Music School Graduate Insists I Sing at Wedding to Embarrass Me, Unaware of My Singing Talent.

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well well it appears that our less educated daughter-in-law the unremarkable Plain Jane is about to Grace us with her singing come on step onto the stage you ugly duckling my mother-in-law sneered it was my sister-in-law's wedding reception an I was coerced into performing a solo as was customary whenever my mother-in-law found an opportunity to belittle me her audacity to humiliate me even on such a joyous occasion as my sister in-law's wedding was beyond my comprehension what's taking so long hurried up she's sitting impatient her voice hardened okay then I will excuse me I stood up from my seat and slowly made my way towards the stage I'm Erica 33 years old living with my 4-year-old daughter Janice and my husband Paul who's the same age as me we're in our eighth year of marriage orphaned as a child I was raised by my grandparents but chose to be independent dropping out of high school to work at a local Factory Paul and I reconnected at a high school reunion when we were 21 hit it off and started dating 3 years after Paul graduated from University we got married since then I've been supporting him managing our household chores and raising our daughter while working part-time mom teach me how to sing Janice has been asking me recently neither Paul nor I had any intention of forcing music onto her but I have a background in music having been the president of the choir club in high school I still love singing and even take voice training lessons as a hobby Janice developed an interest in music naturally and I hope that one day we can perform together with Paul's music returning home 3 days later my mother-in-law called resuming her habit of belittling me since she discovered I dropped out of high school she often showered me with insults criticizing my abilities and family background she wasn't my favorite person hello is Janice there right now my mother-in-law asked I'm sorry she's at voice training right now shek not home I replied realizing I had let something slip but it was too late why didn't you tell me before letting her attend such things you really don't think things through I'll teach her my mother-in-law insisted despite her accomplished musical background she tended to take a condescending tone when it came to music and education she doted on our daughter but might inadvertently push her away if she followed the same strict teaching approach she used on Paul and his sister in the past mother-in-law I appreciate your offer but I want Janice to have her freedom in this even if you say that it's really up to Janice whether she wants to continue or not I can't force her to quit I'm sure it would be much better if I taught her my mother-in-law abruptly ended the call 3 months passed and I'd almost forgotten about the incident when my mother-in-law decided to visit our home it's been a while hasn't it oh how's Janice been doing she inquired likely happy to see her granddaughter after such a long time as soon as she stepped into our home she immediately scooped Janice into her arms barely greeting us it just so happened that Janice had the day off from her voice training class and the whole family was at home granny I've become good at singing Janice exclaimed boasting to her grandmother really could you sing something for me then my mother-in-law asked I intervened worried about what my mother-in-law might say to Janice how about we eat first before we hear her sing it's lunchtime after all I suggested don't interrupt when she's about to sing for me my mother-in-law dismissed my suggestion I'm sorry Jenice dear can you sing for me my mother-in-law asked hearing her request Janice began to sing from the perspective of a mother-in-law who graduated as the valedictorian of a Music Conservatory my daughter's singing must have sounded rather clumsy I had a sinking feeling inside me worried that my daughter might receive some snide remarks from her however my mother-in-law applauded and praised my daughter saying you did well you've practiced a lot far from making any sarcastic comments she thanked her grandmother seeming happy to be praised I sighed in relief thinking that even my strict mother-in-law wouldn't make snide remarks to her granddaughter I thought Mom might say something I was a little worried Paul whispered to me with a look of relief on his face nothing particular happened after that but as the evening came I realized that Janice had fallen asleep excuse me mother-in-law since Janice fell asleep I'm going to take her to her room I announced picking up Janice and carrying her to her bedroom after putting my daughter to bed I returned to the living room as soon as I re-entered my mother-in-law said to me didn't you think that Janice's singing today was terrible Erica it's a waste of money to let her go to a class CL that can only teach her to that level I'll teach her myself I confronted Paul as anger welled up within me wait a minute isn't that a bit too selfish what can we do when it comes to music she's much better than me and it's a fact that I got better by being taught by her Paul reasoned about 5 minutes of silence followed and it was Paul who gave in and said all right mom go ahead and teach Janice to sing for a while hearing those unbelievable words words from Paul's mouth my mind went blank is this some kind of joke won't they care how Janice feels after all she has been so happy to be interested in music what if Janice hates music because she's taught so strictly by her