Entitled Parents Demand I Quit College Because My Golden Twin Didn’t Get Accepted in My College, ...

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first story entitled parents demand I quit college because my golden twin didn't get accepted in college and it's unfair for her that I succeed in life faster than her they even tried to unroll me out of the college so this is a throwaway account because my siblings are here too English isn't my native language so there might be some mistakes sorry about that so I 17f have two older brothers 1921 and a twin sister I should mention that my family is pretty affluent ever since I remember myself my parents encouraged me and my twin to compete with each other while they always favored her over me she always had their support and I was expected to be considerate when I succeed at something more than she does they ask me to give it up but they never asked this of her I do love her and my parents even though I feel like I've been treated unfairly both of us have aspired to be doctors for a long time I studied really hard for it for a long time and so did she this year we graduated and both of us applied for the same programs at the same universities the process here is quite different than it is in the US we can start medical school right after high school if we get accepted she wants to go to the same University as I do as do my parents on the other hand I feel like going on my own and having a separate life from my sisters I love her so much but we've been together my entire life she's an introvert while I'm an extrovert so she followed me around most of the time I always included her and made sure she's happy but it's been like this our entire lives and I'm honestly tired not to mention that if we go to the same place I would be expected to study with her and help her get high grades and I wouldn't be able to study on my own and focus on My Success my parents will be mad if I succeed more than her it's been like this for the past 12 years which will eventually hurt me I just want to finally be a person of my own this is where I might be the arle I got accepted to four different universities and she got into two I waited for her to decide where she wanted to go and then made my decision like I said a different place then she changed her mind and said she wants to go to her second option the one I chose I said that it's not a problem and I will go to a different place one she didn't get into my sister got really offended and my parents are Furious even though I explained myself politely and said that I love her but wanted to get a fresh start where nobody knows me they demanded that I go to the same place as my sister or else they wouldn't pay for my degree so I said whatever and said that I'd be fine on my own and left it to my grandparents when they came to talk to me they just kept on saying how wrong and entitled I was I really had enough so I told them I hated them for treating me like this now I'm refusing to talk to them and ignoring their calls my brothers and grandparents are on my side but everyone else is telling me I'm an arole am I edit thank you so much for the support and ideas I read all your comments and they're all very appreciated my brother got me everything I thought I needed including my cat I called the university to ask if my parents can unroll me and they can however since they never paid it will be difficult for them and the university can try to delay them until my 18th birthday my grandparents assured me that they wouldn't let them do something like that but it's still nice to have a plan B school starts on Monday and it looks like it's settled for now I will update you guys as soon as I have something to say P.S I don't feel like talking to them right now it's like all of the anger I held against them is now very substantial hope I use the right word and I feel like I need to cool down before deciding what's next they probably can also use some time off relevant comment I think I wrote about it somewhere in the comments my initial thought was to go to a school that's close to home in order to come back on weekends and be able to help my sister out while still having my own space after realizing I wouldn't get any space this way I chose the school I'm going to it's the best in my country and has nice scholarships but it's the farthest from home out of all the universities I applied to I guess it doesn't matter now so I said yes and did what I wanted to do update hey everyone sorry it took some time but I'm here with an update I had some problems publishing it but it's all good now reminding you that English isn't my native language so there might be some mistakes so as I think I said in the comments school started two weeks ago and so far it's absolutely amazing I have great roommates and I love my classes it's a bit intense but I'm keeping up it's truly a dream come true well some things happened my parents apparently called my University and asked for my schedule from what I understand they said that as my legal Guardians they are entitled to know everything about it the school told them that if they want my details they need to come and prove that they are indeed who they claim to be and informed me about it it happened just a couple of days after the school year started they haven't contacted me until a week ago when they asked me to have dinner with them they even offered to drive to where I am which is strange as they never even bothered to pick me up from friends and I agreed it was on Friday and they reserved places in a fancy restaurant nearby dinner