"My Husband Wanted His Parents in Our $500K Home I Bought. I Quickly Kicked Them Out."

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we're going to live with you I was in the process of buying a house under my name and getting ready to move when out of the blue my mother-in-law who had just barged into our place came up with an outrageous idea I've been relentlessly bullied by her every time I visited their house I was made to work like a mule though my father-in-law never did anything himself he seemed to be riding along without stopping his wife she probably intends to live with thus and exploit me determined not to let this happen I revealed a shocking fact to them H I'm single you know upon realizing that I was single my in-laws were flustered but they continued to badmouth me someone who was witnessing this got even more Furious my name is Jessica and I'm 33 years old I work as a regular employee in a major company my husband also works in the same company and we've been married for 2 years I met my husband at a company party and it seems he fell for me at first sight he asked around to find out which department I was in and started making moves on me initially I wondered who he was but seeing him come to see me and invite me out every day I felt reassured and thought it might be fun to be with someone who pursues me so persistently I accepted his confession after dating for about 2 years we happily tied the knot we were supposed used to have started a blissful married life with my husband things were going really smoothly since we both worked at the same company it was easy to coordinate schedules we shared household chores and even went on trips occasionally I truly feel grateful for marrying him except for one thing my husband's parents when we visited them before our marriage they seemed very kind and I thought we could build a good relationship but as it turns out they were quite the opposite it was sometime after we got married my husband and I happened to have a day off together so we decided to spend it relaxing at home suddenly the doorbell rang who Could That Be we didn't expect any visitors or deliveries that day so I was curious about who it was my husband said I'll get it and headed towards the door as if he knew the visitor well this is a spacious apartment but there sure are a lot of stairs it's hard with my bad knees oh my Jessica you're lounging in sweats on your day off please don't embarrass my son with such a casual look entering the living room with my husband were my in-laws without saying anything they just sat themselves down on the couch as you can see they had an attitude often making snide remarks towards me acting as if they deserve respect while my father-in-law never directly caused any harm he seemed to be riding along with his wife's Behavior hey why' you invite them on our day off we had plans to relax together remember sorry they just insisted and I couldn't say no oh fine but you could have told me I've always faced various harassments from my mother-in-law every time something happened I consulted my husband so he's aware that things aren't great between me and his parents but since he's an only child and feels the duty to honor or his parents he's hardly ever stood up to them on my behalf good grief can't modern wives even serve a simple cup of tea while my husband and I whispered to each other my mother-in-law loudly and indirectly demanded tea even though she came over unexpectedly they're such Shameless people I'm sorry I'll get it ready right away normally you'd have it ready before we arrived I started preparing the tea in the kitchen while ignoring my mother and in-law's snide remarks they ended up staying at my place until the evening because of that I had to prepare lunch for them too this ruined my day off but there are other bad experiences with them one day my husband said hey Jessica my mom's having a tea party this weekend and has invited some neighbors and relatives she wants us to come too honestly I didn't want to go I knew if I went they would make me do all sorts of chores however if I didn't go I knew she would make SN comments about me later considering the situation I figured it might be less stressful to help out than to face her remarks so I reluctantly decided to attend I wish my husband would just decline on our behalf but I knew it would be pointless to say that then on the day of the tea party we were called in earlier than the starting time hello you're late it's common courtesy to arrive 20 minutes early oh come on Mom the roads were busy cut her some slack David you can relax Jessica get to work right away I'm furious at how sweet she is to my husband but how tough she is on me as I expected I ended up preparing all the treats for the tea party it's not that I can't cook I do it all the time but the quantity she demanded was just too much and it took a long time during that time she just sat and watched TV without helping at all the treats are ready really Jessica it took you this long just to make a few snacks you're too slow even though she's never properly made snacks herself she had the nerve to make such snide remarks considering the amount she demanded I finished making them in a relatively short time yet she never thanked me at all furthermore I realized she deliberately increased the quantity to hassle me for the record while my husband and father-in-law were preparing cushions and chairs for the guests they didn't help me with the cooking she made several other snide remarks while I Was preparing but I tried to ignore them for the sake of my sanity then the Tea Party began many of her friends and relatives gathered for me this was pure torture whenever guests complimented the snacks she would say I made them I was a bit unsure but I'm glad you liked them even though she didn't help at all she took credit for my work moreover when the topic of discussion shifted to