grandmother I was so angry that I felt like waking up Janice right at that moment and leaving the house with her so I guess it means Janice is quitting the voice training class as I said right my mother-in-law with a triumphant look on her face asked Paul and me all right but remember this is not a Music Conservatory so please absolutely do not do anything that Janice would dislike I know that you know I'm not uneducated like you I retorted stating what I had to say knowing she'd never back off and I let her go home for the day that night my husband apologized for his mother's Behavior but I did not even want to see his face I ignored him and went to bed the next morning I told my daughter Janice from today instead of going to the voice training class let's have Grandma teach you to sing here at home all right when she heard it she looked very sad but said nothing and just nodded I apologized seeing her like that then come noon my mother-in-law arrived at our home Janice starting today grandma is going to teach you to sing even better she said to my daughter with a smile no sooner had the lesson started then my mother-in-law's teaching style became more and more strict within an hour she criticized Janice harshly demanding Perfection you're wrong you're making the same mistake in the same place do it again I knew it would turn out like this mother-in-law this isn't what we agreed to is it could you be a bit gentler what are you talking about I'm being gentle don't interfere why don't you quietly do some housework that you can hardly handle 4 hours passed and at last my mother-in-law's lesson ended well see you tomorrow remember to practice what we did today she left seemingly pleased with herself if I'm going to get yelled at this much I don't want to sing anymore seated in her chair Janice said to me I harbored an intense hatred for my mother-in-law taking away what my daughter enjoyed and only caring about her own satisfaction this cannot go on I won't let my mother-in-law have her way her singing lessons continued in the days that followed however after about a week Janice told me I don't want Grandma to teach me anymore I don't want to sing given my mother-in-law's way of teaching I thought it couldn't be helped you don't have to force yourself if you want to quit that's okay too so you don't want to go back to the voice training class it was something she had started because she wanted to and I for my part wanted her to continue so I asked her that if it's that class it seemed that that Janice hadn't come to hate singing itself it appeared that the harsh words from her grandmother and the lack of Praise even when she felt she did well were making it unenjoyable for her why don't you go back to your voice training lessons and give it another shot I asked Janice and as if she hadn't been upset moments before she perked up and nodded enthusiastically so I'm sorry to say this to you grandmother but from Tomorrow Janice will be returning to her original voice training classes the next day arrived I relayed Janice's feelings to her grandmother over the phone how can she whine about giving up after just a week isn't it your fault for raising such a weak-minded child my mother-in-law exclaimed I retorted well it might be but even though you graduated top of your class from a prestigious music College it it seems that's the only way you know how to teach Janice told me that she preferred her voice training teacher fussing and fuming my mother-in-law continued but I ignored her and hung up whether she was top of her class or not it was quite satisfying that her own teaching method had led to her being disliked by her granddaughter who preferred her voice training teacher after that the visits from the grandmother ceased I spoken to your mother and told her it was okay as she didn't come to teach anymore Janice said she didn't want it anymore either I also feel like I've done something unforgivable to Janice back in the day my mother was very stripped with me about music so I couldn't say anything but I thought she wouldn't be so harsh on her granddaughter I'm really sorry I confessed to my husband Paul that night when I relayed this to him he seemed deeply regretful and apologized I was so angry when Paul suggested quitting Janice voice training class and having the grandmother teach her I almost felt like punching him but fortunately Janice didn't come to hate music so I decided to forgive him two weeks later Paul said my sister is getting married in a month and she asks us to perform I had never performed at someone else's wedding before what kind of performance is she expecting I was planning to bring a few people from my band and do a small concert but my sister really wants you and my mother to sing as well hearing that the grandmother would also be performing I reluctantly accepted Paul's suggestion so does that mean I'll be singing with your mother well yeah that's how it seems singing with my mother-in-law of all people I wondered if it would be all right but if I happened to sing better than her at this performance I wondered what she'll say I started practicing the very next day but there was no sign of my mother-in-law practicing of at all mother aren you going to practice I'm fine I'm much better than you even without practicing after all practice is something that people like you who are not very good need to do I tried asking because I was curious but the only response from my mother-in-law was sarcasm I decided it was a waste of time to engage with her and focused on my own preparations after we decided what song to perform I also increased