went surprisingly well a bit awkward but they were nice and then they told me they would pay for my school tuition and everything else I needed but only if I took a gap here I refused obviously after arguing with me my dad said that he had enough of my attitude and ungratefulness left a 200 Frank Bill and left I'll admit that I sat there crying for about half an hour before I left with the change as the bill and the tip didn't reach 200 Franks LOL if you're asking yourselves what that was about then I did too I talked to my brother apparently my sister decided she doesn't want to go to medical school she wants to take a vacation to think about the future with a clear mind or something like that and you guessed it almost everyone thinks I should go with her after all we are twins and it will only be fair that we'll start studying at the same time there has been no contact from my parents ever since but it's kind of okay for me I got a scholarship and by the end of the semester I might get another one my grandparents paid for the rest they insist that I won't pay them back but I'm already working on that my sister answered my messages yesterday she told me that I hurt her because I didn't want to be with her and she doesn't know if she can forgive me I understand her and I do really miss her but I don't want to give up on my dream I hope she will understand me someday so basically I think things are all right by now not much has changed but I have my grandparents and my friends so I'm fine I'll be completely calm only after my 18th birthday when my parents won't be able to get me out of University it's really soon so I'm optimistic thank you all for reading and helping me I really appreciate it edit thank you all for your comments I'm on a pretty tight schedule so I still haven't finished reading but I promise I'll answer all of them since some of you got confused over the Franks we use them in Switzerland relevant comments I actually don't get it either but it's been like that ever since we were little there's nothing wrong with her we're different in some ways and she's more shy and quiet but not in an unusual way she always kind of tagged along with me and I wasn't allowed to have friends who weren't her friends or go to events by myself I also helped her study and my parents got upset over me when I got higher grades my best guess is that they think she'll struggle to be by herself and that if I do better it will make her insecure however I can't know for sure I feel like we could have been so much closer if my parents wouldn't push us together all the time it's a shame honestly in a way I'm glad I can be independent but I feel bad for my sister that she still struggles thank you I hope things will continue to be great I want that for my sister too when asked if their parents made them dress alike yes every single day in elementary school I felt so ridiculous and begged them to stop in Middle School Second Story op ran away from his home because of his narcissistic family's constant abuse and neglect now they are freaking out not because he ran away but because of what will happen to their family's image I think it would be easy to mention that I was never the family's favorite I know there's a stereotype that the youngest sibling gets the most affection from the parents maybe it only applies to my family but that's a complete lie and I also know why my family treats me like that they make no secret of it I wasn't a wanted child for the simple reason that my parents only wanted a boy and a girl so there are two children and no more the fact that I was then born as a second son didn't fit into their family's predetermined picture for this reason I was always ignored on birthdays I wasn't even allowed to be in family photos because they wanted to give the impression that their picture book family was the way they had imagined it they never let go of this image and just as an aside compared to my siblings my parents punished me much more severely for little things my sister once stole money and was grounded for a week while I was beaten up for leaving my room at night I put up with it over the years because even though my parents didn't really pay attention to me I always had a good relationship with my siblings when my eldest brother got married a few years ago I was still a minor and even though I was offended I wasn't allowed to attend the wedding on the grounds that it would be a childfree wedding I was 15 at the time and no doubt there would have been no reason not to let me attend even though I was hurt that I was the only one not allowed to attend I accepted it I'm now 19 and my sister wants to get married she gave birth to a daughter last fall and she and her partner wanted to get married I was really looking forward to the wedding and bought myself a nice suit at some point however I received a message message from my sister that I couldn't come to the wedding because they also wanted to have a child-free wedding and they needed someone to look after their daughter my niece I knew that wasn't true as they had a babysitter the babysitter was a friend of hers who wanted to earn some extra money while she studied when I pointed this out to her she explained that the babysitter didn't have time because she had to study which was also a Lie by the way as I had previously sent the babysitter a friend request on Facebook and she even wrote a post on the day of the wedding saying that she was enjoying her day off I asked her if she had anyone else who could look after the child as I really wanted to be there after missing my brother's