks before executing our plan to fire him we would record his calls to me and play them in front of everyone at a big company event in 2 months which Bobby would be in charge of there would be several big names present and we would tarnish his reputation over the next few weeks I answered Bobby's calls calmly knowing I had the upper hand I listened to him boast about his wealth and my lack of it all while recording every conversation these recordings would come back to haunt him and I couldn't wait at the end of the 2 months the event arrived normally I avoided big crowds but this time I wanted to see Bobby downfall while I sat on the throne Fred bought me a stunning expensive dress for the occasion I stayed in the car until Fred called me not wanting Bobby to see me and run I entered when Fred introduced me during his speech as I walked on stage Bobby's face dropped I smirked as I passed him watching him sweat Fred praised me and spoke about our wonderful years together raising my kids with every word of Praise Bobby seemed to sweat more I Bean with pride as the crowd applauded me then Fred's speech took a surprising turn he spoke about how I had been harassed by my ex-husband recently detailing how he had abandoned me and our kids to start a new family with someone ly but fate had a Twist in store because my ex-husband worked for Fred's company the crowd murmured in shock speculating about who my ex could be Fred quieted them down promising to reveal the identity he pointed at Bobby declaring him to be my ex-husband the crowd buzzed with disbelief Bobby looked like he might faint realizing there was no way out Fred wasn't finished he had proof he played the recordings of Bobby's calls to me exposing his behavior Bobby froze as the truth unfolded Fred announced that due to Bobby's actions he was fired the crowd cheered as Fred and I left the stage Bobby was escorted out and the event continued smoothly Revenge was served and it tasted sweeter than anything else you're quite bold to call me again after last night I answered the unknown call ER you tricked me the voice on the other end exclaimed what do you mean I asked innocently you you absolute witch don't play Dum with me how could you not tell me that you were married again and to my boss no less as I've told you before Bobby I simply didn't care about you I replied calmly I know that but the least you could have done was inform me he retorted so you would only stop harassing me if you knew who my husband was and if my husband wasn't your boss you would have continued I countered don't twist my words Bobby protested I'm not twisting anything and if we're talking about decency Bobby let's talk about you abandoning your family if you could do that I can certainly do this enjoy your new life and I hope you find a new job I said firmly I don't have a family anymore my wife left me because of yesterday and she took the kids and it's all because of you Bobby lamented I didn't do anything you did this to yourself goodbye Bobby and good luck I replied ending the call it felt empowering to finally stand up to Bobby and know that I had caused him to lose everything I hope he learns never to mess with me or my family again Fred and I continue to thrive together and our kids have grown into wonderful adults my life is peaceful once again and I no longer stress about Bobby's calls I finally feel Vindicated and free thank you for listening to my story
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 5,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: 0ZgAov6iLeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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