My Mother-in-Law Came to Stay,Then Asked Her Family Over and Told Me to Leave Because I'm Not Family

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hey I'm Kenneth but everyone calls me Ken I just turned 33 and let me tell you I've got quite a story to share before today's events I didn't really believe in karma or anything spiritual I thought it was all just in people's heads but now I've had a change of heart I totally believe that what goes around comes around and it's all because of my mean mother-in-law and her family well except for my amazing wife she's the exception despite growing up around all that negativity she's still a wife wonderful person now let me tell you about the crazy stuff that happened on a sunny Wednesday morning in my house hey could you come down here real quick what's up honey I need to ask you something and please please don't say no my wife gave me those adorable puppy dog eyes and honestly who could resist that she explained how her mom Georgina was coming to town and needed a place to stay I knew what she was getting at and I quickly said no but babe it's just for the weekend can't you handle having a sweet old lady around for a couple of days let me tell you that lady was anything but sweet she was like pure evil I kid you not dealing with her was like living in a horror movie I often wonder how my wife turned out so kind despite having such a nightmare for a mother as I started explaining why I couldn't handle having Georgina around and suggested she stay in a hotel Kimberly started looking really sad and like I said I can't resist her sad face she's got me wrapped to round her finger so reluctantly I agreed Kimberly was over the moon thinking me like crazy since you're being so good about this I'll make sure she behaves too don't worry hopefully you won't even have to see each other it'll all be smooth sailing I promise well that promise didn't last long because what happened next was totally unexpected it was Friday afternoon and Georgina my mother-in-law was about to arrive we prepared the guest room with everything she might need and some stuff she likes hoping it would keep her from causing drama around noon the doorbell rang Kimberly busy in the kitchen called out I think she's here Kenny can you get the door please I prepared myself and opened the door standing there was a woman with a not so friendly expression it wasn't a smile it looked more like a scowl my mother-in-law I greeted her hello Kenneth hi there how was your trip are you doing okay I welcomed her inside taking her stuff and doing all the host stuff without being too pushy but I could feel my irritation building as she started her NeverEnding complaints wow Kenneth the patio looks amazing did you do this yeah I it looks absolutely lovely I'll need to snap some photos soon oh could you take those bags upstairs to my room dear and could you also make me a coffee I'd like a caramel macchiato with whipped cream please did she think this was a Starbucks if you've ever seen a street car named desire you might get an idea of what Georgina was like she acted just like blanch all high and mighty with a touch of fake innocence she strutted around like she was a gift to the world I can't stand that kind of arrogance especially when she's being rude just then Kimberly came out of the kitchen to greet her mom you look stunning oh come on Kimberly do I you're just saying that well you do look great it's this new diet I'm on you should try it you could use it sweetart but not this weekend this weekend is for relaxing that's why I ordered my caramel macchiato speaking of which Kenneth when's my coffee going to be ready I'm thirsty I need something to drink right now I might faint see what I have to deal with after enjoying a delicious lunch prepared by my wonderful wife I had to quickly Google how to make a caramel macato Georgina made it her mission to point out every little flaw in the meal followed by a quick it's fine don't worry too much to soften the blow but she made sure to remind us to be extra careful next time to avoid making those silly mistakes as she called them she seemed to enjoy talking down to us and while I could handle it I could see it was getting to Kimberly I mean how could she not be bothered that was her mom after all and Kimberly didn't have a mean bone in her body I couldn't say the same for myself though I'm the type who likes to get revenge when I can later in the afternoon afternoon Georgina went on and on about how much she loved the house well she had a unique way of expressing her love for it sure my time in Bora Bora was nice but Zanzibar was even better the scenery was stunning and the people were lovely this vacation won't be as fancy as those but it's still a vacation maybe it'll humble me a bit since I've been to so many fancy places it'll be a nice change of pace I guess I'll be honest I zoned out of the conversation many many times and whenever I checked back in it was still going on George and I had a way of making things drag on longer than they needed to anyway we spent the afternoon chatting mostly Kimberly and Georgina I was just there like a decoration making sure Kimberly was comfortable every now and then I chime in to make it seem like I was paying attention around 400 p.m. that evening Kings started to get a bit weird