wedding suddenly she got angry and told me I was being selfish and if I were a good brother I would say yes without argument and if I didn't say yes I wouldn't be allowed to come to the wedding under any circumstances it felt like a punch in the stomach I couldn't understand why she didn't want me at the wedding in the end I agreed but I still contacted my parents again they also told me not to be so selfish as the day wasn't about me and my sister was deciding the guest list anyway then I also realized for the first time that my attendance was never planned from the beginning because I was the only one who didn't get an invitation yesterday was the wedding and I cried when I saw all the photos posted in the WhatsApp family group everyone had a great time even when my sister dropped her daughter off at my place and I wanted to give her my wedding present she didn't even give me a glance she didn't even say thank you neither for the present nor for babysitting I want out of this family I love them but I can't stand being treated like this any longer I'm about to be promoted at my home office job and when that happens I'm going to move far away and break off contact they'll have the image of their perfect family back that I ruined and I'll have my peace a win-win situation for both sides comments Tom F just keep looking forward to the day you'll be rid of them and never look back maybe change your last name too op I thought about that do you think I should leave a message Tom f Kimi trust me on this seriously go hard no contact just disappear one day let the police quietly know you're fine this is a choice so the family doesn't feel the need to pretend they're concerned one day they will need something it will be devastating for them you will be nowhere to be found living your best life that is your future the best life far away from them the karma train always rolls around it may take 40 years but it does trust me on this I'm wallowing in long overdue Karma good luck op plan your escape and future there's nothing for you here feel free to DM you can do this adventurous Road 2085 why did you babysit for her if I were you I would move away change my number and don't say anything op I will but I thought that leaving them a message would at least prevent them from looking for me just in case they do care enough update 3 days later I didn't plan to make an update but so many people asked me to so here we are my original post is now 3 days old and a few things happened in that time span let's start by saying that I followed your advice I contacted the local police and told them about the situation just in case anyone was looking for me one day after I posted it I packed my things and drove to a friend of mine who lives far away I haven't seen him in a while but he agreed to let me stay with him until I have an apartment and before you ask I decided not to wait for my promotion I want to get out of there immediately that was when I started to read all of your comments thank you for your support I appreciate it apparently my story made it to Tik Tok as well but you probably want to know what's up with my family right now well I blocked their numbers even though you guys told me not to leave a message I left one but not the way you think my family has a spare key for my apartment if for some reason I care enough to check on me they find a message in my apartment I wrote this because I wanted to tell them everything I felt and let them know about their wrongdoings towards me and to my surprise my friend got a call from my mom yesterday I don't know if she found the message or just noticed that I was gone like that but I assume she did she said she was worried about me and that she had called every one of my friends because she wanted to know where I was and if he knew where I was he lied to her and told her he didn't know and then she hung up while some could see this as an effort I know my mom better than anyone else she is not worried about me she is worried about her own image and how people would react if they saw how she failed as a parent however she was the only one who I know tried to reach out so far to be fair I blocked their numbers so I'm not saying it's entirely impossible they tried but still my friend's mom had invited me to dinner this Sunday his family was always very welcoming towards me and I'm just glad I'm not alone I would also be lying if I said this situation left me cold because the truth is that I cried for most of the first two nights I want to leave all of this behind me and start a new life thank you for your support if anything essential happens I will try to update you comments botom 42 personally if it were me and I knew my mother only cared about her image I would blow them up on social media they spent years hurting you because of their image I am glad you got away though your family sounds horrible badg malcum I control the narrative I wouldn't put it past op's family for them to come up with a story like oh he was on drugs and ran away third story op had enough of her entitled Sills arrogancy and didn't invite her nieces for the Easter this spans over a period of almost a year and there's a backstory I'm sorry it's so long last year my S 36 told me 28f that her daughter's bike was too small and told me that I needed to buy her a new bike that fit her I don't mind helping out my family we can financially afford to help and are happy to after we got her a bike my asked if the kids could come over for a few hours and ride bikes with mine and we agreed after my niece got on her new bike I took a picture and sent