the frequency of my voice training lessons I was sick of being ridiculed by my mother-in-law and above all I was anxious about performing in public after such a long time without proper training on the day of my sister-in-law's wedding the ceremony went smoothly and the time for the entertainment had finally come first my husband Paul took the stage and began to play his music as expected given he plays regularly he was confident and exuded and elegant Aura I was utterly mesmerized by Paul's performance I'm not feeling well today could you sing on your own then out of the blue my mother-in-law told me to sing solo what that's so sudden it's not fair well there's nothing we can do about it or what are you too embarrassed to sing in front of others because you're an educated and ugly she said this without a hint of remorse okay I know it she's doing doing this on purpose I thought and decided to retort being uneducated and ugly I've practiced hard so I won't be embarrassed singing in front of others I asked you several times if you needed to practice but you showed no signs of doing so whom could it be that you're actually a terrible singer that's not true my mother-in-law raised her voice in response to my question the people around us began to stir wondering what was going on ah sorry it's nothing I thought up for my seat apologized to those around me and then pressed my mother-in-law further graduating as the valedictorian from the music College you sure talk big about teaching others huh are you running away because you're embarrassed to sing with me since I'm better I whispered this in her ear what did you say there's no way that's true if I sing with a low educated ugly person like you it would only throw me off didn't your parents teach to that you and your parents are truly incompetent she disparaged me as being uneducated and ugly and even insulted my parents in front of everyone embarrassed and angry I wanted to leave right at that moment but if I ran away now it would just make her happy what are you doing just sitting there hurried up and O okay then I will excuse me just as Paul's performance ended I took his place on stage I was supposed to sing with my mother-in-law but due to her not feeling well I would be singing solo instead of the song I was supposed to sing with her I chose an opera song I used to sing a lot when I was competitive an area from the marriage of figuro and so I began to sing at that moment perhaps due to the vocal training I had done my condition was excellent and I was able to produce the most beautiful vibr I'd ever achieved it was amazing the audience was mesmerized by my singing saying things like wow her voice is incredible and is she a professional when I finished singing my song without any hitches the audience gave me a standing ovation showering me with thunderous Applause congrats on your wedding sister-in-law you know I used to be the choir leader in high school it's been a few years since I last sang in front of an audience so I was a bit nervous how did I do thanks so much for listening after making this statement I returned to my seat and my daughter all Starry Eyed pleaded mom your voice was so beautiful can you teach me next time witnessing this my mother-in-law with her Jealousy on full display said in a huff um anyone can sing like that don't get ahead of yourself continuing to belittle my singing just as I thought the entertainment segment was over my sister-in-law unexpectedly said mother-in-law and you should sing too words that I didn't expect came out from my sister-in-law my mother-in-law was taken aack and looked at her daughter in confusion asking me I've never heard you saying mom and since you taught me so much about music when I was young I'd really love to hear you sing my sister-in-law expressed with pure honesty the attendees chimed in mother-in-law you should definitely sing words had gotten around that my mother-in-law was a top graduate from a prestigious music school and the crowd grew increasingly excited for her performance creating an atmosphere where she felt she had to sing well with all this I guess you have to sing now don't you I did not hesitate to add so all right all right if you insist she responded heading to the stage the moment my mother-in-law took the stage the energy in the room peaked but as she began to sing such murmur could be heard throughout the crowd wait no way I might even be a better singer she must have heard them as well my mother-in-law's voice did seem off but even accounting for that her singing was Dreadful she always criticized others for their singing but her pitch was all over the place honestly I felt I was still a better singer the atmosphere grew awkward as her performance ended unlike when I sang The Venue was filled with a cold atmosphere osphere and the applause was sparse everyone acted as if they'd seen something they shouldn't have as if return had never happened Upon returning to our table my mother-in-law her face flushed red shouted at me that's why I didn't want to sing if you had sung properly my daughter wouldn't have asked me to do this she said to me with such an angry tone but I didn't understand why my sister-in-law asked her mother to sing it seemed to me that she genuinely wanted the wedding to be blessed by the voice of her mother who had been sternly teaching her about music since her childhood do you think so to me it seems she genuinely wanted you to sing I shared my honest Thoughts with my mother-in-law no way I'm sure she knew I'm bad at singing and this is her way of embarrassing me I was utterly astonished at her