you know Kimberly I've been complimenting your house ever since I got here and I have to say it's stunning thanks Mom we've been working hard to make it nice and Kenny and I spent a lot of time getting ready for your visit it's so good that I can't keep this Bey to myself what do you mean mom what are you saying well you know on my trips to places like Cancun Fiji or India I always bring along some friends or family I don't like traveling alone especially as I'm getting older it's become a bit of a tradition for me to have companions like Ursula or Justine oh that sounds nice how are they it's been a while since we talked funny you ask because they're actually on their way here now you can catch up with them yourself Kimberly nearly chokes on her coffee at this unexpected news I would have done a spit take too if I had anything in my mouth because I was shocked at what she just said but I kept my cool and managed to say uh Kim Let's go to the kitchen now we headed to the kitchen to talk about this bomb show please tell me she's joking babe I don't think she's joking but you only told me she was coming we only prepped for one person I'm just as surprised as you are babe I didn't know anything until now just like you I started pacing in the kitchen so what do we do I guess we'll have to tell her we only prepped for one person and maybe we can put the girls up in a hotel they can come over during the day to hang out with Mom I sighed in frustration this was also inconvenient wasn't it nope the sarcasm as much as I cared about Ursula and Justine my aunt-in-law and sister-in-law I wasn't keen on entertaining them all weekend they were a bit like their mother not as bad but having them all around would be chaotic we argued about it until Georgina herself showed up in the kitchen what's the problem I think it's a nice idea to have other family members join us for the weekend she started pouting and strangely it had the same effect on Kimberly as Kimberly's pouting had on me when she wanted to Georgina could get her way with those puppy dog eyes I guess Kimberly inherited that skill from her mom oh no Mom please don't be upset it was a nice thought but we just can't handle this Sudden Change especially on such short notice Kenny and I were thinking of putting Ursula and Justine up in a nearby hotel and they can come over during the day angelene sorry I mean angelene Jolene is also coming with them so you want four extra people in the house I'm sorry Georgina but that's not going to work oh Kenny dear don't be such a stick in the mud Jolene has to come she hasn't been part of the tradition and she really wants to join in plus she's your younger sister-in-law we have to make room for her and honestly you're not even considered part of our real family so it makes sense for you to leave and for the girls to stay it's just for a couple of days after all mom how can you say that Kenny is our real family is he though your putting him above your actual sisters that's not what I meant mom the main issue is space we're worried there won't be enough room for everyone I'm glad you brought that up because I come up with a solution that will please everyone okay let's hear it okay so here's my idea Ursula and I can share the bed in the guest room since it's big enough and Jolene can sleep in Kimberly's bed there was silence I was completely lost I looked at my wife and she seemed just as confused finally I asked so you want three people to sleep in one bed that's uncomfortable and inappropriate don't you think yeah Mom we're adults now it's not appropriate for me my husband and my sister to share a bed aha I knew you'd say that which is why I think it's best if Kenneth doesn't stay here during this time again silence at that moment I think she finally lost it so you want me to leave my own house Kenny dear don't call me that that Kenneth don't talk to me like that Kimberly are you going to let him speak to me like that look I don't appreciate you coming into my house and making last minute demands it's not fair if you wanted a girl's trip that would have been fine if you planned it in advance why didn't you just tell us what you wanted and saying and not your real family was rude I didn't think you get so upset now honestly you're acting childish and don't you think Kim I don't know what to say Mom I don't think it's fair oh ye dumb people and your sensitivity I didn't do this on purpose it must have just slipped my mind I'm sure you understand I didn't quite understand but when I looked at my wife she was silently pleading with me I caved in feeling frustrated and said Georgina better communication would have been appreciated as I said earlier I wouldn't have minded if he ladies wanted a girls trip for the weekend I could have gone on a trip with the guys or worked at the orphanage but springing this on us isn't fair we're we're adults even if you see us as your kids you're a guest in our home and you need to respect that I stayed calm and politely pointed out her mistake she scoffed walked around and even laughed at times seemingly trying to avoid the embarrassment of being confronted by her sister-in-law nevertheless I stood my ground you want to have a girls trip and have everyone here for the weekend fine you want me out of the house that's fine too but I'll be back after the