it to her parents who responded with a vicious text from my sill accusing me of trying to steal parenting Milestones from her and how I am awful and I shouldn't be a part of the family she accused me of teaching her how to ride a bike without training wheels and how all I do is hurt those around me and cause mental and emotional trauma I tried explaining to her that the neighborhood kids were the ones to teach her I only bought the bike which again my S demanded that I do my S told me not to text or call her because she was too livid and didn't want to say something that she would regret and that they would tell us when to send the kids back I was bewildered I had her kids at my house and I didn't know what to do I talked with a close friend and neighbor and they confided in me that they were getting scared for the kids they mentioned some of the things that the kids had said about their home life and that they had actually just gotten off the phone with CPS because they felt like the kids needed a welfare check on their living situation honestly I agreed with them but because I had the kids at my house super frequently I didn't think I needed to call 4 hours later we finally got a text that they were ready to have us bring the kids back my husband walked them home I sent her a response stating that I don't believe in yelling at someone and not allowing for communication I explained what really happened and that I simply took a picture from my driveway I also explained that their child had ridden a bike before as they had ridden my daughter's bike while my S and Bill were there and they saw it they must have forgotten that she already knew how I said sorry sry and I would love to communicate I'm not trying to paint myself as a perfect person I was definitely mad in anger I did tell her that it was unfair to put the burden of raising her kids on me and we understand that they're going through a lot but that their kids needed their own parents I was tired of getting yelled at by her for the things that my niece was missing at school and I was tired of having to foot the bill to take care of them I have my own kids I said that I would happily back off and because I'm backing off there's important information she needs to know I told her about the neighbors CPS call in hindsight I definitely know I could have handled it better I should not have reacted in anger and I could have been more compassionate my husband's parents have joined in on the fight they have all convinced themselves that I am the one who called CPS I had a very abusive childhood and have never opened up to them about it one day I created a new text group with all of my husband's family in it and I apologized I told them that I was sorry that I reacted in anger in my response I tried to clear up the the situation as much as possible and explained why communication is so important to me my S then told me I know you had a rough childhood that's why we are all trying to show you how a loving family actually works because someone has to teach you my husband was livid he told everyone that he was done watching them treat me the way they have we have tried we were again met with the silent treatment months later I tried apologizing again this time I wrote handwritten apologies an olive branch and expressed my desire to move forward I invited them all over for dinner this broke the silence and they actually declined saying they were too busy and the kids can play at Thanksgiving Thanksgiving rolls around and I thought it went over well no one talked to me but they all talked to my husband and kids they ended up cancelling a family Christmas party because my husband and I are the only ones doing well financially and it would be too hard many things have happened over the past few months to get to now but I have had a feeling to plan an Easter dinner I sent out an invitation over a week ago for the 23rd of this month on the invitation I put please RSVP so I can plan for each child instead of doing an Easter egg hunt we're doing a scavenger hunt and I was planning on having enough Clues so each kid can read two of them so everyone feels included at the end of the scavenger hunt I was crocheting bunnies I asked for an RSVP so I could have adequate time to put together over 18 clues for the scavenger hunt and crochet nine bunnies I asked my sill if she would help me plan it before I sent out invitations and she completely ignored my text I went ahead and took that as a no and sent out invites to everyone in my husband's family everyone said yes to coming except that one sill I also sent invites to my side of the family and they all rsvpd yes my in-laws don't know my side is invited do I need to tell them I reached out to my sill individually a week after I sent the invite asking if she was going to make it to the event I also asked a separate question she only answered the other one and completely ignored my question about the 25th knowing her past history she is the type of person to not RSVP and just show up with her four kids and expect to have everything prepared for her I told my husband that I was not going to entertain that behavior this time if they show up we will tell them to be sorry we weren't expecting your kids they can participate but I don't have anything prepared for them other than a bunny he thinks that I would be in awe if I didn't prepare everything because the kids would miss out I'm exhausted but ready to hear my judgment whta update my sill just texted me sorry for the late RSVP but I finally heard back on a scheduling thing I was waiting on yes we can come