daughters-in-law she made up stories saying things like my daughter-in-law treats me like a slave it was very uncomfortable for me after the tea party ended I had to clean up everything and she even asked me to clean the room I felt like a maid holding back tears I thought to myself I'm never coming here if she calls me again but life wasn't that easy the Tea Party seemed to be a big hit and it became a regular event many said that they loved the snacks Jessica there's another tea party next weekend please come but I have work that day you can take a day off right are you trying to embarrass me if you don't come I'll make sure you get divorced she called me unexpectedly and insisted I come even when I said said I had work she showed no mercy I didn't have the courage to oppose her and felt threatened by the possibility of divorce so I always obliged taking days off from work as a result I ended up working tirelessly for these tea parties and taking frequent leaves from work which made things uncomfortable at my workplace I was mentally drained whenever I discussed this with my husband he just said come on she doesn't mean any harm just Let It Go he never really helped before I knew it I found myself constantly pondering how to break free from this miserable life the answer I came up with was to get a divorce it meant separating from my husband David honestly I grappled a lot with the decision even though I felt betrayed by David not helping me a part of me still loved him but I didn't want to continue a life tormented primarily by my mother-in-law by divorcing David I would essentially become strangers eliminating the need to interact with my in-laws the only remaining issue was whether David would agree to the divorce I don't want a divorce what's gotten into you all of a sudden he asked I can't stand dealing with your mom anymore you know what our relationship with her is like right I get it but that doesn't mean we have to divorce I love you Jessica and I want to be with you forever I feel the same but I can't bear it any longer how about we get a divorce on paper live separately but still stay in touch and maintain our relationship what do you think hesitantly David agreed and so due to the malicious actions of my mother in-law we ended up getting a divorce life post divorce was truly peaceful having submitted our divorce papers gave me the push to change my cell phone model and number which stopped the incessant call for my mother-in-law David continued to live in our previous apartment while I rented a new one ensuring unexpected visits from my in-laws ceased life without interacting with my in-laws was great but something was missing the married life with David even after the divorce our mutual affection meant neither of us was satisfied living apart then an idea struck me it was a risky plan but I decided to give it a shot as a first step I immersed myself in my work more than ever before before the divorce I'd often take time off due to Dreadful tea parties but after explaining my situation to my colleagues post divorce I regained their trust by dedicating myself fully to work eventually I achieved a savings of $500,000 since College I have enjoyed saving money dreaming of buying my own home someday having finally saved up $500,000 I felt confident about buying a decent home I quickly reached out to David to discuss buying our Dream House a house it's going to cost a lot how are you going to handle that don't worry about it I've saved up how about we visit some show houses on our next day off and so we planned a day to visit show homes David Amazed by my savings expressed his gratitude making me feel my efforts had paid off by the way let's not tell your parents about the house just yet we'll inform them when the time is right got it knowing them they might make things complicated reaffirming our wish to get back together we steadily made preparations for our dream home after some time we visited various model houses discussing preferences like it'd be nice to have an outlet here I prefer this kitchen layout and I'd like a kitchen with a view of the living room considering future children we kept their needs in mind finally the blueprint was completed and construction began discussing the budget with the contractor we made sure it stayed within $500,000 our house is going to be here David mused I'm excited speaking of which have you made up your mind about our plan for us to live happily in our new home it was crucial to ensure there'd be no interference from David's parents David needed to either convince them to keep their distance or cut ties Al together I'm sorry I just can't make up my mind yet you know I'm an only child of course I understand all the Terrible Things mom did but I owe her for raising me and I'm worried about what'll happen to her if I'm not around I can't forgive my in-laws but I do understand how David feels well it's up to you David I bought the house under my name and since we're divor forced you don't have to force yourself to come here I let him know now it's up to David to decide we parted ways that day I had some time before the new house was ready so I got back to work and slowly prepared for the move regardless of David's choice I was ready to give his parents a hard time either way my plans seemed to be working out after getting home from work that day I continued my moving preparations then my phone bugged indicating a new message it was from David good job seeing the message from David I smirked things were looking like they'd head towards the best possible future after a while my Dreamhouse was completed it turned out great just the way I wanted it seeing the finished home made me realize the magnitude of this purchase but just because the house was ready didn't mean I was content the real challenge was about to begin since I had had been preparing to move even before the house was ready the Mover smoothly