weekend with that I kissed my wife on the cheek and headed to our room Kimberly tried to reason with her mother telling her that what she did wasn't okay and that she seriously upset me but Georgina just laughed it off treating me like I was overreacting I packed some clothes in a duffel bag and left I booked a hotel room on my and headed there but not before stopping by the orphanage where I regularly volunteered as I mentioned before the orphanage is called open arms and I love working there but dealing with unruly and disobedient toddlers children and teenagers is no easy task as I spent the evening playing and helping out the children I couldn't shake off the thought of how to get back at Georgina I'm not evil or at least I don't think I am but I do believe in teaching people a lesson when they deserve it I guess that's why I'm good at my job I had a good connection with the kids showing them both love and discipline so they wouldn't take advantage of me we got along well to the point where some of them could tell something was bothering me Ken is everything okay one of them asked yeah everything's fine I said apologizing for losing my cool I explained the situation to him in simple terms he was just a kid after all but surprisingly he understood and even sympathized with me with all due respect Ken your mother-in-law is crazy tell me about it I replied you've got to get back at her somehow just to teach her a lesson right but how we thought about it for a while but I couldn't come up with anything then Maverick said something that changed everything we could help what do you mean we could help if you take a handful of us kids and bring us to your house we could ruin her weekend I thought about it and then it clicked Maverick true to his name was an evil genius it was a perfect plan the kids would get a fun weekend away and I could get back at my mother-in-law for disrespecting me we made plans like two Evil Geniuses plotting world domination and waited until the next day to put our revenge into action the next day Saturday went like this Kimberly answered the doorbell and was surprised to see Maverick and a few other kids why hello Kimberly Kenny oh Maverick hello how are you then she noticed the other kids and looked confused what's going on babe oh nothing I thought i' bring the kids along to join in Georgina's lovely vacation I said as I walked into the room followed by five kids a aged 6 to 10 they were known as the rowdiest bunch but they could be sweet when they wanted to be it was when they felt disrespected that they'd let loose I promise them ice cream if they cause chaos hello Kenneth how are you oh who are these lovely children good morning Georgina I hope you're all well I see the rest of the gang made it hey Kenneth how are you I'm well thank you who were these kids oh these children they're from the orphanage yes we can see that but why are they here the question Maverick would you like to answer that well Ken told us about the lovely vacation you were having in his home and we've never been on a vacation so he invited us over to join in the in-laws who were sipping mimosas and eating croissants in the living area gasped in horror and shared looks of disbelief some of the kids started grabbing food from the table bacon pancakes orange juice causing chaos Georgina stood up and pulled me aside what's the meaning of this just as Maverick said I wanted the kids to have their own little vacation I'm sure you wouldn't mind how can you bring all these kids into the house this is too much and someone named Maverick is bound to cause trouble this was supposed to be a relaxing weekend for me and the girls you know this oh well I'm sure you wouldn't mind it's only for a couple of days after all listen I know you're upset no you listen here Georgina I'm tired of you acting like you own the place place if you want to stay here for a vacation that's fine but the kids are staying too they deserve to enjoy just as much as you do so maybe next time you'll remember it's not nice to inconvenience others and with that I didn't give her a chance to respond I walked back into the living room to see the chaos unfold the little girl don't you dare touch that that's an expensive designer bag stop it you little troublemakers are causing chaos is this what vacations are normally like because if so count me out the ladies were being harassed by the unruly children causing chaos you might wonder how Kimberly felt she was in the corner snickering she found it funny too you might also wonder how I felt watching my house get torn apart it was worth it to see the looks on my in-laws faces I didn't mind cleaning up Maverick promised they'd help I just wanted to witness the chaos as the prim older ladies dealt with the chaotic children well everything seems in order I'll be on my way I'll pick up the kids tomorrow or Monday Cheerio and with that I left laughing in my hotel room I called Kimberly and told her the kids weren't meant to bother her just the snobby ladies if she needed a break she could stay with me that day was one of the best of my life
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 1,774
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: 5j07juLz8-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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