response she had always criticized others music and performances yet she herself didn't want to sing in public because she's bad at it she never hesitates to complain about others music but she is like I don't accept complaints although I'm a bad singer myself such a self-centered attitude won't be accepted my daughter Janice might have her Newfound love for music crushed by her grandmother I could no longer bear my mother-in-law's attitude so a person who studied at a prestigious music school and criticizes others music is just doing so because she can only sing this badly but mother-in-law isn't it great you are able to sing alone without having to sing with a terrible singer like me I responded to my mother-in-law with a sarcastic tone how dare you say that it's your fault that I had to embarrass myself it's not nice to say that in front of your daughter I'm sure she's satisfied hearing her mother singing as I spoke these words my mother-in-law fell silent there was a stir amongst of those who'd heard what I had said to my mother-in-law but other than that the ceremony went on smoothly and ended without any problems 2 days after the ceremony my mother-in-law stormed into our house I just can't let it go I want you to apologize for what had happened I was surprised by her sudden visit but retorted what exactly am I supposed to apologize for I wasn't aware that your singing was that bad instead I think you owe us an apology what do you mean I have absolutely nothing to apologize for it's your fault I was forced to sing that song I hated and embarrassed myself no not to me to Janice because of you Janice almost came to hate the music that she had started to enjoy even though you graduated from a prestigious music school why would you torment a child who has developed an interest in music just because things didn't go your way is that what you learned from your music school I haven't received any musical training from you yet I was able to sing at the reception and even received Applause how about you mother-in-law shall I give you some singing lessons I'll teach you thoroughly my mother-in-law was speechless hearing what I said if you have nothing else to discuss please leave I won't tolerate you interfering with our daughter or my husband's music anymore upon hearing this my mother-in-law left our home without another word her shoulders slumped into defeat I felt a sense of satisfaction from being able to retaliate so fiercely in her area of expertise music it was indeed worth continuing my voice training since my youth without the voice training I might not have been able to receive such Applause at my sister-in-law's wedding reception I wonder how my mother-in-law who has always boasted about graduating top of her class from a prestigious Music School felt being scolded this way by someone like me who only has a high school diploma and was just a choir member to be honest I felt a sense of poetic justice towards my mother-in-law I thought serves her right she shouldn't act so hotty anymore it's been a months since the wedding ceremony of my sister-in-law and now my mother-in-law occasionally visits our house but she doesn't complain about my daughter's singing anymore I actually didn't mind my mother-in-law visiting since she did not say anything about music anymore my daughter Janice who has improved a lot in her singing recently is challenging a slightly difficult song given as an assignment in her class mom this song is hard but I'll try to sing it beautifully she declared practicing enthusiastically that's great you do your best you'll definitely do well I although I love singing don't know much about the technical aspects so I had no idea what was Difficult about the song But seeing my daughter working so hard that's all I could say on that day my mother-in-law who happened to be visiting our house observed the interaction between me and Janice and said Erica this song is not something you can handle by just doing your best Janice listen well you should do it like this it was incredibly kind and patient of her which was unmentionable given how she used to be to explain until Janice understood Oh Thank you Grandma it's easier to sing now Janice said as she listened intently to her grandmother's advice working hard to master her assignment Erica I used to look down on everyone doing music without graduating from a music college but after meeting someone like you who can sing so beautifully without a music degree I changed my mind after all we should enjoy music Could you teach me to sing next time my mother-in-law said that looking at Janice singing I was surprised to hear such a thing all of a sudden but I'm sure the sarcastic comment I made after my sister in-law's wedding had its effect my lessons are tough you know I grant this I replied to my mother-in-law oh I won't do anything horrible anymore I feel sorry for Paul to although it's too late now but if you're going to be tough Erica I'm prepared after hearing that from my mother-in-law I felt assured that she won't say anything about her music anymore although a lot had happened the tension between my mother-in-law and me eased off and since then we've often gone to karaoke together becoming close enough to sing together I hope that one day when Janice becomes even better at singing the four of us me Paul Janice and my mother-in-law can have a fun jam session
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 84,962
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: o2seDJtPEzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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