transported all my stuff to the new place after the move I went to the apartment where I used to live and where David now lived alone I sat at the dining table in the living room and soon heard a flurry of noises from the entrance the moment had come David brought his parents it's been a while haven't you invited us over Young Folks these days have no manners the ever complaining in-laws headed towards the living room as soon as they saw me they said Jessica we heard you were on a long business trip but you're here why didn't you tell us sooner sorry about that I just got back yesterday and was too busy to reach out of course I never said anything about a business trip I had lied to them for this very moment well all right but you bought a house right and spent a lot of money it's pretty spacious maybe we should live with you as expected my mother-in-law latched onto the house purchase she claimed she was doing us a favor by moving in but it was clear she just wanted to boss me around indeed living with you too would be more comforting you bought the house for us right I had to bite my tongue to not laugh out loud at my father-in-law's remark David silently observed the situation please take a seat we need to discuss this I served them tea as they sat down oh finally being hospitable my mother-in-law said taking a sip of her tea I thought this was the last time I'd entertain them now about that new house exactly you bought it for us right I'm looking forward to living with you too but I'm single you know I hadn't told the in-laws that we divorced to dodge my mother-in-law's unreasonable demands I had lied about going on a long business trip single what do you mean aren't you married to David what nonsense is this are you making fun of us upon hearing the truth they were Furious exactly as I said David and I are divorced so I'm single the house is under my name so you can't live there I decide who lives in my house we never heard about any divorce and the sudden business trip seemed fishy thanks to you I've been made a fool of watch your actions young lady and take responsibility so you betrayed not just us but David too divorcing was the right decision when I firmly stated that they couldn't live there my in-laws bombarded me with sarcastic remarks and complaints hearing this my husband David finally lost his temper enough stop badgering Jessica back off my in-laws were shocked into silence apparently not expecting such an outburst from their own son the reason we were heading for a divorce in the first place was because of you too that's a cruel thing to say I was only thinking of Jessica thinking of Jessica after constantly belittling her and forcing her to attend those ridiculous tea parties where she was treated like a servant making her miserable how is that thinking isn't your maid convenient she's my cherished wife and because of you two our life together is a mess stay out of our relationship on the day we were packing for the move I received a message from David I'm really sorry for everything I've decided to cut ties with my parents I had thought that he didn't truly love me because he never helped out before hearing David's true feelings I almost burst into tears I was their only child so I thought they'd be lost without me I owed them for raising me so I never said anything but I've reached my limit un cutting ties don't come near Jessica and me ever again is that how you talk to your parents people who hurt my beloved wife don't have the right to call themselves parents don't say that I'll try to improve my relationship with Jessica I didn't trust my mother-in-law's words at all after hearing what David said you can still say that do you want to hear this I opened a voice memo on my phone and played a recording it was a collection of the snide remarks my mother-in-law law had made to me there were also a few from my father-in-law their faces went pale as they listened if you try to approach us again I'll take this to a lawyer that's how it is so please leave and by the way we've already canceled the lease on this apartment so showing up unannounced won't do any good with that David ushered his parents out and they left dejectedly that marked the end of our long struggle with my overbearing in-laws at afterwards David prepared for our move to our new home rumor has it that word got out in their community and they became the Talk of the Town I wondered who could have leaked it only to find out David had told some close friends about the situation to ensure his parents wouldn't overstep their bounds again I hadn't thought of that so I almost gave David a standing ovation for my part David and I reconciled resubmitted our marriage license and are happily back together the strategy we had in mind worked perfectly now we're comfortably settling into our dream home it was quite an investment and given the uncertain circumstances when we bought it I was nervous but living here happily with David I feel it was worth every penny and then no way what's up look at this is this to our surprise I was pregnant our future as a family of three in this house isn't far away though challenges lie ahead we want to be good parents to our child learning from the mistake
Channel: Revenge Payback
Views: 11,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: revenge one, revenge theater, revenge studio, revenge max, revenge, revenge show, revenge life, revenge reddit, revenge stories, revenge returns, revenge cinema, revenge diaries, reddit real voice, reddit top posts, problems in relationships, revenge text story, text story revenge, r/aita top posts, revenge tale, Revenge Plot, revengeful climax, darkstory, reddit story time, best of reddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, reddit, storytelling, love, stories, story time
Id: QBA7Dr4WWlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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