to the Easter thing on the 23rd also a my husband's Aunt who they live with and who has cancer says she's planning on attending but she may wake up that day and not be up to coming I have heard everyone's responses and I have been looking up Greg sting I promise to update you all on how the event goes and I also promise that this will be the last time I plan to get together the backbone is growing I swear it's hard since we built our house close to my in-laws who are all neighbors so we can help out in their old age like I mentioned above my husband's Aunt has pancreatic cancer and his parents are often sick my Phil has a degenerative joint disease so up until my S moved in with my husband's Aunt we were helping out to take care of them then she moved in and we figured they would take over some of the care they haven't but they also won't let us I am coming to terms with the loss of family that I want my children to have but I am now more aware of the example of what is okay that I'm showing them comments kimry what you need to do is stop inviting his family ever it sounds like you're being a doormat stop trying to win their approval you won't get it what you will get is hurt feelings and disrespect but if you feel those kids will show up you would be the one to not prepare don't punish kids for their parents it sounds like they get enough of a bad deal just don't invite them at all next time n not right not wrong 15 this she's just inviting almost begging for people who do not contribute ignore her and bring nothing but negativity to her world why I'd be damned if someone came into my house and ignored me they can do that somewhere else and if the husband wants his sister's kids to have bunnies he can knit them himself the sister and ungrateful family members can kick rocks judgment NTA update 13 days later all right here's an update now that the event has passed since my S finally rsvped right right before the event I ended up going all out to make sure everyone was included and had a great time each kid had three clues in the scavenger hunt so 30 Clues and they demolished it in 30 minutes one of my nephews ended up being a complete menace to my daughter he was chasing her with a squirt bottle and kept spraying her glasses when my daughter told an adult she was told that she just needed to suck it up because the older boy cousin was having a fun time and he doesn't get to come over very often so let him have fun I had no idea a that was told to her by her grandma Mill I was in a different room running a cotton candy machine in the garage I've since talked to my daughter and we've discussed that it was inappropriate behavior and Grandma was wrong on top of that I didn't get a single thank you or good job I had my Mill help with a few of the clues for the scavenger hunt and after it was all done my sill had the audacity to say good job Grandma then they completely ignored me and didn't say anything about the hard work I had put in after the scavenger hunt I still complained that her toddler's Easter Bunny I made didn't have safety eyes or a nose installed and how I messed it up and I'm going to cause a fight with her children I tried explaining without apologizing that it isn't recommended to put safety eyes and noses on stuffed animals for children under three my nephew is one and I didn't think it would be smart to put eyes on it especially when the kind that I have can come apart if pulled hard enough but I'm the villain for making it different she didn't believe me and talked about how I made her life more difficult because now she's going to to have to embroider eyes on it just like Thanksgiving I was ignored by all my in-laws my mom came because I invited her and in her quest to be the world's best grandma she brought a cotton candy machine the kids were thrilled her and I had a good time attempting to figure out how it worked and got completely covered in cotton candy my in-laws thought it was the worst idea possible how could giving the children sugar be a good idea they all left after cotton candy after spending just an hour and a half over my Phil complained that there were extra guests over and he couldn't have the family meeting that he told everyone except my spouse and me that we were going to have AKA he couldn't Ambush me and have the entire family tell me what I've done wrong to them this past year everyone complained about every little detail of the event and no one helped me plan it when I asked I am officially done I'm exhausted I'm frustrated and I'm hurt this is definitely the last event that I will ever plan for them comments secret n239 you need to stop inviting or letting these people attend these events because when you think back on these moments you won't remember you and your kids or family having a good time no you'll remember being pissed off at the in-laws Ducker 74 I would go to NC with them all it sounds like you did an amazing job maybe get parents in the neighborhood to help and do it for all the kids next year thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and and share it with your friends
Channel: SecretVoices
Views: 132,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit confessions, entitles parents, reddit storytime, r/confession, r/entitledparents, r/entitledpeople, entitled people, r/IDOWorkHereLady, IDOWorkHereLady, Idontworkherelady, personalfinance, AmITheA**hole, AITA, Karen, Karen strories, Karen getting owned, letsnotmeet, Disturbing stories, real stories
Id: 0XNSm8g4Q8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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